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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2024

Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2nd, 2024 - Venusian Transmissions

Beloved Venusian Family,

We are heading into a significant stabilizing passage ruled by the Solar eclipse at 10 degrees Libra, in which your loving Presence is pivotal to help heal the female and restore balance for All. We are at a crucial time during the Libra eclipse, as the Venusian healing transmissions have started to be transmitted to our planet, and to all who are willing to continue restoring their female energy. 

Light transmissions that are facilitated by the conjunction between the eclipse and Mercury, which expands communication between all dimensions, enhancing the Light descension received at this time, from our God Self, Venus, and the many Light Forces within Creation that watch over us. Many of you, as channelers of Venusian harmonic energies, are recoding the female template, stabilizing it, and embracing the dark female and masculine, as the only way to bring Truth, where illusions and unlove still remain. 

Some may feel Eclipses as chaotic, but this is just the superficial vision of what is truly taking place within all of us, a complete renewal in all aspects of us and our lives, especially relationships. Eclipses bring to the surface all that can no longer coexist with our new chosen frequency, showing us where we need to create more healing, purification, and balance. 

The Libra eclipse invites us to seed more harmony, love, and balance, restoring Divine Order where chaos governs. The essence of Libra is one of transmutation, and purification, so we can achieve equilibrium within all aspects of ourselves. As the ninth universal number of October confirms together with the solar eclipse occurring on the Lunar South Node, we are invited to release the past, even if the square of the sun and moon to Mars will challenge us deeply. 

It is time to heal soul wounds, and especially the relationships that have fulfilled their purpose, working now on the creation of more balanced relationships, for as we shift from within so do all of our divine reunions, cutting cords, to become energetic sovereign beings and move into a whole space. Venusians help us to see everything and everyone from a space of love, unity, and truth, balancing our ego and victim-victimizer roles, so we can see the seed of pain in ourselves and relationships, as with judgments we cannot heal the wound, only emphasize it. 

We have as well another important aspect during the Libra eclipse as it conjuncts with Black Moon Lilith, which represents the restoration of the Divine Feminine that the Venusians are helping us with, during this period, clearing lunar implants, sexual programs, reverse Fleur de Lis, and many others distorted female geometries and inserts that we have been suffering from, for eons. Liberating our female essence by healing the dark female in us, is key at the moment, to merge it with our divine masculine, and create the unity within and in our divine reunions that we so desire. 

At this time of profound recalibration, our Venusian family, and those of you with Venusian lineage, have an important role in this new stabilizing passage that we are transiting. Venusian's main mission is to assist our planet in healing the deep polarization that it has been immersed in for eons. They are working with many of you, descendants from the Venusian Essene Christos lineage, in retrieving the female pillar template on Earth.

Many of you hold unique Venusian female codes to retrieve the lost female essence, restoring balance, and harmony where unlove and darkness used to reign. With the Libra eclipse, it is now a time for the ones carrying this mission to restore many reversals in our planetary female template, that have been siphoning our female sexual life force.

The Venusian Council and many of you who have soul agreements with them are now involved in the defense of our planetary recently restored fabrics, for your unique blueprint acts as a neutralizer shield against intruders whose purpose is to bring more separation and unlove.

During this eclipse, creating balance within yourselves is key at this time for all of you carrying this mission, while you too experience the deep impact of physical ascension, together with your personal experiences, not to fall out of balance, remaining in your Higher Heart and in the compassionate and neutral witnessing required to continue acting as planetary healers.

We all carry the seed of the Divine feminine within. We all can retrieve it at any moment we decide to go within, synthesize all of who we are, and surrender to the female principle that reminds us that all is within and that the more we search outside, the more we will lose ourselves in illusions.

This eclipse is a wonderful source of harmony, healing, and love for all who are willing and brave to live from a heart space, keeping their heart open to transmute all the unlove and confusion that too reigns in our dual plane, keeping only the love that we are, and expanding it to all who are choosing to embrace it, moving into a new timeline where love is the only Law.

To all of you, harmonic seeders, for all of you uniquely assist in this transition, thank you for all the effort to remain within your Higher Hearts for All.

Have a blessed and loving eclipse, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2024

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, September 17th, 2025

Beloved Ones, 

We are crossing the threshold into a new destination. Many of you are now strongly feeling the Piscean lunar eclipse that is already being formed in our Heavens. The Piscean eclipse acts as the antechamber of the energies that we will be working with during 2025. Energies that are key to helping us awaken our ninth chakra, ending the reconnection to our monadic dimension, and starting with the process of healing and activating our sapphire body.

Many of you who have already healed disconnection and other healing anomalies, and are already working with your ninth chakra, embodying the liquid Gold Light that is the result of monadic activation/integration and that will signify a major opening in your soul mission, for many of you are now embodying new aspects of your purpose, receiving new divine assignments to continue contributing into our current planetary transition.

We all have our time to find a more harmonic state of being, for all needs to occur within a Divine Order for All Creation. 

The Piscean eclipse will align Neptune, square to Jupiter which expands Piscean and Neptunian essence, and harmonizes with Uranus, propitiating the transformation and adaptation to change required for us to continue with our process of metamorphosis, as we are literally becoming anew, in mind, body and spirit. 

The eclipse will provide us with the healing frequencies required for us to focus especially on healing pineal anomalies, as I see often, have imprints, inserts, or implants in your pineal, as well as many other Indigo manipulations that impede you from being the Divine messenger and emissary that you are, for it blocks your ability to fully receive all the guidance you are naturally meant to descend, as part of the Divine.

Pisces offers us the opportunity to heal our upper chakras, and female and masculine trauma, restoring our shoulder blades, and our polarities, and reclaiming our wings, for we were never made to crawl but to fly high within the many Divine dimensions.

Pisces will also show us where we are reticent to move forward, what we have not healed yet, and what has been unified, as a cosmic ally to help us move into a more illumined space. Feelings that can too manifest in our feet, and hips, where we often hide our repressed emotions, and our fears to live within divine love and joy, moving forward from the old and embracing the new, that even if unknown bring many blessings for our new path. 

When your body is ready the activation of your Crown complex and shoulder portals does not go unnoticed. It feels like a total download that fills the body with an immense feeling of love, gratitude, joy, and tears of remembrance. The expression, the tingling feeling as I previously shared, and many other similar feelings will inform you that you are under this process, for you are always no matter where you are on your path, under the process of becoming more loved, sovereign and free.

Just keep walking your chosen path, keep being who you are, showing up for yourself each day, as you too show up and care for others. The path is about walking it and learning from it, not about the final destination. 

Focusing on our body, and becoming fully aware of what they need is pivotal to embody the divine transmissions that we are receiving at this time. Self-observation and neutral witnessing are key when we are experiencing challenging situations and many body sensations, as our bodies will not only manifest the trauma from this present timeline but from all the timelines we can heal, for as ascending souls we are now ready to confront our shadows and heal all parallel timelines.

Learning to scan our bodies and emotions is vital for us to know what we truly feel, from what is another form of illusion, or egoic pattern, from what is authentic and is informing us of what we need to heal, and from what specific timeline.

Self-exploration, always from a balanced space, will help us determine if what we are feeling belongs to us and is authentic, or if it belongs to something we have created, or being implanted, or indeed something that belongs to another timeline. It can also belong to others, as many of you as empaths and telempathics may be feeling what your familiar, closest ones, or even others (including the planet, the land, animals, and all living forms) are feeling, and it is not yours to carry.

Pisces enhances your intuitive and telempathic abilities, and when we are grounded and balanced we can discern what we are experiencing from what should be filtered, as many of you are Violet holders, stabilizers, and karmic transmuters and will too filter the collective trauma, now being emphasized as we are witnessing.

We all have the same abilities as part of God's Source, there are not privileged ones on this path, and even though the mission is facilitated in some ways so we can be able to fulfill it, it is through inner work and especially detection of our energetic blockages what start awakening our unique divine abilities.

We have now a propitious and wonderful passage to look within, where everything we need is, healing, guidance, joy, love, and everything we may think we can obtain from the outside.

A passage to be lived from a space of service not just to the Self but to All, as Pisces and Virgo too remind us at this time. 

We are heading into a totally New Cycle governed by the power of All united as One, the power of the people together for a more illumined cause that helps the whole retrieve its sovereignty and freedom.

The more we look within and heal ourselves, the more we are helping All on their path to become free sovereign beings, for what we do for ourselves we do for All.

May you love yourselves and your Divine uniqueness unconditionally, Beloveds.

Thank you for your loving and healing essence.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba