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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

miércoles, 1 de enero de 2025

Happy Now Year!

Beloved Ones,

As we navigate this nine-transitional year, welcoming the beginning of this harmonic Cycle, many of you will start feeling the profound impact of the new cosmic initiation that has just begun for all of us. An initiation that is reinforced by the 1/1 portal, reaching its peak on the 11th of the month.

A shift also introduced by the North Node entering into Pisces and the South Node into Virgo, a transit that will help us heal emotionally, ground ourselves, and our emotions, surrender and accept what we cannot change, so we can use our vulnerability, and hence strength, to direct our empathy and compassion towards building more unity and neutral witnessing, being of service to All, as Virgo reminds us. It is about letting go, releasing, and allowing ourselves to live within divine love and grace.

These new transmissions are meant to shift the physical and light body as never before in our human history, for we are just beginning the complete transfiguration of our bodies. A process that is a lifetime one and that requires devotion, and lots of care for our bodies to experience the quantum leap necessary for us to finally leave this matrix's consciousness trap.

We just crossed the bridge into a totally new interdimensional space, and in just a few days, we have had many changes in our planetary system and personal trajectory. We had a Solar storm on New Year's Eve, anchoring the new light codes that will accompany us during this year to reinforce the universal ascension that our planet is also undergoing, as the elementals and All Forms of Consciousness are also on a long journey to ascend into their illumined Forms.

Our planet also had a new opening in the Earth's Fabrics of time and space, as many of you carrying this mission know. An opening that allows the interdimensional frequencies required to help us reactivate our multidimensionality, essential to move our Consciousness through the many God dimensions that exist, retrieving personal memories, healing, or the wisdom and healing transmissions to assist in our planetary mission.

At first, these descensions can overwhelm us, at an emotional and physical level, especially in our bone structure, and nervous system. It started a few months ago, as this is not occurring on one day, or in our human events, as it goes further than our human sense of time and human interpretations.

Many of you have been feeling pain in your joints, knees, and feet, without a medical condition. Others have noticed extreme fatigue, which can be an underlying cause of nervous system anomalies. Others have felt the profound emotional release that triggers the essential healing to start embodying these new diamond crystalline frequencies, starting the reconstruction of our light body or 12th-dimensional template. 

Our care, higher understanding of what our bodies are undergoing and compassion is key to making this organic process a more peaceful one, as many tools can help us achieve a more illumined state of being.

All of you, divine harmonic channels, in your unique way, have reached the pinnacle of what we initiated just a year ago when we started the monadic reconnection needed for many of you to start the process of self-synthesis, and monadic twin integration, for those of you who brought this mission.

It is now time to rejoice, relax, and delight in the fruits of all you have planted, for this is just the beginning of all you have seeded during many years of conscious choice, effort, and dedication to your personal healing journey, and that of All.

Let us make of joy and gratitude our primordial state of being to honor God and All Creation, remaining in perfect alignment and communion with our Divine Self, and Truth. 

To All of you precious souls, thank you for the love, healing, and dedication to shift an old paradigm.

May you create a wonderful Year ahead!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2024

2025, The Year of Density Emancipation, Termination & Soul Evolution

Beloved Ones,

We are heading into a 9 universal year, a year my Guides name the year of density emancipation, termination, and soul evolution for many who are yet building the bridge to their soul and monad. It is a year of transition into our new harmonic timeline, one we have been building for many years of incessant inner and planetary hard work, as one group consciousness who incarnated to help transcend polarity, stepping into a trinitized state of being.

There are many ways to reach our new destination, there are many portals and possibilities. The portal is you, all is within. You have access to all of who you are and have ever been or will ever be inside yourself, that is how powerful, and perfect you were made of by God. Nothing from outside will come to save us, for we were given the wisdom, power, and resilience to be our own generators, as Guides shared many times.  

A year to continue realigning to our monad, start healing and activating our tenth-dimensional body, and the lost connections to each dimension we belong to. A year to terminate all karmic ties, soul cords, astral influences, and anything that still keeps us attached to the old, and old is everything previous to this moment, for we are on an accelerated journey to retrieve our divinity and our lost connection with it, as Piscean frequencies have been helping us with for so long. 

Now we are ready to emerge as empowered sovereign beings with Aries, for we will shift into a totally different frequency by having Neptune and Saturn there next year which will be too reflected in the collective. 

A year to expand in love, harmony, and compassion, for we will continue witnessing many non-benevolent choices that are not ours to participate in, for we are here only as harmonic healers, channels, and compassionate witnesses. 

2025 will be a transformational year for many who are oscillating between two worlds, for everything will move back and forth between two different frequencies until we finally stabilize where we wish to remain.

Many of you will too experience the challenges of physical ascension or density emancipation, as my Guides call the process of losing density from our physical bodies. A process that we all are immersed in, in one way or another, for as soon as our consciousness awakens, is initiated.

However, further work is necessary with our physical bodies to achieve ascension, while we are still in a human body, as our planet is now providing the illumined frequencies required for us to move into this new stage. Neutral compassionate witnessing is essential to avoid judgments, and falling into more egoic patterns, during this transitional year, being fully anchored into our Higher Hearts, allowing everyone to express themselves and learn from their experiences, for we did not come here to judge, but to seed unconditional love, higher understanding and harmony.

Many of you will start remembering all the wisdom that was hidden in your DNA, disconnected and deeply manipulated, especially in the Sumerian-Egyptian civilization and later on during the Cathar/Essene crusades, where we were deprived of divine wisdom and our heritage. 

It is a time for soul remembrance, integration, expansion, and anchoring, for we know this year will bring more challenges regarding the battle to control our consciousness, as new tools will be given to divert our attention from what is important. However, many will be the blessings, the assistance, and the Higher Truths retrieved as well to help us move into our chosen timeline.

Not all is lost, even though many think that, as they choose to focus on what seems not to work on our planet. There is polarity, as it is a free plane when we came to precisely experience fragmentation, but there is also love, hope, and devotion in our hearts to continue being harmonic channels and healers, for we know time is irrelevant in Creation, as patience, courage, and our passion to assist conquers all.

May you have a Year filled with Truth, love, wisdom, and power, Beloveds.

Happy CHRISTmas, Now Year, and happy everything, for each moment, is equally unique and precious. 

May you make each moment a Divine Gift you embrace.

Thank you one more year for your healing and loving Presence on the planet.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba
