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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2025

Spiritual Acceleration

Beloved Ones,

The spiritual acceleration that many of you are experiencing at this time is a consequence of the planetary agreements you made before your present incarnation. Soul agreements meant to occur when planet Earth is ready to move into a new sphere of Creation, for it is then when your assistance is required to support our current planetary shift. We all have been waiting for this time, working incessantly to shift and liberate our minds, to be prepared for this unique moment in our galactic history.

Many of you incarnated as part of the same soul/monadic group, to assist at this time as stabilizers, New Earth's anchors, and light pillars while Earth is transiting into a new harmonic dimension. This is why many of you are undergoing a massive rehabilitation and reconnection of your template, clearing years of distortions and false programming, and restoring your authentic coding, so you can awake to your true nature and mission.

One of the many planetary events triggering this massive healing, awakening, and soul mission expansion, is the Eclipse in Virgo that we will witness on March 14th. An eclipse that comes to help us heal, and restore our template, as we too have Piscean energies helping us achieve this task, so we can progress in our purpose. Focusing on clearing our inner energies is pivotal to starting the process of conscious integration and DNA awakening. Otherwise, we cannot fully retrieve what we already feel is emerging within ourselves. 

This month acts as an accelerator in our healing process. During this time many of you will be retrieving your soul memories from other timelines. Embrace all that comes, even if painful to witness, for it is helping you to heal and become a unified and integrated being.

Many of you are now awakening to your solar seraphim angelic lineage, healing your Divine masculine sixth-dimensional portal, and all the memories that have distorted it for so long. This healing is essential so the masculine can embrace the female and its wisdom. Some will feel Atlantian holocaust memories resurfacing, while others will relive Essence/Cathar massacre timelines and other galactic memories that distorted your masculine essence.

As you witness your previous experiences on earth or in any other civilization, and feel the original wound that damaged you, you can choose to bring forgiveness to All involved, and from a neutral space, observe, and understand all that occurred from a higher perspective, keeping only the wisdom retrieved.

Let all go so you can now embrace a higher Light, open your divine masculine energy, so you can restitute your divine power, for we are at a time when retrieving our personal power is key to freeing ourselves at a mental, physical, and soul level, and only by embracing the original wound is that we can achieve this healing and liberation.

Many of you are aware of your purpose and yet do not know how to bring it into the tangible. This is when the correction and activation of your divine masculine plays an important role in helping you ground yourself and your purpose on earth.

Flowing, surrendering, and adapting to the change that you are undergoing is essential to stop resistance and receive higher guidance. As you are called to assist on the current planetary shift, surrender to the Divine and follow only your inner compass to know where you are going. Once we step into this journey, nothing ever functions as in the old ways, and only by following our guidance is that we can know how to navigate our new reality.

With Piscean and Virgo energies, we are at a unique time for us to focus on clearing, healing, and correction, as we are in a passage where distilling the old is essential to continue expanding into the New, as after this transitional year nothing will ever be the same within us, and in everything that surrounds us, for as we shift, all shifts with us, for we are constantly projecting our personal reality. 

May you surrender to change to embrace your precious True Selves, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2025

March's Energies

Beloved Ones,

As we navigate this new energetic month of March we will feel the push but also the balance between the many retrogrades and the intensity and transformative frequency of the Eclipses, for there is always Divine Order in the macro and in everything we experience to help our growth and evolution. March is a month whose energies represent the closure many of us are experiencing during this transitional year, in which terminating old contracts, ties and everything that attaches us to the old is pivotal.

March is a 3 universal number, as a result of summing our nine universal year plus the number three of the month, and then reduced. A month filled with infinite possibilities, whose frequency is a creative one that emerges from the trinitization we have previously created within ourselves, as without inner synthesis, our creative spark cannot surface.

Tomorrow, the 3/3 portal concludes as well the process of inner alchemy my Guides named last year as trinitization and galactivation that we started last year, and that this year ends with us being more aligned to our Divinity and hence, to who we truly are and our unique role within Creation.

We now move to bring this same unity, balance, and harmonization into our divine reunions, for it is throughout relationships that we can master unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, and our ego, uniting to create something that benefits All, as number three reminds us. 

This month also brings many activations for those of you who are integrating or expanding on your soul purpose, as you have been navigating your shadows, embracing them as equals, and merging opposites you previously judged. It is now from a wiser state of being, from this timeless and spaceless moment, that you are birthing a new harmonic timeline. 

The energies of this month allow us to move inward, commune with our soul, and navigate through its depths to receive true guidance about the next steps we wish to take. For those of you who resonate with retrogrades although there is nothing ever retrograde within Creation, in this month we have Venus, Mercury, Vesta, and Juno retrograde. 

On the opposite, the eclipses in Virgo, and Aries, together with Piscean energies will trigger a massive transformation, for those who are willing to embrace the unknown and step into new horizons. Both energies complement each other as we cannot take conscious action if we have not yet communed with our soul.

For those of you who are immersed in physical ascension, this month is going to be challenging for those of us who are feeling the intensity of liberating old energies within our bodies, residual, karmic, and miasmatic ones, as it is with Pisces that we have the opportunity to release, so we can prepare us to embrace the new.

The legs, especially knees, feet, and hips, ruled as well by Pisces, and the lymphatic system, can feel tiring, blocked, and painful, although not everyone is meant to suffer symptoms, as many will feel the intensity in their emotional bodies, while others a feeling of relief, gratitude, joy, and peace, as they conclude their personal releasing process.

The lymphatic system plays a key role this month as well, as it is the one that keeps our body fluids in perfect balance, and defends our body from outer attacks, releasing toxins and lower energies, and for those of you who are immersed in the process of releasing old energies, it is key to focus on self-care, being grounded and doing all you are guided to keep it balanced and fortified.

Discerning physical ascension sensations and our personal experiences is pivotal to treating them. Often it is not about ascension symptoms, but about facing a certain situation or lesson that we are reticent to confront, which causes many symptoms in our legs, hips, and feet, for we do not want to move forward.

It is not by reading about symptoms that we can heal them, only obtain confirmation or resonance, and often more confusion, but about communing with our soul and body that we can truly know what we are uniquely experiencing and shift anything we need to at the moment, to continue activating our light bodies and reconnecting with our Divinity.

March's energies, especially with the first eclipse in Virgo, are a source of profound healing, clearing, awakening for many, and expansion into our soul mission. It is a month to surrender to who we are, and our Divine assigned role. A month to be grounded to see the Truth and release what is false, to realign to our true path and mission.

A month to create more balance in ourselves and our lives, and hence in All, for what we do for us, we do for All. A time for us to focus on the importance of building together, from a space of unconditional love, unity, and compassion that will bring assistance to others, as above all, it is a month for us to remember unity, and how we can be of service, in our unique way.

It is a month of infinite possibilities, as when we let go, new horizons open for us to see the many detours and doorways out there for us to choose if we are willing to navigate the New with an open heart, mind, and soul.

Let us be ready to embrace the transformation we asked for, with joy and gratitude.

Let us become more love, wisdom, and power, putting ourselves in service to All Creation.

May you create a wonderful month, filled with love, joy, and many abundant blessings!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba