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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2023

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, October 28, 2023

Beloved Ones,

We end this powerful month with another Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Taurus. The last one of the Taurus-Scorpio cycle. An eclipse that will help us transform ourselves, descending, grounding, in the physical, the change, and all the healing that we are triggering, in the depth of our being, with the energies of Scorpio. 

An eclipse that reminds us of the importance of navigating between both the ethereal and the physical, descending into our tangible world what we have first envisioned in the soul planes.

This is a time when many are going to feel the polarization of both essences wanting to coexist within, for this is a time of adaptation to the change, and transformation that we are all living.

A transformation that the recent planetary events are too reflecting, through an extreme polarization, and that we all can contribute by staying centered in our hearts, creating more unity within, for what we do for ourselves, we do for the whole.

Taurus is a very transformative force, related to the earth and its power to transform all lower energies into something that serves All, for Earth takes care of us, unconditionally. It is with Taurus, ruled by Venus, now in Virgo, that we regain self-love, confidence, and the reconnection with Earth required for us to act as One with it, for we were never meant to act separated from each other.

Taurus reminds us of the importance of self-sustenance, remembering that all the resources we need, can be created from the inside, for we were never meant to depend on outer forces to expand and manifest in our human plane. 

Guides share the importance at this time of working with your second chakra, the one associated with Taurus, our creative female center, clearing all programs related to creation, procreation, abundance, and all the false programs related to our personal feminine power, grounding ourselves, and restoring our female energy completely, for Taurus ruled by Venus can assist us in removing these non-benevolent programs from our creative energetic center.

This is an opportunity for us to continue removing programs and wounds from our first chakra triad, where all the human trauma resides, and where we most need to work, to transfigure our lowest chakras, and embody our highest ones. 

Working on self-love is key to healing our second chakra, for it is, as Venus too reminds us, from self-love and worth, as divine beings, that everything else originates. 

It is a very self-nurturing eclipse that offers us the gift of rejuvenating and healing before we enter into a new cycle, in which the acceleration that we will experience will be strongly felt.

The eclipse occurs close to the North Node, where we are heading, as a collective, and where we personally wish to go next. This is about focusing on the Now moment, for it is in this moment that we create our next one. It is a time to move forward, leave the past aside, stand up for ourselves, and ground our soul's purpose, aligning with who we truly are and sharing our personal truth.

Mars and Mercury both in Scorpio oppose Jupiter, asking us to release tension, confusion, and frustration and re-align with the earth, and our soul, to descend more guidance about how to create that which we truly desire, from a space of love and unity with All. 

Removing all feelings of disempowerment and learning how to communicate with our soul and guides team is pivotal to redirecting our feelings, another form of energy, into the right direction, utilizing the strength, represented by Mars, and inner fire, to build our next life experience. 

We are at a key time in our ascension path to clear all misalignments and ground ourselves, so we can too anchor the new harmonic timeline that we are heading into. A new phase in which is indispensable to have healed as much as we can, for the energies of next year will help those who are ready to continue embodying their monadic aspects, and for that, we first need to restore our 3D chakras and the many wounds embedded within them.

This passage is a reminder for us of the importance of bringing both worlds together, anchoring heaven on earth, for it is part of what we came here to do, acting as new earth's anchors for future generations to experience a more loving and harmonic timeline. 

I wish you a loving and transformational eclipse, Beloved Ones,

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

Planetary Gridwork update, October 27th, 2023

Beloved Ones,

As you know we are traversing a very important planetary passage, in which many of us are immersed in a mission of restoration and gridwork, as the eclipses are activating many planetary spaces where we can start anchoring the sixth and seventh crystalline energies received, during this time.

We have been, especially during the Solar Eclipse, clearing past timeliness, on both a personal and a planetary level, and it is now the time for us to anchor more love, restoration, and clearing in the areas where our planet is experiencing separation, which is what we see from the outside, as what is truly taking place is the rehabilitation of certain planetary gates and the many intents for it not to happen.

For those who are new earth's anchors, gridworkers, stabilizers, or many other roles within Creation, and are assisting with planetary rehabilitation, Guides invite us to work on the following locations. Although, as you know, we all are One with our Planet and we all can send our love equally.

  • Jerusalem, Temple Mount, which is an organic stargate that has been controlled for many years, and that is now asking for assistance. Please, remember that this has nothing to do with all the human propaganda, about who is right or wrong or who is good or bad, for as ascending souls, we know the Truth, and we feel love and compassion for All, not just for a few, remember that it is the dark what allows the light to shine. 

As planetary healers, especially if you are gridworker, you will need to clear religious programs, in these areas, geomantic anomalies, reversals, miasma, female repression, and many other issues that once there, remotely, you receive for you to clear, as this is about your personal mission as well.

  • Bali: which acts as a safe corridor, protected by the Auroras to step into higher timelines. This is also a portal where 3D souls, ready to step into higher timeliness, can repair their damaged DNA. Guides shared the importance of knowing these locations, which are available for All, not just for privileged ones, as the Truth is only one and is shared for All. 
Those whose mission is to heal the 4th dimensions, or the astral, and the many souls who need to heal through soul retrieval, will use this location as an illumined portal to help cross these souls.

At this time on the planet, there are many crossing over who need a safe location, and Guides share the importance of assisting those who are leaving planet Earth through traumatic deaths, so they can remember who they are and find a harmonic timeline. 
  • Cornwall, in the UK, is another universal location that serves as an exit point for those who are now leaving the planet, and also connects to all the other passages, as Guides share today for all who have this as a personal mission and wish to contribute to the assistance provided at this time for those souls who are now exiting the matrix now. 

Guides invite us not to enter into conflicts for we feed planetary separation, but focusing on seeding love and compassion, to help bring more balance into the present chaos.

This is a very important time to assist our planet in regaining stability, in the locations where is possible, and act as healers in others where healing is required. We can only do that when we begin healing ourselves and moving into a more compassionate state of being, one in which we hold unconditional Love for All, equally.

We are heading into a more illumined timeline, our efforts to create the change that we are also witnessing, have not been in vain, and it is now more than ever that we need to focus on peace and harmony rather than on the turmoil they want us to see, for we cannot choose love while we remain in the frequency of fear.

Thank you all for your constant assistance and healing, Beloved Ones.

May you always remain in the Illumined Essence of your God Self.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba