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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

martes, 4 de junio de 2024

New Moon in Gemini & the 6/6 Passage, June 6th, 2024

Beloved Ones, 

We are stepping into a new harmonic passage with the 6/6 portal and the New Moon at 16 degrees Gemini. A passage of rebirth that is all about anchoring more love, compassion, peace, and harmony within and without. It is a time of recalibration, stabilization, and infinite possibilities, for we have both frequencies the 5 universal changing one of this month, and Gemini, together with the 6/6 portal, creating a manifestation vortex to help us align with what we are creating, expanding or transforming ourselves, and personal reality. 

Our physical bodies are also experiencing the constant release and embodiment of new energies, which is why it is so important to keep us hydrated and remaining in a loving frequency, to allow the integration of the current energies to take place properly. Exhaustion often arises from trying to force our bodies more than what they can do and integrate at this time.  There is no rush in evolution, for the more we properly take care of our bodies, the more we will naturally allow the embodiment of new energies.

With Gemini is a time to take special care of our mental body, where all of our belief systems reside, egoic self, and where we need more clearing, so the mind can be open to integrate higher truths. It is with Gemini that we have the opportunity to clear the ego, the service to the self, narcissism patterns, and judgments, and start moving into a more unified perspective. 

Physically, Gemini rules the shoulders, arms, and hands mainly. This is why many of you already working with your shoulder portals, especially the masculine one, the one Gemini rules, are having many different sensations, pain in your shoulders, or in the one that is being opened, in the sphenoid bone, spinal cord or other sensations that are unique to your process. 

The most important task to achieve during this time, is the rehabilitation of our Divine masculine, as Gemini facilitates the work with our sixth-dimensional right shoulder portal, initiating the reconnection between our sixth-dimensional channels. We are being blessed this year with an opening in our earth's grids like never before in our human history, which is why more illumined energies are entering our planet, allowing the reconnection of our angelic self. 

Astrologically speaking, we also have harmonic alignments. We have Venus in Gemini, together with Mercury already in Gemini, together with the Sun, Moon, Venus, and square Saturn in Pisces. This is a cosmic invitation to commit, to who we truly are, acting with integrity and honesty, to love ourselves, and others and to express our hearts within divine love, respect, and compassion, for expressing our thoughts and feelings from a loving, but empowered space.

Commitment is pivotal in our ascension path, for it is through being devoted to our chosen journey that we create the desired healing and outcomes that we are so eager to see in the physical.

Our relationships are also key at this time, as they help us realize where we are, who we are becoming, and what we need to work with to be able to hold more balance, so we can create this same equality in our divine reunions. 

We are under a passage of great transformation, as we continue working on inner alchemy, clearing fixation, polarity integration, and embodying higher truths. It is now that we have the opportunity to disengage from all distractions, move inward, and see where we are heading, and what we need to improve, expand, remove, or harmonize, for it is when we stop all action and become the witness of ourselves and lives, that we can find what is in need to be released or integrated.

Navigating in the depths of our being is how we experience greater growth, joy, and remembrance, for all we need to know is just there, within, we just need to be willing to listen to what often the ego denies.

It is now time to listen to this inner silence and remain in the joy and peace of who we are, so we can clearly see what is taking place within and without, as this is how we realign, and rebirth into illumined beings, by embracing all we find within equally, without judgments,  just with complete surrender and acceptance of all that we are. 

May you have a blessed and loving passage, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love, 

Natalia Alba

sábado, 1 de junio de 2024

Wing's Retrieval

Beloved Ones,

During this time of body synthesis and embodiment, many of you are now undergoing a massive reconnection of your sixth and seventh-dimensional shoulder portals. As humans, many of you will have experienced many galactic traumas involving your wings, as many of you call our shoulder portals, in which you were literally cut from your organic connection to these dimensions, and hence the conscious exchange of light transmissions and wisdom. 

As you regain your connection to your soul and monad, you may be impacted by the memories of what you need to clear in your DNA, for once we incarnate, we too do the work for our soul extensions, remaining in the non-physical planes. It is then that we clear our monadic family of all the trauma we experience in the many incarnations we have had. 

Many of you still experience the fear of opening your sixth and seventh-dimensional portals, for you still carry within your emotional bodies the deep wounds associated with losing your ability to connect to your angelic essence and realm, feeling the sadness of not being able to fulfill your mission.

It is time for you to heal your wounds. We have now incarnated on a blessed time to witness the planetary transition that is already taking place. A time when we can retrieve our wings, reclaim our angelic nature, and reconnect our DNA to regain the light codes that were left for us to decipher when we were ready.

It is now a time with Gemini energies to work on synthesis and the reconnection and reconstruction of our sixth-dimensional indigo portal, situated as you know in your right left shoulder. One that has experienced the deep manipulation of the distorted masculine for eons, and that is now starting to awake, for many of you are already feeling the pulse of it asking you to activate it, for you are ready, beloveds. 

Since March, there has been an emphasis on the liberation of the masculine pillar, situated on the Iran earth's portal, to liberate the masculine repression. Due to this work and the current energies that we are still embodying, we are now being blessed with illumined sixth and seventh-dimensional frequencies to build our light bodies, clearing galactic traumas, repairing our masculine/sixth-dimensional angelic indigo essence, and above all, remembering how to open our wings again, for we never meant to crawl but to fly.

As you start by healing your galactic trauma in each blade with the Indigo and Violet rays penetrating deeply into each shoulder portal, removing, clearing, and reconnecting all non-benevolent influences, self-created programs, and past memories, and especially galactic trauma, you will start to experience how you recover the many memories that you hold within your DNA about who you are, your purpose and all you need to know at this time.

Clearing and reconnecting our shoulder blade portals is an arduous process, for we need first to scan our bodies and non-physical ones to clear any implant or any other inorganic influence. This is a moment when many of you are already feeling the itchiness, pain, fatigue, dizziness, and pulses in your shoulder portals, as we are all unique, or the retrieval of harmony and soul memories that indicates wings activation, for each one of you will have to clear different memories, and so will be your physical sensations.

Depending on the type of sensation it is a sign that you are reviving past trauma, as you release painful wounds from your energetic bodies and emotional ones.  Become the witness of your 3D self, the situations you live and your relationships to find patterns that may indicate past wounds, as everything will reflect the inner process you are living, and will take you to the core for you to go where the wound originated and address it. 

This is common if you have initiated the process. If not, listen to your guidance, as it could be a sign that your light body is ready to let go of what is inorganic. 

Traumas that are related to our masculine and female essences, are vital to clear at this time, for as you know the 6D right shoulder portal is related to our divine masculine essence, while the 7D left shoulder portal is to the female, both essential to initiate inner synthesis and monadic retrieval. 

When we start the process of polarity integration and feel ready to take the next step, it is vital to start the reconnection of all of our 6D and 7D body channels, as the only way to allow light in, as the reparation of just our shoulder portals without the other glands and body channels, will not be enough to experience complete reconnection and divine alignment. 

As 12th-dimensional beings, all of us are meant to be connected at all times to all these dimensions. As ascending souls many of you have descended from the 6th and 7th dimensions, being pivotal to retrieve your connection to these realms descending all the light emanations required on our earth plane.

This process is the first one that we should aim for in terms of personal unity, as it is not until we open ourselves to our soul, 6th dimension, and monad, which starts in the 7th dimension, that we cannot manifest the same unity in all we do and in our relationships, reclaiming our equal, if we are meant to experience this type of reunion, for everyone came with a unique plan.

The 6th and 7th rays have been rehabilitated in our planet, allowing the full spectrum into our planet, and bodies. It is our choice to do the inner work of retrieving our angelic connection, for it is time for us to remember, especially on a year when many of you experienced a profound galactic awakening to your lineage and mission. 

You are a wondrous Divine being in service to All Creation, being able to communicate with All That Is, for you are a part of it too. As ascending souls many of you came with an advanced template, which does not mean we are more special than others, we simply walked the path before, that is all.

As ascending souls who came with a mission of assistance, our main aim is to become aware of the importance of reconnecting ourselves once we become humans, for the plane we chose to incarnate, is a plane that cuts all communication with the illumined planes we descend from. 

Having the will, and resilience to achieve is essential to fulfill our mission gracefully, lovingly, and humbly, knowing it is God acting through us.

The time is Now, beloveds. This is the beginning of a great shift that is coming for all who are willing to surrender and embrace God's original plan for all Creation, one of unity, love, harmony, and brotherhood. 

May you be brave to reclaim your angelic illumined essence, Beloved

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba