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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

viernes, 23 de febrero de 2024

Solar Emanations & Body Care

Beloved Ones,

Yesterday our Central Sun was very active again, projecting two solar flares, one named X1.8-class flare and the second an X1.7-class flare. Sol emanations continue assisting us in embodying more plasma, and healing to reconnect our light bodies, burning, transmuting, all the reversals that are yet governing the collective's consciousness, as well as our planetary fabrics and grids.

Our Sun sends us more Consciousness to discern, transmute, and realign with who we are, for it is our task to do this inner work, as no one else or our Guides can do it for us. At this time, many of you, especially if you are awakening, or starting to heal profound trauma and deep wounds, may feel drained, confused, in deep sadness, and lost, for the dark night of the soul comes when we are ready to confront our shadows and start emerging into the illumined being that we are.

This is why clearing our mental and emotional bodies is so important, not to remain fixed in a certain thought of who we are, of how our present lives are, fixated on many other personal challenges that deeply hurt us, but that are transitory if we remain in the love of who we are, which is strength, wisdom and power to overcome any obstacle. However, it does not mean we should deny our emotions, for it is by accepting and embracing them that we get to know ourselves, our feelings, and what we need to heal ourselves. 

All that is denied prevails, all that is confronted is healed and unified.

For those who are now moving into further ascension stages, it is pivotal to take care of your digestive, lymph, circulatory system, and your bone structure too, as Guides reiterate, for they are the most affected ones by these solar flares, as plasma embodiment and the consicous direction of it, is not easy to cope with, as our bodies may react in many different ways.

Remember the importance of using natural or organic conductors, such as pure water, clear quartz, the best together with diamonds, and Herkimer diamonds to integrate and amplify healing, plasma, and protection. Sound is also a natural reassuring tool as after all we are vibration, sound, and light in the illusion of a human carbon base body.

You all have your own guidance and know your bodies to know what works and what does not for you. Being grounded is essential to distill any form of illusion, and delusional thinking, regaining a clear vision of what is truly taking place in your body, and how you can address the issue.

Above all, remember to love, respect, and care about yourselves and your bodies, for they are your sacred vehicles while you walk as humans, Beloveds.

Withing Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

Full Moon in Virgo, February 24th, 2024 ~ Mental & Emotional Clearing

Beloved Ones,

At this time of profound planetary stabilization and healing of the many reversals that are yet ruling our planet and personal light body vehicles, we have a Full Moon at 5 degrees of Virgo, together with Piscean energies, that will be a great source of healing frequencies, to aid those who are immersed now on a planetary mission but also in the process of light body recalibration and reconnection.

A passage that invites us to focus on mental and emotional clearing, for us to be able to retrieve clarity, peace, and alignment, as when we have been devoted to doing our work of assistance, we need too of periods of deep soul communion in which we can check on our mental, emotional and physical health, to see if we are ready to continue moving forward. 

Virgo is a sign that represents the aspect of us that is devoted to serving All Creation. It is a sign that makes the invisible tangible, for it understands that it is in the physical where we are meant to bring more assistance and higher understanding, to be able to shift the many false beliefs and timeliness that are still governing our planet, and hence, our consciousness.

As I always share, the moon is an artificial satellite, an inorganic satellite whose function has not been precisely a benevolent one towards our planet. I take these events more as the energies and planetary forces that align with it, for obviously it has an impact on our earth plane and selves, than the moon in itself. Please take what resonates and follow always your own guidance to discern what is authentic and not for you. 

The Virgo moon is opposite Mercury and Saturn,  both in Pisces, which involves the healing and clearing of our mental plane, as well as all karmic ties and non-benevolent thoughts and other forms of consciousness, implants/imprints that remain in our physical, and non-physical bodies.

It is a time to clear our minds of all confusion, half-truths, old programs, and mental patterns that make us repeat the same old situations and above all, the debris and the many implanted programs that in there lies, especially through conscious or unconscious astral projections, which is when we most tend to receive false programs and implanted thoughts, emotions and other forms of programs that devirtualize who we are, and our authentic thoughts.

Clearing desperation, sadness and other lower emotions daily is vital to remaining in a peaceful and loving state of being. It is not until we clear our minds that our authentic emotions, and guidance, can come to the surface. Often, many will believe they are not receiving any guidance or are not properly connected, even though they do their inner work, and the main reason for it, is not to clear their minds and allow this guidance to come through. 

Every day we should scan our bodies, thoughts, and emotions to detect which are our authentic feelings and thoughts and which ones are part of what we tend to pick from our daily life encounters and the many energies that surround us.

Becoming neutral observers of our thoughts and emotions, and disengaging from them as much as we can, is essential, to get to know if they belong to us, if they have been implanted upon us, or if they are just transitory. After all, thoughts and emotions are transitory, as we shift our state of being and what we think often, otherwise, they become fixed thoughts and beliefs, creating stagnation and programs that are hard to detect and remove.

Learning how to connect with our authentic Consciousness is vital to remember that the rest is not truly who we are, but mere passengers that come to teach us something, which is precisely our current energetic state of being, so we can master our ego and learn how to remain in our Higher Hearts. 

Virgo and Piscean energies support all healing and clearing inner work that we may need at this time, for they are precisely preparing us for ascension, through the proper healing and removal of all that is false within us. Both signs remind us of the importance of personal clearing, and alignment before we can step into our planetary mission of assistance, for we cannot commune with benevolent energies if we have not yet held the same consciousness and frequencies within.

Personal clearing is often underestimated and this is precisely the message from this Virgo moon and Piscean energies, to remember the importance of personal care, for we often are so busy taking care of others, that we forget the importance of being our own caretakers.

I wish you a healing and rejuvenating passage, Beloveds.

May you love, honor, and care for your precious selves.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba