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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta energies. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta energies. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

Full Moon in Virgo, March 9th, 2020 ~ Healing Transmissions

Beloved Light Emissaries,

We are entering into a portal of purity and service to others with the wonderful Full Moon, at 19 degrees of Virgo, that we welcome on March 9. It is a time with Piscean and Virgo energies when we all have a gift from our Heavens to commune with the Unified Aspect of who we are and begin the conscious descension of the many aspects of our mission that we could use to help ourselves and All, in this ascension journey, in which we all need  each other to continue evolving and growing from the many interactions that we experience, during our human life experience. 

Virgo is an Earth sign, on the contrary of Pisces, although it is a mutable one as well, which has in common with Pisces that both are flexible and are devoted to be of service, and for that one must be open to change in all its forms. Virgo energies come precisely at a time when the Planet, as well as ourselves, are experiencing a deep cleansing, which is the main Essence from Virgo, to help us remain in the purity of our soul and in the love that we are.

The earthly sign of Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury, is associated with the Virgin Archetype, which is by no means related to celibacy. On the contrary, it concerns the Divine Feminine Archetype of wisdom, purity and wholeness - nurturing and loving everything she touches; in the physical. Virgo is the one who reminds us that we are here to descend and embody the Essence of who we truly are in nature on earth, as well as our soul desires. 

Grounding ourselves is also vital, as it goes beyond our personal well-being. Our energetic human field is interconnected with the planetary field, for as you know we are all One living consciousness under the illusion of separation. When we are not grounded, we temporarily create an obstruction in our energetic field channels, impeding the natural communication with the planetary field and grids. This is mainly what creates the feeling of isolation that many have from Earth and foments mental delusion.

To help us being grounded, which is very important to discern between what is real and what is a mental creation, at the time of the Full Moon, we have seven Planets at the Full Moon time in Earth signs. This is another invitation to make things tangible, to descend healing into the physical, bringing purification and restoration to both our physical body and lives and to begin understanding that in truth being a master is all about knowing how to work with the physical aspect of us. 

As we also have the Full Moon in Virgo in a trine aspect with Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, all of them in Capricorn, an essence, as you well know, that will be very present during all this year to help us work with our earthly plane. This is going to be a great influx of power for us to wonder about what it is that we truly desire to manifest and plan the new experiences that we would like to bring into form, with the proper infusion of passion and focused intention required for us to birth our soul desires. 

This is a very important Moon to ground ourselves, to connect to Mother Earth and to dissolve any delusions that we belong to other planes outside of our earthly ones or in truth all is galactic, and hence Divine in nature, and we all belong to the same Fountain of Love, and what truly matters is to be able to be balanced enough to bring this Divine Essence of love and healing into our human reality. 

Furthermore, we have the Moon opposite Neptune and trine Jupiter. The Moon too activates Jupiter sextile Jupiter. All these combinations are a great opportunity for the enlightened, cultivating faith, hope and everything that involves stepping into the spiritual world, for it is from where we originate from and where we shall come, from time to time, to remember our True Essence and purpose here on Earth.

Healing transmissions: etheric surgeons 

This is a very powerful Moon in terms of healing and enlightenment. Something that is only achieved when we embrace our emotions, all aspects of ourselves as equal and move from fear and fragmentation to unity consciousness. It is pivotal that we understand that in order to become an enlightened species, first we need to clear the many programs of separation and distortions that during eons we hold within whether for genetic reasons or self-created ones.

As many of you know, this Full Moon in Virgo is a master healing one and with it comes the galactic assistance of the many lovelight beings that within Creation have already passed through a deep state of separation into unity consciousness, as we are also experiencing at the moment in this planetary transition, and desire to help humans now to evolve too. 

As always, we are all unique and will have our own things to work with/dissolve at this time. Therefore, it is so important to investigate our chart as well as to connect with these energies so we can feel the unique purpose they have for us. On a more physical level, The Virgo Moon rules our intestines.

As you know this is where physical purification takes place, and these energies, together with the Piscean ones - ruling our feet mainly - and other alignments from this Moon, are perfect for us to focus on certain parts of our bodies that need support. We will know which of our body parts need more assistance, if we align with these energies, they will let us know where we should bring healing by experiencing certain sensations in specific parts of our body, for it is the way they have to communicate with us.

At a deeper or non-physical level, I have received during a starseed healing session with a companion a profound message from Orion for this Full Moon in Virgo of healing assistance, for the ones who feel that this could be of help for their own personal healing journey or simply for their mission of bringing assistance to other soul companions in this journey. 

To help us in our conscious inner work of self-synthesis we have Orion beings, who are now a highly evolved species but who passed, eons ego, through a very hard process, especially during their war times, as you already know. As starseed souls, or universal citizens, for we all belong to the same Source of Love anyway, many of us are connected to this civilization and the ones who are healers will also know that Orion’s healing transmissions are there for those who with a pure intention desire to bring healing and removal of lower energies and implants into our human bodies.

It is indeed a wonderful time with Piscean, Virgo and Neptune energies to commune with your Unified Self and Guides as well as other Lovelight beings as Orion ones or any other ones we have a connection with, to bring these healing transmissions/codes into the Earth, for this is where we are meant to act as conduits of healing energies and restoration. 

For the ones who are beginning on this healing mission, it is very important to ask for protection and protect our 12D bodies, for we not only dwell in the physical, as you well know, before working with these Illumined Essences/Beings. After that, calling upon our greatest guide and protector of all - our Unified Self - and Guides is pivotal so our soul counterparts can help us protect ourselves in a deeper level.

Having done that, we can begin calling upon the Orion healing transmissions codes for us to receive them with an open heart. In my case I open my hands, and with the palms up, I begin to feel the heat as well as the deep love from these Beings/frequencies codes, in my palms.  It is important that we learn to know ourselves before doing this further work, as it is important not to compare ourselves with anyone else or wanting to receive guidance or healing in the same way as others.

While some people will simply feel, hear or both at the same time, others may know simply by inner knowing. Others will see or simply know what they must do after asking for healing. It is all very different from one to another, as we are all unique and while some have their heart centers more activated, others will feel it more in their hand chakras or other body parts that they work more with or are more active. 

Orion beings are masters as well as Sirius in etheric surgery, something that many of you will know well while you do this task in the etheric planes, if it is part of your mission to be an etheric surgeon as well, especially to remove implants etc. It is important that we understand that we on our own can achieve little, for we are all meant to be one in truth, and that we all need help in our evolutionary journey, which is why we have many masters helping us to grow in love and in our unique abilities in many different planes of existence, whether we remember or not.

When I was guided to expand on my mission as a healer and being working more in a face to face level, I totally felt the difference in the sense that I receive more insights and healing from the many beings that dwell within our plane and outside of it. It was a totally new experience and a blessed one indeed for me, as it is helping me to grow in humility and self-mastery.

When we work with starseed souls in a more personal level, the amount of beings who come to assist us in healing as well as the many different energies, is absolutely incredible, and it is then that the process of learning to discern between the many energies, forms of consciousness and beings begin, for starseeds can be linked to many beings and different types of energies and it is a very enriching work to do, if one is willing to evolve and learn more about the many different types of healing energies that exist. Although as you know, there is never an end and we are just beginning to know the many possibilities that truly dwell within our human plane and ourselves. 

This is indeed a very powerful Moon that will have a different energy for each and every one of you, as it will reside in a different place in your chart. As you are your own master and healer, it is your personal choice to feel in what unique way you can use this energy to be of assistance for your personal journey, in a more specific way.

We are in a time in which our connection with our cosmic companions and family is more evident for all of us ascending souls, and it is just a matter of evolution and inner work that we continue expanding within the many possible connections that we can establish, when we are willing to work for the benefit of All and it is part of our mission as conscious beings.

Believing in ourselves is vital, if we desire to do this Divine Mission of being conduits of healing energies. However, it is even more important to begin by clearing the many distortions and delusions that dwell in our mental plane, especially regarding the subject of starseeds and other cosmic topics, is pivotal, if we truly want to remain balanced at all times, without falling into our egoic trap illusions.

As sovereign beings it is our mission as well as helping others to help ourselves remain stable, while we do our task and work of assistance, for the ego is prompt to feel superior or inferior and it is our mission to master it to remain in the humility and higher understanding of our Illumined Essence - always learning, always in love and in oneness with All.

We are in a unique moment within our human history. It is thanks to the many united as One that this planetary evolution has been achieved. We live in a Universe of infinite possibilities, we dwell in infinite dimensions, and we all have the power to become aware of this Truth and use it to create a wondrous human reality for the benefit of All, or to continue living in the limitation of our minds. 

Therefore, choose wisely. Choose to experience your true potential, choose to experience the love that you are and that you came here to share with All. Choose to embrace your sovereignty and the freedom of choice that comes with it. 

I wish you all a healing and blessed Full Moon Beloved Ones!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2020

Full Moon in Leo, February 9th, 2020 ~ Heart Healing

Beloved Light Emissaries,

There are times when the light that is being descended to us, and the sum of our human experiences in many parallel realities in which we exist, end by draining ourselves. This is part of the reason why our Unified Self, who is the only one conscious of our entire experience, makes certain challenges for us to make of them the perfect opportunities to connect again with our strength as well as to recover and adjust to our new energy and how to manage it.

There are times when we cannot do anything else but allowing a Higher Intelligence to rule our human self, not because we are under the power of these Forces, for we are free beings, but because they know what is best for us, from a Higher Perspective, and can impede us to commit certain actions that will simply will not help the whole Plan.

As we are always assisted and watched over, at this wonderful, and for some challenging time too, we have a powerful, passionate but at the same time loving and caring Full Moon at 20 degrees of Leo. This Leo essence comes to help us bring the heart healing energies required for us not to close it again but to open ourselves to feel vulnerable - keeping it wide open, even though what enters may not be loving. 

It is once we accept our vulnerability and work with how we manage what comes from outside us, wisely, that we transform these lower energies into healing ones, which is one of the main aims that we, as starseed and earthseed souls came here to master and offer - heart and earth healing for All.

From a planetary view, we have at the Moon time, lots of planets in fire signs - Moon in Leo which trine Mars, Venus in Aries, and Mars in Sagittarius - which is an indicator of the passion, love and courage that at this time is present for us to embody it and use towards the channeling and subsequent manifestation of our soul creations. On the other hand, we also have planets on Earth signs: Pluto, Saturn in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, which is a influx of inspiration and creativity meant to be anchored on our tangible plane. 

So, for some will be more focus on being creative and express their hearts in this way, and to help us work with our heart center - burning with the Sun light all that is no longer meant to be within ourselves, for we are not longer who we were yesterday, and allowing us to fully be more open to received, and therefore to give Sun - Source - Healing. 

Starseeds and Earthseeds: healing missions

At this time, there are many of us experiencing a profound heart healing. One that comes not just from the many situations and relationships we experience in this individualized aspect of us that dwells in this earthly realm, but from the many other beings that are part of us, and that, in a way, affect us and our present reality too.

At the Moon time in Leo, we also have the Moon quincunx Neptune, which is a great time for us to work on our non-physical senses and commune more with our, parallel selves, soul and the wisdom it holds for eons. This can also be challenging for the ones who are very sensitive, and may fall into old patterns, addictions or anything that can make them create the illusion of peace, not to feel the pain behind it. This is why it is so important that we integrate pain, at all levels, and transform painful situations with an open heart, healthy boundaries and compassion towards ourselves and All. 

When we experience profound pain or when we feel it coming from our parallel selves and the experiences they are having at this precise moment too, for we are not separated, it is time for us to work on heart healing, chakra balancing and soul retrieval, for it is what most helps when we are experiencing deep pain. As always, you are your own masters and healers and know how to work with ourselves and who to ask for protection and assistance. This is why I always try to generalize and share what works for me.

The main purpose of the many star and earth seeds that dwell in this Planet even though we all have a more individual purpose is to share our healing essence, in our unique way to All. At this time, a year ago, to be more exact, I was guided to the UK, which also resulted in a soul reunion, I could have never imagined it being like this. All was indeed leading me to the next stage of my mission: to act as a healing conduit in a new location where I was more connected to the heart of Earth as well as where I could co-create with more souls.

To reach this state and become a healer, in new ways, for the old ones, may not serve for all, and work directly through the light descended from your Unified Self, Guides and other Benevolent beings, a process has to start, one in which what we experience is nothing but what will help us open our hearts more and more, whether we label our experiences as being good or bad.

This is not just a personal experience, I was guided to write this article sharing a message of courage, love to those who are experiencing a more profound heart opening, whether through personal chaotic experiences or through more distant ones that may also affect us. It is precisely this learning what will help us to have compassion for All, which is part of not just our true essence, but purpose here.

Whe we are put out of our loving bubble, out in the world and experience judgments, chaos, and fall into lower energies, it means we still take things personally and that we still have to truly feel the love we preach and put it into practice, and what better way to do so than when we are literally pushed into a new direction, not precisely one our egoic self desires, at this time?

It is important that we understand the many phases that make us experienced healers, although we are, in truth, no healing ourselves, but acting as a mere conduits, for Source to do so. This is why if we continue to live in lower state of beings, holding judgments or feeling superior or less evolved than, the Universe will give us the experiences that will make us remember true Divine Love and humility, which is always an endless lesson.

Leo energies are having a deep impact in the majority of us. As I always say, not all of us are in the same state of being or having the same experiences, we all have our own personal microcycles that should be the first ones we fully know and work with. However, we all can always connect with the planetary/universal/ultra-terrestrial frequencies that are there co-creating with us and that will be always willing to remind us the power of Divine Love and Assistance, even when we may see no way out. 

On a more cosmic perspective, there are many of us that act as healers or time fabrics workers, on a more non-physical perspective. This can trigger many physical pains, for we are expose on many levels of consciousness, when we work in the non-terrestrial realms. There are many who work with the dissolution of artificial 3D timeliness, and hence are healing in a way too. For them, this can be a very intense time and the current planetary energies may help them get rid of many lower ones, emboding strength and the understanding that all human experiences are valid and serves All, equally.

This Moon and precious time is one meant to help us grow, in love, passion for our human unique journey and in mastering our abilities as healers. Opening our hearts and let everything we are meant to heal enters, is not a sign of weakness, but a sign that we no longer judge, feel all as One, and let it all in, so it dissolves lower frequencies as we embrace them. 

This inner work happens when we master polarities, and for that to happen, we will be put in certain places, situations and with certain companions that will show us the lower of them, just to help us in our path. Remember, there are souls who are trapped in the 3D time/space zone and also within the karmic wheel. However, there are others, who you believe are not coming from the light, who are angels in diguised, helping you the opportunity to grow and learn what authentic love truly means. 

As humans we can never determine what or who is good and is not, for we are the first ones beginning our journey of embodying higher levels of consciousness, into this endless spiral. The best we can do is living with an open heart, and be brave to integrate everything as a Divine Blessing, rather than as a course. The choice is always in your hands to make.

I wish you a healing, loving and passionate Moon in Leo, Beloved Companions. May you live always with an open heart that heals all it touches. May you always remain in the Illumined Essence of your Soul. 

In love, light and service ∞

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 22 de diciembre de 2019

2020 ~The Year of Stabilization & Infinite Possibilities

Enlightenment is like quantum tunneling - when everyone sees walls and barriers, enlightened one sees infinite possibilities.

Amit Ray

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

It is with great joy, love and gratitude that we are about to release this year 2019 and welcome another year, and phase, of our evolutionary journey. The year that we are leaving behind was a year for conscious co-creation in which many of us have indeed experienced a profound shift in our physical bodies, as we continue our transition into higher realms of existence. A year in which many of us began to create, from within, what we now pass to manifest and nurture in the physical. 

A year to commune with our soul to listen to what it whispers and clearly discern about what we truly desire and no longer wish to experience. A year in which the union of all the aspects of us was pivotal to give birth now to something that comes from a unified, authentic and loving space. 

2020 is a 4 universal year, and therefore a year to build, in the physical, what our soul can only envision in the non-physical planes. Number 4 is the number that represents the four pillars that sustain the universe, what lies behind everything within Creation that grows and expands, as nothing can be properly built without the appropriate foundations, which are nothing but the Divine Love and Strength that resides within all that exists and have ever existed. 

These four pillars are also represented on our Planet and are called the Four - man - Pillars of Easter Island, some that represents the strength behind everything we see in the physical. All that upholds what is eternal and lasting. These are the pillars that sustains our Planetary Fabrics or Grids and that hold all the records of our original DNA on Earth. 

As a stabilizer I am very connected, etherically, with this Island, although not the physical location in itself but the etheric double which is connected to other multiple universes where many of us operate to restore what was sacred, balanced, authentic and shall come back during this New Era that many of us are blessed to witness and participate in.

All within the universe is based on a pattern that sustains all together, from the micro to the macro and it is just a matter of time and learning about our human cycles, as well as we work on remembering the Divine Laws, that we integrate these phases and work on bringing balance to ourselves and Planet, as it used to be eons ago. 

We are going to begin creating the strong pillars that are going to sustain our own bodies within this new dimensional space that we now occupy, for as we shift from within we will begin to realize how our physical reality also does the same, faster than it used to be - matching our inner frequency and visions.

However, number four is not just about hard work, manifesting or creating structure. Number four is about service to others, devotion to our personal evolutionary journey and to All. This is also a good opportunity to go beyond our limitations, as number four tend to be limited by their strong sense of responsibility and order. Order is not about being fixed but about knowing how to create peace within so we can reflect this same harmony without.

This frequency will provide a great opportunity for all of us, especially to recalibrate our hearts, as four resides in the higher heart, where love - stability and service - reside. This will also help those who are too structured and need to flow more and be more creative rather than fixed in their ways of being and living, as well as for the ones who need to be more focus on the physical - creating stable lives that will help them sustain themselves and soul dreams in our tangible world. 

As always, energies do not just come and go in one day, they stay for more than sometimes we are able to understand, in our human minds, and shift when the time is right and not when we feel like introducing something new. Therefore, the current energies are very linked to the universal number 3 of past year 2019, as both essences are contained in this present vast space, in which the infinite possibility of continue creating, while bringing our creations into balance, is there for us to co-create with these energies for our unique purpose.

During this phase, some may be still focused on the creation of a new stage of their path, others may be already stabilizing it. The when, which seems to be very important for the human, does not matter at all in a soul level, for what the soul enjoys is the Now and what one learns and masters in this moment. Only the embodiment of higher levels of love and self-consciousness is what truly counts. 

We end 2019 with a very powerful and earthly Solar Eclipse in Capricorn and we begin 2020 with another intense Lunar one in Cancer. As you know during these two years we are going to be immersed in a Capricorn/Cancer cycle, in which we are going to be invited to make our creations physical. To do so, first we need to work on our emotional body, releasing what no longer serves, which is pivotal to be able to initiate a new life without old burdens and energies that will manifest, again, into our present lives, in a form that will no longer resonate with who we have become. This is why it is so important that we take the proper time, even if sometimes seems endless, to let go and dissolve the old.

The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn at the end of the month shines a light into everything that we desire to co-create next. It is the frequency that will activate the main essence of 2020 and that it is already being felt. This is an invitation for asking ourselves if we have created structure, harmony and stability in our lives, or if on the contrary we need to rebuild our human reality so we can also pay attention to the aspect of us that is tangible and that needs to be sustained. 

In a year where balance is indeed a key element for our ascension journey and bodies, these eclipses come to help us create harmony between the aspect of us that is ethereal and dwells in the non-physical realms - Cancer - and the aspect of us that is equally human, although sometimes we many deny it, and see it as lower, Capricorn, so we can have the opportunity to unify both within ourselves.

These two years are going to be very useful for those who are working with the opposite polarities that lie within ourselves as well as with the mother/father archetypes that are so important to work with and that have been so distorted. Many other aspects such as familiar issues, old karmic genetic wounds and/or others such as emotional imbalances may resurface during these years for us not to fall into old patterns but to become stronger sovereign beings who are able to overcome any difficulties by mastering our egoic self and unify it with our Divine One. 

This New Year 2020 is going to be of great importance for the ones helping on the current planetary stabilization. If this is part of your mission, you will know. As a stabilizer there are several stages and one is always conscious, especially if we listen to our bodies, of what is taking place, of where we are needed and of where we are doing, behind the physical veils. 

Solar Consciousness Rehabilitation

At a time when the Earth precisely aligns with the Galactic Center and we begin another step forward into the reunification with Source, within our Universe, I received a message which was introduced by a wonderful and bright merkabah, on working on the conscious activation of our solar consciousness. As you know a merkabah represents unity, and finally coming into Oneness with Source. This is the authentic process of solar rehabilitation - lightbody synthesis - and the one that many of us are consciously undertaking, during this period. 

When we consciously work on Solar rehabilitation, what we are activating, again, is the God Spark within ourselves, call it Unified Self, God or as you prefer, and this is why the connection with the Galactic Center and our Central Sun, is so important, for these are our main Sources of wisdom, love and remembrance. as we have chosen to move from polarity to unity, as it once since the beginning, and as it is meant to be. 

The Earth alignment with our Galactic Center is a macro galactic event that is going to activate the assistance required for the ones who are on this journey, so we can begin the process of solar consciousness rehabilitation, which is the integration of all the aspects of who we are - dwelling in many dimensions and timeliness, which is why I received a vision of a very bright white merkabah, as it represents the union of all the aspects of who we are. 

The process of aligning with our Unified Self and beginning to understand the entanglement between the many extensions of our soul, is a challenging one. It is necessary to spend lifetimes of conscious embodiment. This is not a process that happens with just a single activation, or anything that we can imagine, for connecting all the selves that make us whole, is something that takes devotion, strength, trust and hope for it may take eons to come back to our original Essence and to the Source from where we All belong.

2020 is going to be a year in which the main focus is not just on the stabilization of our physical bodies and human lives, but on the conscious process of solar consciousness integration, call it Christed Consciousness, Sun or Crystalline Sun DNA reactivation if you prefer, for all fulfills the same function of activating our Source Consciousness so we can begin to fully act from an unified, whole and loving state of being. 

Solar Consciousness is about healing our lower selves so we can begin to act as One with our Unified One, beginning to integrate all the soul fragments that are in pain and become One again - functioning as balanced beings. This is precisely what the energies of this new year 2020 are going to provide to us - harmony, love and equilibrium for us to bring back into order what was separated. 

For the healers who are in communion with this Infinite Fountain of Love and Balance, this year they are going to experience a new opening in their healing abilities that are meant to work with the new energies, finally restoring the old ways of healing with the new ones that come from our direct Source, and that work with the New Light that our Planet is now receiving, in the new dimensional space that we occupy now within Creation and that has nothing to do with old ways in which we used to be, do things or try to heal ourselves or others.

As we continue evolving, we too keep embodying new ways of being and doing things, this is why for many the old ways no longer work, because as soon as we begin to remain fixed in the familiar, it is law that we should release it all and embrace something new again.

Important Planetary Events in 2020

Jupiter opposition True Node, January 8th.

In a moment in which we are about to give birth to something new, this alignment comes to assist those who are still liberating themselves from their past. It is important that we do not carry past energy into our present creations, as the outcomes will always carry past experiences, and hence same repetitive outcomes. With this event we are invited to dwell in the past only to heal what is still wounded or to retrieve the information whether from previous lifetimes or parallel ones, that are going to help us integrate new abilities that we considered lost or that could help us remember how to assist others in their path. 

Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, January 10th.

This is the first eclipse of this year which is, as you know, link to the Capricorn ones that are going to reign during these two years - 2019, 2020 - and that will provide us with the opportunity to heal emotional wounds and begin to descend, from the non-physical planes into our earthly realm all of our soul visions for our new live. A wonderful eclipse to work on familiar lineage karmic patterns as well and with our upper senses to work on their expansion and healing. 

Saturn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn - 12th January.

With this planetary encounter the path to move from darkness to light begins. For many that are still in their awakening process this will be a gift as they will finally find clarity to bring change into themselves and lives. 

On another hand, within a very earthly year, we begin by being assisted to make our soul visions tangible and go after what we truly desire. This is a harmony portal that literally greets us within this new cosmic cycle that we already began and that is going to give us the opportunity to live as the free sovereign being that we are, using their power to build and work as One rather than fomenting separation.

Saturn in Aquarius: Between 22nd March and 1st July, and 17th December.

This frequency from Saturn, the Planet of organization and duty, in Aquarius is a wonderful essence for all of us to free from any karmic patterns and begin to work on how to be self-sufficient and bring into the tangible what will last and help us create a balanced reality. 

Venus retrograde in Gemini 13th May - 25th June.

This is the Planet, that from our limited view from Earth spends less time in its slow phase, although as you know, there is no such a thing as retrograde periods within the Universe, for all always follows the Laws of constant flow and expansion. This is a time for us to focus on our relationships, the one with ourselves, for it is the key to maintain balanced relationships with others, and the ones we are experiencing with our loved ones, for we on our own could not have the level of evolution that when we are blessed to test ourselves in the company of other souls that may come to challenge us but that in truth are showing us how to put in practice unconditional love. 

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse June 5, 2020, at 15° Sagittarius and another Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14, 2020.

The Eclipses in Sagittarius will come to bring some different energies within a very Cancerian and Capricornian year. Highly influenced by its square aspect to Mars, and in opposition to Venus, will help us bringing some stability and control over our emotions and relationships. Time to observe where we still act on anger, and why is that we have this energy inside ourselves that is telling us something hat our egoic self is not yet wanting to accept.

Anger the majority of the times comes from fearing something and from our reluctant to accept what IS and move forward. Anger comes when we desire to control something we cannot change and when we direct our strength in distorted and harmful ways towards ourselves and others. This is going to be a wonderful opportunity to look within and understand all aspects of ourselves, embracing the ones who are yet in pain. This will also give us the opportunity to bring some clarity upon the feelings that we try to hide but that show up in our relationships with others. 

Annular Solar Eclipse on June 21, 2020, at 0° Cancer and a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on July 5, 2020, at 13° Capricorn.

These series of eclipses in Cancer-Capricorn are the ones that are making of these two years are the ones that will give us the perfect frequencies for us to work on polarity synthesis as well as our mental and emotional one. It is so important to work on unification that we have two years to just begin mastering what living as unified and sovereign being means. 

Mars Retrograde in Aries 9th September-14th November.

If this powerful Planet had no retrograde phases during 2019, from our human view. On 2020 Mars will turn "retrograde" in Aries. As you know I do not even feel retrograde periods in the human experience I have chosen to manifest, for there is no real evidence of retrogrades more than the collective illusion, from Earth, that has been created about Planets going into slow motion.

Mars in Aries is about managing our energy. For the ones who are impulsive, this will provide them with the perfect opportunity to work with balancing being too impulsive and lack of action. Taking action is important. However, acting shall follow the proper meditation and thinking required for us not to fall into unconsidered impulsive behaviours that could damage ourselves and others.

This is going to be a great gift for us to control our egoic instincts and anger, so we can begin to work on the conscious integration of energy and strength in ways that are constructive rather than self-destructive. 

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse November 30, 2020, at at 8° Gemini 

With the intensity of the energies of 2020 this Eclipse in Gemini comes to give us a boost of energy and self-confidence to continue with our journey and the new projects that we are birthing. This is one of the most joyful and loving phases of all the year, as we are going to be immersed in a constant mode of receiving, where integration and how to direct the frequencies embodied is going to be determinant to what we are going to bring into fruition. 

Jupiter transits in Capricorn since December 2, 2019 until December 18, 2020. 

During 2020 the emphasis will be on Capricorn as we have eclipses in this sign as well as Jupiter transiting in Capricorn as well. This is going to be a great opportunity for us to organize our lives, shifting what is no longer working, and beginning to create the order required for us to experience balanced lives in the physical. 

This will provide us with the opportunity to expand into the aspect of us that is tangible, dwells into this earthly plane, and is as equal as dwelling in the spiritual worlds, which is precisely what helps us mastering this dense realm.  With Jupiter in this sign we are going to be given the opportunity to work with what is physical and bring it into the proper order, again. 

Jupiter in Aquarius starting 19th 2020 December until December 28th, 2021.

If we begin this year with Jupiter in opposition True Node, now with Jupiter in Aquarius, we are not focusing in the past anymore, for it is in our new trajectory that we shall focus our energy, so we can build something constructive in this year in which building stable foundations is so important, so we can move forward within the chosen path. 

The Great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, 21st December 2020.

This is probably if not the most, one of the most influential and most important alignments of all this New Year 2020. This cosmic encounter will not only affect to our personal human lives and especially the use we make of our power but that will have a tremendous impact in the collective as well, where important shifts will begin to occur, at this time. 

On another hand, this is also going to be a wonderful time, especially after Jupiter entering into Aquarius, which helped us to release the past and leave an old phase behind, as now with this conjunction, it is a time for growth and expansion in new ways. All barriers that you used to cover your true potential. All the feelings of being unworthy, impossibility, must be now released to leave space for what we are birthing inside.

Declaration of Intention to welcome a new phase

This is a declaration I was guided to share time ago to release the past and welcome the new, for those who resonate, and feel guided, to use it, as they wish. I felt guided to share it again since we are shifting into a new timeline and beginning another phase of our never-ending evolutionary path. 

As always, you are your own Master and this is just an example, you will have your own words. 

I _(your name)_ call upon my Unified Self, Monad and Guides who assist me on my human experience, and who come from the Love, Light, Truth and Unity of God to help me release what no longer serves my current human path and embrace a new phase of my journey. 

Thank you for helping me protecting my personal and sacred space of everyone and everything - incarnated or not - who do not belong to the Light. 

It is my conscious desire to let go of everything, and everyone, with great love, and blessings, that have fulfilled its purpose in my journey - being free of the old so I can welcome what my soul planned for me to experience, in this human plane. 

I _(your name)_ as a sovereign free being, choose to no longer feed the past, for it is no longer existing, in my present timeline, fully opening my heart to new horizons that have not been walked, yet, by my human self and that will offer me precious new experiences and soul encounters. 

I AM forever dwelling in this Now moment.

I AM forever grateful for all the past experiences and relationships that have served me to become the empowered and sovereign being that I am now and that have been already released, forgiven and appreciated. 

I AM ready to let it all go, with great love, joy and excitement for what is coming, in this new stage of my evolutionary path. 

I AM now manifesting what is for my highest good, and that of All, working in perfect unison with God and with the Forces of Light of this Universe and all multi-universes that help me manifest a perfect reality for what I need to experience next. 

I decree that it is my pure intention, and conscious soul desire, to only dwell, and hence, experience, this moment, removing all previous ones that my human self is no longer living and needing for its growth. 

I __(your name)__ thank my Unified Self, Monad and Guides for helping me dissolve all past timelines, energies, and relationships that are still active in my energetic field. 

I welcome infinite possibilities to create my new path. I embrace all the infinite blessings that are coming into my human experience and I AM grateful for all that is already helping me to step into a new timeline.

Therefore, I make of this declaration a permanent and irrevocable one. 

And So it is and it will be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All!

Happy New Year and happy Now everything Beloved Ones! 

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2019

Galactic Center & Earth Alignment

Beloved Light Emissaries,

As you know each year the Earth, from this day until December 22, aligns with the Galactic Center of our Galaxy at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. We are all One and we All come from Oneness. This is the Truth that we come here to remember and the loving remind from this annual alignment, for those who desire to commune with its energies and bring this remembrance into their human selves.

This Light is our main Source on our Universe, this Light is Love in motion who reminds us the importance than acting with integrity and compassion has, whether the conditions are the most beneficial ones at the moment or not. It is balance, for once we choose to align with it, it harmonizes our physical and non-physical bodies. It heals and it restores, for this is what Love does - restoring our sense of separation through its infinite unity embrace.

On an earthly level, this is about aligning with the aspect of us that is determined to bring our soul visions into the physical, as Sagittarius is this tireless seeker, never-ceasing to enjoy the journey as it travels to his next destination, as in truth, there is never a final one in our infinite evolutionary journey.

The energies at this time, together with the Eclipse ones, already strongly felt, and the Solstice, are powerful beyond our human understanding for not only this alignment is taking place, but many more within and without our Universe that have a tremendous impact in our personal path of conscious evolution, and hence, integration and co-creation.

On a deeper and galactic level, the Galactic Center represents the aspect of us that is wiser and that I call Unified Self, and hence is Home. It is the sum of all the selves that we are and that are evolving in many dimensions of existences. It is the one that orchestrates our physical experience, our main guide of all and compass to ask for direction.

For the ones who choose to co-create in a more physical level, they have a wonderful time to bring stabilization into their lives, as where we are heading into a 4 universal year which is all about making things tangible, and as always, it begins by descending our soul visions to our earthly plane. For the ones who are seeking guidance and a deeper communion with their Unified Selves, this is a time of retrospection, as we traverse the gap between the old and the new and align with the new timelines that we have chosen to manifest.

At this time, many of us commune not only with our Unified Self but with our personal Council of incarnation and others lovelight beings that are helping us to follow our soul plan, as we once planned it. It is important that we move outside of our egoic desire of how we want our human reality to be and commune with these Illumined Forces, and Beings, to understand the Bigger Plan behind our human desires and experiences.

As I always say, everyone is unique and while some hear others see or feel this connection in their unique way. Comparisons only diminish our own abilities and the Will that Source has to experience Itself differently through each and everyone of us. The transmissions received at this time, if we consciously decide to align with them, may be about healing, if this is what we need at this time of our journey, about guidance about what to create next, or simply about the comfort that Divine Remembrance brings to many of us who are here in a path of assistance and that the majority of the times is a solitary one, although this has nothing to do with feeling lonely or isolated.

There are many ways to commune and receive initiations, we all are our own masters and healers and have our unique ways to work with ourselves. However, the purest one is simply to set the intention ourselves, to connect with our Illumined Self, Source or any other human label we use to name these benevolent forces. Although as humans, we may also enjoy co-creating with crystals and other forms of consciousness to help us connecting with the Illumined Aspect, and Realms of who we are, and begin to establish a deeper connection to our main guide and the beings that from a non-physical perspective are here to help us grow and assist.

The White Flame is one of the best tools to initiate ourselves into the integration of higher levels of consciousness. Under this ascension flame many ascending souls were incarnated. This Flame is in charge by the Consciousness of who we humanly called Serapis Bey. It is of great assistance to connect with Him, in the etheric planes and regain more wisdom about our journey as well as to initiate ourselves in new levels of consciousness. This tool is one of the many that can help us evolve, at this precise time, when we are blessed with being aligned with our Galactic Center as well as with many other cosmic energies that we may not know about, but that are strongly felt, at this powerful and transitional time.

We are indeed blessed to be experiencing this transition, expansion, and deeper communion with the Illumined Realms. However, remember Beloveds, the main connection is made from within, for it is there that we have it all, experienced all and that we shall come back when we need comfort, guidance and rejuvenation.

There is no force, being or event outside ourselves that can really bring our desired outcomes or the healing required into our physical being, for we are the only ones with the power to do so. Looking outside to regain wisdom or healing only disempowers us and only keep feeding our illusion of separation and inferiority, making challenging to truly commune with our Unified Self and the current galactic energies, for we are asking themselves to fix ourselves and reality and these Forces know, because these Forces are Love, that there is no such a thing as not being able to do anything we truly desire and need, for ourselves, and hence All.

It is always up to you to regain knowledge of who you are, to become aware of your power and use it. There is no one else to do this inner work for you. At the beginning this can feel sad, as we have been programmed with so many victim programs between many others, that we can feel as if there is nothing else to do.

However, as we learn how to master the egoic self and commune with the True Self of who we are, we begin to delight the truth of being our own caretakers, main source of power, love, guidance and appreciation.

It is up to you, always, to align with who you are, in Essence, expand your consciousness, take charge of your human experience and decide whether you would like to live it from an empowered perspective or not. As always, all choices are highly respected within Creation, as all of them assist All to evolve.

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba

Beloveds, remember I made special offers for this loving December as well as added new services, for the ones who feel guided to co-create with me. Take a look at my website, if you are interested in going further into your evolutionary journey. 

domingo, 28 de abril de 2019

The Energies of May 2019 ~ Consciousness Expansion

The key to growth is the production of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.

Lao Tzu

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

We are heading into one of the most creative months of the year. May helps us connect to the power of the Earth, reminding us the importance than being grounded has. It is during this time that we finally descend our creations in the physical, where we can enjoy our soul visions and where we can truly realize if we have mastered the physical aspect of who we are or if we are yet living in the ethereal.  

From a broader perspective, this is a month for us to assist in the replacement of the original planetary architecture that was manipulated, eons ago. As it always happens, this month will be lived in different ways, for we are all unique. For the ones who are focused on manifesting or expanding upon certain aspects of their lives, it will be more centered on creating and bringing into form that which is going to assist their personal journey.

For the ones who already live according to their soul desires, in perfect resonance with who they have become, this will be a month to go further than our tangible realm and focus on our mission of bring restoration where required. These two months - April and May - due to their healing and stabilizing frequencies, are going to be of great assistance for the ones whose main task is to help with the Earth Fabrics.

From an earthly perspective, we begin this thriving month by having a wonderful New Moon in Taurus together with Mercury and Venus, Taurus's ruler, entering into this same sign few days later. This loving essence will accompany us until the beginning of June and will help many to evaluate who they are, their lives, realizing where they can create more love, and hence, abundance and where they are not yet loving themselves enough, which is the main reason why abundance cannot fully flow, between many others. 

May shows us the important of honoring our earthly plane, the one who nurtures us and gives us the opportunity to enjoy the experience of being human, which is what in truth we came here to master. This is the perfect month for us to work on abundance, our relationships and on everything that helps us embody more love and the infinite possibilities that this realm offers us, when we are ready to embrace our human nature, not just our Divine one.

Body conduits clearing & expansion 

As you know, in the macro, there are benevolent energies surrounding us beyond our planetary system. At this time we are going to receive a major influx for us to work on our intuitive abilities/chakras expansion. On one hand, we have loving energies coming from Taurus to helps us clear our second and throat chakra, ruled by Taurus, and of great importance during this month of May, whose energies will help us tremendously to clear many physical imbalances, before we consciously work on physical manifestation. 

These energies are going to assist many to clear blockages related to their feminine essence, personal power and other karmic distortions, especially for the ones that descend from the Blue Ray, direct descendants from Aldebaran, in Taurus constellation, and hence have experienced deep suffering, due to eons of manipulation and control.

This current influx descending from the 7D is meant to awake the masses, as they continue to unplug from the 3D matrix and help others, who are already walking on this path, and on the conscious expansion that their upper senses are experiencing. 

This expansion is not just limited to our upper chakras but to all of our body conduits/portals that at the same time are connected to the Planetary crystalline structure. During May our heart center together with the thymus and throat chakra are going to experience a major opening and hence expansion, especially for the ones who are called to manifest a new path in which expressing themselves as well as their unique abilities, is required for their personal growth and their mission of assisting others, as they continue retrieving more wisdom/abilities that were dormant and needed of their conscious activation. 

It is important not to just focus on one aspect of us but on bringing balance to all. Many focus only in the activation/decalcification of their pineal gland and crown chakra. However, the Light, wisdom, call it as you prefer, that helps us increase in awareness, and hence makes us evolve, does not come precisely from the crown chakra but from Above, and it is pivotal that we understand that the human body does not only possess seven main chakras but 144, and that all of them are as important and as necessary for the proper functioning of our energetic and physical body.

Spiritually, focusing on one chakra to increase the light influx we so desire to receive is not wise for we are then not putting attention and care into the rest of our body channels, which function as one, even though, as humans, we tend to create separation. The one thousand petals chakra is one that on the contrary of what is often said or thought, is not simply activated by just our conscious desire or inner work but by our soul commands, when the human self and body is ready to integrate and manage properly, these higher frequencies - ones that do not enter directly through our seventh chakra, but from Above it.

For us to be able to descend information from our seventh chakra, first, we need to work on the activation of our twelve main chakras. After this conscious work, working on our eight chakra, beginning with the process of Monadic integration, is vital, if we desire to begin integrating our soul mission and consciously build the cord that links our body with the Divine aspect of who we are.

This is one of the main reasons why many are still being used as a dark conduit, for even though their intention is good and are ascending souls, they have not done yet the conscious inner work of emotional clearing and 3D releasement required for them to finally reconnect with their Monad and begin to receive truthful information rather than manipulated one. 

This month is a very important one, for even though we tend to only see it as one of manifestation and conscious creation, in the physical, for us to anchor all these visions, first we need to descend them from our upper channels or conduits, for one is not separated from the other, this is why it is so important not to limit ourselves with astrology and what if fixed, as by doing so, we could be leaving aside the many benevolent energies that we, and our Planet, due to the new dimensional space that we occupy now, can receive and embody, at this time.

These are some of the many tools that can help you open/expand your  body channels and/or upper senses, as you consciously embrace new energies from the seventh harmonic universe or Illumined Realms, that are also a part of our Divine Nature and hence right, to have access to:
  • White-silver ray: This Ray has a soothing and calming frequency, as well as feminine essence (2nd chakra), and it is recommended for those who are working on their feminine side, as well as for those whose main mission is related to restore the lost feminine power on the Planet. This Ray is also used to clear and expand our upper chakras. 
  • Diamond Ray - to assist those who are immersed into a clearing process to regain purity, unification, and their crystalline - Krist - essence. This Ray will also help those whose mission is to be Planetary gridworkers by clearing their body portals for they are connected with them in their mission to help in their restoration.
  • Golden Ray: This will infuse you with pure Christos energies - helping you to activate/heal/reconnect your DNA layers, and hence, the retrieval of soul "lost" wisdom.
  • Violet Ray: This Ray will not only help us in protecting and clearing our physical and non-physical bodies but in retrieving the proper connection, once the main inner work is done, with the integration of energies from the Illumined Realms - 7D - and beyond, which is essential if we desire to work on Monadic integration and receive the proper guidance for our journey and that of All.
  • Spiral energy forms visualization: when we work with our body conduits, we can use spirals as a visualization of how the energy moves and flows within our body conduits, clearing them with the color spectrum choose or that corresponds to each chakra and understanding that within Creation energy moves in spirals, nothing is ever closed but distorted, energetically. 
When we are working in the expansion of our chakras or any other body part, the ones who can see beyond the physical, will appreciate how in truth our chakras moves in forms of energy spirals, and depending on how the energy flows they will spin slowly, faster than usual or in perfect balance. It is important to connect with our bodies in the truest possible way, visualizing energy as it truly moves, and not as we were programmed to believe it moves.
  • The Antakarana cord building: This is a light cord that we shall consciously build once we begin on this evolutionary journey and that connected our physical body with our soul and Monad. This is one of the first steps towards self-liberation from the matrix, for we are building a true Divine connection with the highest aspects of us, allowing true guidance to be descended to us. This is also one of the first steps to clearly receive the soul insights that we are so eager to receive but that many cannot fully embrace, due to the lack of proper information about how to truly create a stable and healthy connection to our true source of guidance. 
It is important that we balance this work with the one of healing/releasing that which is impeding the proper embodiment of these Illumined Frequencies that we desire to integrate. We need to combine this work with the one that is meant to dissolve the many distortions that we have unconsciously built or have been programmed to believe, and that are still impeding us the proper flow of our body conduits. 

Some of the main issues or imbalances that are pivotal to dissolve for us to build a stronger connection to the Illumined Realms and Aspects of us are:
  • Lineal thinking
  • Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies clearing.
  • Negative guides, entities, and implants removal.
  • Ancestral karmic patterns
  • Polarity integration
  • Addictions
  • Delusional and magical thinking
  • Mastering the egoic self
  • Star lineage distortions
As always, there are more patterns that we need to clear and that will depend on where you are and what you need to work with, at this time. Discern for yourself, as you become the witness of your personal human journey and see what others patterns or behaviours shall be dissolved/healed for you to embrace new levels of consciousness. 

This is a wonderful month for us to work on manifestation. However, our energetic body is also an important part of who we are, not just what we believe to be physical. If we are not energetically clear and healed, we cannot bring into form what is not yet unified within. Physical expansion only comes as a result of the inner one occurring within and it is precisely by working on our inner template that we can truly bring the desired outcomes/changes, in the tangible. 

Planetary alignments

As I shared at the beginning, May is increasingly focused on the conscious creation of our soul desires, in the physical. This is a month to ground ourselves, to enjoy our creations, and to work on a deeper level with our Planet, for as planetary workers, it is our duty to move beyond the physical and assist in this transition into a new harmonic dimensional space.

Manifestation is the conscious use of Power, one that comes from our soul and the loving essence of our heart, one that is never forced but that embraces all as equal and that only manifests what is aligned with our true soul path and mission. By manifestation, we tend to understand the physical creation of material things. In truth, manifestations can be anything that helps us feel at peace.

It can be a peaceful state of being, the abundance we need to sustain us in the physical, a change we have been consciously creating for the betterment of our human experience, or simply the pure bliss we feel when we are aligned with who we are and with how things are, whether we resonate with them or not, in our existence. 

Anything that assists us in increasing alignment with our God Self, is a manifestation, for as ascending souls, we are beginning to remember, that not everything is about creating more money, nice material things etc. but about the true peace and joy originating from our loving state of being - of acceptance, surrender and trust. 

At a cosmic level, we ended April with  many Planets - Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn "retrograde" - which I understand it is important for many who believe in this phases, which is perfectly fine as well for we all create the reality we desire to live. To balance these energies that I repeat can be felt as slow for many who have chosen to recreate these beliefs, May begins with loving energies from Taurus, inviting us to act towards our desire and expand into our tangible realm.

As a confirmation of the loving and abundant essence of this month is its Universal number 8 - 17 reduced. Number 17 is represented in tarot by one of the most positive cards, the Star. This is a card of faith, of hope and of calmness after the storm. A card of creativity, inspiration and a higher connection to the cosmos. On the other hand, number 8, is also represented by the fiery tarot card of strength – a woman holding between her hands the jaws of a Lion (sun) – representing the physical strength that can only come through the power of love, wisdom and balance, cultivated within. This is the perfect representation for the Wise Goddess of Love embracing fiery Leo, calming his wildness with her loving essence. 

The message is that all can be done through the power of love, all can be shifted and dissolved when our human self finally surrenders to a Higher Power that is within All things and beings, and lets it lead the way instead of forcing/moulding our reality with our egoic self who can only envision a small and limited view of what is truly happening. 

This is also a number that represents the infinite, for all is infinite in nature, and the only limitations are the ones created by our human minds, as it is the illusion of lack, coming from being immersed in a lower state of fear and separation. This is an opportunity for us to move inward and see where we still live in lack, where we still think that human resources are limited and can only come from the outside. For it is there where we begin limiting ourselves, by creating this same old story and by allowing its manifestation, in the physical. 

As always, abundance is another form of love, one that has to come from the love and respect you feel for yourself. If you do not feel worthy, if you do not feel you can create, all you need, by yourself, then, you will continue to experience lack. For when you love yourself, as another physical aspect of God, and when you value what you have to offer as well as you value others, the reality will respond with the same abundant and loving frequency you give.

Observe where you create limitations. All limitations come from our human minds. Witness when you have a strong soul desire to make tangible and your lower self tells you that you have not enough, for abundance is infinite as well as the nature of your essence. Every time you lower yourself, every time you tell yourself something is not possible, you are creating more lack. 

Every time you stand tall and walk on this Earth in deep communion with the Divine within you, knowing you always have all you need, loving everything that you are meant to experience, without any judgements, you are loving, and hence, you are creating abundance. The choice of what you need to experience at this moment, is always yours. 

In a month where inspiration is essential for us to manifest our soul desires, on May 1st, we have a wonderful alignment to help us connect with our soul visions: Uranus semi-square Neptune. This is a formation that comes at a time when change and the subsequent blossoming is very present, and will come to assist us in bringing into form new ideas and the projects we would like to create for our new lives.

To give us the perfect frequency for us to manifest our dreams in the physical, on May 4, we have a powerful and earthly New Moon at 14 degrees Taurus together with Mercury entering too into this same sign on May 6. These planetary events will ignite the frequency of this month that will continue to be present during June, one of passion, abundance, love and romance. 

The New Moon in Taurus, will remind us the importance of connecting to our physical realm, something that is of great importance to create strong foundations for our lives. There are many who cannot create strong pillars, for they live only their lives from an ethereal perspective, this is why they fall into the absence of what shall be constantly present within our human lives - abundance, and the peace that comes when we create all we need to support ourselves, in our earthly experience. 

This is a Moon to revise our values, and fake programs, so we can finally understand why there are some aspects of our lives, if this is the case, that are not working or not at least as we wish to. However, there are more in this Moon to share on a macro level, as we are now entering into a phase in which healing many distortions from the past are possible, due to the new frequency we hold now. This Moon will serve us to retrieve knowledge, to manifest, but also to create healing where needed. As always, it is all where we are in our unique path to self-evolution what will determine where we should focus.

Mercury in Taurus will show us where we need to create more harmony and equilibrium in our tangible lives, for our existence is not just to dwell in the ethereal remembering who we truly are, but to also be practical and descend into the physical all we have created in the non-physical. Mercury in Taurus is a wonderful time to observe - from a higher perspective - if we express our heart and thought with love, or if we are yet being abusive, falling into other egoic traps or simply using force to manipulate others rather than to create harmony through communication. 

On May 15, we have Venus entering into Taurus together with Mars doing the same into the same sign. When the Warrior enters into loving Cancer, it becomes tender, loving, charming and kind, expressing its powerful essence and passion into a protective and emotional force, empathizing with other's feelings instead of exercising force upon them. This will invite many to act based on love and intuition rather than brute force. 

A few days later, on May 18, we will have a loving and deep Full Moon at 27 degrees Scorpio. One that will help us to emotionally release in a month ruled by earthly frequencies. The Scorpio-Taurus axis at this time will help us to merge with Earth, to bring into the earth our dreams, desires and everything we have within that is meant to blossom and expand into the physical, for this is in truth one of the main reasons why we came here - to become earthly beings, loving the earth that nurtures us and sustains us, while we walk as humans, and to retrieve this love by taking care of mother earth, securing its foundations instead of destroying them.

On May 21, the Sun and Mercury will enter Gemini together with Pluto quintile Chiron. We pass now from the earthly sign of Taurus to move into the speed of the element Air. It is now time to focus our attention into our mental Plane until we reach the perfect balance and wisdom that we need in all planes. If we learnt how to manifest in our earthly world with Taurus, enjoying the simple pleasures of our lives, our mere existence and the joy to be here at a unique time - experiencing a human realm, creating infinite abundance etc, now, the Twins, will make us cultivate reason and everything related with our intellectual side.

It is also a good time to study and expand our knowledge into new directions that could benefit our inner growth and give us new ideas for the next steps of our journey. Gemini will also assist us to express our hearts and feelings, by communicating with freedom, and discernment. It will help us to realize if we tend to focus more into one polarity or the other, so we can find union between different poles. A perfect time as well to dissolve from our mental body negative thoughts, fixations, conflicts, confusion and everything that is there causing us imbalances that later will be manifested into physical pain, in our bodies. 

We end the month by having Neptune trine True Node on May 22nd. This is another cosmic reminder after the Moon in Scorpio of the importance that merging the spiritual and mundance worlds, has. All the inspiration, dreams, visions and more that we are receiving at this time, are the way our soul has to express its desire to expand in the physical and it is our task to bring its wishes into fruition and there is no better time thant this Now moment to do so.

May is a month of creativity, boundless resources and expansion. As you know there is always a time for everything within Creation and it is now a time for us to honor and respect the aspect of us that is physical and as Divine as any other ethereal aspect that many honor above their earthly ones.

May is another gift, one that if we are open to see could serve us to create infinite possibilities for our unique journey of personal growth and our mission to assist others, for this is never separated from our personal desires. There are, always, many gifts within Creation being offered to us, we are just busy looking in the opposite direction, dwelling in what is not working rather than appreciating and accepting what IS.

In this moment there are many doors that will lead you to the relationship you so desire, to the work that will give you the opportunity to be in joy and help others, in your unique way, and to simply live within Divine Love and Peace, as you deserve to experience life in this physical realm. The question is: Will you accept this gift?

Remember Beloveds, you are the Creative Power that consciously creates worlds and that is forever expanding within you and within infinite Universes, for it has no beginning nor end. 

You are the Fire, the Impulse, that pushes you to go beyond your human limits - always thriving within unknown horizons.

You are a Source of Infinite Possibilities, Abundance and Unconditional Love to All - manifesting a prosperous reality for the Highest good of All.

Embrace who you are.

I wish you all a month filled with infinite abundance, love and blessings, Beloved Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba