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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta new moon in scorpio. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta new moon in scorpio. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2020

New Moon in Scorpio, November 15, 2020 ~ Rebirth of Humanity

 Beloved Ones,

We are at a time when humanity is having a profound transformation. A time when many are experiencing what we call the dark night of the soul, which is just the process that follows awakening and the great clarity that comes after we finally remember who we are, again. A process that the New Moon that we are about to welcome at 23 degrees Scorpio, reminds us. We are living a complete rebirth, at all levels, in a personal, global and planetary one too, for we all are beginning to finally choose where we desire to dwell.

What is occurring behind our earthly confines goes beyond our understanding. Guides shared that at this moment, during this 11 portal and Moon in Scorpio, what is truly happening is that many forces, within and outside of our universe, are aligning, to send massive amount of light to our Planet. The main purpose is to help in the current clearing that is taking place in the collective - collective shadow clearing - which is why many may feel as if they were heading into a new chaotic reality. However, this is our personal choice.

To support the collective consciousness clearing that is taking place, the only thing that we can do to bring assistance, is to heal ourselves and own personal wounds, as it is the only way that we can truly have an impact in the whole. This is why Scorpio energies can help us to go deeper into the depths of our being, getting to know our shadows and wounds, so we can help ourselves, and All, by healing them. Trying to rebel and change the rules or others, will not make any difference, for we cannot have this power over others. Being love and accepting the choices of others will bring us more peace than trying to change what we cannot. 

At a more personal level, this is time for us to go deeper into our soul creations, and begin to pursue the ones that deeply resonate with where we are now, as the time to step into a totally different reality has now come. We no longer have time to look back, bringing past energy into our present creations, as it will spoil all of our effortsc to step into a new timeline. Now, there is only time for us to continually choosing the frequency we resonate with, for it is how we remain in our desired reality. 

As you know, the Fixed sign of Scorpio is ruled by two of the most powerful Planets, Mars and Pluto. Mars gives us the fiery and Warrior-like energy that we need to initiate the proper changes in our lives. While Pluto - a Planet that is all about power, regeneration and rebirth - activates the necessary shift that needs to occur for us to transform all that is not working - helping us to dissolve our inner struggles, as often all outer conflicts are just a reflection of our inner ones.

There is nothing of what is taking place that is actually chaotic, but our mere human view of the recent events. Everything that is happening is perfectly orchestrated and we all agreed to live what we are experiencing, in some way, for our personal growth. It is always up to us to decide whether to use our personal situation to grow or blame others. 

We can always begin taking responsibility for our own creations and reality, remembering that we can always choose to liberate ourselves from our own mental chains, and begin by embracing higher truths that will help us in the process of freedom. At this powerful time, we have the opportunity once and again to take charge of our lives and act as the only creators of it. 

Astrologically, the New Moon sextile Jupiter and Pluto. This will bring harmonization, love, expansion and confidence to pursue our soul visions. As it often happens in astrology, many will say this aspect is a positive one, as it will bring success and many good things to us. 

As you already know, I differ a lot sometimes of this traditional interpretations, for I consider that it disempowers people, making them believe that outer forces or planets have a direct impact in their lives, as if they were gods playing with our human experience, when in truth there is nothing further than that.

This alignment is a loving one, as all of them are, for all of them are a result of the cosmic dance that the Planets, in their also conscious quest for evolution, make. It is up to us to align with these energies to find the main purpose that they have for us, directing them towards the aim we desire, rather than thinking that they will directly intervene in our lives by making them better or worse. 

As always, good luck, and the opportunity for us to manifest our soul desires, comes from having confidence, strength to go after what we wish, and the determination and devotion to our path, and that of all, to conquer any challenges to experience our desired reality. 

Outer forces or planets will not give us what we wish. Believing that will only continue fomenting the false human illusion that we are governed by outer forces, and as long as this belief will continue being active in the collective, there will be no evolution, as species.

This is a profound time for us to look at the depths of our being, integrating shadows that have not been looked at for years, and that also need of our love and embrace. The main task for us is not to deny the shadows but to integrate them, equally, as we too aim for the light. There is no light without shadows, for both of them make us whole and are necessary for our existence.

This is a wonderful opportunity for integrating all aspects of ourselves, releasing past wounds, and as we navigate within the depths of our soul, finding new truths that now we are ready to understand. 

In the moment we choose to love all as equal, is that we begin to leave behind fragmentation, stepping into oneness and the Divine Remembrance that comes when we finally rebirth into what we always have been - free sovereign beings in charge of our own life experience. 

Have a blessed and healing New Moon, Beloved Ones.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

New Moon in Scorpio, November 7th, 2018 ~ Feminine Healing

If I go into the place in myself that is love, and you go into the place in yourself that is love, we are together in love. Then you and I are truly in love, the state of being love. That’s the entrance to Oneness. That’s the space I entered when I met my guru.

Ram Dass

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

In a time in which bringing deep transformation within, and in all aspects of our life, is essential, for the ones who have consciously chosen a path of constant growth, and hence, change, we are blessed with a renovating New Moon at 15 degrees Scorpio. This Moon presents us with the opportunity to embrace transformation in all aspects of our lives, especially in our relationships, for if we do not begin to dissolve what can no longer coexist with who we have become, we could not sustain the new reality that we are so eager to manifest.

As you know, the Fixed sign of Scorpio is ruled by two of the most powerful Planets, Mars and Pluto. Mars gives us the fiery and Warrior-like energy that we need to initiate the proper changes in our lives. While Pluto - a Planet that is all about power, regeneration and rebirth - activates the necessary shift that needs to occur for us to transform all that is not working - helping us to dissolve our inner struggles, as often all outer conflicts are just a reflection of our inner ones.

As I share may times, the Moon is not as we have been told/taught, and even though this subject is a deep one and everyone shall obtain this information from within, I would like to shed some light upon the Moon. For when I share about the Moon, it is not from the usual 3D perspective, but from a more profound view. 

The Moon, as many of you already know, is an artificial satellite, whose function, unlike many think, has not been precisely to protect us or help us to awake our intuitive channels. On the contrary, it has been brought by the dark forces, eons ago, and it has served as a base from where they manipulated not just our Planet but humans - distorting our feminine/sexual centers, higher senses - chakras - as well as other channels that connected us with our cosmic lineage.

When I share about the Moon, I mainly refer to the essence of it with other planetary alignments, for it is all about the true nature of events what matters more than what we have been programmed to believe about a certain planet or cosmic encounter. This is why it is so important that we consciously connect with the essence of the stellar bodies, before invoking, impulsively or unconsciously, the Moon or any other planetary body, for we may be making contact with essences or beings that are not aligned with who we are, the Law of One, and hence, with our real purpose of making this cosmic connection.

In a general perspective, this Moon has very good aspects, as it will trine Neptune, the Planet of Intuition and Dreams, we have a very feminine essence we could use to enhance our creativity. On the other hand, this Moon will also make a positive aspect to Pluto, which will give us the power we need for us to transform what is required, so we can bring forth our soul creations and deepest inspirations. 

However, the essence of this Moon in Scorpio goes beyond being creative, for it is also a time for us to go deeper into our inner realms and bring into the surface all that remains hidden for our conscious mind - bringing synthesis to the aspects of us that still dwell in pain, separation and illusion. This is a time, especially with Venus "retrograde" to find all the love we tend to search outside ourselves within, and restore the first, and most important, relationship of all, the one with our own selves. 

As ascending souls, the majority of us, have dwelled in darkness, feeling unloved and unappreciated, when in truth, we were the ones not truly, and unconditionally, loving, and accepting ourselves. This is one of the most important imbalances to heal, if we desire to evolve and hold a higher frequency within and in our relationships. There is no one else that can fulfill our empty voids, if we do begin the inner work of feeling whole and healed, first. 

Due to the feminine essence from this Moon, we have the gift to work with our feminine/sexual Force and traumatic experiences that have damaged our sexual centers, causing profound imbalances that are impeding us to have balanced relationships, express our feelings as well as maintain intimate relationships, which is always a physical representation of the love for ourselves, and inner fusion, we first must accomplished so we can be able to give the other this same love. 

At this time when we are about to end a human year and another macro cycle of our evolutionary path, it is vital that we begin to let go of the old and work on the conscious dissolution of everything that still bonds us to our past. As the decisions made, at this transitional time, will be the ones that will construct the next phase of our journey, and if we do not desire to see the same old patterns, people or situations, it is our choice to begin releasing all that we are still feeding, whether consciously or unconsciously. 

Releasing or letting go the old, does not just refer to our past relationships, habits and situations, but to our regrets, guilty feelings and painful ones. We must let go of all that disempowers us, and all that we keep feeding with the egoic excuse of how others treated us, in the past, which I know it sounds hard, for many have had unspeakable experiences, and I include myself. However, the truth is that no one has ever done anything to us, and that as soon as we realized this and understand that even though our experiences were wrong without measure and painful, it had a purpose and they/we helped each other’s much more than we can imagine.  

Some of us have been abused, by unconscious partners. Others have suffered other abuses, by mentally ill and dark people, and even though at some point they will be forgiven, will condemn themselves to experience profound and terrible pain for eons. And for us, as ascending souls, our only way out is to recognize our Divine Power, and strength within, and use it to embrace our inner child and all the aspects of us that have been deeply damaged and that need to remember of the love that we are, of the love that we All, in Essence, are. 

Our mission, as conscious beings who are evolving, and embodying more Love, is not to judge them or punish ourselves, for it was never our fault, but to focus not on all the unlove we experienced, but on the love that we are and can give to begin change this dense frequency. As even though in this human plane, some have completely forgotten what true love is, as it shall be, in a world of polarities, others, like us, have chosen to come as a reminder of what the power of unity can do for All. 

Another gift from this Moon in Scorpio, as I shared at the beginning, is its strong connection with Neptune, which not only help us with our creative gifts but with our connection to a Higher Intelligence - giving us the opportunity to align, and co-create with this Eternal Force, to retrieve more guidance about who we are and what we can do to be of further assistance.

As starseed souls and new earth seeds, our path is not a path to please the egoic self, but to master it. We did not come here to simply experience a human realm, which is equal to any other choice. However, our path is one of selfless service to All, without making any differences, and while others may be enjoying the pleasures of living a human existence, some of us are anchoring, in our unique way, the new frequencies received, outside, whether it is cold, hot or in any other conditions, or whether we are doing it accompanied by other soul mates or "alone".

Our journey was never about us, but about All. When we understand the importance of unity, when we begin to disassociate ourselves with just being an individualized aspect of God, with being All, is when our true path of service begins, and when our soul finally descends our soul true mission, into our human self, for we are ready now to fulfill the destiny that the Divine orchestrated with us.

This is a Moon, and a cosmic gift, for us to embrace ourselves. For we are all moving in an eternal dance of embracing and letting it all go. We are just beginning to remember only to choose to forget, again, if necessary, and come back to be of assistance. We are not here to judge others and less ourselves, for things that we cannot comprehend, with our limited minds. We are here to remember the power of love, unity and compassion.

The more we fight to embrace these three Powers, the only real ones, the more we will remain in our own shadows. It is all what we choose to experience, and it is not our task, as sovereign beings who are conscious and remember the nature of our human existence, to judge or compare ourselves in any way to others and their unique, and sacred, journey.

Our mission is only one of bringing back the lost essence of what living in an authentic and loving reality, truly feels like. Our only aim shall be to shine our lights, as Source desires, independently of what others have chosen to do with their own human experience. Nothing is our concern but our own energy. Nothing shall trouble us except where we choose to put our power.

Do you choose to direct your power to assist others whether the circumstances are in your favor or not? Do you choose to shine your loving essence, with everyone, and in everywhere, even though your human self cannot understand where you are? Or do you choose to just be loving at a certain time or with specific people simply because is more convenient or with the excuse that you too deserve to only be with people who resonate with you?

Whatever you choose is what you need to experience to grow in love, which is what we are mastering, at this time, as Venus is reminding us. You could never choose anything that is not going to bring you back to love, for it is what you are, and the more you try to be selective with situations, environments and people, the more you will be testing yourself to love them All, whether they resonate or not, for within a dual reality, you could never escape of the Divine Gift of loving All as equal, no matter how far you decide to go, all will be an opportunity for you to become the LoveLight being that you are.

What is your conscious choice at this moment? 
Do you choose to dwell in love or in separation?

Beloved Ones, no matter what you choose, know you are and will be, always, immensely loved and appreciated without measure. Do not beat yourselves down for past mistakes. Do not punish yourselves. For the Divine knows no unlove, judgment or any other form of human illusion, it is you the only one choosing to create it.

I wish you all a loving, healing and blessed New Moon. Remember to remain in the Illumined, Wise and Powerful Essence of your Soul, Beloved Companions!

In love, light and service ∞

Natalia Alba

sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2017

The 11:11 Portal & New Moon in Scorpio, November 18, 2017 ~ Galactic integration & Self-revelations

“The only journey is the one within.” 

     Rainer Maria Rilke

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

Ascending to New Earth is a gradual process, in which, holding a higher frequency is essential for us to navigate between both worlds, for we are still crossing the bridge to our new state of being, one of deep transformation, something that it is done first from within, and that will lead us not to a new destination, for it is not a physical place, but to finally hold a higher frequency. To me, this passage has been strongly felt even before the 11:11 portal, this day is felt as the peak of what we have been feeling since a long time, as in truth, it is not about the numbers, but about the new cosmic frequency that we have been integrating for a while, what matters. A frequency that will keep increasing as we face the powerful New Moon in Scorpio on November 18 as well as final bifurcation phase from Old Earth. This is a passage that brings unity, transparency, and the gift to keep embodying/remembering our true nature as galactic beings. 

The energies do not last just one day, this is limited and fixed. These galactic activations, that some of us are consciously choosing to experience, will keep being with us, not just until this transitional phase ends, but always, for as ascending souls, we are now embodying our galactic and True nature, and the higher space that our Planet occupies now, is also in perfect resonance with these galactic frequencies that have been for so long outside our human time/space, due to the lower vibrational frequency we held. 

It is pivotal that at this transitional phase, we take the care our bodies need to keep descending more Light, as well as to take the time to go within, to the depths of our being, to clear all the implants, negative thought forms and many other wounds residing within our emotional body, before we can fully anchor this new frequency from the Illuminated Realms. 

Within this galactic passage, we will have a New Moon at 26 degrees of Scorpio, in which, its frequency, together with other celestial alignments happening outside of our micro reality, will help us while we keep travelling between worlds, moulding our new reality as well as embodying higher aspects of our True Self, for to me, there is no higher and lower self, and beginning to release these lower vibrational concepts is essential for us to finally leave behind more of our old world.

The Fixed sign of Scorpio is also ruled by two of the most powerful Planets, Mars and Pluto. Mars gives us the fiery and Warrior-like energy that we need to initiate the proper changes to shift in our lives, while Pluto - a Planet that is all about power, regeneration and rebirth - activates the necessary shift that needs to occur for us to transform all that is not working - any longer - in our lives, helping us to dissolve our inner struggles, as sometimes all outer conflicts may just reflect inner ones.

Precisely, at the New Moon time, there will be a square between Mars and Pluto. This energy, can be felt as "chaotic" but remember Beloveds, the more we step into the Light, the more we will be aware of the many negative tactics that the dark forces use to try to manipulate our reality as humans. This is, as everything within Creation is, an opportunity for us to leave behind all labels of traditional fixed astrology and of the things that Planets cause for us, and begin to move into a broader perspective, remembering that no outer force or planet can do anything to us, but experiencing their own journey through Creation. And even though they affect us, this is not because they dictate our reality but because we are all One, linked to each other, above all illusion of separation.

Mars squaring Pluto is for me, a cosmic blessing for us to go within and see where all our inner struggles come from and how we can finally dissolve them, for all conflicts we see in the collective/outer are a representation of what is first created within and hence infused in a group of humans, which again, emphasize this chaotic vibration, feeding them and making them real. However, this can be dissolved by becoming conscious of what we continue to feed and by beginning to work with our egoic self, not but denying its nature or trying to control it, but by infusing it with more wisdom and love - by balancing it with our True Self.

Another important aspect from this New Moon, is that the Moon will almost oppose Sedna, the so called "minor" Planet, only discovered in 2003. It is good that this Planet has just been discovered and that there is not much fixed meaning attributed to this Planet, for as you know mythology and astrology is created by humans and as such is limiting and unable to give us a clear notion of this Planet’s essence.

On the contrary to the evil meaning, especially by mythology, that is attributed to this Planet, to me, the essence of Sedna, is a kind and loving one. It is meant to work with the collective of a Planet by infusing it with light codes that help them to awake to unconditional love, even if it means to first experience a "chaotic" transition. This is what I have been told by my Unified Self about Sedna´s essence.

It is important that we all move inwards to move from this fixed meaning that people, with their best intentions, tend to give to Planets and what happens in the Illuminated Realms that cannot be - easily - explained by the human mind. Sedna, is a transcendental Planet, as is Neptune, for example. Her essence is meant to work with our emotional bodies as well as with Mother Earth´s one and help bring deep transformation by releasing - what no longer serves.

Sedna purifies, for it loves All as equal, which is another reason why she is related to climatic change. Well, to me, only humans are responsible for climatic change, not outer forces or Planets, for we are the ones dwelling on this Planet and the only responsible ones of how we treat our Home. It is also said that when Sedna was discovered, it coincided with the increase of temperature of our Planet. 

What humans see as negative is just the deep infusion of light that recently comes from our Central Sun as well as, for example, other star portals - or Planets - such as Sedna, to help us bring the great change, like the changes occurring now in the Earth's poles, that we are already anchoring and that is indeed shifting not only ourselves but our Planet, and even though its changes will be seen in a long time from now, they are very real and are happening now. Sedna´s frequency, if well integrated and directed, can assist our Planet - and the collective - to embody higher levels of love and regeneration. 

However, as we all know the fixed meaning of Scorpio, as an astrological sign, and what is occurring at the micro level, it is essential to be fully open as to what is occurring in a deeper perspective. At the New Moon, we have Saturn at the Galactic centre, which is going to invoke profound infusion of light - Divine Wisdom - for those who are working with the transformation and rejuvenation of our physical bodies, as well as inner worlds. 

It is with this great infusion of light that we are presented with the opportunity to finally embody this light that is being descended to us and work with our non-physical bodies in a deeper way. If you are a Planetary Keeper/Healer, Sedna's essence will assist you to work with the seas and bring assistance to Earth, at a time, when bringing healing, is essential in leaving behind an old frequency. 

Loving Sedna is inviting you to ask yourself if you walk the talk and take care of not just yourself but the Planet where you dwell, at all levels, of if you still refuse to see reality and continue to unlove it, by treating it badly. At every moment, you have the gift to become aware and begin again, anew, without past regrets, simply with the joy that becoming conscious brings, as well as acting accordingly. 

For this to occur and for us to act as pure Divine light conduits, first we must spiritualize the self, which is done not just by provoking a deep releasement but by embodying the God Self's values that will help us align ourselves with our true and kind nature. The current frequencies that surround the Planet, at the time of the New Moon - for we have the New Moon quincunx Uranus - will help us to free ourselves from more aspects of our 3D egoic personality, such as delusions and many human creations that are not real or aligned with who we have become. Remember that this is a constant process, and at the same time we work on liberating ourselves from the more negative traits of our old self, the more we could be leaving space and creating the proper frequency to descend more essences of our God Self.

Spiritualizing the self 

With the concept: spiritualizing the self, what I mean is simply the complete regeneration and rebirth that our human self - or egoic one - needs before being able to embody/unify with our God Self. As you already know, the soul needs not purification for it always dwells in the Light of oneness, and its wisdom. On the contrary, what needs to be spiritualized and purified is our human self, which is why we decided to embrace this human experience, between many other things.

When one allows the egoic personality to take control, one becomes part of the dark forces or dead energy, for all that remains within the frequency of fear, unlove and unkindness remains in the negative or dark polarity. When we choose to become conscious and take responsibility, we begin to operate within the Divine frequency of love and service to All, and it is then that the spiritualization of our human self begins, and we finally allow our God and real Self to anchor itself within our human one.

To be able to do the inner work of soul integration one must remain in the frequency of the following essences:

  • Self-love
  • Compassion and unconditional love to the self and all
  • Neutral observation to be able to discern when your ago feels attacked and react
  • Self-confidence
  • Trust in yourself and in the Divine
  • Forgiveness
  • Soul retrieval
  • Non-judgment. By judgment I do not simply mean criticizing openly, there are other ways. If you do not talk but you still see/read some things or people and make gestures of disapproval and/or joke, then you are still judging and therefore lying to yourself.
  • Unity above separation
  • Balance and Harmony. The last one being the most important not to dwell in polarities, for then, we will be falling into the egoic trap of feeling superior and/or inferior.

    This is a passage to be lived from within - not by searching externally or waiting for salvation or revelations from outer forces but to create from within and expecting to find all the wisdom and answers - that we are so eager to find from outside - within our inner realms. All guidance, all that shall be revealed to you, comes from within. Therefore, I chose this term because I wanted to emphasize the word ‘self’ as something that does not come from the outside, as is often thought when one reads the word ‘revelation’. There is nothing others can tell you that is true that you do not know first - within - or that you do not - first - have a glimpse of.

    You have been holding the frequency that will allow you to navigate into the timeline you feel will serve your highest Will, during this passage, revelations about where you are going and about what you are already manifesting, are coming, for they are being sent to you, always, you must know where to look, and this is always inside.

    Your current reality, the space in which you inhabit now, will begin to tell you what you have been creating, feeding and/or denying. If you find outcomes that are not aligned with what you wish to birth, then this is an opportunity for you to shift your perspective, re-focus your intention and master how to direct your energy - so you do not continue to manifest unwanted results, but the true ones that your soul planned for you. 

    There are times when people wait and wait for something to come and bring the change they would like to see in their lives, until they are finally governed by outer circumstances, for if we do not so, we will be giving our power to outer forces to do so for ourselves. In this moment is when all manifestations are created by the power we have given to others to enter and manipulate our own reality. Therefore, it is so important we reclaim and command our sacred space as well as sovereignty, and begin to be conscious of what we allow into our life experience. 

    Until you stop searching in other people - or forces - what you think you should do or not, you will not allow the empowered version of yourself to show you the proper direction - where your soul is desiring you to be.

    Light Warriors & Galactic Integrators 

    Within this category, to me, enters all the conscious beings working in the service of the Planet. It does not matter what their lineage is, for the only important thing is the deep and pure intention, to help in this transition. From where we come is unimportant, for it is not what is now, only where we are now that matters, for it is from this standpoint that we create the next moment and what is going to occur in it.

    For all the conscious humans, whether their lineage is from Planet Earth or other civilizations, this is a crucial moment, for us to anchor the fifth dimensional frequency within and therefore in what surrounds us, helping Planet Earth to evolve as well - in our unique way. 

    By the term Galactic Integrators, I try to define the unnamed - the best I can - with our limited human language, I am referring to the Starseed Souls or simply beings who came here from the Illuminated Realms, to assist the Planet. These beings are the ones with specific essences that connect them to certain planes from other dimensions of existence or simply with higher cosmic frequencies that must be integrated within the Planet to be able to help it evolve by simply anchoring their higher frequency, one that is coming from other dimensions of the cosmos, that are meant to raise the frequency of the Planet.

    Only these beings can do that for they were, before descending a part of their soul into the Planet, already prepared and even keep being adjusted once in the physical, so their bodies can sustain such a higher frequency. They are often placed in certain places which are purer, so they are not affected by pollution and so on, for they act as Earth purifiers - as well as healers - and they must be placed where their energy can be nourished instead of diminished, for it facilitates the work they are meant to do here. 

    For both groups, there will be obstacles, and intents from the dark forces to impede us doing our mission. No one can ever do so unless we lower our frequency. Do not dwell in the frequency of fear, it is already done, we are ascending to New Earth, we just need to be strong enough to hold this frequency.

    There is going to be a great light infusion coming during this passage. You are probably already noticing the many physical sensations that come from the conscious integration of these new frequencies. Some of these bodily sensations include:

    • Dizziness and/or vertigo: Occurring when we come back to our bodies after working in the astral, and in other planes of existence, for some of us are already conscious of the many realities in which we also work. This is also coming from the impact that losing density has on us, and the effort our bodies must make to remain stable. Therefore, working on anchoring ourselves is essential to be able to work and function within our physical plane, for it is here where most of our work needs to happen.
    • Oblivion: This happens when we are more conscious of the many aspects of us and of the many timelines we occupy, the number of things we do, in all planes, are not remembered by our - limited - human mind, which tends to mix memories, and which is unable to distinguish the things we think, from the things we do, or even dream. For the mind all is real, so if you find yourself forgetting things or simply think some things that have not occurred yet or that seem real for you but that are not coming from this current timeline of yours, understand the limitation of your human nature to make sense of your eternal essence and of the many things you can be/do at the same time.
    • Pressure in the six and seventh chakras and even the temporary "block" of your ability to receive guidance. This also happens at the beginning of our ascension journey, when we are beginning to constantly release - and adjust again - to a new frequency, or when we experience a deep cleansing and internal shift. Our chakras need to readjust again to the new frequency. Therefore, it may seem you are not able, to receive all the guidance that you used to. 

    Be patient, keep working with all your physical and non-physical bodily aspects of you, at the proper time, when your body is also ready, these channels will return to their natural state and you will be able to descend more Wisdom than ever before, for you are now purer and more open to receive.

    • Cramps in the spine and/or other similar sensations. This occurs often, for the spine is very important and it is one of the main organs in our body to be affected by our process of integration, for it is where our Kundalini essence resides. So, every time we integrate, our spine sends - to the rest of our bodily organs - the signals for them to integrate, and adjust to our new state of being. 
    As I always say, there are infinite sensations and depending on your mission they will vary. I can only share the ones I am guided to and that are more general, but as always, look within, know yourself, you have all the guidance within yourself you need, you do not need anyone to tell you who you are and what you feel or not.

    ET connection 

    I have received a message from my star family to inform the importance that extra-terrestrial contact is having at this transitional time for some of us who came with this soul mission. There are more and more people, in a conscious and healthy way, not in a delusional one, descending more information about their star lineage as well as about their mission and soul contract of working with certain cosmic companions, to assist the Planet.

    The information shall be first received by your main and most important guide of all, your Unified Self. You will clearly feel the deep connection, the sense of unity that this connection brings, it is easy, once you know yourself and make of ascension a natural process and your soul mission and desire, to distinguish it from other voices. After this confirmation, make sure you are not being manipulated by others, your own human delusions, or by negative entities trying to appear as if coming from the light.

    When you can discern about the purity of your connection, the work begins. It may come in different ways, for some it can be physical encounters, for others it can occur when being fully conscious in the astral, as it is in my case, or in your own unique way. All is real, if you are grounded, and do not allow your egoic self to distort this connection and what you receive, for many people fall into their egoic trap and create illusion from this.

    Contact does not have to be physical, all is real, if you are conscious and hold a pure intention. The messages you receive can help you in your path or mission, as happens to me when I do not know how to put certain crystals - to stabilize - or what symbols I should use, between many other things, or it can be meant for you to share the guidance you received.

    Some people, there are many famous cases, are meant to write books, give conferences and so on, to inform people in what is - truly - happening on the Planet - simultaneously opening minds. Other times, the communication is meant to assist in healing yourself or using it to work on helping others heal. You will know what is your case, for no one can tell you this. 

    If your human mind does not hold the proper clarity - yet - about all this, let it be, you will be ready at your own time, there is no rush, this is not a race, you are in a perfect place and space, if you try to force, you will slow your process, if you try to escape, you will create anxiety, if you simply flow with it, allowing what is meant to be for you and your journey, at every moment, you are doing exactly what you are meant to be doing and allowing the Divine Intelligence to work through you. 

    This is a time not to wait miracles from the outside world but to recognise the God Self , the Creator, within and begin to remember that the power to create all the blessings we await from outside forces is only within. The time of relying upon others completely has gone. 

    A new Era of conscious co-creation, authenticity and sovereignty awaits for the ones that are empowered enough to stand tall in their light and truth, for those who are not afraid of showing who they are and especially for those who take full responsibility for the frequency they choose to hold, as well as for everything that they manifest. 

    Within a free will realm, as it always has been and always will be, the choice to keep choosing whether to vibrate in the frequency of fear or love, and hence freedom, is and it always will be, yours to make.

    I wish you all a blessed passage, filled with infinite love and joy, Beloveds!

    In love, light and service ∞

    Natalia Alba