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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

jueves, 14 de marzo de 2024

Galactic Lineage Clearing

Beloved Ones,

As ascending souls many of you find yourselves immersed in a phase of galactic lineage clearing. Since the end of February, the energies that our planet is receiving are helping us to unify polarities, healing our galactic lineage, and DNA anomalies, recalibrating our light bodies, and creating more stabilization, so we can regain wholeness and harmony.

During this time there is a massive awakening of starseeds. Some of you belong to the same monad, others come from other universes, but All united as One Family to serve planet Earth. All of you precious souls of different origins, with a different blueprint, who hold unique highly evolved codes to help Earth in the present planetary transition.All of you assist simply by BEing, by your presence here on earth, for all of you, as everyone within Creation, are a gift to humanity.

Many of you who are concluding a healing phase are ready to awaken your authentic galactic memories and essences, for as we continue rehabilitating our DNA, many cosmic memories are going to resurface, and it is our responsibility to embrace them, without judgments, and clear all the anomalies we may find, so only the purity of our being remains.

At this time there is a massive galactic awakening on the planet. Many are awakening to their Seraphim, Essence, and unique galactic origins, to be able to remember who they are, and their missions within Creation. This is why healing and integrating our monad, together with our eight chakra, and eight DNA strand, is so important, so we can descend the memories, the wounds, and also the gifts within it, healing all traumas and opening ourselves to receive the purpose of our existence, on this plane. 

During this time of soul remembrance, many whose masculine essence has been damaged are now awakening to their galactic traumas related to their wounded masculine, for this is what the collective, and our planet is now healing, during these months of female-masculine reconstruction, as an essential task to reach planetary unity.

Seraphim and Orion's descendants, both originating from the Gold Flame of Creation, are also starting to awaken to who they are, clearing their galactic war memories from eons ago of our current time when Orion's civilization fought a war over consciousness. The majority of them are now evolved and they are helping many who are now awakening to their Orion memories, helping them clear their galactic Orion monadic memories, and awakening the Orion codes within, to help them heal the masculine essence and mental bodies, so they can fulfill their purpose.

Orion, as well as the Arcturians, are too magnificent etheric surgeons, who help many restore their masculine essence, as due to the profound polarity Orion experienced, many still have their masculine energy imbalanced, affected by their galactic wars, and many other distortions created at that time. 

Now, many are restoring their masculine pillar template, as it is too being rehabilitated on the planet, for we all function as one living organism.

As you know, our masculine essence is connected to our sixth-dimensional shoulder blade portal, experiencing now in many a major activation, as well as many other important body channels, creating a complex we need to heal for the masculine pillar to be restored.

Knowing the connections, and our body's anatomical structure is essential to be able to work on physical ascension, for each part of us is created with a unique purpose, for each part connects us to the Divine, and it is our responsibility to become aware and activate all that remains dormant. 

It is now a time for us to work with our masculine essence, so we can move towards the eclipse prepared to stabilize our bodies, as the Libra eclipse will be a stabilizing portal for us and our planet. 

In a dual universe balance is what keeps all in perfect harmony, for even if we may seem, from our human perception, chaos everywhere, everything always follows a perfect Divine pattern and design, happening at a perfect divine timing for All, and for the highest good of All.

As ascending souls our main aim is to create more harmony within and without, for we came here to serve as loving and harmonic emissaries of the Divine. 

Our mission is to be neutral compassionate witnesses, acting as healing pillars anywhere we go, for the unique codes within our blueprint seed the unification that one day we will see in our planet, and that is already unfolding in the future fifth-dimensional parallel earth.

May you embrace your precious divine heritage and gifts for the highest good of All, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2024

Arcturian Gateway

Beloved Ones,

The Arcturians, seventh-dimensional highly evolved beings, are now helping many whose main mission is to be or become healers, whether at a more personal level, or planetary one. As you know the Arcturians are master healers, who have soul agreements with many ascending souls whose main mission is to assist in the anchoring of the Arcturian Light codes that are helping our planet embody the fifth-dimensional band frequency.

These benevolent beings are also helping many of us in working with the earth's grid distortions associated with the seventh-dimensional earth's portal or gate, which is the one allowing the full spectrum of the violet ray in our earth plane, and that has been recently completely rehabilitated.

You may see them as ethereal Blue Beings, as I call them, as well as Sirians, although their bue frequency is a bit different, this is the frequency band they move in, which for us is perceived as an electric blue color, hard to translate into our human language. 

As you know, our earth's seventh-dimensional gate was deeply manipulated and controlled for eons and the Arcturians have been the guardians of it, helping the earth to reclaim its lost purity and its own spiritual functions, as a living organism that is connected to all dimensions. 

The Arcturians have anchored twelve crystals on Earth to help us create fifth-dimensional spaces. Crystals act as quantum computers that integrate and amplify the Arcturian light codes and frequency, extending it to the location and the ones who possess the level of consciousness required to embody it as well. 

During this Piscean month, the Arcturian healing light codes that are descending upon our planet, are helping particularly to heal our earth's waters, rehabilitating many locations whose waters have been poisoned, as well as its living forms that too have been affected by the continuous manipulation of the waters and its species.

For those of you are are healers, the Arcturians can help you remember who you are, your mission as a healer, and how to decode your inner power and resources to increase your light quotient, so you can embody and spread your healing light to All you assist.

For those who are undergoing a profound reconstruction and recalibration, in your light bodies, they can too assist you through their light technologies to stabilize your body, as they are wonderful etheric surgeons.

We have all the assistance required for us to proceed with our healing and ascension process. However, as Guides always remind us, all we need is within, for all the memories, healing resources, and power to shift any current state of being, distortion, circumstance, or any other misalignments, is within, and it is our responsibility as conscious beings to become aware of this truth and act accordingly.

May you remember and reclaim your inner Divine Potential.

I wish you a healing and loving passage, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba