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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

jueves, 4 de abril de 2024

The 4/4 Portal, April 4th, 2024, Part III - Planetary Gridwork Update

Beloved Ones,

At a planetary level, the harmonic energies from this 4/4 passage, are key to planetary stabilization and Earth's fabrics reconstruction. The energies from the Libra eclipse and this 4/4 passage, are a source of great balance for those who are working on the restoration of the Divine Masculine pillar, on the Iraq/Iran gate area, as its reconstruction still continues, under the assistance of the Gold Ones, or Seraphim descendants, and Ruby lineages. It is also an important phase for the advancements made since 2022, in the fabrics of time and space, which are four as well, and in the removal of false timeliness. 

Four is a stabilizer number, bringing us the message to harmonize ourselves, realigning with our God Self, through the restoration of our hara and heart complex, so we can take the next step as planetary workers, which is to assist in the planetary reconstruction that is taking place, in our unique way.

As planetary workers know,  four are also the main planetary grids that connect with the Four Royal Stars - Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut - where the original Earth's connections continue being restored. This is a planetary reconnective task that during May, with Taurus, many will be working with. 

April is a month in which as I previously shared many of you will be sensing the acceleration of time, as we continue stepping into a more harmonic timeline, where we experience time as simultaneous. The progress made in that area since last year has been outstanding, as many of you who work with the fabrics know. 

Stabilizers, New Earth's Anchors, and many others doing a magnificent task on our planet are now retrieving to their inner spaces, where they can remotely work with the fabrics and grids and start positioning in their assigned locations for the eclipse, to help change, transmute or heal the structures that are part of their mission to assist with.

There is an important advancement as well in the 7D grids. Many of you are still involved in clearing the reversals and false structures that impeded us from fully embodying the seventh-dimensional ray spectrum or violet flame, in our bodies, which is how we reconstruct our seventh-dimensional shoulder portal. This is now being restored and we are finally able to fully embody the seventh-ray. 

These structures were also part of the deep manipulation in the back of our heart complex, in the middle of our spine, where it also interferes with our neurological system, and hence brain complex, impeding the light, activations, wisdom, and guidance to freely flow through us. Taking responsibility and doing our inner work to heal and clear ourselves is key, as we do have the power to shift our present state of being and any other condition we may have inherited or implanted. 

Guides invite us to work together, today and always, for the betterment of the planet, in the unique way you work with it. Guides offer us an infinity symbol, of a silver-platinum color to start stabilizing and reconnecting spaces, locations, or fabrics, depending on your personal/planetary mission, with the current planetary energies that we are now aligning with. 

As many of you know, the infinity symbol also helps in the correction of the reversal of energetic currents, retrieving the original movement, flow, and direction of the energetic portals, by shifting their distorted geometrical structures. 

The 4/4 portal is a continuation of the conscious planetary work that we have been achieving for many years, especially since 2022, when the fabrics started to shift. It is a reminder of the love that we are and we are here to seed for All, not just for a few, for Love is like the sun that shines for All, equally.

A passage for us to be united, within Divine Love, compassion, and harmony for our planet, and for all living forms, as Guides emphasize, that need our assistance, for we not only are here to serve our planet and others but all living forms who have been damaged by our passage on this earth.

Thank you for all that you for for All, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

4/4 Portal Update II, April 4th, 2024 - Heart Complex Stabilization

Beloved Ones,

Today with the 4/4 portal, we reach the peak of the stabilizing energies that began with the Libra eclipse. We are immersed in a passage of personal balance and recalibration, especially as Gudies shared, of our Hara line, Dan Tien, as I previously shared in another post, and now we move into our Higher Heart and astral body, cutting all astral miasmatic cords, and any other implants that are draining our life force, and implanting false guidance and memories in our minds, for this is a trap that makes us confuse Divine Guidance with the astral one. 

As we continue with the conscious reconstruction of our Divine Original 12th Dimensional Template, especially for the ones holding reversals, we focus on our Heart complex, the thymus, heart, and astral body. Clearing, disconnecting our astral body, and sealing it from all the astral implanted ideas, false programs, and any cords that we have attached to our astral body, for liberation and sovereignty starts when we disengage from the astral plane, as it is when we finally link our human selves to our fifth-dimensional ones, initiating the path of ascension and conscious creation. 

To achieve this inner work, we need to work as well with our fourth DNA strand, the one linked to our fourth chakra and heart complex, as when we do not shift the false programs, and instructions within our DNA, we will continue repeating and experiencing the same old outcomes and state of being, as we have not yet healed and reprogram the cause of where all these programs come from. 

Call upon the Emerald Ray to heal, clear, and fortify your heart and your astral body, although this is just a stabilization tool, after having first cut cords with the astral plane. Embody the emerald plasmatic liquid orb within your heart center and decree to heal, stabilize, and reconstruct your heart complex. Visualize how the emerald orb expands until you are fully covered by it, and seal your heart complex.

After healing our heart complex and disengaging from any form of control or manipulation, Guides invite us to work with an Azurite crystal to promote the connection between our human self and our soul, healing our thymus, and moving into our throat area, starting to embody our fight dimensional self through the Blue Orb, descending from the Blue Flame, fortifying our hara cord and anchoring the fifth-dimensional frequency in our present self and reality. 

Today Guides invite us to embody the current harmonic energies represented in our plane by the number four, to hold more love and compassion in our hearts, as four is the number of love. The foundation of the divine architecture of all creation, for it is what holds all together, from the macro to the micro. 

Four is stability and the strong pillars required so anything can grow and expand. By holding this frequency, we work from a heart space, being in a constant flow of giving and receiving, of embracing and letting all go. Four is who we are becoming, for it represents our strength, courage, balance, and devotion to serving All Creation.

Today, we honor once more the power, the love, and the resilience that lies in our hearts, sending love to all who are ready to receive it, helping to restore earth in our unique way, and above all, standing firm, as the lovelight pillars that we are, into the creation of a more harmonic earth, for this is why we all, as a soul group consciousness, came together at this time, to be and seed only love. 

Have a harmonic 4/4, Beloved Ones!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba