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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

jueves, 22 de febrero de 2024

Planetary Work for 222 - Uluru Earth's Portal as a Cosmic Unifier

Beloved Ones,

During this month and especially today with the energies from the 222 passage, we have been immersed in the conscious recalibration and stabilization of our light bodies, planetary fabrics, and other structures that need assistance. Today, my Guides shared the importance of helping in the stabilization of the earth's representatives' feminine and masculine gates, helping in the neutralization of the distorted masculine through consicous neutralization, and hence, unification.

Today, all who are guided, join as One Family, to neutralize the wounded masculine through the earth's Aurora-Andromedan portal of Uluru, Australia, for it acts as a cosmic neutralizer, as my Guides explained to distill, from this portal, all the masculine damage, helping repair the masculine by the neutralization of its distortions, and bringing unification with the female. 

As you know the masculine essence in our planet is located on the golden portal of the gate of Iran, whose masculine principle has been distorted for many of our human years. There are other important masculine representative locations related to the masculine principle, as there is for the female energy. However, it is through the transmutation of the wounded masculine through the unconditional love of the planetary Cosmic Mother energy that we can help neutralize the damage made to humanity.

The Blue Ray descendants from the Essenes, although its lineage goes further than that, are in charge of restoring the masculine essence of the planet,  by unifying it. However, we all can assist in this planetary recalibration and polarity stabilization by staying centered in our hearts, sending love and healing in our unique way, and doing it more consciously, if this is our personal mission.

The Cosmic Mother principle that transmutes the wounded masculine which involves eons in our planet of female repression, control, and many other anomalies that are already part of our DNA, is transmuted throuhg the Australian interdimensional portal of Uluru, which according to my guides represents the neutralizing point in which polarities are unified and restored.

To create more planetary balance and restore the wounded masculine principle, is not necessary to focus on the female essence, for what we will be doing is creating more polarization. 

Instead, Guides invite us to focus on consicous neutralization, through the correction of the planetary reversals that create more fragmentation in human consciousness, to liberate minds, and neutralize what has been planetarily wounded, whether masculine or feminine.

Working with the unity code or symbol, between many other neutralizer codes, especially in the areas where guided or required, neutralizes separation, as fighting for unity only increases it. The trinity symbol which is a representation of inner and planetary unity is essential to start neutralizing the opposition between both principles, in both the micro and the macro. 

The Australian earth's portal Uluru acts as this cosmic neutralizer, and when we give our masculine wounds to it, its Cosmic Divine Mother loving essence embraces it, and transmutes it into more love. We all can connect to it, for we all are time travelers, if we know our to project our consciousness and connect, remotely with these sacred sites and vortexes on Earth. 

Today, and always, let us join as One Family of Love to practice unconditional love towards ourselves and others, for our task of restoration and balance starts with ourselves.

Let us bring more awareness, truth, and unconditional love into our lives and everyone we encounter, as this is how we expand divine love and compassion, for as Divine Beings we go with an open heart and mind, embracing All as an equal part of us, not allowing any energetic disturbance in our way to move us from our higher Heart, for we know now that only love is real, among the many illusions to impede us being who we are.

Thank you for being only Love for All, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 5 de febrero de 2024

New Moon in Aquarius, February 9th, 2024 ~ Dragon Awakening

Beloved Ones,

We are reaching the peak of the Aquarian portal that started with Pluto and the sun moving into Aquarius, and that now culminates with a New Moon in this Air sign, together with Mercury, Mars on February 13th, and Venus on February 16th. A new cycle marked as well for the Year of the Dragon, whose message is to precisely be empowered, act with integrity, nobility, and above all, bravery to stand firm in who we are, and our personal purpose.

The dragon represents us, as empowered individuals, and species, who are now being reborn, awakening from our golden cocoon, which represents the monad, and our reconnection to it. A year in which we are finally liberating ourselves, as we continue recognizing our divine power, and stepping into a new cycle of conscious creation, and sovereignty, in which we are only governed by our God Self. We own ourselves and our personal trajectory, always in alignment with God's Will, and no one else. 

This is our dragon awakening, as Guides guided me to name this post, for this is what humanity, metaphorically represented by the Dragon, is now stepping into, a more conscious way of living, as they retrieve the Truth of who they really are. 

The main essence of the Aquarian portal, and Era, in which we are entering is a message of reclamation of our individual power, long forgotten by eons of false programming. A message of mental, emotional, and physical liberation of the slavery perpetuated for centuries, and a message of responsibility, for being conscious of who we are, and our personal journey, involves being fully responsible for everything we think, feel, and do, for there is no one else to blame anymore.

This is a portal that emphasizes the retrieval of power, so we can then see the same Divine Power in All, joining as One Family to bring the change we wish to see in society and in our planet, a change driven by Uranus, Aquarius ruling planet, which is also linked to the moon.

Pluto and Uranus are both powerful Forces that will add to this moon a very fierce energy for us to adapt to the change that we have been creating from the inside. Uranus especially will push us to work on acceptance, on surrendering, for there are things we cannot change and control, and the change that humanity is now experiencing will continue its curse through time and space. 

Adapting to change is vital during this time, for as we continue to work on personal and collective liberation, challenges that help us grow, may arise, and it is only by understanding how the universe reorganizes and realigns everything, which is often through what we feel as chaos, that we can learn to be still within it, and navigate the turmoil that comes when we are reaching a new shore. 

Uranus comes to offer us a very important lesson: freedom from control which is something that humans find very hard to deal with. However, even though our human mind does not know where we are going. If we learn how to listen to our soul and our inner compass, we will always feel secure, for we know that we are always heading in the right direction for us, and All. 

This month is key for all who have been working with themselves to reach a new initiation in their ascension path. February is the initiator, the seeder, and the catalyst for the New Era that we are anchoring, from within, and that will take time to materialize.

New generations, the souls who are now choosing to leave this plane will now have the choice of moving into a more harmonic dimension, due to our efforts as One cosmic family. The Aquarian portal initiates a new planetary cycle in which working with the reconnection of our human self to our divine one, for self-liberation and retrieval of sovereignty, is vital.

A new cycle in which our relationships, especially the ones that are based on egoic expectations and control, will start to ask us for closure, for we are now heading into an equal, harmonic, and respectful space, in which our partnerships reflect the same inner love and compassion.

In the macro, there will be more false structures falling, as we continue assisting Higher Forces in the retrieval of the organic Earth's grids, creating a more illumined trajectory for New Earth. Liberation is coming for All, and our main task, as ascending souls is to always remain in our Higher Hearts, balancing the ego and surrendering to the Divine Will, for this is the Will that we now are aligned with, doing only that which brings more love, peace, and harmony to All.

Set your intentions, Beloveds. Decree to only serve your Divine Will and the Highest trajectory for All. Surrender to your Monad and God's Self plan, knowing you have the love, wisdom, and power to fulfill the journey you once planned for this lifetime. 

Have a loving passage, Beloved Ones.

May you always choose to dwell in the freedom, and Truth, of your sovereign God Self.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba