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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta synthesis. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 14 de junio de 2023

New Moon in Gemini, June 18th, 2023 - Inner Synthesis

Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the peak of this healing passage with a New Moon at 26 degrees Gemini on June 18th, together with Jupiter sextile Saturn the next day. A moon influenced also by Pluto and Saturn, helping many in their metamorphosis, and hence catharsis process. As you know planetary events do not define us. On the contrary, they are forces that when we are wisely aligned with, can help us in many different purposes. Gemini's New Moon is going to help us align heart and mind, so we can begin acting as integrated and conscious beings in all we think, feel, and create. 

We have been working with Taurus and Sagittarius before stepping into Gemini's realm. Now, it is the time to revise and clear the mind, and the ego, empowering ourselves through inner discernment and soul re-connection, so we can be able to see the bigger picture, make the right choices, and pursue that which will serve to create more love. Love that emerges from the inner unification achieved, as Gemini reminds us, and that is pivotal to continue building the life experience that we desire, in the physical. 

At this time many are working with their personal power, healing eons of disempowerment, egoic beliefs, and other half-truths. Gemini's essence is one of integration, at all levels, as the Twins represent our opposite polarities, the ones we are meant to unify and transcend, during our evolutionary journey.

This is the first step towards self-mastery, to clear and control the ego self, and retrieve our sovereignty and freedom, so we can finally achieve inner synthesis. This is where many are at the moment, healing and restoring their authentic soul lineage, wisdom, and mission. 

A time of deep changes that required, as the mutable essence of Gemini reminds us, adaptability to all that we are experiencing, as we continue changing and adjusting to our new body and timeline. All is heading into a more active phase, and Jupiter sextile Saturn is a wonderful frequency for us to align with, if our desire is to expand into what we are giving birth. However, the essence of this planetary encounter too asks us to ponder and meditate about what we wish to create, before acting impulsively.

To assist us balance our heart and mind, so we can achieve our soul creations and goals, we too have a very important square, as the Sun, Moon in Gemini, square Neptune in Pisces. On one hand, we have the mind represented by Gemini, practical, and logical, and on the other, Neptune in Pisces, which is all about diving deep into our soul and dreams.

This is where Jupiter sextile Saturn enters as well, helping us in balancing both sides, in creating more expansion but with the proper alignment, that helps us discern where we are, what we truly need, and if what we desire will help All.

Pleiadians, as shared in some sessions, offer us a tool that today they invited me to share with All, for us to align our hearts and minds, which consists in the conscious creation of a triangle made with our hands, (as in the image that accompanies the post), that will help us create this balance between these opposite but at the same time complementary aspects of us.

As we align through the hand's triangle position our heart and mind, we infuse the triangle with a bright beam of light, emerging from our third eye, and that carries our soul's visions or desire for us to create, in the physical.

As always, outer tools are meant to help us in achieving inner equilibrium, as nothing from the outer creates for us. This will help us focus and align all of who we are, so we can create a loving, unified, and compassionate outcome that will benevolently help All.

Focus is essential at this time, for when we are in the midst of an inner shift, we may be confused about what is authentic, what is not, and where we are heading, and focusing on the inner world, rather than in our mind's noise, is what will help us navigate the moment we are passing through.

Mercury, the ruler of the mind, will too make an important aspect, as it will square Saturn in Pisces. This will help us in keeping us centered on our desires with patience, taking the proper time to clear our minds of all debris and discern if our choices are aligned, or if instead, we need to make some adjustments, before continuing with our decisions. 

It is all about creating more balance, before stepping further into a new path. As Gemini emphasizes balance is the result of embracing our shadows, rather than denying them, without labeling and/or judging our deepest emotions, for balance is only possible when we love All as equal, for All is God, and All comes back to God.

This is the beginning of a new phase for all of us. One that emerges from the transformation that we have experienced, and that has led us to a new beginning. A phase that prepares us to birth a new aspect of us, a more illumined one, that has arisen from the unification of all the opposite aspects that dwell within us.

Our main mission is not just to serve All, in our unique way, but to help ourselves first in healing, so we can be of greater assistance. This passage gives us a unique opportunity for us to revise our personal journey, and see where we need to create more balance and discernment. 

I wish you a loving and harmonic Moon, Beloveds!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2019

The Energies of November 2019 ~ Integrating Change

Beloved light Emissaries, 

There is a time for everything within Creation and at this time of our evolutionary journey, we are about to leave behind another phase of our human experience, one that has brought us many initiations. We are immersed in a period in which bringing balance into ourselves, especially during this month in which change is going to be a constant, is pivotal. The last months of the year are marked by precisely a frequency of harmony that were introduced by a very powerful New Moon at 5 degrees Libra. An essence of harmony and love that continued during this past month of October, as its universal number 4 reminded us, and that will be very present during the coming year 2020, whose main frequency is as well a universal number 4. 2020 is the year of harmony, clarity and stabilization as it is all about creating harmony within the changes we have created and hence in our physical lives. 

2020 is going to be a very important year for the ones working on polarity synthesis as well as for the ones who have created a life that is aligned with their soul will and that needs to be brought into balance, as everything we give birth in the non-physical planes, shall be stabilized by creating the proper foundations that will uphold our soul creations. 

In this new year that we are about to embrace many gatekeepers, stabilizers and others who have as their main soul mission to work with the  Earth Grids, will change location, as it is my personal case as well. We will be integrating new aspects of our Unified Self as well as mission, as a result of the inner work done and personal devotion to this journey. This is part of the stabilization process happening on the Planet during these transitioning years and even though many of us can be surprised about our new path, our only aim lies in surrendering, accepting our Unified's Will and continue doing what is best for the highest good of All.

This new energetic month of November, has a 5 universal frequency, one of change that the New Moon at the end of October at 4 degrees of Scorpio introduced, especially for its opposition to Uranus, which reinforces this essence of change. Many of you will begin to see in the physical the seeds planted time ago and that are blossoming now for you to nurture them and begin your new path. This is indeed a time for accepting change and balance it, at all levels of our human being and physical lives. Our life as we knew it, has shifted, as we continue doing so from within, and what we thought it was going to remain fixed or was part of our original plan, may change as we keep advancing through this ascension journey. 

For many of us, as it is happening to me, that believed that we were always going to be solitary souls, simply doing the mission, we will realize that nothing is as fixed as we thought and that there are many versions for us all of what we call our original soul plan. All depends on where we are and what we are doing with our human experience to determine if we are ready to embrace a new journey that may comprehends new ways of healing, a new soul companion that we never thought possible to have or any other experiences that just because, at that time, we did not possess the proper level of conciousness required to co-create in new ways, does not mean they cannot come now, for we now possess the evolution required for us to participate within the Divine Plan, in new ways. 

As always, beginnings are not introduced with new energies or with specific dates as it is the so awaited year, but by our soul sacred decision to help us evolve in this human journey. However, to do so, first we need to erase fake programs and remove fears, so we can begin the process of healing and balancing. This is why this last stage is going to be so important for us, if we truly desire to clear the past, begin anew and embrace the many blessings that are about to manifest in our earthly reality.  

As we embrace transition, old wounds can resurface, making many fall into what is often called the dark night of the soul, which I would not call exactly as such. This is what many are experiencing at the moment. It is very important that while this turmoil lasts and our bodies release old burdens, we stay centered in our heart, trusting that this is a natural process that needs to occur when we release an old self and begin to embrace new aspects of our authentic one. 

The path to become sovereign free beings is not an ideal one or free of challenges journey, those who are on this path know. It is precisely through the personal experience of the many human tribulations that we finally reach mastery and the illumination required to see things from a higher perspective and begin to embrace a new path based on unconditional love and ego dissolution, something that is a lifetime task.

During this month we are going to have the opportunity to accept change and master how to create balance within it, which is mainly done by moving into a more unified perspective, as we approach 2020, a year in which our main task, apart from our personal one, as we all have ou own journey to experience, will be all about stabilizing ourselves as well as our physical life experience, something that is never separated from our true nature as Divine Beings, as all is Divine in truth. Our main task is not in separating both but into the conscious integration of all that our human self sees as different, lower or not of the light. 

11-11: Removal of fear & Unity Consciouness integration

After having experienced a very intense phase during these past months, We are now heading into a year where we will have the opportunity to begin working with our bodies, in a further way. This month is going to be about shifting everything that is not aligned so we can move into a higher level of consciousness, one in which a lower state of being cannot coexist with where we are heading in this new phase that is already occurring in a soul level and that we will pass to manifest in the following months.

During November, we will have a massive influx of assistance to help us integrate this new level of awareness and that even if we envision it as happening on the 11-11 is already strongly felt, as I am sure most of you may already sense. This process may not be easy, for as always we will be challenged to leave behind more of our old self and limited beliefs. However, on the contrary of what can seems, this is a blessed phase for us to work on the conscious removal of fear, which is the main issue that humans tend to experience, as we leave behind lower layers of who we used to be.

When we experience these stages it is not a reason to think that we are not evolving, for this is what triggers this process and what allows us to move into a new state of being. If we are ope enough to see that this is an opportunity rather than perceiving it as something that we are not doing properly, we will be able to fully appreciate the opportunity to change and release what no longer serves our evolution. 

There are many who are beginning to feel the surface of the physical imbalances that come when we are working on the conscious removal of lower energies. As you know, as we evolve, the more conscious we will be of the energy of fear, as our entire being is asking us to remove it so we can move forward and so the proper energies can be integrated. 

At this time of change it is very important that we focus on releasing all that blocks our natural ability to expand and move forward. When we have been for a while whether unconsciously or consciously focusing on fear, this energy begins to reprogram our body cells to act accordingly, unlike us, they do not judge, they simply become what command them to.

It is then that our bodies begin to accumulate, in certain parts, depending on what kind of thoughts and emotions we hold within, the imbalances that may eve manifest physically, if we do not work with it on time. Sometimes if this energy remains in our bodies for long, even diseases, that will threaten the energetic balance of our bodies. During this month, we are going to have the blessing to become conscious of what needs to be dissolved, rebalance and bring into harmony again, so we can begin to prepare for what 2020 brings, which is all about holding equilibrium and create the strong pillars that will sustain our new lives.

During the process of change, we have to welcome our soul will and be open to accept whatever destination that our soul has orchestrated for us. Sometimes there are many who are willing to relocate or to begin a new life, although it is not yet happening in a physical level.

If you do the inner work of alignment with your soul desires and if you simply be patient, when the time comes, you will see why this change did not occur, at the time that your human self wanted it to happen, as we are not always able to see, from a wider perspective, our authentic journey. However, our soul does and knows what is best for us and All, always. Our mission is not to desperate but to surrender, accept that what we truly desire will come at a perfect time for us and begin to move from fear to a total space of trust in the path that we created for ourselves and that is highly respected within Creation. 

Planetary alignments 

We ended October with a very powerful and revealing New Moon at 4 degrees of Scorpio, one that introduced us into this new energetic month of November, whose main frequency is one of change and adaptation to what it brings in both our inner selves and physical lives. The frequency of November is a fifth universal one - 14 reduced. As you know in tarot, the card that represents number 5 is the Hierophant. 

The Wise Man is a metaphor of a Higher Intelligence who guides us through change and who reveals Truth for all who are ready to listen. This is indeed a phase for deep revelations and self-mastery, a passage to show us clarity in all situations of our human experiences, and the road to enlightened, which is always a challenging path, no free of obstacles, but worth it to walk. 

Number 5 has a passionate frequency which invites us to embrace change, in whatever form it comes. Mars is related to this number, whose Warrior frequency, if well embodied, is perfect for us to overcome any challenges that may arise as we continue growing and expanding ourselves within new timeliness. On November 19, Mars will enter into Scorpio, which potents moving inward and create the change, if we have not done it already and if this is what we desire, that will grow and that we will have to stabilize during the rest of the year 2020, whose main essence will help us do this inner work. 

In truth all is meant to help us, everything even that, which we consider "bad", helps us see where we are not being the LoveLight beings that we are. Furthermore, number 5 symbolizes self-liberation, liberation from cults, religions, old programs, and from everything that keeps us small and in fear, which is everything that was created by humans, in a lower state of consciousness. We always have the perfect essences for us to align with and begin to disengage from old beliefs and ways of beings, it is our final choice to continue in the old or be brave to step into new horizons. 

Astrologically, we begin November with Venus entering in Sagittarius on the first day of the month. Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance in Sagittarius is going to help us liberate ourselves from toxic relationships and from anything that is still keeping us from experience what true and unconditional love is as well as to cease old behaviours that limit us, not just regarding abundance but in all aspects of ourselves and lives.

Sagittarius, the traveler of the zodiac, is always eager to explore new territories, as it always has an open mind, therefore, if we truly desire to experience love, not the egoic one but the authentic Divine Essence that is within us and in All within Creation, we should leave behind what is comfortable, walk an unknown path, and begin to release all the ideas that keep us from experiencing what love truly means. 

There are no frontiers with Venus in Sagittarius, not in love, not in being free and not in expressing our hearts. This is a path to walk in unity, freedom and in love with All, and in the moment that we impede ourselves to experience love in that selfless way, is when we finally are able to broaden our horizons and begin to experience what true liberation feels like. 

On November 2nd we also have a very important alignment: Saturn Sextile Saturn. This is about finding what limits you and going beyond what keeps you small. For the ones who devote themselves to be of assistance, this is going to help us release the old habit of self-sacrifice that many of us still hold within and that needs to be liberated. 

On November 12, we have a very powerful earthly Full Moon at 19 degrees Taurus. In a moment in which we are about to enter a very tangible year, for in truth ascension can only be done through the conscious evolution in a physical world, we have this Moon reminding us the importance to focus on our human senses and feelings as well as we try to cultivate and nourished our non-physical ones. 

It is very important for us to be able to enjoy our earthly experience, as this is where we truly appreciate what the Divine designs and wish to experience through all of us as well as to honor the aspect of us that is human, resides in a physical plane and needs of the physical too, to survive and be able to evolve from the many experiences.

On another hand, this Taurus Moon will also help us in making our soul creations tangible, establishing goals that will help us live abundantly and authentically our human experience and above all in creating unity Above and Below, something that many of us forget when we are too focused on only one side of who we are. 

As this Moon will opposite Mercury, it will challenge us to look within, express our feelings and do it with love and respect, something that can seem very easy but that once we are in the euphoria of the moment, we may tend to forget. As this Moon will harmonize with Saturn, Neptune and Pluto, we will be assisted to remain centered into our hearts and conduit any fury energy into more respectful and communicate ways to express our hearts.

On November 20, we have Mercury turning "retrograde". As many of you know I always leave this event on my articles as a mere informative note, as I do not believe in retrograde phases or the effect they have upon us. I released this belief years ago and it does not affect me in the reality I have chosen to create, for it is one ruled by my Unified Self, never by Planets or outer events, that like us are experiencing evolution within Creation and do not curse or bless us. This is something that has been created  through masses manipulation and now it will have an impact on the collective of course, for they choose to experience this. For the ones who consider Mercury a benevolent force with an energy that is up to us how to decide to align with, this is never an event we should fear.

On November 22, the Sun will enter into Sagittarius. We pass from going deeper into all matters and bringing into the surface what was hidden with Scorpio, to manifest new opportunities in our lives with the gentle energy of Sagittarius, a sign that seeks beyond the surface but also enjoys its quest and making things tangible. Sagittarius likes to explore new horizons and as its ruler is Jupiter, it also helps us to expand ourselves even more in our own soul, and mission, search.

Sagittarians are the Truth-seekers of the zodiac, they wander for more wisdom and answers to their inner questions, they do not hesitate if the road gets hard as they know that finding the Truth will be worth it. Sagittarius are persevering in what they truly desire, and they enjoy the journey more than getting to their “final destination” as they are grateful for all the lessons learnt in their path and know that it is in the journey in itself where true wisdom resides.

Sagittarian energies will finally give us the necessary rest that we need after this intense and revealing summer - introducing us to the last month of December, a decisive month before entering into a new phase of our human journey. 

On November 25, Venus will enter Capricorn. When Venus dwells in this earthly Planet, we are invited to commit in a new level, beginning with ourselves and taking it further to every single encounter we may have. This is about working in our relationships, being the most important one the one we maintain with ourselves. It is about making the commitment to love, respect and honor ourselves at all levels, so we can extend this same love into the physical by being first authentic, which cannot occur if we do not love ourselves, for we will be giving something that is not first within us. 

On November 26, we have a wonderful New Moon at 4 degrees of Sagittarius. This is a time for expansion, openness and for us to begin embrace the new adventures that come when we are ready to liberate ourselves from an old self and past. This is what this Moon brings us - the gift to free ourselves from old chains and to begin exploring new territories that does not necessarily have to be about traveling or expanding in the physical, but about breaking the inner barriers that impede us to see our true soul path and enjoy it in its fullness.

Finally, at the end of November, we have Neptune, the Planet of Intuition and the subconscious turning direct again. As you know I prefer to simply align with the essence of Planets and really feel outside of our conventional human perspective what is truly happening behind the physical scenes.

Neptune can be challenging, as it invites to go deeper into the aspects of us and feelings that we do not desire to visit. However, once we integrate our shadows and overcome any fears, we can resurface by being stronger, wiser and with a new sense of direction and connection to our inner guidance, that we did not posses before due to our egoic fear to visit the unknown and the corners of our souls that are in pain.

This is also going to be of great help for those who need to see reality. As you know many times we simply deny seeing what IS and focus on the many humans delusions that cloud our understanding about what is already occurring in our human experience. If you are one who tend to dwell in the ethereal, in denial of what is taking place in your human reality. then Neptune will help you to being into synthesis both worlds, understanding that both are equals and that can coexist, if we desire to embrace both sides of who we are, not just the Divine, but the mundane one as well.

This is a month for us to dream about the many possibilities that are in our hand to bring into fruition. If we align properly with these forces, we will begin to realize the power that lie within all of us to finally bring into existence anything we have ever desired to manifest and that due to our human fears we could not pursue.

This is a time for change. There is nothing ever fixed within the Divine design but our human tendency to get attached to a certain reality. Change should feel as a blessing that comes to us for we can experience different realities and have many soul encounters that will enrich our human journey.

There is nothing to fear if we work with our inability to move forward. There are many wonderful things and companions awaiting for us in this human experience that we have consciously co-created. There are infinite possibilities for us to pursue and manifest. This path was created to challenge ourselves to grow and expand, never to remain under the illusion of familiarity and stagnation due to our apprehension of the unknown.

There are indeed many scenarios that you could play, in the way you choose it, all of them as wonderful as you desire them to be, the only thing stopping you is the fear you have to experience the powerful being that you are and what you could do with all the resources, love and passion that you have within.

The choice, as I always say, is yours. Are you ready to move from a limited reality and experience the magnificence of who you truly are? Are you willing to do what it takes to find the courage and strength required to give birth to a new life? 

I AM and You too are.

I wish you a wonderful new month filled with love, abundance and blessings Beloved Ones.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018

Full Moon in Taurus, 24/25th October, 2018 ~ Sol & Venus Healing Transmissions

Enlightenment is living in the light of cosmic collaboration. Collaboration gives us the freedom to come out of the boundaries of limited realities.
Amit Ray

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

At this phase of our ascension journey, many of us are already feeling the strong influx coming from our Central Sun as well as from its opposite Essence Planet, Venus. We are immersed under benevolent frequencies during this Full Moon at 1 degree Taurus, for us to work on unity, fixed mental patterns, masculine and feminine polarities synthesis, as well as many other wounds regarding our relationships and sense of abundance, for the Presence of Venus, during this Full Moon, is quite relevant.

Whilst others may see this Moon as a challenging or chaotic one, especially for its releasing essence, to me, this is a cosmic gift beyond measure, for there are many healing frequencies that are willing to embrace us and help us bring transformation and inner synthesis. This is a very powerful time for us to focus on bringing conscious change on what is no longer working in both a physical and a non-physical perspective, for not only we are passing through a transitional corridor during this Moon but also during the last months of this year.

The Full Moon in Taurus is a very unique and special one, for this Moon and the Planetary/stellar alignments, happening at this time, are going to help us deal with matriarchal/patriarchal imbalances. We are indeed receiving powerful transmissions from both Sol and Venus, to finally help us create unity where our human creates separation, using both powers, wisely, rather than in a distorted human way, as it used to be in the 3D old times. 

During the Full Moon, we have seven Planets in fixed signs and some of them at the same time in water signs, as it is Scorpio. This invites us to bring our focus on breaking free from old patterns, especially mental rigid ones we tend to keep repeating in an unconscious way, and as Water flow and surrender to the Divine Order. This Moon's frequency together with the one coming from other stellar events, happening at the same time, is going to be one of the most intense passages for us to work on flexibility and our sexual creative force.

As a confirmation, and kind push, for those who are still doubting whether they should create change or not, we have, the Taurus Moon in conjunction with Uranus, the Great Awakener or Change Maker, to bring us powerful energies of transformation. As humans, we often tend to reject change, for we are beings who like to dwell in the familiar. Not because it is in our nature, but as a result of one of the many beliefs that were implanted on us, as a false idea of happiness, as remaining always in the same place with the same people, when in truth, this is attachment.

When the human aspect is not ready yet to transcend  the old, we will experience what we call challenges, which are nothing more than the natural pressure that the Universe exercise upon us, when it is finally time to release what shall be liberated, for it is Law that everything and everyone must be in constant flow and change, beyond our human sense of linearity.

This is one of these periods in which we are being encouraged to shift everything that our human self gets attached to - our relationships, habits, physical things etc. Everything we fight for keeping, the Universe will find a way to release it, for it was never ours and the more we try to remain in the old, the more we will suffer, which occurs when we go against our own nature.

This change that we have been feeling since the beginning of this month, also comes for our soul reunions - creating feelings of confusion, sadness etc. if one is not ready to release old relationships that have come to an end. However, this not only affects our relationships, but sense of abundance, as Venus is not just about physical or soul love but about all forms of love, and abundance is an extension of the love we feel for ourselves and what we do.

For those who have already released old relationships, and have created inner synthesis as well as balance within and in their physical lives, Venus sextile Saturn, during the Full Moon, will give us a unique opportunity for us to experience enlightened relationships. This is the second step for us to experience what a real companionship truly means, for it was never about getting attached to each other’s without the opportunity of personal growth and freedom, but about honoring and respecting each other’s, as equal, no matter where they both are, in their evolutionary journey, simply enjoying the time they are meant to be together, learning, nurturing and remembering, from each other’s, what they cannot do on their own.

Healing patriarchal domination/wounds

As you know when certain stellar bodies aligned cosmic portals open, releasing healing frequencies for us to integrate and use them to activate our DNA. At this time, during the Full Moon, we have the Moon in conjunction with Uranus, but also we have a reunion with Pleiades and our Sun, whose connection sends to our Planet a very powerful transformational influx. 

Despite the nature of this Taurus Moon in an Earthly sign, it does not mean our higher senses are not going to keep experiencing a major opening, if we are ready for this inner process to occur. These cosmic energies are meant to be anchored within our bodies and tangible plane, for this is precisely what ascension is about. Sol or Sun, as you prefer to call it, I always receive the first name, is helping us to heal masculine wounds that are yet active within our mental body, and begin a process of reeducation of values. Most of the times, this is one of the main blocks that keeps us from experiencing a deeper connection with our soul, and inner gifts. 

As you know, our Sun has been very active recently, giving us the power to dissolve the distorted masculine. If we leave behind all human illusions, and beliefs, about the Planets that inhabit our Galaxy and simply connect with their True Essence, we will realize that their essence is also present within ourselves and that if we choose to align with them, wisely, we could direct their healing frequency to work on the many blockages that we, as humans, have been feeding for so long.

On the other hand, we have Venus, also sending us, at this time, Her loving transmissions to help us heal the feminine wounds caused by eons of patriarchal oppression. There are many factors that have influenced us to foment the masculine control, as educational causes, between other ET manipulative ones. What is important is not the when or who but the conscious intention to heal this distorted perspective of ourselves, and human reality.

Actually, our Planet is being assisted by many souls whose purpose is to bring back the lost feminine power/balance. However, we all have to do our inner work to heal the many old beliefs regarding how our society as well as own lives must be experienced. This is why neutral observation is essential for the ones who have decided to evolve, for the majority of the times we cannot be aware of all the old programing that still runs through our cells and mental body.

There are some clues that will help us realize where we keep fomenting the old patriarchal society:
  • Distorted power: It occurs when we use our power to control and manipulate others instead of using it to be empowered and assist those who need it, from a loving, although non less powerful state of being, and compassionate one.
  • Victimhood and drama - especially as a way to attract other's attention.
  • Family - male - domination: Sorry but it continues to happen, especially in certain cultures. I do experience this in my own family, to set an example. This is an old belief implanted within us all that tells us that the male is the one that should rule the house and family, and the rest should dance at his rhythm. This is a belief that should be erased, replacing the old tyranny with the loving power of the feminine, without diminishing the masculine.
  • Bullying: Sadly, very usual, especially in schools, nowadays, and one of the signs that shows an excess of masculine essence and wrong use of it.
  • Violence: Both oral and physical one. This is not just an extreme sign of masculine excess but of many inner imbalances not healed or even recognized, consciously.
  • Misogyny
Remember that the mental body is connected to the masculine and the feminine with our heart, which is why it is so important that we balance both and listen to our inner voice to make the right decisions, for if we only rely on one side, we could fall into imbalances, manifesting undesired outcomes, in our physical reality.

If we only rule ourselves by our minds, then we will leave our feelings, and one of our main forms of guidance, aside - becoming mere robots whose main interest is just the material plane. If on the contrary, we are governed by just our emotions, we will allow delusions, and probably drama, to be the main theme of our reality, being unable to manage our own lives. 

We are here to co-create a loving and abundant reality, assisting ourselves in our own journey to evolve into higher level of consciousness and assisting others, in our unique way, in doing so as well. However, if we first do not learn how to master the mind, so it can surrender to the power, and wisdom, of our heart, we could not create a balance and loving human experience, for our mind is always fearing that something could happen to spoil our security, and creates many delusional scenarios, where we tend to live, in fear, of something that even if it is not even real, could threaten our existence.

While living from the heart, connects us to the rhythm of the Universe, being able to be in flow and in a loving, and conscious, co-creation with All. It is then that we begin to remember that there is nothing to fear, and we pass from making decisions from a fear state of being to a free one, knowing that a Higher Force is guiding us and that we will never be making wrong decisions anyway, for what we call "wrong" decisions sometimes are simply human experiences that are not aligned with who we are but that must be lived for us to truly remember what we wish.

Venus Transmissions - healing matriarchal wounds

This is a very unique time as we are not only receiving healing frequencies for our Sun and with them the opportunity to heal patriarchal issues, but also from Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance - providing us too with the loving healing energies we need to deal with our matriarchal imbalances. From a limited human perspective, it is said that Venus is retrograde, in Scorpio, at the moment, and there is some truth is this human illusion, however, no Planet is very retrograde for real, but from our Earthly plane.

The history of Venus goes beyond what I am able to share, in this short article, but I am sure many of you are already familiar with the many civilizations/beings that colonized this benevolent Planet, for even though in astrology, we tend to talk about the nature of a Planet as being good or bad, in truth, the Planet in itself simply IS, it is just our human need to label things who give them their current meaning.

Venus Essence has nothing to do with the human meaning we attribute to this Planet. If we truly connect with its essence, we will realize that Venus will not just help us at this time to release and create balanced relationships but her transmissions - frequencies - are also assisting us to heal many of the imbalances related to the feminine that are impeding us to regain unity. Some of the many imbalances that impede us to embrace our feminine power are:
  • Motherly issues
  • Female submission. To deal with this wound first we will need to heal our genetic lineage, for part of this wound is due to our inherited karma from old generations.
  • Exaltation of feminine attributes - as another form of narcissism - which in truth is the distorted version of the Goddess we all have within. The inner Goddess is about beauty, not about the physical one but about the one that comes from being aligned with our power and the love and compassion we feel for All.
  • Sexual manipulation - using sexual tactics to control. This occurs when we use our sacred sexual creative energy to manipulate the male, something we were programmed to do eons ago and that continues to occur when the woman is not yet empowered and use her power in a distorted way.
  • Emotional collapse: This occurs when we only focus on our intuitive/feminine abilities, leaving aside our physical and mental aspects, and then we fall into delusional, being unable to balance our emotions, and hence, making difficult to see ourselves, and our reality, as it truly Is.
With this Moon we all have the blessing to create Sacred Union where our egoic self continues feeding illusions of separation - fomenting old patriarchal/matriarchal wounds. Creating the proper balance between our feminine and masculine essences is vital, if we desire to evolve and act, always, from an integrity and respectful state of being. 

Conscious declaration to create inner synthesis

I have received another declaration for All who feel guided to use it, as you wish. As always, you are your own masters and healers, and you can change it, as you desire, in case it can help you integrate these current energies and bring deep synthesis within, and in your physical life. I hope it helps you in your journey, Beloved Companions. 

As you know, the first thing before doing this decree is to call upon our Unified Self, Guides or any other beings you co-create with and use the proper protection in all the aspects of who we are - physical and non-physical bodies. After feeling the embrace - in your unique way - of your heavenly companions, you can begin this declaration. You only need to truly feel these words and set the proper intention. 

As many of you have asked me, before making the protection exercise, I also use four main crystals, after I sit in the middle. Each one of them has a unique form and purpose, and are clear quartz crystals, they are to keep the lower energies outside my sacred space. This is just something I do. Like I always say, if you are not guided, have other way to do things or simply are in the middle of something/somewhere and you cannot do it, with simply a pure intention will serve. I also use a clear merkaba star crystal, for it represents inner synthesis and I have programmed it for these purposes. 

I_(your name)_ thank my Unified Self, Monad and Guides for helping me protecting my personal and sacred space of everyone and everything - incarnated or not - who do not belong to the Light. 

It is under the protection of my Unified Self, Monad, Guides and the LoveLight Beings that are willing to assist me in this conscious declaration, that I _(your name)_ by conscious choice call upon the Benevolent Light Forces of the Universe to help me dissolve the generational, and programmed, fixed patterns, that are still active within my DNA, and therefore, mental and emotional bodies - impeding me to embrace unity consciousness.

I_(your name)_command that all the feelings that dwell in a lower frequency and that have been implanted to me by the dark forces, or by my own self-created beliefs, be dissolved of all my physical, and non-physical bodies, so my True Loving Essence can be embodied, again. 

I _(your name)_ as a sovereign free being, choose to release all the past genetic/karmic ties and/or agreements and patterns that still cohabit within this present human body that I consciously, and freely, occupy now. For it is my Will, and human right, to live liberated of any genetic bonds that keep me in a fear frequency. 

I_(your name)_ as a powerful creator of my own human experience, choose to release all patriarchal and matriarchal old beliefs that have been inculcated in me to create synthesis, balance and harmony within and in my physical life. 

I AM a conscious unifier, bringing together my masculine and feminine essences as well as my dark and light aspects, for I recognize them all as equally Divine, disengaging myself of the many human interpretations given to them, remembering that these essences are neutral ones, fulfilling a unique role within Creation, as we do so too. 

I AM a bringer of unity, choosing to create this same balance and harmony within my spiritual and earthly planes, for all has been designed by the same Source of Love and Light, and hence, all belongs to this Higher Intelligence that creates worlds. 

I_(your name)_ command that only this present, individualized being, that I AM in this lifetime, rules my human experience. I forbid lower energies/beings/form of consciousness and all that inhabit in an unloving frequency to enter into my sacred space.

I_(your name)_ choose and commit myself to embrace and use my power, as a Divine Being, to only restore, nurture and heal myself and others, if this is meant to be. For as a LoveLight being, it is my responsibility to only serve the Law of One, using the power of love to bring healing and compassion in my own self and physical plane, where our human aspects or others unloving beings/sources, desire to bring destruction. 

I AM eternally grateful for all my past experiences and I let it all go with great humility, for all has helped me remember/learn/heal.

I AM now living in perfect alignment with God and with the Forces of Light of this Universe and all multi-universes. 

I __(your name)__ thank my Unified Self, Monad, Guides and all the LoveLight Beings that have helped/protected me in this decree.

Thereupon, I make of this declaration a permanent and irrevocable one. 

I AM a LoveLight balanced being incarnated into a physical body, bringing this same harmony, unity and love to All within Creation and as such, I AM always One with this - unconditional - loving Source within me that equally appreciates and values All That Is. 

And So it is and it will be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All!

I wish you a blessed and healing Full Moon, Beloved Ones,

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba