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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2024

Density Emancipation

Beloved Ones,

Our ascension journey is a continual process of purification and soul remembrance. During this time of heart expansion and amplification of the light transmissions received during this last phase, we move now into a purification phase with Virgo. Cleansing, especially after long periods of embodiment is another important part of our ascension journey, to release all we have healed and let go of. 

It is now a time to work on etheric clearing through the removal of all cords, toxins, and debris that impede our bodies from embodying the new earth's transmissions and what we descend from our soul and God Self. A process that shall not be confused with what many of us are continually experiencing - density emancipation - as my Gudies call the process of releasing more of our 3D nature, as we continue embodying our fifth-dimensional one. 

Many of you are now releasing density, due to the new level of consciousness embodied. This is a distillation process that can be very similar to feeling drained, with no energy at all. This is because your body is getting accustomed to a new frequency, a lighter one, releasing more density and then feeling the profound shift it involves, which is often felt with extreme fatigue and anxiety, as we literally are letting go of what we have carried since we were born on this plane.

This is why it is so important to scan our bodies and detect if we are under this process or if we too need to start a purification phase in which we release cords and any other attachments that keep us energetically drained, and blocked. 

The more we heal, and cut ties with what impedes us to be free energetic beings, the more we will experience this process of lightening. Cords are often one of the most common issues that diminish our energy. Cords do not have to be necessarily created through relationships, they can also be connected to places, other timelines, and dimensional spaces, for we not only dwell in this present moment but in many other simultaneous ones.

Many of you have recurrent dreams about other people, places, or even spaces, dimensions, and beings you cannot consciously understand. This is one of the most common indications that you are still connected to astral influences, people, or other situations that you need to let go and cut cords with if you wish to retrieve your energy and become spiritually sovereign.

Virgo's essence is one of purification, assimilation, and distillation of what no longer serves us, for all of you hold a great divine potential within yourselves that is being diminished and drained by the many ties that link you to other sources and people.

It is part of who we are, and our journey to let go. When we do not let go of people, situations, and feelings, and resist what is natural, we create stagnation and stress, putting our body in alert mode, as it literally feels under attack.

Suffering is part of our human journey, although sometimes it is also caused by our unwillingness to let go. 

If we were able to see into each other's soul, we would never engage with certain energies and people whose purpose and choices are different than ours. 

We will never fall into old traps, and above all, we will never allow anyone to disrespect our sacred energy. However, this earth plane teaches us how to retrieve this ability through the many encounters and experiences we have, for it is what enriches our soul, helps our growth, and helps us remember the gift of empathy.

Until we reach this state of clearly seeing the essence of others, as it occurs in the illumined realms, where nothing can be hidden, we have our own inner compass, our feelings, which are the ones that let us know if we are putting our energy at risk, or if we are co-creating with people that are in perfect resonance with who we are.

Our choices create stability, peace, expansion, healing, love, or disharmony. Every choice serves us to learn who we are, the nature of our energy, and with who and what we wish to engage or not.

Every choice takes us closer to being denser or less, depending on what we choose to align with. 

May you always love, honor, and value your precious energy, beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2024

Reconnective Symbol

Beloved Ones,

The process of self-synthesis has been initiated for many of you who have been bridging your physical and divine selves. This is a universal light-encoded reconnective symbol I received for those of you who are on this path of self-reconnection and initiation into a new ascensional stage.

This symbol is to help you reconnect with your divine selves and start receiving higher guidance, for in the moment you choose to realign to authentic Sources, your Divine One, the descension of more love, higher understanding, and power is immediate.

This is a symbol to help reconnect not only your human self with your non-physical ones, but with your parallel selves, their wisdom, and power, for many of you are representatives of your monad, so to speak, and as you remember and evolve, so do the others parallel selves.

It helps you unify All of who you are, have been, and will ever be, in all directions, dimensions, and timelines, across time and space, for you are everything and everywhere.

You can draw this symbol in your soul portal area - thymus - or simply visualize it, integrating it in your pineal gland, and then descend it into your thymus-heart portal, extending it if you are guided to your entire body, or simply anchoring it on your heart. The color as I tried to show is of a bright white diamond light spectrum. 

Many of you are now traversing a passage where confusion reigns and where you need to clearly see where to go. No one and nothing can know your path but yourself. Others can help you remain on your chosen path, confirming what you already feel or helping you remember who you are, but only you know, for only you create the next steps of your journey.

Only you have a unique link to the Creator, who speaks to all of us uniquely, and unrepeatably. Only you can travel the path you once chose, for it is the path that will help you rediscover yourself, your divine gifts, and where you are meant to be next, for your highest good and that of All.

I share this symbol with great love, and humility as I was asked not to beautify it, just share it as I saw it, and gratitude for you to continually choose the path of love and service to All.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba