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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

domingo, 2 de febrero de 2025

2/2 Stabilizing Passage & Locations

Beloved Ones,

Today 2/2, a new stabilizing passage begins. A portal that will reach its peak on the 22/2 of the month and that the universal 11 frequency of February also confirms. This is a passage that invites us to continue remaining as Divine Universal Pillars where required, as many times we are going to be called to assist in totally new ways, and that is what it shall be for the highest good of All, at the moment. Our mission is not to question God's Will but to adapt and surrender to it the best we can.

There are many different types of stabilizers, including Ruby, Diamond, and Blue pillars among many others. We all carry a specific coding, seeding, that helps the location that calls us to be of service, whether remotely or physically, as well as the elementals, and other living Forms within Creation, for there are many types of loving pillars among us.

Many of you are now moving into your roles as stabilizers, I have been shown when stabilizing remotely the many openings and new souls who are now literally bright light pillars in certain locations and earth's fabrics. All is retrieving its original blueprint and Divine Order. Our mission is to remain in the highest frequency possible, so lower ones cannot touch us, as Orion guides always share. This is how we serve Creation, not by fighting against anything, but by being loving harmonic pillars.

Guides share there are many of you moving into new locations, while others will be awakening to your mission as stabilizers. At least in my personal path, there have been three main phases. Some of you are in the initial phases where your Presence and Essence are key to serving as light encoders and protectors. Others are moving into the second stage where moving into a new location or visiting others is key to stabilizing. While others are already immersed in planetary stabilization, moving into new positions.

All is always equal and serves the highest good of All. There are no better roles than others within Creation; this is spiritual ego.

My Guides shared new locations for all who may need confirmation on their stabilizing roles. Remember, your best compass and guidance are always within you. Within your DNA time codes and Ruby or Diamond codes, to set an example, there are codes which once awakened will guide you towards where you need to be next.

Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Bashraq, Iraq

Kashmir & Tibet

Egyptian planetary grid lines and Astral fabrics are still being repaired.

Uluru - a pure location already that needs stabilization to continue remaining as such, as well as new earth's anchors who continue realigning our Earth's organic timelines with Uluru's ones, for Uluru is an interdimensional portal that connects Earth with all timelines.

Barrcas del Cobre, Mexico.

Machu Pichu, Peru, I received it will serve as an initiating passage for many of you stepping into this stabilizing role.

Easter Island, in Chile, is a universal portal as well.

Xian, China

Due to wars, and with wars Guides are not just referring to physical wars, but to consciousness traps, and many other current wars over consciousness, for there are many different battles. Also environmental manipulations and anomalies, and many other imbalances, there is a need to clear miasma in some of these locations. 

You know where to be of service; no one knows better than you where to be next, for only you can know the details of your exact mission.

This month's harmonic essence will serve all of us, personally and planetarily, to embody more peace, unconditional love, balance, and compassion, for we all are being taught how to embody more neutrality, resilience, and kindness through all we experience personally and collectively,

May you always choose to be a harmonic pillar for yourself, those around you, and All, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 27 de enero de 2025

DNA Retrieval & Interdimensional Reconnection

Beloved Ones,

As we continue working on DNA retrieval, rehabilitating and reconnecting our DNA, and its wisdom, we will experience more acceleration and integration, for we are now ready to embody higher frequencies. As we continue restoring our DNA to its original functioning, after having many non-benevolent programs, inserts, and other forms of manipulation governing it for many eons, we may feel a complete liberation from many old habits, patterns, and even sudden changes in habits we never thought possible, because we are now prepared to leave the old behind and continue becoming who we truly are, in essence.

Ascension is precisely about working with our body portals, and the human body, awakening it from oblivion, so our Consciousness can maneuver through time and space, which is why it is key to restore our DNA time codes in each strand, or at least in the first seventh ones, so our Consciousness can freely travel through the, bringing the information, light codes or other important transmissions required to assist, in the level we are meant to. This is what many of you do, to communicate to your original dimensions to be sixth and seventh-dimensional anchors on Earth. 

Many of you are now undergoing a process of interdimensional reconnection with the many timelines that exist and with the many beings/Forms and Forces of Creation that assist us in our present planetary transition. When we heal and restore our DNA, and our earth's fabrics and grids have experienced a significant opening, our DNA can now integrate higher frequencies from the God Worlds, transcending the astral false connections, and embodying more Light, Wisdom, and Power.

This is why it is so important to begin reconnection our DNA, as well as our DNA little antennas or transmitters open, so we can receive the Divine Light and decode it. 

It is then when our intuitive senses start recalibrating, retrieving as well their original functioning, for we were never meant to be disconnected from who we are. However, there is nothing or anything to blame, for we were given the power to reconstruct your entire template and retrieve our memories and mission.

When we take full responsibility and stop blaming others or the circumstances and focus on what we can shift, and that is only ourselves and our bodies, everything starts changing, aligning, and manifesting in perfect resonance with who we are and what we wish, for we are now releasing the veils we carried for so long, opening ourselves to receive.

Many of you are now being activated, thanks to your inner work, moving into a new frequency band of Creation leaving the astral plane and moving into the fifth and sixth dimensional ones, and  as a consequence of it, you will be retrieving many sensory abilities, such as: 

Telepathy, telempathic, photographic memory, future transmissions, which often come from your parallel selves visions or anything you may be given that will help you shift your present and hence, a future timeline for some reason. Others will awake to their clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance abilities, which comes often when you have awakened your multidimensionality, and work on physical ascension, as opening our DNA and body portals is essential. 

No matter what you are awakening or remembering, the clearest way of guidance is through feelings, and we all can embrace our feelings, detaching from the mind, to know what we feel, receive, and what benefits us and not at all.

You are all precious divine emissaries and channelers and you all have unique abilities. As I always say, God does not repeat Himself-Herself within Creation; He/She is infinite, and so are you.

Love yourself. Trust yourself and God through you. Continue doing your work in the physical. Do not compare yourself to anyone else. Be who you are, for it is in BEing that you will know your uniqueness and talents.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba