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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

martes, 16 de abril de 2024

Cellular Memories Retrieval

Beloved Ones,

During this eighth universal year, the year of soul and monadic reconnection, many of you are consciously building the cord to your Divine Selves. At this time there is a major opening for all of you who are working on building this monadic connection to your eight-dimensional chakras and eight DNA strands. As you continue merging your human self with your soul and monad, access to your cellular memories occurs, allowing you to receive more information about who you are, who you have been, and who you are becoming, as well as the unique mission you brought to this earth.

The opening of the so-called Akashic records is happening for many of you, being able now to fully access your memories, triggering the galactic healing that needs to take place before you continue becoming more whole and united to your soul, acting as trinity on your earth plane.

The Akashic records hold all the benevolent and non-benevolent essences and lessons we should learn or cancel if they have been already fulfilled. This is a time for neutralizing karmic patterns, and clearing records, and trauma, at all levels, as Guides shared this morning for all who are willing to step into this inner work. As we continue unifying our female and masculine polarities, we will find many imbalances to clear in our power centers and both polarities. An inner work that is essential to continue our process of conscious reconnection.

There are many traumas and wounds in our mental, emotional, and physical bodies, related to our feminine and masculine energies, and during this time many of you may feel how old memories and wounds resurface. This is an opportunity to learn more about your galactic lineage, clearing all that is not you, so you can move forward with your unique soul path. 

When we open ourselves to the eight dimensions, cancel karmic records, clear our cellular memories, cut the connection to the astral plane, and clear ourselves consciously, we allow all the information that we may need for our journey at this time, for no blockages are impeding the flow of this information to us any longer.

Calling upon your personal incarnation Council is essential as well to show you where you are, what you still need to accomplish, and what has been canceled, through conscious actions, for as ascending souls many of you do not hold karma, as in the 3D sense anymore, and all you experience are part of your galactic manipulation, inherited and epigenetic patterns, or self-created ones. You no longer need to revive what your ancestors experienced, for you are a totally different person with a different level of consciousness and mission.

Once you have asked for your personal karmic records clearing and memories retrieval, light transmission will be sent to you if your body channels are opened to receive. A light infusion that helps you release past stories, and memories that are embedded within your emotional body and that keep playing the guilt program, making you feel unworthy of the Power you hold within.

A Light that burns all that is not you, all the stories you have been told about who you are, that are false, just to keep you disempowered. A Light that only goes where allowed and that will help you regain your soul and galactic freedom, for once you clear all the impostor's essences that have been trying to manipulate your precious self and know yourself, all will vanish, helping you to retrieve your authentic memories and original template. 

It is time for you to appreciate your beauty and embrace your power. It is time for you to allow your inner Power to transform years of suffering and disconnection. You just have to decree your conscious choice, and embrace the Love, for everything within Creation is waiting for you to give the command, to help you in your transformational journey to be who you truly are - a free sovereign highly evolved being in full charge of your life experience, in service to All.

Remember that every one of you is unique and precious, and not everyone is meant to receive these light transmissions in the same way. Many of you communicate to your God Self and Guides through inner knowing, others can hear or see, or many other different ways to receive guidance. Do not compare yourself with anyone else, for you will be impeding the communication by forcing you to be someone else.

You are an unrepeatable Creation of God, and as such so it is your ways of communing with your personal God's Source. The more you love and respect yourself, the unique God Spark within yourself, the more your communication will flow, for you are now seeing your beauty and power, allowing this Infinite Source of Love to descend through you.

The only impediment for us to communicate to our God Self is always the many blockages that obstruct the many messages we are constantly receiving, for as a part of God, we are never separating from this Infinite Loving Source.

May you feel worthy of your beauty, wisdom, and power, Beloved Ones. 

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

Ascension Update - Etheric Surgeons

Beloved Ones,

As ascending souls our template is uniquely designed to assist planet Earth, in the way we chose and are divinely guided. As starseeded souls the majority of you came with an already activated sixth or seventh-dimensional template, to be able to fulfill your purpose on earth. Depending on your lineage you have certain DNA strands already activated, to assist the earth raise its frequency, help the earth's grids restoration project, and many other different roles that require your connection to other dimensions, through your DNA strands, as everything is connected as multidimensional beings.

At this time many of you are being assisted by etheric surgeons in the process of light body recalibration that is taking place in many of you.  The template of a starseeded one is commonly activated between the fifth and seventh-dimensional strands. However, once we incarnate into a human body many are targeted and disconnected from the many dimensions they originated from. Our mission is to activate and reestablish these connections to descend the healing codes and assistance required to serve our earth plane. 

At this time of accelerated evolution, when many are awakening to who they are and embodying their mission, they are requiring etheric surgery in their unique templates, for we, from our human perspective cannot work at that highly evolved level.

My Guides share today the importance of asking for etheric surgery to your benevolent guides, for we need it in specific ascension stages, to remove implants, imprints, and solar plexus programs related to our masculine essence, especially at this time of divine masculine retrieval and healing, and any other non-benevolent essences from our light bodies, to continue upgrading our template.

The Arcturians and evolved Orion beings are wonderful etheric surgeons who are helping many to remove the many distortions in their template, which together with our inner work, result in the total reconfiguration of our original template.

The Arcturians are usually helping those to recalibrate their seventh-dimensional body channels, as they dwell in this same dimension, and their light technology is incredibly evolved. Orion, are helping many to work with their masculine energies, solar plexus, and sixth-dimensional channels, helping them restore them to embody more plasma and heal the distorted masculine. 

There are many other benevolent beings with whom you may have soul agreements, assisting you in your unique template and personal healing mission, for we all have a unique blueprint and way to assist our guides now, as many of them helped us in planning our current incarnation. 

As you know, our nervous system is pivotal in terms of direct communication to our origin dimensions, Guides, and God Self. Starseed souls as well as many earthseeds fulfilling an equal mission to assist the earth, have been influenced by the many environmental, non-benevolent light technologies and many other manipulations that are meant to disturb and disconnect our nervous system, generating soul disconnection and blockages between or nerve system, brain and glands.

This results in what many feel as being uncommunicated from Home and their Guides, which is why it is so important to scan our bodies and find what is required to be treated, especially every time we detect some lower influence or simply ascend into a new stage of our evolutionary path.

If we are not yet able to achieve this stage, asking our Unified Self and etheric guides to remove what we are not yet able to see or do for ourselves, will lead to an immediate response, that can come while we are resting our bodies at night, especially because it is easier to work with our etheric bodies, auric field or where the wound, implant, or blockage is located. 

Many ascending souls have implants in their sixth and seventh-dimensional channels, and shoulder portal blades, as a result of the non-benevolent influence exerted for eons upon them, and other programs destined to cut communication between our body channels, and original dimensions, as many indigos whose main plane is lined to the sixth-dimensions may feel.

However, not everything is an outer influence, and we too need to check for self-created programs, inherited ones, or epigenetic patterns, to help us see what we need to work with and find the right tool to address our specific issue. 

As you heal and recalibrate your bodies, realigning with the dimensions of your origin and mission, you start witnessing the opening of your light body, opening your blades portal, and with them your sixth and seventh dimensional DNA strands, and with it the descension of the many light codes destined to be anchored on the earth plane, where we serve as divine messenger and emissaries.

You, now more than ever, are ready to confront your lineage, emerging from the shadows and becoming the lovelight being that you are. There is no challenge, no wound or program that you cannot heal, for there is no greater power than awakening to the truth of who you are, and when this occurs, healing is triggered, and you start freeing yourself from all the unlove, and disempowerment experienced, resurrecting into the divine sovereign being that you are, and always were.

May you see your beauty, wisdom, and power, Beloved Ones. 

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba