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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta ego. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 11 de febrero de 2018

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, February 15, 2018 ~ The Age of Human Liberation: Self-sustainability & Personal Empowerment

Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.
Rosa Luxemburg

Beloved Light Emissaries,

This is the beginning of an Age of Human Liberation, and therefore, the end of a dark cycle, for in truth there are not beginnings or endings, as we no longer live within a lineal reality, understanding that everything is simply in a constant state of transformation, forever changing from one state of being to another. During this new Light Cycle, we are going to experience the end of a human era, as we knew it, for not only are we beginning to shift from a mental perspective, but from a physical one, dissolving more lower lawyers of our old self, and bringing back our crystalline essence, as it once was and as it is meant to be. 

At this moment of our evolutionary journey, we find ourselves under the influence of the Leo/Aquarius axis, for this intense integration phase began with the Eclipse in Leo, whose frequency is, and will continue to be, very present. This past Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo brought what is required to destroy old worlds, transmuting all that no longer serves us and begin to stand tall into our truth, what happens when we release the fears that impede us to be who we truly are. 

On the other hand, the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 27 degrees of Aquarius, will bring freedom for us to work on self-liberation and retrieval of self-love, something that has been lost for most people, by self-programming or by the manipulative tactics of the dark forces. Whichever the reason, the recuperation of the love for the self is pivotal when one is walking a path of selfless assistance, for no one can give love, if one does not feel it for the self, first. 

Aquarius, a fixed sign that even if it belongs to the element Air, is represented by the Water Bearer, as a reminder for us to also freely flow and adapt to all conditions, as water does. Water represents the emotions we have within as well as the ideas we hold in our mental plane and that most of the time are fixed and linear and limit ourselves in experiencing our true potential. This sign is giving us the message of releasing old wounds and emotions - returning to our natural state of constant change, flow and bliss with All. 

For many, the focus of this Eclipse is on relationships and communication, for its loving planetary alignments. However, as ascending souls, we know it is not just about what is happening in the micro, but in the macro as well, and all shall be taken into consideration. Thus, there are many other events occurring that are deeply affecting us, for as conscious beings, we do not just work within our earthly plane but with many timelines and dimensions, in our unique way. 

At the time of this Eclipse, we have the Sun, Moon and Mercury in Aquarius and some important conjunctions: The Sun in conjunction with Mercury, Asteroid Juno - whose essence is very similar to Venus -  Asteroid Hygeia - related to our health and healing in general - and finally the Sun in a square to Jupiter. The Sun in conjunction with Mercury is a wonderful encounter for us to use this frequency to work within our mental plane - emphasising communication not precisely with others - but with ourselves, for the most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves. 

If you do not talk to yourself in a loving and compassionate way, you will self-program yourself by telling you all you are not. Self-talk is essential, for in truth it is the first voice we listen and believe, our inner one, and if this voice says how unworthy, how unpretty or useless you are, then, everything else will match your opinion. It is vital to become the witness and observe how we talk to ourselves, for it is pivotal that we become our main fountain of love and compassion. There are many relationships that are yet based on blame, victimhood and so on, because it is a sign that we do not show love and respect toward ourselves first. 

Moreover, the Sun in conjunction with Asteroids Juno and Hygeia will be a another cosmic gift for us to heal the relationship with ourselves and others as well as our relationship with food, and with everything that impedes us to embrace a more balanced and natural life style. What we put into our mind is important, for thoughts define the physical, however, what we put into our bodies, is equally important, for if we continue to self-harm ourselves by eating what poisons our bodies or by feeding addictions (understanding for addictions everything that enslave us), we will not be fully able to anchor all the light we are descending, and that shall be anchored within our physical bodies, which is one of the main reasons why our bodies suffer from physical symptoms, because of our resistance to let go. 

The Eclipse will also sextile Uranus and square Jupiter. The Water Bearer is ruled by Uranus, the Planet of Transformation, often called the Planet of Rebellion. Uranus's essence helps us bring the inner change - that we are so eager to find externally - reminding us that no outer change cannot truly come, if we do not go firstly within and transform what is fragmented.  

This is a time for those who allowed, in the past, fear to rule their lives, to finally break this cycle, get out of their cocoons in which they have been hiding themselves, and begin to shine their unique essence, free from the 3D conditions, that no longer govern their human experience, for only they have the power to do so. As the Eclipse square Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, who also sextile Pluto, we can bring growth, expansion and inspiration to all the changes we are creating. 

Restoration of human values

This cosmic passage in which we have been immersed for a while, is one of the most important ones of the year, for it is an opportunity to bring deep change, and freedom, in ourselves, in our relationships, and in our physical reality. There are many souls currently working with the dissolution of old 3D beliefs and past habits/patterns, beginning to restore those old beliefs with new ones that are now coming from a space of lack of judgement and compassion, something that in the 3D matrix did not exist, for the system only focused on narcissism, where Love for All, was not contemplated.

The main task of the many ascending souls incarnated on this Planet, is not just being and assisting by our mere essence but by consciously being the wayshowers and mentors of the restoration of the true human values. We came here to act as authentic and integrated beings, spreading our truth and assistance to All, we did not come here to get trapped into 3D drama or feeding old illusions. It is pivotal that we move away from our personal human story and begin to act as the raisers of consciousness that we are, instead of repeating 3D old patterns, falling into the manipulative frequency of mass consciousness.

To be able to bring those lost pure human values based on unconditional love and compassion, first we must begin by transforming our own fears, and old programs that are still active within. Since we decided to experience a human life, we all have within our genetic patterns the ability to modify and/or dissolve, as well as the parental education received.

The main change in our values must be removing ourselves from self-destructive behaviours, for if we do not love ourselves, there is little we can do to love All, for they are all a reflection of us, after all. These new values should be taught at schools someday, moving from the negative agenda programming to an empowered and compassionate one. We were never meant to live in a brutal society, and hence, we were manipulated to the point of only bringing out our distorted masculine essence, becoming the doers of destruction instead of the bringers of love and peace that we essentially are.

Some of the main values that as New Earth Seeds we shall begin to bring back are:

  • The conscious use of our feminine-creative life force - beginning to shift from a patriarchal and masculine perspective into a more loving and feminine one, acting with love, integrity and opening to the intuition that comes from our soul, and above all, focusing not just in the feminine, but in bringing unification into both polarities. 
  • Restoring the true meaning of sexual connection between equal partners, and hence, dissolving the implanted unnatural 3D meaning, and use, of sex. 
  • Moving from a fearful space to a free one - overcoming the fear to stand firm in who we are, a thing that a lot of ascending souls are still fighting for. 
  • Beginning to consciously utilize our energy in everything we think, say and do, for we feed everything with our essence. 
  • Moving from desperation to our eternal connection with the Divine within, coming back to a state of trust and faith.
  • Retrieving our sense of worthiness, leaving behind the deep self-implanted belief we are hopeless and unworthy beings governed by outer gods and/or forces.
As always, it is only by working on self-love and personal power that we can finally shift eons of mental control and slavery by building a free sovereign society - whose principals are based on a loving and conscious exchange and on endless expansion - rather than in gaining personal power by oppressing others. 


One of the main things that will shift within this new dimensional space that we consciously inhabit now, is how we sustain ourselves in the physical. These series of Eclipses are very important, for we are bringing deep transformation, to be able to align with who we are becoming. 

The recent frequencies received, especially the ones coming from this Eclipse, are going to serve us to keep mastering certain aspects of ourselves as our sense of abundance, which is also another form of love. For we are beginning to seed a new space, unknown to us before, and we shall master how to manage our energy and create into this new plane of existence. 

Self-created jobs are one of the novelties that are beginning to arise, in a society where having a fixed job, has been a long-term pattern. Now, all that used to ensalve us is beginning to crumble and those who no longer feel like living in a manipulated reality, are stepping out of their old jobs and creating the ones who are aligned with their unique gifts.

There are a lot of people that even if they are awakened beings and speak about abundance, are not yet able to sustain themselves in the physical. This is a sign that what they share is not first anchored within themselves. This is not a reason to put yourselves down or simply leave what you desire, but an opportunity for you to uncover more human beliefs at the same time that you work with balancing the masculine, in a year in which we have the gift - and the opportunity - of mastering opposite polarities.

When we create, share, give or buy, we must begin to see everything as an equal and loving exchange rather as something we are forced to do in order to live properly or feeling we are wasting our money and/or energy in whatever form we give. These are just some examples of unconscious beliefs/feelings when dealing with abundance that impedes us to experience a major influx of abundance into our lives:

  • Fear to lose - especially when giving or buying something - feeling we are wasting our money, even though we like or need to sustain ourselves what we are acquiring. See everything as a conscious and loving exchange, do not focus on the money in itself but on what has truly value for you. Money is not meant to be kept but to be shared in a constant flow.
  • Giving/sharing your energy or what you do or create with a proper exchange. I know many people still live in separation, which is perfectly fine, thinking the ones who dedicate ourselves 24/7 to assist others, in a spiritual way, so to say, for I consider all spiritual, are not allowed to receive a proper exchange. Well, it is not about the money, we, or at least I, do not charge for the guidance we share, but for our time and energy which must be valued in the same way it is appreciated in other jobs. 
When one does not put a decent and proper value for what one does, then you are telling the Universe the story that you are not worth it, and that what you give is not first valued for yourself, for you consider yourself so small you are not even able to put a decent exchange to sustain yourself in the physical, then your physical reality, will of course reflect the same. This is why working with self-love is so important for the ones who are yet not honouring themselves. 
  • Gratitude - for the abundance we are able to give and for the one we receive. Seeing not just what we give or is left, but what we receive. 
Abundance is another form of love, not the love that others feel for yourself or the compassion, and give/donate money to you, but the love that is first felt - within - for all you are and do for All. Within this New Timeline, more people will feel the inner call to create their own jobs, for this is the only way in which what they/we share will be authentic, for we are sharing from a space of love and joy for what we do, rather than from a space of neediness from obtaining what is necessary for a living. For when we do so, we feel no excitement for what we do, and hence, our sense of assisting others is blocked, and we begin to feel forced to work in something we do not even resonate with. 

In this new phase of our ascension path, we are going to master how to fully support ourselves within a physical plane, without the need for self-sacrifice, working on things we do not support or resonate with, and begin to know ourselves to the point in which we become totally secure of our inner Divine Gifts and how we can share them to be able to not only assist others but ourselves - to move beyond the materialistic and narcissistic 3D matrix, into an empowered and increasingly loving society. 

The major reason of why some people live in lack is because they have also many hidden mental patterns which are not easy to identify, as their own self-programs that impede you to have everything you need. There is also another important thing that impedes us to ground ourselves: the balance between the ethereal and the physical. As you may know, there are some people who tend to live only in the Illuminated Realms, and hence, they forget they also came here to master a physical plane, in which, how to create a stable life is pivotal to support ourselves, this is why it is so important to be objective, understanding that in truth everything is spiritual, from everything is God, not just the non-physical planes. 

Planetary architecture changes

I have been informed by my Unified Self that our universal planetary coordinates have changed. I do not understand myself well what all this means, so I simply share the guidance for the ones who are meant to receive it. This is pivotal for the ones who travel to earth, for from now on if they do not possess the right codes they will not be able to violate our freedom, entering and trying to bring chaos, as it used to be in the Old Earth. 

This is also very important for the ones whose main soul role is to work with the restoration of earth fabrics of time and space as well as for the time travellers to other dimensions, which can sound delusional, but for those who understand, I am not literally talking about physically doing this, for we all know there are many other ways to do so.

The rays, as you may already know have also shifted, as well as our senses and therefore, capacity to feel/see them. There are other things who are also already strongly being felt by the sensitive souls, as it is the change in the Earth fabrics and hence, the dissolution of our deep sense of time. Many of you are already experiencing the acceleration of time, or slowness of this, in certain experiences, realizing the illusion of time and the truth that life is not made of time but about moments and how we allow ourselves to experience them.

Regarding Earth Grids, we are experiencing an important change, for as I saw/felt myself, there are more and more souls beginning to assist in bringing back their lost purity and connection between the Grids. I know we all have a way to explain what is not possible, in human language and understanding, so to simplify, I was told there are important opening areas in which it is now possible to bring restoration to Earth Grids, as I received. Some of these areas are:

  • Syria
  • Both Koreas
  • Cuba
  • Madagascar
  • Japan
There are other countries who are still in need of more assistance:
  • Feroe/Faroe Islands (Denmark). This is one of the most important places. I simply received because of the killing of conscious beings which is bringing a suffering frequency in the entire place. I thought it was physical crimes. I must be honest and confess my ignorance and lack of knowledge for I did not even know this place, I do not know the geography of the whole worldto be completely fair. I had to even search for this - a thing I rarely do for I simply receive and share - to know if this existed or it was my English, or I was not translating it well.
What I found was well, you search for yourself, and discern, please. It was just very painful to me, although sometimes one must see reality and help not avoid it. I am putting my feelings here, I know, sometimes I allow myself to share with you my honest feelings, for in the end you are my companions and we are all working together on this transition. So this Island needs help in both collective healing and Earth Grids. 
  • Laos
  • Venezuela
  • Thailand
  • Philippines
  • Africa, although there are some places where is possible (South Africa, Egypt to name a few), it needs more assistance.
  • Russia - the manipulation as well as the hidden agendas and nuclear activity, as I received, makes it hard to clear.
Please, know I share this with great love, and respect, to all the countries and of course to you All. This is not about me, if this was about me, I must be honest and say I am not brave enough to share all this without fearing many things, for I am also human. However, this is about the mission and about what I clearly received for the highest good of All. Thus, I share all this in case someone feel guided to send healing, in their unique way, and if this is part of your soul mission, and own guidance, to these places. 

I also would like to explain, that this is not at all about the people, but about the essence of the countries and the many negative hidden experiences and/or tactics used to destroy and manipulate Earth Grids as well as humanity consciousness. 

I thank you all who are guided to read this and to send healing to all these places and more that you are guided to.  

Restoring our Power Center: The Solar Plexus

As we are liberating ourselves from all the manipulation that our Planet as well as human consciousness has been suffering for eons, we should begin to consciously work with our power center, for it is constantly trying to be manipulated to disempower ourselves. As we embrace higher aspects of ourselves and release old illusions and patterns/habits, we are also able to integrate higher levels of consciousness, liberating ourselves from what kept us under lower frequencies. 

The Eclipses are a pure fountain of higher light codes that, if properly embodied, can assist us to release, heal, and integrate, all we could, for our major growth. However, if our central power center is not balanced and well treated, then we could not help by feeling disempowerment and lack of energy.

Our solar plexus as you know, is our power center, it is where we connect with the masculine essence of our Central Sun, and descend its powerful, and healing, influx, directing it to empower ourselves, manifest in the physical as well as protecting, what the feminine first creates within. If we do not consciously make the inner work of opening and nurturing it, it will be affected for the massive manipulation that we are still experiencing (in some countries more than in others). Therefore, true information, the main one coming from our soul, is pivotal, to be able to know and discern for ourselves what feeds it and nourishes it and what keeps it in a poor state.

This is also related to our sense of abundance, something that many are still mastering, for the more we shift and embody, the more we have to keep shifting our reality and how we live in it. To summarize, I will name just two of the many manipulative tools the negative agenda uses to disempower our power center. I know, again, many will agree, not others, this is not about agreeing, or not, but simply about being conscious and about what we are able to leave behind or not. There is nothing good or bad, simply different choices and all of them serves Source to experience. 
  • Food and drinks - especially in animal products and the majority of the drinks, they use genetic manipulation/modification to block our solar plexus power as well as DNA so we will not be able to work on strand reconnection. The importance of drinking pure water is vital, for it is the first human resource being constantly manipulated.
  • Vaccines - I am not saying some of them have not prevented certain diseases, and it is hard to simply quit all in a world where we all know it is still shifting, however the nature of vaccines is not really created to help us heal, inform yourself, if guided. 
If you experience stomach issues but with no medical solutions, this may explain, your power center imbalances. Become aware of what you eat, drink, how you direct your energy, everything that can help you discern why you are experiencing these sensations. The majority of the unknown pains, comes from the unconscious use of many substances, pills and/or food. 

Yes, Beloveds, you have been deeply manipulated, for eons. You have been unaware of your true potential - until the moment came when your soul was finally heard and woke the human. Yes, we all have been manipulated, by the food we eat, by the water we drink, by distorting reality, by creating a false image and concept of God, through many religions, all human creations, and above all, by unconsciously programming your minds, making you believe you are not worthy of love, of having limitless abundance, of creating your own human life experience and by convincing yourselves that you are hopeless beings directed by a higher authority.

You believed who you were not, you shed your tears, you felt broken,  and then you raised again, knowing there was a loving light - power - within, and that this light was a supreme and immeasurable Fountain of Unconditional Love. You awoke to your true origin, and now that you remember, and finally are retrieving your lost power, beginning to operate from a unified perspective, you are not going to look back, unless it is to regain your lost wisdom. For you are now too powerful for those whose only wish is for you to remain as mere puppets.  

Beloved Light Emissaries, raise as the powerful LoveLight beings that you are, that you always were, capable of causing a deep impact in the masses. It is time for you to consciously choose to eliminate everything that is still part of what you wish to leave behind: disempowering and toxic relationships, all that is familiar but that is no longer of assistance, and especially all the self-programming and 3D old habits/patterns that are still telling you how limited you are. You have made it, You are now dwelling within a new space, closer to the Illuminated Realms, for its Divine Symphony can be already heard and felt.

This is not a moment to feed duality. When you are challenged by your egoic tendency to feel attacked, gift yourself a moment to commune with your soul and see why you feel with the need to fight back. Become the neutral witness, know that what others try to do to you, has nothing to do with you, but with all the unconscious pain and wounds they have not yet healed. 

As conscious beings who are evolving, and hence, remembering our loving nature, our mission is, at all times, to remain in love, to dwell in peace and to remember that we, above all the egoic manipulations, came here as bringers of love and change and that it is precisely when we are most challenged that we have the opportunity to respond with love and compassion or to lose everything we have been mastering and engage into old patterns. 

Ascension is not just about reading or having the mental concept of it but about living as the conscious and compassionate beings that we are, every single day, with every single person we encounter, and, in every situation, we face, whether the situation touches ourselves deeply and leads us, for a while, to be in pain, or not. This is where you show your strength, higher understanding, evolution and unconditional love. 

Destroying is easy, feeding drama is often the norm, I see this every day, and even more within the spiritual community, so to say, lying is also easy, defamation is even more... but only pure and highly evolved beings are capable of forgiving and loving everyone beyond their egos, for they remember that we are not egos but precious souls forgetting, for a while, who they truly are, to be able to walk as humans. 

At this unique moment we freely choose to experience - it is not a time to allow ourselves to keep falling into old human illusions but to untiringly keep shining our unique Divine Creative Spark, for the world you came to assist, does not need your disempowerment but your strength, unique gifts and your conscious choice of assisting, from a pure and Sovereign Space of Unconditional Love, for you, and for All. 

I AM a free, conscious sovereign being reminding, at all times, the importance that BEing and spreading pure unconditional love and compassion, has for All.

I AM - always - in a constant state of Divine remembrance, loving and nurturing myself as well as I consciously choose to love, heal and protect all beings/form of consciousness, within Creation. 

I AM a timeless soul dwelling into Divine Bliss and its limitless love, choosing to seed the space I occupy with love and compassion, acting as the healer I AM, at all times. 

And so are YOU!

I wish you All a liberating and blessed Solar Eclipse, Beloveds!

In love, light and service ∞

Natalia Alba 

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

Transcending 3D duality & Reclaiming Personal Sovereignty

Beloved Ones, 

As conscious beings who are acting as the pioneers of this New Cycle, it is our soul desire and mission to assist in this planetary transition, but for this to occur, it is essential to cleared our 3D personality, remembering that we are working as One, which is often forgotten by our human self, accustomed to live under the illusion of separation and individuality. For we cannot be wayshowers when we still remain in duality. As we keep evolving throuhg this endless spiral, it is our personal reponsibility to dissolve old beliefs as well as egoic mechanism defends of blaming others instead of taking full responsibility for who we are and what we do.

If we look where we are within this New Era, outside of our human limited view of time, space and dates, this is a very Uranian Year. For even if some of us are already mastering some aspects of the lower self, the collective is still embracing transition and with it, the “chaotic rebellion” that we feel when we begin to awake/remember who we are and what we came here to do. 

It is not a time to look outside ourselves, especially for the ones who are stepping into this journey, but to begin honouring the self, accepting our shadows as well as our light within, and knowing that the only "problem" always come from the lower self or our 3D self, who creates all that causes us pain and keep us in a lower state of being. This does not mean we are putting all responsibility in something external to us, for we are One as well with our human self who should not be denied but integrated and controlled.  

When our human self awakens to the Truth of our existence and begins to glimpse the mystery and wisdom of this vast Universe, humility occurs, for we are not better than others or have more knowledge, but simply have decided to navigate through a different timeline -choosing to awake at the perfect time for All within Creation and put our unique seed of love within this transition. It is precisely at this intense phase, that a lot is happening outside ourselves, some we label the world events as “bad” or “good”, but our focus should again be in what we are and what we do, at every single moment. For focusing on others or global events only keeps fomenting separation and distract ourselves from doing our inner work and mission.

This is not a journey to judge the self, for we are always going to be an extension of Source learning and expanding into Higher horizons and hence, we will act with the level of consciousness that we possess at the moment, being and doing that which we are able to envision from where we are in our evolutionary journey. This is a time to ask ourselves about what we do and why we do it instead of constantly telling ourselves that others do not understand us or simply do not know as much as we do, for we can never know the roles other souls are here to fulfil and even if we consider them still “asleep” they can be disguised as highly evolved souls assisting us to ascend by the precious lessons they offer us.

During this Year, especially the souls who are determined to walk on this endless ascension path, have an opportunity to rebel themselves, not within the system, for this is not how we use our power, neither with others, for we will be denying not just our power but also our responsibility for what we choose to be and do, but with our own selves. Move within and ask yourself - without judgement - if you practice what you tell others to do - behind the physical scenes where you are not seen - or if you are just allowing your 3D takes charge of you.

Transcending duality is not easy for this is who we are as humans and it takes a while to dissolve what we have been programmed to do and repeat over and over since we incarnated into a human body (apart from the implants and other forms of manipulation used along the human existence). Dissolving the lower layers of the ego is a constant proccess of working with our non-physical bodies as well, as to be able to master the ego, first we should also heal what resides in our mental and emotional bodies. This is why is so important that instead of being impulsive and giving away our power, we commune with our soul and as the observer of our physical experience, discern about our journey and what should be healed and rewritten.

A very common trait to set an example is people who say they are “spirituals” when in Truth, we all come from Spirit, judging others who are in a different path, and putting their focus outside themselves, blaming others for what is happening in their lives, for the lack they see in their reality, denying they were the ones creating it to begin with as well as for the unloved they see instead of the relationships desired - when they do not even love and respect the self and act with integrity. This is we become the observer and see how the ego plays its defend mechanisms. 

Sometimes what we consider as being "spiritual" may just be another form of ego. Do you always act with love and lack of judgement or only when it is convenient? Do you respect the choices of others? Or do you love them until they no longer choose to participate in what you want them to? Nothing should be taken personally, for we are not judging but trying to clear old aspects of the lower self that can emerge as we keep evolving.

This writing is not coming from my lower self, and this has nothing to do with anyone, as each one should look within to recognize with love if some of these 3D traits are still present and should be dissolved. This is coming from my Unified Self as all I share, who never judges, for there is no thing/being to be judged but to be embraced, accepted and loved by the unique gift of remembrance that they bring.

In this journey, we are constantly doing our inner work, observing how the human in us behaves or perceives other people and situations and then when having a unified view of what us truly taking place, is when we act from this wiser place. Being honest saves us from becoming one with our spiritual ego instead of with the Higher Source of love and neutrality that we are in truth. Ask yourself if you still see others that are not where you are yet with inferiority and judgments instead of neutrality and compassion. See where you still separate yourself from others, and above all, where you are eluding your responsibility.

As Saturn, the Taskmaster, will remind us during this Aquarius New Moon gateway and always, as we also have the Essence of it within, taking responsibility for our own journey and actions instead of blaming them, is essential. For there is nothing to fix or control but to transform with a higher understanding and the right correction in our acts having learnt from these past actions, what is what really causes a shift in both within and into our physical lives. Taking responsibility is not putting our power in what others have done to us or external situations. It is going into an inner space of neutrality, discerning whatever is occurring in our lives that should be dissolved by first recognizing what was our part in what was/is happening. 

Once we have the whole view, we take full conscience of our own acts, not with judgments or repulsion to our lower self, for this is not separated from us, but with Divine love and compassion and with the gratitude that this new experience has brought to us. When we feel in pain, we can never transmute it by blaming others, as we will be in delusion again. Instead, embracing our emotions independently of their nature, and integrating the pain as our best teacher is what will help us move to on with grace, blessing others. 

In blessing others and situations, which is not the same as tolerating them, one should always take charge of one's own experience and be empowered. All is done from a place of total acceptance of what occurred in our relationships. When we bless others from a place of egoic superiority, believing that others are just unconscious beings walking on the Earth that have “by chance” touched our lives for unknown reasons, we are not only separating but denying the perfection of the Divine Plan and failing to take full responsibility for our actions.

Acknowledging our acts does not mean recognizing - as well - other actions, for they also have to take responsibility for what they create and try to understand why they behave with unlove and lack of awareness. In this life, no matter if we are on this ascension path or not - but especially those who give and share with kindness from their hearts - we are going to be robbed, lied to, defamed and many other things, and again, all these - even if challenging - are helping us tremendously. The ego will use its defense mechanisms as it feels it has to defend itself from an external attack. The Higher Self, will simply become the observer, remembering that true power resides in acting always with integrity and love to all instead of reacting impulsively. 

When I share on certain deeper situations that may seem personal but that again serves to All in needing to receive what I learnt, it is always from my experience as an evolved soul residing in a human body who also needs to remember, for I can only share that which I have experienced before and integrated, otherwise I could not know how it feels, if I do not live it myself. Sometimes we attract these souls due to our soul agreements with them, our inner being always knows. Others, we need to be the ones who show others how to act with integrity - acting as we feel and think. But whatever it is the reason behind our human encounters, there is nothing happening by chance within creation.

Recently in my journey, I have been challenged to keep dissolving more of the 3D self and see eveything with compassion instead of judgement: to give without receiving, to put it nicely, for I am not here to judge the souls who have helped me to unify what I still fragmented but to simply share the experience and how the ego behaves when it is deeply hurt. When we buy something we were guided to add into our life experience, and we do not only not obtain anything in return but that the other part simply ignores us and goes away without giving back our exchange, the lower self begins to judge, separates and becomes upset, for it cannot see behind the veils - the precious gift within this experience.

To me, it was challenging but also something that helped me to master certain aspects of myself that told me that when we kindly give our loving abundance, we have to receive something in exchange in a certain way, which is what should occur if the other part is an integrated being. But what happens if it does not? Then, the human ego begins to attack for it feels vulnerable, making us believe that we have lost something. When we are focused on what is going “wrong” or in what others have "done" to us, we cannot see the solution. We can only see the false perception of our ego blaming others for acting without integrity, which is perfectly fine, for we are here as free beings choosing at every moment to act from our hearts of from our lower self. 

If we act with integrity at all times, then we do not have to take responsibility for the actions of others. Our inner work is to control the ego, stay in total silence and communion with our soul and discern what we do with what has been "done" to us. In my case, I feel now appreciation and compassion for this being who claims love and light all the time whilst acting without authenticity behind the public scenes and it is perfectly fine, this is not a criticism to anyone, but a precious reminder for me of  trusting completely in the Universe, for there is nothing that you give that do not come back to you.

When we are so concerned with a situation, we are not seeing and allowing the blessings the Universe is pouring at all times of our existence for us, for we are only seeing that which our human self wants us to see. this that I was not able to see it. When we focus on something we want back, it does not matter if it is money or not, for everything is a form of love, we are not allowing other and probably better things to come to our life experience, and again no one is restricting this influx of abundance - and well being - but ourselves. It is important to know where to look and to not use our human eyes to see but our soul to envision and to know. 

Become your soul, descend from your Beloved I AM Presence all the guidance you need at this time to discern and remember when your human self creates illusions and false perceptionsof what is truly occurring. For there is nothing such as lack within this Universe but our unconscious decision most of the time to disallow this abundant state of being and influx. 

When we put all of our precious energy and intention not into what someone has done to us or in a certain situation that we cannot control, but in becoming one with our soul and Higher Self to be empowered again, is that we can finally shift what is not aligned. We are not victims, neither can others take anything at all from us, this is another ilusion we tend to create, and that we think is real due to the fact that we keep fomenting it, rejecting inmediately the many gifts that are already there for us. 

Reclaiming personal sovereignty has nothing to do with separating ourselves from others and denying what is happening, but to remain in a empowered state of being and living from this same place instead of following the ego and have a low existence. It has to do with stand tall into our truth and never judging but discerning from a Higher space of wisdom and compassion to All how we are going to transform or let go of this situation and/or person.  

The human wants to fix, to react or to act, and sometimes we will have to, for being compassionate beings does not mean to tolerate all, but to be fully present,which is from where true power and sovereignty comes from, which is not the same as being passive but with the pesonal choice of not responding, simply BEing, for this is the only frequency that can dissolve from a neutral place what is not coming from an authentic source. 

No one can create your reality or make you feel in a certain way, it is you the one who determine what you allow to enter into your sacred field or not. No one is either less or more than you are, no matter how ascended you believe you are. For this is spiritual ego, which to me is often masked and taken for an evolved being. This should be brought to the surface and integrated instead of denying. We are all precious beings, taking different choices, navigating within different dimensions, that are not always aligned with the one we have chosen for ourselves. 

There are not mistakes, just decisions taken from an unconscious place, for when we are fully aware of our past acts, we simply do not choose to repeat them again. All helps us to remember and become sovereign beings in charge of our life experience. All serves within Creation a purpose that even if sometimes unknown to our human being, is essential to the evolutionary process of All of us as One BEing.

At every moment of our existence in this physical realm, we have the opportunity to choose whether we want to live from the ego or from a higher place of Divine love and neutrality. At every moment, we become a new person, with the gift to remake, which is not the same as fix antyhing what we do not resonate with, acting as the empowered sovereing beings that we are. Beings that truly feel One with All and that choose to observe from a loving place before taking action. For we now remember who we are, and therefore, we have the responsibility to BEhave as such. 

In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba