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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta feminine healing. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta feminine healing. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 19 de julio de 2020

New Moon in Cancer, July 20th, 2020 ~ Conscious Release

Beloved Ones, 

We are about to welcome the second New Moon at 28 degrees Cancer, which is very rare and continues the feminine energies that are assisting many of us to heal the wounded feminine. This is a Moon to finally reclaim our feminine power and the many abilities that during eons have been literally suppressed, especially energetically, by precisely the creation of a satellite - the Moon - whose influence was meant to distort the many planetary Grids and structures  on Earth. 

It is with the present energies, including this second Moon, and the pure essence behind it in unison with the many other galactic energies that are being poured to us, that we finally are able to release the wounded feminine and begin to embrace both the masculine and the feminine in its authentic version, and with the equality that they were meant to have, since the very the beginning. 

At a healing level, the essence of the cosmic events happening during this Moon, will also be of great assistance, for those who are willing to work with this nurturing frequency. As I always say, Cancer is the Mother - one of the most intuitive signs of all the zodiac who lives in the realms of emotions and a higher form of love -  represents the female principle of creation, the feminine aspect of us that gives birth, heals and nurtures everything it touches. So, for those experiencing some challenges in their path, regarding self-love, nourishment issues and/or in their relationships, this will be a very powerful energy to do the inner work required to dissolve what is not aligned with our Soul true desires and relationships. 

At a cosmic level, the Cancer Moon opposite Saturn, which is often seen as the karmic planet. To me, it is the essence that helps you creating the structures and order in the aspects of ourselves and lives that need balance and strong foundations. As the Sun conjunct the Moon, we have a boost of energy for us to embody more power and direct it towards the building of the pillars of our new lives. 

It is important that in order to get a better picture of the authentic essence of any planetary body, we first commune with their essence, in the best way that we can. Otherwise, we will continue feeding the old human delusions and fake interpretations of astrology or mythology.

Conscious release 

This is a very emotional phase, as we have many energies working together to assist us in the process of conscious release. In my personal experience, I do not remember a Moon so emotional as the previous Cancer Moon and now this one. For me, it has been quite an experience of deep appreciation, releasement through tears, and above all integration.

Tears are meant to allow the body to release any unexpressed or hidden emotion that have been living deep within our bodies, for a lot of time and that the body now needs to release. If we do not release it, then this certain emotion, depending on the type of wound or trauma experienced, began a process of crystallization, becoming part of our bodies, in a non-natural way, and hence, it is was causes the process of diseases and mental/emotional imbalances. 

It is pivotal that even though we many not understand why we are feeling so emotional, we allow ourselves to breathe, cry, feel, and release in the unique way that our bodies choose to do so. Or we may fall into patterns of unconsciously modifying our DNA with negative programs that we have created by ourselves, and many other distorted commands, that we give to our cells by suppressing certain emotions. 

This is a very important period for the ones who are working with familiar/genetic mutations, to release and program themselves again, genetically. As you know, we have been modified in many ways and these energies are perfect for us to dissolve the mutations that genetically we have had due to the many human experiments made throughout our human history. This is something that has been recently done through vaccines and in many other ways, some they cover by telling us that it is done to protect us. However, it is another intent to genetically manipulate us. As always, take what resonates with your own guidance. 

This New Moon is going to help us all in the conscious embrace of all the wounds that the repressed feminine has created for years in many of us. Eons of not being allowed to express who we truly were, eons of suppression of our inner gifts, as the feminine envisions what the lower forces do not desire to see, for they dwell in darkness. 

Indeed, many carry within many wounds and traumas from other lifetimes, other times in when expressing our hearts and abilities were not allowed, as it is our power what these lower forces most fear. Now, many of us have come back to finally shine our inner wisdom, and authentic power, for it is now that we have also healed the distorted masculine, and it is now ready to embrace the feminine and protect it, in all its power and beauty.

It is our conscious desire to transcend an old reality of patriarchal domination and unlove. It is our conscious will, at every single moment, to stand tall in who we are, in our uniqueness and begin allowing more of our Light to illuminate others, as they also leave their fear to embrace their power.

We may not always conquer all we wish, but if we just be who we are, and step into the path that our soul guides us, we will be helping to transform an old society that have been deeply inflicted with pain and fear, into a loving and peaceful one.

As starseed and earth seeds, our main mission is not to fight, convince others or interfere, for we cannot avoid others to experience their unique path to enlightenment. Our unique task when chosen to incarnate into this plane, is to love, All, as equal, not just what resonates, as we now remember that All is part of the Divine, playing an important role within Creation, and above all, within this dual plane, as it is the only one that reminds us what light and love truly is, as this is the main aim of the dark.

I have infused this article with great love and light language using my light tools. For I was deeply guided to do so. As my Unified Self shared there are times when the frequency, and Essence, that one transmits is more important, and more necessary, that words. So, I hope it can be felt and appreciated, where needed, Beloved Ones. 

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

martes, 2 de junio de 2020

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, June 5, 2020 ~ Moving Towards the Light

You once told me you wanted to find yourself in the world, and I told you to first apply within, to discover the world within you. You once told me you wanted to save the world from all its wars, and I told you to first save yourself from the world, and all the wars you put yourself through.

Apply within by Suzy Kassem

Beloved Light Emissaries,

In this new phase of our journey, we begin to welcome a series of three eclipses, being the first one in Sagittarius, a sign that indicates resurrection, revelation of the Truth, and hence the light and new beginnings that emerge when we begin to live authentically, and above all, in a fearless state of being. It is with this lunar eclipse at 15 degrees Sagittarius that we begin to move from darkness to the other side that we also came here to experience, the light. For we are now aware of all that is not real and that shall be removed. 

These series of eclipses are going to support us into the profound transformation in consciousness that many are experiencing and that begins by dissolving all the old and step into a new reality in which creating the strong pillars that will support it, is pivotal, if we desire to create a stable life.

It is with this sign that we begin to burn the old, realize the many delusions, lies and programs that have been both put into our minds and self-created, when we dwelt into a lower state of consciousness, and begin to step into a more conscious ways of living. In this stage, we pass from being dormant to be totally awake, beginning to see our true potential, and the subsequent restoration of our true essence that comes with it. 

We are in a moment of our human history where nothing that is not in harmony with the Planet and the new dimensional space it occupies now, will survive. It is therefore a time for us to choose in which timeline we desire to dwell, and contribute so this new timeline that humanity is choosing and that is based now on love and a higher way of living, can be supported. Many will begin to notice what is not in alignment with their truth, what is not real, and will move into this new space. Our mission, as star and earth seeds, is to help them uncovering this veil of illusion, so they can too spread their wings, as we did once. 

It is a time for lifting the veil of illusion that many still carry due to old fears. Humanity is finally awakening, massively, and it is our task to support this shift, not by interfering, but by consciously being in our higher hearts, recognizing the illusion, fomenting love above any other form of fear, and even though inhabiting in a human body, within a human mind that may make us from time to time to fall into old patterns, remembering that we are humble sovereign free beings, with the right to live a free human life, yes, but also with the responsibility to share and help, as we once compromised ourselves to do. 

Sagittarians show perseverance in what they truly desire, and we are not just seeing this influence in certain individuals that are born under this sign but also globally, for there are many who have awoken to the truth and have realized that they no longer desire to live in a controlled world of abuse and lies. 

As Sagittarians, we too now are conscious of the importance that enjoying the journey has, more than getting to the “final destination” as we are grateful for all the "lessons" learnt in the path itself, knowing that in truth, there is never a final purpose or destination, for we are forever evolving and becoming anew, within the infinite realms of Creation. 

From a cosmic perspective, the eclipse square Mars, and opposite Venus. This is what we are already experience since a few months ago, the inner battle of many in choosing whether to remain in a loving space or whether to continue fighting the system, or as it occurs to others, remaining in the frequency of fear, feeding the matrix and perpetuating the existence of it, in a way. 

With Venus, and for those who resonate with it being retrograde, we are going to have the opportunity to realize if we love and honor ourselves, not the egoic aspect of who we are, but the Divine One, that desires to manifest through us, and if the lack of purpose, direction and abundance, that we many be experiencing is not precisely happening due to this self-created limitation that under a lower consciousness, we imposed to ourselves. 

Now, we have grown in wisdom, realize many delusions and cleared many of them. Now, it is the time to begin a process of deprogramming, in which, we finally see the truth of who we are - sovereign beings living a human experience for the purpose of co-creation, and above all, assistance to others. 

On the other hand, with Mars, we are going to have the opportunity to learn how to conduit this force from the Warrior. As you know Mars represents the aspect within us that has to do with power and strength, how we direct this power makes all the different, for we can use this energy that simply Is towards building something loving, or towards the creation of resentment, anger and hate.

For some the energies from this eclipse, will encourage them to speak their hearts and hence personal truth, like never before. For others, it will be about becoming aware that they still have anger and distorted emotions within that need to be healed and channel properly, for all is in reality energy, pure emotion, directed towards healing or towards personal destruction. Once we know how to channel the pain we feel and how to directly get into the wound and treat it, there is no hidden repressed emotions that hurt us, for we have learnt how to treat them in time and let them go.

This is an opportunity to heal what is hidden and all painful emotions that impede us to continue our journey without feeling guilty, trapped in a space we no longer desire to be, and above all, denying the love that we are to ourselves due to egoic illusions. We are in one of the most busiest months, in terms of astrological events, of all the year, and it is one full of gifts, if we know how to align with these energies, to create freedom, and embrace higher levels of love, which never ends.

Galactic Center codes: Divine feminine integration

We are in a very important galactic passage during not just this eclipse but the following months. We are about to welcome a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, and this is very important as the galactic center dwells in it, together with another eclipse in Cancer, followed by a third one in Capricorn, which will helps us anchor all we have first descended from the Illumined Essence of who we are, as well as from the invisible realms.

This comes at a time when we also are going to be poured with the sun codes coming from the Solstice on June 20, which is going to be a massive influx that will put us in integration mode for at least three months. These energies from all these cosmic events at that time are meant to help us awaken/expand, depending on where you are in your ascension journey, the Mother/feminine codes that we all have within and that due to the patriarchal manipulation, and other karmic patterns, many have not yet activated.

This is a perfect time for us to work on the fallen mother/feminine aspects of us that have dwelt in pain for eons and that have to do with traumatic experiences that we have passed whether in this or any other lifetimes that we have experienced, as infinite beings, and that are yet within us, waiting to be embraced and healed. 

There are many who have suffered from feminine repression. As conscious beings who are willing to heal all the distortions that we still have within our physical, and non-physical bodies, it is our responsibility to take the proper time to do our inner work. This is a time to begin healing the sexual misery programs that have been forced upon us during eons and that have fomented the distortion of the feminine for many years.

We can know reclaim our sexual-feminine energy, the one who nurtures, births from within and loves All equally, and begin to retrieve the pure and Divine meaning of the feminine and what this energy truly is about. This is why there are many who are experiencing a profound inner crisis regarding their feminine wounds, for once we awake, a healing crisis will occur, as a sign of the shift that our body is experiencing at all levels. 

It is in the feminine wisdom that lies within all of us that our ancient memories reside. It is now the time in which we can work on reclaiming these gifts that the feminine holds within, by consciously integrating these galactic codes, which are precisely Divine Wisdom in form of liquid light, descending to us to embodied them and direct them towards the proper development of our unique abilities, and begin to shine our true gifts.

Working on activating this past wisdom is essential, if we desire to move from separation towards unity. When we realize that our soul is not divided and that the many selves that are living different experiences right now, in other dimensions, we call past, present and future, are also a part of us, just dwelling in different bodies, we understand that beyond our human sense of separation, the soul does not possess this perception, for it holds together all the experiences of who we have been, are and will be.

The same goes for all the wisdom that we carry within from all the parallel selves of us. We are not separated from the wisdom we once achieved. We can all reclaim it and begin to unify all we have already learnt by calling upon our Unified Self, Guides and ask that all the knowledge we already hold, and that our body can integrate at this time, comes to us, if it is meant to be, for not always it is meant to be, if our bodies may not cope with the new frequency. This is why it is so important to heal the distorted feminine and work on the opening of our upper senses, before we can retrieve this wisdom. 

The balance will be put by Capricorn energies with the last eclipse, so we begin to create harmony between our masculine and feminine essences. For this is precisely our main purpose here - to synthesize both aspects of us that may seem opposite to our human perception, but that without experiencing the sacred marriage of both of them, we could not reach a unified, and hence enlightened, state of being. 

This is a time when new structures are emerging, and not all of them negative or against our freedom, even though many believe that this new world order is an oppressive one, and although sometimes it can be as such, no one can govern our inner space. We all can rise from within and create limitless expansion whether they are trying to manipulate us or not. It is never about the outer but about the ability to create within the prefect frequency of harmony and peace required to experience, under any circumstances, a stable and loving reality.

This is a time for the ones who came here on a mission of being of assistance, to stand tall in their power and begin to work on unity rather than on separation by trying to fight what cannot be shifted. For we can only begin by changing ourselves and how we react, not others or what they choose to do with their personal realities.

It is a time for many to begin moving from followers to leaders and embody the Divine Role that was given to them, as sovereign beings, once they dwelt in this Planet. Becoming mentors, wayshowers, healers, guides, and/or any other labels we use to describe what we do to assist, has nothing to do with being superior, knowing more, or any other egoic delusions.

Becoming a guide or mentor simply means to be an example of what one can be and do if we simply choose to become who we truly are in Essence. When we choose to follow a path of less resistance, unconditional love and compassion, it comes naturally to simply be who we are, and it is in BEing that others see that creating the life we desire, with all we need to sustain ourselves, and with the right companions for us, can be done. It is not about being perfect, for we are humans, and there is nothing wrong about it, but about being authentic. 

It is precisely in becoming living examples and in anchoring the infinite possibilities that are there for us to purse, that we become mentors and guides. We do not have to do anything; we simply have to live within integrity and Divine Love for others to see that it is possible to live a life that is aligned with a higher purpose and Will. 

If you are one who are yet reticent to let go, to be who you are and to spread the unique gifts that you brought here to share. I understand and appreciate you and all you do to expand yourself. For I have passed through the same. The path to release resistance and lower egoic layers is not easy at all. However, there will come a time when the soul will finally push us to stand firm in our truth and share it. Our only task is to prepare ourselves by releasing fears, doubts and illusions of inferiority. For it is not about us, but about becoming Divine Channels to spread Truth to All.

I wish you a revealing and blessed Eclipse, Beloved Ones!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

martes, 27 de agosto de 2019

New Moon in Virgo, August 30th, 2019 ~ Becoming Universal Healing Channels

Beloved Ones,

We end August and begin a new energetic month with a very earthly and soothing New Moon at 6 degrees of Virgo on August 30. This Moon's loving frequency is meant to help us purifying ourselves with the loving embrace of the element Earth, after all the constant embodiment and for many releasing process too. It is with this Moon that we begin to feel the energies of what September holds for us - rejuvenation, cleansing and the subsequent stabilization.

The Virgo Moon is highly influenced by Mars, Venus and Mercury, making of this Moon a perfect one for us to tune into our power and use it to ground ourselves, as its Grand Earth Trine reminds us, descend our soul visions into the physical and the most important of all - use all this energy, and our soul creations to be of assistance, in our unique and perfect way.

This Moon acts as a the catalyst of the Earth healing happening at this time - even though the recent events may seem otherwise - and introduces the energies of September. The focus during this time between these two months is on acting as pure light canals of these healing codes so we can assist Earth at this tumultuous time. This is why it is so important that in order to do so, first we also focus on self-purification, so we can act as unadulterated filters of love.

As I always say, we do not have to be more or do what others do. We came here with specific essences and abilities that help us bring together the whole puzzle of Creation. When we diminish ourselves by doing what we see as glamorous, or idealizing other's abilities, we are shadowing the unique Spark of the Divine within us that desires to express itself, freely and uniquely.

This is a time of big changes for many of us, as it is cosmically introduced as well at the end of August by two loving trines involving the Sun and Mars to Uranus. As I always say, change does not have to happen at a physical level, as simply with achieving a peaceful state of being, it will signify a profound change. Change comes when we work with inner alchemy, transforming from within what does no longer serves us, opening ourselves to receive and experience, without judgments or expectations, what our Soul desires to undergo through us.

At this time my Guides, which for me includes my Unified Self and other cosmic companions that are often paralell selves of me or part of my soul direct family, have reiterated the importance that assisting Mother Earth has, at this specific time. To do so, regain purity and being gounded is vital, so we can send love, in our unique way, and help into the restoration of what is being destroyed.

I received a loving and very powerful healing activation transmission for All who desire to tune into its healing essence, and that I leave with great love here, for I was told it is with this New Moon in Virgo that this earth healing, purity and higher love, will begin to pour into all who desired to act ass universal healers, helping to help our Beloved Planet.

Blessings Beloved Ones,

We are your Anuhazi forefathers and Founders together with your family from Mintakan, Orion, who have a strong connection to this channel and who are deeply connected to you all and your Planet, since life began.

We bring a message for those who are guided to align with our words and receive our loving embrace and the light healing codes embedded in it. We appreciate your presence and the opportunity to co-create together, Beloved Ones.

At this time of your evolutionary path, you are in a crucial phase, as there are many things happening that seem to be threating your evolution. For the ones who are connected to your Illumined Self, seeing from a higher perspective what is taking place, understand the many tactics and desperation of those who work for the opposite polarity to create chaos and damage into Planet Earth.

We assure you that there is no real threat that will destroy your efforts to become an enlightened race, and that if you reside in your higher heart, spreading your love to All beings, you will be contributing to earth healing, in your unique and special way. This is, beloved ones, the only way to shift your frequency, the frequency of the area in which you live and the whole Planet’s vibration. You have been doing so for a while, and we kindly invite you to continue loving every single being, independently of their personal choices, and present planetary situation. Look with loving eyes what your mind cannot yet understand Beloved ones. Know all is always perfect and as it shall be for All.

At this time, it is pivotal that you understand the importance of working in unison with Mother Earth's Consciousness to restore your Planet, not just from a more etheric perspective - as we know many of you work in the restoration of Earth´s original fabrics - but from a more earthly one too, for Earth is a living organism that is constantly rewarding all of you from your contribution, and for all the love that you share with Her.

It is vital that you beloved ones understand that every kind thought, feeling, and gesture you send to your Planet, has a profound impact in the whole. Nothing is ever lost, especially not if you remain in a space of unconditional love - sending loving thoughts to everyone and everything that is experiencing their own way to come back Source again.

You all can help Earth by visualizing its dodeca icosahedron unified field to which you are linked through your body canals and send love to it, as it continues its transformation and transition into a new dimensional space. As many of you know, who are geomantic masters, this geometry is connected to sacred earth spaces to conduit light form thoughts and other forms of consciousness yet unknown to you, so these places can be activated again, and so can you - retrieving the wisdom that has been hidden and distorted from you for eons of your human time.

Some of you have as your main mission to activate certain vortices, others to concentrate yourselves so you can send where needed an infusion of your light-love most pure intention to your Planet. You all know what you can uniquely offer to your Home, for it is one with you and speaks to you all the time. Feel in what ways you can contribute to help your Planet purify itself and evolve.

You have now a powerful time to observe energy, discern the different kinds of it and its many missions and unite with the frequency that will benefit you most to assist Earth. As energetic-light beings you all are able to feel energy and work with it. You have many choices to connect with the living matrix of Earth and know in how you can be of help.

Now, there is a great opportunity to create positive change in yourselves, and hence planet as well as in the lives of your parallel selves, for you affect all the aspects of who you are, Beloved Ones. Observe that when there is an opportunity for change, there is for freedom, and the present moment in which you find yourselves, as the macro planetary aspects of who you are, are showing you, is a moment for you to welcome change and dismiss old aspects of yourselves, physical lives, and embrace new experiences and assignments that your soul has prepared for you.

In this present moment, you can choose to dwell in fear or remain within Divine Love, in the hope, trust and warm embrace of the Light that is You, to continue having faith in your human path and in the greater one that the Creator has for all of us. Your choice will be embraced and respected, for there is no such thing within Creation as judgment or being wrong. All serves the whole plan, Beloved Ones.

We remind you, beloved ones, that you are all beacons of Light, Universal healing channels from where Divine Light descends to you and your Planet. At this time, purification is required for your body conduits to be cleared of old energy and act as the natural filters that they are meant to be. When you humans cover these body canals with you fears and doubts and with lower vibrational food, these channels cannot transmit the light that your God Self descends to you - impeding this constant flow of love that you shall share.

With this conscious interaction we would like to kindly offer our assistance to all of you who are guided and willing to accept it by sending you through this transmission a massive influx of light that will restore hope and will help you cleanse your fears. We know many of you are immersed in a mission of helping your Planet and therefore all Creation Be open to receive, if that is your will, as you continue integrating this transmission codes, and we assure you that this pure Light will sweep away all that is not aligned with it.

Beloved Emissaries and Earth keepers, once more we remind you that you are not alone in your mission of seeding love into this Planet. There are many others, incarnated and not, that are also walking this conscious path of assistance with you, offering their help when you feel most hopeless and you need to remember most who you are.

Your inner Force has been trying to hide for eons. Now beloved ones, it is a moment for celebration, for there are many of you, and each day more and more, that are remembering your true origin and the power that lies within all of you.

We invite you to use this power wisely, for the betterment of All, and act as the light vessels that you are and came here to be. There is no one threatening your existence. There is nothing that is in truth impeding you to be who you are except your own fears of standing firm in you power. The times in which you were convinced of otherwise, have long gone, and now you have all the assistance within and from all the Universes to embrace again your nature as a Divine Being and Channel, Beloved ones.

You, and no one else can create a shift big enough to affect the whole. You only need to trust in yourselves and in the love that resides in you to bring this change into manifestation.

We are profoundly grateful to you all for your contribution to Earth, a loving Planet that already has its counterpart in another timeline, as a fifth dimensional organism. You all have helped in this unique and important shift. Everything within Creation is witnessing this tremendous leap in your evolution, and everything within Creation is greeting you as conscious beings and is immensely thankful to you for all the love, care and effort in contributing to this massive change.

We would like to remind you, and assure you, the importance of your work of assistance, as each and every one of you, simply with a pure intention to send loving thoughts to you Home Planet, is helping it ascend and heal.

As planetary healers it takes only a kind thought and the conscious creation of a pure physical space to become a beacon of light and spread this light into your town as well as Earth.

You are only a thought away for embracing that which you already are in Truth, Beloved Ones. You are only one thought away of becoming the free sovereign lovelight beings that you came here to be to help All awaken and reclaim their true power and lineage as well.

Choose to be the universal healers that you are. Choose to shine in the most challenging scenarios, when you think all is lost, for all is never lost but being transformed into something more pure, loving and brighter, that is more aligned with who you are becoming.

Rejoice in who you are. Remain in the Illumined Essence of your Soul and trust that what you are - and consciously do - is reaching All Beloved ones.

It is with great love, appreciation to this channel and All of you who have decided to be in this loving interaction with us, that we, your Anuhazi and Orion family, send to you our infinite love and gratitude for your contribution to your Planet and therefore to All Creation, Beloved Ones.

Blessings to all of you beloved light beacons.

Love, light and gratitude to All who consciously assist the Whole, Beloved Ones.

Natalia Alba

Gratitude to Cosmic Collage for the wonderful photo. 

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2019

The Energies of July 2019 ~ The End of Duality

Beloved Light Emissaries,

We welcome a new energetic month whose energies are so potent that many of us have been feeling the deep impact that they have on our emotional body. As always, these energies, if wisely integrated and directed to the proper healing of our bodies, will have a different purpose for each one of us, as we are all unique and are in different phases of our evolutionary journey. This month is not only one of the busiest ones astrologically speaking, but has three Moons of which two are Eclipses - seeding the shift in frequency that many of us have been experiecing since June.

This month of July will help us realize where we are, in our ascension journey, showing us, in the physical, the changes we have created and that are finally being anchored in our reality. If you feel that what you are birthing is not yet aligned with what you truly desire to experience, then it is the perfect time to shift your focus, begin anew, and align with what you wish to bring into form. 

If you are living in a limited reality, it is because you have created limitations inside yourself that are impeding you to blossom into the boundless being that you are. If on the contrary, everything you see makes you feel in your natural state of bliss and peace, you have finally mastered the art of how to create a desired reality, in the physical. 

Thanks to the energies received from the Cancer-Capricorn eclipses, ones that will last until 2020, we will be able to discern in what aspects of ourselves, and lives, we continue to foment duality, beginning to synthesize all that remains fragmented and hence, living in pain. Globally, this is already having a deep impact as well, for this influx is creating stability, even though it can be seem as chaotic, at the beginning, and restoration from our Planet to an individual perspective.

Capricornian energies are here to help us remember the importance that anchoring what we first create in the ethereal has for us humans. And these two years are going to be of great relevance for those who came here to descend Heaven on Earth, so to speak, as no real change is so, if we do not ensure it in the physical. 

Everything you experience will show you where you are; where you are going with what you are creating and what needs to be changed. There is no one to blame, no one who can tell you where you should go next, but yourself. Therefore choose to look within, where all answers lie and where all the love you search outside yourself, truly resides. 

On a comic level, during July, it will be a month of deep communion with our Planet. For the ones whose main mission involves working with the Earth Fabrics, our main focus will be on anchoring the stellar energies that are being descended upon us, as we continue restoring what have been damaged through men activity. For us, this will be a month of contemplation, restoration, and rejuvenation, when this massive wave passes, for replenish ourselves after being constantly giving, sharing and assisting, is pivotal, for our well-being, and hence, that of All. 

The Cancer-Capricorn eclipse cycle

To be able to comprehend the real essence behind the current planetary energies, first we need to move beyond our human limited sense of time and space, polarity and the energies that reign in our micro plane, for only by going deeper, outside of our physical confines, is that we could really begin to understand what this Cancer-Capricorn eclipse cycle brings to all of us, as this is a gift from the Illumined Realms to humanity, for us to begin working on polarity synthesis.

It is with Cancer that we heal what was given to us genetically or what we created when we were in a state of separation. After this initial healing phase, it is with Capricorn that we begin to bring illumination to ourselves and physical lives, for both are not separated, finally creating stability in all aspects of our selves. 

This eclipse cycle began on January 9, with a powerful eclipse in Capricorn, and will last until July 4 of 2020, with the last Cancer eclipse. Beginnings and endings, this is going to be the main theme for the ones who choose to follow old fixed beliefs or simply have chosen to constantly manifest these same cycles in their human experiences. The wheel of life, often karmic one a well for some, continue to be there for those who desire to keep experiencing a lineal reality. There is nothing to judge in a Universe where duality is precisely the gift that we are offered, when we freely choose to come here, as an opportunity for us to remember unity. We all are free to create what is best for our human growth. 

However, for the ones who are ready to go further than this common meaning of the eclipses of beginning and endings, for in truth both are intertwined and there is not a real beginning without and ending and vice versa, you will be presented with the blessing of creating unity in all that continues to be fragmented, within, and hence in your human life. 

The theme of healing duality may seem a common one between the ascension community, or as you prefer to call it. However, it is an issue that shall be very present in our daily lives, for as humans, we tend to avoid what is not familiar or comfortable, and it is usual that we tend to fall into old egoic traps of separation - judging others and ourelves, how they live or not, how they choose to see their reality and a long etc. 

Polarity integration is not just an inner work we can do in a one-day process, this involves many things - accepting all aspects of who we are, confronting our shadows, healing old wounds, and our human genetic lineage, for as you know many of us also have a star one, implants, between many others issues - and only when we become integrated beings, sovereign of our own human experience, is that we can walk as unified beings, conscious of our frequency and what we do with it.

This is why this subject of polarity integration is so important, for this is our main inner work to do, especially for the ones who are beginning on this journey. This eclipse season offers us many gifts for healing ourselves and shifting our current timeline. Some of the many things this new light will hep us heal are:
  • Feminine (Cancer) and masculine (Capricorn) essences balancing.
  • Mother and father wounds
  • Sexual imbalances
  • Creating balance between the ethereal aspect of us and between our earthly one.
  • Descension of our soul mission, or new aspects of it, into our physical body and hence physical plane, bringing it into the tangible, where we can be of assistance and where we can direct our abilities to build something constructive, stable and of service to us and All.
  • Mental and emotional balance
These are just ones of the many issues we can work with during the cancer-capricorn eclipses. As we welcome these frequencies, I will enter deeper into them. By now, it is important that we focus on what we have in the moment and the Cancer Eclipse can be already strongly felt, especially emotionally speaking, at least for the ones who are very connected to the ebbs and flows of our realm and even beyond what we can, physically, appreciate.

Astrologically, the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Cancer on July 2, will sextile Uranus, as a planetary sign of the opportunity we have to bring change in any aspect of us or our lives that we consider. On another hand, we also have Uranus semi-sextile Chiron, which is another blessing from the Universe for us to heal what is required to live as whole beings, and even more with fierceness from Mars in Leo, which will help many to deal with their imbalances by enhancing our strength. 

Another important conjunction is the one between Saturn and Pluto, in Capricorn, together with the South Node in Capricorn as well. As I shared at the beginning of this year, Capricornian energies will reign until 2020, giving us the opportunity to descend all that is ether (Cancer) into our earthly realm (Capricorn). The South Node is very important as well for it will help us release many old habits and patterns that keep repeating into our lives and that impede us to evolve. 

This is where the healing frequency of Cancer enters, as the North Node is in Cancer, assisting us to let go of an old self, life and wounds. The North Node represents what we are creating, where we are heading. If we desire to give birth to something new and pure, then we shall let go of the familiar, of everything that still vibrates in a lower frequency, as if not, we will be pulled back every time we desire to come to the surface and shift our current timeline. 

This Eclipse in Cancer, in the perspective I am feeling it and as I have received, has little to do with new beginnings, as this is more in a general view. New beginnings are created from within, not due to outer energies, but when our soul considers that it is time to move into a new micro cycle, within our personal journey. These energies are linked to so many other planetary and non-planetary energies, that we cannot truly define its essence as being this or that. Or we feel outside our limited human plane, or we will continue to be imprisoning into beginnings and endings. Like the mouse that always spins in the wheel.

Under the influx of Cancer, it is a time to dissolve, especially from our emotional plane, all we have ever created and hide there, for it was not pleasant to confront it and accept it. This can be familiar issues, as Cancer energies will help us tremendously to work with miasmatic familiar ties, feminine or sexual ones or anything that involves working with our sexual creative essence. 

This is a time to connect to the heart consciousness, embody Universal Love, and direct it towards ourselves, for as long as we do not totally remember that we have been created by the same Universal Source, we will not be ready to heal and accept the mission that we brought here and that can only be done when we remember the love that we are. 

During the Cancer eclipse, we will be presented with the opportunity to clear old implants, ones that have been not just created by ourselves, or inherited from one generation to another, but that have been implanted to humanity through a manipulative matrix since eons. Ones that are our responsibility, as conscious souls, to heal, and that no one can do for us. A time to heal all the victim programs, especially the ones created in women, and in the many relationships that we have had/have, until we can finally create balanced ones. 

This is a sacred passage that you owe to yourself, for all the times you have come here to remember, give, stand tall in who you are and be of service. It is a gift you do to yourself, and by doing so, you will be giving it to All as well. It is important that we all work in soul retrieval from time to time, when we experience traumatic or challenging relationships, or simply painful situations, as the more we avoid this inner work, the more we will lose, so to speak, fragments of our soul which are in pain and need of our love and understanding to come back to us, where they are meant to be, and where they can experience the most profound love.

During this month we have the cosmic gift to release old fixations, so what is meant to come can finally manifest in our human experience. This is not just about releasing old habits, and beliefs, but about letting go of the relationships that simply because they are familiar to us are not helping us to evolve and to welcome new soul companions that are aligned with our soul essence and that are meant to co-create with us, in a new and deeper level.

Let it all go. It will be painful, for you have been accustomed to live in this reality with these same people for a long time. However, this pain will go as you embrace it, and the real cause of it, which is always the separation from the original Source of Love that gave birth to us. This is, in truth, the Love we truly desire and miss. 

You have it all within, there is no one who ever leaves us, as they are not separated from us. And the more illusions you clear the more you will realize that your natural state is one of joy simply for who you are, came to do and experience here, and everything that you could possibly  ever need, is very close to you, you just have to look within. 

Planetary alignments

This new month of July is a very powerful one for us to create a new path that is in perfect resonance with our current state of being, for we are new, at every single moment that we desire to consciously integrate new levels of consciousness. To confirm where we are in our ascension journey, as we continue transforming new worlds, this month is a Universal 10/1 number - 19 reduced.  This is the space in which beginnings and endings find each other. It is precisely in that infinite space, where we dwell in possibility, free to choose the timeline that is most aligned with who we are now. 

In Tarot, the card that represents number 10 is the Wheel of Fortune, which also represents a change in destiny, one that we have been able to accomplish, as we have consciously created it ourselves. No matter what number we choose, we will always have a confirmation of where we are giving birth. If we completely reduced number 10 to 1, we will also have another confirmation of this emptiness space in which all is possible, represented in the Tarot card the Fool, of all we are creating from within that is beginning to flourish, in the physical.

If you choose to align with number 19, then, we have another wonderful confirmation of the tremendous influx of Light received, at this time, for the tarot card that represents this number is the Sun, which is as well another sign of what comes with the Solar Eclipse is Cancer. Whatever frequency you choose to align with, you will have a precious gift for healing what you need, at this time of deep transformation. 

At a cosmic level, we begin this new month with Uranus semi-sextile Chiron. This will bring us the opportunity to align with this frequency to create the change/healing we need, if we are willing to confront what limits us and are open to experience true liberation. The process of self-healing and release, never ends, for every time we embody a higher level of consciousness, we must dismiss certain beliefs that are no longer aligned with a Higher One and so forth.

On July 1, just before the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Cancer, we have Mars, entering into Fiery Leo.  Mars in Leo will help us tremendously to embrace our inner Power and bring this strength into the aspects of our lives that need of our determination, courage and passion. Together with the solar eclipse, this combination will be a very powerful one for those who have done their inner work and are now ready to bring something into form, as not everyone is in the same phase. Remember that we all have our own micro cycles, which are more important than the outer ones, as these rule our human existence and this is what we should focus first. 

The Solar Eclipse, as I shared above, brings the opportunity to work on duality synthesis. However, this is not just the only gift from this New Moon, as Venus, the next day, will also enter into Cancer, and will help those who are working on ancestral karmic patterns as well as the relationship with their mother and feminine essence, something that truly marks our life. This will be also a wonderful time for those who need to work with their emotional plane, healing their familiar roots or simply going deeper into their emotional wounds. 

On July 3, when Venus joins the New Moon and also enters in Cancer, we will be presented  with the gift to align with our sensitivity, intuitive side and not be afraid to be vulnerable, for this is what makes us stronger in the end, not being afraid to feel and express our feelings, which is what our human self is so reticent to show. This is an opportunity as well for those who need to learn how to become their own caretakers, for not only came here to give, share and help others, but to nourish our soul and experience joy and peace, at the same time that we try to seed our own Spark. 

On July 4, we have Saturn opposition North Node. This is a very important planetary opposition, from our human view, for this is about being open to receive what we are destined, by soul plan, to do when we freely chose to come here. Once we heal old issues, wounds and clear the many conscious and imposed implants that blur our minds and emotional body, we are ready to know who we are and the nature of our human journey. It is then that we can begin to focus on the key aspect of our personal human experience that shall be fulfilled and that we desire to bring into form. This alignment will help those who wonder about their true purpose and service in this lifetime. 

On the following days, July 7 and 8, we have one Planet and an Asteroid - Mercury, which will turn direct again on July 31, and Chiron - entering into their retrograde phases. As always, I leave this for your information, and for you to make of them what you most resonate, for I no longer choose to focus on retrograde periods, since a long time. They have no impact in my human existence, for I have chosen not to continue feeding old beliefs. However, for those who choose to believe, which is perfectly fine as well, in retrograde periods, as this will have an impact in your life, for this is what you choose to create for yourself, I consider important to leave the dates so you can follow your own guidance or do your own researches.

At this time of intense healing, Mercury, especially when it enters into Cancer as well on July 19, will help us heal and clear our mental plane of all the conflicts, fake beliefs, confusion, desperation and many other wounds which impede us to see with clarity  our value as well as our true path. On another hand, Chiron's essence is one of going within, whether it is retrograde or not, for the Essence of the Planets does not change just because we decide to give to them our human meaning. 

With Chiron we look deeper at the wounds/aspects of ourselves that we try so hard to hide but are still dwelling, in pain, within us. When we consciously desire to align with the frequency of a certain Planet, star or asteroid, if well directed we can connect with the consciousness of this certain stellar body and integrate its healing frequency to assist us in dissolving what is still fragmented and that is not allowing us to experience our true soul path and potential. 

On July 16, we have Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees Capricorn. These series of eclipses between Cancer and Capricorn, will continue, as you know, until 2020 helping us to bring into form our soul creations, and what is more important: to create stability in ourselves and lives, for this is where we came to master and enjoy. Capricorn is the perfect partner of Cancer for its masculine essence resonates well with the feminine one of Cancer, giving us the opportunity not just to heal but to remember how important is to descend from the ethereal our visions and dreams to create an abundant life experience. 

This also goes further and in a macro level, it is also going to be a very intense phase for the ones whose main work involves to help with the Earth Fabrics, especially of both time and space, for all of them, as you know, are being restructured and it is time for us to assist in bringing restoration in all the implants that were created for us to dwell in duality, victimhood, distorted masculine, and many other implants to keep us enslaved. Capricorn's essence is very important to complement the healing we do with Cancer, for it is the following step to stabilize ourselves in this physical plane, when again, everything shall be anchored. 

On July 22, the Sun will enter Leo. With the Sun in Leo we can embody this fervent essence to empower ourselves and to express our hearts by standing firm in who we are and by expressing our unique Divine Spark. As always, Leo's essence simply Is, this energy by itself is not positive or negative - it is what we decide to do with it. If we direct this frequency properly, we could be courageous and bold in following our own path. On the contrary, an excess of this fiery frequency could lead us into arrogance, which is why balance, as always, is the key, to be able to discern for ourselves if we are using these energies for self-empowerment or just for our egoic desires to feel superior. 

Venus, will also join the Sun in Leo on July 27, together with the third Moon of this month, a powerful New Moon at 8 degrees Leo together with Mercury turning direct for those who are interesting in knowing it. We end the month we a loving push from the cosmos after having spent all month working on conscious releasement, healing and integration. 

This Moon offers us strength and the opportunity to take some time to nurture and love ourselves in the midst of all the eclipse turmoil, so we can move into the next energetic month, which will soothe ourselves after these intense energies, and that will continue to be there for us to work with them for a while, helping us comprehend all that has occurred  while we were between worlds, shaping our new lives and letting all go, so we can begin, again.

This is a time for us to become whole, again, to call upon the fragments of ourselves that continue dwelling in pain, and that needs to come back Home. A time for us to remember not the many "mistakes" we could have possibly made, but where we are heading, and who we have become now.

If where you are going does not totally feels good to you, then shift the course again, change your focus, there is no one or outer force impeding you to get to where you desire, but yourself. You are a magnificent Divine Creator experiencing a human realm just for the mere joy of it, as well as for bringing your unique Spark to All, assisting the whole in all you can.

The past roles you created or chose to play and that you made yours - the victim, powerless one, and many others - is not who you are. These past roles helped you to regain unity, to retrieve the wisdom required for you to become who you really are, in Essence. Now it is time to let go of who you think you were and embrace the real, the wise and the enlightened You, to continue expanding within the loving reality that you have consciously chosen for you to experience. There is no need for you to wait for some energies, or someone else to guide you, you have your inner compass within and all the power required for you to do it Now, where all resides and where is truly happening. 

I wish you all a blessed and transformative July, Beloved Ones!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018

The Energies of 2019: Becoming Creative Channels

Honor your self. Worship your self. Meditate on your self. God dwells within you as you.

Swami Muktananda

Beloved Light Emissaries,

We are about to welcome a New Year and human cycle, leaving behind a year of deep acceleration in our ascension journey, in which we spent most of the time in a phase of constant integration and hence, releasement of the past. 2018 has been indeed a very intense and powerful year for us to finally step into a new dimensional timeline as well as to stand tall in who we are, and in the unique soul mission we came here to do. 

This is a year for us to become creative channels - sharing all the gifts and ancient memories that we are meant to share for the highest good of All. There is no space for fears, doubts and lower emotions anymore, for we have spent years mastering the egoic self, accepting who we are in nature and loving all aspects of ourselves, equally. This is the year for us to align with our Divine Creative Spark and begin to co-create a human reality based on unconditional love and respect to All living beings.

If during the previous years we focused on the conscious integration of the Wisdom descended from our God Self, to be able to remember who we are and our unique role within Creation. During this year 2019, the focus is going to be on expressing our truth in our earthly realm, for this is where we dwell and where we are meant to bring all we have previously integrated, from the ethereal planes. Furthermore, this is going to be a year to honor, respect and work with Earth at all levels - manifesting and stabilizing our soul desires in all areas of our human lives, so we can create an abundant, joyful and stable life. 

At a soul level, this is a year for those who have done the inner work of working in polarity integration, to reunite, if this is what it is meant to be for their unique soul plan, with the soul companions that are meant to co-create with them, at a deeper level. This is also going to be a year for those who have already created balanced relationships, reached through inner synthesis, to give birth to something new that will serve All to awake and expand within this endless evolutionary journey. 

There are many who will pass from feeling the usual isolation, which has nothing to do at all with feeling lonely, that we often feel when we are totally focus on our unique mission of selfless assistance, to reunite and co-create with the one that have a soul contract with us or simply with like-minded people who are in resonance with who we are becoming, as we continue to descend more aspects of our God Self. 

At a cosmic level, we begin this year with a New Moon Solar Eclipse, in January 6, in the sign of Capricorn, introducing us to the transformative energies that are going to accompany us, during the rest of this New Year. This is the first planetary reminder of the important that focusing on our tangible plane, will have, during all the year. The second reminder will come in July, with another Eclipse in this same sign. And the third, at the end of the year 2019, with Jupiter, entering into Capricorn as well, allowing us to expand on the physical, in the ways we consider that will serve us best. 

We also begin this New Year 2019 with the so "dreaded" conjunction between Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, which is another cosmic message for us to unify ourselves with our physical plane, rather than continuing living in the air, of mere dreams. This is by no means a reason to panick and begin to create more collective false beliefs, for these two cosmic forces are simply, as well as we are, experiencing their own evolution within Creation, and none of them are there to curse or bless us. 

These forces, as everything within Creation, possess a frequency and it is up to us to align with it and feel in what way we could take advantage of it to create a radical change in our lives, as it is also occurring at a planetary level, with the transformation that is already taking place.

There is nothing from the outside created to have a direct impact on us. This is human creation and the main reason why many people are still wasting their power, as they continue to give it to outer forces whose interpretations are not even real but human made. This conjunction is going to activate the massive shift that the collective is experiencing, like I mentioned in previous posts.

Capricorn's essence is going to rule this Year 2019, reminding us how important is to focus on our earthly plane. It is a great gift, especially for those that are not grounded yet, to begin working on the creation of a stable human reality, which is where we live and where we can only practice the descending and manifestation of what we first create in the non-physical. 

Capricorn will teach us how to create structure in our lives, without being too practical, to bring inner balance into the physical as well, discerning if we continue to focus more on the ethereal, and hence, manifesting lack in our physical lives, or if we focus too much in the practical that we disconnect from the aspect of us that is Divine and is connected to All. 

During this Year 2019 the frequency of change, in the physical, that is already being strongly felt and that has accompanied us for a while, is going to show us more and more the collective mental transformation, and hence planetary cleansing, that is occurring in the collective mind, especially for the ones who are ready to step into a new dimensional timeline.

Another important message coming from this New Year is its universal frequency, represented by the number 3 - a feminine and creative essence that will be very present during all this year. A number ruled by Jupiter, another sign of the expansion that we are experiencing or about to, it is all depending where we are.

For All, this is definitely a year to foment and nurture our connection to Mother Earth and honor the privilege to be living, and experiencing, this loving and beautiful earthly realm, something that we all were eager to do and one of the reasons why we chose to live a humans. 

For the ones whose soul mission involves to work, closely, with Earth, this will also be a very challenging year, as we will be called to work in new ways to assist in the already transition that took place last year. However, when what we do is done from a space of unconditional love and compassion, as well as joy for the dimensional jump that we finally were able to take, all is, always, done with great love to All. 

Creative channels 

This is the year, as I shared, for us to become creative channels of the highest divine expression that we, in nature, are. During this year we are going to have the gift to commune with our inner feminine creative force - bringing into the surface all of our creative talents for us to create a new life based on a conscious way of living. 

Being a creative channel means to be able to commune with our soul and God Self to bring from the Illumine Realms that which is going to be for our highest good and that of All. We can descend this Wisdom in form of healing, channeling, painting etc. or by simply using our voice to express our truth. Whatever tool we use, will serve us, to expand ourselves, if we use them with the pure intention to bring unconditional love and authentic information to All. 

When I was writing the energies of this 2019 year, I was told this subtitle, by my Unified Self, and then I remember how many co-create with me who are creative channels, in their unique way, and are beginning to develop their true potential and unique gifts. There are many gifted souls whose inner doubts and fears impede them to see the Diamond they truly are. However, and as I have the pleasure, and honor, to see, there are more and more awakening, and stepping into the magnificent of who they are. 

If only you knew how much creativity, unique talents and love you hold within, you will not spend another second of your wonderful human experience focusing on what you think you cannot do, but on the discovery of all these wondrous gems you carry within, that you are, and that you came here to share for All. 

This is going to be a year that will help those who are working on finally releasing all their fears and self-doubts and embrace their true path, expressing who they are as well as the unique task they came here to fulfill. There are many who are already feeling the soul desire, to free themselves from their jobs, old relationships and everything that is enslaving them. During this year, if this is also part of your soul plan for this exact time, for we all have our micro cycles, many will begin to step into their power - realizing all the precious gifts they have within and that can also help many in their own journey. 

To be able to create a new life first we have to burn even the ashes of our old one. When we desire to build what is going to sustain us and nurture us in the next phase of our human experience, first, we need to balance ourselves so we do not act from an impulsive or egoic space. There are many who desire to leave their 3D realities, jobs etc. because they have awaken to their true mission and the joy that comes when we finally remember it and are ready to do it.

If this is your case, then your entire being is telling you that you are prepare to step into a new journey of assistance to All and that you have regained the power to do so, for even though this is a blessed path, it also has many challenges. If on the contrary, you still want to leave all behind because your job, the people in it and all that surrounds it annoys you, you are not yet there, for you are not leaving to do what brings joy. You are leaving because you are upset for what you think is making you unhappy. 

Before we are able to help others, and of course I speak by own experience, for if not it is easy to give an opinion, first we should pass through certain challenges, which can involve different jobs we do not resonate with, relationships etc. that teach us how to love and be of assistance to All, whether we like it or not, for if we do not love All, then we cannot assist only a limited fraction of the whole, as there is no such a thing as loving only what resonates within Creation. 

Another important step to step into what we desire by holding clarity and unity is to have worked on polarity integration. When excess of feminine polarity occurs, then we could not properly manifest - a task of the masculine - in the physical, what the feminine has created within, for we are not connected to the aspect of us that has the power and the physical strength to overcome the challenges required for us to create a new life. 

Having the feminine essence of us imbalance often result in creating a protective bubble, a delusional one, in which you are not fully anchor in the real world. Other times it will have to do with traumatic experiences, it all depends on your unique experience. However, this will affect your creative expression - impeding it to fully flow with harmony, into the physical.

If on the contrary you have excess of masculine essence, you will be practical, rational and logical, but you could not easily flow and commune with the inner creative spark that makes everything flourish and that is connected to an invisible but very real divine power. Working on balancing all opposite polarities within ourselves is as important as dissolving the old, for if we do not act from an unified perspective, we could not fully align with the proper essence we need to give birth to our soul desires. 

When we are giving birth to new aspects of ourselves or soul mission, we know because we are for a while dwelling within a space that is not yet comprehended by ou human self. However, if one is connected to our inner guidance, one can clearly begin to feel that we are birthing something that even if unknown yet, is coming into fruition, and our task is not to desperate and try many things, forcing something that is not yet ready to come into the physical, but to support this process by being patient and by supporting the important changes that we, our bodies and physical lives, will experience as we continue to descend this new level of consciousness.

This new human cycle is going to help us become more aware of all the love we could offer and that due to our fears are not yet giving. Love is in truth the essence we came here to offer, for this is all we are. Each and every one of us has a unique loving frequency that when put in the right place, person or situation, can bring deep healing into any undesired circumstance previously created. The important thing is to choose to shine this unique loving frequency, using it wisely, rather than fearing the power of it.

Soul liberation

From a soul planetary perspective, this is a very important year for those who are beginning to liberate themselves from the illusions and control from the matrix, for the frequency this year holds is one of freedom and conscious expression of who we are and our truth. 

Since the moment we begin the process of fragmentation from Source, we begin to feel as if we were separated and hence, in pain. This is our first wound, the separation experienced from this Source of unconditional love, and the first step to remember our true origin and Divine nature. When the process of incarnation begin, especially within our human plane, some souls tend to forget who they are - getting trapped within the matrix manipulative tactics and then forced by the archons, to reincarnate without their conscious consent.

This is why many souls are trapped within a karmic wheel that are not meant to, repeating once and again human incarnations. The first steps towards regaining soul liberation from these forces and their energetic karmic traps, involve the recuperation of empathy, unconditional love, self-forgiveness (essential to stop the manipulation through guiltless and blame used by them to keep us trapped) sovereignty, responsibility and compassion, between many others. Soul retrieval is also another important tool to regain consciousness as well as the wholeness of the soul - fragmented for eons due to loss and pain. 

During this Year 2019 the souls who awoke o are beginning to awake, for the year 2018 was a year of acceleration/integration in which many souls step into a conscious journey, will begin to energetically disengage from these forms of soul manipulation, as they continue to become more and more conscious of the illusions in which they have been trapped, breaking free from the 3D soul matrix, something that will finally allow them to regain knowledge about the compassionate and unconditional nature of the Universe as well as to come back to their original Homes, if they choose to do so, when they leave this human plane.

If you are one who feel trapped, in some way, and you know, by own guidance, that you do not have karma, for if you observe yourself as well as the life you are experiencing, you can clearly discern if you have any karmic patterns to dissolve o not, then these patterns could let you know that you are in need to work on the conscious liberation of your soul from the manipulations coming from the matrix. 
  • Narcissism
  • Attachment
  • Victimhood
  • Delusions
  • Egoic desires
  • Sex addiction
  • Fixed mental patterns
  • Blame
Becoming the eternal observer of who you are, of what you say, think and do, is your main duty if you are choosing this path of conscious evolution, for the more you observe yourselves, the more you will begin to cease all the judgments about why your human life is not happening according to your desires or about who is the responsible one for all the happiness that you are not yet experiencing. 

Healing the past, forgiving ourselves, others and retrieving all these fragments that are still dwelling in pain, is pivotal if we desire to finally get out of the karmic wheel and begin to create a conscious path rather than a delusive one. 

Many want the pleasure of this human plane, and it is too beautiful I do not have any judgments. However, remaining always in the same patterns does not contribute to expand our consciousness. There are also many who dwell in delusions, for this is easier than confronting the egoic self and master it, as it takes inner work, devotion, and a higher dedication that goes beyond the self that not many are ready to embrace.

If you are one that are already awake, have went to many healers, have done all you think is right to step out of the many egoic traps you are still immersed with, and nothing seems to work. Then, there is nothing to be sad or worry about, for you have finally found the true healer and powerful master that can finally help you liberate yourself from all these illusions and egoic chains, and this is You. 

After all the outside searches, after all the excitement every time you met someone who told you could heal you, could make you whole etc. after all, all these was precious and served you for you to learn that only you, by working on inner alchemy and by devoting yourself to your inner transformation, can finally free yourself from all that enslaves you. The question is: Are you willing to do all that it takes for you to regain your sovereignty? 

As always, the choice is yours to make and there is always a perfect time for all who decide to leave what is not authentic and come back to the love they truly are, in Essence.

Beloved Ones,

Far away resides now the aspect of us who used to live in limitation, dwelling in fear of our true potential and unique way to express it. This is a time for you to look at yourself as the Divine Expression of Source that You are, in Essence, and begin using it to finally share the love that you are, and that can create a profound impact in the whole.

There is never a fix time for you to stand firm in who you are. You as well as your time are eternal. Those predictions that only disempower us belong to the old. The only time is Now, and in this moment is where you exist and where you decide whether to shine or not. For there is, and never was, such a thing as judgment for your human choices, within Creation.

At every moment, a new door is being opened for you, you just have to know where to look. Your feelings, and nothing and no one from the outer, will let you know where is the new door that you shall open for yourself, in this new phase of your journey. No prediction, no wise guru but the one inside yourself can point out the direction you chose for yourself, once you became human. Only you know where you truly desire to create and be next, and only you have the power, and the key, to infuse this Now moment with your purest intention to create that which you wish, or give it to outer forces to use it for you.

As always, you are so loved, appreciated and respected within this loving Universe that whatever will be your choice will be honored, as the Master that you are considered to be, even though you may not always remember, and as such, what you desire will be an order for the Universe to fulfill. 

Now, in this moment, and not when a certain cosmic event comes or when someone says it, there is a wondrous and unique creative influx desiring to act through you into this world. Now, there is infinite blessings, abundance, soul companions waiting to reunite with you, again, and touch your life. There are many precious experiences waiting for you to choose to embrace all these infinite possibilities. The question, as always, is: Will you?

Dearest Companions, I thank you for another year of wonderful co-creations as well as for sharing this journey with me! It is with great love and joy that I embrace this Now Year and its infinite blessings and I wish for you to do the same.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba