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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta planetary stargates. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta planetary stargates. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 2 de octubre de 2018

The Energies of October 2018 ~ Planetary Reconfiguration & Physical Rebirth

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

Lao Tzu

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

As we enter into this new energetic month of October, we will experience the change that comes after the integration phase that many of us have had during all this summer. As you know, our Beloved Planet is not the only one experiencing a planetary reconfiguration - star portal reconnection - and has bifurcated from Old Earth, embodying a higher version of it, but we, as beings who have consciously decided to evolve, are too beginning to embody higher aspects, or a higher version, of our God Self. As a result of these changes, we are literally passing through an inner, and physical, rebirth. Some of you will experience this shift as a challenging physical transformation, while others, as a stabilizing phase, after the stellar transmissions received for months.

From a macro, and deeper, perspective, this month is going to be a very important one, as our Planet is going to continue with its process of reconnection with the star portals that were once distorted, and closed, due to the dark forces manipulation. Star portals reconnection is not only occurring due to the new space that we occupy now but to the conscious effort of the many ascending souls that are working with Earth's Grids, planetary gates and all the deflected planetary fabrics. 

October is a month to create love in our human experience, as the Universal number 3 of this month reminds us. Love is not just about reuniting with other souls in partnership but about recognizing the Divine Spark within, honoring and respecting it - making of our human existence a path of selfless assistance to All. Love is about opening our hearts and live from this compassionate space, at all times, not just when everything is happening according to our human desires but even when things are challenging for us in the physical. 

This is a phase for us to direct all this unconditional love to take care of our physical bodies, for they are passing through a profound transformation, as they continue releasing dense matter and beginning to nurture our human vehicles properly, as only by becoming our own caretakers is that we can love others equally, and unconditionally. During this phase, it is pivotal that we take the time to focus on our bodies, especially for those who are still navigating between different timelines, for the etheric activations are going to be a constant, during this month, and without the proper care, our bodies will suffer. 

It is during this month that many will begin to reconsider their human path and create the changes that will be aligned with who they are becoming, as the more aspects we descend/embrace of our God Self, the more we  will realize that is very challenging to live as others expect us to behave or simply as our egoic self desires, for now our human will has become One with our God Self and our main desire, joy, and mission, is not just to delight a human experience, but to be of service.

Etheric activations & body adjustments

This is a month in which our bodies are going to experience the natural evolution, and hence, shift, from all the cosmic transmissions - light codes - received during the past months. This is a time in which we are going to experience, or the majority that are ready to face this transition, many etheric activations, for this occurs when our bodies are ready to activate their cells, releasing old energy, and beginning the process of mutation to shift into lighter cells, holding more information directly descended from Above. 

While this process lasts, it is vital that we support this change by helping them detoxify, for this process do not just affect our cells but our brain, pineal gland, and many other organs that are being reconfigured, as the light body continues its activation process. 

The etheric reconstruction of our bodies takes place when we are in our dream state, for some they will be fully conscious, and for others, they will only notice, once they will awake, or by their physical symptoms. During this process, sometimes some of us will need the support of etheric surgeons to be able to mutate/transform certain parts of our bodies,  which is why remembering these activations/healings, will not be for our highest good. This is why many do not remember, even though they can feel certain physical symptoms, what occurred during the night. 

There are many causes why etheric activations take place, as well as the proper healing we need for our physical bodies. It all depends on where we are in our evolutionary path. For some, these activations will help them to release more density from their bodies. For others, it will serve them as a powerful healing, if they cannot release, by themselves, all the old energy our bodies need to dissolve.

As all of us have the main assistance of our Unified Self and personal Guides team, they will help our bodies in the way they consider better for what we need at the moment. If we become aware of certain imbalances we cannot treat by ourselves, then if guided, we could ask for the assistance of our personal team, and if it is meant to be, they will prepare our bodies to pass through the procedures required. 

Some of the imbalances that will require etheric activations are:
  • Mental body agitation
  • Erasing karmic memories
  • Heart chakra and pineal expansion
  • Change in relationships 
  • Repetition of old patterns
  • Addictions (these addictions come to certain ascending souls as a result of feeling isolated or similar experiences. These are not caused by genetic reasons or karmic ones, which is why assistance can occur, as the soul did not come to experience this challenge and it was created once he/she became human).
  • Depression
  • Certain physical diseases and/or accidents
  • Debris
There are more reasons why we sometimes need etheric intervention. However, as we are all unique I leave it to you to follow your own guidance, for as I always say, no one can truly tell you what you are experiencing but yourself.

After we undergo these activations or healings, it all depends what we need, certain physical symptoms will occur as certain parts of our bodies will begin to awake. Some are:
  • Pineal activation/extension
  • Headaches - as a result of the brain new activity, for it is balancing both our left and right hemispheres.
  • Heart expansion - a process that can begin by releasing old feelings, wounds etc.
  • Pain or discomfort in the joints.
  • Stomach issues
  • Increase of our vitality or energy.
We can feel these physical sensations for some time, although soon we will experience relief and the peace that comes when certain imbalances have been dissolved. As our body is not the only one that has to adjust to these new activations/changes, we should also pay attention to our emotional and mental bodies, for they also suffer from constant release and psychologically, we will also feel the consequences that these procedures cause on us. 

As our lightbody radically changes, we will have to do the conscious inner work of releasing old beliefs, fixed habits etc. that impedes us from embodying new aspects of our God Self as well as mission, and hence, non-physical abilities, as it is bilocation, precognition and many other gifts we have within and were not activated. 

During this process it is essential to sustain the body with light food, pure water, and the support one considers important, for their unique experience. In my personal journey, I find Silica, and other cell foods, as liquid oxygen, vital for my body. However, as we are all different, you will need what your body asks you for where you are at this time, in your ascension path.

Planetary alignments

At a cosmic level, we begin this new energetic month with the reminder of the importance that loving, and honoring ourselves, has, for our personal growth, and to be able to be of assistance to All. This month is ruled by change, and in a month where we are immersed in a profound transformation only unconditional love to our unique process, will help us pass through this shift.

As a confirmation of this benevolent, although one of radical change, month, we begin October with Venus "retrograde", for as you know I no longer hold the limited belief of retrograde periods, until October 31. Venus retrograde will act as the catalyst for us to create infinite abundance, which is another form of love, becoming aware of the imbalances we create that impede us to fully receive infinite abundance, and the love we deserve, and are, as Divine Beings. It is indeed a good time for us to transform our relationships, jobs etc. realizing if we live in possibility, in love, and in the prosperity that the Universe offers us or if we are yet dwelling in lack, and hence, in separation. 

After being in Scorpio, Venus in "slow motion" in its ruler Libra is going to give us a perfect healing energy for our relationships - dissolving everything that is impure and inauthentic in our sacred reunions, leading us to an inner synthesis. For this is the first step to maintain balanced relationships. There are many who at this time are beginning to release many reunions that are no longer in alignment with who they are becoming, for they are no longer in the same frequency. 

Let it go with great gratitude, and love, for all that this reunion offered you. It was never meant to be within this human plane, or in any other within Creation, that we must hold anyone or anything forever, as everything and everyone is meant to be free, which is one of the main attributes of living within Divine Love.  

Venus also reminds us the importance of self-love. It is vital to observe how we communicate with ourselves, for negative self-talk is one of the main things who impede us to fully embrace our potential and true nature, as LoveLight beings. It is not about what others think or say about us. Neither it is about how we communicate with others or what they understand, but about our internal dialogue toward ourselves that brings us down the most and make us think we are inferior or superior. 

This Venusian retrograde period, is going to offer us the opportunity to realize if we truly honor, respect and appreciate ourselves and what we do or if we are still allowing our egoic self to diminish us. This is also related to our sense of abundance, for as long as we do not love ourselves, abundance, which comes from feeling loved, and unlimited, will not flow.  

As if it was not enough, we have another confirmation of the loving essence of this month, with the Universal number 3 of October. A number of creativity, intuition and also the number of growth, as it is the result of the union between two equals. For number 3 is the synthesis of two giving birth to something new that will assist All. 

In Tarot, number 3 is represented by the archetype of the Empress. The empress represents the empowered feminine within us, the one who constantly creates and expands from within, for she knows no lack or disallows illusions to cover the Truth. She lives in love with herself and All for She knows that everything is One with her, and it is from this unify space that abundance and anything she needs is manifested. This is what we are invited to do at this time, to focus on how we create instead of expecting anything from the outside to fulfill our desires and establish a higher form communication with our Unified Self, instead of searching it outside.

On October 7, we have another important cosmic alignment: Saturn quincubnx True Node. This is the frequency that for those who are ready to descend more aspects of their soul mission will help them receive more guidance about their soul purpose. For there are many who are already under this process of consciously unveiling more about their cosmic heritage and the many missions they have fulfilled, within Creation, and the one they have been assigned, during this present lifetime. 

For others, this process of knowing more about their human mission will come when they will be ready to fully understand who they truly are. There are many precious souls who are passing, at this moment, through an inner transition in which for more than they desire to know, their human self is not ready yet, and only inner work, and patient, will help them, until they are ready to receive this new knowledge about who they are and what they are meant to do here on this Planet. 

On October 8, we have a loving and balancing New Moon at 15 degrees of Libra. This Moon comes to set the proper balance we need in both our physical and non-physical reality, after all the eclipses' turmoil as well as the intense integration phase in which we have been immersed. This Moon will offer us a stabilizing frequency in a month where we are experiencing a huge shift in our physical bodies, as well as relationships.

This Libra Moon will help us creating balanced relationships, especially with Venus retrograde, for we have the opportunity to release old attachments, which are often confused with pure and unconditional love, when it is simply dependency, creating a healthy relationship, first with ourselves, and then with the person that is destined, if so, to co-create with us, at this time of our human experience.   

The next day, on October 9, we have Mercury, the Winged Messenger, entering into Scorpio. With this event, we begin to feel the profundity of this month. For Mercury in this Water sign will dive deep into the unknown and mysterious. As humans, we tend to think that it is only valid what is visible. However, Mercury in Scorpio will invite us to realize that there are more hidden to the physical eye than what we think, and that it is as real as what we can touch, with our physical senses. This is a time of revelations, and communication with the Illumined Realms, especially for the ones who have just moved to certain locations to be of assistance, in a new way. For they will be receiving many new directions, for their unique journey, and to help All. 

As Mercury rules communication, it will remind us that all forms of communication in truth begin from within. Everything is first descended from our inner realms and with this encounter, we will remember the importance of moving inward to find the Truth as well as the value of the invisible - our feelings, deep wounds, and everything that we need to unmask, confront and hence, dissolve. 

The last part of the month is going to be reigned by the healing frequency of Scorpio, as on October 23, the Sun will enter into this Water sign. We now are called to visit the depths of our being, navigating through our inner waters to illuminate those dark corners through the wisdom we have regained during all this time and embrace the "dark" aspects that are also a part of who we are and Creation - that makes us whole and One with All. 

A time to look within to receive all the revelations that these last months bring to us, as the last part of this year, will show us where we are going, as well as new ways of being of assistance, which is of great importance to change direction, if the timeline we have chosen no longer resonates with our true destination.

The following day, on October 24, we have a Full Moon at 1 degrees Taurus. This Moon is going to confirm the essence of this month, which as you feel is all about change, one happening within, and in our relationships, for it conjunct with Uranus which is opposed by Venus. This is inviting us to create a transformation, in the aspects of us that we still choose to deny, unlove or hide, and then in our relationships. As this Moon harmonizes with Saturn, it will stop, in a way, the impulse nature of Uranus, and while the change could be chaotic and unexpected, this will help us adapt to the changes we are meant to experience whether in ourselves or in our relationships. 

October is the month of love, abundance and change. However, and although they can seem different things, they all come from our sense of love. In order to create an abundant, healthy and loving reality, first we need to love and respect ourselves, for only when we do so, is that our physical reality will reflect the same.

As humans, we have been programmed and taught to love with the ego, for all the false propaganda, between many other manipulations, have taught us that this is real love. The truth is that one cannot love another, and recognize the Divine within another person, if first; one does not become conscious of the one within. 

Feeling whole, loved, valued and protected comes when we remember the God Particle within, realizing that we have always been appreciated, beyond what we can understand, as humans, by a Higher Intelligence whose only purpose, and joy, is to live through us a human experience - co-creating infinite abundance and balanced relationships. 

We were never meant to live an undesired, limited and unloving reality, this is what we have been told, for one of the first feeling to be inculcated to humans, is the one of feeling guilty. We are free sovereign beings, wise, and powerful enough to create the experience that will best serve our growth. The sooner we realize this Truth, the sooner we will pass from a limited, manipulated matrix into a free, and loving, one, in which all beings are loved, appreciated and equals. 

No outer cosmic event, or person, will save and protect you from anything that you are meant to experience, for you created it for yourself, to being with, or give you what you desire. No thing or person could ever change who you are or your reality but yourself. Therefore, do not continue searching outside what you have had within for eons. Conquer, the shadows, know yourself, love all of it, and begin to walk a path of possibility, love, abundance and change, not a path ruled by the fear your human self feels, but by the joy that welcoming the unexpected, and discovering new horizons, have.

Declaration of Intention to let go and welcome change

I now would like to share this declaration to release the past and welcome the new, for those who resonate, and feel guided, to use it, as they wish. As always, you are your own Master and this is just an example, you will have your own words. I was guided to share it, since this month is one for us to embrace change and begin to create, if not already, a loving, compassionate and joyful reality.

Before this declaration, in your unique way, make sure you first protect your physical, and non-physical bodies, so only the LoveLight Beings assisting you in your path, will come to help you. 

I _(your name)_ call upon my Unified Self, Monad, Guides who assist me on my human experience, and who only come from the Love, Light, Truth and Unity of God to help me release what no longer is serving my current human path. Thank you for helping me protecting my personal and sacred space of everyone and everything - incarnated or not - who do not belong to the Light. 

It is my conscious desire to let go of everything, and everyone, with great love, and blessings, that have fulfilled its purpose in my journey - being free of the old so I can welcome what my soul planned for me to experience, in this human plane. 

I _(your name)_ as a sovereign free being, choose to no longer feed the past, for it is no longer existing, in my present timeline, fully opening my heart to new horizons that have not been walked, yet, by my human self and that will offer me precious new experiences and soul encounters. 

I AM forever dwelling in this Now moment.

I AM forever grateful for all the past experiences and relationships that have served me to become the empowered and sovereign being that I am now and that have been already released, forgiven and appreciated. 

I AM ready to let it all go, with great love, joy and excitement for what is coming, in this new phase of my evolutionary path. 

I AM now manifesting what is for my highest good, and that of All, working in perfect unison with God and with the Forces of Light of this Universe and all multi-universes that help me manifest a perfect reality for what I need to experience next. 

I decree that it is my pure intention, and conscious soul desire, to only dwell, and hence, experience, this moment, removing all previous ones that my human self is no longer living and needing for its growth. 

I __(your name)__ thank my Unified Self, Monad and Guides for helping me dissolve all past timelines, energies, and relationships that are still active in my energetic field. 

Therefore, I make of this declaration a permanent and irrevocable one. 

And So it is and it will be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All!

I pray so you never feel alone, during this transition, for even though it can seem so physically, you are never alone or hopeless. For if you know where to look, which is, always, to the Light within, you will find the entire Universe loving, appreciating and accompanying you, in this human journey.

I send all of you, precious souls, infinite love and strength, and I pray for you to always experience the joy, and value, that this challenging, but worth path, has for your growth. 

I love you and thank you for all you are and do for All. 

I wish you Beloved Companions, a loving, balanced and blessed October!

In love and light ∞

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018

The Equinox & Full Moon in Aries, September 24/25, 2018 ~ Confronting Fears

One of the functions of thought is to be occupied all the time with something. Most of us want to have our minds continually occupied so that we are prevented from seeing ourselves as we actually are. We are afraid to be empty. We are afraid to look at our fears.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

As you well know there is a time for everything within Creation - a time to let go, a time to integrate, a time to rest, and a time to heal. At this time of our ascension journey, we welcome the Equinox, on September 23, whose energies have been very present since the beginning of the month, with a powerful, and healing, Full Moon at 2 degrees of Aries. This new light influx is being of great assistance for those who are ready to embrace more Light and release more layers of their egoic self, confronting their fears and embracing the clarity that will help them come back to their true soul path. 

If during the first weeks of September we had a time to rest and soothe ourselves, in the last one, we are going to begin, again, a new integration phase. It is all depending on where you are in your journey, for even though we generalize, we all have our micro cycles and these are the first ones we must honor and take into account above any other outer events and/or frequencies. 

For those who have already done of their existence a path of conscious devotion to service, these cosmic events will benefit them to open new galactic venues to help anchor these new frequencies on Earth as well as within ourselves. This passage, especially during the Equinox, will be also a great one for us to receive the stellar transmissions coming from other galactic civilizations as well as non-physical beings. 

The last phase of this month is also going to be a very important one for those who are devoted to work with the planetary stargates. For it is a time to open gateways, anchor their codes, and stabilize them. Although as you know, we all help, in our unique way. There are many whose main role is to help by their mere Presence, and hence Essence. Please honor that, it is enough. This is equally sacred and in the moment you try to be more or do something that is not your soul task, what you do is to diminish your power - allowing dark forces to use you as a vehicle for their dark purposes. However, in the moment you recognize who you are, and honor your unique Spark, you become more empowered and offer what you are meant to share within this dense plane.

The Equinox, whose energies have been deeply felt, at least in my personal experience, since the end of August, is going to be very intense this Year, bringing into the surface everything that is not healed/unified within our physical bodies, for it is the only way in which we can become aware of that which is still holding a lower frequency.

Every physical pain that has no medical diagnose, as I always say, for this is very important, is telling you that there is a part or aspect of yourself that is still in pain, whether you are conscious of it or not, and then as the Light enters, it presents resistance, for it fights it, impeding it to fully flow through your entire body, healing and dissolving all the barriers our human self has built.

Every single sensation whether physical or inner one shows us where we choose to ignore  our bodies, due to our human fears, or simply because we tend to run, forgetting to pay attention to what our body shows us, simply because we are too busy with human distractions. This is why it is so important that we take some time, daily, to focus on our bodies and feel every part of them, for each one of them tells us a unique story that deserves to be heard. 

The Equinox together with the Full Moon show us if we are ready to embrace more Light and devote ourselves to integrate and share it, or if we are yet in need of a physical cleansing/healing. In any case, all is perfect for where we are, for in truth there is not a better or perfect path, as all will, in the end, lead us to unite with the Loving Source from where we originated from.

During the Full Moon in Aries we have a Cardinal T-square, as the Moon, the Sun and Mercury in Libra, square Saturn in Capricorn. This is precisely the aspect of this Moon that invites us to be real, to be who we truly are,  to stand tall in our truth and to honor our feelings.  While Mercury square Saturn is the catalyst that bring into the surface our fears, negativity and everything that we shall dissolve, at this time.  

It is indeed a wonderful opportunity to work on self-power and initiations, for it is with Aries that we begin to initiate ourselves, once again, within this eternal Divine Spiral, experiencing the power of Fire and the strength, energy and passion it brings, if used wisely. It is with this sign that we begin to learn how to live without fear - trusting in a Higher Intelligence that orchestrates everything, in a perfect way, for All. 

Lunar healing techniques 

It may seem this Full Moon in Aries brings complications, especially for those who resonates more with traditional astrology, for it square Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility. However, like I said before, when there is an obstacle there is, at the same time a solution for us to dissolve the issue, and in this Moon the solution is given by the Moon in conjunction with Chiron, the Cosmic Healer, as I call it, making of this Moon an opportunity for us to bring balance, as the Equinox's energies also invite us to do, and harmony. This is a gift for us to work with the benevolent lunar forces and begin to use its light to bring feminine healing, work with our emotional wounds, as well as to dissolve the 3D distortions that were caused to us, and our bodies, by the negative agenda.

As the Moon also opposes Mercury, it will be also a challenge, and again another opportunity, for those who suffers from delusional thinking to work on their human illusions, bringing clarity, from within, before continuing to feed their distorted version of reality. It is pivotal that we work on having a healthy mind, for if not, our delusions, as well as fake guidance, will control our lives, making real what is just a mind construction.

On the contrary, the Moon sextile Mars, is a blessing, for it gives us the courage, power and enthusiasm to deal with all the challenges and wounds that can surface, at this time, in our bodies or within ourselves. The most important thing of all when we are under a personal crisis, or experiencing what we call the dark night of the soul, is never to blame or judge ourselves, or try to get rid of our pain in "miraculous" ways, trusting only in the outer or in others for remedies, but to work on self-love, confidence and power not to fall into egoic traps as feeling unworthy, allowing the mind to be infected by our pain. Using our pain, instead of denying it, to construct a strong personality is essential in this path when we pass through whatever challenges our soul, in its wisdom, puts to us.

As you know, the Moon is an artificial satellite. Due to the depth of our Moon history I will not enter into it. However it is important to remark that the Moon has never been a natural stellar body, so to say of our solar system, and that it was used, or manipulated, by the dark forces. for eons, to serve their destructive purposes. However, this does not mean that the original nature or essence of the Moon, was or is of "negative" nature.

The Moon was connected, artificially, to our Planet and hence as such it has a profound impact  in our Waters and also in our emotionally body, as you well know. The Moon's influence has always been, and is still, very potent within our earthly realm. And it is our choice to use its essence to heal or to allow our human illusions and programmed fake beliefs about the Moon, made to glamour our human minds, to impede us see the truth about its essence.

I understand, as it happened to me for a while, in my evolutionary journey, that many will not believe it, for we have been deeply manipulated to believe in a perfect and bright Moon that controls us and that could help us to awake our intuitive channels, and manifest a perfect reality for us. 

However, once we are fully awake and begin to use only our personal guidance system, to navigate through our reality, we begin to discover the misinformation that is being spread. This is why it is so important, when we are in an advance stage of our ascension journey, not to read, keep searching outside and believing all we hear, for we can, fall again, into fake programing.

Another important fact is the human abuse that the Moon has had by humans. The Moon, according to my own guidance, was submitted to nuclear experiments, making it impossible for humans to visit it until a time passes, which is why they show no interest in visiting it, again. That the surface of the Moon has been deeply manipulated is nothing new. However, its essence, still remains pure, for those who are ready to see beyond the mistreatment it has had.

The Moon's light can be used to heal the many manipulations that we have suffered due to the fake transmissions sent through it for eons. If we truly desire to align with the real nature of the Moon, is important that we disengage from the typical associations that we were taught about the Moon that are not real and begin to use its essence to work on feminine empowerment by liberating ourselves of the many chains that were implanted through the Moon to us and by dissolving many of the 3D emotional wounds that were also implanted to us.

There are many imbalances we can heal or dissolve using the Moon's essence. Some of the main ones are:
  • Glandular implants. As you know, one of the many purposes of the Moon was to distort our higher senses or channels so we could not have the natural access that we always had, as Divine Beings, to our God Self, and hence, to Source. This is one of the main causes of why some people have their pineal gland calcified or "closed" as well as one of the main reasons that impedes our Kundalini rising. 
  • Feminine imbalances, and in women especially, to avoid the restoration of our feminine power, something which affected to our sexual organs as well. 
  • Thymus imbalances.
  • Sixth and seventh chakras issues. 
  • Blood pressure and other imbalances. For the Moon affects directly to our blood circulation etc. 
  • Manifestation purposes. 
The Moon's essence is a magnificent one to work on personal manifestations. Remember that not everything is acting and manifest. For manifestations are always understood as being something tangible, when it can simply be something non-physical as for example creating a more peaceful state of being, without relating it to any material things or people.  However, we also came here to experience a human realm, and to descend our soul desires, and dreams, into this dense plane, mastering our inner magician and making tangible what we can only envision, in the non-physical,is pivotal.

I understand that many of you are already thinking about manifesting with the power of the Moon only during certain phases. For those who are asking themselves about the veracity of the Moon phases, it is very real. For even though, the Moon is always Full it is also real that when the Sun only illuminates one side of the Moon, we do not receive so many light as when the Moon receives the sunlight in its entirely. The more Moonlight receive, the more our Planet is affected.

When we work on manifestation with the essence of the Moon, for it is always available, whether we see it entirely or not, we can work on the manifestations of the things that we think we need for our human experience. 

What I personally do is to write a list of at least seven things, although to be honest every time I do it I desire less and I can only write three things as much, but this is obviously your choice. Visualization and conscious intention is important, for we are going to be meditating and visualizing what we desire, from our soul, for at least seven days or the number of your desires. The use of special crystal grids with certain stones you feel guided would be also beneficial, as well as going into nature and any other tools you consider important for you. 

Visualize yourself already having it, and already thankful for having it, for you know it will sustain, or nurture your human self, as well as soul, in the physical, and begin to only ask for that which is aligned with your soul, for otherwise will not serve the self, and will not be supported by your God Self and Universe, as we all obtain what is going to be for our highest good and that of All, and this is something that many times, we are not quite ready to realize, for we think something will be good for us while our soul clearly knows it will not benefit us at all.

As you well know, our Sol is very active, especially since our Planet finally bifurcated from old earth. The Sun light does not only affects our Planet but also everything within our Galaxy, as it is the Moon. It is thanks to the Sun essence that the Moon is beginning to transmute its dark, manipulated, side, and giving us, at the same time, the opportunity to do so as well. 

If you set the pure intention and send it to your Unified Self that you wish to work with the healing power of the Moon's original essence, you could benefit from a huge fountain of healing energy, especially at this time with the Moon conjunct with Chiron. It is important that you embrace the inner shadows that the Moon shows you, for there is nothing to fear, simply to understand and let it go.

We are never governed by outer forces. We are free sovereign beings, who were deeply manipulated, but who are now beginning to awake, discovering the powerful beings that we, in nature, truly are. We are not here to allow other forces to control us but to work and co-create with them, for within this loving universe there is nothing that is ever meant to govern others, but to help, protect and love All, unconditionally. 

The Equinox & planetary stargates

The Divine Waves received during the Equinox pasage, are not just a source of healing for us humans but also for our Planet, for the Light we are receiving belongs to a Higher Intelligence that loves All, as equal. Our Planet is also experiencing a deep opening in the stargates that connect with the Universal ones, and it is the mission of some ascending souls, and the reason why some are being relocated, to help into the process of bringing back its crystalline essence and original connection to Earth. 

There are many planetary stargates healers who are being moved to other places or simply staying where they used to be, against their human will, due to their soul commands. When we begin to awake from a long unconscious state of being, it is usual that many of us feel as if we were not where we are meant to. However, this comes from a place of lack of understanding and communion with our soul, for in the moment we hold the pure intention to be of service, we no longer are aligned with our human desires, not because they are not good, but because our human will or desires, have become One with our soul one.

It is vital that the ones who are being relocated or simply staying in a place where they are not totally comfortable, understand that there is, always, a higher purpose for where they are, apart from the fact that the starseed souls or sovereign beings descending from certain non-physical dimensions, already possess certain codes that are meant to be in perfect resonance with where we live, for this is where we are meant to heal or be of assistance.

The Earth stargates that connect with the galactic universal stargates are beginning to be fully open, as it used to be, eons ago. It is our purpose to consciously work with them, uniting our forces, to help them being reconnected, again. At this time, I have received there are many souls who are required in certain places where some of these stargates are located, for they need more support and they are meant to function as healing pillars. This is also for those that feel guided to work with the reconnection of these stargates, whether physically, astrally or simply by ending their purest intention to help. 

Thank you for all you are and for for All, Beloveds. For every single kind gesture, and intention, help more than we can imagine. 

Some of the earth places where these stargates are located and that need more assistance are:
  • Easter Island, Chile - there are many groups who go there with the mission of dissolving dark frequencies there, for this Island's history is also very profound, and there were also dark purposes there.  
  • Hayu Marca, Peru
  • Westburry, England.
  • Island of Kauai.
  • Arizona, Sedona.
As always, there will be more places where more souls are needed to bring back the lost crystalline essence of these gates. It is important that devotion to service, whether we serve the Planet, the elementals, animals or guide other humans, become a part not just of our mission, but of who we are. When we finally aligned with our God Self, we no longer make any separation between our mission and who we are. We do not even see it as a work or something we have or must do, but something that is natural for us, which makes us be in our natural state of joy.

This is a very powerful healing Full Moon, a cosmic event who is amplified by the Equinox and even more with the waves coming from our Central Sun, which as you know is very active. This is a time for us to stand tall in who we are and reclaim our sovereignty. For even though our human self may still miss the remnants of the old, many of us are already dwelling within a new dimensional space, where fears, doubts and old wounds are transcended and transmuted into freedom, power and unconditional love.

We no longer need of what used to enslave us. We no longer need to give our power to outer sources, feeling hopeless and as mere puppets moved by others. For now we recognize our Divinity, dwell in it and know that above all, we are all equally powerful, loved and appreciated. Hiding behind our fears served us to feel safe, when we live in separation. At present, we no longer need to cover our power, for we have chosen to dwell in possibility, honoring and embracing the magnificence of who we are, as the Divine LoveLight beings, in service to All, that we have chosen to be. 

I wish you with all my heart a magical, and blessed, passage, Beloved Companions!

May you, always, remain in the Illumined Essence of your God Self, where pure unconditional love and clarity resides and no human fear can touch you. May we unite, as One, to assist our Beloved Planet in its transition from a state of unconsciousness to a free sovereign Planet. 

With infinite love, gratitude and bright blessings,

Natalia Alba