Beloved Ones,
This is a task that has taken many years to be accomplished, as many Cathar/Essence memories need to be first healed from the land as well, as the earth's templars (grids) to retrieve the original structures.
When the Cathars were massacred in this location, and in many others, especially the traumatic Albigensian crusades, it created memories of wars, imprinted on the land, the elementals, and the templars, making it very difficult to bring back the purity of this location, as it is not until all the souls have passed through a process of soul retrieval, as well as the elementals and the land in itself, that all can be retrieved.
Many of you have still implants, in your heart centers, unified templates, masculine-solar implants, and in your female organs, as the fleur de lis, the reverse Cathar coding, to impede both of your polarities from being unified. This is too being restored as I see daily, with many of you who are now aware of who you are, and what you have to heal to retrieve your blueprint.
The masculine and female planetary pillars in this location were altered, and distorted, creating DNA anomalies into the unified template that the Essenes are born with, and creating miscommunication between the many timelines they came to work with and restore.
The Cathar templar ley lines are gradually being cleared, for these locations are pure in essence, it is the man's damage the one that many of you need to clear.
The Cathar coding is being recovered and with it the connecting between the many timelines, removing false inorganic structures and connections and restoring the Divine Order in the original ones.
Many of you have been travelers for so long working with all these Cathar ley lines that this successful progress is too thanks to you all, for even though the higher work is done by the Illumined Guardians, you all play an important role in clearing at a three-dimensional level, all that needs to, so all can bring back into its Order.
I thank you all for all you do, this year is really important in terms of the unification that is taking place within and in our planetary structures.
There are moments in which the intensity is overwhelming, but there are more moments of joy and these are the ones we should align with.
Our planet is gradually retrieving unity, even though we still have a long way to go. Listen to your inner guidance to see where you are, what you need to unify, and what is taking place on the planet, for there is a lot of false propaganda, as you know, and not all that is being healed is obviously being told.
You have the Truth of who you are, and what is taking place within, embrace it.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba