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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

viernes, 2 de agosto de 2024

Heart Portal Activation

Beloved Ones,

The time for us to activate our inner interdimensional Heart infinity portal has come. After spending two months focusing on rejuvenation and regeneration, it is time for us to start a new process of conscious reconnection with the new earth's timeliness that has just been reconnected, and focus on our personal journey of growth, and universal mission.

As number 888 represents, and as the Leo energies too confirm, we are in the process of lifetimes and timelines reconnection. When we finally activate our soul portal, we merge to the soul dimensions - fifth and sixth, as fourth is the astral plane - starting to remember more of who we have been, connecting with other lifetimes we have experienced in this and any other plane within the Universe, and healing all wounds, from our present individualized self.

It is then when we start opening our consciousness, and remotely navigating between the many dimensions, healing lifetimes of repression, oppression, victimhood, excess of power, soul disconnection, wars, and everything we can ever imagine, for many of you have experienced all, to be able to achieve the level of wisdom you now possess.

Now you are prepared to see all of who you are, have been, and will ever be, for now, you have moved from judgments to compassionate witnessing, and can, from a higher perspective, heal what is not aligned, unifying yourself and moving into a harmonic timeline.

Everything within Creation, as the 8 number represents, is infinitely connected on a never-ending dance, emerging from Source and coming back to it, expanding and constantly creating.

Our mission is to restore this divine flow from within. 

This is a process that we achieve consciously, intentionally, and willingly from the inside, as energies are not going to do the work for us, activate our DNA, or interfere in any way. It is we the ones who have the power to go inward, where everything truly resides, and open our inner gate, situated in our thymus-heart complex, and start connecting from within to the new earth's angelic timeliness, for many of you descend from the sixth and seventh-dimensional planes.

Energies are God-sent formidable Forces of Creation, and when we align with them help us heal, clear, and expand. However, they never activate our DNA or solve our life experiences. This knowledge is erroneous and we all have our time to realize it. 

We are under a very important passage after having activated our soul portal, for us to take another leap in our personal evolution. However, taking full responsibility is essential for us to know how to achieve the next steps, in our ascension personal timeline.

The 888 energies are here to help us reconnect what was distorted, for us to be in perfect resonance and communion, as Guides share many times, with our Divine Selves and with the many God planes that exist and that are naturally connected to our earth's structures.

The time has come for us to finally unplug from what is false, and connect to what is divine and pure, and to do that, we just have to go within and release all distractions.

Many of you are passing through very challenging times, for you no longer resonate with your partners, familiar ones, and anything that takes you back to the past, and who you used to be.

With time, we all embody more love and higher understanding, and we can keep the reunions that are based on authenticity and compassion, distilling those who were based on the ego, and learn how to co-create with others by focusing on what unites us, not what separates us, as we too can learn how to coexist with our loved ones, despite of our differences. 

Be compassionate towards yourself as you pass through the shadows that impede you from seeing your new path with clarity. The time will come when you hold no more doubts about who you are and are meant to be next, and Guides share you never walk alone.

This is not a time to allow anything in our personal field that is meant to bring us back into a slave mentality, and hence what disconnects us from our soul, for we have already transcended the three-dimensional levels, by choosing to live consciously with All, as harmonic as we can within this 3D plane, and are finally moving into a new way of living our lives and co-create with others. 

The more we focus on being online, or what is happening, or what we are told that is happening, in the world, the less connection to our soul and Unified Self, for this is precisely meant to destabilize our energetic levels and keep us connected to a false soul matrix.

The triple 888 passage will remind us of the power of coming back to our origins, to what is organic, and authentic. We have been for so long distracted in ways we cannot even detect sometimes, and now it is a time to disconnect and reconnect with the earth, allowing it to heal us and clear us naturally, so we can seed our essence, from a renewed space.

I wish you all a loving and reconnective passage!

May you embrace discernment and the wisdom that comes from it.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 31 de julio de 2024

Golden Body Activation and Protection

Beloved Ones,

The dance between the female and masculine energies continues, witnessing the retrieval of both within and on our planet, occurring since the start of this year. We now cultivate the Golden aspect of us during this month, as the female continues rising, allowing the masculine embrace, as it is meant to be.

We are being bathed by our central sun emanations, August's Leo fiery energies, and the triple 888 emerald and aquamarine energies to help us expand our hearts and clear all the physical, mental, and emotional damage we still have.

My Guides shared the importance at this time of using the solar emanations, and plasmatic waves received, to continue preparing the light body for the integration that is yet to come.  They invite us to activate our Golden body (masculine aspects) by visualizing ourselves within the Ankh cross, which has been as well a symbol deeply manipulated, and that in truth represents the totality of our light body, as the Egyptians too knew and the Hathors continue reminding us.

Visualize the solar waves entering from your 12th-dimensional self, anchoring them in your star earth chakra, surrounding all your bodies completely with the liquid Golden Light, and then taking the golden light into your heart chakra, where the golden light expands creating the Anhk cross that surrounds you and protects you of all that is not aligned with your soul and God Illumined Self.

Then when you feel the love, warmth, and support from your Guides team and Unified Self, thank them for their support in this exercise, and decree that all lower energies, lower forms of consciousness, miasma, energetic/physic, and solar plexus cords, all negative energetic, mental, and physical influences be immediately, and permanently, removed from your physical, non-physical bodies, and hence from your sacred field, remaining in perfect communion and resonance with your soul, monad, Unified Self and personal divine mission.

And so be it, as it is meant to be for the Highest good, and protection, of All.

My Guides shared this exercise for you to utilize the current solar currents and fiery energies, to protect yourself, infuse your light body with plasma, and continue becoming spiritually stronger, and sovereign of your mind, emotions, body, and energy.

You can shift this exercise as guided, for the best guidance is always within yourself, and you know your body, your personal imbalances, and how best you can work with yourself.

Remember that during this time of great confusion for many, as there are many desperate intents to control consciousness and deviate attention, the most important is to look within, for it is the only space where you can find Truth, wisdom, harmony, and personal power to continue with your journey.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba