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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2024

3/3 Passage Update

Beloved Ones,

Today we embrace the energies from the 3/3 passage. These frequencies have been among us since the end of February and will continue helping us in our mission of self-synthesis. There are many activations taking place at a personal, and planetary level, at this time. Many souls are coming to planet Earth to support our planetary ascension, for Guides shared that there is a massive entrance of evolved souls to help in the planetary restoration. 

Many others, already here, are awakening to it too. Ascending souls whose purpose was not yet cleared, and as they continue remembering, they will start retrieving their dormant knowledge, for the time to remember and commit is now.

Light initiations that come when we have unified what was fragmented, embracing our shadows and moving into a more compassionate and loving space. Activations that are not only occurring during this day, for this day represent the entrance, the cosmic message of what we will be working with, in the following months.

Guides share the importance of aligning with this month's energies, if we are guided, and continue with the clearing process initiated since the end of February, for it is a very important time for soul lineage clearing and awakening to our authentic nature and galactic history, to continue embodying new aspects of our universal mission.

It is time, for it is now at this precise moment within our 3D time-space that our planetary transition is finally occurring, for it has been an ongoing process since 2012. It's time for you to recognize who you are, and the importance of your personal choices and mission. 

Planetary assistance is required as we continue restoring the many false structures on the planetary fabrics and grids. The eclipses in the sign of Libra will be very important passages, as there will be important changes in our planet's architecture that need to be supported and stabilized. A shift that as you know the Auroras, Arcturians and our planetary original builders are supporting, together with the ascending souls who have an agreement with them to collaborate in this planetary mission.

This is why there is now a massive integration for many of their soul purpose, so they can start remembering who they are and the importance of their role on earth.

The Golden Ones, or Seraphims, Blue Rays - Oraphim - and the Essenes, the ones born with a unified template, as it was for example Jesus and the mission He brought to planet Earth. They are meant to bring restoration into the earth's grids and the wounded feminine energy. These souls are the ones who will experience the most profound soul and galactic retrieval of their original memories and codes, at this time.

Their mission to restore the masculine pillar of Creation, together with the continuation of the female one and the final unification, is key to maintaining planetary integrity and Guides share the importance of clearing false mental, energetic, and etheric geometries, implants, imprints, and beliefs, to be able to awaken to our true origin and mission.

Trinitization starts now, for this is a year in which many are finally moving from the soul dimensions into the eight ones, integrating and embodying their soul and monad, acting as a trinity - unified soul - on earth.

This is how we activate our crystalline divine seed, by first finding inner unification, and retrieving our galactic memories and heritage so we can step into our unique purpose. 

Being grounded is essential to be able to decode all this wisdom within our DNA, and as Guides previously shared grounding ourselves through the activation of our Earth Star chakra is what will facilitate the embodiment of all the light intel that we are now processing.

The importance of personal integrity and authenticity to be aligned to our soul and God's Illumined Self is pivotal to continuing this process of DNA awakening and galactic retrieval, for it is only by being who we are, that we assist All, as when we pretend to be someone we are not, we waste our precious life force and unique mission that God entrusted us.

As a Divine Sovereign being you have within all the love, wisdom, and power required to retrieve your memories and mission, for you are the keeper of your own personal and galactic history. It is your birthright to reclaim all the knowledge that is yours, and that you are here to seed, in your unique way for All.

May you always remain in the illumined, wise, and loving Presence of your God Self, Beloveds. 

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

viernes, 1 de marzo de 2024

Grounding our Visions

Beloved Ones,

We are moving into a very creative passage with the energies of the 3/3 portal and the Piscean energies that surround us during this month. At a personal level, this is also an inspiring time, as we also have on this same day Jupiter semi-square Neptune, which is going to trigger an influx of divine visions, and guidance for all who are aligned to their souls and desire to descend into the physical what they first create in the invisible realms.

Jupiter is a formidable expansive force that when in co-creation with Neptune invites this passive planet to ground its visions in the physical, where we came to master ourselves as creators and where we can enjoy and expand our manifestations.

It is a time for us to focus on personal growth, for as it is within it will be without. A time for self-reflection before acting impulsively, and a time for us to remember the importance of moving into our compassionate heart center, to be able to witness ourselves, and our lives, from a wider perspective, so we can know what needs to be shifted, distilled, or expanded. 

As Guides shared, this portal is a cosmic window for us to focus on both, the descension of our soul mission, creativity, and all we wish to bring into the tangible world, and at a planetary level, for those who have this mission and are energetically prepared, to continue focusing on restoration, healing, and trinitization, which is simply the unification, through consicous recalibration, and retrieval, of the many distorted structures that continue to be programmed to create more separation.

The consicous co-creation, and descension, of our soul's desires cannot occur if we first do not commit to our spiritual path, do our daily practices, and act with integrity at all times. When there is unity, there is creation. When there is still separation and a lack of integrity within us, there is no alignment, and hence, our creations will not satisfy our true desires.

Stabilization, and working on balancing the ego self is essential to be able to step into this creative passage, where we have a cosmic window of infinite possibilities to birth our desires, and start co-creating in a more illumined way with others, and with All within Creation, for we too co-create with All living beings, as part of our mission is to assist all forms of consciousness to continue as well with their process of planetary transfiguration. 

This is why during this month Guides invite us to work on being authentic and acting with integrity, for we can lie to ourselves or even others, but never to our God's Self and Universe. If our manifestations are not what we wished, then we need to move from victimhood and blame and start revising the creational process we followed, and how we can shift, inwardly, what was not aligned at the time of our creation.

As you are all in different stages of your ascension journey, you will be the ones choosing how to align with the current energies and with which purpose, for only you govern your existence, and nothing and no one else. 

I wish you a creative and loving passage, Beloved Ones.

May you embrace and recognize your sovereignty and precious gifts.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba