Beloved Ones,
A shift also introduced by the North Node entering into Pisces and the South Node into Virgo, a transit that will help us heal emotionally, ground ourselves, and our emotions, surrender and accept what we cannot change, so we can use our vulnerability, and hence strength, to direct our empathy and compassion towards building more unity and neutral witnessing, being of service to All, as Virgo reminds us. It is about letting go, releasing, and allowing ourselves to live within divine love and grace.
These new transmissions are meant to shift the physical and light body as never before in our human history, for we are just beginning the complete transfiguration of our bodies. A process that is a lifetime one and that requires devotion, and lots of care for our bodies to experience the quantum leap necessary for us to finally leave this matrix's consciousness trap.
We just crossed the bridge into a totally new interdimensional space, and in just a few days, we have had many changes in our planetary system and personal trajectory. We had a Solar storm on New Year's Eve, anchoring the new light codes that will accompany us during this year to reinforce the universal ascension that our planet is also undergoing, as the elementals and All Forms of Consciousness are also on a long journey to ascend into their illumined Forms.
Our planet also had a new opening in the Earth's Fabrics of time and space, as many of you carrying this mission know. An opening that allows the interdimensional frequencies required to help us reactivate our multidimensionality, essential to move our Consciousness through the many God dimensions that exist, retrieving personal memories, healing, or the wisdom and healing transmissions to assist in our planetary mission.
At first, these descensions can overwhelm us, at an emotional and physical level, especially in our bone structure, and nervous system. It started a few months ago, as this is not occurring on one day, or in our human events, as it goes further than our human sense of time and human interpretations.
Many of you have been feeling pain in your joints, knees, and feet, without a medical condition. Others have noticed extreme fatigue, which can be an underlying cause of nervous system anomalies. Others have felt the profound emotional release that triggers the essential healing to start embodying these new diamond crystalline frequencies, starting the reconstruction of our light body or 12th-dimensional template.
Our care, higher understanding of what our bodies are undergoing and compassion is key to making this organic process a more peaceful one, as many tools can help us achieve a more illumined state of being.
All of you, divine harmonic channels, in your unique way, have reached the pinnacle of what we initiated just a year ago when we started the monadic reconnection needed for many of you to start the process of self-synthesis, and monadic twin integration, for those of you who brought this mission.
It is now time to rejoice, relax, and delight in the fruits of all you have planted, for this is just the beginning of all you have seeded during many years of conscious choice, effort, and dedication to your personal healing journey, and that of All.
Let us make of joy and gratitude our primordial state of being to honor God and All Creation, remaining in perfect alignment and communion with our Divine Self, and Truth.
To All of you precious souls, thank you for the love, healing, and dedication to shift an old paradigm.
May you create a wonderful Year ahead!
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba