Beloved Ones,
Cancer is a sign that represents the familiar, our loved ones, and what is sacred to us. It is with Cancer that we are reminded of the importance of clearing epigenetic and inherited patterns, for it is by clearing who we are not, that we can discover who we truly are.
Cancer also represents our past and the healing, through soul retrieval, we need to do regarding our memories and past relationships. It is with Cancer that we dissolve the old, creating our sense of Home within, where Home and Love truly reside, for it is with Cancer that we return to the Soul.
It is now a time to heal our Divine reunions, which are the ones who help us realize where we are, what we need to unify, and what is yet fragmented within, for they are precious souls whose mission is to show us what we cannot see for ourselves.
Cutting energetic attachments and clearing miasmatic cords is essential, for our energetic, emotional, and physical well-being, especially when we have already fulfilled our personal lessons together, and yet we get attached to relationships that have now become toxic. Many believe this is due to karmic issues we need to heal when particularly in the ascending souls is often simply due to our nature of remaining attached to what is familiar, whether it is suffering, fear, unlove, or anything that keeps us in the frequency we are accustomed to hold.
The Cancerian moon makes a conjunction with Mars retrograde, inviting us to see where we put our energy, love, and light. It is now time to let it all go and start cutting the ties that are unnatural for us to carry, and that imprison us. The ties that drain us, the ties that hurt us and do not let us move forward in our journey, experiencing the joy and the many blessings this journey too has for us.
It is time for us to free ourselves from what we have created, for the majority of what we experience is often our fears which have become real. The Cancerian moon is a source of forgiveness, love, passion, romance, and healing for those of you who are releasing, cutting cords, or simply strengthening bonds with those who shall continue to be part of your lives.
Let us make each day an opportunity to continue embracing more joy, gratitude, and compassion for All.
Let us dwell within Divine Love and neutrality during this transitional year, holding hope, faith, and peace in our Hearts for those who are yet to discover their Divinity.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba