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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

lunes, 1 de abril de 2024

Ascension Update for the 4/4 Portal, April 1st, 2024

Beloved Ones,

During April we are going to continue having important stabilizing energies to help us in our journey of constant integration, recalibration, and purification. We are already immersed in the energies of the 4/4 portal, which this year comes with important frequencies to help us stabilize our Hara-Silver cord complex, which as you know is the vertical cord in our energetic body that is born out of our navel and that connects us to our soul and monad.

There are important advancements achieved as well in the planetary fabrics of time and space, as it is time now to continue working on their restoration. However, I will focus now only on the stabilization of our body as the Guides invited me to do, for all who are now working with their vertical channel activation and stabilization. 

Clearing, protecting, and building the connection to our Soul is vital to be able to be balanced and above all, in communion with our God Self, allowing the Divine Energy to come through and receiving authentic guidance, from our God Source and Guides, rather than from the astral, and the many traps we find there, for we all are meant to be connected to God Source as a part of us too, without intermediaries, we just need to be willing to do the inner work it takes to realign and activate our body main channels.

Clearing blockages in this area, often caused by self-created beliefs, trauma, soul disconnection, or manipulation, is one of the most important issues to address when we are on this conscious journey, otherwise, we will not be able to align with our soul and mission, feeling disconnected and confused about our personal journey. 

My Guides invite us to work with the fortification and stabilization of the main four tan tien (Dantien) energy centers in our body, with a special focus on our Heart and the clearing of our astral body, at this time. The Dan Tien as you know is located in four main energetic parts of our body, although many only name three of them. 

The first one is the navel, when the Hara line is situated three fingers below, in the internal third energetic layer of our navel that is born in two directions, anchoring us in the earth and in the Heavens, when we are ready to build the connection. This is where our life force is processed and transformed into energy, allowing us to do our daily activities.

The second dan tien energetic center is located in the base of our heart chakra, which also comprehends the solar plexus area, as both are pivotal energetic centers in our bodies. This also includes the thymus, as a part of our heart chakra complex, or our soul portal, as I call our fifth dimensional center, where we start building our connection to our soul, and monad, moving into further stages when this first stage is achieved, and linking our human self too with the Three-fold Flame.

Thirdly, the upper dan tien, situated on our sixth-dimensional channel or third eye, and hence the pineal gland, where our vision is extended to the non-physical planes, and where we start descending spiritual energy into our physical body.

The last and fourth energetic center is located 4 feet above the head, and it is the one connecting us with the Cosmic Monad, and thus, the Three-fold Flame of Creation. This is where we heal, embody the silver orb, and align our hara cord to be able to be fully connected to our soul, monad, and the three-fold flame that gave birth to All, realigning with our Mother-Father-masculine-feminine principles to become whole, and unified. 

This alignment is vital and one of the basic or initial steps towards personal healing, and stabilization, for us to embody our mission of planetary assistance, which together with coherence are the most important tasks for us to work with, at this time.

Coherence is essential to be in communion with our soul's Will and mission, as practicing all these exercises without the proper integrity will reinforce misalignments.

When we act in unison with our authentic sovereign Self, thoughts, and feelings, we start to be energetically supported, receiving assistance, guidance, clarity, and all the resources we need for our journey, for we are now choosing to align to the Divine Forces of Creation, rather than diversifying our energy, being connected to a Higher Intelligence that acts through us in creating a human path filled with love, joy and abundant blessings.

Every thought, feeling, and act determines your alignment with benevolent or non-benevolent forces, for all is a choice and your connections and manifestations will depend on that choice.

May your choices be aligned with your Highest God's Will, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 30 de marzo de 2024

Ascension Update, March 30, 2024 ~ Brain Complex Healing

Beloved Ones,

We have moved from Piscean Waters to Fiery Aries, working now on our first chakra, and our brain complex, as Aries invites us to work with, this new season. There are important glands we need to continue reconnecting, if we are willing to open ourselves to divine communication. 

My Guides invite us to focus this month on the continuation of what we previously started in March, the conscious reconnection of our brain glands, moving from the thymus to the thalamus and hypothalamus, both ruled too by Aries.

Our brain as you know is a cosmic door to receive divine intelligence, for many are the bones, glands, and parts of our brain that help us decode what we integrate from the God Worlds. However, first, we need to be grounded, so the life force can too enter from our first channel and be directed to the rest of our body. 

Aries provides us with the opportunity to empower and free ourselves from the many physical and mental cages that have enslaved us for many years. This is a season for us to work with transmutation and purification, removing what no longer serves to regain the purity of our unique divine heritage and personal mission.

Our first chakra needs to be healed and grounded if we are willing to start realigning with our divine selves. Otherwise, this inner reconnection task will not be possible. As you know, the first chakra is related to family, inherited karmic patterns, also related to family, relationships, survival fears, and it is also related to blood, epigenetics, and in women the coccyx and our birth canal - the conduit that goes from the uterus to the outside of the body. This is the most essential aspect to start working with, to move forward, as first, we need to establish strong foundations. 

Aries also rules our brain complex (eyes, thalamus, etc.), which as you know is one of the most important organs in our body as it rules the glands that produce hormones, as well as many other important body functions. When our brain is not balanced, our left and right body sides and energies are not balanced either, causing misalignments in our body functions and hence soul disconnection.

Guides invite us this month to focus on the healing and reconnection of a very important part of our human bodies - the hypothalamus, pineal, and pituitary gland. We already started the inner work with the last two glands in March, as part of the reconnection work of our sixth and seventh-dimensional body channels.

During this month, Gudies extend this inner work to achieve the process they called during March: trinitization, achieved as well by working on these three brain main glands of our brain complex, for they act as a trinity, as this 3 universal month also remarks, allowing divine communication, interpretation, and light activations.

The hypothalamus is part of the limbic system, and together with the thalamus, both are an essential part of our well-being and divine connection, for our limbic system is in charge of our emotional responses. Both glands, especially the thalamus are connected to our Higher Heart, the thymus gland, and hence the ninth chakra, which is part of the monad. 

When they are not healed, connected, and activated, the descension of guidance is challenging, and many may not really know the cause of why they are not receiving more insights. The truth, as we all know in this ascension path, is that to be able to receive we need to reconstruct the channels that have been dormant through profound manipulation, and it is our inner task to achieve this work, for no one can do it for us, neither the energies nor the fact we are starseeded souls. 

The conscious work of body reconnection is arduous and does not only involve a few glands but many other bones and organs in our bodies that need rehabilitation.

There is no rush or pressure in our endless path of self-synthesis, which is what ascension truly is, for as eternal souls we knew the path was not going to be always a bed of roses. We knew though we came with all the inner resources necessary to remember, and awaken when the time would be right for us, as both are key to starting the inner work of reconnection and empowerment. 

It is also pivotal during this Aries season to work on balancing the ego and understanding what power truly means. As humans many often think power is about force, and unfortunately, brutal force, as it is about imposing oneself on others. However, authentic power is based on sovereignty, which is when one has healed, become whole, and retrieved the memories of who one is, standing firm in one's power and choosing the highest frequency possible, so nothing and no one can defy it.

Power is about being centered in our Higher Hearts, living within Divine Love and Compassion, and neutralizing everything that is lower in essence or that tries to enslave our free will. 

Power is about BEing, flowing with what IS, and allowing all things and beings to be who they are, and this is what Aries teaches us at this time, how to become authentic empowered beings, leaving force and manipulation, which are the most common mechanisms of the ego to confuse force with power and sovereignty. 

These are the most important areas that we are now invited to work with, while Aries reigns our Heavens, as it is only when we clear all the previous that we can recognize our power and start reclaiming our sovereignty.

Stepping into our ascension journey may seem overwhelming sometimes, especially when we have not yet fully reconnected ourselves, receiving clear guidance about who we are, our mission, and what we need to heal in our journey. All comes gradually, when we are ready to see, and understand from a higher perspective. Our mission is to continue gently embodying our soul, monad and the clarity both send to us until we can put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

Quitting is not an option once we have awakened to the Truth, for as ascending souls there is always something that brings us back to where we belong, to where we are meant to assist and be the love that we are.

At this time, and always, remember the power and wisdom within, the resources you do not know yet you have but that help you, invisibly, to continue with your unique journey, getting closer to where you feel you desire to be next, for all within you is always being guided by a Higher Intelligence that knows where you are, where you are going, accompanying you, unconditionally and perpetually.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba