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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2024

Divine Transmissions

Beloved Ones,

The activation for us to embody higher frequencies has begun. Many of you, in a perpetual state of omnibenevolence and love, have started to receive the Divine Transmissions required for the next initiation into higher levels of wisdom. The eclipse in Pisces is facilitating this descension, another great source of wisdom, that is already being formed in our Heavens, even though from our limited view we can only see the final result on the 17th. 

All is being perfectly orchestrated to create a cosmic door for us to receive a new embodiment, for we are ready to start the process of ascension, which is in truth the descension of our Illumined Self, inner work that Piscean energies support, as it is with Pisces that we learn the final lesson of becoming all love, wisdom and power, removing previous wounds, merging all opposites and BEing only the Love that we are, and always were. 

Many of you are already feeling the impact of the Piscean energies in our main upper channels - crown, skull, and the totality of our head. The activation can be felt, even though we are all unique, as a tingling/vibration feeling in the crown, a soft pressure that initiates the descension of all the transmissions that our God Self, soul, and Monad, are sending us at this time when many are the portals that conglomerate for us to receive a new activation.

The process of light descension starts as you know in our 12th dimensional God Self, for it is from our Illumined Self that we receive all the initiations, healing, and wisdom transferences required to evolve. Once the Light penetrates into our Crown, it inundates our thalamus complex, pineal, pituitary gland, mammillary body, and medulla oblongata, and starts descending into our nervous system through the upper cervical spine.  

This is part of the reason why many of you are experiencing many different sensations in your nervous system, and pain in your bone structure, especially feet which Pisces rules too, as this is the one that is most impacted when physical ascension starts, resurrecting our authentic Divine Template.

The current frequencies received at this time are meant to help us transfigure our main fourth dimension chakras, finally stepping into the soul timelines, completely removing an old cycle and all we experienced in it, essential not to bring the same past results into our present reality.

The descension of the light and removal of the lower chakra membranes is what creates the many physical sensations many are now having. This is an organic process in our transformation as a species. Releasing polarization, trauma, soul disconnection, and many other wounds we have created and received, is a challenging process, and it is through compassionate witnessing and soul retrieval that we can soften the many memories it brings and the many sensations it may cause, as this process is not the same for everyone.

As we continue integrating this New Light, our polarities will be balanced, for many of you have been merging both, clearing the traumas hidden within them, waiting for this final activation, when we are finally going to start the long-term process of becoming non-polarized beings.

Non-polarized beings mean to be All Love and Benevolence as my Guides shared today. Omnibenevolence and OmmiLove means to be unlimited Love. The kind of Love that cannot be diminished, manipulated, or tamed in any way.

The kind of Love that allows the Divine influx and that surrenders to it and its Will.

This is what we are becoming, who we are in Essence, who we were created to be, for we have been experiencing who we are not for so long that now remembering feels unpleasant for the body, accustomed to being exposed to all the unlove we have created and fomented, often unconsciously.

It is time to be only Love, for us, for All, and for the whole, Beloveds.

Thank you for allowing Love in for All Creation. 

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2024

Shadow Integration and Clearing

Beloved Ones,

As our planet continues retrieving its authentic template, many of you will be called to be of service, for we are now at a key phase of our ascension journey, where our planet needs more support and stabilization. Many of you are awakening/retrieving your original angelic sixth-dimensional lineage, as many of you descend from future fifth and sixth-dimensional timelines, coming to the earth plane to help recover the original human prototype.

As advanced souls you were born in the Light, Love, and Wisdom of the Creator, knowing no separation or polarization from God's Source, for you all lived within Divine Love and harmony.

As you cross the many veils required to come to planet Earth, many of you experience profound damage in your template, forgetting who you were and your mission, filled with many false programs that diminish your light and soul memories and disconnect from your divinity.

This is a time, especially with the eclipse in Pisces and Pluto moving into Aquarius, of karmic liberation and genetic restoration for many of you who are clearing trauma from the many incarnations you have had, the delusions from this plane and the self-created patterns that too impede you to embrace yourself and divine purpose completely. 

The Piscean eclipse will serve us to clear both our personal and planetary original shadow, restoring our authentic template, as it possesses all the cosmic information required to restore the many earth's structures that have been distorted and that are now being repaired.

It is a time to heal hybridization, non-benevolent one, crown anomalies, DNA and soul fragmentation, and the many genetic blocks that emerge from incarnating on Earth. Piscean energies facilitate the work of shadow integration through neutral witnessing of what we are experiencing, taking full responsibility, and moving into the necessary healing work for us to emerge as illumined beings.

All the traumatic memories, the personal ones we created through the many lifetimes we have lived, and through the initial pain caused by separating from God's Source, are now acknowledged and healed by many who are awakening, remembering, and stepping into their sovereignty.

The process of remembering involves healing and clearing, as the only way to distill from our bodies and hearts what is shadowing our true selves and memories.

Pisces takes us to this inner space of integration and acceptance of our shadow self, something that Neptune in Pisces has been helping us with for many years, and we still have the opportunity to do so, as it will be gradually moving next year into Aries, another big shift 2025 brings.

Clearing our shadows and emotional wounds is vital to bring unity and harmony into ourselves, before the mission and all we desire to achieve can be embodied. Facing all we feel, without judgment, is crucial for our self-healing process, as it is by looking at what we fear closely and integrating it, that we can know the original wound in ourselves and be able to embrace it, starting the process of soul retrieval, which is what activates divine retrieval.

This is the main cause why many are not yet embracing their purpose, which comes when we are ready to be of service, and whenever this time comes, it will be the perfect divine timing for you and All.

There is no rush within Creation, for all follows always a perfect Divine Order we cannot see from our view, but we can feel, and surrender to, allowing Divine Will, not our egoic will. 

All is ending now for many of you who are stepping into your power, reclaiming your freedom, and retrieving the Divine wisdom and purpose you brought to Earth, for as New Earth's Anchors, you are required now to start the process of planetary reconnection and fifth-dimensional bridging. 

As the evolved souls from future timelines that you are, the time is coming for you to embrace your divinity and stand tall for yourselves, seeding your love, light, and healing essence where required, for the time is Now for all to join as One, and anchor a new timeline, as this is the time we have been waiting for, and preparing us to welcome for so long.

The New Aquarian Age is not something that happens one day on a future timeline, it is something that we gradually build, and seed with our daily thoughts, feelings, and actions, every single day of our existence, with each generation that chooses to free themselves, with each benevolent action we make for the whole, and with each one of you who chooses to awake to your power and reclaim your sovereignty.

Thank you for choosing to be who you are and seed your divine heritage, Beloveds.

Withing Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba