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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2024

Seraphim Retrieval

Beloved Ones,

We are immersed in the Seraphim-Sagittarius passage, as my Guides named the current portal we are traversing, whose energies bring resurrection and harmony. It is with Sagittarius that we are consumed by the Divine Gold Sacred Fire, retrieving our angelic seraphim essence, and opening our Golden Wings to become the illumined beings that we truly are. 

Ressurection occurs when we are immersed in a profound transmutation phase, which is what many of us are now experiencing, emerging as the phoenix, from the ashes of the old, renewed, with more hope and faith in who we are, and our personal journey. 

Sagittarius is the frequency that helps us reconnect to our Illumined Self and authentic coding. This passage's energies, together with the current ones that govern us, allow us to continue transforming ourselves, releasing old layers, and retrieving purity.

As you know, Seraphim descendants originated from the Gold Falme of Creation. Many of you have been recently awakening to your Golden lineage, for we are undergoing a planetary rebirth in which many of you are remembering who you are, through the retrieval of your unique galactic coding and wisdom.

Sagittarius represents the Golden Sacred Fire of Creation that helps us burn all that is not aligned with who we are. It is the Light that we descend from Above, our  Soul, Monad, and God's Illumined Self, transforming ourselves, through our inner work, and resurrecting in this sacred Fire, becoming the Illumined beings that we are. It is in this transformation that many of you find yourselves at this time, reconnecting to your Divine Self and descending your authentic essence.

Sagittarius's energies are of great assistance to clear our Seraphim DNA damage and Cathar implants, as its sacred Fire consumes all that is not benevolent within our DNA and template. With Sagittarius, we start reclaiming our lost soul fragments, and with them, the wisdom and Truth of who we are, and our mission. 

Many of you have Seraphim-Avian lineage, and hence angelic template, and find yourselves at this time reactivating your shoulder portal blades, as many others too, retrieving your angelic coding, so you can embody your mission of divine masculine restoration and planetary protection, for as part of what is often called the angelic realm, part of your mission is to guard the planetary key gates that are now being rehabilitated, especially the Iran gate. 

All of you who have a deep connection to the Egyptian timeliness, Hathors, and are connected to the tenth-dimensional planetary gates, are now experiencing a profound resurrection, as you retrieve your lost knowledge and essence 

Many of you are now finding this Sol-AR passage extremely helpful in terms of wisdom descension. However, not so harmonic in terms of physical symptoms, as the embodiment of the current energies can be overwhelming if we do not properly take care of our bodies.

My Guides share for All who are guided or need to work on consuming lower energies. An exercise to help us restore our energetic system, often overloaded with many different energies and our own self-created lower thoughts and emotions.

Visualize yourself immersed in a Golden Fire spiral, descending from Above, becoming a tetrahedron, associated with Sagittarius, that surrounds your entire body. Ask this Fire to burn anything lower in essence. Feel the warmth of this Sacred Fire, and command it to remove all implants and excess energies you have in your physical and subtle bodies.

Then, visualize how the fire within the tetrahedron becomes Pure Gold Light, Divine Light that restores you completely and infuses you with the love, and power required for you to continue integrating and regenerating from a purified space. 

Decree to realign to your God Illumined Self and so be it. 

If you feel your silver cord is not aligned, then this would be the initial step. If you too need more protection or transmutation in certain areas, you can call upon the seventh ray, as it is also one of the most powerful transmutation tools as you know. 

Astrologically, we also have assistance to bring more transformation, soul reconnection, and harmony in ourselves. During the Sagittarian full moon have a sextile between the moon and Pluto, which is what will help us reconnect with our soul, rebirthing into the illumined being that we are. 

Pluto is also of great support in the transformation we are having now, as its essence is also very regenerative, which is essential after all the work we are doing, especially in our bone structure, for as many of you know, ascension is also strongly felt in our bones, for as we release density and transform ourselves, they will be the one noticing more the lighter frequency we are now embodying. 

Our wounded self may emerge at this time, especially with the moon sextile Pluto and harmonization to Neptune. As we continue peeling more old layers of ourselves, and retrieving our soul fragments, more hidden emotions will resurface, However, it is by accepting pain and integrating the lessons it provides us that we can overcome suffering, expand our hearts, and embrace our vulnerability as a gift. 

Furthermore, we have an opposition between the moon, Venus, and Jupiter. This frequency is a blessing to help us realign, expand, and deepen our soul connection, as it is precisely about reconnecting with the love that we are, expanding within it to heal and empower ourselves. 

When we are immersed in any upgrades and challenging situations, we may forget our capacity to recharge ourselves naturally through the love that resides within, not in others, as it often happens. It is by reconnecting to our inner endless loving source that we regain purity. A Loving Source that constantly regenerates our bodies and that supports us all, infinitely.  

Everything within Creation is assisting us to BEcome the Light beings that we are. What we think, and feel, how we act, and with what forces we choose to align, determines the final outcome, for in the end, it is all about our personal choice to allow the love that we are, or to continue rejecting it and living in the illusion of who we are not.

This is what this passage invites us to remember, the power of the Fire, the Light within ourselves to transmute and resurrect into who we truly are.

May you be a bright Light for yourself and All, Beloveds. 

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2024

Ascension Update, May 22nd, 2024 - Energetic Recalibration

Beloved Ones,

As we continue integrating the massive stellar transmissions that are constantly descending upon our planet, many of you may feel extreme fatigue and other similar sensations. There are many physical sensations that we may have during this Sol-AR embodiment period that invite us to scan our bodies and see where we can create more balance and healing. All physical sensations we may have give us a message from our bodies of what we need to address at this time. 

Many of you are undergoing chakra transfiguration, monadic integration, walk-in experiences, and many other inner processes that may collapse the energetic channels of our bodies. The amalgamation of so many energies is not an easy process to experience, which is why my Guides shared how we integrate the energies, as it follows a unique and very exact procedure since we embody them, in our bodies, focusing on the fascia, and how we can help build a stronger energetic system to feel more harmonic within this intense wave. 

We are soon welcoming a Sagittarian Moon.  As a sign that precisely rules our bone structure, our hips, sacral region, femur, and the nerves in the sciatica, in the lower back. Areas of our bodies that are affecting many of us at this time, due to the many inner processes that we are experiencing, as well as the embodiment of the current energies.

My Guides shared the importance of going deeper during this time and utilizing the current energies which are a great source of life force and light healing codes to work on our fascia, which is the one that precisely conducts the energy, light, into all of our organs, and tissues.

Fascia are layers of connective tissue that reside behind our skin, our largest external body organ. Its function is to provide support to the muscles, organs, nerves, tendons, and joints. It is a net that runs throughout our body and that is vital for our well-being.

In ascension, the fascia is in charge of sensors, transmitting information through them and hence to our energetic layers, and subtle non-physical bodies. It is seen as a white net that passes throughout the entire body, and when we are dehydrated or do not take proper care of our body, it gets imbalanced, causing stiffness feelings, and fatigue.

This is vital for ascension, as its network conduits the energy in our body cells, providing energy for the mitochondria to process it. If this is not working properly, the light cannot be taken to our DNA receivers, and hence we feel a lack of energy and as if we were shut down, not receiving guidance, and feeling confused.

Drinking plenty of pure water helps hydrate and restore our fascia, helping it transmit light and information into our body cells. If the fascia is damaged, Guides shared it is not possible to transmit the light, which is what is transformed in the form of guidance, and one of the reasons why many of you may feel so tired and lack energy.

When there is soul disconnection, there is also damage in our fascia, for we are not receiving the light transmissions from our main organic source, our soul, monad, and God Self, but from outer ones, and then we too create mitochondria anomalies. 

Ascension is above all working with our bodies, transforming, transmuting, and reprogramming them so we can ascend while we are yet in a physical body. This is achieved through soul reconnection, daily healing, and clearing work, and beyond everything, simply holding a pure intention to serve our God's Self and All creation, fomenting healthy habits, and shifting those who damage our well-being.

Acupuncture when the fascia is damaged, as well as any conductive energy therapy, silica organic drops, which work very well for our bone structure, and physical symptoms, as they help in regenerating our tissue, and collagen supplements, will help us redirect the energy. However, if there is stress, unresolved inner conflicts, or any internal process affecting our emotional and mental bodies, nothing will serve you until you remove pain and solve your inner wounds, for all begins from within.

This year, we are receiving wonderful energies to continue realinging to our soul, and monad, and reclaim our sovereignty as free beings in charge of our bodies and life experience.

The more we focus on ourselves, and personal healing, the more we neutralize outer distractions, as they keep us from moving inward and connecting to our authentic Source.

I wish you a loving and rejuvenating passage, Beloved Ones.

Take care of your precious selves.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba