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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta star wisdom. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta star wisdom. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 16 de abril de 2019

Full Moon in Libra, April 19th, 2019 ~ Conscious Relationships

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.


Beloved light Emissaries, 

At this time of our evolutionary path, we find ourselves traversing the portal that began with the Full Moon in Libra on March 20 and that catapults now with another powerful and stabilizing Full Moon at 29 degrees of this same sign. This is a phase in which many of us are experiencing the deep transfiguration that is taking place at the moment. The increase of light that we are actually embodying is so potent that many of us are noticing how we are aligning to even higher aspects of ourselves, beginning to open our hearts to new levels of consciousness, and hence wisdom.

As the Moon in Libra opposite Uranus, which conjunct the Sun, the opportunity for change is greater. When we talk about Libra, we speak about love, relationships and balance. However, in order to bring this balance into ourselves or physical lives, first we need to work on the proper transmutation for this change, and subsequent balance, to occur. This is precisely one of the gifts that this Moon and its alignments offers us, if we are ready to be challenged by these potent, but at the same time, loving frequencies.

This Moon's essence gives us the gift to create harmony within, in our body, as well as in our earthly lives and relationships, which is the main theme from this loving passage - to create conscious and equal relationships based on authenticity and mutual respect. As we are all unique, for some this passage will be about nurturing their bodies and regain balance. For others, depending on where this Moon falls into your chart, will be about an specific area in which you could bring more equilibrium. However, as I always say, it is all what you feel from within what you should follow not what is human, fixed and follows old mental beliefs. 

To be able to do this healing/clearing during, first we need to work on cleansing ourselves from egoic beliefs and manipulations. It is important that we do the proper emotional work required for us to maintain a soul reunion free of past traumatic experiences that can only lead us to create a relationship based on victimhood, toxicity and control. 

This Moon's portal will not only be about focusing on our physical lives and relationships, remember that for us to create the harmony we desire in these two aspects of our lives, first we need to do so from within. The most important relationship is the one we maintain not just with ourselves but with our God Self. When we are not yet living within Divine Love, when we feel unworthy, and our main aim is to please others above our own soul desires, then we are not fully appreciating, loving ourselves, unique abilities and the mission we brough here to fulfill and that no one lese can do.

When this occurs we are not embracing ourselves, which is the main reason why many cannot create the balance they desire in their tangible lives and relationships, for they cannot manifest something they do not have and give to themselves first. This is why it is so important that instead of covering our empty voids with egoic attachments, addictions etc. we regain strength and be brave enough to move inward and see what is not unified yet, for this is the root of  all that is not working out as wish, in our physical lives.

Abundance, balanced relationships, the job that gives us the opportunity to serve from a space of joy and gratitude, and all we desire, cannot flow if we do not appreciate the God Spark that lies within and that acts through us, at all times. For we cannot appreciate and see in others what we do not find within ourselves. Others are not different than us, it is our ego the one that compares incessantly. 

The same God Spark we see in a child, in a wounded person or in a precious animal, is within you, and until you do not become aware it of, love it and value it, you could not move forward and create all you need for the journey you so desire to manifest. No one else is doing this to you, no one else is sabotaging your path, but your own egoic self in an attempt to keep you disempowered and in a "safe" familiar state of being.

During this Moon, we will have a wonderful cosmic gift with the interdimensional stabilizing frequencies that we are receiving for us to find this inner love. For the ones who have already found the love that they are, these frequencies will also help them to see their own magnificence, so they can reunite with others that like us have already seen who they truly are and are ready to maintain conscious relationships with us, as we continue to evolve and embody new levels of love. 

Interdimensional Stellar Frequencies Activation

As you know there are many things happening beyond our limited planetary human reality. There are certain important portals that open in specific periods where we are ready to receive, especially now that our Planet is already ascending into a new harmonic universe. This is one of these unique moments in which our Planet, outside of our human sense of time and space, is aligning with other interdimensional stellar forces that are assisting many of us, who consciously desire to continue expanding our wisdom, while we are still humans.

These frequencies are also meant to be anchored by the ones whose soul roles involve working with the planetary fabrics, in the restoration of the structures that were deeply manipulated eons ago, and that are now - since 2017 - beginning to crumble. These structures not just controlled our planetary grids but entered through its manipulation, the 3D programs - sexual and narcissist ones between many others - that continue to enslave many who are fighting for liberating themselves from the matrix, finally embracing their true essence.

These stabilizing frequencies come when we are ready and have worked with our bodies, otherwise we could not hold the higher frequencies embodied. In my previous article, I shared what I call the God Pattern, come back there, if guided, for this is a wonderful opportunity to use it not in a micro level, but in a macro one - working with the specific numbers (dimensions) 6 and 7 - to anchor within the stellar frequencies that our Planet is now ready to receive and that this portal is offering us.

This is one of the many techniques you can use to create the enviroment required for you to begin directing these energies into your body. Again, this is not about the ceremony you do in itself, for in truth it is all about the intention and how you direct it, what truly matters, but for your human self to feel surrounded by what it considers to be sacred and what helps it creating the proper vibration for it to receive these frequencies.

For some this will be a period of deep transmutation in which they will be challenged to surrender and consciously direct these energies to do the proper cleansing required. This will involve to command these frequencies to dissolve the lower energies that are still within their bodies and to being working on opening, strengthening and protecting their auric fields more so they can prepare themselves to finally step into this new dimensional space, which is nothing else than the state of being that we choose to hold.  

Embrace your own process whether you are healing, rejuvenating from it or finally in the desire state of being you wish to have. All serves a purpose and there is always a time for all of us to rise and another one for us to fall, for there is no other way, within this dual universe to truly ascend, if it is not by experiencing descension too and the different cycles that there is within Creation, in this plane.

If these frequencies are helping you to commune with higher aspects of who you are and offering you more wisdom, bless them. If on the opposite, they are showing you the lower layers of yourself that are impeding you to manifest the true you, bless them too, for they are helping you and leading you to the state of being you wish to reach. 

When we desire to be in a place, state of being or in another situation that we are not yet, we are not seeing the gift of the moment, even though the moment may be surrounded by may challenges. When we do not surrender and accept whatever gift the Divine gives us, we are not appreciating the Divine Plan and the Love that this Infinite Consciousness has for us. We believe we know more and then we fall into egoic traps, which is why humility is so important.

Therefore love yourself and all you have chosen to manifest, at this moment, for this moment, without you even knowing or realizing it yet, is already taking you to the perfect place, with the perfect soul mates, and conditions that you desire now. Our dense realm takes time, be patience, love All, and know that what your soul desires to experience, is already done and it is coming. Your mission is not to control and manipulate what you cannot, but to be open for what your soul sends you, and use it for your human growth, without any judgments. 

Relationships clearing

This is a very powerful time, especially by having the Moon quincunx Venus, to heal old relationships and traumatic wounds that are still impeding us to embrace new reunions who are based on equality and loving co-creations. However, during this time and even more by having this connection between the Moon and Venus, many could feel an urge to be loved - searching in the wrong places. It is when we feel these human feelings, which are perfectly usual, when we most need to move inward and give this unconditional love to ourselves, for this is the pure and authentic love that we truly desire and that many continue searching in outer places and people rather than within ourselves.

At this time, many who are experiencing a massive awakening will no longer pass through the long period of awakening, that I for example and many of us experienced, for there is an acceleration in their awakening process that will help them to integrate and remember in a faster way.

This is why it is so important that we begin by building the strong pillars that will sustain ourselves and bodies as we continue to grow and evolve within this endless spiral of Creation. Beginning by clearing our ego is one of the first tools we shall work with, if we desire to fully listen to the voice of our soul, above any other mental/egoic voices that are not aligned with our soul purpose and desires.

As important as it is to work with our ego is to heal our emotional body of all wounds and debris that still reside in both, for we cannot embrace an authentic reunion if first we do not embrace ourselves and all that we consider to be painful - understanding what these feelings want to awake in us and healing what is not yet unified. When this basic, but not easy inner work is done, clearing miasmatic cords is one of the most essential techniques that will help us to begin working on soul retrieval - becoming whole again to be able to open ourselves to the new companions that are meant to touch our journey, at this moment of our human experience.

At the Moon time it is vital that we become the neutral witnesses of our unique lives, realizing where we are still governed by our egoic self. This is what will help us discern if we are following a path based on unconditional love to ourselves and others or if we are yet using old egoic mechanisms to blame others for what we have not yet healed within ourselves.

There are many indicators that will help you distinguish if you are maintaining a conscious relationship, which are the ones based on equality, respect, loving interactions, co-creative purposes and balance, or if you are yet clinging into a relationship that is based on fear, attachment and egoic patterns that only diminish and disempower the two involved in the relationship.

These are some of the main pillars that a consious relationsips must have and that will help you discern if you are in a balanced relationship or if you are not yet there and have to do more inner work: 
  • Healthy communication: Communicating in a healthy and loving way is one of the first premises that balanced relationships have. Many people understand by communication to blame the other, to yell at the other or to simply express their view and not paying attention to what the other is feeling. This is toxic and only feed the egoic patterns that are present within and hence in the relationship, which is why it is so important to become the witness and be honest with ourselves to realize if we are the abuser or the abused one, or we interchange these roles.
  • Take responsibility: This is one of the most important things when we are in a conscious relationship. When we do not act from a loving space, for we are humans and we all make mistakes or simply we choose differently or regret not to have done something better, we take responsibility for what we said and done. We do not blame our partner or any other person with whom we are maintaining a relationship with. 
We try to go deeper into the core of why we acted as we did and accept the consequences. In a toxic relationship, especially where we have not worked in clearing the ego, it is all about blaming the other and use the victim role as a way to punish the other and defend ourselves by trying to impose our view and simply impose that we are the innocent ones.  
  • Equality: In a balanced relationships both partners have embodied, and balanced, their feminine and masculine essences and have done their inner work first, so now they are ready to coexist and co-create in a space of respect, empowerment and equality. No one is manipulating the other by using force, as it happens when one of the people involved in the relationship manifests the distorted masculine or feminine by being a narcissist.
  • Mutual respect 
  • Authenticity: Both show themselves as they truly are. When there is self-acceptance there is no need to show qualities that we do not possess simply because our egoic self thinks our partner will prefer us if we behave in a certain way, or any other kind of fake personality traits, for we have accepted and loved ourselves as we are and now the purpose of the relationship is to precisely allow the other to also do the same.
  • Humility: Is essential to recognize when we have erred or simply when we have not totally acted from a space of unconditional love. This is one of the most important ones to recognize the ego and to work with it, if necessary, until we are ready to fully immersed in a conscious relationship. 
These are some of the main values that a balanced relationships must have in order to consciously co-create with another soul mate. In the moment we become the witness and we still observe narcissism, egoic patterns, victim/victimizer roles, between many other unloving behaviours, it is important that we begin to work with them from within rather than blaming the other person or ourselves. 

We are here precisely with many soul agreements that help us evolve by showing us what we have not yet unified and loved within. There is no point in being constantly accusing ourselves or others of what have not worked or done properly, for this is what helps us ascend and become the sovereign free beings that we are, in nature, and that we are meant to remember here.

Only compassionate witness and love towards ourselves and others will help us in realizing these painful behaviours - healing them and showing us the way to manifest an authentic and loving relationship that is aligned with our soul true essence and mission here on Earth.

This is what we, a humans, have to learn/remember, to follow the rhythm of the Universe instead of forcing our own one. For what we release, when the time to do so comes, what we left empty, the Universe will fill it, with infinite love, abundance, new soul reunions, and anything we need in this physical plane. We just have to flow, we just have to BE instead of spending all the time trying to fix what is not broken and never was, to begin with. It is all about making the choice to cease our unnecessary suffering, by flowing with what IS, or continue feeding the illusion. 

I wish you a magical, loving and blessed Moon, Beloved Companions!

In love and light,
Natalia Alba 

viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

The Energies of August 2017 & The Lion's Gate - Stellar Transmissions & The Beginning of a New Creative Cycle

He who knows his soul knows this truth: " I am beyond everything finite; I now see that the Spirit, alone in a space with Its ever-new joy, has expressed Itself as the vast body of nature. I am the stars, I am the waves, I am the Life of all, I am the laughter within all hearts, I am the smile on the faces of the flowers and in each soul. I am the Wisdom and Power that sustains all creation. "

Paramahansa Yogananda

Blessings Beloved Ones,

We welcome now a new energetic month, August, one of most intense month of all this year! At this phase of our ascension journey, we are finally about to embrace the cosmic rebirth of Earth as a 5D Planet. This is finally the end of our 3D reality, as we knew it. Those who have been anchoring a Higher Frequency within as well as their physical reality, have been already strongly feeling the changes that are occurring, as we keep bifurcating from Old 3D Earth. It is a time to end an old micro cycle so we can be ready to step into a whole new macro one, in which, holding a higher frequency, will be essential to anchor ourselves in the 5D New Earth timeline that we are about to transit.

Reconstructing a reality, is not a one-day process, for one must begin by transforming oneself from the very depths of his/her being of all that was once created from a lower level of consciousness. As we keep working on destroying old worlds, during August we are going to combine this inner work with aligning ourselves with these higher stellar frequencies that will enhance our creativity and will also activate our visionary senses, for these new cosmic codes are going to cause a deep impact within our pineal gland as well as our Higher chakras, especially for the ones who have already awakened their higher chakra system and are beginning to operate in higher realms of existing. 

At this time, we are beginning a new creative cycle, in which, we will be challenged, as the Masters of the New that we are, to move from polarity and a base of fear into possibility, into unity consciousness - creating all the abundance, and/or any conditions, we need to sustain ourselves in the physical as well as to expand ourselves within new horizons. 

This month is a very important one, for the ones who are consciously transiting into a Higher Space, as we are going to be working with the dissolution of all the old patterns that are still imprinted within our non-physical bodies as we too integrate and adjust our bodies, to the star codes that we are receiving and that will help us awake new dormant strands, ancient adamic memories, from our original DNA. 

As a confirmation of the very beginning to the very end, of the completion of an old cycle, August holds a universal frequency of 9 - 18 reduced. Number 9 invites us to let go of everything that is not serving our higher purpose, until we empty ourselves, until we create the inner space to allow this New Frequency to invade our entire being. As I have been saying for a while, yes, beloveds, we are forever ending/beginning anew within this eternal cosmic spiral. For we never end, on the contrary, we are just beginning to discover the many realms that exist within Creation and its Infinite Wisdom. 

Number 9, in perfect synchronization with what we are experiencing now, number 9 is also represented in the Tarot by the Hermit, which together with Mercury "retrograde", on August 12, is launching us the message to be wise, move inward and like the Hermit, focus on our inner light - Truth -  to walk among the shadows until we reach the new shore, using only our inner Light as the only compass to navigate through our current reality, for we need nothing more to be able to discern which way is aligned with our True Self and which one does not serve any longer. And even if the path of solitude is not always easy, it is essential to listen to our inner Divine guidance, before giving birth to this new reality, in which, we have already a higher aspect of us dwelling in it. 

As the Universe already knows where we are heading and as in its immense wisdom it orchestrates everything before it even occurs in our physical reality. Uranus, the Planet of Rebellion, turns retrograde just at the very beginning of this month, on August 3, to act as the catalyst of this great change in which, we all are consciously immersed. Uranus' frequency will trigger the cosmic change required for our Planet to finally begin disengagement from Old Earth. It is deeply assisting us all to begin our new journey - together, in unity, in love, and with great joy to finally be able to experience what living within a conscious reality feels like. 

In the following day, we also have another important cosmic event, Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, will square Pluto, the Planet of Power. These events are preparing us for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees of Aquarius, on August 7. This event invites you to commune with your soul and ponder about how you are using your power and how could you expand it. Power does not come from the illusion of superiority and its egoic mechanism. True power comes when we are aligned with our Divine Essence and use this inner Force to transform ourselves from within to what surrounds us.

Are you misusing your power to force/control situations just because you are afraid of change? Are you using your power to be of service to All? Power if  used wisely can heal and transform lives. When you use your power from an egoic space, then all you give birth to will not benefit anyone in truth, for it is never coming from an authentic source and the results will not sustain themselves. Use your power to serve the Law of One, of Unity Consciousness, use it to build, to regenerate, to be a love wayshower, and to be en example of the power of love over fear. 

On August 7, we will have a liberating and very potent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees of Aquarius. This Eclipse comes to free us from the ashes of the old, to help us open our heart to the New as we keep navigating between old memories, reminding us that expansion can only come when we finally are ready to let go of the old, of what once was, and embrace what is meant to be. This Full Moon will assist us to express our truth and together with the fire ones from this month, to be free thinkers - dissolving more limited beliefs from our lower self - giving us the strength and power to finally give birth to our new projects, be creative and descend those soul visions into our physical realm. 

The next day, the Fiery energies ruling this month will become even more tangible, with the Lion's Gateway, for we have already been since the beginning of this month preparing ourselves to receive this Higher cosmic Wave. During the Lionsgate our Planet will align with the Star Sirius, the Galactic Center and with many sacred places on Earth, as  it is Giza Pyramid, giving us the opportunity to connect with the Cosmic Heart and other Star companions that have been following our soul evolution, for our cosmic forefathers from Sirius have been assisting in the awakening of humanity for a longtime, especially after the original Adamic DNA was manipulated - impeding us to fully be aware, as other cosmic civilizations are, of our True Divine Essence. 

Intentionally aligning yourself with the Lion Portal and its Sirian frequencies could help you in many ways. If you are focusing on DNA reconnection, then the Lion's Gate is a cosmic gift for you to awaken all the cosmic memories that are yet unremembered by our human self. If on the other hand, you are a New Earth gridworker, Sirians can assist you in your soul role, for they were the engineers of the majority of our planetary grid nets. 

If your soul role involves anchoring higher frequencies from the higher realms into 3D Earth, to assist the collective to awake, then these portal energies will help you to become a pillar for you to anchor this Higher Light within and without. In case you are a stabilizer, as it is my soul role, then, you will be spending the following six months stabilizing, for this, perfect balance, and solitude is required, especially after working in the astral with the construction, so to say, of new harmonic networks that will sustain the shift. You know who you are, soul roles are infinite and one cannot explain with human words the invisible and yet very real aspect of what we do in the non-physical planes. Honor your role, yourself and All as you keep disengaging from Old Earth.

Call upon your Sirian star essence, call upon them to assist you to be focused on manifesting the 5D timeline, in which, you have chosen to dwell. They are your soul family, they are our cosmic sowers, watching our efforts to evolve, for eons, becoming now real, for they have been working in invisible ways to help us become more conscious, since this Planet had conscious life. 

Pay attention to every feeling, premonition, retromonition/retrocognition, about your soul mission, soul companions from both the stars and here on Earth, between many other revelations. These messages are not part of your imagination, but of your Unified Self, the True You, showing, helping you to remember, who you are after experiencing for a long time, who you are not. 

The inner work of DNA reconnection and the necessary healing required to do so, will be facilitated, by the star codes and transmissions from our Sirius engineer brothers and sisters, for Sirius, through our Sun, will begin to send us the light codes for more souls who are beginning to awake, at this transitional time. Starseed souls, and every human being whose intention comes from a space of Divine love and service to All, our main task, as we keep transiting, is to assist and erase the negative alien manipulation/programs and help repair the planetary grid system. 

It is pivotal that we unite our hearts as One, more than ever, for the final phase of our bifurcation, is already here, and it is now where confusion, pain, and many other forms of distractions, appear to make us unfocused from our mission, and it is only by unifying ourselves that we can create a healing impact, as have been already doing. 

At a physical level, every sensation will be your body asking you to take more care in certain areas that you have forgotten. Everyone is unique and hence, everyone will integrate and feel these stellar codes differently. If you feel fear or anxiety constantly, it a message for you to be fully present in the moment as well as to use these star essences to heal old programmed human fears. 

Anxiety comes when we are living in times/dimensions that no longer exist in our current temporal space. If you feel pain in your joints and/or knees, you are being asked to flow instead of contract yourself. The energy of fear is therefore stuck in these body parts, impeding you to flow with life. If what you experience is the need to sleep more, then your body needs healing for it is in resting that it can regenerate and integrate these new and higher frequencies. It is all about what you need to dissolve/heal at this time for you to evolve.

As we are always assisted beyond our human comprehension, on August 12, Mercury, will turn "retrograde" to help us rest and integrate as we also dissolve  whats required for us at this time. As you may already know, I do not focus much on Mercury retrograde, in my humble view, it keeps just feeding the collective false illusion/belief of fearing Mercury retrograde, and of course once we unite thinking something is true, it becomes as such in our reality, it does not matter if it is or not. 

To me these frequencies will simply help us bring us back into focus, into what is truly important for us by reminding us how important is to commune with our souls, in a world, where only instant manifestation and gratification is what matters, forgetting the importance of doing the inner work from within first. 

Finally, on August 21, there will be another cosmic dance between the Sun and the Moon. For we are welcoming, again, the already received, frequencies that began with the New Moon in Leo, a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 28 degrees Leo. This Eclipse will sweep away everything your old self-created, timelines, old situations, encounters, when you possessed a lower level of consciousness. It is a wonderful moment to purify ourselves and begin to discern about what is it that we truly desire for our new journey.

Are you ready to finally leave a familiar world with familiar faces to embrace the unknown? If you really are in this moment, many people will relocate, others will pass through a phase of deep silence, until they learn how to adjust themselves and physical reality to their new frequency. All is heading always into the right space for us all. There is no need to force or to run to reach to a certain destination, for you will always have the opportunity to evolve.

On the next day, August 22nd, the Sun will enter into Virgo. When the Sun shines a Light into Virgo, we are called now to ground ourselves and direct our creative power into our earthly Plane, which is something we have been doing for a while with these powerful and abundant Leo energies. As an Earth sign, Virgo reminds us we are here to manifest our true desires which at the same time, will always be of assistance. For Virgo is quite aware of its mission, which is always to be in service to All. 

Virgo will also bring purity, something we are all beginning to experience as we are now near the Higher Realms. It invites us to remember that the purity we hold within can also be reflected into everything we do in our dense realm. As even if this sign can seem practical, its main essence is all about remembering we are here to combine what we create from the inside with what others may need in the physical, for we are here to synthesize and unify both polarities, both planes, the physical and the ethereal - bringing all these inner visions into our tangible realm, as it is only by doing that, that we can truly master ourselves as creators of the physical.

On August 25, Saturn - the Cosmic Teacher - turns direct again. When I talk about a Planet, what I share is how I feel/received its Essence, the essence of a Planet has nothing to do  with the beings who inhabited it or manipulated it to achieve their egoic desires. I share this because of the many things said about this Planet and the many beings that from it, try to manipulate humans. 

Saturn is associated with number 7, for it is all about mastering our lower sevens chakras releasing 3D old layers from them, and begin to open our higher ones. This is also a cosmic message for those who are still releasing the lower layers of their chakras and beginning to open and work with the higher ones. Saturn also rules structures and asks us to be disciplined, as true mastery is reached through inner work, contemplation and determination. 

A lot of people tend to think this shift is done by itself, and that there is a specific time in which you can transit or not, as well as the belief that things come from the outside. Well, this is a shift that we are creating from within, if you are not disciplined, and do your inner work every single day, for the 3D personality is hard to master, no outer change will come, for you have not created it within, to begin with.

Saturn can be a very strong essence to internalize, for it can be hard when we do not listen, but it is always worth it to work on destroying all the self-limited mental structures and/or old patterns of thoughts that we have been building for years of our human existence. This will also invite us to ponder about the foundations that we desire to build in our new reality. We want to ascend, we want to evolve, yes but observe yourself and how your egoic self behaves in the physical. 

See where you still judge others, find them inadequate, or less than. See if you envy, if you are addicted to something or someone that brings you the inner peace you seek. If you find yourself repeating any of this, self-pity, victimisation will not serve you.Only compassion and love will raise you and help you align again with your True Self. 

The reality that we are manifesting, which is not a one-day process, at all, is a place of unity, a place where you see All as equals, it is not even a place, but a frequency, in which you can decide to dwell, or not. If you so, begin to observe where you still create separation and differences with others. Where we are going there is not such a thing as difference, for we simply see ourselves reflected in everything and everyone we encounter, for we now remember, for we now love All as a part of the Divine. 

As another confirmation of the soul and human expansion that we are experiencing, at the end of the month, on August 27, we have Jupiter sextile Saturn. This is a time of major changes, this is an opportunity for you to create the job, the place, the expansion you would like to achieve in your next human life experience. It is you, your inner Force, not anything or anyone else that creates, if you align with these frequencies you could step into the timeline that will support your soul visions.

Leaving behind an old life, everything and everyone that no longer resonates, is not easy at all, for the human fear of loss is beyond what we can sometimes imagine. Nothing, no one is ever lost. We just have a different time to reunite, again. You are not leaving anything, you are just transiting for one frequency to a higher one, there is no pain in growing, only the joy of seeing how much love, compassion and integrity you are now able to hold for you and All. 

During this intense month - and always - be strong. Be bold. Be the lovelight being that came here to remember, to assist and to love All. In this month, where we are going to be hit by so many Higher Cosmic Frequencies, it is essential for you to use your Divine Power wisely. Do not focus on where others are or what they think. We all have our time to wake or choose not to. Do not focus on the things you desired but that according to a Higher Plan, did not occur. Do not let your ego tell you that you are an insignificant human being - unable to change anything. You, by yourself, are the change, this is why you came, not to change anything but to simply BE it. 

Focus on the love, when challenges come, especially as you keep releasing an old self, on the assistance received, at all times. You are never alone or hopeless, I learnt that the hard way.There is evidence of the assistance we are receiving everywhere, you just have to know where to look. You do not have to try to become anything. You are a galactic being, you have been all the time, but you were not conscious of it yet, for you covered it with illusions. It is a time to focus on unity, and as One, help this transition to be made with the highest love possible for ourselves and All.

Now, you have activated these cosmic remembrances. Now, you are free to think for yourself and discern. There is no need to continue devaluing yourself, who you are and what you do. For while the entire Universe conspires to assist you and is in deep gratitude for all you are, you continue to listen to your negative self talk about who you are not. And it is a time to shine brighter who you are and unite with other souls doing the same, it is not a time to diminish yourself, the time for this is gone. You learnt from this experience and now there is only time for you to reclaim your sovereignty and hence, Divine Power. 

You are doing a wondrous work, and it is precisely in these moments, in which you forget, that you are immediately reminded by the whole Universe of who you are and of the important of your Presence, at this unique time within Creation. Choose to align with these higher frequencies from this month to remember, to feel who you are and to recognize this same Divinity in others.

I hope that you All enjoy this Fiery month, and use its frequencies wisely, to burn all that you are not, all the illusions, all the unlove, all the fears, and allow your True Essence and Soul Mission to come to shine. Have a healing, blessed and revealing August, Beloveds!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Pisces, February 26th ~ Unveiling Truth to Embrace Infinity

Your truth? No, the Truth:
Come seek it with me.
As for yours, you can keep it...
Antonio Machado (Spanish poet)

Beloved Ones, 

We are finally coming to the end of a two thousands years cycle, in which, for a long time, we have been healing/clearing ourselves from old beliefs, karmic patterns and genetic imprints/implants, that kept us enslaved in a limited and dark reality, for this last 9 year cycle, has been a very intense releasing phase that cannot be compared with previous ones. This Eclipse - especially for the new souls who are stepping into this journey - will be a clearing process without precedents. For is finally with this Solar Eclipse at 8 degrees of ethereal Pisces, the last until the next eighteen years, that we move from slavery to freedom, by finally leaving behind the Piscean Era and entering into an emancipating Aquarian one. 

We are deeply immersed, since the beginning of this month - and until the March Equinox - within an intense cosmic passage. For we are constantly dissolving and activating higher frequencies for us to keep with our inner work of DNA re-connection and continue to retrieve all the ancient knowledge that is still intact within ourselves and that was once deactivated. During these six months, in which the energies from the Eclipses will be strongly feel, and as we keep releasing and integrating this new wave within our bodies, we will experience many physical sensations, for we are releasing more density of our bodies. Take this as a natural part of our ascension process rather as a dramatic experience, for we all knew this was not going to be always easy. 

At this time the energies coming from the Eclipses, will deeply alter the magnetic fields of the Earth. This is why Gatekeepers will be busy anchoring the frequencies coming from these stellar portals, while stabilizers, as is for example my role, will be an anchoring balance. Everyone has their unique role within Creation, and we all have encoded within our DNA, the proper light codes that connect us with the specific frequencies that we must transmute, anchor or bring into harmony for All. 

In a month where we are surrounded by lots of ferocity, as we have five Planets in fire signs, to help us burn old worlds created once from the level of awareness that we possessed and begin anew, we are blessed with the intuitive and healing energies of Pisces, whose Yin Essence will soothe us, while we keep navigating within this intense fiery wave, in an eternal dance of letting all go and embracing new horizons. Fire energy, focuses on the self and taking action in the physical, while water from Pisces, focuses on unity consciousness and service. Both are essential to maintain balance, as we keep experiencing an individualized aspect of Source, within a physical plane.

Pisces, is the last sign of the zodiac. It is with Pisces that we begin to remember our true origins, clearing karmic debts, purifying ourselves and achieving personal enlightenment. This Eclipse marks a key point in the collective, for it will bring Truth above illusion, healing and many revelations, especially for the souls who - due to their soul agreements - are healing and deprograming  themselves and are beginning to embody more information about their unique soul mission, on the Planet, to be of assistance. 

It is also with Pisces that we awake to our ultimate lesson, that we are all One within Creation - remembering our connection with all beings, and finally moving from our 3D programmed personality into a space of free sovereignty and compassion towards ourselves and All, embracing not just our individualized aspect as it was at the beginning with Aries, but all the multidimensional ones of who we truly are as well as others. 

When we reach this Water sign, it is because we are ready to ascend another step into this endless evolutionary spiral of Creation, and we begin to embody our higher chakras and awakening ourselves to cosmic consciousness, as we have already mastered our earthly realm, and we are prepared now to embrace a higher perspective of who we are. This Eclipse is for us to end as well as to begin anew, for both are intertwined, the old patterns that we still tend to repeat and embracing higher level of Truths that will help us remember our Divine nature, instead of the old fomentation of hopeless humans, who are mere victims of outer circumstance.

At the time of the Solar Eclipse, we have the Sun in conjunction with the Moon and Neptune in Pisces, together with Mercury, Pallas, Chiron and the south node in this same sign. This is a cosmic gift, for us to heal our wounded self and dive deep within an ocean of unity consciousness, which is what Pisces and its ruler Neptune invite us to do - dissolving ourselves in the totality of our inner realms - and higher senses - as well as the Source of love and its eternal loving embrace, from where we all emerged.

The Sun in conjunction with Neptune - Pisces' ruler - and even more with the Moon involved, will help us connect with our subconscious and with the Higher Realms of Illumination, bringing from these hidden planes, the knowledge that will help us discern between the many possibilities that are yet oscillating in our mental plane, waiting to be brought into the tangible, so our inner creator can continue to evolve in this new stage of our ascension journey. 

It is a magical time to establish contact with our Unified Self/Selves and other beings who have been walking with us - in silence - until we master our lower self to remember that these beings are just higher versions of us, and other cosmic companions, that decided to support us in the nonphysical planes of existence, while we walk on Earth. This is a time for the ascending souls, who have been navigating on this path for a long time, to begin acknowledging our true cosmic heritage as well as the natural connection with other dimensions within Creation, for isolated we cannot do as much as when we are united.  

Contact comes in may ways, for we are all unique. Some hear, some see, some feel, and others communicate telepathically, between many other different ways. When we compare ourselves with others, we dis empower ourselves by not loving the individualized aspect of Source who is eager to experience this life through us, just as we are. Everyone has their own gifts, and ways to contact with the unknown. All ways are equal. 

Neptune's frequency - if integrated with balance - can help us dive deep into our inner realms or it can bring us into a state of delusion, for Neptune is the Planet of the Subconscious but also of Illusion. This is what extremes cause when, instead of aligning with our soul, we align with our ego, escaping from reality - pretending to see and receive what we are not yet able to embrace due to our lower frequency and therefore, lying to ourselves. This is why it is essential to honor and respect where we are without creating more illusions, for we are always in the perfect place and in our own Divine Time to integrate higher levels of awareness. 

Another important aspect of this Piscean Eclipse, is the conjunction between Mars and Uranus and the opposition between these two Planets with Jupiter. The Warrior Mars, together with the Planet of Rebellion, will give us a huge influx of creativity and courage, but also an impulsiveness to act, as these Planets together are unstoppable Forces. This is where Jupiter - in Libra - comes to bring a higher awareness, peace, expansion in thought and discernment. 

Some astrologers say this combination will cause accidents and many tragedies, but we already know that this powerful wave simply IS. It is us - the ones who have to make the conscious choice to direct energies into the manifestation of our inner creations, or use them to destroy. We are presented with a new opportunity to act with integrity and compassion - to all - at every single moment. Energies simply exist, they are neither good nor bad, their meaning, and the use we make of them, is our responsibility.

During the Solar Eclipse, we also have another cosmic alignment, between the Solar Eclipse and the Fixed star Skat, within the Aquarian Constellation, bringing us remembrance of our true natural state of being, which is always one of bliss and unity with all. The name of this Fixed star Skat means "The Wish" and comes from ancient Persian. As this Star is also aligned with Jupiter and its expansive energy, it will illuminate, love and protect everything it touches. 

It is said that if we make a wish at the time of the Eclipse, the star Skat will grant us what we desire. As ascending souls, we know that nothing external will grant us anything, for this is another aspect of Creation - different Forces - having their own evolutionary experience within Creation. They are not there to bless us or deny what we are - as Divine beings - it is our birthright, they simply are Being. However, as we are all One, if we align our pure and soul desire with this Macro aspect of us, that also resides within, we - in co-creation with these Forces - can create the miracles that some await from outer forces - and beings - and manifest - into our life experience - that which is going to be for the highest good of all. 

This is a very special time, since we are finally entering into a cycle of freedom and integrity, and the way the Cosmos shows us where we are heading, is with this Piscean Eclipse that ends an old cycle of patriarchal domination and returns the lost feminine one, based on love, compassion and a higher way of living. It is also a very important time to end our soul contracts instead of getting attached to a certain outcome within our relationships, for we did not come here to be repeating the same scenario all the time, but to be constantly expanding within new horizons - meeting/reuniting with the souls that are in the same level of awareness that we have now achieved.

While we journey through this Eclipsean passage, we are going to be blessed with revelations that will show us the Truth about ourselves as well as what is truly occurring in our life experiences. It is essential to move inward to embrace the Truth that has always resided within and that our lower self tends to hide when convenient, as it prefers linearity and the comfort of the familiar, and begin to let go of all the forced interactions without authenticity and integrity that we still maintain simply because of our human attachment and fear of the unknown. 

Remember Beloveds, while you are attached to a certain relationship - or desiring something different from what is happening now - you are impeding the coming into your life of precious souls that have decided to be here, incarnated at this unique time within Creation just to share a part of this physical journey with you, but they cannot meet you until you allow the Universe to connect you, for your decision whether they come from your ego or soul, is always respected within this loving Universe. 

This Solar Eclipse in Pisces, brings truth and personal freedom - liberation from the old chains that our lower human created and that served us to awake but that are now not necessary in this new journey that we have consciously decided to step into. This cosmic portal, brings clarity, within ourselves and in our physical life experiences. Listen to the whispers of your soul, for even if what you may hear may not be understood by your egoic self, it will  always be what you need for personal growth.

A higher communication comes only when we have first listened and accepted the truth about ourselves and our personal journey. Only then are we ready to move, into the next level. If you talk, read or watch about spiritual/ascension material but then you act moved only by lower desires, then you are not acting with integrity and in unison with God's Will. As ascending souls, we no longer base our existence on our egoic desires, for we are only moved by a Higher Intelligence - within us - that knows what will benefit All and not just the self.

There is nothing wrong with saying what I think is right but then acting differently, for this is how we remember - by repeating the same old patterns until we are ready to release them. So If you say - "We are all One" - but then you keep judging, comparing and creating separation between you and others - then, you still have to remember unity within yourself first.

There are truths about our own journey that are difficult to accept but that should be appreciated when received, for it is the way the Universe has to bring us back into our true path, making us recognise the old programmed habits/thoughts - that we keep feeding, and that are impeding us, in discerning our journey. The truth is not always what we expect or what is convenient to us, but it is always what IS and what will need at the moment for our human growth. 

This is a new Era of conscious co-creation. In this New and Higher Octave of Love, in which we are now navigating. We no longer seek outside, what we know is only found within. In this New cosmic Cycle, we have learnt from this past Piscean Era, who we truly are in nature, by soul remembrance, and we are ready to move beyond 3D manipulations (including the ones that we unconsciously create for ourselves) and embrace a new journey free of limitations and fear.

Remember Beloveds, we work in unison - as equals - we no longer rely on outer Forces or beings for guidance, for we have become our own masters and healers. This does not mean we are not going to need confirmation and assistance, for we cannot live isolated, but we act know as sovereigns beings, responsible for our own experience, instead of being mere victims, governed by external circumstance. For we now remember our Divine Essence and unity with All - realizing that we are made of the same love, light and wisdom that we previously sought in others.

At this intense phase, embrace Truth, no matter what it shows you, for it will set you free. BEcome the sovereign being that you truly are, and remain always in the illuminated Presence of your Soul.

Have a blessed and magical Eclipse ~ Beloveds!

In love and light∞

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 29 de enero de 2017

Healing Parallel Selves vs. Soul Extensions in Other Dimensions

Beloved Ones,  

The nature of our existence, as you already know, is not only confined to a physical existence. As multidimensional beings, especially if your Higher Self is using parallel incarnations to accelerate your evolution, you will also deal not just with your current life, but also with other selves that are One with you, residing in other realms of existence and/or on Earth, at this time. These parallel selves, probably incarnating on what we call past or present reality, may be awake and conscious of their multidimensional nature, or may not, as sometimes of all these extensions just one or two are consicous of who they are and their role within Creation.

This is a very deep subject, but as I am often asked, sometimes (and I am sharing this just for the ascending souls, for the 3D human is not even aware of other selves) what you call past lives affecting you in this one due to what you are feeling from them whether in your dream state or when you are awake in the physical, is most of the time other aspects of your soul extension recreating a different life experience in other dimensions/Universes (within the range frequency of Planet Earth) and mostly on Planet Earth. It is not easy at all in the early stages of our ascension journey, if we are dealing with past lives, negative entities or other parallel selves.

As ascending souls, most of us do not have karma, which is one of the main reason why working with past lives does not work for some of us who have already done this inner work before. This is why entering into a state of silence with your soul and Higher Self/Guides, to retrieve the proper knowledge about your mission in this lifetime is pivotal when you are healing/dissolving something from your past or another aspect of you. 

Our soul extensions residing in higher dimensions or star civilizations are unlikely to be affecting us in a negative way as well, for they are more evolved than we are. So probably the main reason to feel/dream or even repeat old patterns, is due to the fact that we are helping our other selves to heal, which is why you may be influenced by negative habits, as suddenly taking drugs, lack of self-love bewteen many others, or actions that are not coming from your own soul's Will but from theirs - impeding your own soul evolution. 

Having said that, it is also vital that you begin to work with all your non-physical bodies, as you keep evolving, for this is the first thing we should do when we step into this path, and one of the reasons why some of the ascending beings are not able to see distinguish what is really occuring in their being because they have not done the basic inner work first. Although, we may not have karma to resolve, it does not mean we do not have in our aura, mental and emotional bodies as well as DNA, still some old memories, programs, implants, psychic debris in our central canal to clear, and many similar issues to heal or dissilve that we have to treat before we can regain more guidance. 

I have had the blessing to meet highly evolved souls who are not aware that what is affecting them at this phase of their lives are not their past lives, which they were untiringly trying to heal without success, but some of their paralell selves less evolved and hence, having a harder life experience. When this occurs, we are the soul extension chosen to help the other selves of us on Earth heal and evolve, which is challenging if we do not have embodied all the knowledge from your star chakra - the one who contains all the knowledge about our soul mission. 

Our other selves should not be confused with parallel soul extensions, for even if we are all One, these paralell soul extensions are residing in different planes of existence. One of them can be incarnated on another Planet or star civilization, and hence more evolved than we are, for they dwell in what we call our future time. We are just responsible for the ascension of our other selves incarnated on Earth. These other selves are not just connected to us but are One with our soul, as the soul group choose one extension - of the twelve other souls - who will bring ascension to all of them. 

As we ascend so do the other twelve souls whether incarnated or not. Hence, all that they/you experience is also experienced by them and vice-versa. It is essential that you understand and remember the importance of unity at this phase of our ascension path, for we no longer move, create and live just as an individualized aspect of Source but are also fully aware of these other selves, that may depend on us to evolve. We are not anymore moved by our egoic desires, for we have long ago surrendered to God's Will.  

The reason why we are being affected by our other selves and feeling negativity - if this is the case - receiving images and dreams or visions - of beings that we are not used to - but that feel as if they were familiar, is because our soul extension is more conscious than they are and we came here with the soul agreement to help them clear their karmic debts as well as to be the ones with the responsibility of assisting the other soul extensions of us on Earth to reach ascension. This involves a huge amount of integrity, discipline and honesty with ourselves to see where we still let our lower self interferes, for we are not alone - as our human self may think - and what we do or/and decide to be, affects other aspects of us and All.

When we are in this challening situation for our own ascension journey. and we are no longer able to deal with our own evolutionary process due to all the sensations and pain that we are transmuting from our parallel selves, we have to set strong boundaries with great love and respect to those selves that are impeding our own growth - taking responsibility for our own journey, as we know that the whole evolution of our soul group - 12 souls including ourselves - depend on us. 

This is done, as I said before, by having done the inner work of clearing our bodies of any negativity as well as by having built the rainbow bridge - a cord that goes from the micro individualized aspect of us to the macro, our soul and then Monad. If we have not even developed by daily meditation a strong connection with our soul and Monad as well as Higher Self, it is best to leave this step until we are prepared. 

Once we feel we are ready, we ask our Higher Self and Monad to lead us in this releasing process. Then, we being to talk to all these other selves of ourselves that are interfiering into our current lifetime and kindly ask them to respect our sacred space, for we are running our physical bodies down due to the amount of energy we have to transmute. 

Sometimes we search guidance instead of confirmation - outside ourselves - and as no one can know about our journey better than we do, we try to heal aspects of ourselves that are not in need of healing. This is why is so important that you know yourself before asking someone else for confirmation. Always do that which is in perfect resonance with your soul and its guidance. Do not think others know more or can see more than you about yourself. 

This is only a message for the souls who came here with a mission to assist. For the ones who are here to experience a 3D reality or simply - as some souls - to enjoy and know what it is to live within a physical realm as well as experiencing different relationships, they do not have to focus on holding a certain frequency at all times or in assisting, for their main aim is to experience what being human is, which is another equal and precious choice within Creation. But for the ones who have come here with a different mission, we should become aware that even if we are One and are helping another aspect of us, commanding our soul to respect our boundaries is vital for us to maintain a personal sovereignty and to keep evolving, without interference. 

You exist within many universes, the truth about who you are cannot be measured with a human understanding. Your have many paralell selves, splitted from your own soul, as well as other soul extensions that may be incarnated or not - twin flames, soul mates or direct soul family fulfilling other roles. It all depends on what the Monad chose as the best way to ascend for All.

Some of these other soul extensions are also dwelling in other dimensions as Pleiades, Sirius and so on, and be what you call your "Guide" or past life, which is You from this higher plane of existance, although we also can have cosmic guides who do not belong to our soul group as well as star origin. This is also what you are doing, guiding other aspects of you - from the level of consciousness that you possess now - that are less evolved here on Earth, which if what we often call parallel selves, different from soul extensions in other dimensions. 

The echoes of who they are may come and go as you keep evolving for yourself and All. Your lower self may confuse experiences and what occurs in your relationships with what is happening in a parallel life on Earth. This is what happens when we consciously are aware of our multidimensional existence. We can never know from our human perspective what is necessary to happen for All. To evolve is a task that only the God Self can orchestrate. Our mission is live in joy, focusing on our own self-healing process and role and serve from this same place of unity and neutrality.

In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba