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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2024

Violet Flame Time-keepers Awakening

Beloved Ones,

This eighth universal year has initiated many of you into higher levels of consciousness. As you realign to your monad, activating your dormant eight DNA strand, the descension of all the soul memories, wisdom, and power begins, assisting you in your process of galactic lineage and soul mission retrieval.

Since March, we have been assisted by infinite Illumined Energies and Beings to retrieve our original template and that of Earth. We have Emerald, Ruby, Gold, and the Sol-AR frequencies that are constantly descending upon our planet. My Guides share that now Violet plasmatic transmission will also join, to assist those who are ready to awaken to their Violet-magenta lineage, as well as all of us in the conscious alchemy of our physical bodies. 

Energies that are helping many to awaken to who they truly are, by removing all non-benevolent implants, old beliefs, and many different patterns impeding them from experiencing their true potential.

At this time my guides shared a message for all the Violet Flame Keepers that was given to me through the exact vision in the image I share, and that I also light encoded, as invited to do. The awakening of those belonging to the violet-pink flame of creation has begun, for this is a year of profound reconnection for all of us.

Violet flame keepers are the ones whose main mission is to transmute, through their unique blueprint, all that is inorganic, and that shall be removed from both earth and ourselves, acting as filters and transmutators of all lower frequencies. 

Often, many of you violet keepers will feel the call in your female left shoulder blade portal, as a waking-up call or when it starts to open. Your seventh-dimensional shoulder portal is where you connect, as a violet flame keeper with the seventh, and the seventh dimensions where you originate from. 

Clearing this portal is essential for all of us, in our ascension journey, even more to those whose mission is related to precisely helping in the restoration of this ray, for they need to act as living seventh-dimensional violet anchors. 

Their mission is to clear and restore the main timeliness of our galaxy system, which as you know goes up to the 15th dimensions - the three flames of creation, where we all descend from in our plane. A universal clearing task that will also involve our three-dimensional plane, the elementals, spaces, and animals, and that starts with DNA retrieval and reconnection. 

A personal role that is one of the most challenging ones for those who need to act as energetic, and cellular purifiers for it involves a complete daily cleansing, protection, and above all discernment, of what is yours to experience and what is for you to filter and release.

As you correct your DNA time codes, 144 in each of your DNA strands, you can act in the many dimensions you are meant to bring alchemy and purity. Part of the main purpose of the violet flame Time-keepers is to help in the restoration of the seventh violet ray on our planet, which has recently been repaired, allowing us to receive the full spectrum of the violet flame, and hence using it to clear the many implants and non-benevolent essences that as humans, we all carry.

As you know, the seventh ray has been deeply manipulated, to impede us restore our seventh-dimensional shoulder portal, and with it, our female essence. This has also occurred in our planetary grids, for our seventh-planetary gate has been occupied for eons, being liberated in recent years.

At this time, violet-pink flame descendants are required to assist the Auroras in the transfiguration process that the elemental are experiencing, for they are too evolving, as we are, and need of your help to achieve ascension.

This is a time of massive planetary reconfiguration, and those with violet lineage will be involved in the retrieval of the divine masculine, as well as the Ruby and Golden ones, and in repairing many of the inorganic earth's portals.

As you retrieve your mission and fulfill your role, you too retrieve the information stored in the earth's grids, descending its light codes for All who are willing and prepared to hold them within their new bodies, for our bodies are shifting into fifth-dimensional light vehicles. 

All of you Violet Flame keepers, act as organic shields, for your essence filters, transmutes, and restores wherever you go, seeding purity and harmony and allowing others to clear themselves, naturally.

Healing reversals and being living purifiers is not easy for those of you with that purpose. This is why it is so important to remain grounded, so you can discern what you are personally experiencing, from what is part of everything you are transmuting.

The stone recommended for the violet-flame keepers is an amethyst together with a clear quartz, to soften the physical body, and help you clear and release as you receive, for it is a very overwhelming planetary mission to achieve, together with your personal evolutionary journey.

Guides recommend having as well tools to help you filter energy at all levels: environmentally, and energetically in your house and outside, using also amplifiers that when programmed appropriately can help you improve your energetic DNA receivers.

All of you, in your unique lineage, essence, and mastery are precious assistants to retrieve earth's purity. All of you are equally important within Creation, assisting simply by your Presence. Your pure intention and conscious decree to continue becoming integrated and being in service of All, egoless, is essential at this time, choosing to love All unconditionally as you too love, and honor yourselves and God within you.

Every choice takes you closer to who you are, to your mission and to be a part of this challenging, but wondrous planetary transfiguration.

Thank you for choosing lovingly, respectfully, and compassionately.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 18 de mayo de 2024

Sagittarius Full Moon, May 23, 2024

Beloved Ones, 

Navigating the current energies can be a challenge for many of us, as we have been for months experiencing the intensity of the many transmissions and activations descended by our Illumined Self. During this time of profound integration, recalibration, and chakra transfiguration, we now welcome on May 20th Gemini's energies, on May 23rd, a Full Moon at 2 degrees Sagittarius. A passage that will help us in our releasing process by seeding more love, joy, and harmony amid this intense energetic wave. 

This is a time of profound inner work, which is why it is so important to retrieve and find time for introspection and soul communion, through joy, to be revealed what we need to heal and clear for us to be more aligned and discern our personal journey.

Both Gemini and Sagittarius complement each other, as Gemini represents the lower mind, while Sagittarius the higher one, both are vital for our well-being and spiritual growth, for this is precisely what we are here to achieve, the equilibrium, and communion between both. Both help us in our inner process of mental clearing, as Gemini rules the human mind, while Sagittarius represents our power center, which is as you know the ego and our mental body. 

Astrologically, we have a sextile between the moon and Pluto, which is what will help us reconnect with the Truth, through soul communion, receiving the revelations that we need for our personal healing journey and mission of assistance. 

Pluto is also of great support in the transformation we are having now, as its essence is also very regenerative, which is essential after all the work we are doing, especially in our bone structure, for as many of you know, ascension is also strongly felt in our bones, for as we release density and transform ourselves, they will be the one noticing more the lighter frequency we are now embodying. 

Our wounded self may emerge at this time, especially with the moon sextile Pluto and harmonization to Neptune. As we continue peeling more old layers of ourselves, more hidden emotions will resurface, However, it is by accepting pain and integrating the lessons it provides us that we can overcome suffering, expand our hearts, and embrace our vulnerability as a gift. 

Furthermore, we have an opposition between the moon, Venus, and Jupiter. This frequency is a blessing to help us realign, expand, and deepen our soul connection, as it is precisely about reconnecting with the love that we are, expanding within it to heal and empower ourselves.

When we are immersed in any upgrades and challenging situations, we may forget our capacity to recharge ourselves naturally through the love that resides within, not in others, as it often happens. It is by reconnecting to our inner endless loving source that we regain purity. A Loving Source that constantly regenerates our bodies and that supports us all, infinitely.  

Gemini energies, strongly felt already at this time, will assist us to continue creating self-synthesis, moving out of fixation, into a more unified and whole state of being. Apart from governing our minds, the energy center in our body associated with Gemini is precisely our third chakra, the ultimate one to heal and clear before we can step into the soul levels, which starts as you know in the 4th heart center or dimension, until the sixth one. 

With Gemini, we continue clearing mind control programs, self-created ones, and above all, the ego, the mental body, of all egoic patterns and judgments. While the geometrical figure associated with Sagittarius is the tetrahedron, as it represents the communion between our human and divine self, the geometry associated with Gemini, which is a completion of the previous one, is an octahedron, two opposite pyramids representing the complete synthesis between both planes of existence.

Visualizing ourselves within both geometries, starting with the tetrahedron and completing it with the octahedron, helps us fortify our hara line and is of great assistance to send the visualization to our mind, body cells, and hence DNA, of soul reconnection, sending the message of our desire to remain in balance and alignment with both our human and divine selves.

Sagittarius is a sign whose fire essence is for us to transmute what does not serve, resurrecting into the illumined beings that we are. This together with the Sol-AR transmissions is a great source for personal transformation, despite the intensity our bodies are coping with, during this time.

Once we decree our purpose, and utilize the element fire to release all debris from our bodies, visualizing the diamond ray invading our sacred field within the octahedron will help us purify ourselves, and unblock our DNA and brain receivers, which as you know are key to decoding the light, information, that we are processing at this time due to the massive descension that we are integrating.

Clearing our mental bodies and being grounded is essential to clear our body channels, allowing the light to flow and restoring all damaged conduits. Our DNA and brain receivers are key for us to sense the energies, for everything has a light signature not just ourselves, and this is precisely what helps us differentiate what is authentic from what is inorganic, in terms of energy.

We have a cosmic gift at this time with Sagittarius energies for us to remove all inorganic essences, false timeliness, and energetic connections from our physical and non-physical bodies, to move into a totally new state of being. Gemini is a great ally to help us erase old mental programs, while Sagittarius offers us the opportunity to rebirth, after all this transformational phase, as the phoenix does, into illumined beings.

Sagittarius' energies are vital as well to help us clear Cathar implants, and Cathar war memories, and for the Gold-Serpahim descendants to clear seraphim false essences, and shoulder porta implants. 

We are being assisted to rebirth from the ashes of the old at this time. The choice is ours to continue doing our inner work in perfect alignment with the energies and communion to our soul, monad, and God's Self. 

Our ascension journey is not always a bed of roses, but it is worth the dedication and effort we put into all we do, for it is what allows us to be reborn into who we truly are, retrieving the Truth, love, and power that liberates us from mental and energetic slavery, for we came here to reclaim our sovereignty and ability to create for ourselves.

There is always a way if there is a Will.

May you have the Will, Love, and Power to become who you are, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba