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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta star family. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 19 de marzo de 2019

The Equinox and Full Moon in Libra, March 20/21, 2019 ~ Anuhazi Lineage Emergence

If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.

Eckhart Tolle

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

In a month where we are experiencing profound changes and a complete rebirth of both our physical bodies and lives, we are about to welcome the stabilizing frequencies from the Equinox, as the Sun continues to travel around the zodiac, entering into Aries, together with a loving Full Moon at 0 degrees Libra, all happening in the same day, on March 20. During the first week of the month we received unique frequencies to support us in our journey of constant descension and emotional release, for Pisces energies are meant to end both a micro cycle in which self-liberation is pivotal, and a macro one of slavery and attachment to what impedes us to evolve.  

During this second phase of this month, we are going to be blessed with harmonic frequencies, for us to balance the change that we have anchored within and in our physical reality. This new light brings healing, and hence the subsequent balance, in ways we cannot imagine, if we know how to align with it, and if it is meant to occur for our unique soul journey. It is a light that will bring into the surface everything that is not vibrating in the same frequency that the dimensional space in which we dwell now.

At a collective level, they will feel this profound shift as a deep breakthrough, especially for the ones who have chosen to step into this path, for they will begin the process of alchemical mutation, that we all have to pass, if they truly desire to release an old self, and the wounds that are embedded deep within their mental and emotional bodies. 

At a cosmic level, on March 20, we pass now from Dreamy and Intuitive Pisces to the Fiery realm of Aries. We have been working on purifying ourselves as well as our physical bodies while we dwelled in this healing Water sign - fulfilling our soul contracts, releasing emotional wounds and ending a karmic cycle, as we prepare ourselves for a new phase. For it is with Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the Initiator, that we begin to navigate again through the zodiac wheel, by holding now a higher knowledge of ourselves and unique mission.

As the Moon quincunx Uranus, this will be an opportunity for us to make the necessary adjustments for our bodies as well as lives to be fully aligned with the frequency we are currently choosing. This is one of the events said to be a chaotic one. As I always say, energies simply are and it is our responsibility to connect with them, dissolve all human beliefs, in order to see and embrace their true essence, so we can embody and direct them, for our unique purposes. 

Furthermore, we have another important cosmic event, at the Moon time, that will help us becoming creative channels, as we have Mercury sextile Saturn, which is going to help us in expressing ourselves through creative communication - obtaining clarity of thought as well as to ponder about our journey. It is important that we obtain clear insights about our path, through deep communion with our soul, before we impulsively create outcomes that are not going to be aligned with who we are now. This is indeed a Moon that brings cardinal energy, and hence, we are invited to act, but with the proper discernment not to create from a space of mental confusion, and delusion, which is what brings results that are not one with our soul desires. 

This is a Moon that will be emphasized by the Equinox's Light, whose frequencies can bring into the surface many things that our human self have not confronted/unified yet. However, all we experience is another step forward within our evolutionary journey, and even though sometimes it can be challenging, all leads us to our true destiny and potential. 

For the ones who have already passed this phase of deep emotional release and have obtained clarity about where they should bring into fruition next, this will be a very creative passage to commune with our souls, regain ancient memories and as this is a Moon, in which communication, and hence expression, is pivotal, the retrieval of our cosmic lineage and hence, light language, will be something that many will experience, as a sign of the new wisdom integrated with the recent energies.

Remember that outside our universe and the planetary astrological events happening within it, in the macro this new light, from this second harmonic universe, brings the remembrance of our Anuhazi forefathers as well as the wisdom within it. For we are now closer to the Illumined Realms that gave birth to us. 

Cosmic heritage emergence 

As we continue our journey of conscious evolution through this endless galactic spiral, the ones who have chosen to be on this devoted path, will begin to remember more and more their true origin, although this is always One for All, as we all descend from the same Source. At this time many, with the powerful influx from this Equinox and what its light brings, will begin to reconnect with their ancient memories, and language, from their original civilizations, for even tough many of us are cosmic travelers, most of the times, there is a specific essence, which many call home, that resonates more with us.

As you know the first spoken language within our Universe was the Anuhazi language, coming from our feline Lyran ancestors - seeded by the Elohims. A connection I always have very present, but especially at the time of writing this aticle for All. For this was the main essence/message, I was guided to put into it, one of conscious remembrance, love and joy for all we have achieved, mastered, and continue integrating. 

Since we dwell now in a higher dimension, closer, in frequency, to the Illumined Realms, many will begin to reconnect with their original heritage/language, which for the majority is the Anuhazi one or variants of it, bringing deep remembrance of who they truly are. The Anuhazi language is a one that brings great healing, memories of our forefathers, and own experience in this civilization, which was the first one of our Universe.

Astrologically, this cosmic gift is marked by Mercury conjunct Neptune, which is an alignment for us to begin working with how we express ourselves from the micro to the macro. Do we express our feelings with great love, respect, but at the same time power? Or do we speak impulsively, without measuring the impact that our words can have on others? Do we know the power of the spoken word or do we unconsciously use it? 

In the macro, this is going to be about expressing the love we are and feel within in a new and higher way, whether it is through light language or in our unique creative ways, for these events are also ones that will help us align with our creative expression, at all levels. It is up to us to use it to bring chaos and unlove or to bring higher frequencies through whatever it si we are guided to do, that comes from a space of love and compassion towards ourselves and All. 

Light language comes when we have worked on our DNA, when we are mentally stable, which can seem easy, but delusional and magical thinking is very usual within the spiritual community. It is important to understand that one is not better if one speaks light language or sing it, for we all bring an specific mission and it is not about comparing ourselves with others or with what seems glamorous to our egoic self, but about precisely embracing our unique abilities what helps All.

When we are aligned with who we truly are and remain in a state of total connection with our God Self and at peace with our mind and actions, it is that we begin to remember and use this sacred language, to bring healing to ourselves, for sometimes it is just meant to help us, in our path. Others it will be directed to bring healing to All, if we are meant to share certain messages, which possibly cannot be understood, in a human way, but it is more about the frequency and vibration than about consciously understanding it.

The human needs to be constantly understanding or defining things. The soul knows all, feels all and needs nothing of the physical to understand what our human self needs for our earthly path. If we use the sacred sound of light language, in whatever form it comes to you, we will begin to bring back the essence, purity and wisdom of our true self and mission, for once we awake our human minds to these sacred sounds and wisdom, we are finally able to descend the Truth that has been hidden for us, for eons. 

Consciousness travel: Healing parallel timelines 

We are under one of the most important healing passages of this creative year. At this time we are navigating between Piscean and Aries energies, which are frequencies of endings, new beginnings and the subsequent resurrection required to being anew. It is now that we have the gift to dissolve old traumas, wounds and everything that keeps us attached to old realities, in which we were not the person that we have now became. 

During this phase some of you probably have already been feeling the intensification from the Equinox Light. For others, this new frequency coming from the Illumined Realms, will bring the opportunity, and at the same time, human challenge, to test yourself and power, and for this to occur, you will need to create the circumstances that will help you to master yourself.

I have received the importance that at this time working with parallel/future times has. I know many prefer the word past or future, for me, all is parallel, for as you know all is in truth happening at the same time. It is essential that as ascending souls we begin to reconnect with all the past/parallel aspects of ourselves and heal the exact timeline(s), the specific situation(s) that created the present misalignment(s) or outcome(s) that we are experiencing and that is not what we truly desire to manifest, in our current reality.

We all, our Consciousness, are time-space travelers. We do not need to physical bilocate or to do specific rituals, for us to place ourselves in another timeline. We all possess this ability to correct past events, for we all are pure consciousness in motion. As ascending souls, one part of our mission is precisely to re-connect with this Consciousness within, for it is with It that we assist not just in the astral, with the unique mission each and every one of us has, but in many other dimensions.

As ascending souls who are consciously walking on this path, you already know that this path is one of devotion, conscious descension and integrity. We do not simply get what we desire, or shift from one state of being to another by simply saying it or by reading spiritual material. We have to do the work, even if it involves experiencing many challenges by first hand. We have to be the ones who initiate ourselves first into a path of self-mastery and remembrance. 

This is why there will be many who will feel the intensity of this equinox Light as something that was hidden and hence remained unconscious, and that surface now, for them to dissolve it. This does not mean you are not ascending. This means you are given the blessing to master yourself in a physical world, so you can too spread this knowledge with All, by own experience. 

This is a month for us to work on so many things with Piscean energies! For some, it will be about forgiveness, for others about learning how to be compassionate, and for others about healing karmic patterns or timeliness whose consequences are still present in their current reality.

Traveling to other timeliness is done by moving our consciousness, intention, and hence, Essence, to the time where the wound was created. To the moment you suffered abuse, to the moment you treated someone unlovingly, or to any situation of your human life that you desire to rememorize, bring back, and heal, with the higher perspective, and wisdom, you have now.

It can be the moment when you decided to begin using drugs as a way to escape reality. It can be any other thing you used to punish yourself or simply that hurt you deeply and you are still holding this pain within. Go back to where the original wound is, feel it, and see it with new eyes, for you are not the person that made these choices. These choices were made from the state of being you possessed then, when you had another level of consciousness. Now you are a totally different person. 

Visualize yourself in that moment, when you first began to hurt yourself in whatever way you chose, when you first decided that you were not enough or were you, unconsciously hurt another, or made actions that were not aligned with who you have become now, ones whose consequences are still present in this moment. 

It is there that you have to begin the work to dissolve these choices. See yourself in the moment of making this choice and undone it. Imagine yourself pondering about the many choices presented at that time. As you know the consequences these choices will have in a future timeline, speak to your past/parallel self and recreate this past moment - making new choices, creating new timeline and aligning yourself with them, so your present results change.

In the moment you chose to diminish yourself you can know choose again, more wisely, until you create a different choice, not just for your present self, but for the one who is still residing in what we call past timeline. As you proceed with this exercise, you will begin to see the evidence of the dissolution of past choices, not because they have never occurred, but because you have now created another version in which you choose to focus now - brining the personal desired shift you truly wish to experience, into this present timeline.

Everything that we envision in the non-physical, from our dreams to healing ourselves, must be brought into the physical. All the knowledge we read, and/or receive from within, does not serve if we do not apply it to our physical reality. This is why many are not yet manifesting healing, abundance, or any other physical support they need, because between many other things, they are still not grounded and continue to live in the ethereal. 

This is a season, especially with this Equinox and Full Moon's Light for you to remember who you are, the power within and what you can do with it. For some, it will be about remembering this inner power. For others that already remember, it will be about expanding into new horizons - retrieving more wisdom from their God Self. All is equal and perfect for where we are, and need to be.

Release anything that you have been told about who you are. Release old programs that wants you to keep diminishing yourself. Healing, self-empowerment and the retrieval of our sovereignty, can occur, but first we have to release all the old beliefs that tell us that this is not possible, that we are not enough, that we just have to be realistic and that in truth none of this is true.

Fear is a great companion, if we know how to direct this energy, for fear as well as all of our human emotions, is energy. If we use fear to challenge ourselves to go further, to love ourselves more and to prove to ourselves, and no one else, that we are Divine powerful beings capable of unimaginable things, it can serve us to change a life, our bodies and release the undesired timeline in which we do not wish to dwell anymore. 

You greatest gift of all is your capacity for renewal. You are Divine Consciousness dwelling in a human body. Consciousness can undo any misalignment that is not meant to be a part of our human experience and that we have manifested, unconsciously. The power that creates worlds within you is very real. You just have to know how to align with it, for it is You, to bring the desired outcomes, and healing, that you are so eager to manifest, in your present reality.

I wish you all an empowered, blessed and magical Equinox and Full Moon, Beloveds Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

The Energies of August 2018 & The Lion's Gate - The Rebirth of Light Consciousness

There's always another level up. There's always another ascension. More grace, more light, more generosity, more compassion, more to shed, more to grow.
Elizabeth Gilbert

Beloved  Light Emissaries, 

It is with great joy that I share the benevolent, and nonetheless intense, energies of this new energetic month, for even though, as humans, we tend to separate, this month is a continuation of what we began to experience with the first Eclipse in Cancer, and in general during all this summer, and that will increase with the Lion’s Gate in August 8th, reaching its peak with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo. This month marks a key point in our evolutionary journey, it is indeed the end for many who are still trying to sustain both opposite worlds, for when we consciously decide to step into this new ascended reality, nothing will ever be the same. 

All months hold precious gifts, if we are willing to see and embrace them. This new month brings us the gift of stepping into a new reality. If with the last Eclipse in Aquarius we had the opportunity to consciously release what no longer serves, for us as humans, we always tend to get attached to old energy, unconsciously repeating old habits/patterns, now with the coming of the Eclipse in Leo, we are being invited to become empowered sovereign beings, seeding light consciousness rather than fomenting the old energy, for the return of light consciousness can only be possible if we first hold this same frequency, within. 

This is not an ending either a beginning, as the Universal 10/1 - 19 reduced - frequency of this month reminds us, for as you know, it is in the middle that we coexist and experience change, for all is happening at the same time, and when we believe something has finished, it is the new seed of what is already emerging, we just have to know where to look and shift our focus from poverty/victimhood/negative consciousness to a wider one, realizing that all is in truth an opportunity rather than a curse. 

The energies from this month are going to be the new seeds for us to grow our true soul desires or keep feeding our human fears and illusions, as always, all choices are respected, and served equally, within Creation. During this summer, we have the opportunity to move from fear consciousness and step into a new way of living, for where we have chosen to dwell, there are no limitations and in the moment we create them, we automatically lower our frequency, returning to a restricted and illusory reality.

Lyran & Sirian connection 

As we approach August, the fiery energies that we have been feeling since July, will increase  with the coming of the Lionsgate, on the 8th of August. During the Lion’s Gate our Planet will align with the Star Sirius, the Galactic Center and with many sacred places on Earth, as it is for example the Pyramid of Gyza, giving us the opportunity to connect with the Cosmic Heart and other Star companions that have been following our soul evolution, for our cosmic family from Lyra, our forefathers, and Sirius have been assisting in the awakening of humanity for a long time, especially after the original Adamic DNA was manipulated - impeding us to fully be aware, as other cosmic civilizations are, of our True Divine Essence. 

This month, and especially with the coming of this Fiery wave, is going to be challenging for those who are working on the lower layers of their egoic self, for the ego can no longer coexist with the higher frequencies we are receiving and the more resistance we may have to let it all go, the more we can suffer from getting attached to human illusions and/or fears. This passage will serve in many ways, for some, it will be a phase for connecting with their star family, for others it will help them dissolve more of the old, it is all according to where you are in your unique path. 

The Lionsgate is a very important galactic opening, for the portal travelers, starseed souls, and for everyone whose connection with Lyra and Sirius remains strong, will have the opportunity to establish conscious connection and begin to use their precious assistance to continue the process of DNA reconnection and activation, for without the second one there can be no possible integration. Our Sirian family left in many starseed souls many codes within their DNA for when they were ready to evolve and begin to decode them remembering the ancient wisdom - once lost due to the manipulation of our original DNA.

To understand our connection with these star systems or civilizations, first it is pivotal to have some authentic information, which can only come first from within, about the galactic history of our Galaxy. There are many who separate, claiming they come from Pleiades, Sirius, bringing confusion and separation, when in truth, what truly matters is where we are now, for it is only in this moment that we exist and not embracing it as well as our physical realm, will be delusional. I am not judging or saying these people are wrong, I am simply saying that the mind, as well as any other part of our body, gets sick, if we keep feeding illusions, and it is our task to become aware when this occurs and do whatever we can to recover.

The history of our Galaxy is very profound and I do not have the time required to write in depth about all this. However, sharing at least the basis may help many to understand that there is no separation between the many different star systems.

Life in our Galaxy began in Lyra Constellation, these were highly 12D evolved beings birthed by the Elohims. After a time, this civilization split due to disagreements, for while some desired to dwell in the Light, others began to separate from it. It was then that the so-called wars between Lyra and Orion began, a war over consciousness that ended eons ago and that led the ones who still live in unity to leave Lyra and began to colonize/create other places, such as Vega, Pleiades, Sirius etc.

Therefore, it is why it is so important to commune with our God Self to know about our history, human races, and many other things that are essential if we desire to know our Galaxy and true origin. I understand it is not always easy, but as it was in my case, obtaining things from within, before searching or reading it outside, makes all the difference to truly discern about what we read, for we may fall into the trap of making what others channel ours, and then, we are not seeing the Truth by ourselves.

There is no separation; we are all, or most of us, coming from Lyra or as humans, at least having within our DNA many star essences. Another thing is that the soul chooses only to incarnate in one specific civilization, but once one incarnates in a human body, the body will always have genetic memories and patterns that cannot be erased.

At this unique time, and especially during this month of August, we have the opportunity to remember not just our true galactic history and origin, but to remember unity consciousness and what life within Divine Love means, for Lyrans, our creators, are there to remind us the importance that respecting the Law of One has for All who desire to live a free, sovereign, peaceful and respectful experience within Creation.

On the other hand, Sirians are also there to assist those who are working with the conscious inner work of DNA reconnection for they were pioneers in the human genetic project, which was supervised as well by the Lyrans, and they are ones who know all about how to decode our original 12 DNA strands, something that many of us are working at the moment, for without this constant inner work, the physical body as well as ourselves, cannot truly evolve.

There are many who focus only in the physical connection, however, conscious connection with our star family is done from within, by remembering who we are, by searching within instead of obtaining information from outside and above all, by clearing our mental and emotional bodies before we fall into delusional traps. Contact is made by inner knowing, by telepathy or simply by conscious interaction, if for example you are clairaudient or are one who can receive in a similar way.

As I always say, we all are unique and if we have our mind healthy, we will know when we are receiving true guidance and making real contact or when we are believing our own mind creations, and hence, illusions.

Delusional thinking vs. authentic guidance

At a time of profound integration, where we are communing with the Illuminated Realms as well as with many beings that have been assisting us for eons, I  was guided to share a bit more about the importance that clearing our minds of delusions has on our evolutionary journey, for it is pivotal if we desire to know if we are receiving authentic guidance or are being fooled by our ego.
I understand there are many phases as we ascend in which we will experience different delusions, and there is nothing wrong with this, for this is precisely what helps us grow and discern what is real from what was part of our mind creations.

There are many, and like I always say, it is fine and we all at some point have passed through these phases, whose minds tend to become ill with fake information and delusions. Therefore they are not able to distinguish, for they are not conscious, from where their "guidance" is coming from. When this occurs, and if I say this it is because once it happened to me years ago, for I have been doing, and still continue to do so, the proper inner work for more than 10 years now, for all began for me when I was 18 years old, and I consider that being open and listening, especially to the ones who loves us, is pivotal when our mind is infected by our mind’sdelusions and/or negative alien programming.

I share this with great love and I hope it can help for the ones who are open to finally see they were following their mind delusions or were under the negative agenda manipulation, instead of receiving true guidance. There are many signs that can indicate us that we are being manipulated by negative forces or simply by our own egoic mind.

The followings are just some I consider the main and most important ones. Above all follow your own guidance to know what you are experiencing or not:
  • Inability to discern from where they obtain their guidance. As many of you will know, we all begin to walk a path in which we must learn to discern if what we are receiving comes from a place of love or from one that tries to manipulate the self. When true guidance is received, there will be no judgments, no praise of the egoic self, and above many other things, for I can only share the main ones, there will be no talk about others, unless we have their permission, and even though, our God Self, Source and/or Guides, as  you prefer  to call your own fountain of guidance, will never trespass our free will or that of others.
It is essential that we understand that our God Self or Guides, are there to respect our human will and soul plan, they will never tell us what to do or what is going to happen, or simply share personal details about others. It is true that energy introduces us. However, one thing is what we feel about certain people and another one is to believe we are being told their entire life. When this occurs, the information is usually very manipulated and of course fake and it is not just our egoic mind creating fake guidance but it is often filled with lower astral information or in some cases influenced by negative beings.

There is nothing wrong or shameful about being there, for like I said, we all need to experience both to become aware what is an authentic source of guidance and what is not. This is what duality has that it teaches us to compare and discern for ourselves. What is important is to begin acknowledging that our mind has been manipulated by our ego and many other forces that are not coming from a respectful space and clear our mind.

When we leave expectations and attachments behind, and the necessity of what is going to happen, in the future, as if we were mere puppets moved by a capricious god, who do not create our destiny, is when we finally are open, for we have emptied ourselves of all that was an illusion, to receive authentic guidance, one that will be, always, loving, respectful, with ourselves and others, for highly evolved beings as well as our God Self - will never share details like this about others, this is egoic and human gossip, and we will finally realize the difference, for it will be also strongly felt.
  • Black magic, understanding by black magic everything that involves conscious manipulation of others and/or entering into other’s personal space without their consent.
There are many forms of black magic, for all that involves trying to manipulate the outside world and/or others, is for me, black magic. I am not judging and saying this is bad, I simply must to label what I desire to share. To set my own example, I used to be a wiccan in the past, although first I was raised as a catholic. I do not desire to name as "wrong" these religions, for they have taught me the most important lessons I could have ever had in my human life. However, it is important that we understand that these are not just the only ways of manipulations, there are others that we tend to skip simply because we are accustomed to them.

I have to say that I am not saying at all that Wiccans are black magicians, there are many who practice their love and respect for nature as I did, although at some point I did not as well, and there will be others, as I know, who will believe they have some influence in other’s actions. I respect everything and I share this with great respect, but this is not how highly evolved beings will behave, this is another form of human delusion, we can never control others or make them stop or not doing something simply because it is not pleasant to us.

When the human thinks he/she can manipulate or change the course of another life, then the mind is not healthy, and I understand there will be many evidences for these people of their success in their tactics but with time, they will see they only damaged themselves. We have now, all of us, a wonderful opportunity to keep releasing old patterns and beliefs which diminish ourselves, for most of the times these fake beliefs are what impedes us to liberate ourselves from feeling disempowered.

Black magic is not just done by damaging others with certain rituals. Black magic is done when our egoic self believes is bigger than the Divine Plan and then we play god by trying to impose our will onto others. When we judge, when we send a negative thought to another, when we wish something less than good to other person, then we are, whether conscious or not, possessed by our mind’s delusions and exercising lower practices than in the end will come back to us in forms that we will not like.

Another aspect of black magic is to tell people without their consent things about their personal lives, which at least in my case are not true at all and are just coming from a mind that is obviously not healthy. When our mind’s imaginations become a reality for us and we project that upon others, then we are allowing ourselves to be controlled by our egoic self who thinks that knows more about others than themselves.

These people even claim they receive guidance from God, and this is one of the main signs that one is not truly receiving true guidance, for God will never share anything about any other person, especially if this person has not even consented it. God respects, God loves All, as equal, God does not play games or gossip, for God does not mind the human games we pretend to play here in our plane, for what this Infinite Intelligence is remains still far away from our human understanding, we are just beginning to learn how to live within Divine Love, so pretending to know all and play god will only slow our evolution. When the ego believes he has become god, then we have to clear our mind and begin to work on humility and respect towards others.
  • Narcissism disguised as fake self-love, spiritualism an excess of feminine essence, which is a rejection of the masculine. It usually leads the person to live in fantasy and unreal world, where the tangible is not important, and hence, lack of abundance, and inability to sustain themselves in the physical, are one of their main issues. It usually happens with traumatic experiences with the masculine.
What is important is to becomes aware, which is hard, sometimes, but that can be done when one become the eternal witness of our human experience and listen to others who love us who could be really helping us to see the reality.

It is also essential that we begin to love and be compassionate with ourselves if we have realized we were not truly receiving authentic guidance, for the mind also needs assistance, as any other part of who we are, and there is nothing wrong with this, we just need to remember this is also telling us something about ourselves and that we have the opportunity to listen to the new knowledge we are being offered and learn from it.

Soul mission embodiment

As many of you are already experiencing, during this intense and transformative phase, there are many who are beginning to descend new aspects of their soul mission for the more we work on our egoic self, releasing old layers as well as habits/patterns, the more that we will be allowing these aspects to be fully integrated within our being.

There are many, and I include myself, who have fulfilled a part of our mission, so to speak, and are now ready to activate new aspects, for this is not just about our personal journey, but about what the Planet requires. For some, their new soul role will involve to physically move, especially if they are now meant to act as gatekeepers, gridworkers, portal openers etc. For others, it will be more about stop acting and being, for it is by their essence that they shift/heal certain physical spaces, or simply about shifting what they have been doing until now and use different tools and ways to perform their tasks.

As you embody higher levels of consciousness and as Gaia will continue its ascension, there will be many things, in an accelerate way, that will change within and in our physical lives. In my personal journey, even though I am still a stabilizer, for it is in my nature and in my own essence, I have fulfilled this task where I used to reside, and even though I was not conscious of it, until the right moment came, I felt for a time as if I no longer had this same mission anymore.

When this occurs, trusting that when we are ready, we will obtain more clarity, is pivotal not to fall into egoic delusions such as thinking that we are not enough that our life is going to end simply because we have fulfilled a part of our task here on Earth etc. It is important to always surrender and trust that we will be placed where we are needed and that when our human self is ready, we will know what is our new task and how can we develop it. Forcing it, pushing ourselves to do or be more, will not serve, for we will be impeding the descension of these new aspects. Instead of wanting to do more or feeling inadequate, take a time to simply enjoy and do other things that your soul is also eager to experience, in this physical reality.

Before we are ready to embody and be fully conscious of the many different aspects of our mission, first we need to work on soul integration, for if we have not yet integrated more light from our I AM Presence, if we still have soul fragments dwelling in pain, due to past traumas or painful relationships or other wounds, there cannot be integration of these new soul mission aspects.

After this first step, there are other such as cellular and genetic/karmic patterns clearing that must follow before we can be ready to master a new aspect of our mission. There are many aspects of our soul mission, even though it is only one, it holds many aspects and we can only develop them when we are humanly ready to do the sacred task that our soul planned for us to fulfil here to serve All.

Being patient is another important factor to take into account if we are integrating or wanting to do so, for there are many who desire  to be or do more, when it is not the time to do yet for they are still preparing their physical bodies and selves, until they can truly understand this new information, and other times, people like to compare  themselves with others and what others do to assist, idealizing their soul roles and wanting to do what they do, which is another important reason why many people still do not really know what they are here to do, because they have been focusing in being who they are not, and as a consequence, they have been blocking their true gifts to come to the surface.

We are at a very special moment within this year of acceleration and it is now, especially with this fiery galactic wave, that we  have the cosmic gift to release and integrate in a higher level, for we are now dwelling in a lighter dimensional space where aligning with its frequency, will help us to clearly receive the new aspects of our mission that shall be integrated to be of further assistance. 

Planetary alignments

We begin this new energetic, and fiery month of August, with a message of culmination, and hence, the subsequent integration of the new wave that is already strongly felt. This month is a very powerful one for us to create a new path. To confirm where we are in our ascension journey, for we find ourselves navigating within endings and beginnings, this month is a Universal 10/1 number - 19 reduced.  This is the space in which beginnings and endings find each other, it is precisely in that infinite space, where we dwell in possibility, that we can choose the timeline, and the creations, that are most aligned with who we are. 

In Tarot, the card that represents number 10 is the Wheel of Fortune, which represents the change in destiny, that we have been able to accomplish, one that we have consciously created ourselves, and that only we know if the change that we have created from within will lead us to a higher space or to a lower one, for no one can ever predict where we are going but our own selves.

At a cosmic level, we begin this new month with Uranus, turning retrograde just at the very beginning of this month, on August 7 - acting as the catalyst of this great change in which, we all are consciously immersed. As many of you probably know, I no longer choose to foment the retrograde illusion, so I will share my personal view, and essence, of what Uranus means to me, and my journey. Uranus' frequency brings the gift, for those who choose to align with it, of looking at things from a different, and higher, perspective, being able to see things that our limited mind impeded us to realize before. Limited and hence fixed ideas, are precisely what keeps us from experiencing reality as it truly is rather than as our human mind makes it.

Are you ready to embrace freedom? For with freedom comes the need to release an old self, and life, and there are many who are still reticent to leave behind who they have been for so long. Are you ready to finally leave a familiar world with familiar faces behind to embrace the unknown? If you really are in this moment, many people will relocate, others will pass through a phase of deep silence, until they learn how to adjust themselves and physical reality to their new frequency. All is heading always into the right space for us all. There is no need to force or to run to reach to a certain destination, for you will always have the opportunity to evolve.

On August 11, there will be another cosmic dance between the Sun and the Moon. For we are welcoming, again, a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 18 degrees Leo. This Eclipse will sweep away everything your old self-created, timelines, old situations, encounters, when you possessed a lower level of consciousness. As the Eclipse will be influenced by Mercury, "retrograde", this will also give us the time we need before initiating change to commune with our soul and regain the proper wisdom required for us to create from a conscious state of being rather than from a delusional egoic one, which is often the main reason why many of our creations are not aligned with our desires. However, this is what we came here, to master our inner creator, in the physical.

As Mars "retrograde" will enter into Capricorn the next day of the Eclipse, we are being urged to create change in whatever aspect of us or area of our live that needs it, for this Warrior energy together with the fiery ones from Leo and the earthly ones from Capricorn, reminding us the importance that directing this inner force into our tangible plane to create change, has for us humans.

On August 19, Mercury, will turn direct. As you know, I do no longer share much or feed this illusion, however, as astrologically it is important for many, at least, the least I can do is sharing the date in which this human illusion disappears from our physical plane and become "direct", again. In my personal experience, when I released the fear or Mercury retrograde, for behind every limited belief, there is fear, all began to flow whether Mercury was retrograde or not, for this was never real to begin with and by fomenting this collective belief, we are only limiting ourselves more and creating the so called " negative outcomes" and/or slowness in our human experience.

In this same day, we also have another important event, Jupiter trine Neptune, a trine that has been happening since December 2017 until August 2018. As the Planet of Expansion, Jupiter enhances the essence of Neptune which is one of spirituality, intuition, high ideals and a deep sense of working for the community, in a selfless way.

This is also a gift for those who are on a soul quest, and desire to know more about how they can be of greater assistance. This is also a time for special mystic and soul encounters whether they occur in the physical or in our dream phase, for this is a magical corridor that will lead us to the Illuminated Realms, if we are willing to align with this heavenly frequency.

On August 23rd, the Sun will enter Virgo. When the Sun shines a Light into Virgo, we are called now to ground ourselves and direct our creative power into our earthly Plane, which is something we have been doing for a while with these powerful and abundant Leo energies. As an Earth sign, Virgo reminds us we are here to manifest our true desires which at the same time, will always be of assistance. For Virgo is quite aware of its mission, which is always to be in service to All.

Virgo will bring purity, something we are all beginning to experience as we are now near the Higher Realms. It invites us to remember that the purity we hold within can also be reflected into everything we do in our dense realm. And even if this sign can seem practical, its main essence is all about remembering we are here to combine what we create from the inside with what others may need in the physical, for we are here to synthesize and unify both polarities, both planes, the physical and the ethereal - bringing all these inner visions into our tangible realm, as it is only by doing that, that we can truly master ourselves as creators of the physical.

We end this powerful month with a no less intense Full Moon at 3 degrees Pisces and with the Warrior Mars turning direct, again. This will be a very powerful and fortunate Moon, for its Grand Trine which involves the Sun, Saturn, Uranus. This Moon brings soothing energies after the intensity of the fiery ones we have been receiving during all this summer, and gives us another opportunity for working on karmic release, as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, where we graduate from past experiences, keeping the knowledge within and stepping into a new path of conscious creation and self-empowerment. 

Beloved seeders of light consciousness, coming back unceasingly to spread the unique light that you are, raise, for it is time for us to begin the seeding that we began eons ago and that was impeded by the dark forces. We have never decayed. We have never lost hope, for we knew one day the many souls trapped within a manipulated 3D matrix will awake, and as such so it has been.

It is time now for us to be, not do, for it is in being that we do our purpose, the light emissaries that once chose to volunteer for the sake of this Planet. We, the ones who consciously decided to come, may not have an easy path, for within this dual plane, we now navigate in both dark and light frequencies, but we will always have the remembrance of Source within, and its infinite loving embrace, at every single moment of our human existence.

Every time that you are trapped by your human fears, challenges and/or other dramas from this human reality, remember, you have waited a long time for you to allow yourself to fall into human distractions. You by yourself are powerful and wise enough to leave behind what diminish you, embrace your true potential, and raise as the Divine Being, and Emissary, that you are, capable to change the frequency of the Planet so it can regain its lost purity and loving essence.

I AM an infinite spark of All That Is and has ever existed.
I AM Divine Intelligence incarnated into a physical body for the purpose of conscious co-creation and assistance to All.

I AM the light that brings clarity to the illusory human mind, where I now dwell.

I AM pure light consciousness transforming a fear based Planet into a free, sovereign, one.

And so are YOU! 

I wish you a blessed, empowered and loving August, Beloveds,

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 11 de junio de 2018

New Moon in Gemini, June 13, 2018 - Balanced Relationships

“The highest form of human intelligence is to observe yourself without judgment.” 

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

As we approach June’s Solstice, whose frequency is already strongly felt, the need to create inner synthesis within and in our relationships with All, is essential. This is a passage for us to balance what we are continuously descending, from our I AM Presence, and the Illumined Realms, into our physical bodies and tangible plane, for as you already may be feeling, these waves will not cease, and our cellular healing process will continue, since we are immersed within a year of deep acceleration of our ascension process, in which we are constantly working with the conscious integraton of these new cosmic frequencies, with not much time to rest, as it used to be in previous years. 

This is a phase for us to work on integrating polarity, for as Gemini reminds us it is all about the embrace of both that true balance can exist. Gemini represents our silver and golden (feminine and masculine) aspects, and like them, in embracing each other in an equal and rhythmical dance of Love and Oneness. For as Gemini reminds us, it is only by inner fussion that we can create equal and balanced relationships.

While in the micro, this is an opportunity to work on the integration of opposite polarities, and the healing of the many imbalances that are still hidden deep within our being and physical body. In the macro, this stellar passage, that the New Moon at 22 degrees Gemini opens on June 13 goes further than just creating harmony, for it is the beginning of a higher cosmic connection to other galactic civilizations that were once One with us - for this Moon is influenced by eight stars - that are assisting our planet and many of us, in remembering our cosmic nature and Divine heritage.

Stabilizing phase: Earth grids & planetary fabrics 

At this phase of our evolutionary journey, where we find ourselves constantly integrating/activating the recent wave received, we are also blessed by the cosmic embrace of the New Moon in Gemini that will not only invite us to create balance within, as its numbers 22 - 4 reduced - remind us, but in our relationships. When I speak of relationships I am not just referring to our human reunions, but to the relationship we maintain with All - other beings (animals), Earth grids and other planetary structures.

To recognize that as humans we are connected to All living organisms and beings, is vital, for even though we possess an individualized feeling, we are working and connecting with All and it is time for us to consciously live authentically, for all we create affects All. As starseed souls many of us already came with specific codes that are connected to certain planetary structures that help us feel and connect with the planetary fabrics we came here to work with.

Some of us also send this information of our progress in restoring these structures to other civilizations and/or dimensions for this knowledge to be kept. It is of great importance that the ones who act as planetary servers and healers remember the importance of their mission and the need for us to be connected and remain as pure as we can while we continue to work on our specific missions, for if we try to connect with the Earth fabrics by holding separation within, we will only be fomenting this within the planetary structures as well. 

Now, many will be working with bringing balance, especially stabilizers and others with anchoring the specific codes they are meant to, for we all have unique missions. However, there is something we all are working on, and it is the reconstruction of Earth grids as well as bringing back its lost connection to other cosmic structures and purity. Therefore, I was guided to share about places which will benefit from our assistance and unification - to bring deep transformation and healing into the physical places where healing is needed the most
  • Botswana
  • Mauritania
  • Israel
  • Uzbekistan
  • North Korea 
  • Linfen, China 
  • Dzerzhinsk, Rusia
In the last three places, the work will continue for many years, for they need still more purity and the collective decisions to embody a higher level of consciousness. 

As I always say, these are the ones I received which does not mean there will not be more. If you receive more add them or feel free to share in my Facebook page, if guided, for all to know. Each of us are a key piece of a bigger puzzle and it is only by joining our strength and sharing that we can give form to this large puzzle and make sense of it. 

For many stabilizers and New Earth anchors this will be a phase of devotion to the Planet and to their own ascension process. Honor yourselves, this is a time when if we do not have purity we cannot anchor it elsewhere. If you feel the inner call to be at peace on your own, honor every feeling as long as it is healthy and focus on the mission. For the already solitary ones, as is my case, this will not be a problem. However, remember the gift of conscious interaction when the mission becomes challenging.

I have received many emails asking me the same question, which is why I am sharing publicly in case it can be of assistance, of why some of you experience sleep paralysis when you return to your bodies or before leaving them and consciously work in the astral or simply when we come back to our bodies after recharge ourselves with cosmic energy, something that we all need to do when we sleep. This sleep body paralysis can also occur when one is awake, in meditation.

First, I would like to clarify that I am not talking about any delusional experiences or something some people create, in their dreams, which is another thing that someday I will speak about, or by their own mind creations. This is when we are fully conscious of our astral experiences while our body rests. We are not dreaming, we go consciously to assist to where we are called. 

Having said that, there are many different possible causes, and as always first follow your own guidance, for we are all unique. However, from my experience, if you are beginning to assist in the astral in conscious ways, this process is usually when you return to your body because you do not fully master how to direct your consciousness and energy. Furthermore, consciousness travels at the speed of light, and the physical body is denser, which is why it takes the body more time to awake. This will cease as you master both frequencies or states of being.

On the other hand, if you are already familiar with this work and you still suffer from body paralysis whether in meditation or in your dream phase, this can be an indication that your physical body is not in a good state, which is why it is so challenging for the body to recover and awake. Then, you shall feel every part of your body, connect with it, and see if this is due to a loss of energy or bad diet, lack of vitamins etc. Sometimes when the body is not well, this also occurs when we are about to leave this human plane, it is very easy to get out of the body and have problems in returning. 

This does not mean you are about to leave or simply that something is wrong, it is just a sign from your body for you to see where you can strengthen it. It is also very important that when this phenomenon occurs, you do not despair. Focus on breathing, this will help you to connect to your body and come back to it. For as you may already have realized, when we go into the astral with our non-physical body, we do not breathe, our body keeps doing so, we do not need it. So, breathing will help you to come back to your body. 

I know the feeling of being literally trapped within a dense body is not one of the easiest or pleasant things to experience. However, since we are conscious beings, we must be patient and understand that the human body functions more slowly than consciousness. You are this cosmic energy, pure consciousness in motion, direct this consciousness back into your body.

Thank you for your uniquely loving assistance, Beloveds. Always an honor to co-create with you all. 

Balanced relationships: Narcissism vs. Humility 

During this stabilizing passage, one of the first things, as Gemini reminds us, is to build a strong relationship with ourselves, for it is when we are unified, from within, that we can bring this same unity and equality within a partnership. The line between loving and respecting oneself, as an aspect of Source and the egoic love for the self is a very thin one, and while some believe in the rise of their feminine essence, there may be a great polarity imbalance that leads to narcissism, which is not always easy to detect and dissolve for the individual, if one believes in his/her superiority, even as a spiritual being.

Humility comes when one recognizes the perfection of the individualized aspect of God that dwells in this realm, not because of her/his physical appearance but because of the perfect vehicle that Source has created for us to experience this realm. When humility occurs, there is not space for the exaltation of one's physical appearance, for one only loves and sees our bodies as wonderful Divine vehicles for us to be able to have a human experience. 

Narcissism disguised as the rise of the feminine, is one of the most common imbalances among the spiritual community and why these precious beings, for there is nothing to judge, suffer lack of abundance, self-love, equal and balanced relationships etc. They have not yet embodied and loved, as equal the masculine, for they have focused only in one aspect. When this occurs, it is often due to traumatic experiences, especially with the paternal figure.

When we only focus on nurturing the feminine, denying our masculine essence, we create many imbalances, for what we are doing is existing, or wanting to, in the ethereal, and we are not able to create an abundant and stable physical reality, which is why it is so important to disengage ourselves from any egoic desires and perceptions we have of ourselves, and from a higher view, be able to see what illusion/s our human mind is creating. 

One of the main signs of an unbalanced relationship is when the narcissist punishes, so to say, the male in the relationship, which indicates parental hidden non-healed issues, and hence, why the woman tries to keep punishing the man. If it is the man doing so, it is also a representation of maternal issues, between many other things. The way we treat our partners says a lot more about how we treat ourselves, and our inner voids than about them. 

Gemini also rules communication, and since the most important relationship of all is the one we maintain with our own selves. We are invited to observe the way we talk to ourselves and others. As I always say, self-negative talk is one of the main causes of many imbalances and self-sabotage. Do we speak to ourselves and others from a place of respect and kindness? Or do we still do so from a place of attachment and neediness to obtain something in return? 

The frequency that we are already feeling from this New Moon is an opportunity for us to work on inner synthesis and clearing of all the imbalances that may be impeding us to fully descend new levels of consciousness. There are many self-created unconscious programs, as well as implanted ones, that may be still impeding us to become aware of what is stopping us from embodying our true potential and keep expanding within the new dimensional chosen timeline. 

Orion’s Connection 

Gemini’s New Moon will be a huge fountain of energy, cosmic remembrance and magic. For this will be a very galactic Moon for its connection to Orion’s Belt as well as the many other stars it harmonizes with - Bellatrix (Orion), Capella (Auriga), Phact (Columba), Mintaka (Orion’s Belt), El Nath (Taurus), Ensis (Orion’s Belt), Alnilam (Orion’s Belt), Al Hecka (Taurus). 

As the New Moon will occur in between Star Mintaka (Orion) and El Nath (Taurus), this will open a portal that will help many who are working with polarity integration, and especially for the ones connected with Orion, by soul contract or simply by personal resonance and/or due to their connection with their star families.

The history of Orion is a vast one, as everything is within Creation. However, Orion’s civilization suffered, eons ago, as did our Planet, a deep sense of polarization, which I personally am not going to name as positive or negative, simply as something they shall experience. After eons, they finally became enlightened beings, and this is what some people do not know or believe, for they are yet in separation, but these beings are already highly evolved ones who are helping humanity into the transcendence of our human deep sense of polarity.

If one goes within, commune with the Unified Self and especially if one is able to interact with one's cosmic guides, one will be able to remember this information before searching it outside, falling into the many traps of online and false information. However, some tend to rely upon outer sources and this is why they are not able to discern, yet, the different between the frequency, and nature, of certain cosmic  beings. 

It is pivotal that in this New Era, we begin to put into practice all we read, receive and/or believe, by our conscious acts instead of just holding these mental concepts about ascension. Obtaining guidance from within, in our unique way, will always save us from falling into negative agendas, and hence, false propaganda, whether coming from humans or non-human sources. 

At a planetary level, the most relevant aspects of this New Moon, for it does not have any challenging aspects, so to speak, is Mercury in Cancer, opposing Saturn in Capricorn and Venus who squares Uranus. This frequency is one of receptiveness for us to create equilibrium, not just in our opposite polarities but within our mental and emotional planes, and begin to open ourselves to a higher connection, by being balanced and whole. For when we establish communication with other aspects of us or beings, if we are not mentally balanced, we may fall into delusional as well as into the negative agenda’s manipulation, bringing fake information instead of the pure wisdom received when one is in perfect harmony and has no expectations or attachments to what one is going to receive. 

During this month, we have the blessing to create healing and embody a new level of consciousness to keep expanding within our new dimensional space, from a pure and balanced state of being. Balance comes when we finally release our shadows, and instead of denying them, we embrace them, without labelling and/or judging what we find in them. 

Balance comes when we love, equally, all aspects of who we are, as well as all sides of Creation, for in the moment we see something as good or evil, we are again, lowering our frequency, and coming back into a lower 3D state of being. The Illumined Realms where we are so eager to dwell, the highly evolved beings we are so eager to interact with, live in a neutral state of being, they possess no will other than the Divine, no judgments other than the pure discernment that comes when one lives in a unified state.

If we desire to evolve, then, we shall live in neutrality, not in a forced one, but in one that comes when we love All, independently of its polarity, remembering, that aside of our human interpretation, all is equal and loved by God, and that it is only the human mind the one that can never understand what this non-human love truly is.

Transcending polarity and the judgments that come from it, is a personal choice, when one sees everything with a Divine purpose behind it, one knows that no matter the outcome, all will benefit us/All, for everything is Divine, and God is, forever dwelling, in love, taking care of All within Creation, equally. 

I wish you all a balanced, loving and magical New Moon,Beloveds!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba