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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

viernes, 5 de enero de 2024

January Energies II: 1/11 Capricorn Portal

Beloved Ones,

The 1/11 portal, one of unity with the Illumined Aspects of us, will be activated by the Capricornian energies that are helping us achieve the first step towards self-illumination, for this is what we start mastering with Capricorn.  On this day we too have Mars in Capricorn together with the New Moon at 20 degrees of this sign. It is a time to begin descending our soul mission or part of it, for many will be stepping into it, while others will be initiating themselves in new aspects.

The moon will harmonize with Uranus, the Bringer of Change through self-liberation, with Neptune, the Spiritual Planet per excellence, and with Pluto, the Planet of Rebirth. This is the process that we are experiencing at this time, a process of inner transformation, through inner alchemy, and self-unification to rebirth into the illumined beings that we are. Planetary Forces that together with Capricorn facilitate this inner reconnective process. 

Many of you have already stepped into a new phase of monadic integration. This phase requires first the opening of our soul portal to be able to achieve this integration. The soul, as you know, is the female aspect of the Divine, while the Monad represents the Divine Masculine aspect of us. This is why Guides emphasize the importance of unifying both principles, before reconnecting both of them. Otherwise, the integration will not be successful.

When we talk about ascension, we are referring to the ultimate phase, when we finally leave this plane, as in truth the process we experience while we are in a physical body, is the opposite, the descension of our soul and monad into our 3D selves. This is what activates the ultimate ascension process.

This is a phase that many are undergoing at this time and that my Guides call galactivation, as it is key to being able to achieve a higher level of consciousness and self-mastery. Galactivation means to embody our cosmic aspects, wisdom, and unique abilities, through the healing and embodiment of our soul and monad.

However, to be able to conquer this personal alignment and activation, first, the healing of our cosmic memories and heritage is pivotal, as well as the clearing and reconnection of our sixth and seventh body dimensional portals, where the feminine and masculine unification truly begins.

We are leaving behind more egoic layers. In the beginning, this process may seem arduous, as we have to learn to recognize and embrace the new us again. A process that involves the death of the ego, as we embody higher essences, and needs of our support and compassion to be able to be understood and integrated.

The path may not always be a bed of roses. However, it is a wonderful and blessed path to transit when we know our final destination: to reunite with who we truly are, and All That Is. The joy is in walking the path, with new companions, adventures, and opportunities for personal growth. The path was never for us to rush the process of achieving more in a faster way.

The growth comes when we accept, embrace, and let it all go, so we can receive again the many blessings that we are too granted when we consciously choose to walk this path with unconditional love, integrity, and compassionate witnessing. 

I wish you a lovely and illumined passage, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

martes, 2 de enero de 2024

January Energies Update I

Beloved Ones,

Happy New Now!

We find ourselves traversing the void that leads us to a new destination. Endings and new beginnings collide at this moment, as the ninth universal month of January reminds us, and it is our consicous focus and intention the ones determining where we are going next. 

Number 9, symbolizes the phase where many are at this time, a stage for us to be wise, move inward, and focus on our inner Light - Truth - to walk among the shadows until we reach the new shore, using only our inner oracle to navigate through our current reality. 

In truth, we need nothing more than discerning which way is aligned with our God Self, and which one does not serve us any longer. And even if the path of solitude is not always easy, it is essential to listen to our inner Divine Guidance, before giving birth to this new reality, in which, we have already a higher aspect of us dwelling in it.

This is a month for us to focus on gratitude, love, and compassion, as it is very important to bring more illumination, higher understanding, and above all, neutrality into what we are witnessing, and cannot change, but we can wrap within Divine Love. 

This is a month as well for many to seed, or continue doing so, if their personal seeding cycle has already started. A month to revise our creations, transforming, what we do not wish to experience, or redirecting our energy to create differently.

We have started January with a lot of Solar activity, for our central Sun is massively descending plasma upon us, to continue building our light bodies and monadic connection. We are being called to commune with who we are, reconnecting ourselves to our golden aspects, and allowing a higher connection to our soul, monad, and above all, with the God Illumined Planes.

A month ruled by Capricorn and Aquarian energies, reminding us of the power of the earth and air, governing our planetary heavens during this New Year. We have Mars entering Capricorn on January 4th, a few days later, on January 11th,  a New Moon at 20 degrees Capricorn, together with Mercury entering Capricorn on the 13th, and Venus following on the 23rd of January.

Capricorn offers us the essences required for us to illumine our human self, for it is what Capricorn does, find self-illumination through consicous inner work. On the other hand, Aquarius helps us to liberate our minds, so we can continue embodying higher truths, as the only way to become enlightened beings.

As I previously shared, Capricorn's energies are propitious to help us work with our DNA's telomeres and mitochondria, the ones responsible for our energetic levels,  and the ones we should heal and reprogram to be able to shift our current bodies. An internal spiritual alchemy process that requires long-term inner work, for it is not easy to shift eons of negative programming and inherited manipulations.

This is a year to continue with our process of mental and karmic slavery liberation, retrieving our soul and monadic connection, as we continue seeding the new harmonic Earth that is already being anchored in a parallel fifth-dimensional timeline. 

Every feeling, thought, and act counts. 

Thank you for thinking and acting lovingly for All.

I wish you a thriving and loving January, Beloveds!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba