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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta plasma activation. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta plasma activation. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 20 de julio de 2021

The Lions Gate, 2021 ~ Plasma Transmissions: Lightbody Upgrade

Beloved Ones,

As we continue navigating throughout this changing year, approaching August, the energies intensify. Energies that are already strongly felt, as August is a month whose energies are already very present. Since two months ago our Planet began the preparation cycle to receive the plasma transmissions that are already surrounding us, and that will keep massively descending upon our planet, reaching their peak on August 8, assisting those who are ready to co-create with them to upgrade their lightbody. Frequencies that will also help us balance polarities, whose healing essence is introduced by the Full Moon in Aquarius on July 23. 

A moon that sets the harmonic frequency that many need for the process of self-synthesis. This is the first step to prepare ourselves for the light body upgrade process that is coming, and that will last for a few months. It will depend on where we are in our journey, as well as the devotion and inner work that we are willing to take. 

A harmonizing process that has already occurred, as many grid workers know, in our Planet's grids, as the first step for us to be able to have access to these benevolent transmissions. As planetary healers, many will be already involved in this process of star alignment, to help anchoring these codes on Earth, as New Earth's anchors, to set an example of the many working at a planetary level. 

There are many missions, as there are also those fully immersed in the creation of light cities, in co-creation with the Arcturians, for the purpose of anchoring fifth-dimensional energies, and higher ones, all depends if the anchoring can be possible in a certain space-place, that are constantly working on transmuting old energies, clearing them, to create fifth-dimensional spaces, as the main step towards the creation of a more illumined Earth. 

During the Lionsgate our Planet will align with the Star Sirius, the Galactic Center, and with many sacred places on Earth, as it is Giza Pyramid, giving us the opportunity to connect with the Cosmic Heart and other civilizations that have been following our human evolution, as our cosmic forefathers from Sirius, who have been assisting in the awakening of humanity for a long time, especially after the original Adamic DNA was manipulated - impeding us to fully be aware, as other cosmic civilizations are, of our True Divine Essence. 

This is a time of profound awakening in the planet, as even though we may be told many lies to believe otherwise, there is a great awakening taking place, that involves the challenge to look at ourselves, embrace all aspects of who we are, and begin the endless path of non-judgment and hence, polarity integration. This path is not easy and this is why many, in their initial stages, fall into old patterns or unconscious acts. However, we all have our unique time to remember and awaken into who we truly are. This is why compassion is essential, for we have walked the path of shadows before, and the only way in which we can assist is to be neutral-loving witnesses.

This year the Lions Gate's energies will be totally different from other years, for Earth is now ready to receive seventh-dimensional energies, as many Earth fabrics have been already restructured and can now be anchored. Energies that will help in the current transfiguration process that many are experiencing, a process in which the literal death of the ego is finally taking place, preparing themselves for the activation of their light body.

At a time of profound human liberation, one that involves the disappointment that comes when we realize that all we were told was not authentic, the Lions Gate frequencies come to trigger the process of physical ascension, for the first time within our human history. The time has finally come for us to choose whether to evolve and leave this earthly plane if we have fulfilled our soul desire to evolve within it, and be of assistance, or to continue fomenting the 3D illusion.

At a planetary level, the Lions Gate's frequencies are placed in the planetary grid in the form of light symbol codes that generate certain energy - mathematical, geometrical codes - that release the many manipulated structures. It is now that everything is being dismantled and we are finally able to welcome and integrate these energies.

Each year Earth, as well as those who wish to continue evolving, takes another step further within this endless spiral of Creation. 

To help us integrate these energies my Guides share some universal tools for all who desire to align with them and begin a ninety-day process to embody and direct these plasma transmissions from the Lions Gate, for ascension is a long process that involves daily inner work and long periods of integration. 

Activation exercise: Prepare yourself for meditation, breathe at least three times, and begin to move your consciousness from your physical body to your heart center, from where we begin to connect and commune with our soul, Monad and Avatar Presence.

The visualize, a bright orb made of liquid light - gas - descending upon your heart center, take it with your hands, and consciously integrate it in your heart chakra. When you feel the activation, move it into your solar plexus chakra. 

As you do this exercise, repeat these words to help you integrate them and give them purpose, for these energies will only go to those whose main wish is to serve Creation and their own evolution.

As I always say, take what resonates and above all, you can create your own statement or decree, for this is just an example. 

I__(your name) thank my Unified Self, Guides team ( and other benevolent beings you would like to call upon) for supporting me in this activation. 

Thank you for your protection and assistance light team. 

I__(your name)__ welcome these benevolent Lions Gate frequencies, for the purpose of Lightbody activation and realignment.

I embrace these plasma transmissions for my physical ascension, inviting them to trigger the necessary transformation for my body to continue its crystalization process.

I, therefore, ask my DNA and body cells to release all false programs and implants and embrace these energies, and hence God's Truth.

I invite these energies into my entire being, healing, clearing, and restoring all that has been distorted by my own self-programming, and my other manipulative tactics. 

My intention with this activation is to consciously ascend, through the embodiment of Divine Consciousness, as I help the whole too in this process by healing and clearing myself first.

As these energies clear and move throughout my entire body, helping me regaining consciousness, I restore my soul records, remembering what is best for me at the moment to know, for my personal human journey, accessing what is yet unknown with the purpose of soul mission integration/expansion. 

My intention and will by embracing these loving and transformational frequencies is one of unconditional love to All Creation.

I thank these benevolent energies, my Unified Self, guides, and all Creation for the assistance received.

I therefore now proclaim myself as a crystalline being in service to All humanity.

Crystals: Guides share that ocean jasper, as well as clear quartz crystal, are two of the best conductors to work with the Lion's Gate, for their essence resonates with everyone, for as you know we all have our own frequency and may not always be in perfect resonance with a certain crystal.  While the clear crystal integrates, directs, and conduit the energies, the ocean jasper, regenerates, purify and soothes our bodies. 

Sound healing frequency: 88HZ. This is the frequency that Guides shared is the one that we could listen to align with the current energies and begin the process of mental preparation to hold them, as in the moment we consciously welcome them into our bodies, the transformation process will begin, and then we will need support to conduct, manage and program them. 

The 88HZ frequency is one that goes beyond the human significance of abundance. This frequency supports transformation, its subsequent stabilization and healing, and above all, the balance that our bodies need to continue healthily and empowered. 

Universal geometry pattern: Flower of life. As you know it consists of nineteen interlocking circles. It is a perfect conductor as well for these energies, whether you visualize it, paint it, or wear it as a pendant, the most important thing is visualization though, for the tools in themselves do not do the inner work for us.

The flower of life represents the interconnectedness of All things within Creation.  It is the Life Force that is in All things and that is transmitted to All beings and life forms. It is then up to us to direct this Life precious Force for benevolent or non-benevolent purposes. The energies flow to All, and as we activate them, we too do so for those who are ready, connecting with them, and with everything that holds the same loving frequency.

It is precisely this interconnectedness the one that we shall search in all we think, feel, and do, remembering unity above the egoic illusion of separation. 

This sacred geometry figure allows us to remember the Divine Presence in All, as well as its perfect order. 

Planetary work: Emerald Ray for those who desire to anchor these frequencies. Remember that all life forms, plants, etc. also upgrade themselves, as we all evolve as one, and it is part of our mission to also help them in many ways, especially by protecting them, into their own unique process. The emerald ray will bathe all life forms that are as well transitioning into a more crystalline essence. 

I hope this helps you in the embodiment of these benevolent, but very intense energies, Beloved Ones.

I wish you a loving and soothing Lions Gates!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

martes, 29 de junio de 2021

The Energies of July 2021 ~ Loving Co-Creation

Beloved Ones,

The new month of July that we are about to welcome is going to be a loving and soothing one in comparison with the previous ones. This month gives us some time to prepare ourselves for August, whose energies will burn away all lower frequencies that cannot coexist with old ones, as we continue creating the space to embody the new earth's energies that are already surrounding us and that will continue increasing, as we step into the next months of the year. 

July reminds us how important it is to become our own caretakers, as Cancer, the main essence of this month, reminds us. A month for us to recharge ourselves to be ready for the next phase of plasma activation, which is what facilitates, as I previously shared, the light body change that we are about to experience, and that will help us to move into the next level of consciousness. These plasma frequencies come from the Pleiadian star system, a portal that initiated these transmissions and that we just passed in the previous months. Since this portal, all has been leading us into this process of building our crystal body, continuing with the process of DNA reconfiguration. 

We start July feeling the intensity of the recent wave that we are still integrating, and that will continue until September. Energies that will increase as we welcome the New Moon in Cancer on July 9, one that is deeply connected with the one in Leo happening almost on the same day on August 8, just when we too have the Lions Gate. Energies whose main message is an invitation for us to continue with the process of conscious transformation, one that we simply are suffering by agreeing to be at this transitional time on earth, taking part in this profound global shift, that we are undergoing.

This is a month that begins to introduces the essence of August, whose frequencies will literally make us cease all activity and begin a process of a complete change of all of our bodies, for the process that we are having is one that needs all of our intention, care, and devotion. 

This phase will trigger in many a process of profound pain if they are still attached to old ways or aspects of their 3D egoic Self. The transfiguration procedure that we are precisely experiencing requires so much energy and disciple that all the Planets will support too, as we will have the opportunity to move inward and continue working from within with all we desire to transform, for it is only by looking within and communing with our soul, that we can know what is in need to be released. 

This month's main universal frequency is 3. Number 3 is exactly the integration of polarities, the creative result of unifying opposites, and the outcome that appears of a deep union that creates something that will benefit All. This is something that must occur at an inner level, and this is what we all are birthing  - our new illumined crystalline self. 

Number 3 is the number of creativity, intuition, and also the number of growth, as it is the result of the union between two equals - the synthesis of two giving birth to something new that will assist All. To reach this point first we need to be in deep communion with our soul, purify our physical bodies, and connect, at a deeper level, with the creative spark that we all have within and that desires to be anchored. 

The frequency of number 3 goes beyond our interpretation of this number as being a creative one. This is the essence that invites us to connect with the feminine power within and begin to create from this same inner space what the masculine will bring into the tangible. This is the expression of our soul in the physical in constructive and stable ways. 

In Tarot, number 3 is represented by the archetype of the Empress. The empress represents the empowered feminine presence within us, the one who constantly creates and expands from within, for she knows no lack or disallows illusions to cover the Truth. She lives in love with herself and All for She knows that everything is One with her, and it is from this unified space that abundance and anything she needs is manifested. 

This is what we are invited to do at this time, to move inward, from where all creations are birthed, and focus on how we create instead of expecting anything from the outside to fulfill our desires and establish a higher form of communication with our Unified Self, instead of searching it outside.

A time to remember the authentic feminine archetype, going inward to nourish ourselves, before we can bring this same nurturance and care in others. July is a month for us to come back into our inner womb, remaining there for rejuvenation, before we step into another intense wave of constant integration. 

Planetary Alignments 

At a cosmic level, we begin July, the antechamber for the Golden Lions Gate, by having  Jupiter quintile Uranus on July 3. This magical aspect is precisely a macro representation of the inner process that is taking place, as we are receiving Divine inspiration, that comes when we commune with our soul and descend all the revelations that are helping us to navigate in our new reality. 

This is a time for awakenings, for rebirthing, as we are doing into the Illumined Self of who we are, and above all a time to transcend the old in all its ways, as the only way to evolve ourselves, as species. 

This coincides with the new Moon at 18 degrees Cancer on July 9, as its frequencies are going to help us put all the previous revelations and inspiration received into the tangible, in a way that helps us heal. This Moon's allies Neptune and Uranus will assist us in healing our emotions, releasing all emotional burdens, and understanding that our sense of Home, protection, and nurturance is only within.

This is a soothing and loving Moon amongst the current planetary turmoil, energies that will give us a break with the intensity of the energies that surround us and that will continue to increase with the Lions Gate. 

On July 11, Mercury will too join Cancer. When the Planet of Communication resides in loving and intuitive Cancer, it is a wonderful opportunity for stopping all the mind noise and being to communicate with our feelings, with our Soul, and begin to learn how to lovingly communicate, first with ourselves, and then with others, with empathy, and compassion. Mercury will help us to express our feelings fluidly, as many times, especially to those who are natural empaths, we tend to withdraw so much that we forget how important it is to communicate what we feel. 

If we left behind Mercury retrograde, for those who resonate with this collective belief, now we too have other retrograde planets, as Pallas and Chiron going retrograde on July 13 and 14. As previously explained, these planets, as the essence of this month, is also for us to go inward and take the proper time to heal, discern, create, as we all are in different phases. 

What is important is to generate the energy, the joy, the hope, and all we believe is outside, from within. The healing work that we may have to do at this time, will be assisted by Chiron also retrograde And while Pallas has a more feminine essence, Chiron, especially in Aries, has a more masculine one. Again, we are seeing how this month brings infinite opportunities for us to set a balance between both, as well as the correction of the imbalances that we may have accumulated for years regarding both essences. 

With Chiron, we look deeper at the wounds/aspects of ourselves that we try so hard to hide but are still dwelling, in pain, within us. When we consciously desire to align with the frequency of a certain Planet, star, or asteroid, if well directed we can connect with the consciousness of this certain stellar body and integrate its healing frequency to assist us in dissolving what is still fragmented, and that is not allowing us to experience our true soul path and potential. 

On July 21, we have Venus entering Virgo. Venus has been traveling all month into Leo, together with its opponent Mars. Venus is the feminine aspect of us, the aspect who creates from the womb and who gives birth within Divine love and compassion to All. Mars, on the opposite, is the masculine essence within us, the one that puts into the tangible what the feminine first creates from within. 

A wonderful opportunity until almost the end of the month to continue working on polarity integration, using Mars driving force to go after our soul desires, that is to say, after what we truly love and desires to bring into fruition for the betterment of not just our lives but the Planet too. 

Since the 21 of July Venus will leave Leo to pass to Virgo. This is a wonderful energy for those who are beginning to make of their passion, their living as well. Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance in Virgo is going to teach us how to put all we desire to create, in the tangible, in a way that not only serves others, for we all are here on a unique mission to assist one another but in a way that sustains us, for we are also meant to live within infinite abundance, which comes when we finally live within Divine Love towards all Creation. This is about grounding our soul desires and goals in a way that we too nurture ourselves in the physical, at the same time that we are in service to All. 

On July 22, the Sun will enter into Leo. With the Sun in Leo, we can embody this fierce essence to empower ourselves and to express our hearts by standing firm in who we are, sharing our unique Divine Spark, at a time when freedom and the right to express ourselves is essential. 

If we direct this frequency properly, we could be courageous and bold in following our own path. On the contrary, an excess of this fiery frequency could lead us into arrogance, which is why balance, as always, is the key, to be able to discern for ourselves if we are using these energies for self-empowerment or just for our egoic desires to feel superior. 

On July 23, Full Moon at 1 degree Aquarius. This Moon and especially at 1 degree is what precisely sets the foundations, physically, of a new era, one that we have been minutely creating from within, by first holding a higher frequency, and that is finally blossoming into our physical plane. On a more individual level, as the Moon quincunx Venus, this will too challenge us to create balanced relationships, leaving aside the toxic and most of the times karmic ones that many used to experience in the old. 

On July 27, Mercury will too join the Sun in Leo.  Mercury in Leo is going to empower us to be more confident and use our energy from this month to express ourselves, our beliefs, and what we truly think, from a passionate state but without hurting or disrespecting anyone. The important thing is going for what we truly desire, expressing our hearts, and contributing by sharing our ideas, and personal creations, with the world.

The next day we have Jupiter retrograde entering Aquarius. Jupiter returns to this sign until the very end of the year on December 28. Jupiter in Aquarius as Guides explained is going to be this time about the conscious reunion of many who deeply resonate in a soul and mission level, for them to work in unison for the purpose of help earth's healing, and for joining energies to bring more illumination and freedom, which is something that the collective needs and that the more that we show ourselves fearless the more that we will be helping them as well to liberate themselves from what keeps them a slave.  

A few days later, on July 29, Mars will too accompany Venus is leaving Leo and moving into Virgo. We have the mighty force of Mars embraced by the loving feminine essence of Virgo. Virgo will calm down the impulsiveness and fierceness of Mars. However, we will continue acting on our goals but this time without the impetus that sometimes can be too impulsive of Mars. We will act from a devoted space of love and patient. We will act with motivation, knowing how important it is that in whatever we decide to do, we do it with a pure intention to assist, making our will to be of service tangible, as Virgo reminds us.

July 31 Ceres enters Gemini. We end this loving month with another invitation, to express our hearts and personal truth lovingly. Ceres represents the mother and all that it creates from a selfless space of unconditional love to All - abundance, nurturance, and care. When it resides in Gemini we are being reminded of the importance of expressing our thoughts and feelings, as it is of utmost importance with love and respect to everyone and their personal choices, especially at a time when many are yet oscillating in the fear that is being created, and hence, in the panic, it generates. This is about caring for others, in a way that everything that we put out through our words, acts, or in any other ways, is done through love and great care, independently of their's choices. 

July, a month ruled by Cancer, is going to be a month for us to work on self-nurturance, love and above all care towards our physical bodies, as they are the first ones in suffering the tremendous impact of the current energies. Cancer invites us to ground ourselves, create strong roots and pillars with Earth, and the human life we have created, remembering that Home is everywhere we choose to go, for it is always within. 

July also reminds us of the importance of embracing our inner creative spark. When we embrace our inner creator, and personal power, which is what this month invites us to do, realizing that there is no one to blame for our current reality, and begin to take responsibility for where we are, is that the true path towards freedom and sovereignty beings, for we are now ready to confront our own shadows, creations, and empty ourselves of them to embrace higher truths.

I wish you all a wonderful and blessed July, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love ∞

Natalia Alba