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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta recalibration. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta recalibration. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2024

The Energies of September 2024 ~ Soul Evolution

Beloved Ones, 

As we move through this process of density emancipation, focusing on conscious release and rejuvenation is pivotal to preparing ourselves for the next embodiment phase. One that will enhance the importance at this time of our ascension journey of purification, so we can enter into another transformational phase, the last one in this eighth universal year, within an eighth universal month that prepares us for activating our sapphire body.

September is a month to restore compassion, as it is by embodying higher levels of compassion that soul evolution can occur. Compassion towards ourselves in our transformational process helps us heal the wounded emotional body, and transcend the fourth-dimensional bodies and the many distortions we accumulate in our dense bodies. Only by creating harmony within our fourth-dimensional bodies can we enter the soul realms, healing soul fragmentation and pain and restoring our self-esteem and sense of the self, often clouded by the ego.

Healing guilt, blame, unworthiness, anger, addictions, abandonment feelings, energetic depletion, and all the wounds we carry, creates soul connection, stabilization in our energetic bodies, and above all, clarity, for we have now opened our body channels to receive again the constant divine insights that are always sent to us. 

September being an eight-universal month completes the process initiated at the beginning of the year of soul and monadic reconnection, and the planetary one of timelines retrieval that is too unfolding, which was emphasized in August. The 8 universal month of September is obtained in numerology from the sum of our year 2024 (8) and the number 9 of September, a total of 17, reduced to 8.

During this month, as all the planetary alignments remind us, focusing on our energetic health and self-love will be vital to move into the new harmonic timeline that we are already creating and that Pluto confirmed too when it moved into Aquarius on January 20 of this year, for the next twenty years. 

It is not without healing ourselves that we can step into this New Era, for this new cycle is about many as One, the power of All united within Divine Love and Compassion to shift what has been distorted, and repressed for so long, and if there is no unity within, there cannot be in the whole.

My Guides called September the month of soul evolution, as many of you are under this process of healing old wounds, reconnecting with your Divine Self, and finally achieving the trinity that comes with this unification work, and that ultimately implies soul evolution.

The energies of this new energetic month also denote the soul awakening that is taking place in the collective, as we continue transitioning into a new fifth-dimensional world. A collective process that is also represented by Pluto retrograde in Capricorn now, moving back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn, as it will do again on the 1st of September before it finally settles in Aquarius.

Pluto in Capricorn uncovers our shadows, so we can look at them and listen to what our hidden feelings and fears need to tell us, for all shadows are made of unresolved emotional conflicts, traumas, and fears. Illusions, but not for this less real, that vanish when we confront and embrace them. This is a period for us to see our personal evolution and discern if we have still something to work with, or if we are heading into a more peaceful and illumined state of being. 

Ascension as I always say, is a path that challenges us, for only in that way we can remember, but it is not always a path of suffering, we can find and create more peace, harmony, expansion, and alignment, for we are meant to be living within Divine Love and Joy, not in a constant state of suffering. 

We also have a cosmic gift with Pluto in Capricorn to work with our physical bodies, as we too work on evolving on a soul level. Pluto coming back into Capricorn, a zodiac sign that represents self-illumination through physical ascension, will accelerate our inner processes, helping us to see our lessons, embrace them, and move from what pains us and keeps us in a lower state of being.

It is a time during September to conclude the transformational phase that started in March, and that has taken us to this moment, a moment of complete surrender, regeneration, and rebirth, for we are now ready to grow our wings and fly, as Guides share often. 

We are immersed in two months of soul growth and DNA synthesis, for the energies will facilitate and support the work many of you are doing of DNA retrieval and reconnection. The energies will not do the work for us, it takes a lot of time, dedication, and humility to work with ourselves and DNA, but they will set the propitious atmosphere for us to initiate or continue with this transformational work.

Pluto pushes us to evolve at all levels, which starts by transforming ourselves through inner alchemy and retrieving our personal power, a process we are too witnessing in the collective. Capricorn invites us to focus on our bodies, telomeres, where our DNA resides, energetic correction, and trauma healing, for it reminds us of the importance of evolving in both a soul and a physical level, as ascension can only be achieved while we are still on a physical body.

An advanced soul cannot dwell in an unevolved body. Both cannot energetically, physically, and spiritually coexist.

September is a month to visit the depths of our soul and embrace all we find there, without judgments, regrets, and guilt, just within unconditional love and appreciation for all we have learned, given, and received, for all serves the soul journey on this earth and any other plane.

The emphasis on moving inward and continue unifying ourselves is so potent that we start September with Uranus retrograde, for those who resonate with slow motion phases, together with Pluto retrograde as well in Capricorn, on the 1st of the month, Virgo energies, Mars in Cancer on the 4th of September and an eclipse on the 17th in Pisces, signs that deepen the healing and transformational phase we are undergoing at this time, and that will continue until October-early November.

The Awakener Uranus will join Pluto in Capricorn, both retrograde to reveal to us what we need to shift, heal, and transform, as Uranus's force encourages us to move forward, leaving the past behind, innovating, expanding, and be a never-ending soul learning. 

Uranus invites us to adapt to change, something our Andromedan family is helping many of you achieve at this time of great transformation, as I see daily. Andromedans live in constant change, as their reality shift as their thoughts do, and they are helping many of you who have chosen to be on this evolutionary path to adapt to the unexpected, which occurs when we surrender to the change we are creating, transforming ourselves as a species.

On the 2nd of September, we have a New Moon at 11 degrees Virgo, for we start the month by having many planetary events to trigger the change that needs to occur for us to move forward. Virgo is all about distilling from our bodies all that is impure and that cannot coexist with the level of illumination achieved. 

This New Moon in Virgo reminds us that our bodies are our temple, as well as Pluto in Capricorn and that it is only through the proper management of our energy and bodies that we can achieve plenitude and wholeness. 

Only when our bodies feel replenished is that we can feel rejuvenated and healthy and be of service in further ways. 

This New Moon invites us to achieve this purified state of being, at all levels, in our minds and emotional bodies too, so we can be of service, helping many who are now transcending their old selves, and need of our love and compassion to move through these initial stages.

Two days later on September 4th, we have the Warrior Mars entering into Cancer. Another Water sign that invites us to dissolve what no longer serves, and create more flow in our lives, moving into a more peaceful and harmonic state of being. 

This energy is very nurturing, protective, and emotional. Mars is impulsive, it moves well in conflict and its energy is fiery, assertive, and instinctive, while Cancer is all about soul connection, emotions, and inner knowing. When our consciousness is the one ruling ourselves and our bodies, our fiery force blends and listens to our inner guidance, to our feelings, because it knows that both united can create a more balanced reality.

Mars in Cancer teaches us about the importance of progressive desires, building and creating from a harmonic and patient space, rather than from an impulsive and fiery one, in which we may fall into old traps and manifest what is not aligned with our soul's authentic path.

Learning how to control our indomitable force is key during this time, for we are going to be immersed in many changes, and challenges probably to see with clarity our path, and patience is key until we clearly know what to pursue and what to let go.

Cancer teaches Mars the importance of feeling emotionally connected to what we wish to manifest, as when we impulsively create, we create by default, and then the outcomes may not satisfy our true desires.

A few days later on September 9, Mercury will enter Virgo. Mercury in Virgo will invite us to clear our mental bodies and minds of all debris and energetic clutter, which often cloud our divine insights. This encounter is a reminder to be more efficient, acting constructively rather than thinking negatively, and moving into a more clear and focused state of being. 

On September 17th, we have a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Pisces. This eclipse in the sign of Pisces is the peak of this soul evolution phase, as it awakens our spiritual and emotional senses, helping us to see all with more clarity, after having worked so hard on ourselves, transforming our minds from old patterns and physical self, and realigning to our soul, embodying all the visions we are to create.

This is the first eclipse of the Virgo-Pisces Axis set that will continue until 2027, and that comes to help us achieve the next step in our ascension journey - being of further assisting in this transition, for we have now aligned to our God Self and many are prepared to give the next step in becoming Divine healers and Emissaries. 

Virgo and Pisces are both about service to others, purification, polarity integration, and self-illumination. This eclipse sets the basis for what is yet to come and we are yet to feel and experience within and in the collective, for many are the changes that are taking place, if we look back and that we never thought were possible. 

On September 23 the Sun enters Libra, and we too celebrate the Equinox. We have now a few weeks to stabilize our frequency, bodies, and all the changes we have created from within. If we look closely, this month offers us precious energies for us to balance every single aspect of ourselves, and hence, our lives, as they are a reflection of how we feel inside. 

finding equilibrium within the metamorphosis process that we are undergoing is key, as we are literally becoming a more illumined being, and our bodies will initially fight releasing so much density and the old baggage that they have been accustomed to living with. 

This is a very harmonic Equinox, for it is about creating more inner balance, through healing and clearing, as well as into our planet, through our conscious acts, and our particular mission. Now more than ever we are called to be of service to All, helping by seeding more peace, unity, and harmony, as this journey, is never just about ourselves, but about remembering how to serve the whole, through our conscious and loving acts. 

On the next day, we have Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance, moving into Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio will help us greatly in going deeper into the depths of our being to find all the guidance that we need for our new journey. Some will be already manifesting their chosen path, while others are yet in the initial creational phases. All is according to our soul's original plan and micro-personal cycles, which is why it is so important to know ourselves profoundly. 

This is a time to revise our relationship, igniting the spark of love, passion, and romance in them through soul synthesis with our partners and loved ones, creating more unity and purpose within our divine reunions. 

On September 25, we have Saturn semi-square Pluto. This is the second of three, being the first one in May 2024 and the third will be happening in January 2025. A time for us to clear karmic patterns, inner conflicts, and confusion, clearing ourselves and therefore the path that we are building.

Often we cannot see our path not because of something external, but because there is something within us that clouds our vision. Our task is to move inward find the fragmented aspect of us or energy that is disturbing our divine insights and clear it. 

The most important in our path is to recognize the shift that we are experiencing and learn how to adapt to it, for once we see the Truth of who we are and our purpose, there is no way back, so any intent to come back to where we previously were, will only result in more damage and confusion. 

Acceptance and compassion are key to seeing what blocks us from moving forward and removing it. Persistence is the gift that Saturn brings us, reminding us of the importance of devotion and inner work, to conquer our shadows and clear our vision and path. 

Finally, at the end of the month, on September 26, we have Mercury entering Libra, who emphasizes the essence of October, as it is about bringing balance into our mental plane, as balance begins by holding the mental equilibrium and clarity required for us to make the necessary changes that we wish to create in our life experience.

This introduces the Libra eclipse that will take place on the 2nd of October, a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra that will seed the harmony required for us to end the year peacefully, lovingly, and gracefully, after having passed through a very powerful but also blessed and unique year of constant integration, and acceleration of our ascension path.

Within this year of reconnection, and density emancipation, as the more we realign to who we are, the more we leave behind our three-dimensional self and mind, we are finally reconnecting with the New Earth's timelines, bringing more unity and restoration to ourselves and the planet. 

Many of you will already be dwelling in a fifth-dimensional loving frequency. Others are gradually embodying it. The important is that we never stop embodying more love, wisdom, discernment, and personal power, as it is the only way to liberate ourselves from all the false programming we carry within.

Many timelines are coexisting at the same time on our planet at this time. All is true, the unconscious acts that are taking place, the benevolence ones, and many other different choices.

The frequency you choose to hold within will determine your reality, whether peace, love harmony, or destruction.

May you always align and dwell in the unconditional and harmonic essence of your God Self, Beloveds.

Have a blessed September!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

The Energies of September 2019 ~ Recalibration Phase

Recalibration of the mind means clearing our perceptions and recovering our capacity for pure observation.

Ilchi Lee

Beloved Light Emissaries,

We have just left behind one of the most fierce and hence intense months of all the year. August especially with the cosmic influx coming from the Lions Gate has been beyond what we can appreciate from our human perspective. It gave us the opportunity to bring healing into ourselves, self-empowerment and dissolution of what no longer serves u. Something that is very important as we continue integrating higher levels of Wisdom. 

At this time, we are now heading into a more feminine and creative frequency that will help us liberate our creative essence. If during August we experienced the fierceness of the masculine, during this new month we are going to create more balance that will catapult with the Equinox at the end of the month. 

September is also a month that will help us to work on openness, receptivity to receive and trust, so we can become aware of the infinite potential, as well as possibilities, that lie within all of us and that most of the times are clouded by our egoic self and fears. We are all cosmic antennas, descending wisdom from Above to anchor it in our physical plane. This is a month for us to focus on the proper integration of the recent frequencies embodied into ourselves, so we can pass to give birth to a new reality that is aligned with our soul Will. 

This new energetic month begins with a soothing New Moon at 6 degrees of Virgo on August 30. This Moon's loving frequency is meant to help us purifying ourselves with the element Earth, after all the constant embodiment and for many releasing process too. It is with this Moon that we begin to feel the energies of what September holds for us - rejuvenation, cleansing and the subsequent stabilization. 

The Virgo Moon is highly influenced by Mars, Venus and Mercury, making of this Moon a perfect one for us to embrace our power and use it to ground ourselves, as its Grand Earth Trine reminds us, descend our soul visions into the physical and the most important of all - use all this energy, and our soul creations to be of assistance, in our unique and perfect way. 

The New Moon in Virgo acts as a the catalyst of the Earth healing happening at this time - even though the recent events may seem otherwise - and introduces the energies of September. The focus during this time between these two months is on acting as pure light canals of these healing codes so we can assist Earth at this tumultuous time. This is why it is so important that in order to do so, first we also focus on self-purification, so we can act as unadulterated filters of love. 

As I always say, we do not have to be more or do what others do. We came here with specific essences and abilities that help us bring together the whole puzzle of Creation. When we diminish ourselves by doing what we see as glamorous, or idealizing other's abilities, we are shadowing the unique Spark of the Divine within us that desires to express itself, freely and uniquely. 

This is a time of big changes for many of us, as it is cosmically introduced as well at the end of August by two loving trines involving the Sun and Mars to Uranus. As I always say, change does not have to happen at a physical level, as simply with achieving a peaceful state of being, it will signify a profound change. Change comes when we work with inner alchemy, transforming from within what does no longer serves us, opening ourselves to receive and experience, without judgments or expectations, what our Soul desires to undergo through us. 

At a cosmic or macro level, this is also a profound month for many of us who are guided to retreat to fully integrate the new galactic frequencies that are helping us to work with our body channels, stabilizing them so we can conduit these energies and connect them to the universal Earth's Fabrics, being able to bring the Earth healing required for assisting the many planetary structures that are still being restored, especially the ones that unite the old Earth time/space grids with the new restored New Earth's ones. 

Cleansing and renewal

At this profound phase in which we find ourselves, many of us are experiencing a deep metamorphosis, in which our physical bodies are not just dissolving old energy and healing but adjusting again to the new frequency that we are now able to embody, due to the new level of consciousness embodied. This is a very important phase, especially at the end of August and September to take some time to be in deep communion with our soul as well as to rejuvenate our bodies.

For some this time has already come, as it was my case, I had the deepest activation I have ever had during August, and it took me a few days to totally recover. For others, this is happening now or will be about to; the time is not relevant only the proper inner work we do is. This is why during this month taking time to recalibrate our bodies is so important, if we desire to move forward by being aligned not just in a soul level, but in a physical one as well.

During August many of have been working on the dissolution of fears, doubts and especially what was limiting them to expand into their soul purpose here on Earth. At this time there are many who are becoming more aware of other aspects of what they came here to be and share. When this occurs, we may be ready at a soul level. However, our physical bodies need a lot of preparation, rest, and healing to be able to follow this process without falling out of balance and manifest certain blockages or even diseases.

As you know, when we hold fear in a certain organ or part of our body, it will end up by manifesting in a particular form and hence illness, although everybody is unique. It is pivotal that despise our egoic self desires to be constantly doing and assisting others, we also take some time to stop all activity, which does not mean at all to do nothing, and recalibrate the body, for we ascend precisely if we take this evolution in a physical level.

It is at this unique time, when we, as species, are moving from fear to love that we most need to release the beliefs, past energy etc. that are still retained in our body cells and organs and that will not allow us to experience the totality of who we are in this physical realm. This process may be slow and challenging, but we all knew what we came here to do and when we get hurt or feel challenged beyond comprehension, is when we most need to have faith and trust.

There many wondrous souls who are acting, especially at this time of deep releasing and hence integration, as filters of negativity of lower energies, transmuting in a massive way the collective energy that is impeding the whole to evolve. This group of souls need daily cleansing, as their bodies act as conduits for these energies to come through them and then be released. 

This mission is one of the hardest ones for they feel the collective pain, and therefore may fall into the trap of believing this pain belongs to them. This is why they need to be in balance to precisely transmute these lower energies into higher ones and send harmony and love rather than fear and the chaos that is often seed by the dark forces.

At this time it is essential that we take care of specific parts of our bodies whose main function is to exactly filter these energies. The main ones are: Kidneys - who are the ones that filter negativity in our bodies. Another important aspect we should work with is our body grid canals - these are energetic physical channels that are connected to the Earth Grids and that many, as their main mission, have to purify constantly, if they work with the Earth Fabrics. These shall be cleanse and purify properly, which is why it is important that we have the proper knowledge of our body to identify these canals and clean them.

These are some of the tools required for us to cleanse ourselves and bodies at this recalibration phase:
  • Physical cleanse
  • Clearing ego, attachments/cords, lower energies,implants, programs and timeliness. 
  • Soul fragmentation healing 
  • Violet Flame
  • Karmic clearing
  • Dissolution of 3D programs
  • Relationships closure
  • DNA template regeneration/activation
  • Etheric body reconnection
If etheric surgery is required, it is better we begin by asking our Guides team and Unified Self to assist us, and they will generously work with us, for as you know there are astral surgeons in that level to heal what it is in need of in our bodies. If necessary, they will also send us specific people on our earthly realm to do so. It is important to ask, at all levels, for assistance rather than trying things for ourselves that we are not sure or know how to treat in our bodies. 

Wherever you are in your ascension path, energetic balance, especially at this time after the many activations that many of us have experienced, is vital as well as taking some time to replenish the physical body and dissolve all the imbalances that are yet causing us pain or that make us come back into old habits or thoughts patterns. 

Astrological alignments

We end August with a soothing frequency as well as mutable one that indicates the change that is already happening, if not in a physical level for all, in an energetic one, as we have seven Planets in Virgo and another seven in Earth signs that introduces us into the energies of September, ones that are all about purification, Earth healing, renewal and harmony, a frequency that will come as we enter into this new month, as we are now going to be reign by Libra, a sign that will invite us to create balance in all aspects of ourselves and life. 

September is a month for us to tune into its calming essence, but not for this less creative and expansive, as its a universal number 3 - 12 reduced - reminds us. A number of creativity, intuition and also a number of growth, as it is the result of the union between two equals - the synthesis of two giving birth to something new that will assist All. To reach this point first we need to be in deep communion with our soul, purify our physical bodies and connect, at a deeper level, with the creative spark that we all have within and that desires to be anchored. 

The frequency of number 3 goes beyond our interpretation of this number as being a creative one. This is the essence that  invites us to connect with the feminine power within and begin to create from this same inner space what the masculine will bring into the tangible. This is about expressing our soul in the physical in constructive and stable ways. Next year 2020 is going to be a perfect year for us to build strong foundations in our lives, as it will be a 4 universal year, and it is now with this 3 frequency, not just of this month but this 2019 year a well, to begin giving birth to all these soul creations that next year will be anchored, helping us to be more grounded and manifest a solid reality. 

In Tarot, number 3 is represented by the archetype of the Empress. The empress represents the empowered feminine presence within us, the one who constantly creates and expands from within, for she knows no lack or disallows illusions to cover the Truth. She lives in love with herself and All for She knows that everything is One with her, and it is from this unified space that abundance and anything she needs is manifested. 

This is what we are invited to do at this time, to move inward, from where all creations are birthed, and focus on how we create instead of expecting anything from the outside to fulfill our desires and establish a higher form communication with our Unified Self, instead of searching it outside.

To help us in this inner voyage we have on September 14 a Full Moon at 21 degrees Pisces. This is going to be a perfect Moon to move inward and listen to our soul whispers for this Moon will join Neptune, making of it one of the most intuitive phases that we have had recently. We have been surrounded by the element Fire and its masculine essence, and Water comes now to soothe and soften ourselves in the midst of all this fierce energies.

Mars will also join this Moon to bring its Warrior energy and remind us that we dwell now in a physical realm and that it is important to descend everything in the physical. For many this will be about focusing on creating from within what later on they will anchor and expand in their lives. For others who are yet immersed in a profound transformation it will be about working with their intuitive senses. Lastly, there will be others who are still navigating within unknown waters, until they regain more clarity of what to give birth next. Above all, this will be a Moon for all of us to have faith and trust in our soul plan and in the Divine, for all things happen at Divine Timing and in a perfect way for All. 

In this same day we have other two important cosmic events: Mercury and Venus entering into Libra. Mercury rules communication and this Planet in Libra will help us in creating balance in our mental plane, in the way we talk to ourselves and in our relationships. This is a time to observe ourselves and the unconscious speech we use towards ourselves and others, in a way that we may not be always aware, but that can build or destroy a relationship, whether the one we maintain with ourselves or with our loved ones.

As you know the power of word has a profound impact, for words are energy as well, sending an specific frequency, often underestimated, and thi is precisely what brings us undesired outcomes, the majority of the times. This is why it is so important with these two Planets in Libra to work with ourselves and relationships, to get to know where we still allow our ego to govern ourselves and how we can dissolve these unloving behaviors. There are many who desire a balanced relationship, but if they first do not respect and love themselves, they cannot obtain something they do not have first within themselves. 

The next important cosmic event will take place on September 21, as we have Jupiter square Neptune. This is a wonderful frequency for us to work with human delusions, and expand into new horizons if we have already done this inner work, as well as to work on having faith in our unique soul journey. This is where we connect with our inner guru and allow this infinite wisdom to remind us the power of faith, especially when everything seems lost for us, for in truth we never know what it is happening, beyond our human confines. This is a blessed period for those who need to work on having more trust and confidence in their soul plan and in the new reality they are anchoring. 

On September 23rd we have the Sun entering into the sign of Libra, together with the Equinox. Both events are One as both are sending us the same message of unification and balance regained through the proper process of inner alchemy that we have been working on for a while. With Libra and Virgo energies this month, we have a very powerful and soothing time to balance our feminine and masculine essences. 

An inner task that is a lifetime work, for as long as we reside in a dual world, we will be working with inner synthesis. If we desire to evolve and embody our 5D self, first we must move beyond our deep sense of polarity and separation. One does so by beginning to unify themselves, feeling completely whole and in love, and harmony, with ourselves and All.

We end the month with two important cosmic events on September 28: A New Moon in Libra and Saturn opposition True Node. This, especially by having Saturn direct again since September 18, is the frequency that will help those who are ready to descend more aspects of their soul mission, as they have already being challenged by Saturn "retrograde" to look at their fears, limitations and to learn from them how to emerge by being stronger, wiser and empowered.

Now these encounters will help them receive more guidance about their soul purpose. For there are many who are already under this process of consciously unveiling more about their cosmic heritage and the many missions they have fulfilled, within Creation, and the one they have been assigned, during this present lifetime. 

For others, this process of knowing more about their human mission will come when they will be ready to fully understand who they truly are. There are many precious souls who are passing, at this moment, through an inner transition in which for more than they desire to know, their human self is not ready yet, and only inner work, and patience, will help them, until they are ready to receive this new knowledge about who they are and what they are meant to do here on this Planet. 

The New Moon at 5 degrees Libra that we have at the end of the month sets the perfect frequency for us to create the change we desire from a space of total balance and alignment with our soul. This is a very calming and restorative Moon that will be received as a gift after the recent integration phase that many of us have been experiencing, in which our bodies needs to be recalibrated, at all levels. 

We have a wonderful month ahead to recalibrate our bodies, work on what is still causing us fear to be the powerful creators that already are, in nature, and begin to tuning into what helps us expanding within ou unique desired timeline. As we take advantage of these two years and its benevolent energies to help us create synthesis in our masculine and feminine essences to master ourselves as creators and begin to co-create more consciously, we will realize that in truth we were the only ones impeding us to move forward within our personal human path.

This is a loving and harmonious month to conquer yourself, to admire all you have achieved rather than just focusing on what is yet to be mastered and above all, in creating the proper balance within that will make everything else coming back into its right order, for there is no one or outside force that can create this shift for you but yourself, the question is: Will you? Or will you choose to continue allowing others forces to govern who you are or should be?

I wish you all a blessed, loving and soothing September, Beloved Ones!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba