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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2024

The Energies of April 2024

Beloved Ones,

Since the previous months, we have been receiving massive transmissions from many planetary Sources. On one hand, our Central Sun's emanations, which have been continuous, is descending plasmatic waves to our planet for all who are willing to trigger the process of light body reconfiguration and reconnection. Other sources within Creation are also helping us with their galactic transmissions to restore the masculine pillar, and unify it with the feminine one, for this will be an ongoing planetary, and inner task, for many more human years to come.

March's energies were like never before we have ever experienced. We had the opportunity to correct, heal, clear, and reconnect our body portals and glands, as we too embrace and unify polarities, as Pisces is the ultimate sign of the zodiac, that invites us to heal what is fragmented. Now, in this new energetic month of April, with Aries and the eclipse season and many other benevolent energies descending upon our planet, we continue with the process of inner alchemy, and rebirth, initiated, for this is a month for us to resurrect, at all levels.

The process of resurrection involves the complete healing and reconnection of our human channels with our divine ones, allowing the organic process of Soul embodiment in a three-dimensional body, acting as a trinity within our physical plane, giving birth to another important process we are to work this year - multiplication. 

This is the process that many are undergoing and will continue, during this new season. Many of you continue awakening to your galactic lineage, clearing galactic memories, karmic human ones, and preparing for DNA rehabilitation. Others are already embodying their unique mission, as planet Earth now more than ever needs our love and dedication, as it too takes care of us, unconditionally.

There will be many revolts against consciousness, at this time, for the war over consciousness has been occurring on our dual plane, since the beginning of Creation, as Guides always share. However, we too have within our best guidance of all to tune into and realize that important advancements are being achieved, for not all is as negative as we are being told.

United we can continue anchoring more love, truth, and restoration into the earth's structures, continuing our mission of being loving, healing, and compassionate emissaries on the planet Earth, a role we originally chose.

April is a 12 - 3 reduced - universal month, obtained from summing this 8 universal year together with the number 4 of April. Number 3 is the trinity number, the one that represents the process of soul and monadic embodiment that many are experiencing, by conscious choice. A number that also denotes creativity, as when we are one with our soul, our creative visions enhance, giving birth to wondrous creations in the physical, as a result of our inner alignment to who we truly are.

Number 3 is exactly the integration of polarities, the creative result of unifying opposites, and the outcome that appears of a deep union that creates something that will benefit All. This is something that must occur first at an inner level, and what we all are birthing  - our new illumined crystalline self. 

Number 3 is the number of joy, and harmony after achieving unity, creativity, and intuition, and also the number of growth, as the result of the union between two equals. Number 3 is the essence that invites us to connect with the feminine power within and begin to create from this same inner space what the masculine is soon bringing into the tangible - the expression of our soul in the physical in constructive and harmonic ways. 

During April, we too welcome the 4/4 portal, which together with all the energies that surround this month, will signify a stabilizing window, in which we will have the opportunity to balance ourselves and personal creations, before stepping into another integration wave, for it is a constant for us, as ascending souls, to be immersed in a never-ending change.

Number 4 represents Love, for Love is the power that moves all within Creation. Four represents the love that resides in our hearts and that is meant to bring compassion and forgiveness. Four is the number required to create in the physical what the Divine envisions in the Illumined Worlds. 

Four are the Pillars that sustain this and any other Universe. This is the foundation of the divine architecture of all creation, for it is what holds all together, from the macro to the micro. Number four is the stability and the strong pillars required so anything can grow and expand. By holding this frequency, we work from a heart space, being in a constant flow of giving and receiving, of embracing and letting all go.

This will be a portal for us to work on our heart center, and especially this year, for those who are ready to heal their astral body, of all the connections to the fourth plane that are confusing us and impeding us from moving into the fifth dimensions, anchoring our three-dimensional self into the fifth, where we are heading and where our path to freedom truly beings. 

Astrological Events

April is a month to stabilize our light bodies, helping with the harmonization of the crystalline grids, and continuing with the process of mission embodiment. A new month for us to resurrect into the sovereign beings that we, gradually are becoming, reconnecting to our divine selves, as the 3 universal number of April remind us. A number of trinity and alignment, so we can move forward within our chosen harmonic timeline, obtaining the outcomes that resonate with what we wish to bring into the world.

A creative month that invites us to expand and that may not be as such for those who believe in retrograde phases, as we start this creative and also very intense month by having Mercury retrograde until the 25th of the month, for those who resonate with these phases. 

As you know, I do not resonate or foment retrogrades, and I just leave the dates here for those who are interested and wish to go further into the interpretation of it. For those who resonate with it, it will have an impact on your reality, for you have allowed this collective belief to have an impact, and you should proceed as guided. 

A few days later on April  5th, we have  Venus entering Aries. Venus, the feminine aspect of us, together with Aries, ruled by Fiery Mars, which represents the masculine, is a wonderful combination for us to dive deep into our passions, in what brings us joy and excitement, discovering new horizons and ways to create and live our lives. An alignment that will too help us balance our feminine and masculine essences, something very present during this month too. 

This is also an opportunity for those experiencing challenges in their soul reunions, to rekindle the passion, and above all to look for new ways of being intimate, as intimacy is not just about sexual desire, but about recognizing the wonderful soul we are co-creating with, in new ways, that we may have forgotten or not seen before. It is a time to focus on what keeps us united with those we love, finding new ways in which we could continue traveling with them.

On April  8, we have the second New Moon Solar Eclipse (Total) at 19 degrees Aries. This is the fourth eclipse in the Aries-Libra Axis. In this eclipse, we come back to our origin, to who we are, to retrieve our personal power and sovereignty, just to start again within this eternal wheel of Creation.

On an individual level, this solar eclipse will help us to continue retrieving and reclaiming who we are, galactically, and humanly, becoming more in charge of our personal lives and manifestations, for as Aries reminds us we are on a journey to become empowered, and independent beings, in control of our personal energy and resources.

However, to be able to achieve this, first, we need to incinerate and transmute the old, which is what Aries, through the element Fire offers us, the purification required for us to become who we are, rebirthing into illumined beings from the ashes of the old.

This eclipse will set a balance to the Libra one, its opposite sign, balancing the self and the We, for we are here to focus on ourselves for personal growth, but also on our mission to assist All, as another part of us. 

Self-mastery starts with the self, healing self-love and worth issues, empowering ourselves, and remembering who we are, so we can remember All as well. This eclipse will emphasize personal power issues, inviting us to be courageous to continue with our chosen path, shifting the undesired circumstances that may impede us from following our soul's unique journey, for when there is Will, there is always a way.

On a planetary level, there is an awakening taking place, as I have been sharing since March, for those of Seraphim-Gold origin especially, for it is time to embrace your gifts and empower yourselves to be of assistance, in the planetary leap that we all are taking. A time to repair the masculine and move towards unity, for the time has come for our planet to regain its lost essence. 

There are other important aspects of this eclipse I will enter deeper when the time comes, as there is a lot to integrate, at that precious time we are living. 

On April 10th we have a very healing transit: Jupiter semi-sextile Chiron. Jupiter, The Planet that expands everything it touches in the so-called Wounded Chiron, will present us with a unique opportunity to continue healing and most of all, during this Aries season, working on self-purification. 

Education and expansion into everything we desire to learn will be also important at that time, as well as those who are immersed in learning healing abilities and developing themselves as healers. The energies from this planetary encounter will be for us to expand in our healing modalities, as well as to receive the many healing transmissions that we are descending, from our God Self, and from the many benevolent beings, such as the Arcturians, that are too helping us on our personal healing path.

Healing is an extension of Love, when we embrace Love, and direct it toward the parts of us that have been deeply wounded, healing occurs, for we have lowered our defenses, allowing a Higher Force to remind us who we are, and our inner resources to bring ourselves back to our original state of being. 

Days later, on Apr 19, the Sun will move out of Aries, entering into Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac, ruled by Venus, offers us the gift of creating our Heaven on Earth, connecting with nature, honoring our physical realm, and enjoying who we are and our creations. 

Taurus will start opening the energetic gates for us to begin grounding ourselves as well as our desires in the physical. With Taurus comes our second initiation into a deeper knowledge of how to manifest our desires from an energetic Plane into our dense world, teaching us our next lesson within the wheel of life, which is to master ourselves in the endless art of bringing things from our inner world into our human one.

Taurus is indeed a sign that likes to see the rewards of all His efforts. It invites us now to pay more attention to earthly matters, as they are the materialization of that which is within and that which sustains us in our lives, remembering that material things are also a part of our lives, for we do not separate anymore, as instead, we choose to unify All as being equal within Creation. 

It is a time to create and bring forth new desires now that we are about to welcome May. A time to be reborn just as nature does, as everything is giving birth to a new way of existing and so are we. 

May will be also an important Pleiadian gateway month, as well as a Venusian one. As we reach this season, I will share more profoundly about the many important activities, at this wonderful time. 

Apr 19 Saturn semi-sextile True Node. This is all about expanding on our true soul mission, our destiny, and what is yet to come. This is why taking responsibility for every moment, and the intention and creation that we put in it, is pivotal, because our next moment and what we will experience in it, will depend on what we do in our present one.

This aspect is asking us to move out of our comfort zone and if we really desire to step into a new path, to leave behind all fears, doubts, and everything that is impeding us to evolve and expand into new horizons, that may not be known but that is what we are meant to experience next in our human journey. This is a call for all who are procrastinating to stand tall in who they really are, doing what they know they came here to do and be.

Saturn sextile True Node is the frequency that for those who are ready to descend more aspects of their soul mission will help them receive more guidance about their soul purpose. For there are many who are already in this process of consciously unveiling more about their cosmic heritage, the many missions they have fulfilled, within Creation, and the one they have been assigned, during this present lifetime.

For others, this process of knowing more about their human mission will come when they are ready to fully understand who they truly are. Many precious souls are passing, at this moment, through an inner transition in which for more than they desire to know, their human self is not ready yet, and only inner work, and patience, will help them until they are ready to receive this new knowledge about who they are and what they are meant to do here on this Planet.

On April 20th we have one of the most important events of this month and year: Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus. This is a time for innovation, and expansion, especially in the tangible where we exist and can experience the joy of being creators. 

A time to bring forth our soul's visions, aligning with Love to create more abundance and the resources we need to fulfill our goals, and beyond everything, a time for us to bring the change required in ourselves and in our planet, for as planetary healers, we never lose sights of the importance of assisting earth as well, in our path of conscious remembrance and healing. 

As we reach the end of the month on April 23rd, we will welcome a Full Moon at 4 degrees Scorpio. This is a time to balance the focus on our earthly realm, manifestation, birth, and expansion with emotions, remembering the importance of going within, amid the intensity of this season, to clear our emotional body, feeling every emotion, as each one of them shows us where we are, if we need to pause, if we need to transform something or if we are at peace with what we are creating. 

This is a time to balance Taurus energies, which is all about pleasure, enjoying the material, and what is tangible, to focusing on the soul, what is eternal, what alchemizes the physical, and what brings form into it. 

On April 29 Venus enters Taurus. The planet that represents the love that we are in earthly Taurus will be exalted. It is going to be focused on the things we most value in the physical: our relationships and friendships, our creative essence, and everything that involves bringing all the love we have within into our tangible plane. As with everything, if we distort this essence, we can fall into the egoic trap of being possessive of material things and/or people in our lives.

This is why creating a balance and practicing not getting attached to anything or anyone is pivotal when we have the Planet of Love and Abundance in Taurus. It is always an opportunity for us to begin understanding that in truth we possess nothing and that authentic love is about letting all free and simply focusing on enjoying the co-creation until it is meant to come to an end.

Finally, we end the month on April 30, by having Mars entering Aries. Mars rules Aries, and as such, it will be at home in this fiery sign. The aspect of us that Mars represents, our power, passion, and courage, will be directed towards leadership, and determination to reach our goals, not just physical ones but our healing purposes too. 

It is a time for us to direct our life force constructively, as everything has its opposite, and we may fall into impulsive patterns and lack of humility, as this is the other side of Aries, especially with Mars on it.

Being courageous and self-sufficient means being an empowered sovereign being. However, an empowered sovereign being always remembers that humility is key to continue growing and expanding, for we on our own can achieve little.

April is a month to focus on self-empowerment, through the conscious release of what diminishes our light force, for it is not until we embrace our personal power and the love and wisdom within it, that we can expand in our physical reality, as sovereign beings who are in total charge of our life experience.

As we continue at the rhythm of this dance between the female and the masculine, the self vs All, and our mission of assistance, we realize that our mere existence is whispering to us to become more unified, for all Creation pushes us to come back to our natural origin.

April will serve us to continue giving another step into the path of transcendence, resurrecting another divine aspect of us, that was dormant, under the control of unwanted forces, and retrieving our divinity, lineage, and the love that we are, and that we are here to seed for All.

A month for us to realize that the more Love we embrace, the more Love we become, and the more Love we give, the more Love we receive, for it is Law, that as we embrace we shall release and vice versa. 

I wish you a wonderful Month, Beloved Ones!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 24 de marzo de 2024

Lunar eclipse in Libra Update, March 25, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are already crossing the Libra eclipse threshold, preparing ourselves to seal the body portals that we have been working with, during March, healing, clearing, and stabilizing them to retrieve our Divine connection. To finalize this healing phase, we may retire, if this is our guidance, to rest our bodies and focus on our personal mission, for this specific time. 

Guides emphasize the need to end this stabilizing and healing phase by harmonizing all our body portals with the Blue Flame, fortifying our thymus and heart center, as well as all of our body conduits, as even though we have seven main portals from where we integrate Divine light-Wisdom, we too have many others that act as conduits to descend/receive God's Love/Light into our bodies.

With the Full Moon Penumbral Lunar eclipse in Libra, we now stabilize, harmonize, and seal our body glands, especially our thymus, thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, pineal (all of our sixth-seventh dimensional channels) and sexual organs. 

As you know, as an artificial satellite made to manipulate our earth's magnetic fields and bodies, among other non-benevolent purposes, the moon too affects us deeply. It is our responsibility and inner work to continue disengaging from moon programs, especially in our female sexual organs and female energy if you are a male, for this is a propitious time for us to continue its clearing with Libra's healing frequencies.

We, too, fortify our hara line and our face portals, mainly the eyes and ears, for all in our body anatomy was created as an open conduit for us to receive and be connected to God's Source. We are preparing ourselves during the eclipse season for another integration period, and further planetary work, and we need to have our bodies ready to bear the coming energetic passages. 

Decree to purify all your Divine conduits with the seventh-dimensional Violet Flame, as you too decree to release all karmic ties and other energetic, physical, astral, and etheric cords that keep you attached to your past, or other non-benevolent sources, as this moon in connection to the south node of the moon, will serve us to continue liberating from old ties.

Decree that only the purity of your Divine Being reigns your physical, mental, emotional, and all subtle bodies, releasing all non-benevolent attachments, connections, forms of consciousness, and other imbalances you may detect, from your entire energetic and physical system.

As a sovereign being in charge of your own body decree to liberate yourself from all past ties and energetic manipulations, remaining centered in your Higher Heart and compassionate God's Self.

To seal the decree and your conscious choice to remain protected and healed, visualize the Blue Orb that descends from the Blue Flame of God's Creation, embrace it in your thymus and heart center, and surround it with Gold, the color of the soul and monad, decreeing to heal, clear, and purify your fifth dimensional centers, to integrate your fifth-dimensional self, anchoring this frequency in your three-dimensional body and self, and personal lives. 

Thanks to your Unified Self, Guides team, and any other benevolent beings you work with, and continue to act within divine love, integrity, and compassion to All, for action in the physical completes the energetic exercises.

We are at a critical phase of our ascension journey. Many of you are remembering who you are, awakening to your true Divine Potential, and embracing a Higher Truth. 

As you release all that has been impeding you from recognizing yourself, until this moment, and disengage from your past self, and other parallel energetic connections, you grow in love, wisdom, and power, as Guides reiterate, allowing yourself to be who you are.

And in being who you authentically are and in acting with integrity your unique soul path appears in front of you, for you have removed all obstacles. You feel the path calling you, guiding you, and protecting you as you walk through it, for you are now where you initially chose to be within Creation, in a free sovereign path of selfless assistance to your personal evolution, and that of All.

I wish you all a loving, healing, and blessed passage, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba