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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

jueves, 20 de junio de 2024

Cancer-Capricorn Passage, June 20th, 2024

Beloved Ones,

It is a time of profound self-illumination and reconnection. A passage marked by the Solstice, together with the Sun moving in Cancer, and a Full Moon at 1 degree Capricorn that will opposite Venus and Mercury, both as well Cancer. Cancer represents our female essence, while Capricorn our masculine one. Both signs work in perfect unison to assist us in healing at a soul, emotional, and physical level. This is a powerful time for us to embody the Solstice transmissions to work on our mother-father aspects, healing past trauma and moving into a new future timeline.

Many of you may feel extremely emotional at this time. Cancer emphasizes what is hidden within the depths of our being, for us to acknowledge it and embrace it. This is a sign that you need to let go of emotions that are trapped within your emotional, mental, and physical bodies, keeping them from moving towards the light of who you are. When we hold onto something, we impede the flow of all the blessings that are Sourcing towards us, feeling the pain - resistance - and frustration of being in this fragmented-disconnected state of being.

Letting go creates flexibility, grounding, and healing, which is what Capricorn invites us to do at this time, to obtain self-illumination and the freedom that comes when we let go of our past self, its memories, and all we created, from a different level of consciousness. The more you liberate yourself from who you are not, the more you allow your true self to emerge. 

The opposition between the Moon with Venus and Mercury is another confirmation of what we have been working with during all this year, the integration of both of our opposite essences our divine female and masculine aspects, our heart and mind, and everything that is opposite within us. Many of you are now passing through a period of synthesis in which you are balancing heart-mind, which is what these essences from these opposite forces are helping us with. An inner work that is arduous as we let go of egoic beliefs, fears, and programs and learn how to reside in our Higher Hearts. 

As we balance the ego and continue unifying ourselves, we gain awareness and hence wisdom and personal power. Personal power comes with freedom, especially of mind, becoming free thinkers to detect all the non-benevolent tactics and manipulations that are constantly bombarding us to continue controlling our minds and souls.

This is a year of reconnection, which is why we are witnessing the desperate intents to control our consciousness. Our mission is to continue creating our personal timeline, for as conscious creators, we are the ones who can determine with what forces we align or not. Every choice creates a new timeline. We will manifest the timeline we infuse with more energy, intention, and will. 

Capricorn invites us to bring all we are descending, discovering into the depths of our soul with Cancer, into our physical being and earth plane, for this is where we truly trigger change. This is precisely what Saturn - retrograde at the end of the month - and ruler of Capricorn asks us to do at this time, to focus on descension, as ascension is nothing but the descension of our Illumined Essence, into this physical self and plane. This is how we achieve enlightenment by remembering, awakening our human self, and embodying our lost soul fragments.

A time to unify by working on healing, retrieval, and above all regeneration, for it is vital to be able to continue our journey of personal evolution and assistance.

In this two-month window, it is crucial that we focus on our bodies, working on healing, and reprogramming our telomeres,  as Capricorn invites us to do as well. Many of you suffer from stress and anxiety, pushing yourselves to continue when it is time to rest. This has a profound impact on our telomeres and has been scientifically demonstrated that it is the main cause of shortening our life.

This is also a time to balance our relationships. All that is fragmented within must be addressed if we desire to have equal partnerships. Otherwise, we will feel the same separation that arises from not being fully aligned and synthesized. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn invites us to set healthy boundaries, where we can be ourselves, sovereign beings, and let others be who they are too, co-creating within equality and divine love. 

This harmonic space we find ourselves at this time, in which silence seems to reign, is nothing but the antechamber of what is yet to come, in the following months. We are preparing ourselves for August, which is the peak of the monadic integration phase that we have been immersed in since the beginning of this eighth universal year, and the eclipses in September and October. Events whose impact on our bodies will be if not the same, very close to that of the SOL-AR transmissions received a few months ago.

The 888 portal this year will be a totally different one, for it will signify the embodiment of higher levels of consciousness for many of you who have been incessantly working on soul reconnection. A passage that is just the continuation, the crest of our previous inner work. It will also involve the opening for many of you to galactic communication, for you are now dwelling in the soul-monadic dimensions, where authentic communication takes place with your illumined self, Guides, and other benevolent beings.

When we reside in the three-dimensional levels, the majority of the time the information received comes from the astral planes, this is why it is so important to heal and clear our astral body, and move into the fifth-dimensional dimension, to receive authentic information and maintain conscious exchanges with those who guide us and walk with us, and among us, for as you know, they are already walking among us.

Truth is what the present and coming events offer us. Truth is out there for all who wish to align with it. It is our choice to discern and align with the Truth or continue living in illusion.

We just have to have the courage, humility, and acceptance required for us to embrace it, as often Truth is not always what we expect it to be, and being open, merging opposites, and being in complete surrender is what will open the gates to all the revelations we are eager to receive, and we are prepared to integrate, at this time. 

May you choose to embrace the Truth that lives in your precious Hearts, Beloveds.

Have a loving and harmonious passage!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

martes, 18 de junio de 2024

The Solstice Transmissions, June 20th, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are already immersed in the Solstice passage. This year the Solstice will support us to continue creating more balance in polarities, especially in healing the masculine wound that we all, as a collective, have imprinted within our masculine template. We have been disconnected from the Truth that the masculine principle in our bodies holds the female, and vice versa, as both are never separated from each other. 

It is now time with the energies from this eighth universal year, a number that indicates balance and reconnection, to restore the divine masculine, healing the masculine wounds that are still embedded within ourselves and planetary consciousness.  

Since this year began we have been focused on conscious reconnection and polarity integration, to achieve ascension in our physical bodies and move into a higher level of consciousness. The Solstice's healing transmissions will serve many to heal the distorted masculine, healing eons of patriarchism, epigenetic masculine patterns inherited through generations, and many other programs that have damaged the Divine masculine.

The first step towards masculine restoration is to recognize and honor the female, healing soul disconnection, inherited and self-created patterns, balance the ego, and our personal human and galactic history, being in a state of complete surrendering and acceptance, rather than control, which is a typical trait of the distorted masculine. 

The moon in Capricorn on June 22nd, two days after the Solstice, will help us greatly to work on DNA reparation, as Capricorn rules our telomeres, where the DNA resides, and where we truly start shifting old patterns. Capricorn will be an important source of stabilization, and grounding, helping us to anchor all the healing transmissions received during this same day with the Solstice, for all is perfectly orchestrated within Creation to serve us evolve and heal, gracefully and harmoniously, it is the ego self that creates delusions, keeping us in a lower state of being, of constant worry and confusion. 

Once we pass through these initial stages it is vital to work on opening our hearts, which have been closed due to the many wars, manipulations, and masculine distortions experienced since the beginning of humanity. Remaining in our higher hearts, retrieving joy and gratitude, is key to restoring ourselves, and realigning to our souls, for it is through the path of joy and gratitude that we regain our authentic connection to our God Self and All. 

Cancerian energies also among us, related to the female principle together with the Solstice and soon the Lions Gate, we will have the balance required to continue healing polarities, remembering the importance of unification, for both need to be equally honored and harmonized. 

Many of you with lineage from Aldebaran, Seraphim, Blue Rays, and those of you who experienced lifetimes in Atlantis and in the Sumerian-Egyptian civilization, will be feeling the profound impact of the current energies, for you may have wounds related to the masculine that goes back to the galactic wars over consciousness.

The ones who are here to restore the masculine are often the most wounded ones, who most need to restore their masculine pillars, for all starts by retrieving our authentic template, and codes so we can fulfill our mission of service.

The Solstice's transmissions are going to be a benevolent source of plasmatic waves, healing, and stabilization, helping us recalibrate and rejuvenate as we prepare ourselves for September.

The Lions Gate is the continuation of what we have already been working with since the beginning of the year. It will act as a bridge to help us cross into September-October, where many of you will be initiated into new ascension stages, embodying new aspects of your soul mission and stepping into planetary work, for our planet needs us to continue restoring its damaged template.

As a collective we have been instructed, and programmed to be fragmented, splitting the masculine from the female, creating more separation and soul disconnection, which is what fomented the female repression that we are still witnessing on our planet.

It is now time to bring healing to both so they work again in unison and perfect harmony as it was meant to be since the beginning, for we were never created to feel disconnected, and separated from Source, for it is who we are in nature.

The more we work on self-unification the more we will heal all distortions, false programs, and fragmentation, retrieving the power, love, and wisdom that we all carry within our original DNA and that has been literally cut from us.

As we continue becoming more sovereign, by becoming free thinkers and connecting to our God's Source, the only authentic one, the more whole and in soul communion we will feel, receiving the insights and healing transmissions required for us to move forward within our journey, relationships, and mission.

May you choose the path to wholeness and sovereignty, Beloveds.

Have a loving and healing Solstice!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba