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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2024

Taurus New Moon, May 7th, 2024 - Female Healing

Beloved Ones,

We are entering a loving and grounding passage with the Taurus's New Moon on May 7th. This is a time for us to ground all the healing transmissions, light activations, and love that we are descending, from the deep soul communion we are achieving, and from the many stellar portals that are assisting us to retrieve our lineage and become who we truly are in essence. A passage for us to ground the wisdom that we too are decoding from our DNA reconnection work, and that will serve us to navigate our new reality.

At a personal level, my Guides shared that the most important healing at this time, with the great influx of love, and therefore healing, received, is to work on our female organs and essence. The current energies support the reconstruction of our second chakras, emotional bodies, and second DNA strand, for all works in unison, as you know. 

The energies from this passage are potent to help us clear female repression, and sexual organ distortions, restoring our sacred rose and divine female pillar. It is also a passage to heal Venusian and Pleiadian traumas, false connections, and everything that involves clearing our female personal and galactic history. 

The Pleiadian awakening that is also taking place is of great importance at this time of Earth's reconfiguration. Pleiadians and Venusians are also helping anchor more love and compassion on planet Earth, and All, and their mission now of grounding this unconditional love is essential. 

Astrologically, we have many planets in Taurus, assisting us in retrieving love, before we can further assist. We have Venus, Jupiter, The Sun, Moon, and Uranus in Taurus, providing us with the energies of change and unconditional love needed for us to adapt to the change we are creating, internally, and that will too flourish into our tangible world, at Divine Timing.

A manifestation portal for all who are aligned to their souls, willing to bring the creations that will serve for the highest good of All, for this lunation is going to help us reap what we have sown. However, to reach this step, first, we need to be in alignment with our female essence, the one who gives birth from within, which needs to be healed and whole before we can manifest from within, our soul's visions. 

Manifestation is also achieved when we reconnect to what brings us joy, pleasure, and alignment, for it is through joy that we too regain Divine communion and start shifting from suffering to a more illumined state of being, giving birth to our illumined creations. Taurus reminds us of the importance of our earth plane, and our original essence, which is always one of joy, for amid the many challenges that we experience in our path, we too need to see the many blessings that our chosen mission holds for us. 

This passage will be also a profound one for our relationships, as during this time we have a triple conjunction between the moon, Venus, and Jupiter. An alignment that helps us to dive deep into our feelings, and embrace and accept honesty, so we can continue healing our relationships, creating balanced relationships based on equality, respect, and harmonic exchanges, for we now co-create as equals, unlike it used to be the old.

A moon that will align with Uranus and harmonize with Saturn, which offers us more opportunity for change, determination, commitment, and innovation, for it is indeed a month, and year, for us to choose who, where, and how we wish to serve and commit to our choice. 

Many changes are occurring at a planetary level. Many may be chaotic to our human eye, but if we see behind the manipulation, the physical scenes, what is truly taking place, we will see the seed of human liberation, for all starts by recognizing and fighting, from an empowered space, what limits our minds and human sovereignty. 

As ascending souls our main task is to remain in our Higher Hearts, embracing change as a constant, in ourselves, and planet, as part of the natural evolution that as species we are undergoing. Taurus, a fixed sign, is precisely about flowing, and being less rigid, so we can be open to change, embracing the transformation that is taking place, as a result of our conscious choice of ascending.

The geometry associated with Taurus is the hexahedron. A tool that is precisely about grounding ourselves, our soul's creations, and the change that we are creating, for all change emanates from our desire to evolve.

It is the geometry that serves us to reconnect to the earth's elements, and that also assists us, together with the emerald ray, in the healing of Mother Earth's roots, trees, and everything that needs stabilization and a new order, for many are working on the restoration of false earth's energetic currents.

It restores and ensures foundations, and it stabilizes timeliness. Many geometries, as precisely the cube, or hexahedron, have been reversed and used against the natural flow of nature. When we consciously use them in the right order and position, and with the proper intention, we can help rehabilitate many structures.

This is a wonderful time for healing, renewal, and grounding, for this time prepares our bodies for the next integration wave, as our journey is a constant between embracing and letting go.

Our mission is to be open to change, adapting to it with our hearts wide open, knowing and trusting in the Source that always orchestrates everything in a perfect way for All.

I wish you a loving and healing passage, Beloved Ones.

May you recognize and embrace the healer within.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 28 de abril de 2024

The Energies of May 2024 ~ Emerald Rebirth

Beloved Ones,

As we continue navigating the energies from the eclipses, and many other stellar portals that have helped us to achieve soul reconnection and light-body recalibration, we move now into a new energetic month, one in which we are going to continue embodying the many changes that we are triggering from within and that are yet to come. May is a month in which everything blossoms within our earthly plane, and so do we, manifesting, expanding, and focusing on our soul creations.

At a deeper level, May is also a month for us to focus on our earth plane to continue assisting the many planetary changes that we all are witnessing. A month that invites us to ground ourselves, so we can anchor all the healing, light transmissions, and activations received in the previous months, as well as our manifestations, and beyond everything, the support that as ascending souls we are here to provide to our earth plane and the elementals, whose transfiguration process continues.

We are invited now to anchor ourselves to our earth realm, by activating with the assistance of the current energies our Star Earth chakra - 12 inches below our feet - as we do so too with our Soul Star chakra - 12 inches above our head - for as it is Above so it is Below. 

As ascending souls our main task is to remain aligned to both our Divine Self and our earthly one, as only by being anchored to our earth plane is that we can descend all the healing, love, wisdom, and power required for our personal journey, and that of All.

Recently many of you have felt the profound Soul Star activation taking place within yourselves due to the eight-dimensional energies we are receiving. My Guides shared the importance also of continue activating our Star Earth charka, so we live in a constant flow of descension and ascension.

Our Earth plane is equally important to what we call Divine planes, as in truth everything is Divine in Essence. Our mission is with the earth and its living beings, and it is during May that we will have the opportunity to work with the Ruby and Emerald Rays to bring the grounding, healing, and expansion required to assist our earth plane.

Prepare yourself with the proper protection and clearing before grounding yourselves. Use the amethyst ray to clear yourself and your bodies before grounding yourselves to the earth, and then shield yourself in the 12th dimensions where you exist. Then, feel how the earth pulls you towards its core, 12 inches below your feet, and visualize your earth star chakra, of a white-platinum color shining bright as your consciousness focuses upon it. 

Feel the embrace of Mother Earth, its love and its warmth, and decree to be one with its loving wisdom, utilizing this knowledge to be of assistance to the earth and All its beings residing in it.

As you retrieve your connection to the earth you will too receive valuable information about the earth's core, the grids, previous earth incarnations, ancestral guidance you need to know for your personal healing and that of your entire lineage, and how you can be of assistance to the earth.

Guidance comes from many different sources. As we are open to receiving guidance from our God Self, we also need to think of the Earth plane as a living organism with infinite wisdom that can help us put together the puzzle of our existence on this Earth, retrieving memories that can benefit our personal growth.

May will provide us with the opportunity to ground ourselves, and our soul's visions, expanding and manifesting all we descend from Above. This will be a month to focus on grounding our essence, securing our foundations, as its universal number 4 reminds us, and opening ourselves to its healing transmissions, assisting as well the earth to continue purifying itself from human damage.

Planetary Emerald Rebirth

May is another important transformational month. This a shift that will continue to be very present in both ourselves and our earth plane as its universal number 13 - 4 reduced - and the 5/5 portal too indicates. Number 4, on the opposite, represents grounding, anchoring, and the stabilization of change and its foundations after integrating the change that we need to create for our new lives.

Number 13 shows the earth shift that is currently occurring and that many of you are aware of, because of your universal mission or personal guidance. 13 is the number of transformations, which simply means to move from one state of being to another, a more peaceful one represented by its reduced number 4. What determines our new state of being is our conscious choice to move from separation to unity, for all is a matter of choice after all.

The 5/5 passage is also one of change, and this year represents the emerald awakening that is taking place on the planet, and that I previously shared for all who are experiencing this awakening, one that will continue as more souls awaken to their main role within Creation. 

The Emerald awakening that has been occurring for a while on our planet, will support the masculine healing taking at this time, as well as the elemental transfiguration process that is too happening. 

For those of you who are more advanced in your emerald mission, you may find yourself clearing inorganic timeliness, as May will be a month for planetary retribution of the organic new earth timeliness. This involves solitude, deep communion with your soul, mind, and God Self, to be able to receive the coordinates’ locations, and many other directions to assist in this challenging mission.

We all can align with the loving and healing power of the emerald ray, for it is also a wonderful tool to help us in our mission of planetary healing, especially to help heal the earth's roots chakra, the elementals, and all earth beings. 

My Guides invite all who are guided to contribute to the current planetary healing that is taking place, at this time and to the emerald masculine awakening, by focusing on Jerusalem, the sacred Old City, the Holy Sepulchre, to support the Emerald anchoring taking place there at this time.

Please remember no place is more blessed than any other on our earth plane, for all is equal within Creation. Do not fall in judgment or distractions, we go to where required and needed, independently of the delusions and other manipulations and 3D tactics created there.

The essence of number 4 during May will bring the balance, and stabilization that comes when we have synthesized what was previously separated, and therefore in pain, moving into a more peaceful state of being, something that always comes after the proper inner shift required. We pass now to anchor these inner changes into the physical, which is also the same message that number 4 gives us at this time, a message to anchor the wisdom and clarity that descends to us into our human self.

Fourth is strength, wisdom applied to our tangible world, and the commitment and determination to achieve this stabilization where required. 

The essences of numbers 13, 5, and 4 complement each other. Essences that represent the energies that are also helping us planetarily speaking, and that will too join the galactic ones that are coming to support our evolutionary journey. 

Ours is the power to choose where to put our focus, intention, and consciousness, for this is a key month to discern, and commune with our soul to receive only that which resonates with us and our unique mission.

Distractions have no power unless our consciousness focuses on them.

Keep remaining in the Illumined Presence of your God Sovereign Self, beloved Ones. 

Thank you for your love and assistance to All Creation. 

Astrological Events 

From an astrological perspective, may also reflect the planetary shift that has become a constant since March. We start the month with Pluto retrograde on the 2nd of May in Aquarius. An important essence, whether retrograde or not, for what we are experiencing at this time, is rebirth, renewal, grounding, and regeneration, at all levels of our being and planet. 

For both of you who resonate with retrograde, I invite you to do your research and you will be guided to the information that will assist you in your path, for as you know I align to the essences of the planets, not to the human interpretation and illusion we have created of them. However, all is valuable for our path and serves our growth.

Pluto will be an important part, as it is all this year already in the planetary liberation and rebirth, as species, that we are experiencing. This a transformational phase that will continue for the following years and many planets support, as it is Saturn and Jupiter, especially during this month which will continue to be very active. 

A few days later, on May 6, we precisely have Saturn semi-square Pluto. This is a very powerful planetary encounter for us to work on personal achievements, grounding the healing we are working with at this time and everything that involves promoting our well-being and life experience. 

Pluto helps us transform and renew ourselves and what we wish in our lives, while Saturn gives us the determination, devotion, and push required to focus on what we are building or bringing into a new and more illumined state of being. 

The next day, on May 7th, the peak of the grounding energies received since the end of April will reach its culmen with a New Moon at 18 degrees Taurus. A moon that invites us to be committed to everything we initiated this year and that continues, for as ascending souls our inner work of personal evolution and mission of planetary assistance is a long-term one.

It is also a moon to reconnect to what brings us joy, pleasure, and alignment, for it is through joy that we too regain Divine communion and start shifting from suffering to a more illumined state of being. Taurus reminds us of the importance of our earth plane, and our original essence, which is always one of joy, for amid the many challenges that we experience in our path, we too need to see the many blessings that our chosen mission holds for us. 

This passage will be also a profound one for our relationships, for it is another important thing to master as ascending souls since we came here to heal old beliefs and relationship patterns, creating balanced relationships based on equality, respect, and harmonic exchanges, for we now co-create as equals, unlike it used to be in the old.

Beyond our planetary confines, the energies surrounding this Taurean moon will be key too for those of Pleiadian lineage. During this month, as I previously shared, the Pleiadian gateway occurring will be key to awakening the many souls who are required now to step into their mission of female reconstruction, planetary stabilization, and many other roles to assist the earth plane and the balance between the female and masculine essences. 

A moon that will align with Uranus and harmonize with Saturn, which offers us more opportunity for change, determination, commitment, and innovation, for it is indeed a month, and year, for us to choose who, where, and how we wish to serve and commit to our choice. 

On May 15 we have Ceres Retrograde in Capricorn. This is also very important, as Ceres is precisely the one who helps balance our earth plane. Ceres symbolizes fertility, nurturance, and female energy. It used to be in Roman mythology the Goddess of agriculture. We are invited to scan our bodies, to feel what they are whispering to us, as with every feeling, symptom, or in many other ways they are constantly talking to us.

Ceres asks us to take care of our physical bodies, being disciplined and doing what feels good to our bodies not just to our ego self, for our bodies allow us to experience this physical realm. It is a time to detoxify the body, if this is what you are guided, or care about it in the ways you are invited to, as the most important inner task to achieve, for our bodies are massively transforming themselves and when we ignore their call, we may fall into important imbalances that can be avoided if we regularly scan our bodies. 

On this same day, we also have Mercury entering Taurus. We are going to be challenged to be flexible, in our minds, for Taurus can be rigid, linear, and stubborn, and it is our responsibility to create more flow, balance, and surrendering where required. It is a time to realize where we are still fomenting old ways of thinking, being, and living, and start opening our minds to new ways of being and doing things, for all starts by shifting our minds. 

Once we clear our minds, we need to ground our thoughts, understanding that clearing delusions and grounding our minds is essential as well for the well-functioning of our being, as often if we tend to dwell in the ethereal, we may lose contact with the earth, impeding the proper balance for us to be aligned and steady. 

On May 20 we shift from Taurus to Gemini, as the Sun enters this Air sign, moving now into our element Air. It is now time to focus our attention on our mental Plane, cultivating it as we too cultivate the ethereal aspect of us and the physical. We are invited to reach the perfect balance and wisdom that we need in all planes. 

If we learned how to manifest in our earthly plane with Taurus, enjoying the simple pleasures of our lives, our mere existence, and the joy of being here at this unique time - experiencing a human realm, creating infinite abundance - now, the Twins will make us cultivate reason and everything related with our intellectual side.

It is a good time to study and expand our knowledge in new directions that could benefit our inner growth and give us new ideas for the next steps of our journey. Gemini will also assist us to express our hearts and feelings, by communicating with freedom, and discernment. It will help us to realize if we tend to focus more on one polarity or the other, so we can find a union between different poles. 

A perfect time as well to dissolve from our mental body negative thoughts, conflicts, confusion, and everything that is there causing us imbalances that later will be manifested into physical pain, in our bodies. 

May is also a very important month for us to work on self-love, worth, and determination to achieve what makes us whole. It is not until we recognize ourselves as Divine beings that we can regain the faith and hope required to pursue our goals. 

It is not until we remember that a part of God's Source is manifested through us, and desires to expand throughout our individualized self, that we begin to unify and follow our Highest Will, for we know that we not only are here to experience a human plane, but to enrich it with our Presence, gifts and above all, intention to love All unconditionally.

Three days later on May 23, we welcome a Full Moon at 2 degrees Sagittarius. On this same day, we have three important planetary events, being this moon the first one of them. This will be a time to fertilize our goals and relationships, for there is a time for everything within Creation, and the time for us to focus on love, and romance has also come with this Sagittarian moon. 

At another level, this moon helps us balance our lower or human mind with our Higher One, represented by Sagittarius. While Gemini asks us to be balanced and logical, Sagittarius invites us to move into new horizons and open our minds to all possibilities, for this is how we can expand and create the life experience that we desire, by expanding our view on ourselves and reality, leaving aside old beliefs that keep us stagnant. 

A passage to embrace faith, as there are many things we cannot see or feel as humans that are equally real. Faith is believing in what is also real, but we, as humans cannot see yet, for being on the path that we are on involves the total conviction of what we feel, and even if we cannot see or touch, we know is authentic. 

On this same day, we also have Venus entering Gemini. This encounter is of great assistance to enhance our communications, relationships, and anything that involves socializing, allowing the aspect of us that dwells in joy, enthusiasm, and fun to come to the surface, for we are loving and joyful beings in essence, and embracing this part of us helps in retrieving a higher connection to the divine.

Our ascension journey is often challenging, but we need to remember to integrate the other aspect of us who is spontaneous and likes to expand in new horizons, relationships, studies, and anything that enriches our mind, and hence soul, and that is fresh, and light, as we often tend to be very serious and as divine beings, we too have a playful side that needs to be fomented. 

This is also a good time for those who are writing a book or anything that involves sharing their knowledge with others that may need more love, and wisdom in their lives. All we descend from our soul into our minds, if shared with love helps others in their path, and we shall always share what we receive from Above, for it is God wanting to express Himself/Herself through us. 

Lastly, on May 23 too we have Jupiter sextile Neptune. Jupiter will be very active as well during this month, being one of the key planets, as it expands energies and helps us trigger the necessary healing that we need in our path. It is a very useful force to align with if we aim for amplification, healing, expansion, and abundance. 

Jupiter sextile Neptune will also help us clear delusions, all human programs that still govern our mental body, as well as expand in healing, spirituality, and our soul mission, for those who are already working in the previous. This can be a very confusing energy for many who are experiencing a profound inner shift, although it also holds the opportunity to see the illusions that often confuse us and impede us to see with clarity where we are, and what we need to move forward. 

When we follow our soul compass, as the only authentic guidance, we will learn how to recognize the shadows, illusions, and false programs, for our feelings never lie when we clear our minds of debris confusion, and other non-benevolent influences, allowing us to see where we are, and where we need to shift trajectory. 

On May 24 we have Jupiter's semi-square True Node. This is another expansive planetary event that invites us to focus on growth, manifestation, and above all, in our future, on what we are creating, not on what we left behind, for when we move our consciousness to the past, we recreate old outcomes and encounters we no longer are meant to fulfill or relive, falling into a void in between past-future timelines hard to exit. 

The next day on May 25 Jupiter enters Gemini. It is going to be a time for us to focus on our mental body. Our mental body is essential for ascension, for it is the one holding all the programs, thoughts, and beliefs that create the rest of our human experience.

Jupiter expands Gemini’s essence, which is about synthesizing polarities, becoming more flexible, and adapting to change, as its mutable frequency also reminds us.

As it is ruled by Mercury, Gemini is all about expanding in communication, creating a healthy connection to ourselves, and with All within Creation. To do so, first, we need to clear our mental bodies or minds from all that impedes the free flow of this communication.

Gemini’s essence is also one of joy, being more sociable and multi-faceted, for retrieval of joy is vital to be aligned with who we truly are, in nature.

We are invited to use communication wisely, to prosper, and to create more abundance, love, and loving communication between all our conscious exchanges. This is why it is so important to work with our minds at this time.

With Jupiter in Gemini when we begin clearing our mind from self-negative thoughts, old beliefs, implants, imprints, fixity, once we become open-minded is that we can integrate new ideas and visions, and habits, moving into a new space by being renewed and cleared of old baggage.

A time for us to expand by embodying new ideas, and inspirations that serve not just the self, but our community, for it is a time in which everything reminds us, as Pluto in Aquarius too, that we are moving from the self to All, and everything we think, create or expand needs to occur from an inner space of harmony and love, so it can serves the whole.

Jupiter in Gemini will be an asset to those who are willing to share their innovative ideas to help the planet grow. This is a very positive transit on both a personal and global level, if we are grounded to allow our soul’s visions into our mental body, and have cleared the ego self, for all we give birth to, must be shared equally for the greatest good of All.

From a galactic vantage point, this is too a wonderful ally for those who are channelers of the divine, for this will facilitate the exchange, or communication between many dimensions, that are being restored at this time on our planet, so that we can finally recover our lost connection with them, and with the many beings that are willing to assist us, in our path of service and personal evolution. 

At the end of March, on May 28th, we too have another important event involving Jupiter, as it quintile Saturn. We end May with this courageous encounter in our Heavens, for it is an essence of determination, faith, balance, and commitment, as success whether in our personal healing journey or life is about will, for as it is said when there is a way, there is always a way.

May this year bring the opportunity for great transformation. However, it also offers us infinite expansion, and growth, if we are willing to take the risk to move from the familiar. A season to thrive, embrace, and release, for we are heading into the part of the year where we finally reap all we have previously seeded.

Ours is the choice, in the end, to make of this month what we need for our journey, for as creators, we are the ones determining the course of our personal lives, and no one or nothing else.

May you embrace the sovereign creator within, becoming the only authority of your life experience, Beloved Ones.

Have a loving May!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba