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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta galactic integration. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta galactic integration. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 19 de marzo de 2019

The Equinox and Full Moon in Libra, March 20/21, 2019 ~ Anuhazi Lineage Emergence

If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.

Eckhart Tolle

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

In a month where we are experiencing profound changes and a complete rebirth of both our physical bodies and lives, we are about to welcome the stabilizing frequencies from the Equinox, as the Sun continues to travel around the zodiac, entering into Aries, together with a loving Full Moon at 0 degrees Libra, all happening in the same day, on March 20. During the first week of the month we received unique frequencies to support us in our journey of constant descension and emotional release, for Pisces energies are meant to end both a micro cycle in which self-liberation is pivotal, and a macro one of slavery and attachment to what impedes us to evolve.  

During this second phase of this month, we are going to be blessed with harmonic frequencies, for us to balance the change that we have anchored within and in our physical reality. This new light brings healing, and hence the subsequent balance, in ways we cannot imagine, if we know how to align with it, and if it is meant to occur for our unique soul journey. It is a light that will bring into the surface everything that is not vibrating in the same frequency that the dimensional space in which we dwell now.

At a collective level, they will feel this profound shift as a deep breakthrough, especially for the ones who have chosen to step into this path, for they will begin the process of alchemical mutation, that we all have to pass, if they truly desire to release an old self, and the wounds that are embedded deep within their mental and emotional bodies. 

At a cosmic level, on March 20, we pass now from Dreamy and Intuitive Pisces to the Fiery realm of Aries. We have been working on purifying ourselves as well as our physical bodies while we dwelled in this healing Water sign - fulfilling our soul contracts, releasing emotional wounds and ending a karmic cycle, as we prepare ourselves for a new phase. For it is with Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the Initiator, that we begin to navigate again through the zodiac wheel, by holding now a higher knowledge of ourselves and unique mission.

As the Moon quincunx Uranus, this will be an opportunity for us to make the necessary adjustments for our bodies as well as lives to be fully aligned with the frequency we are currently choosing. This is one of the events said to be a chaotic one. As I always say, energies simply are and it is our responsibility to connect with them, dissolve all human beliefs, in order to see and embrace their true essence, so we can embody and direct them, for our unique purposes. 

Furthermore, we have another important cosmic event, at the Moon time, that will help us becoming creative channels, as we have Mercury sextile Saturn, which is going to help us in expressing ourselves through creative communication - obtaining clarity of thought as well as to ponder about our journey. It is important that we obtain clear insights about our path, through deep communion with our soul, before we impulsively create outcomes that are not going to be aligned with who we are now. This is indeed a Moon that brings cardinal energy, and hence, we are invited to act, but with the proper discernment not to create from a space of mental confusion, and delusion, which is what brings results that are not one with our soul desires. 

This is a Moon that will be emphasized by the Equinox's Light, whose frequencies can bring into the surface many things that our human self have not confronted/unified yet. However, all we experience is another step forward within our evolutionary journey, and even though sometimes it can be challenging, all leads us to our true destiny and potential. 

For the ones who have already passed this phase of deep emotional release and have obtained clarity about where they should bring into fruition next, this will be a very creative passage to commune with our souls, regain ancient memories and as this is a Moon, in which communication, and hence expression, is pivotal, the retrieval of our cosmic lineage and hence, light language, will be something that many will experience, as a sign of the new wisdom integrated with the recent energies.

Remember that outside our universe and the planetary astrological events happening within it, in the macro this new light, from this second harmonic universe, brings the remembrance of our Anuhazi forefathers as well as the wisdom within it. For we are now closer to the Illumined Realms that gave birth to us. 

Cosmic heritage emergence 

As we continue our journey of conscious evolution through this endless galactic spiral, the ones who have chosen to be on this devoted path, will begin to remember more and more their true origin, although this is always One for All, as we all descend from the same Source. At this time many, with the powerful influx from this Equinox and what its light brings, will begin to reconnect with their ancient memories, and language, from their original civilizations, for even tough many of us are cosmic travelers, most of the times, there is a specific essence, which many call home, that resonates more with us.

As you know the first spoken language within our Universe was the Anuhazi language, coming from our feline Lyran ancestors - seeded by the Elohims. A connection I always have very present, but especially at the time of writing this aticle for All. For this was the main essence/message, I was guided to put into it, one of conscious remembrance, love and joy for all we have achieved, mastered, and continue integrating. 

Since we dwell now in a higher dimension, closer, in frequency, to the Illumined Realms, many will begin to reconnect with their original heritage/language, which for the majority is the Anuhazi one or variants of it, bringing deep remembrance of who they truly are. The Anuhazi language is a one that brings great healing, memories of our forefathers, and own experience in this civilization, which was the first one of our Universe.

Astrologically, this cosmic gift is marked by Mercury conjunct Neptune, which is an alignment for us to begin working with how we express ourselves from the micro to the macro. Do we express our feelings with great love, respect, but at the same time power? Or do we speak impulsively, without measuring the impact that our words can have on others? Do we know the power of the spoken word or do we unconsciously use it? 

In the macro, this is going to be about expressing the love we are and feel within in a new and higher way, whether it is through light language or in our unique creative ways, for these events are also ones that will help us align with our creative expression, at all levels. It is up to us to use it to bring chaos and unlove or to bring higher frequencies through whatever it si we are guided to do, that comes from a space of love and compassion towards ourselves and All. 

Light language comes when we have worked on our DNA, when we are mentally stable, which can seem easy, but delusional and magical thinking is very usual within the spiritual community. It is important to understand that one is not better if one speaks light language or sing it, for we all bring an specific mission and it is not about comparing ourselves with others or with what seems glamorous to our egoic self, but about precisely embracing our unique abilities what helps All.

When we are aligned with who we truly are and remain in a state of total connection with our God Self and at peace with our mind and actions, it is that we begin to remember and use this sacred language, to bring healing to ourselves, for sometimes it is just meant to help us, in our path. Others it will be directed to bring healing to All, if we are meant to share certain messages, which possibly cannot be understood, in a human way, but it is more about the frequency and vibration than about consciously understanding it.

The human needs to be constantly understanding or defining things. The soul knows all, feels all and needs nothing of the physical to understand what our human self needs for our earthly path. If we use the sacred sound of light language, in whatever form it comes to you, we will begin to bring back the essence, purity and wisdom of our true self and mission, for once we awake our human minds to these sacred sounds and wisdom, we are finally able to descend the Truth that has been hidden for us, for eons. 

Consciousness travel: Healing parallel timelines 

We are under one of the most important healing passages of this creative year. At this time we are navigating between Piscean and Aries energies, which are frequencies of endings, new beginnings and the subsequent resurrection required to being anew. It is now that we have the gift to dissolve old traumas, wounds and everything that keeps us attached to old realities, in which we were not the person that we have now became. 

During this phase some of you probably have already been feeling the intensification from the Equinox Light. For others, this new frequency coming from the Illumined Realms, will bring the opportunity, and at the same time, human challenge, to test yourself and power, and for this to occur, you will need to create the circumstances that will help you to master yourself.

I have received the importance that at this time working with parallel/future times has. I know many prefer the word past or future, for me, all is parallel, for as you know all is in truth happening at the same time. It is essential that as ascending souls we begin to reconnect with all the past/parallel aspects of ourselves and heal the exact timeline(s), the specific situation(s) that created the present misalignment(s) or outcome(s) that we are experiencing and that is not what we truly desire to manifest, in our current reality.

We all, our Consciousness, are time-space travelers. We do not need to physical bilocate or to do specific rituals, for us to place ourselves in another timeline. We all possess this ability to correct past events, for we all are pure consciousness in motion. As ascending souls, one part of our mission is precisely to re-connect with this Consciousness within, for it is with It that we assist not just in the astral, with the unique mission each and every one of us has, but in many other dimensions.

As ascending souls who are consciously walking on this path, you already know that this path is one of devotion, conscious descension and integrity. We do not simply get what we desire, or shift from one state of being to another by simply saying it or by reading spiritual material. We have to do the work, even if it involves experiencing many challenges by first hand. We have to be the ones who initiate ourselves first into a path of self-mastery and remembrance. 

This is why there will be many who will feel the intensity of this equinox Light as something that was hidden and hence remained unconscious, and that surface now, for them to dissolve it. This does not mean you are not ascending. This means you are given the blessing to master yourself in a physical world, so you can too spread this knowledge with All, by own experience. 

This is a month for us to work on so many things with Piscean energies! For some, it will be about forgiveness, for others about learning how to be compassionate, and for others about healing karmic patterns or timeliness whose consequences are still present in their current reality.

Traveling to other timeliness is done by moving our consciousness, intention, and hence, Essence, to the time where the wound was created. To the moment you suffered abuse, to the moment you treated someone unlovingly, or to any situation of your human life that you desire to rememorize, bring back, and heal, with the higher perspective, and wisdom, you have now.

It can be the moment when you decided to begin using drugs as a way to escape reality. It can be any other thing you used to punish yourself or simply that hurt you deeply and you are still holding this pain within. Go back to where the original wound is, feel it, and see it with new eyes, for you are not the person that made these choices. These choices were made from the state of being you possessed then, when you had another level of consciousness. Now you are a totally different person. 

Visualize yourself in that moment, when you first began to hurt yourself in whatever way you chose, when you first decided that you were not enough or were you, unconsciously hurt another, or made actions that were not aligned with who you have become now, ones whose consequences are still present in this moment. 

It is there that you have to begin the work to dissolve these choices. See yourself in the moment of making this choice and undone it. Imagine yourself pondering about the many choices presented at that time. As you know the consequences these choices will have in a future timeline, speak to your past/parallel self and recreate this past moment - making new choices, creating new timeline and aligning yourself with them, so your present results change.

In the moment you chose to diminish yourself you can know choose again, more wisely, until you create a different choice, not just for your present self, but for the one who is still residing in what we call past timeline. As you proceed with this exercise, you will begin to see the evidence of the dissolution of past choices, not because they have never occurred, but because you have now created another version in which you choose to focus now - brining the personal desired shift you truly wish to experience, into this present timeline.

Everything that we envision in the non-physical, from our dreams to healing ourselves, must be brought into the physical. All the knowledge we read, and/or receive from within, does not serve if we do not apply it to our physical reality. This is why many are not yet manifesting healing, abundance, or any other physical support they need, because between many other things, they are still not grounded and continue to live in the ethereal. 

This is a season, especially with this Equinox and Full Moon's Light for you to remember who you are, the power within and what you can do with it. For some, it will be about remembering this inner power. For others that already remember, it will be about expanding into new horizons - retrieving more wisdom from their God Self. All is equal and perfect for where we are, and need to be.

Release anything that you have been told about who you are. Release old programs that wants you to keep diminishing yourself. Healing, self-empowerment and the retrieval of our sovereignty, can occur, but first we have to release all the old beliefs that tell us that this is not possible, that we are not enough, that we just have to be realistic and that in truth none of this is true.

Fear is a great companion, if we know how to direct this energy, for fear as well as all of our human emotions, is energy. If we use fear to challenge ourselves to go further, to love ourselves more and to prove to ourselves, and no one else, that we are Divine powerful beings capable of unimaginable things, it can serve us to change a life, our bodies and release the undesired timeline in which we do not wish to dwell anymore. 

You greatest gift of all is your capacity for renewal. You are Divine Consciousness dwelling in a human body. Consciousness can undo any misalignment that is not meant to be a part of our human experience and that we have manifested, unconsciously. The power that creates worlds within you is very real. You just have to know how to align with it, for it is You, to bring the desired outcomes, and healing, that you are so eager to manifest, in your present reality.

I wish you all an empowered, blessed and magical Equinox and Full Moon, Beloveds Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 14 de enero de 2019

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo, January 21, 2019 ~ A Gateway to the Cosmic Heart

All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark. 

Swami Vivekananda

Beloved Light Emissaries,  

There has never been a time within our human history in which we have had so much assistance for us to completely disengage from an obsolete and manipulative reality. It is precisely at this time, when our Planet is experiencing a massive awakening that we welcome a very powerful Eclipse at the special 00°51 degrees Leo - the consciousness awakener - that will have a deep impact in the collective, helping them in the process of self-liberation. 

For the ones who have been on this ascension journey for a while, this eclipse brings the perfect frequencies for us to  share our creative essences, expanding into the cosmic creator that we are. To do so, first we need to work on connecting to our true power, which is often confused with the force that the ego exercises, when it desires something. This will be another opportunity for us to activate our hearts, for this is from when true empowerment comes from, and from this loving space dissolve all fears and finally share who we truly are.

As we are all unique and we all are in different phases, within our evolutionary journey, this Eclipse's frequencies will offer us many opportunities for us to work with what specifically we desire to shift. For the ones who are working on trusting their own guidance and sharing with the world who they truly are and their unique gifts, this eclipse will offer them the gift of standing tall in who they are and finally get out of their protective cocoons to shine their unique spark of the Divine.

For the ones who are beginning to walk on this ascension journey, which are many, at this time, this eclipse will be an infused of unconditional love and fierceness, so they can finally regain the courage to be on a path that even though has many blessings also presents many challenges for our growth and expansion.

Finally, for the ones who are already sovereign creators who have already done their inner work to become empowered and integrated beings. This eclipse will offer them the opportunity to become receptive channels and go further in their connection to other galactic companions who are there to show us the way to true self-mastery and unconditional love. As starseed souls and new earth seeds, one of our purposes is to bring information from our Unified Self and/or from other dimensions to assist All - apart from our own growth. 

Sharing guidance received from Light Sources, is pivotal, for our double mission. This is indeed a unique cosmic portal for us to bring information from the Illumined Realms, especially for those who are multidimensional liaisons, cosmic channelers or creative channels, and we all possess this gift, in some way or another, as a part of our Divine Nature. 

Since Leo rules the heart, we will have the opportunity to work with these energies to open and activate our hearts and connect to the cosmic one. This is the first step if we desire to bring change within and in our physical lives, for we cannot do so, if we are not connected to a Higher and Creative Intelligence that offers us the proper balance and clarity for us to create the reality that is aligned with our soul Will. It is precisely from this non-linear/mental/verbal space, and connection to our higher hearts, that we receive all the transmissions, from our God Self/Light Realms, that we are meant to integrate, at this time of our ascension journey

Tools to anchor change during the Leo eclipse

It is said that this is an Eclipse that will bring unexpected change, as it will square Uranus. As you may already know, my view on astrological interpretations differ from traditional meanings, for I prefer to align with these frequencies to interpret their true essence more than base myself on human interpretations which are based on our limited cosmic knowledge. To me, this Eclipse is not about bringing unexpected change, simply because there is no outer force or stellar body that governs our human existence by bringing or not a certain result.

Change is only unexpected when we are not yet acting as conscious and sovereign beings of our own human experience, giving our power to other people or forces to rule our lives. When we are conscious of the path that we created for ourselves, then we are the ones triggering this change - aligning with the frequencies that will serve us to anchor this transformation into the physical.

The main Essence of this powerful Leo Eclipse is one of creativity, higher connection to our heart and healing. However, for this to occur first we need to become receptive to anchor this healing frequency as well as to embody the necessary energies for us to work on bringing the change in both within and in our physical plane, that we are so eager to manifest.

To be able to align ourselves with the frequencies from this eclipse, first we need to feel the essence of this eclipse. Leo is all about self-empowerment and nurturing the individualized aspect of Creation that we are. Leo is a very courageous sign, who loves himself and behaves as the empowered and sovereign being that He is, remembering his true potential and Divine heritage. Leos stand firm in their own beliefs, honoring who they are and truth above All. As Leo also rules the heart, it is an opportunity for us to move beyond our limited sense of the self to find unity with All. 

This is going to be an eclipse for us to empower ourselves and use this Leo energy to choose to begin sharing who we are or if we are already doing so, to expand into new ways of being and doing things. Even for many who have been in this evolutionary path for a while, things are changing, for even though we live outside of the matrix, we also have our fixed ways of doing things, of being and of even sharing, and for many this is a phase to surrender, hold unconditional trust and begin to do things in new ways, even though it can seem scary for the human self.

For this eclipse I have received specific numbers and crystals who will assist us, to align with this fierce and healing essence. As I always say, this is just for our human self to feel aligned by creating a pure and comfortable enviroment for this activation, for as you know, the truth is that we are the only ones who can really anchor this shift by holding a pure intention of our soul desires.

It is not usual that I receive numbers or further guidance to share for All, as we are all unique, and I tend to receive it for myself and own expansion/healing process. However, this time my Unified Self shared certain numbers and crystals for the ones who are guided to align with this Eclipse's and resonate with what I received.

The numbers I have received, which are linked to the crystal grid I will share above, are: 358. At the beginning I did not really know what was this about, until I descended all the rest of the guidance about this passage. Number 3 is related to the heart and the creativity, intuition and Higher Love that resides in it, which is what we can choose to embody, as the embodiment of Divine Love is a never-ending inner work. 

On the other hand, number 5, which represents the male principle, is related to change, for once we receive this creative influx, the subsequent shift follow, if we truly desire. As usual, when I receive certain specific numbers, directions etc. all is connected, for as you know Leo precisely rules the fifth house, one that is related to love, romance, passion, and children. So for those who need to work on the embodiment of some of these essences, this is also a good frequency to work with.

Last number: 8, is the one connected to the infinite love of the cosmic heart as well as to our physical realm - bringing abundance, and the perfect frequency we need to bring our soul desires and visions in our human plane, where we reside and where we can only enjoy our creations and dreams. 

What I have received is a vision of a grid in form of spiral, with specific crystals: one Tetrahedron crystal (clear quart one, if possible) in the center of the spiral. Another variant to place in the center is a vogel crystal or a merkaba one, which represents unity between our inner polarities, for we are creating from a unified space.

Three rose quartzs, surrounding the Tetrahedron, or chosen crystal, in the form of a triangle, if you do not have rose quartz it can also be ruby, pink calcite, and any other one that most resonate with you. Five black spinel crystals, and from here we continue creating the grid giving it the form of a spiral. And if you do not have spinel crystals you can also use cat's eye, tiger's eye, or any similar one. Lastly, eight jaspers (green ones) crystals or you can also use mica, opal, coral, citrine and any other one that you are more guided to work with.

These crystals hold, as I received, the essences of the numbers above as well as the proper frequencies to bring creativity, love, protection and a deeper connection to earth so we can anchor and bring this change into fruition. This was meant to be a general frequency for All. However, feel free to connect and sense the essences from these crystals, for like I said, you may feel more connected to other ones which will help you more in your specific purpose/s. As always, follow your own guidance. 

As I shared, these crystals shall have the form of a spiral and then they can be surrounded by clear quartz crystals to amplify and anchor the frequencies received. Then, set your intention, send it to the grid, sit with it and begin to connect to your Unified Self, Guides Team and Cosmic Heart to receive the healing/revelations and or activations that are meant to be for you at this time.

You can also mix the crystals and interlaced them with small ones, if you desire. Your soul will guide you towards the perfect grid creation for you and your unique purpose. Remember to make your declaration of protection before beginning with your grid, clear your physical and non-physical bodies, as well as sacred space and crystals, asking them to co-create with you (I find the word program a bit harsh) - honoring them as they honor your soul desires.

This is just, like I shared, something we sometimes do to bring illumination, comfort and a sense of peace and higher connection to our human self. We do not need outer tools, even though, or at least for me, it is nice to co-create with crystals, to set our pure intention to align with the cosmos or any other frequency within it, and hence within ourselves too. 

This will also serve for the human self to create an atmosphere of connection and purity before we can quiet our minds so we can enter into the vastness power of visualization and hence imagination, for what we imagine, we create. On my website, If you are guided, I have several declarations of intention to anchor change as well as to protect yourself, if this is the first time you are doing so. However, as I always say, the best one that most resonates will be the one you create for yourself and unique purpose. 

Another way for you to bring change in a specific way, is going to your natal chart and see in what house this eclipse resides, you will have the opportunity to use this Fiery and transformative frequency, as a catalyst for what you wish to shift. For example, if you are Pisces, as I am, this eclipse will reside in your six house, the house related to our physical healthy or well-being. 

Then, you could concentrate, especially at this time, when our physical bodies are experiencing so much change, in what your body needs, is there any toxin that you need to release? Maybe a new diet that you are considering and that will benefit your body or any healing tool you can use to bring balance into yourself. Anything regarding this area will benefit from the eclipse energies.

As conscious co-creators, you will sense in what way these energies feel for you and in what way can you anchor them, for you to trigger the change you desire to bring into yourself and life experience. There are infinite possibilities and you have all of them within. Yours is the choice to decide which one you will give birth. 

Using the eclipse for healing purposes

As you know one benefit from the many frequencies we receive is the opportunity for us to deepen into the healing that we, from an inner perspective, or our bodies, need at this time of our ascension path. For many this eclipse could promote the healing required for them to act as balanced and whole beings. 

Independently of what we all are working at the moment, for we are all unique, and we all have our unique imbalances or simply inner work to do, there are many physical sensations that if not already this eclipse could show us, as an opportunity for us to dissolve these blockages, so we can align with the eclipse by being purified and holding more strength.

Some of the many things we can work at this time, using the healing frequencies from this eclipse are:
  • Healing parasitic relationships
  • Heart-mind healing/balance
  • Multidimensional Healing
  • DNA re-calibration
  • Polarity integration
  • Healing miasmatic ties (these ones are self-created ties that must be dissolved after ending any type of relationship). 
As Leo rules our heart, and spine mainly, for many who are yet not expressing their feelings, for fear of what others may think or say or simply because they do not wish to hurt anyone, this can be a reason for them to have physical sensations, in their throat and/or heart area, as an indicator of what they need to release. 

Others, who are also beginning to step into this journey, wanting to create their own jobs, but that do not hold yet the proper guidance to know what exactly they desire to bring forth, this could also trigger many symptoms, as a reminder of where their physical blockages remain, so they can heal them, never as a punishment, but as a way to disband what is impeding them to obtain more clarity about their new path. 

Physical sensations, and as I always say, they are so only if we are sure there is no medical condition behind them, are there not as a curse or punishment for having chosen this path, but as a way of showing us where we should bring harmony, healing or simply releasement. Ascension, as any other path that involves growth, is not a path free of challenges, for without these opportunities there is never a chance for us to evolve.

On another hand, this eclipse will also serve for those who are working on bringing masculine balance to themselves. As ascending souls the common work on polarity integration is something that I often see when I co-create with others ascending souls, for this is something that we all must master, so we can be able to graduate from this dense plane and fully anchor ourselves within a new dimensional space.

Our masculine essence is very connected to Leo, which has masculine and hence fixed essence. This is also connected to the Sun, the one who is the main Fountain of healing for many souls connected with it. The masculine is the one that manifests in the physical, and that protects the creation that the feminine first nurtures from within.

If we have it unbalanced then we could not be able to manifest stable and desired outcomes in the physical. This is why is so important to work on the healing and harmonization of both inner essences or polarities. With this eclipse, we will have the gift to also work on the aspect of us who is empowered, sovereign and who is strong enough to overcome any challenges.

This is also a cosmic gift for those who have excess of masculine essence, for when it occurs we tend to show the distorted version of the empowered masculine such as violence, whether verbal or physical, egoic behaviours, excess of power etc. This is what happens when there is an aspect of us that is more nourished than the other, making us fall into egoic traps and limited beliefs, which is something that this eclipse will also help us deal with, due to the square Mercury makes to Uranus, helping us deal with not only limited beliefs but with impulsiveness and communicative issues in general.

Finally, for the ones who have done their inner work and feel they are ready to simply co-create with these galactic frequencies in bringing new healing modalities. This is a great Fountain of Wisdom regarding healing and as you know there are many cosmic companions willing to teach us many ancient healing tools to assist the ones who are healers, or simply others techniques that we already know but need to remember, for as you know once we become human, it is all about working on bringing all this ancient memories into our physical self. 

Beloved Ones, 

At this precious moment of our ascension journey, we have the gift to further activate our hearts, which is done by first forgiving both ourselves and others. This is the first step towards self-liberation and the creation of the change we desire to bring into ourselves, and physical lives. When there is no love for All, there cannot be a higher connection, as we are so eager to have with the Forces of Light that will only aligned with that which is pure and unconditional, in essence.

There is no excuse, or fake cover to lie to these Forces, for we are deeply felt by this Wise Universe and where there is unlove, ego and lower energies, these Forces are immediately repel, by our own selves. In the moment we decide to open our hearts to all - what we think damages us, to what empowers us and to what we love - is the moment we begin to open the walls we built based on egoic interpretations. In that moment is when our connection to All That Is and has ever existed,  begins, not because it was forbidden in this human plane, but because we did not recognize this equal and unconditional love for All.

This Eclipse is not the only gift for us to connect with this Cosmic Fountain of Love. We all have infinite opportunities in our daily busy lives to take a moment, live it, and abide in this One Consciousness, to feel what being humble and equal feels like. Where there is no polarities and where there is nothing that can ever be hidden to us, for in this moment we have left behind all definitions of who we are, all limited beliefs and all the veils that cover the Truth of our true nature, as Divine Beings.

Are you willing to take this Now moment to remember your uniqueness and shine it? Are you ready to leave all it takes for you to align with this One Consciousness? Are you ready to share your creative essences with All? Or will you continue to create the unnecessary excuses for you not to align with the Source of who you truly are? As always, the choice to begin walking a free and sovereign path of unconditional love is yours. Whatever you decide,  and on the contrary of what your fears may be telling you, there is no outer force judging you, for Love is All That Is. 

In love, light and in loving co-creation,

Natalia Alba 

martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

The Energies of June 2018 - Cellular Healing & Galactic Integration

“Your power ends where your fear begins.” 

 Barbara Marciniak

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

In this new energetic month of June, personal power, will be one of the main themes, for in this phase of our ascension journey, we will be challenged to work with our personal life force, learning how to be confident, and how to direct our creational force into something that will help us to expand in the physical. It is the time for the masculine to manifest, not just material results but the anchoring of the new level of consciousness we are integrating, for ascension can only occur when we descend the concept of it into the tangible world we reside and where we truly can create the proper transformation required for us to evolve. 

This is a very special month, especially during the first two weeks, for the energies of June begins to build with a galactic align Full Moon at 8 degrees Sagittarius, on May 29, whose connection to the Fixed Star Antares, will create a cosmic portal, for us to anchor, in the physical, the stellar transmissions received, for this star - as its red nature reminds us - is also connected to the power of Earth, to the power of Fire, which represents our personal power and how we direct it. 

The creative, abundant and hopeful frequency of this new month is also confirmed by a Grand Trine between Jupiter, Neptune and Venus - a mystical combination that will help us expand our higher senses and connect to the depths of our being, bringing our soul creations into the tangible. The other confirmation of the essence of this month is its Universal number 8 - 17 reduced - for it shows us the subsequent outcome of consciously creating our desires, which is abundance and the bliss that comes when we finally master how to work with energy and bring into fruition what we need for our human journey, which is not always material things, it can also be the healing and the soothing frequency required for us to remain in our natural state of bliss and peace.

Number 17 is represented in tarot by one of the most positive cards, the Star. This is a card of faith, of hope and of calmness after the storm. A card of creativity, inspiration and a higher connection to the cosmos, which is also another important aspect of this month for its Antarean connection, one that comes with the Full Moon in Sagittarius and whose frequency will remain with us for a while.

On the other hand, number 8, is also represented by the fiery tarot card of strength – a woman holding between her hands the jaws of a Lion (sun) – representing the physical strength that can only come through the power of love, wisdom and balance, cultivated within. This is the perfect representation for the Wise Goddess of Love embracing fiery Leo, calming his wildness with her loving essence. 

The message is that all can be done through the power of love, all can be shifted and dissolved when our human self finally surrenders to a Higher Power that is within All things and beings, and lets it lead the way instead of forcing/moulding our reality with our egoic self who can only envision a small and limited view of what is truly happening. 

This is also a number that represents the infinite, for all is infinite in nature, and the only limitations are the ones created by our human minds, as it is the illusion of lack, coming from being immersed in a lower state of fear and separation. This is an opportunity for us to move inward and see where we still live in lack, where we still think that human resources are limited and can only come from the outside. For it is there where we begin limiting ourselves, by creating this same old story and by allowing its manifestation, in the physical. 

As always, abundance is another form of love, one that has to come from the love and respect you feel for yourself. If you do not feel worthy, if you do not feel you can create, all you need, by yourself, then, you will continue to experience lack. For when you love yourself, as another physical aspect of God, and when you value what you have to offer as well as you value others, the reality will respond with the same abundant and loving frequency you gave. 

Antarean connection 

We end May, a month of conscious creation, in the physical, that helped us to master our power and how we use it, with a revealing and hence, liberating Full Moon at 8 degrees Sagittarius. This is a Moon who joins fixed star Antares, alpha Scorpii, one of the so-called Royal stars, others are: Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut. For they are considered the Guardians of the Heavens, as they are the ones who mark seasonal changes.

As we also have the Sun with fixed star Aldebaran, alpha Tauri, we will experience this cosmic portal with more intensity. These two Stars are opposite each other. However, even if their nature is different, they work as One. This is an example of how different poles can work in unison for a Higher Purpose, complementing each other to create the proper balance necessary within Creation.

This Moon is a very important one for the ones connected to this Star as well as for the ones who work on the conscious connection with these fifth and seventh dimensional beings that help many humans to understand their reality as well as to help us master ours. I know this star has both an astrological meaning and a mythological one. However, I will simply share the meaning behind all these human definitions as well as the guidance received. 

The nature of this star is said to be like the one from Mars, because of its red, fire nature. As I feel it, the Essence of Antares is one of courageousness, creativity, and a deep connection to the Divine, for this civilization is a highly evolved one connected to their hearts and always acting from an authentic and loving space. This portal with the Full Moon and Antares, will provide us with a tremendous influx of inspiration - and the energy required - for us to channel this creative frequency into something that will benefit our journey. 

This is not just some portal created in the heavens, it is something occurring here in our Planet too, as gridworkers will know, for Antares as well as Aldelbaran are connected to certain places of our Planetary network as well as with specific countries, as it is in the center of UK, connected, through the so called Dragon Lines, to the 7D timelines that many are beginning to work with, for working with Earth grids involves being constantly open to learn about coordinates, and all connecting points where we can have access to the higher codes required to descend this frequency into our Planet. 

This is also a wonderful alignment for those who are ready to connect with this civilization for these highly evolved beings assist humans to create beauty, to expand themselves, and to connect to their true essence. They are bringers of beauty and are connected to the ebbs and flows of the cosmos, so for the artists this will be another fountain of creativity and inspiration. 

Antares's frequency is wondrous for those who are working on connecting to the power, and fire of their hearts, opening and committing to live from this same loving and compassionate space, creating beauty and expanding into new horizons. This civilization can assist us to bring harmony, balance and the manifestations that are aligned with our hearts. 


At this time of integration and deeper communion with our God Self and other galactic beings that we co-create with, in this evolutionary path of reconnection with our True Self and hence, God, it is vital that we begin to rely on the best source of all sources, our Unified or God Self, for there are many who instead of finding confirmation and /or the joy of co-creating with others, are still seeking answers from the outside which especially with highly evolved beings will not work, if it is not coming from a pure space of conscious co-creation, for highly evolved beings will not fall into our human egoic traps, which is why fake information or propaganda begins to spread, because one must first discern for himself/herself as well as finding the ones who have finally dissolved - all required - to receive such high-level guidance. 

For the ascending souls that consciously have chosen to be on this evolutionary path, self-sourcing, or the ability to descend guidance from their Unified Selves and/or their personal guidance team, is pivotal. A lot of people think that just being spiritual is enough, which to me, makes no sense, for we all come from Spirit, to begin with. It is not the same to be in a spiritual journey than to step into an ascension path, for the first, it tends to begin searching outside, rather than from within, which is one of the most important things on the ascension path - to have finally created a direct link, with our God Self, rather than keep searching in the lost places and from others - imagining that this will finally enlighten us.

The deep communion that makes the process of self-sourcing possible is not only done by moving inward and wanting to establish this connection but by the conscious dissolution of all the patterns, fears, and doubts that impede us to connect with what is already a part of us. This process or opening comes when we master the egoic self, release old patterns, work on our DNA as well as in the proper deprogramming of all the 3D and non-human manipulation that we have suffered - for eons - and one of the main causes why many are not yet able to awake to their true potential.

When we finally end with this basic healing process, then self-worth and respect, which must never be confused with narcissism, should be our next step. There are many who still see their God Self as someone or something separated from them, for they are not worthy of being One with this Infinite Source of Love and Wisdom, hence, they block this natural connection that we all possess.

The two stages above are the most important ones for us to begin opening our human channel and connect with our higher aspects. Following these first phases, then there must be surrendering from service to the self, to All, or if we do not leave separation, our deep sense of judgement and polarization, we are only lying to ourselves, never to our God Self, and this deep communion can only be done when one holds a pure intention to be of service, to work not for the self but for All, for one begins to have a glimpse, a diminutive vision of what unconditional love and compassion is, as well as the feeling that one does not truly desire to follow an ego but that one  only wants what our God Will desires, or we are already One with Source. 

When one begins to walk this path of assistance, one does not need, one gives, one does not only love what one considers of a high vibration, for one remembers the true nature of All. One does not beg love or depends on others, for one has already found this Infinite Abundant Fountain within. One never feels as if the other completes us, for we have already found all the love we tend to search in others, within. One walks in freedom, in joy, in complete trust and surrender and in love with All, without separation. And when this happens, all that seemed impossible, such as God speaking to you, begins to occur.

Cellular healing 

As many of you have already experienced, since May, although there is never a fixed time, for each of us are unique, we are passing through a profound healing/cleansing or reset, of our body cells. It all depends where you are in your journey and what your body needs. For some, it will be healing, for others it will be about rejuvenating the proper purification - required - to continue with our process of light integration.

Our body cells are the micro within us, we are their Higher Self, so to speak, and during this integration process, we are the only ones who can bring healing to them, for others can only assist, but our body cells will only respond to us, for we are in charge and the only ones with the power, to bring transformation to our bodies.

It is essential that we are aware that ascension - or the transformation that we are experiencing into crystalline beings - is not occurring without our conscious participation. It is not something that comes from the frequencies we are receiving, and we simplymust be. We command, direct and balance these higher codes, taking them to dissolve our body blockages, speaking to our bodies, telling them where they need to release and anchor these codes, and speak to them as conscious micro-organisms.

When we focus on others healing us, when we do not feel talking to our bodies - then healing cannot occur for what we are doing is giving our power to others, so others do as they wish with ourselves, and when this happens, we stop directing our lives, and allow others to reign. This passage is about power, about the need for us to be fully conscious of where we put our inner force and how we become one with this Infinite Fountain of Healing and Love, that dwells within us.

As we are also receiving many frequencies from our Sun, we need to understand how the different frequencies are meant to operatewithin our bodies - if we choose to integrate them. The frequencies emitted by our Sun are meant to dissolve what no longer servesand to help us purify ourselves in becoming empowered beings. They help us work with our light-body as well as working with our DNA, bringing release of old patterns and activating, again, our true Adamic DNA strands. 

On the other hand, the stellar frequencies received from other star portals, as in the one experienced with the Antarean portal - at the Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 29 - are meant for us to open our higher chakras, to receive cosmic wisdom and for us to consciously co-create with our star team - or other beings/forms of consciousness - that by soul contract - because they belong toour direct soul family or simply by mere resonance are willing to show us more - of the little we know - within this vast and infinite Universe.

Being aware of how these different frequencies are felt and connecting to them - to find their true purpose - is vital for us to know what we are integrating and directing - in the best way they can serve us - and not just receiving them as simple codes, meant to work by themselves. 

To be able to integrate - these higher frequencies - there is some inner work to do before this cellular healing process can proceed.Some of the things to work with so the process of bodily transformation will succeed are: Polarity integration, working on genetic karmic lineage, clear unresolved trauma, debris, and working on DNA reconnection, at the same time we release from our body cells. 

There are many physical sensations that come when we are consciously working on the integration of this new level of consciousness as well as with our light-body. If not medical issues, some of them are:
  • Nervous system symptoms.
  • Neurological ones: Ears noises (ringing etc), dizziness, headaches, shivers etc.
  • Seventh and eight chakra sensations: due to the amount of new guidance that is there for us to descend and anchor.
  • Spinal cramps.
As always, we are all unique and only by knowing ourselves, can we discern what our bodies are telling us. When we are challenged by these physical sensations, the best is to come back to the zero-point - state of being - which is always one of perfect balance and unity with All and to always be compassionate with ourselves and help our bodily transformation - process - as consciously, and aslovingly, as we possibly can.

Planetary alignments

This new energetic month of June begins, for as you already know, beginnings and endings are intertwined, with the Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 29, whose frequency opens the passage that will be experienced for the month of June. This month is also focused on the physical, for this second part of the year is for the masculine to make tangible what the feminine once created. However, this is also a month to descend - and ground - within our body, all the frequencies we are receiving from the Illumined Realms - that need to be anchored. 

As a confirmation of the creative, abundant and expansive energies that June brings, this month, in numerology, is a Universal 8 - 17 reduced - number. We have a message of creativity, boundless resources and expansion within this transitional phase. For this is what we - as souls - are experiencing, an endless expansion towards the reunification with All That Is. 

The frequency coming from the infinite magical number 8 gives us the courage to give birth to our inner worlds and to anchor them in the physical. This month will show us where we create plenitude and where there is absence. It is an opportunity to create synthesis instead of separation and to bring love, and empowerment, to all aspects of ourselves and physical life, to manifest a prosperous reality. 

There are many who are still living in lack, not knowing why they do not have more abundance. As I always say, if you desire more abundance in your life, in any possible form, but you are not loving, respecting and honouring who you are and what you do enough, then you will not be able to surround yourself with the abundance that you already are, because you are the first one not recognizing it. 

Observe where you create limitations. All limitations come from our human minds. Witness when you have a strong soul desire to make tangible and your lower self tells you that you have not enough, for abundance is infinite as well as the nature of your essence. Every time you lower yourself, every time you tell yourself something is not possible, you are creating more lack. 

Every time you stand tall and walk on this Earth in deep communion with the Divine within you, knowing you always have all you need, loving everything that you are meant to experience, without any judgements, you are loving, and hence, you are creating abundance. The choice of what you need to experience at this moment, is always yours. 

At a planetary level, we begin this new month with no important planetary alignments, for during the first weeks the Full Moon in Sagittarius as well as other cosmic frequencies will still accompany us, until late on June 12 with Mercury entering Cancer. In the next day, we will also welcome a New Moon at 22 degrees Gemini. This Moon has no major planetary alignments but instead it is influenced by eight fixed stars. 

This Gemini New Moon will be a huge fountain of energy, joy and magic, bringing initiative for those who are ready to embark into new projects. This will be a very galactic Moon as well for its connection to Orion’s Belt as well as the many other stars it harmonizes with. This is one of the many signs that our Planet is finally, as it was in the beginning, a galactic one, beginning to align with the cosmos, a connection that was once cut, by the many negative forces. 

On June 16, we have another semi-square between Uranus and Neptune. This is an embrace between the masculine essence of Uranus and the feminine one of Neptune, reminding us the importance of creating synthesis between both polarities. Uranus is an awakener, and as such it will awake the feminine within all of us, propitiating the coming of the lost feminine essence on our Planet, something that is already occurring, and as Uranus is in Taurus it is going to bring deep transformation in the Planet, where change is very needed. 

On June 18, we have two important cosmic events. On one hand, we have, Neptune, the Planet of Illusion and Intuition, turning retrograde in Pisces, and on the other we have Saturn quincunx True Node. With Neptune retrograde, we have the opportunity, among the earthly energies from this month, to navigate between our inner realms, bringing to the surface what was hidden and unknown, and that needs to be healed. 

We may fall into delusional feelings as this Planet does not guarantee us being saved when we choose to dive deep into its Waters, which represents our unconscious, our dreams and soul visions, and everything we would like to manifest - and enjoy - in the physical but that sometimes our lower self can only dream about. This is an opportunity for us to use our power to break free from all the illusions of victimisation - that our human self creates. It is a time for us to sink into the depths of our being, recognising illusion and surfacing with a greater clarity of authenticity.

It is a perfect moment to clear our emotional body of the old and discern if our feelings are coming from a higher place of love, compassion and integrity - towards the self and others - or if we are still basing our desires on primary and egoic emotions that neither serve us or/and the Whole. On the other hand, Neptunian energies also give us creativity and the gift to expand our intuitive abilities, communing with our Unified Self, to retrieve ancient memories buried deep within our DNA and that are ready to see the light, again.

The other important event is Saturn quincunx True Node. Saturn the so called Planet of Karma, which I prefer to rename as the Planet of Responsibility, inconjunct to True Node, which is all about your true soul mission, your destiny, what is yet to come, is asking us to move out of our comfort zone and if we really desire to step into a new path, to leave behind all fears, doubts and everything that is impeding us to evolve and expand into new horizons, that may not be known but that is what we are meant to experience next in our human journey. This is call for all who are procrastinating to stand tall in who they really are, doing what they know they came here to do and be. 

On June 21, the Sun enters in loving Cancer together with Mercury. Simultaneously, we will also welcome the Summer Solstice for those who live in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice for those residing in the Southern one. The Solstice waves can cause a huge impact in our inner being and physical vehicles, as it is helping us in purifying more layers of our old self, as we continue to embrace a Higher form of existence. This Year, the Solstice, will help us in our conscious journey towards this new dimensional passage, and its potent frequency will be accompanying us for the rest of the summer. 

On June 26 Mars will turn retrograde. As you may already know, I do not believe in retrogrades for they are an illusion from Earth. I do not resonate with the traditional meaning of retrogrades doing anything to us, for this is the limited, in my humble opinion, meaning that has been given to them, from a human perspective.  They are a living organism in themselves and to me Mars in "retrograde" it is not telling us we should not act or initiate something new. 

On the contrary, it is asking us to begin doing it from within and to ask ourselves in what are we going to use our power? Are we going to create something that empowered us or that gives our power to others? It is all about learning how to direct our inner power and choose whether we desire to give it away or to use it to become sovereign beings. If we say we are ascending and yet we still believe these Planets in slow motion, so to say, can cause challenges into our human experience etc. then we continue to give our power away to outer forces that are not there to rule our human existence, for no one else but ourselves has this power.

We end this powerful month with a Full Moon at 6 degrees Capricorn on June 28. This is a Moon highly influenced by Saturn, its ruling Planet, and hence, focuses on self-discipline and responsibility. This is asking you where you still restrict yourself or where you set no limits and need more discipline. Are you too practical? Or are you living in the ethereal without taking responsibility for the physical world and your actions? As always, balance is the key, and if we do not create harmony in our earthly plane, then the ethereal by itself will not sustain and nurture us. Both planes are equal and essential for us to experience a balance and an abundant physical experience.

In a month whose focus is about power, our main aim shall not be in what is happening outside, in the stars, in others, but within us, where all is constantly shifting and from where all the physical worlds we see emerge. Power has nothing to do with oppression, with monetary status, with luck or with any other 3D fake premise.

Power comes from loving, respect and honouring, always, oneself, knowing that by doing so we are loving the Divine Presence within. Power is our most precious treasure, for it is our life force, our energy and conscious intention. Where we put our attention, we are starting an exchange, a co-creation with someone or something, for co-creation is the nature of all that exists, therefore, we must use our power wisely, knowing the external does not rule our lives if we do not give it this power.

If you desire to become a sovereign being, stop fearing your true magnificence, for all that scares you is your power and what you could do with it. If you begin to move away from all that disempowers you, soon, you will realize that all begins to change. In the moment you choose to honour who you are and what you are here to offer, with unconditional love to All, in this same moment, your entire existence changes, and you pass from a state of confusion and manipulation, to a free, empowered one.

All begins to change when you begin to release your own frequency, nurture yourself from it, for you need no one else to feed you. For when this occurs, you will be no longer obtain sustainability from external situations or people, for now you are your own empowered source of all you ever need, living not in dependency but in conscious co-creation with all that exists. 

I wish you all an empowered and blessed June, Beloveds!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba