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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta restoration. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 25 de agosto de 2023

August's Energies Part III - Letting God In

Beloved Ones,

As we approach the end of the month, we will feel the invitation to retire, being in silence, in deep communion with our Soul. This period of self-illumination, through the inner communication with our soul is vital to be able to retrieve the wisdom, strength, and clarity required for our personal journey. Pisces together with the Sun in Virgo reminds us of the importance of service, which is often misunderstood as self-sacrifice.

Service begins by taking care of ourselves and our bodies, so we can give from a replenished and loving state of being. This is precisely what the energies from this passage, coming from the sixth and twelfth houses remind us to focus on our health, restoring all of our bodies, completely, so we can prepare for the next season. 

The twelfth house with Piscean energies invites us to tune into our soul, so we can scan our bodies, and find what needs to be healed and cleared, through inner guidance, for the invisible world within us, is what governs our thoughts, emotions and all that is physical. Therefore, all changes must be done through deep interaction with our God Self, otherwise, they will not be coming from an authentic source. 

One of the lessons that Pisces offers us is the ultimate transcendence, a message reinforced by this Blue Moon, happening at 7 degrees of Pisces. Seventh is the number of initiations that we have to pass before we can ascend. A number that also represents all the old mental and physical programming/implants that we used to hold within, and that with these Piscean energies, we can now remove.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and it is with this sign that we integrate all the lessons required to embody a higher level of awareness that allows us to see the Truth, instead of the old illusion in which we were immersed. It is with Pisces that we are ready to see all of our journey, throughout the entire zodiac signs, keeping what serves our journey and moving forward into the next phase that will too help our growth.

During this moon, Guides share the importance of working with the 3D implant - an inorganic 3D cord born out of our navel - that impedes us from seeing the truth and that we all are born with simply because we have incarnated into a 3D world. This cord inorganic cord is attached to our mental body and hence, the solar plexus, keeping us connected to the matrix. It is like a false energetic silver cord. This is one of the main things that impedes us from ascending into the Divine Planes, linking us to the 4D astral plane. 

We can align with these energies to remove this implant that impedes us from ascending when we leave this plane, and that is what connects us to the false white light that the majority see when they leave this plane. This is a trap. As we regain our soul memories and higher levels of consciousness, reaching the last sign, we too are able to remove all false ascension timeliness and their corresponding implants, so when the time for us to leave this earth plane comes, we can freely choose our next destination. 

This is why working with our body, at all levels, is so important, as it is when we heal this implant, reconnect and heal the light body, open our soul portal, and align to God's Source, that ascension truly begins, for we are now aware of our freedom as divine sovereign beings, and consequently our right to choose where to go next. 

The so-called Blue Moon, named as such due to the extra moon of this month, is also an opportunity for us to balance the ego, listen to our soul, and heal the wounds that are still hurting us emotionally, mentally, and physically, for in the end, all descends into our bodies.

Healing, forgiving, working on compassion, and restoration are key at the end of this month, especially by having Neptune and Saturn in Pisces too, for this is where we revise our journey, understand our unconscious acts, dissolve them through forgiveness, work on soul retrieval, and begin to restore ourselves, and all of our physical and non-physical bodies, completely.

Opening our hearts and creating healthy boundaries is what makes us stronger, not closing them to keep the pain away. This foments the illusion of separation, creating more sadness, and hence soul splitting, which diminishes our life force, affects the mitochondria, and impedes us from living as powerful and sovereign beings.

This is a time of change for All. Change in ourselves, in the planet, and for all who are ready to let go, flow, and adapt to it. It is painful for the ego to let go and be in constant flow with the new. However, wanting to remain the same was never our true nature, and it is now that we are learning how to come back to our organic state of being. 

Periods of resting, of communion, like this one, are a blessing to help us revise, discern, and rewrite our personal stories, for we are the only creators and directors of our own life experiences.

An extra moon, and healing frequency, given to us to heal what has been distorted, and disconnected, remembering how to regain our natural connection to our Illumined Selves, for it is by creating this conscious link that we can embrace more love, wisdom, and power.

I wish you a healing and loving passage, Beloved Ones.

May you always remain One with your God Illumined Self.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 27 de mayo de 2023

The Energies of June 2023 ~ Retrieving & Anchoring Harmony

Beloved Ones,

We are entering into a new month of profound soul retrieval, stabilization, and liberation. An inner process required for us to be able to see, from a more illumined perspective, what we have to release, transform or let go, in our ascension path. A month that will serve us to restore our energetic bodies, for when we enter deeper into the summer, we will be immersed in another potent restorative, and expansive wave.

June has the perfect frequency to help us make a pause in our endless evolutionary path to discern, and from the inside, witness our present trajectory, realizing if we are heading in our desired direction or not at all. When we talk about natural retrospective cycles, we do not necessarily have to think in terms of non-action, as often we are even more active when we move inward and create from within.

This is a season for reunification, clearing, and resting, which is pivotal if we are willing to step beyond our limits and expand into new horizons. We have a soothing and stabilizing month as its universal number 4 (13 reduced) indicates, together with the 6/6 portal, which too reflects stability, harmony, and peace. Both numbers help us find the inner balance and peace required to see where we are, and what we wish to continue manifesting next, in our physical reality. 

June is a month for personal transformation, healing, and resting if we have previously done this inner work, and hence illumination if we are willing to go into the depths of our being, where we can do all the necessary changes required for us to be more unified. 13 is the number of transformation, which simply means to move from a state of being to another, a more peaceful one represented by its reduced number 4. What determines our new state of being is our conscious choice to move from separation to unity, for all is a matter of choice after all.

An inner process that does not have to be painful, unless we are not prepared to leave behind an aspect of our old self and all that is attached to it. This results in experiencing profound suffering, which does not come from the personal shift we are undergoing but from our resistance to letting go.

Letting go is our nature, we are constantly embracing and letting all go, even though we have created the illusion that we are linear beings. It is a time to adapt to change and rather than resisting it, open our hearts truthfully to what shall come, for it is law that when we let go, something else, more illumined, loving, is meant to occupy its place. 

Numbers 4 represents the balance, the stabilization that comes when we have synthesized what was previously separated, and therefore in pain, and move into a more peaceful state of being, something that always comes after the proper inner shift required. We pass now to anchor these inner changes into the physical, which is also the same message that number 4 gives us at this time, a message to anchor the wisdom and clarity that descends to us into our human self.

Both essences from numbers 13 and 4 complement each other, as both are a result of the other. Essences that represent the energies that are also helping us planetarily speaking, and that will too join the galactic ones that are coming to support our evolutionary journey. 

Gridwork Planetary Mission Update

Guides emphasize the importance of this month for those who are stepping into this global mission, or expanding into it, for we are having important openings in certain planetary locations that need to be cleared, restored, and stabilized, at this time. The stabilizing and harmonic essence from June will help us greatly in continuing to anchor the crystalline grid on the manipulated 3D Earth one, a process that continues advancing, as our planet keeps embodying its fifth-dimensional double.

During June, the focus will be on the restoration of the fabrics of time and space, as well as other locations which need to be healed from war memories and other important experiments. The more we continue with this process, the more we can regain access to our original simultaneous time, rather than the limited linear one, created for the 3D experience.

There are also many openings to this mission or helping already, with the Auroras, supporting and stabilizing the Earth's passages and pillars, that help our plane in precisely anchoring these higher illumined frequencies.

Some of these pillars are the ones that the Auroras are facilitating for many who are ready to exit Earth's 3D plane, so they can finally, and freely, move beyond the archontic wheel of incarnation, and resurrect in more illumined and harmonic timeliness.

We all can seed more love, harmony, and balance. We all have our unique role within Creation, and no role is more special than another, for we are all equal pieces of the Divine Puzzle to bring back the love, wisdom, harmony, and power needed on this planet. 

Honor who you are, and your unique soul's mission, and you will be honoring God's Source, for it is when you finally choose to be who you are, and nothing else, that your precious mission begins to unfold, and you start doing what God desires to do through you. 

Astrological Events

June is the continuation of the expansion that began in May. However, during this month the expansion will be for us to move inward, giving our bodies the necessary rest they need. We had a very active Jupiter during the previous month, and we too begin June with Jupiter conjunct True Node, which is another sign of the universal assistance that we are receiving to consciously co-create with All that surrounds us, manifesting more love, abundance, and assistance throughout our creations.

The True Node often is considered to be about our destiny, where we are heading, and what our soul wishes to create, expand or transform next. Many will feel the urge to explore the unknown, searching for new possibilities that help them expand their physical reality. While others will seek this expansion from within, expanding in their personal mission. 

Expansion, wealth, and everything we desire to improve in our physical reality, begins by first loving, respecting, and honoring ourselves. Without this basic principle, we cannot experience the outcome desired, for we cannot continue separating and believing that what we need comes from the outer, as it only creates the illusion of putting responsibility for our needs in others or something else that governs us. When we become sovereign beings, we understand that we are the only real source of wealth in our life experience, and we pass from expecting miracles to creating, from this inner space, all we need for our sustenance, and physical expansion.

Two days later, on June 3, we have a Full Moon at 13 degrees Sagittarius. This Moon is linked to the previous aspect, as Jupiter rules this sign as well, and hence, it is the peak of the optimism, expansion, and love that reigns in the current planetary energies, especially with Gemini's energies reigning as well during this month. A phase for us to rest, rejuvenate,  let go, and focus on joy, enjoying all we have achieved, standing firm in who we are, in what we desire, and moving towards the creation of our soul's visions. 

A season marked as well by retrogrades, for those who resonate with these phases, as this month we too have Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn retrogrades, which is a sign, for those who live under this collective belief, of inner retrospection, essential to be able to discern where we are, and see if we need to shift direction. This is vital during this month, for we are preparing again for another intense passage during the summer, for we have the Lions Gate and many other important alignments to integrate and co-create with. 

On June 5, we have two important events, the 6/6 portal, which is a passage for stabilization, gridwork, healing at a personal level, balance, and alignment with our Unified Self, together with Venus entering into Leo. Venus in Leo is about turning this that we are so eager to live with another, love, confidence, care, and passion towards ourselves, becoming empowered beings, in love with the Divine Aspect within, so we can begin to give the same we hold within. 

We are the first ones who need our affection, love, and care, and if we cannot be authentic and loving towards the self, what can we give to others, if we are empty of all these attributes inside?

On June 11th, we have Pluto retrograde moving into Capricorn again, until it finally moves again into Aquarius, on January 2024. Pluto in Capricorn reminds us of the importance of using our personal power to reconstruct our reality, pursue our goals, and be efficient, which is not about acting more, ending all chaotic habits that destroy ourselves, and the many desires we wish to achieve. If we have not yet learned this lesson with Pluto in Capricorn, it has come back to help us see what we have to shift to achieve our desires.

Mercury will enter Gemini on this same day too. Mercury is Gemini's ruler, when at home we are invited to learn how to communicate effectively, but with the compassion and empathy required for us to have balanced and loving interactions. Communications extend to the non-physical as well, for we are meant to be in constant exchange with All That Is. 

It is also a time for studying, wisdom retrieval, going further into anything we wish to learn or dig deeper into, and for channeling, understanding by channeling, to establish a direct, conscious, and sovereign connection with our God Self and Guides team. It is an alignment whose frequency is meant to help us in becoming better communicators, and it is up to us how to direct with whom we wish to communicate and how. 

This is a total mental reset of all we previously hold in our mental bodies that we have realized now did not serve anymore in our human experience, for where we are heading - a more harmonic reality - we cannot carry anything that continues limiting ourselves, and our new chosen personal experiences.

Saturn will too be retrograde in Pisces from June 17th. During this time, we are being invited to work on what being spiritual means for us, for we all are on different paths and have different notions of how to be spiritual. This essence will help us in being disciplined in what we wish to achieve, spiritually, shifting our belief systems is necessary to finding a more creative way to live our lives. The focus is on finding a way to align our soul with our mind and human selves, so all we birth comes from a unified perspective, which is when we obtain stable and lasting results. 

The next day we have a New Moon at 26 degrees Gemini. The cusp of this sign, before we move into Cancerian energies. We continue mastering the mind, the intellect aspect of us, clearing it to obtain a higher direction. This a moon to regain joy, being spontaneous, so out of this joy, which shall be our natural state of being, our manifestations expand and are properly anchored, in the physical. A time to plant the ideas, the seeds we envisioned in our minds, and to nurture them, as well as our bodies, so when we emerge, we do so stronger, and wiser. 

On June 19, we have Jupiter sextile Saturn. This encounter expands, even more, our creations, everything we wish to birth, and all we have been working with to create a more stable, abundant, and loving reality. As always, patience is key to seeing results, together with devotion to our personal path, compassion towards ourselves, and faith, as often when all is not going as we wished, we tend to lose faith, quitting the process that we so carelessly created, from within, and then thinking it did not result in what we expected. Surrendering after having planted our seeds and having trust in Divine Timing is essential to obtain the desired outcomes. 

On June 20, we have the Sun entering in loving Cancer together with Juno, doing the same the next day, and the Summer Solstice for those who live in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice for those residing in the Southern one. With the Sun in Cancer, we have the opportunity to connect with the aspect of us that feels at Home with All, and that reminds us that wherever we are is Home, for we belong to the entire Universe. 

This is also a wonderful opportunity to work on our intuitive senses, and hence, our feminine aspect, as well as to grow in maturity and heal our emotional body, especially of the delusion of wanting to always live in the ethereal. 

A period for us to work with our sense of protection, familiar genetic issues or present ones, that are still unhealed as well as our sense of belonging to Earth. It is a time for us to become our own caretakers, remembering that if we are not aligned with our Soul and take the time to release and heal first, we could not be of any assistance to others. 

It is indeed a very nurturing and loving month for us to focus on the importance of taking care of ourselves and our bodies, as the main foundation not just for ascension, but for us to be balanced and be able to give, from a full space of love, not one of neediness. 

Mercury will too enter Cancer at the end of the month, on June 26. Mercury in loving and intuitive Cancer is a wonderful opportunity to stop all the mind noise and begin to communicate with our feelings, with our Soul, learning how to lovingly communicate, first with ourselves, and then with others, with empathy, and compassion. Mercury will help us express our feelings fluidly, as many times, especially to those who are natural empaths, we tend to withdraw so much that we forget how important it is to communicate what we feel. 

We end June by having another retrograde planet, Neptune. Neptune's Essence is always going to be there in the same way, for us to tune into it, when we are guided to commune with our soul, expand into our feelings, and intuitive visions and work with our higher senses, independently of the illusion we have of it being retrograde or not. 

Many will benefit as well from Neptune's energies of facilitating going inwardly, to clear illusions, and old habits, as often when we let ourselves be carried by our emotions and old programs, we may fall into escapism. We can always regain consciousness of who we are, feel love again, and start anew, for at every minute we have a choice of transforming our entire being and life experience. 

The essence of this month is one for inner retrospection as the only way for self-illumination, healing, and restoration. June offers us the gift to act as the harmonizers channels that we came here to be, starting by our own selves, and continuing with our beloved planet, for we too have a soul contract with it, to assist in all we can, to create the change that many of us are already feeling, seeing and living. 

A month for us to remember that it is not about reaching the peak, but about discovering the wonders of our human journey, while we are still in a human body. 

I wish you all a loving and peaceful June, Beloved Ones!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2020

New Moon in Pisces, February 23rd, 2020 ~ Soul Creations

Beloved Light Emissaries,

At a time when many of us are anchoring our soul creations within our tangible reality, we welcome a wonderful and very powerful New Moon at 4 degrees of Pisces on February 23rd. This Moon is about making real our dreams, what we create in the ethereal, in the depths of our soul, what makes us being in joy and what the Illumined Aspect of us desires to create, in this physical reality.

This is about us mastering the art of making real what we first create in a non-physical plane and bringing structure and order in our manifestations, for only we can achieve ascension and self-mastery, especially regarding creation, when we unified polarities and create balance in the both planes we reside. 

This is a season ruled by Pisces and Capricornian energies, as we have four Planets in both Pisces and Capricorn at the New Moon time. These are very different frequencies, although they complement each other perfectly well, as everything within Creation. On one hand, we have the essence of Neptune, inviting us to dream big and dwell into the ethereal to be able to tune into our soul desires and goals. While on the other, we have Saturn, asking us not just to rely on the invisible, but bringing all of our desires into the physical as well. 

As you know, Pisces, rules intuition, compassion and devotion to service, with Pisces comes freedom, and the completion of a cycle, in both the micro and in the macro, as it is also happening in the Planet. With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, endings come, and hence new beginnings for there is a moment in which both co-exist, at the same time. 

It is precisely from this timeless and spaceless moment, that we have the opportunity to create a new phase or to get attached to an old timeline. It is with Pisces that we begin to remember our true origins, clearing karmic patterns/agreements, purifying ourselves and achieving personal enlightenment. 

Pisces is the ultimate sign, and hence, where we learn how to merge opposites - our mother/feminine and father/masculine aspects - and how to finally ascend after having passed through the rest of the zodiac signs, carrying all its wisdom, from all these past experiences. When we reach this stage we already hold the proper wisdom required for us to leave all behind and step into a new state of being. With this Moon many will begin to contemplate a new life, one based on the synthesis of both planes, the physical and the non-physical ones, rather than just residing in extremes. 

From a planetary or astrological perspective, the most important aspect during this New Moon is Mars trine Uranus and the Moon sextile Mars too, which is a great influx of confidence and personal power. Mars trine Uranus is one of the most beneficial essences for the ones who are ready to break from old habits, as well as karmic cycles and embrace their sovereignty and develop their true potential by anchoring their soul desires into the physical and expanding into new horizons, confronting fears and trusting that as humans it is our main mission not just to evolve and assist but to overcome our own limitations, being brave to walk into the unknown by trusting that unseen Forces watch over us.

Divine human blueprint resurrection

As you know we are in a time where transformation, as Pisces well reminds us, is a constant for all the ascending souls who have chosen to experience physical ascension. At this phase of our evolutionary path, there are more noticing the many changes that our bodies are having, due to the conscious inner work of releasing and integrating the new light that we are now able to embody, in the new dimensional space that we occupy now.

This New Moon in Pisces, due to the planetary and other cosmic frequencies received, is going to provide us with the opportunity of working further with our bodies, resurrecting our original Adamic blueprint, as Piscean Era invites us to do, which is why our Beloved Jesus was also born under these energies, to show us how to rebirth and how to overcome the many human illusions we have created, especially that of dying and being limited beings.

It is a perfect moment during this New Moon, because of its healing essence, to focus on fusion - polarity integration - for the subsequent physical shift can occur. It is this the first step towards regaining self-synthesis so we can pass to work with DNA reconfiguration and healing, retrieving ancient wisdom as well as the original Human DNA structure, something that many of us are working with, for a while.

For those who are yet on this first step of unifying polarities, this New Moon will bring an opportunity to connect with the silver Ray, which is feminine in essence as well and will help us bring profound restoration and balance in our feminine side and intuitive abilities.

If your feminine essence is out of balance, something you can feel at all levels, from the physical to a non-physical perspective, then calling upon this pure Ray of Consciousness for assistance will help you harmonizing and clearing feminine distorted 3D implants, patterns, beliefs and anything you need to work with, at this time.

Remember that in order to work with any aspect of who we are, it is essential that we understand that it is the pure intention we have to heal and our own power what brings healing and renovation more than outer tools in itself. These tools and other beings/forms of consciousness are of great assistance, if we first do our inner work. Otherwise, we will be disempowering ourselves, as it used to be in the old, by believing that something or someone from the outer can make us whole again. 

As you know, if you are open to the many dimensions where we abide, and if you have regained at least some star memories, Orion beings, who are now benevolent ones, but whose past was once of deep challenges as well until regaining unity too, are helping many humans to remember synthesis, which is simply the acceptance, non-judgement and unification of all the aspects of who we are, without any labels or feelings, simply with love to all that we are.

Orion beings are great teacher for all of us when we work on polarity integration as they experienced this in first hand and are now glad to be of assistance for other beings who like us are passing through this stage in which are just beginning to remember the totality of who we are within Creation and its many abodes. 

This Moon is a very galactic one for we no longer are exposed to just some planetary energies but to the Illumined Realms of many higher dimensions that are now aligned with our new time/space planetary zone and that are there for us to help us grow in love, light and harmony. 

Star & Earth Seeds' planetary migration

As many of you are already feeling since last year, our Planet is experiencing a complete reconfiguration in its ley lines and field in general. There are many new vortices that are being activated, in many different sacred sites of the Planet. Some are being able to be reconfigured, again, as they have been close to humans, so to speak, for eons, due to the manipulation and distortion that man made of them.

There are many souls whose main mission are linked to work with these vortices. They will feel or will be moved by their soul, in unique ways to these new places, where they will begin the mission of working with these new openings, so they can integrate their essence and spread it to All. These souls are encoded with specific information that perfectly resonates with these vortices frequencies, so they can work in unison to bring this new light into our Planet.

This work can be done consciously, if you are ready to do this task, something your soul will consider, or unconsciously - by your own soul essence and through soul traveling, whether you are aware of it or not. It does not matter that you are, most of the times, we do the majority of our mission in many dimensions that we cannot be conscious of, and the good thing is that this is precisely what allows us to be able to experience a human realm. Otherwise, we will feel totally overwhelmed, unable to cope with so many realities at the same time. 

It is indeed a time to unite with Earth wisdom and to begin recognizing the healer within. For those who are starting to feel they should move, you will be guided to all the places you are meant to live in. Every time I have a session or a reading and someone asks me where they should live, I tell them the truth, that only their soul will guide them, for unless they are already in the mission, Guides will not provide more guidance regarding locations, as this is something that you will know first.

It is hard to understand this for some precious souls who are stepping into this journey. However, we need to understand that what comes from the outside is confirmation or extra guidance, that we already have within, nothing and no one can know more than we know about ourselves and personal journey.

When I tell people something they think they do not know, all of them react in the same way: "Ohh yes now I knew! I felt this but I thought it was my mind or that I was wrong". You all know, you just need to teach your human mind how to stop infusion fear into your being and doubt, which is the main cause of not being able to fully integrate the guidance that we all receive.

This is why being balanced is so important not to fall into egoic traps of thinking all is guidance and that we know more, or in the opposite pole of thinking that we know nothing and that we are not worth it and enough to receive what is in our nature. 

If you are guided to move location, know it is your soul desire to be of assistance in a different space. You may not like it, as many times it is not about a perfect location where we find peace, although other times it is. Our soul is not concerned, as humans are, with perfect places, but about the unique work it has to do in the place. 

Know that every time you are guided to live or visit any Earth place, even though you may think it is for no reason, you activate vortices, a planetary line or any other form of consciousness that you are meant to, whether alone or with your soul family. The energy is meant to be moved and spread and it is your task to do so from an open space of unity and love to All.

Find your place within before you can find it elsewhere, know all is inside of you, in love with you and All, for there is nothing ever separated from you or anything else within Creation. When you finally feel in unity with everything is when you will hear your soul call you to travel to any physical place or space on Earth and help it heals, activates and spreads its essence.

You know, you feel it and you are the only one who can truly realize where you are needed, appreciated and required. Look within for answers, and know that your Presence and Essence on Earth as well as within Creation, has been planned, respected and appreciated beyond what we, as humans, could ever understand.

You are worth it. The entire universe conspired for you to be here at this precise and unique moment within this Galaxy. You are no mistake, you are a powerful Divine Force in service to All, in your unique and precious way, and you are helping in bringing the current planetary shift in consciousness that we are already experiencing. How can you not love, appreciate and respect yourself, as a God Spark who descended here to help?

I wish you a wonderful and healing New Moon in Pisces Beloved Companions. 

May you always recognize the wondrous being of love that you are and may you always share the love wherever you are blessed to be.

In love, light and service ∞

Natalia Alba 

viernes, 10 de enero de 2020

Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, January 10th, 2020 ~ Self-Restoration

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

Today we have the first eclipse of the year at 20 degrees Cancer, which is, as you know, linked to the Capricorn ones that are going to reign during these two years - 2019, 2020 - and that will provide us with the opportunity to heal emotional wounds and begin to descend, from the non-physical planes into our earthly realm all of our soul visions for our new live. A wonderful eclipse to work on familiar lineage karmic patterns as well and with our upper senses to work on their expansion and healing. 

This is if not the most, one of the most emotional and sensitive eclipses of this new year 2020. I have had since December one of the most profound breakthrough of my entire life and I am sure that for most this is not going to be easy, as due to its opposition with the Sun, we will experience a conflict between the different polarities that lies within us.

The eclipse is opposed by Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Ceres and trine Neptune, making it even more emotional and sensitive. All this combination can trigger emotional conflict, polarized thinking, emergence of wounds, especial parental ones. 

Cancer - the Mother, one of the most intuitive signs of all the zodiac who lives in the realms of emotions and a higher form of love - represents the female principle of creation, the feminine aspect of us that gives birth, heals and nurtures everything it touches. A natural caretaker, healer and the one who is responsible for birthing our inner visions. As Cancer is the nurturing sign par excellence, it is related to the physical parts of us who feed and protect.

Cancer is also a sign that guides us to the hidden corners of our being that our lower self is not ready yet to face and heal those past wounds that we still hold within without being embraced just because they are too painful for us to accept. Cancer as a natural caretaker and healer is related to the physical parts of us who feed and protect. 

This is why any breast or stomach - uncomfortable - issues, for emotions are processed in our digestive area, will show you where you need to nourish yourself, more, as you are feeding your human fears and this is the way your body has to express itself. It is important to observe our thoughts and feelings, especially the way we talk to ourselves, to be able to find the core of the pain that our bodies experience, for the majority of our body pains tend to come from our own negative programing. 

Healing those aspects of us that are in need of our light and love is essential to evolve and move into the direction of what we wish, with a pure and fresh energy, instead of carrying within ourselves energy from the past that will block us for being in our natural state of bliss as well as to manifest the outcomes that we truly desire to experience rather than the egoic ones that will only satisfy ourselves, temporally. 

In my personal experience with the energies of this eclipse, when I normally deal with any situation, in the best calm and compassionate way that I can, I felt in huge anxiety for days, not knowing how to deal with the feelings that emerge from a particular situation. My dark polarity arose, making sure I know it is still there and that there are things, emotions and conflicts that I have not still worked with. It has been a very intense period, in which, the only thing I desired was not to let people down. However, I was letting myself down, something I worked with, and from what I hope I learnt. 

When we experience these emotional breakthroughs, especially during eclipse times, it is important to listen to what our feelings whether of anxiety or any other ones are telling us. If we desperate and try to cover them, it will not dissappear. If we feel them, listen and move inward, we can find the real root and let it go. Dealing with anxiety was the worst thing for me because even though I knew it was coming from the conflict that was occurring within myself, I could not see what I had to accept, until one finally chooses to listen, sees it and works with it.

If you are experiencing the same, please make sure the first thing you give to yourself is not a pill to cover it, or any other drugs, unless necessary of course, because it will only cover the original wound, impeding you to fully integrate the truth that these feelings are telling you. Pain is simply a feeling, we interpret as uncomfortable, lower etc. However, it is a blessing in disguise, because it is what makes us grow and embrace more inner shadows, and it is only then when the light rise again. 

Faith when things are not going as we expected them to be, is the key to beginning overcoming our present situation and anything that we are waiting to happen, which can only happens when we we shift our state of being to be in resonance with that which is meant to come to us. 

Furthermore, on January 11th we have Uranus direct again as well as Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. With this planetary encounter the path to move from darkness to light begins. For many that are still in their awakening process this will be a gift as they will finally find clarity to bring change into themselves and lives. 

After a very emotional eclipse and after the collective turmoil that this alignment will generate, for its frequency is meant to awake the masses, search for a new order and reestablishment of values, we are going to being restructuring our lives and getting out of the darkness to find a new direction into our lives, where we can create something new out of the ashes of the old. 

On another hand, within a very earthly year, we begin by being assisted to make our soul visions tangible and go after what we truly desire. This is a harmony portal that literally greets us within this new cosmic cycle that we already began and that is going to give us the opportunity to live as the free sovereign being that we are, using their power to build and work as One rather than fomenting separation.

It is a Moon that invites us to dwell in Oneness, which is what we, as ascending souls, are constantly working on. Unity from both within and in our outer lives which brings healing, integration and the awareness required to unify that which is fragmented by our limited minds and that causes imbalances in our human existence, that at the same time, has an impact in All as well. 

When we finally conquer and understand our inner shadows as well as our light, moving from a state of fragmentation and human illusion into a state of wholeness, is that we are able to transition into a higher state of being and new way of living. Wherever you are is perfect, as this benevolent Universe is always offering us infinite soul encounters and different experiences for us to remember our True Path, which is always one of soul integration and constant expansion. Wherever you are, is always leading you to where you should be next, do not compare yourself to others, for you - as well as your journey - is unique and precious.

This loving Full Moon in Cancer is inviting us to give up all inner fights and surrender to a Higher Intelligence and begin to create a universal family, as well as mastering the art of creating the perfect harmony and balance within so we can navigate through our physical reality as well as relationships. For it is when we finally leave our old perspective of how things should be behind, that everything in our human existence begins to manifest in its natural form, just as our life experiences are meant to occur and not as we want them to be.

I wish you All a blessed and healing Eclipse in Cancer, Beloved Companions! Thanks for all the love and kindness towards me, for it is deeply felt and appreciated.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba