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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta starseeds. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

Full Moon in Virgo, March 9th, 2020 ~ Healing Transmissions

Beloved Light Emissaries,

We are entering into a portal of purity and service to others with the wonderful Full Moon, at 19 degrees of Virgo, that we welcome on March 9. It is a time with Piscean and Virgo energies when we all have a gift from our Heavens to commune with the Unified Aspect of who we are and begin the conscious descension of the many aspects of our mission that we could use to help ourselves and All, in this ascension journey, in which we all need  each other to continue evolving and growing from the many interactions that we experience, during our human life experience. 

Virgo is an Earth sign, on the contrary of Pisces, although it is a mutable one as well, which has in common with Pisces that both are flexible and are devoted to be of service, and for that one must be open to change in all its forms. Virgo energies come precisely at a time when the Planet, as well as ourselves, are experiencing a deep cleansing, which is the main Essence from Virgo, to help us remain in the purity of our soul and in the love that we are.

The earthly sign of Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury, is associated with the Virgin Archetype, which is by no means related to celibacy. On the contrary, it concerns the Divine Feminine Archetype of wisdom, purity and wholeness - nurturing and loving everything she touches; in the physical. Virgo is the one who reminds us that we are here to descend and embody the Essence of who we truly are in nature on earth, as well as our soul desires. 

Grounding ourselves is also vital, as it goes beyond our personal well-being. Our energetic human field is interconnected with the planetary field, for as you know we are all One living consciousness under the illusion of separation. When we are not grounded, we temporarily create an obstruction in our energetic field channels, impeding the natural communication with the planetary field and grids. This is mainly what creates the feeling of isolation that many have from Earth and foments mental delusion.

To help us being grounded, which is very important to discern between what is real and what is a mental creation, at the time of the Full Moon, we have seven Planets at the Full Moon time in Earth signs. This is another invitation to make things tangible, to descend healing into the physical, bringing purification and restoration to both our physical body and lives and to begin understanding that in truth being a master is all about knowing how to work with the physical aspect of us. 

As we also have the Full Moon in Virgo in a trine aspect with Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, all of them in Capricorn, an essence, as you well know, that will be very present during all this year to help us work with our earthly plane. This is going to be a great influx of power for us to wonder about what it is that we truly desire to manifest and plan the new experiences that we would like to bring into form, with the proper infusion of passion and focused intention required for us to birth our soul desires. 

This is a very important Moon to ground ourselves, to connect to Mother Earth and to dissolve any delusions that we belong to other planes outside of our earthly ones or in truth all is galactic, and hence Divine in nature, and we all belong to the same Fountain of Love, and what truly matters is to be able to be balanced enough to bring this Divine Essence of love and healing into our human reality. 

Furthermore, we have the Moon opposite Neptune and trine Jupiter. The Moon too activates Jupiter sextile Jupiter. All these combinations are a great opportunity for the enlightened, cultivating faith, hope and everything that involves stepping into the spiritual world, for it is from where we originate from and where we shall come, from time to time, to remember our True Essence and purpose here on Earth.

Healing transmissions: etheric surgeons 

This is a very powerful Moon in terms of healing and enlightenment. Something that is only achieved when we embrace our emotions, all aspects of ourselves as equal and move from fear and fragmentation to unity consciousness. It is pivotal that we understand that in order to become an enlightened species, first we need to clear the many programs of separation and distortions that during eons we hold within whether for genetic reasons or self-created ones.

As many of you know, this Full Moon in Virgo is a master healing one and with it comes the galactic assistance of the many lovelight beings that within Creation have already passed through a deep state of separation into unity consciousness, as we are also experiencing at the moment in this planetary transition, and desire to help humans now to evolve too. 

As always, we are all unique and will have our own things to work with/dissolve at this time. Therefore, it is so important to investigate our chart as well as to connect with these energies so we can feel the unique purpose they have for us. On a more physical level, The Virgo Moon rules our intestines.

As you know this is where physical purification takes place, and these energies, together with the Piscean ones - ruling our feet mainly - and other alignments from this Moon, are perfect for us to focus on certain parts of our bodies that need support. We will know which of our body parts need more assistance, if we align with these energies, they will let us know where we should bring healing by experiencing certain sensations in specific parts of our body, for it is the way they have to communicate with us.

At a deeper or non-physical level, I have received during a starseed healing session with a companion a profound message from Orion for this Full Moon in Virgo of healing assistance, for the ones who feel that this could be of help for their own personal healing journey or simply for their mission of bringing assistance to other soul companions in this journey. 

To help us in our conscious inner work of self-synthesis we have Orion beings, who are now a highly evolved species but who passed, eons ego, through a very hard process, especially during their war times, as you already know. As starseed souls, or universal citizens, for we all belong to the same Source of Love anyway, many of us are connected to this civilization and the ones who are healers will also know that Orion’s healing transmissions are there for those who with a pure intention desire to bring healing and removal of lower energies and implants into our human bodies.

It is indeed a wonderful time with Piscean, Virgo and Neptune energies to commune with your Unified Self and Guides as well as other Lovelight beings as Orion ones or any other ones we have a connection with, to bring these healing transmissions/codes into the Earth, for this is where we are meant to act as conduits of healing energies and restoration. 

For the ones who are beginning on this healing mission, it is very important to ask for protection and protect our 12D bodies, for we not only dwell in the physical, as you well know, before working with these Illumined Essences/Beings. After that, calling upon our greatest guide and protector of all - our Unified Self - and Guides is pivotal so our soul counterparts can help us protect ourselves in a deeper level.

Having done that, we can begin calling upon the Orion healing transmissions codes for us to receive them with an open heart. In my case I open my hands, and with the palms up, I begin to feel the heat as well as the deep love from these Beings/frequencies codes, in my palms.  It is important that we learn to know ourselves before doing this further work, as it is important not to compare ourselves with anyone else or wanting to receive guidance or healing in the same way as others.

While some people will simply feel, hear or both at the same time, others may know simply by inner knowing. Others will see or simply know what they must do after asking for healing. It is all very different from one to another, as we are all unique and while some have their heart centers more activated, others will feel it more in their hand chakras or other body parts that they work more with or are more active. 

Orion beings are masters as well as Sirius in etheric surgery, something that many of you will know well while you do this task in the etheric planes, if it is part of your mission to be an etheric surgeon as well, especially to remove implants etc. It is important that we understand that we on our own can achieve little, for we are all meant to be one in truth, and that we all need help in our evolutionary journey, which is why we have many masters helping us to grow in love and in our unique abilities in many different planes of existence, whether we remember or not.

When I was guided to expand on my mission as a healer and being working more in a face to face level, I totally felt the difference in the sense that I receive more insights and healing from the many beings that dwell within our plane and outside of it. It was a totally new experience and a blessed one indeed for me, as it is helping me to grow in humility and self-mastery.

When we work with starseed souls in a more personal level, the amount of beings who come to assist us in healing as well as the many different energies, is absolutely incredible, and it is then that the process of learning to discern between the many energies, forms of consciousness and beings begin, for starseeds can be linked to many beings and different types of energies and it is a very enriching work to do, if one is willing to evolve and learn more about the many different types of healing energies that exist. Although as you know, there is never an end and we are just beginning to know the many possibilities that truly dwell within our human plane and ourselves. 

This is indeed a very powerful Moon that will have a different energy for each and every one of you, as it will reside in a different place in your chart. As you are your own master and healer, it is your personal choice to feel in what unique way you can use this energy to be of assistance for your personal journey, in a more specific way.

We are in a time in which our connection with our cosmic companions and family is more evident for all of us ascending souls, and it is just a matter of evolution and inner work that we continue expanding within the many possible connections that we can establish, when we are willing to work for the benefit of All and it is part of our mission as conscious beings.

Believing in ourselves is vital, if we desire to do this Divine Mission of being conduits of healing energies. However, it is even more important to begin by clearing the many distortions and delusions that dwell in our mental plane, especially regarding the subject of starseeds and other cosmic topics, is pivotal, if we truly want to remain balanced at all times, without falling into our egoic trap illusions.

As sovereign beings it is our mission as well as helping others to help ourselves remain stable, while we do our task and work of assistance, for the ego is prompt to feel superior or inferior and it is our mission to master it to remain in the humility and higher understanding of our Illumined Essence - always learning, always in love and in oneness with All.

We are in a unique moment within our human history. It is thanks to the many united as One that this planetary evolution has been achieved. We live in a Universe of infinite possibilities, we dwell in infinite dimensions, and we all have the power to become aware of this Truth and use it to create a wondrous human reality for the benefit of All, or to continue living in the limitation of our minds. 

Therefore, choose wisely. Choose to experience your true potential, choose to experience the love that you are and that you came here to share with All. Choose to embrace your sovereignty and the freedom of choice that comes with it. 

I wish you all a healing and blessed Full Moon Beloved Ones!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2020

Full Moon in Leo, February 9th, 2020 ~ Heart Healing

Beloved Light Emissaries,

There are times when the light that is being descended to us, and the sum of our human experiences in many parallel realities in which we exist, end by draining ourselves. This is part of the reason why our Unified Self, who is the only one conscious of our entire experience, makes certain challenges for us to make of them the perfect opportunities to connect again with our strength as well as to recover and adjust to our new energy and how to manage it.

There are times when we cannot do anything else but allowing a Higher Intelligence to rule our human self, not because we are under the power of these Forces, for we are free beings, but because they know what is best for us, from a Higher Perspective, and can impede us to commit certain actions that will simply will not help the whole Plan.

As we are always assisted and watched over, at this wonderful, and for some challenging time too, we have a powerful, passionate but at the same time loving and caring Full Moon at 20 degrees of Leo. This Leo essence comes to help us bring the heart healing energies required for us not to close it again but to open ourselves to feel vulnerable - keeping it wide open, even though what enters may not be loving. 

It is once we accept our vulnerability and work with how we manage what comes from outside us, wisely, that we transform these lower energies into healing ones, which is one of the main aims that we, as starseed and earthseed souls came here to master and offer - heart and earth healing for All.

From a planetary view, we have at the Moon time, lots of planets in fire signs - Moon in Leo which trine Mars, Venus in Aries, and Mars in Sagittarius - which is an indicator of the passion, love and courage that at this time is present for us to embody it and use towards the channeling and subsequent manifestation of our soul creations. On the other hand, we also have planets on Earth signs: Pluto, Saturn in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, which is a influx of inspiration and creativity meant to be anchored on our tangible plane. 

So, for some will be more focus on being creative and express their hearts in this way, and to help us work with our heart center - burning with the Sun light all that is no longer meant to be within ourselves, for we are not longer who we were yesterday, and allowing us to fully be more open to received, and therefore to give Sun - Source - Healing. 

Starseeds and Earthseeds: healing missions

At this time, there are many of us experiencing a profound heart healing. One that comes not just from the many situations and relationships we experience in this individualized aspect of us that dwells in this earthly realm, but from the many other beings that are part of us, and that, in a way, affect us and our present reality too.

At the Moon time in Leo, we also have the Moon quincunx Neptune, which is a great time for us to work on our non-physical senses and commune more with our, parallel selves, soul and the wisdom it holds for eons. This can also be challenging for the ones who are very sensitive, and may fall into old patterns, addictions or anything that can make them create the illusion of peace, not to feel the pain behind it. This is why it is so important that we integrate pain, at all levels, and transform painful situations with an open heart, healthy boundaries and compassion towards ourselves and All. 

When we experience profound pain or when we feel it coming from our parallel selves and the experiences they are having at this precise moment too, for we are not separated, it is time for us to work on heart healing, chakra balancing and soul retrieval, for it is what most helps when we are experiencing deep pain. As always, you are your own masters and healers and know how to work with ourselves and who to ask for protection and assistance. This is why I always try to generalize and share what works for me.

The main purpose of the many star and earth seeds that dwell in this Planet even though we all have a more individual purpose is to share our healing essence, in our unique way to All. At this time, a year ago, to be more exact, I was guided to the UK, which also resulted in a soul reunion, I could have never imagined it being like this. All was indeed leading me to the next stage of my mission: to act as a healing conduit in a new location where I was more connected to the heart of Earth as well as where I could co-create with more souls.

To reach this state and become a healer, in new ways, for the old ones, may not serve for all, and work directly through the light descended from your Unified Self, Guides and other Benevolent beings, a process has to start, one in which what we experience is nothing but what will help us open our hearts more and more, whether we label our experiences as being good or bad.

This is not just a personal experience, I was guided to write this article sharing a message of courage, love to those who are experiencing a more profound heart opening, whether through personal chaotic experiences or through more distant ones that may also affect us. It is precisely this learning what will help us to have compassion for All, which is part of not just our true essence, but purpose here.

Whe we are put out of our loving bubble, out in the world and experience judgments, chaos, and fall into lower energies, it means we still take things personally and that we still have to truly feel the love we preach and put it into practice, and what better way to do so than when we are literally pushed into a new direction, not precisely one our egoic self desires, at this time?

It is important that we understand the many phases that make us experienced healers, although we are, in truth, no healing ourselves, but acting as a mere conduits, for Source to do so. This is why if we continue to live in lower state of beings, holding judgments or feeling superior or less evolved than, the Universe will give us the experiences that will make us remember true Divine Love and humility, which is always an endless lesson.

Leo energies are having a deep impact in the majority of us. As I always say, not all of us are in the same state of being or having the same experiences, we all have our own personal microcycles that should be the first ones we fully know and work with. However, we all can always connect with the planetary/universal/ultra-terrestrial frequencies that are there co-creating with us and that will be always willing to remind us the power of Divine Love and Assistance, even when we may see no way out. 

On a more cosmic perspective, there are many of us that act as healers or time fabrics workers, on a more non-physical perspective. This can trigger many physical pains, for we are expose on many levels of consciousness, when we work in the non-terrestrial realms. There are many who work with the dissolution of artificial 3D timeliness, and hence are healing in a way too. For them, this can be a very intense time and the current planetary energies may help them get rid of many lower ones, emboding strength and the understanding that all human experiences are valid and serves All, equally.

This Moon and precious time is one meant to help us grow, in love, passion for our human unique journey and in mastering our abilities as healers. Opening our hearts and let everything we are meant to heal enters, is not a sign of weakness, but a sign that we no longer judge, feel all as One, and let it all in, so it dissolves lower frequencies as we embrace them. 

This inner work happens when we master polarities, and for that to happen, we will be put in certain places, situations and with certain companions that will show us the lower of them, just to help us in our path. Remember, there are souls who are trapped in the 3D time/space zone and also within the karmic wheel. However, there are others, who you believe are not coming from the light, who are angels in diguised, helping you the opportunity to grow and learn what authentic love truly means. 

As humans we can never determine what or who is good and is not, for we are the first ones beginning our journey of embodying higher levels of consciousness, into this endless spiral. The best we can do is living with an open heart, and be brave to integrate everything as a Divine Blessing, rather than as a course. The choice is always in your hands to make.

I wish you a healing, loving and passionate Moon in Leo, Beloved Companions. May you live always with an open heart that heals all it touches. May you always remain in the Illumined Essence of your Soul. 

In love, light and service ∞

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

The Energies of December 2018 ~ Avatars of Christ Consciousness

Let us meditate until we perceive the Infinite Christ reigning in our own hearts. Let us learn to love those who love us not; and to forgive those who do ill against us. Let us break all our mental boundaries of color, creed, and nationality, and receive all - even our inanimate and animal brothers - in the endless, all embracing arms of our Christ Consciousness. This will be a true and fitting celebration of the coming of Jesus Christ to this earth.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Beloved Light Emissaries,  

We welcome December the last energetic month of this year 2018. A year of acceleration of our ascension trajectory, illumination and unity. If during November practicing the power of oneness was essential to support the new frequencies that are assisting us during this long transition. During December acting as the avatars of synthesis that we came here to be - seeding Christ/Unity Consciousness - will be pivotal to support the massive collective awakening that is taking place, at this time, and that will continue during the next year that we are about to greet. 

At this time of our evolutionary path, we find ourselves crossing the bridge towards our new destiny, one that we have consciously created during months, and that we are still molding, in the depths of our being. It is at this time when we precisely shall keep focusing on what we are building rather than in what we are leaving behind. For as long as we continue feeding old timelines, we could not step into new horizons. This is why radical focus on our soul creations, is pivotal during the next two months.

We are indeed concluding a macro, and the majority of us a micro cycle as well, of our human experience, in which integration aside from the constant dissolution of the old, has been a constant, during this year that we are leaving behind. As a part of our main mission, as Divine Emissaries, we are here to bring back the cosmic remembrance of our true essence, which is always one of unity and unconditional love to All. 

This is in fact a month of change, even though we many not perceive it as such, due to the many 3D distractions during this month. As a confirmation of the change that we all are creating, in our unique way, this month holds a 5 - 23 reduced - universal frequency. Number 5 indeed indicates change, one that shall be stabilized later on, which is what we will be doing during January. 

This change is not just in reference to our human lives but to the energies we are facing. Gridworkers and gatekeepers are constantly anchoring the new frequencies received. There is a profound planetary shift occurring at a deeper level, one that only those who are attuned to what is truly happening - seeing beyond the 3D game - will be able to perceive. 

A transformation that comes after the conscious liberation from the old, for it is then when we are ready to be adventurous and step into the unknown. Indeed we find ourselves in a constant wave, until we finally reach the shore of our new destination, which although new, never final, as we never ever ends discovering new horizons, within this endless evolutionary path of conscious remembrance and co-creation.  

Reclaiming the Cosmic Christ Consciousness

As New Earth Seeds and Starseed Souls we came here to act as emissaries of what living within Divine Love is. Our main task as conscious beings is to spread, by our actions and state of being, the true meaning of Christ consciousness, for many are still feeding the distorted one that was created after the arrival on Earth of our Beloved Jesus. 

The distorted version of what Christ consicousness is, has been deeply spread and inculcated, especially, as it was my case, by certain religions, our families etc. since we were born. This is one of the many reasons why the majority of us have spent many years working on the dissolution of these false patterns/implanted beliefs that have been imposed to us. 

The original message from Jesus, the one who embodied on Earth the Cristo Consciousness, call Him as you prefer, has nothing to do with what many try to enforce, especially during December, for he simply came, from the spheres of light, to show us how to embody a higher state of consicousness so we can also act as a living example of unconditional love and compassion to All. This is a month used by the hidden agendas to mask all that is real with fake lights and illusions.

During December the 3D matrix uses all their devices to keep distorting the true meaning of christ consciousness, when in truth Christ Consciousness has nothing to do with what we have been taught, for it is an energy that goes beyond our dual Universe. Our mission as conscious beings who remember is not to fall into the trap of consumerism, fake happiness - implanted by many 3D distractions/illusions - or any other manipulative tactics they use, but to bring remembrance by own example of what embodying christ consciousness truly is about.

It is well-known by those who are working on assisting this transition that the 3D matrix is being replaced, in spite of the many efforts of the dark agendas for this not to occur. The challenge for many who are awakening at this time is not to fall into the false sense of unity that the matrix continues imposing, which is based on uniting people through commercialism during one month, which vanishes as soon as the day ends, for it is not authentic, just something with which they manipulate people so they can hold, for a while, a fake sense of happiness. 

It is during December that we are sold the image of the perfect families, of being happy simply with the excuse that Jesus was born, or many other fake beliefs, lies etc. The truth is that in December as well as in any other month, we all have our micro cycles and we all are not going or have to feel in the way they want us to feel simply because it is convenient for the matrix. Bliss should be our natural state of being, one that even though tested by the many challenges we shall experience for our personal growth, should be always from the space we operate in all we say and do. 

What is important for the ones who live now outside of these festivities, is to remain in love, at all times, as we do during all the year and not just during one month, rather than being sad for all the manipulation, and distortion of what is sacred for us, and we see during this time. No matter what it appears to be in the physical or what they want us to believe, we already know, as many of us are already experiencing this, the tremendous shift that not just our personal reality has experienced but Planet Earth as well. This is our main focus and not the illusions the matrix projects and that are meant to literally hypnotize people to act as mere puppets of an already decaying reality. 

December, as the previous month, continue to be a key passage for us to consicously work on Christ/Unity consciousness. To me this has not been just about the 11:11 but an energy that was built even before this day and that I have been working with for a while. There are many people who have been acting as living portals to anchor Unity Consciousness as their soul role involves acting as bridge builders - mediators between the cosmos and Earth - anchoring the energies that we are receiving from many stellar gates, since our Planet bifurcated from old earth. 

Their main mission is to channel, and help descend, the cosmic energies into our physical plane. For this to occur their level of purity and personal work has to be pristine, for they physical bodies could not hold these high frequencies. They, together with the souls whose role is to be new earth anchors, are helping many incarnated, and non-incarnated souls, to cross from old earth to New Earth, for as you know there is a group often call the archons whose main mission is to keep Earth souls trapped in the 3D karmic wheel to continue controling and enslaving them, as they have been doing until recently.

During December while many enjoy the Holidays and continue feeding consumerism and many other 3D diversions, the ones who came to assist the Planet change its old trajectory, are going to be very busy anchoring the Crystal-Christos energies that are assisting many since 2013 to retreive their Christed memories/codes - remembering, again, the true, and lost meaning, of Cristo and what the energy He brought to our Planet/us truly means. 

There is already a massive collective awakening occurring in the Planet, that will increase during this new year 2019, and the most important thing we can do to assist is to simply be who we are. Sometimes people want to do more. To me, it is not about doing but about simply being who we are what can bring inner and outer transformation. For only by transmuting our wounds, dissolving our human illusions, is that we can begin to be of assistance.

We do not have to go somewhere to help or make complicated rituals; with simply being who we are and shine our unique state of being - frequency - is enough to affect our enviroment. It is not about what we do, for we can never deceive the Universe, but about who we are and what we decide to do with our Essence what counts. 

Dissociation of worlds

As you know a fifth dimensional version of our Planet already initiated its separation a few years ago, concluding its final bifurcation last year. As this is not a one-day or year transition, and it takes more time that our human limited minds can comprehend, our Planet as a living organism in itself as well as ourselves, continue to disassociate from the 3D matrix, at an accelerate rate. 

This is a time where many will begin to awake, as it was planned by their souls, and as it is happening at the moment, and will feel the impact of remembering who they truly are and their mission, has, on themselves and in their human lives. The more they retrieve their ancient memories, the more they will begin to disengage more and more from their old lives, jobs, relationships and everything that will mean being attached to an old frequency that can no longer coexist with where they have become.

As energetic holders, our task is to help support this collective shift as well as the ones who are still navigating between two worlds and do not possess yet the level of consciousness that we have embodied during these years. It is pivotal that we act as compassionate beings for all who are beginning to remember, for we have been there once and they need all of our love and kindness, at a moment when they could fall, again, into egoic or dark traps.

With respect to the Planetary ascending souls who are supporting this shift between worlds - New Earth Anchors between many others - it is important that we begin to understand that one part of our mission has been fulfilled and begin to assist those who are crossing to the new dimensional space that we now occupy, whether incarnate or non-incarnated beings, from a fifth dimensional perspective, for our role in between dimensions can only lead us to continue being exposed to the dark agendas, which continually try to impede us doing our work. 

As living anchors our main task is to act from a safe space in which we could help more than trying to protect ourselves all the time. For the ones who are not yet guided or allowed, so to speak by their Unified Self and hence mission, to leave this position, as you know you count with the assistance of many Light Forces and Beings and with your biggest ally - your own Unified Self and Team Guides - to continue with your role or bridging old and New Earth, until the time for you to step into a new role or space, comes.

As humans, some of us have been anchoring these frequencies in between worlds/dimensions, for so long that we have been granted now with the personal choice of moving and continue doing so from a safer space, for our work was constantly being attacked and our bodies need some rest from the task we perform in other dimensions. It is now that we have the opportunity to unite ourselves in this purpose of unification and use our power to strengthen our conscious duty of anchoring these new frequencies within a 3D space, so we can help bring liberation and peace rather than more illusion or confusion.

For the ones who work as astral surgeons and healers, for it is the nature of your soul and the abilities that have cultivated/learnt during eons, this is going to be a month in which your assistance if going to be vital and much appreciated for the ones who are physically shifting and do not know how to work with their new bodies yet, as it was my case when I began another profound physical transformation this summer. Astral surgeons perform an extremely difficult and wondrous task, as I have experienced myself, to help our bodies recover their energetic balance as well as to remove implants, and many other wounds or imbalances that have physicalized and that we by ourselves cannot remove. 

During this time needless to say that the ones who assist by anchoring Christ energies for they are holders of it, will also need to take special care of themselves as well as physical bodies, as this is a very intense month for those who are working behind the physical scenes. It is pivotal that all of us who contribute in our unique way in this transition, do not push our bodies to the limit, for they will burnt out, if we are constantly descending and embodying energy without taking the proper rest, in between times.

Exchange periods of resting with periods in which we integrate and anchor is vital, for excess of energy is very hard to channel, especially if you nature, like mine, is hyper. Descending wisdom/light shall be alternate with periods in which we totally disconnect from all physical, mental and spiritual activity, and use this time to focus on the recovery of our bodies as well as on other activities so we do not take the risk to take our bodies to exhaustion. 

There are times when they body just need to be and replenish more than any other thing, and it is our conscious task to be our own caretakers and understand the intense, and sometimes hard process, that our bodies are experiencing, especially during this year of acceleration that we undergoing in which our bodies are transmuting while retrieving its original Adamic DNA as well as crystalline form. 

Physical Transformation

Regarding the physical body, for many this is going to be a month to stabilize, after the frequencies that we have been descending and that have caused a deep transformation in our physical bodies. For others, this will be a month to continue their integration process and healing. It is all what we need for where we are in our path. In the end, we all are going to pass through the many stages required for our bodies to come back to their natural crystalline essence.

The mutation that our bodies are experiencing must be observed and supported, for it is precisely in this dense plane that we have the opportunity to experience physical ascension, and the more we continue living in the ethereal, the more that we will lose the blessing of transforming our bodies, while we are still living in a physical reality. 

This process is a very long one that will not end during this lifetime for the majority. The more beliefs we let go, the more we conquer our inner shadows, not denying them but accepting them as an equal part of who we are, the more we will cross the veils of human illusions, and the more that our bodies will continue to release, for each part of them holds a different limited belief/wound that must be healed, if we desire to awaken the ascended master that we all are in Essence. 

November, at least in my personal experience, has been a month that have pushed all the body imbalances into the surface, in a way that have been physically painful, for the lower self tends to resist releasing all trapped wounds/beliefs. The more we resist, the more pain we will create in this natural process, and the more we focus on what is "wrong" the more we will be creating this illusion, for there is nothing wrong, as this is simply a natural procedure that the ones who have consciously chosen to experience this transformation, will continue to undergo.

For me it has been all about experiencing a deep pain in my bones - our body foundation - and muscles, I could barely walk without feeling a deep pain in my feet and legs. The same occurred with my back and hands, until the point I thought it was going to be physical. I continued working with my body, and one day these sensations begin to vanish just like this. 

This has been the main reason why I was away from social media and did not posted much, because I was totally focus on my body and not other distractions. This physical process I passed was new to me, as other times it was less painful, to be honest. It began this summer and since then I have been experiencing a profound transformation in my body like never before. Self-observation is key, for what you used to eat, like etc. may not resonate anymore with your new way of being. This is how much we are evolving, if we choose to consciously work with our bodies and let go of more old layers. 

This was my personal experience, for you, it does not have to be painful. Remember do not compare yourself with anyone else, for even though we all like to find people that resonate with our unique process, we are all unique and our bodies know what they need to liberate/integrate/transform and in what way. Our responsibility is listening to it and support this process. 

This month is a continuation, as you know the energies do not come and go and last for just one day, of November, having as our main purpose to step more and more, for this is an endless path, into Unity Consciousness. Unity begins from within, by synthesizing what is fragmented before we can make an attempt to unify our human lives. During this month many are going to be challenged to discern what is authentic unity from the fake one that is imposed by the 3D matrix and that many continue to believe as being the real one. 

As I always say, please take what resonates, as I know this is a very delicate subject. However, it is my duty to sharer my own experience, as some are physically ill while they think they are experiencing ascension symptoms and vice versa. Whatever it is your situation, you should base your opinion and act only based on your own guidance. 

Having a balance is pivotal not to fall into delusional egoic traps, especially regarding the care of our physical vehicles. All I share is based on my own guidance and experience in case it can be of assistance to others, never to teach or implant an idea in anyone's mind.

Planetary alignments 

At a cosmic level, December is a month in which we are going to be immersed in a phase of constant change. This shift is a profound one, even though it is masked by the many distractions of the Holidays. This is a very imporant phase for the ones who are stepping into a higher timeline as well as for the ones that continue navigating, freely, within it. 

This is why it is so important that durring this month, we focus not on the 3D manipulations, but on the true remembrance of what being Christed Beings means and of what acting as such truly is about, for this is not a fashion that lasts during one month, but a constant state of being, which is not separated from who we are, and our mission.

This is not a time to focus on material things or dramas, for we know that it is our task, as conscious beings, to hold the space for the new souls that are beginning to awake, aside from sustaining the new dimensional space we now occupy, which can only be done by keeping a higher frequency, at all times. 

As I shared at the beginning of this post, this month's essence is one of change. December's universal number is 23 - 5 - reduced. In tarot, the card that represents number 5 is the Hierophant. The Wise Man is a metaphor of a Higher Intelligence who guides us and who reveals Truth for all who are ready to listen. This is indeed a phase for revelations, a passage to show us clarity in all situations of our human experiences. 

Number 5 has a passionate frequency which invites us to embrace change, in whatever form it comes. Mars is related to this number, whose Warrior frequency, if well embodied, is perfect for us to overcome any challenges that may arise as we continue growing and expanding ourselves within new timeliness. All is meant to help us, everything even that, which we consider "bad", helps us see where we are not being the LoveLight beings that we are. Furthermore, number 5 symbolizes self-liberation, liberation from cults, religions, old programs, and from everything that keeps us small and in fear, which is everything that was created by humans, in a lower state of consciousness. 

Astrologically speaking, we begin this loving month with Mercury entering into Scorpio on December 1 and Venus doing the same on the next day. Mercury in Scorpio, is very intense and it is another invitation for us to visit our inner realms, but this time our mental one, for it is there that sometimes we most need to create change - unprogramming ourselves from beliefs that are impeding us to evolve and see reality as it truly Is. 

Mercury in this powerful sign is also asking us to observe the communication with our own selves, as most of the times it is the first cause of negative self-programming. This is also very good for telepathy, as Mercury in Scorpio goes deeper into thoughts and what is hidden and unsaid. It searches, mentally, what words cannot express and what we often are in fear to share. 

On the other hand, Venus entering as well in Scorpio is going to serve us to go deeper into our relationships and sense of abundance, for both are simply different form of love. This is not a time to simply focus on the material or superficial, but to go further into the essence of people and things, which is pivotal in a month rules by consumerism - often imposed to us whether we want it or not. These loving and intense energies are another kind reminder for us to remember the importance of what truly matters and of what we really are made of, above any other form of mind control. 

Venus in Scorpio is also a time for us to go after what is really important for us. Our families, friends, and all authentic relationships. This is an opportunity for us to appreciate everything we value in our human existence, and enjoy the blessings it all bring into our life. This is also a gift for those who want to discover the truth in their relationships and other important situations, especially with Mercury being in Scorpio too. 

A time for soul grouping, for as you know it has been happening for a while, for many of us are reuniting, as One, to assist in the current planetary transition that we are undergoing. Venus in Scorpio is also a time for us to discover, and dissolve, the shadows in our relationships. A good opportunity to realize if we are maintaing balanced relationships or if we are yet keeping them by egoic attachments or pain of letting them go. 

In this same day, on December 2, we also have another important cosmic encounter: True Node trine Chiron. This frequency is a good omen for those who are beginning to leave aside their 3D jobs and remembering their healer within. This is an opportunity for those who are feeling their true path is related to dedicate themselves to be of service as healers and build this new path.

It is important to pay attention, during this cosmic encounter, to our soul revelations, for many could receive the call of becoming spiritual teachers, healers, and any other modality that is related to be of service, in a new and higher way from the one they performed before. If you are one who are beginning to feel this soul call, do not force your destiny, it is already written, by you, and it will occur when you are fully ready to confront any challenges that may arise in your way to become who you truly are. 

There is no rush, there is no final destiny. You are exactly where you need to be to remember or to do whatever it is you are already feeling. You just need to trust in a Higher Power, unconditionally, knowing it is coming; your only task is not to be constantly asking or forcing things to occur, but to surrender and be open to receive it, whenever it shall come. 

On December 6, we have Mercury turning direct again. As you already know, I no longer share about cosmic events that are just illusions from Earth and that only limits our human experience, for there is nothing ever retrograde within Creation. So in my own evolutionary path, I have already dissolved the illusion of Mercury being retrograde affecting or even ruling our human lives. This is why I do not focus on this human made belief anymore. Although I respect it and share this day, as I know many will be interested in knowing it, even though I will not go further. 

On December 7, we have a New Moon at 15 degrees Sagittarius. This is a Moon which brings joy, at a time when we are celebrating, not just the Holidays, but the Christed Essence within and the expansion that we are having due to the inner work of conscious remembrance that we are doing. This Moon is one for us to open our minds and hearts to the unknown. This Moon is all about being constantly learning, expanding and opening ourselves more and more, and let our soul's inspirations guide us, in this new phase that we have already begun, from within. 

This Sagittarian Moon makes also challenging aspects to Mars and Neptune. However, these are just opportunities for us to commune with our soul, expanding into what is still fragmented, knowing that this is the first step towards self-unification, and hence, liberation in the physical, which is also our desire, as a part of our human nature, as well as mission, once we incarnated in this physical plane. 

Chiron the Cosmic Healer as I call Him, will be direct again in Pisces since December 1. As we also have Neptune direct again in this same Water sign, we have an opportunity to heal those feelings and old beliefs that our human self still keeps repeating and shed forgiveness and compassion instead of not taking responsibility for our own journey - blaming others or outer circumstances - as our reason to feel pain. Pain should be embraced, it is our best teacher, and our transformer, as it is an indicator that we are doing something that is not aligned with our true soul purpose and Will, and hence, should be dissolved.

Days later, on December 21, the Sun will enter in the sign of Capricorn, celebrating the Winter/Summer Solstice, depending upon where you live. The Sun represents our Higher Self, our Essence, so when the Sun shines its light into a sign of the zodiac and hence into a specific aspect of ourselves, it means we are invited to develop and work on this concrete side of ourselves. 

With the Sun in Capricorn, we are called to nourish the aspect of us who brings things into fruition, making them tangible, paying attention not only to the ethereal part of us, but also to the aspect of us that needs to be nurtured - in the material - since they sustain ourselves. After all, the new frequency we hold is meant to be anchored within our dense realm. Capricorn also gives us equilibrium, so we do not fall into the trap of illusions, procrastinating the birth of our new creations. 

The next day, on December 22, we have a very loving and healing Full Moon at 0 degrees of Cancer. This is a Moon to end cycles regarding our healing process. This is not just a Moon for us to focus on family reunions, for it is Christmas and this is the typical thing to do, but to focus on our personal healing process, especially with it happening at 0 degrees, which is a critical degree. 

This is a Moon for us to bring out our emotions and embrace them even though some of them were buried deep within ourselves or denied. This is also a very powerful frequency for us to work with family karmic patterns - coming back to our roots not to judge or reject anything but to embrace whatever we find there and heal/rewrite what we are not meant to repeat, again. 

We end this loving and magical month with a non-less powerful cosmic event: Jupiter semi-sextile Saturn on December 27 together with Mars entering Aries. The first event is going to help us being responsible and conduit our lives in the way we truly desire. The second one is going to help us descending the power, initiative and vitality required for us to begin creating the strong foundations of our new reality. 

This is a huge influx of energy for those who are ready to release an old chapter and without looking back, step into an unknown, but blessed, new phase of their lives. These two impulsive forces are going to act as catalysts for us to direct our warrior essence in building rather than focusing on anger for what we are leaving behind. 

Unity consciousness decree

As ascending souls, our main purpose towards ourselves and All is to become conscious of every thought, feeling and act - learning how to direct them in a constructive way rather than impulsively, for it is only by acting with integrity and compassion that we can finally begin to be the Seeders of Unity Consciousness that we came here to be. 

Walking on this Earth practicing Unity Consciousness does not mean to talk, write or read about it but to go out there with an open heart, even if it gets hurt, for this is precisely what makes us stronger and gives  us the opportunity to remember the power of forgiveness and unconditional love. 

There is no other way to practice unity consicousness than being open for anyone and anything that shall come and touch our hearts. We all know we did not come here just to be in the top of the mountain, undisturbed by anything or anyone. 

We came here to be who we are, yes. We came here to live and learn from our personal challenges and continue growing, yes. We came here to create Heaven on Earth, yes. And we also came here to assist, and in this process creating healthy boundaries is essential. However, walking with a heart closed to everything and everyone that is not where we are continues to be egoic, whether we accept it or not.

We did not come here to fix anything, but to seed love even into the smallest creature and most unconsicous being, and doing so requires humility to understand that unconditional love is only so if it is given to everyone, and even more when we share different views of reality. Otherwise, it is not love, but egoic resonance, which is fine, but never close to what living within Divine Love truly is. 

This decree is another of my daily reminders that I do to connect to All not just with my Unified Self but to remember unity with every single being, as well as my conscious decision to assist All within Creation. 

This decree is a more universal one, for I use concrete names of my Guides and other things that are personal, and you will have your unique ones. As I always say, this is just an example of my own decree. As your own master and healer make/remake it in your unique way. 

I _(your name)_ call upon my Unified Self, Monad, and Guides who assist me on my human path, and who come from the Love, Light, Truth and Unity of God to help me protect my personal and sacred space from everyone and everything - incarnated or not - who do not belong to the Light.

I_(your name)_as a Truth advocate make the conscious vow of serving only the Law of One. Choosing, at all times, to act as a vehicle of love, light and Christ/Unity Consciousness - making no distinctions between the many beings and forms of consciousness that dwell in this Planet and Universe, for I am here as a representation of the unconditional love to All that inhabit within me.

As a an avatar of the Christ Consciousness it is my pure intention to heal the illusion of separation, remembering that we all come from the same Divine Source where separation does not exist. 

As a free sovereign being descended from the Spheres of Light, I chose to come into this Planet to be of service to All and so it continues to be my conscious choice once I am incarnated as human. 

From a free sovereign space, I choose to listen to the whispers of my soul, for it reminds me of my Divine origin and that of All. I choose to let go of duality, understanding it was created to help us remember unity by first forgetting who we truly are. I choose to let go of fears and judgements, for I now dwell in a space where I recognize All as equal. 

I thank my Unified Self and Light Team for assisting me on descending from the Illumined realms the Wisdom to always remember my purpose of practicing Unity Consciousness above any other form of human illusion. 

I AM an avatar of Christ Consciousness dwelling in a human body to bring remembrance of the Divine Master within that we all are.

I AM a conduit for the Christ Consciousness to work throught me, bringing illumination, unconditional love and Higher understanding to All.

I AM the Light that conquers the shadows and love them equally.

I AM consicous expansion in perfect co-creation with All That Is and have ever existed.

I AM infinite love, bliss and compassion in service to All within Creation.

And so are You!

So it is and it will be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All.

Beloved Ones, 

As conscious beings we are building a bridge for those who are stepping into this new dimensional space to cross over. Every time you choose to think and feel in a loving way, you are helping in building this bridge. Every time you embody more love and unify what was fragmented within, you are helping in raising the consciousness of the Planet.

Every thought, every gesture, every feeling we send out, count. It is your personal choice to choose in what frequency you desire to vibrate. At every moment, you have the gift to shift and remember the power of love or to continue dwelling in fear. 

There is never a final destination. There is no rush. There is only respect for whatever it is you choose to experience, as another reminder of the non-judgement and unconditional love that Source feels for everything we decide to experience. 

I wish you all a month filled with joy, magic, revelations and bright blessings, Beloved Companions.

May you all remember your True Loving Christed Essence above any other form of human illusions.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

Note: I have made a special offer for this loving and magical month, for those who are willing to co-create with me. Feel free to check it on my site, if guided, Beloveds. Thank you! 

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

The Energies of August 2018 & The Lion's Gate - The Rebirth of Light Consciousness

There's always another level up. There's always another ascension. More grace, more light, more generosity, more compassion, more to shed, more to grow.
Elizabeth Gilbert

Beloved  Light Emissaries, 

It is with great joy that I share the benevolent, and nonetheless intense, energies of this new energetic month, for even though, as humans, we tend to separate, this month is a continuation of what we began to experience with the first Eclipse in Cancer, and in general during all this summer, and that will increase with the Lion’s Gate in August 8th, reaching its peak with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo. This month marks a key point in our evolutionary journey, it is indeed the end for many who are still trying to sustain both opposite worlds, for when we consciously decide to step into this new ascended reality, nothing will ever be the same. 

All months hold precious gifts, if we are willing to see and embrace them. This new month brings us the gift of stepping into a new reality. If with the last Eclipse in Aquarius we had the opportunity to consciously release what no longer serves, for us as humans, we always tend to get attached to old energy, unconsciously repeating old habits/patterns, now with the coming of the Eclipse in Leo, we are being invited to become empowered sovereign beings, seeding light consciousness rather than fomenting the old energy, for the return of light consciousness can only be possible if we first hold this same frequency, within. 

This is not an ending either a beginning, as the Universal 10/1 - 19 reduced - frequency of this month reminds us, for as you know, it is in the middle that we coexist and experience change, for all is happening at the same time, and when we believe something has finished, it is the new seed of what is already emerging, we just have to know where to look and shift our focus from poverty/victimhood/negative consciousness to a wider one, realizing that all is in truth an opportunity rather than a curse. 

The energies from this month are going to be the new seeds for us to grow our true soul desires or keep feeding our human fears and illusions, as always, all choices are respected, and served equally, within Creation. During this summer, we have the opportunity to move from fear consciousness and step into a new way of living, for where we have chosen to dwell, there are no limitations and in the moment we create them, we automatically lower our frequency, returning to a restricted and illusory reality.

Lyran & Sirian connection 

As we approach August, the fiery energies that we have been feeling since July, will increase  with the coming of the Lionsgate, on the 8th of August. During the Lion’s Gate our Planet will align with the Star Sirius, the Galactic Center and with many sacred places on Earth, as it is for example the Pyramid of Gyza, giving us the opportunity to connect with the Cosmic Heart and other Star companions that have been following our soul evolution, for our cosmic family from Lyra, our forefathers, and Sirius have been assisting in the awakening of humanity for a long time, especially after the original Adamic DNA was manipulated - impeding us to fully be aware, as other cosmic civilizations are, of our True Divine Essence. 

This month, and especially with the coming of this Fiery wave, is going to be challenging for those who are working on the lower layers of their egoic self, for the ego can no longer coexist with the higher frequencies we are receiving and the more resistance we may have to let it all go, the more we can suffer from getting attached to human illusions and/or fears. This passage will serve in many ways, for some, it will be a phase for connecting with their star family, for others it will help them dissolve more of the old, it is all according to where you are in your unique path. 

The Lionsgate is a very important galactic opening, for the portal travelers, starseed souls, and for everyone whose connection with Lyra and Sirius remains strong, will have the opportunity to establish conscious connection and begin to use their precious assistance to continue the process of DNA reconnection and activation, for without the second one there can be no possible integration. Our Sirian family left in many starseed souls many codes within their DNA for when they were ready to evolve and begin to decode them remembering the ancient wisdom - once lost due to the manipulation of our original DNA.

To understand our connection with these star systems or civilizations, first it is pivotal to have some authentic information, which can only come first from within, about the galactic history of our Galaxy. There are many who separate, claiming they come from Pleiades, Sirius, bringing confusion and separation, when in truth, what truly matters is where we are now, for it is only in this moment that we exist and not embracing it as well as our physical realm, will be delusional. I am not judging or saying these people are wrong, I am simply saying that the mind, as well as any other part of our body, gets sick, if we keep feeding illusions, and it is our task to become aware when this occurs and do whatever we can to recover.

The history of our Galaxy is very profound and I do not have the time required to write in depth about all this. However, sharing at least the basis may help many to understand that there is no separation between the many different star systems.

Life in our Galaxy began in Lyra Constellation, these were highly 12D evolved beings birthed by the Elohims. After a time, this civilization split due to disagreements, for while some desired to dwell in the Light, others began to separate from it. It was then that the so-called wars between Lyra and Orion began, a war over consciousness that ended eons ago and that led the ones who still live in unity to leave Lyra and began to colonize/create other places, such as Vega, Pleiades, Sirius etc.

Therefore, it is why it is so important to commune with our God Self to know about our history, human races, and many other things that are essential if we desire to know our Galaxy and true origin. I understand it is not always easy, but as it was in my case, obtaining things from within, before searching or reading it outside, makes all the difference to truly discern about what we read, for we may fall into the trap of making what others channel ours, and then, we are not seeing the Truth by ourselves.

There is no separation; we are all, or most of us, coming from Lyra or as humans, at least having within our DNA many star essences. Another thing is that the soul chooses only to incarnate in one specific civilization, but once one incarnates in a human body, the body will always have genetic memories and patterns that cannot be erased.

At this unique time, and especially during this month of August, we have the opportunity to remember not just our true galactic history and origin, but to remember unity consciousness and what life within Divine Love means, for Lyrans, our creators, are there to remind us the importance that respecting the Law of One has for All who desire to live a free, sovereign, peaceful and respectful experience within Creation.

On the other hand, Sirians are also there to assist those who are working with the conscious inner work of DNA reconnection for they were pioneers in the human genetic project, which was supervised as well by the Lyrans, and they are ones who know all about how to decode our original 12 DNA strands, something that many of us are working at the moment, for without this constant inner work, the physical body as well as ourselves, cannot truly evolve.

There are many who focus only in the physical connection, however, conscious connection with our star family is done from within, by remembering who we are, by searching within instead of obtaining information from outside and above all, by clearing our mental and emotional bodies before we fall into delusional traps. Contact is made by inner knowing, by telepathy or simply by conscious interaction, if for example you are clairaudient or are one who can receive in a similar way.

As I always say, we all are unique and if we have our mind healthy, we will know when we are receiving true guidance and making real contact or when we are believing our own mind creations, and hence, illusions.

Delusional thinking vs. authentic guidance

At a time of profound integration, where we are communing with the Illuminated Realms as well as with many beings that have been assisting us for eons, I  was guided to share a bit more about the importance that clearing our minds of delusions has on our evolutionary journey, for it is pivotal if we desire to know if we are receiving authentic guidance or are being fooled by our ego.
I understand there are many phases as we ascend in which we will experience different delusions, and there is nothing wrong with this, for this is precisely what helps us grow and discern what is real from what was part of our mind creations.

There are many, and like I always say, it is fine and we all at some point have passed through these phases, whose minds tend to become ill with fake information and delusions. Therefore they are not able to distinguish, for they are not conscious, from where their "guidance" is coming from. When this occurs, and if I say this it is because once it happened to me years ago, for I have been doing, and still continue to do so, the proper inner work for more than 10 years now, for all began for me when I was 18 years old, and I consider that being open and listening, especially to the ones who loves us, is pivotal when our mind is infected by our mind’sdelusions and/or negative alien programming.

I share this with great love and I hope it can help for the ones who are open to finally see they were following their mind delusions or were under the negative agenda manipulation, instead of receiving true guidance. There are many signs that can indicate us that we are being manipulated by negative forces or simply by our own egoic mind.

The followings are just some I consider the main and most important ones. Above all follow your own guidance to know what you are experiencing or not:
  • Inability to discern from where they obtain their guidance. As many of you will know, we all begin to walk a path in which we must learn to discern if what we are receiving comes from a place of love or from one that tries to manipulate the self. When true guidance is received, there will be no judgments, no praise of the egoic self, and above many other things, for I can only share the main ones, there will be no talk about others, unless we have their permission, and even though, our God Self, Source and/or Guides, as  you prefer  to call your own fountain of guidance, will never trespass our free will or that of others.
It is essential that we understand that our God Self or Guides, are there to respect our human will and soul plan, they will never tell us what to do or what is going to happen, or simply share personal details about others. It is true that energy introduces us. However, one thing is what we feel about certain people and another one is to believe we are being told their entire life. When this occurs, the information is usually very manipulated and of course fake and it is not just our egoic mind creating fake guidance but it is often filled with lower astral information or in some cases influenced by negative beings.

There is nothing wrong or shameful about being there, for like I said, we all need to experience both to become aware what is an authentic source of guidance and what is not. This is what duality has that it teaches us to compare and discern for ourselves. What is important is to begin acknowledging that our mind has been manipulated by our ego and many other forces that are not coming from a respectful space and clear our mind.

When we leave expectations and attachments behind, and the necessity of what is going to happen, in the future, as if we were mere puppets moved by a capricious god, who do not create our destiny, is when we finally are open, for we have emptied ourselves of all that was an illusion, to receive authentic guidance, one that will be, always, loving, respectful, with ourselves and others, for highly evolved beings as well as our God Self - will never share details like this about others, this is egoic and human gossip, and we will finally realize the difference, for it will be also strongly felt.
  • Black magic, understanding by black magic everything that involves conscious manipulation of others and/or entering into other’s personal space without their consent.
There are many forms of black magic, for all that involves trying to manipulate the outside world and/or others, is for me, black magic. I am not judging and saying this is bad, I simply must to label what I desire to share. To set my own example, I used to be a wiccan in the past, although first I was raised as a catholic. I do not desire to name as "wrong" these religions, for they have taught me the most important lessons I could have ever had in my human life. However, it is important that we understand that these are not just the only ways of manipulations, there are others that we tend to skip simply because we are accustomed to them.

I have to say that I am not saying at all that Wiccans are black magicians, there are many who practice their love and respect for nature as I did, although at some point I did not as well, and there will be others, as I know, who will believe they have some influence in other’s actions. I respect everything and I share this with great respect, but this is not how highly evolved beings will behave, this is another form of human delusion, we can never control others or make them stop or not doing something simply because it is not pleasant to us.

When the human thinks he/she can manipulate or change the course of another life, then the mind is not healthy, and I understand there will be many evidences for these people of their success in their tactics but with time, they will see they only damaged themselves. We have now, all of us, a wonderful opportunity to keep releasing old patterns and beliefs which diminish ourselves, for most of the times these fake beliefs are what impedes us to liberate ourselves from feeling disempowered.

Black magic is not just done by damaging others with certain rituals. Black magic is done when our egoic self believes is bigger than the Divine Plan and then we play god by trying to impose our will onto others. When we judge, when we send a negative thought to another, when we wish something less than good to other person, then we are, whether conscious or not, possessed by our mind’s delusions and exercising lower practices than in the end will come back to us in forms that we will not like.

Another aspect of black magic is to tell people without their consent things about their personal lives, which at least in my case are not true at all and are just coming from a mind that is obviously not healthy. When our mind’s imaginations become a reality for us and we project that upon others, then we are allowing ourselves to be controlled by our egoic self who thinks that knows more about others than themselves.

These people even claim they receive guidance from God, and this is one of the main signs that one is not truly receiving true guidance, for God will never share anything about any other person, especially if this person has not even consented it. God respects, God loves All, as equal, God does not play games or gossip, for God does not mind the human games we pretend to play here in our plane, for what this Infinite Intelligence is remains still far away from our human understanding, we are just beginning to learn how to live within Divine Love, so pretending to know all and play god will only slow our evolution. When the ego believes he has become god, then we have to clear our mind and begin to work on humility and respect towards others.
  • Narcissism disguised as fake self-love, spiritualism an excess of feminine essence, which is a rejection of the masculine. It usually leads the person to live in fantasy and unreal world, where the tangible is not important, and hence, lack of abundance, and inability to sustain themselves in the physical, are one of their main issues. It usually happens with traumatic experiences with the masculine.
What is important is to becomes aware, which is hard, sometimes, but that can be done when one become the eternal witness of our human experience and listen to others who love us who could be really helping us to see the reality.

It is also essential that we begin to love and be compassionate with ourselves if we have realized we were not truly receiving authentic guidance, for the mind also needs assistance, as any other part of who we are, and there is nothing wrong with this, we just need to remember this is also telling us something about ourselves and that we have the opportunity to listen to the new knowledge we are being offered and learn from it.

Soul mission embodiment

As many of you are already experiencing, during this intense and transformative phase, there are many who are beginning to descend new aspects of their soul mission for the more we work on our egoic self, releasing old layers as well as habits/patterns, the more that we will be allowing these aspects to be fully integrated within our being.

There are many, and I include myself, who have fulfilled a part of our mission, so to speak, and are now ready to activate new aspects, for this is not just about our personal journey, but about what the Planet requires. For some, their new soul role will involve to physically move, especially if they are now meant to act as gatekeepers, gridworkers, portal openers etc. For others, it will be more about stop acting and being, for it is by their essence that they shift/heal certain physical spaces, or simply about shifting what they have been doing until now and use different tools and ways to perform their tasks.

As you embody higher levels of consciousness and as Gaia will continue its ascension, there will be many things, in an accelerate way, that will change within and in our physical lives. In my personal journey, even though I am still a stabilizer, for it is in my nature and in my own essence, I have fulfilled this task where I used to reside, and even though I was not conscious of it, until the right moment came, I felt for a time as if I no longer had this same mission anymore.

When this occurs, trusting that when we are ready, we will obtain more clarity, is pivotal not to fall into egoic delusions such as thinking that we are not enough that our life is going to end simply because we have fulfilled a part of our task here on Earth etc. It is important to always surrender and trust that we will be placed where we are needed and that when our human self is ready, we will know what is our new task and how can we develop it. Forcing it, pushing ourselves to do or be more, will not serve, for we will be impeding the descension of these new aspects. Instead of wanting to do more or feeling inadequate, take a time to simply enjoy and do other things that your soul is also eager to experience, in this physical reality.

Before we are ready to embody and be fully conscious of the many different aspects of our mission, first we need to work on soul integration, for if we have not yet integrated more light from our I AM Presence, if we still have soul fragments dwelling in pain, due to past traumas or painful relationships or other wounds, there cannot be integration of these new soul mission aspects.

After this first step, there are other such as cellular and genetic/karmic patterns clearing that must follow before we can be ready to master a new aspect of our mission. There are many aspects of our soul mission, even though it is only one, it holds many aspects and we can only develop them when we are humanly ready to do the sacred task that our soul planned for us to fulfil here to serve All.

Being patient is another important factor to take into account if we are integrating or wanting to do so, for there are many who desire  to be or do more, when it is not the time to do yet for they are still preparing their physical bodies and selves, until they can truly understand this new information, and other times, people like to compare  themselves with others and what others do to assist, idealizing their soul roles and wanting to do what they do, which is another important reason why many people still do not really know what they are here to do, because they have been focusing in being who they are not, and as a consequence, they have been blocking their true gifts to come to the surface.

We are at a very special moment within this year of acceleration and it is now, especially with this fiery galactic wave, that we  have the cosmic gift to release and integrate in a higher level, for we are now dwelling in a lighter dimensional space where aligning with its frequency, will help us to clearly receive the new aspects of our mission that shall be integrated to be of further assistance. 

Planetary alignments

We begin this new energetic, and fiery month of August, with a message of culmination, and hence, the subsequent integration of the new wave that is already strongly felt. This month is a very powerful one for us to create a new path. To confirm where we are in our ascension journey, for we find ourselves navigating within endings and beginnings, this month is a Universal 10/1 number - 19 reduced.  This is the space in which beginnings and endings find each other, it is precisely in that infinite space, where we dwell in possibility, that we can choose the timeline, and the creations, that are most aligned with who we are. 

In Tarot, the card that represents number 10 is the Wheel of Fortune, which represents the change in destiny, that we have been able to accomplish, one that we have consciously created ourselves, and that only we know if the change that we have created from within will lead us to a higher space or to a lower one, for no one can ever predict where we are going but our own selves.

At a cosmic level, we begin this new month with Uranus, turning retrograde just at the very beginning of this month, on August 7 - acting as the catalyst of this great change in which, we all are consciously immersed. As many of you probably know, I no longer choose to foment the retrograde illusion, so I will share my personal view, and essence, of what Uranus means to me, and my journey. Uranus' frequency brings the gift, for those who choose to align with it, of looking at things from a different, and higher, perspective, being able to see things that our limited mind impeded us to realize before. Limited and hence fixed ideas, are precisely what keeps us from experiencing reality as it truly is rather than as our human mind makes it.

Are you ready to embrace freedom? For with freedom comes the need to release an old self, and life, and there are many who are still reticent to leave behind who they have been for so long. Are you ready to finally leave a familiar world with familiar faces behind to embrace the unknown? If you really are in this moment, many people will relocate, others will pass through a phase of deep silence, until they learn how to adjust themselves and physical reality to their new frequency. All is heading always into the right space for us all. There is no need to force or to run to reach to a certain destination, for you will always have the opportunity to evolve.

On August 11, there will be another cosmic dance between the Sun and the Moon. For we are welcoming, again, a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 18 degrees Leo. This Eclipse will sweep away everything your old self-created, timelines, old situations, encounters, when you possessed a lower level of consciousness. As the Eclipse will be influenced by Mercury, "retrograde", this will also give us the time we need before initiating change to commune with our soul and regain the proper wisdom required for us to create from a conscious state of being rather than from a delusional egoic one, which is often the main reason why many of our creations are not aligned with our desires. However, this is what we came here, to master our inner creator, in the physical.

As Mars "retrograde" will enter into Capricorn the next day of the Eclipse, we are being urged to create change in whatever aspect of us or area of our live that needs it, for this Warrior energy together with the fiery ones from Leo and the earthly ones from Capricorn, reminding us the importance that directing this inner force into our tangible plane to create change, has for us humans.

On August 19, Mercury, will turn direct. As you know, I do no longer share much or feed this illusion, however, as astrologically it is important for many, at least, the least I can do is sharing the date in which this human illusion disappears from our physical plane and become "direct", again. In my personal experience, when I released the fear or Mercury retrograde, for behind every limited belief, there is fear, all began to flow whether Mercury was retrograde or not, for this was never real to begin with and by fomenting this collective belief, we are only limiting ourselves more and creating the so called " negative outcomes" and/or slowness in our human experience.

In this same day, we also have another important event, Jupiter trine Neptune, a trine that has been happening since December 2017 until August 2018. As the Planet of Expansion, Jupiter enhances the essence of Neptune which is one of spirituality, intuition, high ideals and a deep sense of working for the community, in a selfless way.

This is also a gift for those who are on a soul quest, and desire to know more about how they can be of greater assistance. This is also a time for special mystic and soul encounters whether they occur in the physical or in our dream phase, for this is a magical corridor that will lead us to the Illuminated Realms, if we are willing to align with this heavenly frequency.

On August 23rd, the Sun will enter Virgo. When the Sun shines a Light into Virgo, we are called now to ground ourselves and direct our creative power into our earthly Plane, which is something we have been doing for a while with these powerful and abundant Leo energies. As an Earth sign, Virgo reminds us we are here to manifest our true desires which at the same time, will always be of assistance. For Virgo is quite aware of its mission, which is always to be in service to All.

Virgo will bring purity, something we are all beginning to experience as we are now near the Higher Realms. It invites us to remember that the purity we hold within can also be reflected into everything we do in our dense realm. And even if this sign can seem practical, its main essence is all about remembering we are here to combine what we create from the inside with what others may need in the physical, for we are here to synthesize and unify both polarities, both planes, the physical and the ethereal - bringing all these inner visions into our tangible realm, as it is only by doing that, that we can truly master ourselves as creators of the physical.

We end this powerful month with a no less intense Full Moon at 3 degrees Pisces and with the Warrior Mars turning direct, again. This will be a very powerful and fortunate Moon, for its Grand Trine which involves the Sun, Saturn, Uranus. This Moon brings soothing energies after the intensity of the fiery ones we have been receiving during all this summer, and gives us another opportunity for working on karmic release, as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, where we graduate from past experiences, keeping the knowledge within and stepping into a new path of conscious creation and self-empowerment. 

Beloved seeders of light consciousness, coming back unceasingly to spread the unique light that you are, raise, for it is time for us to begin the seeding that we began eons ago and that was impeded by the dark forces. We have never decayed. We have never lost hope, for we knew one day the many souls trapped within a manipulated 3D matrix will awake, and as such so it has been.

It is time now for us to be, not do, for it is in being that we do our purpose, the light emissaries that once chose to volunteer for the sake of this Planet. We, the ones who consciously decided to come, may not have an easy path, for within this dual plane, we now navigate in both dark and light frequencies, but we will always have the remembrance of Source within, and its infinite loving embrace, at every single moment of our human existence.

Every time that you are trapped by your human fears, challenges and/or other dramas from this human reality, remember, you have waited a long time for you to allow yourself to fall into human distractions. You by yourself are powerful and wise enough to leave behind what diminish you, embrace your true potential, and raise as the Divine Being, and Emissary, that you are, capable to change the frequency of the Planet so it can regain its lost purity and loving essence.

I AM an infinite spark of All That Is and has ever existed.
I AM Divine Intelligence incarnated into a physical body for the purpose of conscious co-creation and assistance to All.

I AM the light that brings clarity to the illusory human mind, where I now dwell.

I AM pure light consciousness transforming a fear based Planet into a free, sovereign, one.

And so are YOU! 

I wish you a blessed, empowered and loving August, Beloveds,

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba