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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2024

Gemini Full Moon, December 15th, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are feeling the big shift that is coming, for our bodies, as divine conduits, predict the many energies that we are now welcoming and that are transforming our bodies like never before. Energies that depending on the inner work we are doing at this time can bring many imbalances to the surface, experiencing profound sudden healings, clearings, and activations, as we continue allowing, surrendering, and remaining in our Higher Hearts. 

Energies that may cause dizziness, or the sensation of vertigo, as we move between two dimensions, crossing the veils of illusions, and many other sensations as tremendous joy too, crying tears of joy to see all the wisdom we have too gained, and the harmonic timeline we are transiting into. 

The change that many of us strongly feel is being anticipated by the Gemini Full Moon of tomorrow. Gemini is a great shifter, and as a catalyst of change, it is now aligned with Uranus in this moon, reflecting the massive transition occurring for all of us at this time, and that will be amplified next year. This is an important transit that anticipates what we are about to live next year, for we are already creating it with every thought, feeling, and act toward soul reclamation and hence, self-liberation. 

The most important aspect in this Gemini full moon, apart from Mercury trine Mars and Jupiter Square Saturn, is the moon semisextile Uranus and the Sun quincunx Uranus, a significant aspect that triggers one of the most important planetary shifts that we will welcome next year and will be too reflected in our Heavens, Uranus moving into Gemini, on the 7th of July. A 7th month, for nothing in the Universe, happens by coincidence.

7th is a frequency that involves self-mastery, wisdom integration, and the acceleration in our ascension journey that many of us are experiencing. During this time many of you will start receiving the wisdom transmissions, the downloads, that will help you achieve a more illumined state of being, as nothing will be the same from this moment onwards.

Gemini moon in resonance with Uranus will help us heal all karmic memories, residual ones, and self-created ones, through fears, as often I find many of the ascending souls do not have karma, but fear of having it, bringing residual karma into their present selves.

It is a time to bring freedom into your wounded soul fragments, releasing painful memories and retrieving divine love for yourselves and all you have ever experienced, for you are not the same person you used to be anymore.

It is a time for adjustments and transformations that will conclude in divine timing, which is why it is so important to be patient, surrender, and trust in the divine, not wanting to force a certain result or healing to take place, for we never know when is the perfect time for All.

Gemini's full moon, connected to Uranus, is the predecessor of this important planetary and individual gradual change. A frequency shift that we are preparing ourselves for, and that involves the total activation and reconnection of our light bodies, for we are just starting to shift at a physical level, reaching the initial steps to the process of body crystallization that awaits for all of us who are willing to transfigure our physical bodies.

Uranus and Gemini are great allies to radically show us what is not working in our lives, what is fragmented within and needs to be unified, which is why is such a sudden and often unpleasant energy. Forces that come to liberate us from the old paradigm, from who we are not, and from everything inorganic and false in essence.

Ours is the power to choose whether we wish to step into this path of conscious change and adaptation to it or continue in the old, for these Forces do not do the work for us, only support us in our chosen mission.

We are blessed to be living in this current planetary transition. Remember that each of you contributes with all your choices, energy, and intention. 

May you always choose to continue becoming the illumined lovelight being that you are, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2024

12/12 Passage Update

Beloved Ones,

We are crossing the threshold into a New Cycle, as the 12/12 portal and All within Creation confirm. A New Cycle that is marked by a Higher Intelligence that has nothing to do with our New human Year, for after all, we are always living within a simultaneous reality, a never-ending Now Year, no matter how many illusions we wish to create about time.

This is a New Cycle created by our devotion to serve Creation, repatterning our crystalline template, in ourselves and the planet, and moving into a harmonic dimension, based on equality, sovereignty, and unconditional love. A Cycle created by souls who are evolving, retrieving higher levels of Consciousness, and hence, resurrecting as 12th-dimensional beings. 

The 12/12 portal represents the cusp of all the integration work we have done for the year. It is the peak of balancing polarities, activating our diamond hara line, and our earth star chakra, between other activations we have experienced this year. It is time to continue building our 12th-dimensional bodies, moving now into the reconnection of our tenth-dimensional chakra after retrieving the connection to our monad.

It is the end, the beginning of a New Era marked as well by Neptune and Saturn moving into Aries, Pluto into Aquarius, and in general, all planets will be gradually moving into new signs, next year. We are too moving from the Piscean Era, into a sovereign one. While we dwelled in Pisces, we were shown what to heal, how to unify ourselves, bring our polarities together, and remember our divinity and mission, so we can now emerge as free sovereign beings.

It was, and it is still a time, until this planetary shift is finally anchored, to continue working on our 12th-dimensional template, restoring bringing Divine Order, by clearing karmic ties, patterns, habits, old programming, and belief systems, and above all slavery patterns, being fully present in who we are, in our chosen timeline, and in remaining within our Higher Heart, for us and All who too are part of this transition, which includes not just humans, but All living beings, earth's grids and fabrics, and forms of consciousness. 

All is heading into a new permanent dimension. We are not anymore who we used to be, we are not defined by our past actions, beliefs, or experiences, for every time we continue choosing Love, and who we are now, we neutralize our past.

It is not a time to focus on the outside, on distractions, but on all that is happening within, in our inner worlds, to shift anything that can be still shifted before it manifests into physical form.

Some of you are experiencing profound healing at this time, triggering emotions that were hidden in your subconscious. Clearing our emotional, and mental bodies is vital during this time, working on soul retrieval to conclude inner cycles, relationships, and all that has come to an end, even though the ego creates resistance, it is Law that we must let go to embrace again.

Many of you have already passed through this stage, even though we all must conclude to begin anew. You may find yourselves aligning to the new fifth and sixth harmonic soul dimensions, the so-called angelic ones, anchoring its light transmissions and recoding the spaces that need to be back to their organic state.

We all are now in our personal void, releasing, healing, embodying, realigning, and shifting timelines. Our Guides team, often future selves belonging to our monad or soul group, walk with us, we never walk alone, and we are always accompanied by many benevolent Forces and Beings who help us remain in our Hearts and chosen timelines and missions.

Our task is to surrender to our Divine Will, flowing with what must happen for the benefit of All.

As the planet retrieves its sovereignty we will continue to see many structures falling, others rising. Our task is to continue witnessing what we cannot change from a compassionate space, for it is not our mission to interfere in Creation, just to continue seeding more love, wisdom, and power, where allowed and guided.

Thank you for another year of constant devotion and assistance during our planetary transition. 

Thank you for embracing your sovereignty, respecting and honoring yourselves, and All Creation, Beloveds. 

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba