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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2018

3D Timelines Collapse & Astral Attacks

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Beloved Light Emissaries,

At a time when we have already made our transition to a new dimensional space, and we are finally claiming our true cosmic heritage, some of us, are being attacked by many dark forces who are desperate to regain control of the Earth. This is something that have been especially occurring since our planet began its bifurcation from old earth and that many of us, in different ways, have been dealing with, occasionally.

As you know in our ascension journey not everything is love and light, for we will be denying the dark polarity that is also a part of our dual universe. When we are attacked, as it was my case last night, by any negative entity, our main aim, as ascending souls, is not to ignore it but to share and inform properly those who are beginning to step into this evolutionary journey and find themselves lost, as we also were once.

The ones who have as a personal mission to share our unique experiences have the responsibility to make public, whether it is taken positively or not, what we experience to show others what is truly happening behind the physical veils. This is a time, as you already know, of deep integration. Many of us have been working 24/7 for this is not just a mission but who we are, to seed unity consciousness, as we continue to evolve within this endless spiral. This is precisely why we are being targeted by the ones who have as their main purpose to regain control of the Planet, as they have been doing until recently.

Last night I was astrally attacked by draconian entities and even though it happens very rarely to me, and I always use my protection twice a day, it happened. I woke up in the middle of the night, I was deeply guided to write about it, although my human self does not feel comfortable. This is not to bring panick to anyone, but to inform of what many of you already know is taking place, as well as to show that if we stand in our power and Light, we can overcome any attack and regain strength to continue with our mission.

This is a very important phase of our journey, one that many of us have been working for many incarnations, not just this one. It is our task to speak, share, express our feelings and personal experiences so the new ones know how to protect themselves and react when these attacks occur.

There are many reasons why these attacks happen. This is why it is so important that we become the neutral witness of our own human journey. For we can fall into egoic delusional traps as thinking that we are being attacked just because of our light, when there are many other reasons. 

If you are still passing through a healing process or beginning to awake, then these entities will try to put you back into a lower state of consciousness. This can happen in many ways, it does not have to be necessarily in the astral with dark entities. The same damage can be done by humans who work for these dark forces or are literally possessed by them as well as by many others who walk under false light.

It is important that we remain grounded and centered into our hearts to distinguish the purpose of these attacks. Some people, still ruled by their egos, which is perfectly fine, for we all learn by experiencing these stages, may think it is because they are very powerful, when in truth it is because they still are carrying some old habits/thoughts etc. that invite these entities or call them in a way, into their auric field.

When one is certain that is functioning from a whole and healed space, and occasionally experience these attacks, is when they are coming to dim your light. But it is important to discern if first we still need to clear/heal/dissolve something that is still active within us. 

There are many signs that can tell you if you have suffered a dark attack, this is why it is important that you distinguish it from mere dreams or human illusions. If the attacks occur to you often, then this is telling you that you are in need of moving inward, observe your own process and see what is not yet unified. If the attack is simply felt as some kind of control or simply as a way to disempower you and what you are doing, then it is because you are one who already stands firm in your truth and it is meant to confuse and manipulate you. 

There are many who are not yet fully conscious in the astral, when they fulfill their unique tasks there and that are not aware of the fact that they are being attacked. As I am conscious, it is easier for me to discern what is taking place. However, there are many who do not even remember their dreams, sometimes as a form of protection for them, or simply they do not know if they dreamt something strange or what exactly took place in their dreams phase.

As this is something that takes inner work and dedication, I will name only the basic sensations that I have experienced myself in the past, in case it can be of help, as recently I have only experienced how they try to drain me for there is nothing else  they can attack me with anymore but my energy. 

As always take what resonates with your own guidance and personal journey:
  • Emotional attacks: these entities use past unhealed memories/situations/relationships to create guilt, pain, and unworthiness feelings, between many others, within you. They do so by implanting mental fake memories, within real ones, where you are always the one who acted wrong.
This is used to show you that you are not as pure as you think and that you made mistakes in the past. If you have not worked with soul retrieval, if you have not forgiven, yourself and others, then they will find an easy entry to torture you for your past deeds. 
    If this is your case, and you wake up feeling sad, remembering past situations that you thought were healed, is an indication that you still need to work with them. Only being compassionate with yourself will help you in bringing clarity and love to the situation. Otherwise, you can fall into their trap.
    • Solar plexus attack: this is something I have experienced, and it is very difficult, at least for me to describe, when they try to literally drain it and take away my/your power. 
    • Similar sensation as having fever.
    • Waking up sweating/crying, with your feet and hands totally stiff and even the nails nailed to the skin. This is a sign of how much the physical body has suffered during the attack while you were sleeping.
    • Electric sensations in your hands or other parts of your body as it is your spine. 
    • Deep pain in your body: hands, feet, legs, neck and head. 
    • Nausea
    • Being emotionally and physically exhausted.
    • Fatigue
    • Breathing issues
    • Teeth pain 
    These are just some sensations after waking up after an entity attack. However, I know there are more as chronic fatigue, depression, even physical marks and manipulation of your sexual creative force. If this is happening to you then this is a major attack that must be treated with different tools, for this goes further than what I am referring to, at this time. 

    What I personally do after experiencing an astral attack while I am performing my mission, is to be in neutral observation for the required time for me to understand why it occurred. Observing ourselves and human experiences from a neutral space, is very important for every crack we may have in our auric field, is going to be used by these dark forces to penetrate into our sacred space. 

    After having consulted it with my Guides Team and knowing it is all an attempt to diminish what I am and do, then I proceed to clear my physical and non-physical bodies, remember that all of them are equally important, not just the physical one. After that I do the protection declaration, again.

    I also use behind my pillow two crystals, although this is very personal, and other tools to clear myself and sacred space. As you are your own master and we are all unique, I leave it to you to use the tools that best resonate with who you are and where you are, at this moment in your ascension path. 

    There is nothing to fear when one is centered into one's heart. The most important thing that can be done while we are being attacked whether physically o non-physically, is to keep our hearts wide open, for this is the most challenging thing to do when we experience an unpleasant situation. As conscious and sovereign souls, we did not come here to judge, not even the purpose of those who work for the opposite polarity, but to understand and be compassionate towards All beings within Creation.

    It is precisely when we dwell in he Love that we are, that we can overcome any attack, as we understand from where these beings are coming. It is important to remember that we may have been there once too, and the only thing that can dissolve the illusion of separation and the shadows we often tend to create, is to act as pure Divine Love Conduits.

    This does not mean we do not protect ourselves and set healthy boundaries, for it is our responsibility to take care of ourselves and energy. However, we know come from an understanting space of unity and love for All and what caused us fear, is felt now as compassion, which is the result of the conscious evolution that we are experiencing while we walk as humans.

    Allow what is falling apart to fall apart. This is where mastery resides, in embracing and accepting all as equal, knowing that everything that is happening in our human existence is happening for us to learn from it, not to us. All is occurring for us to pass from reacting with fear or attacking back, to react with love and compassion. It is all showing us precious opportunities for us to grow in love and power, never for us to use them as excuses of how unworthy or powerless we are.

    You are forever protected. You do not need to see your Guides or other beings who protect you, when you are in the astral. You simply have to remain open, in the love and light that you are and have consciously decided to dwell. You have within all the power to keep choosing to stay in the frequency of love. There is no one that can truly make this choice for you.

    When these attacks occur are not meant to show you that you are not where you need to be. On the contrary, they are meant to show you what you need to master/empower and heal, for you to reclaim your sovereignty and freedom. Everything, even what we continue to see as a threat to us has a purpose and a blessing for us. It is our choice to see it for what it truly Is or for what our fears and egoic self want it to be. 

    I thank you for remaining, always, in the Illumined Essence of your Soul, shining your unique Spark of the Divine for All, whether the circumstances are convenient or not. Thank you for all you are and do, Beloved Companions.

    In love and light ∞

    Natalia Alba 

    Gratitude for the picture used on this article to: Christine Kesara Dennett

    lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018

    The Energies of November 2018 ~ Tuning in to Unity consciousness: Soul Groups Reunion

    There is only one all pervading God. It has only one message - Love all, encompass all and transcend the limits of the selfish gene.

    Amit Ray

    Beloved Light Emissaries,

    In our endless journey of conscious evolution, and co-creation, we are about to close another chapter of constant self-transformation, integration and clearing. We are indeed ending a cycle within our ascension path as well as human year, in which releasing old layers of the 3D egoic self has been essential. November is a pre-creation period, the threshold that introduces us to the loving energies of December and New Year.

    In a blink of an eye we are leaving behind a powerful year of transcendence. It is truly a time to dissolve old timelines, vows, memories and continue assisting our Beloved Planet by practicing, at all times, not just when convenient or when Christmas comes, unity consciousness, for it is our responsibility - as starseed souls and New Earth Seeds - to act as light bearers, always, especially when spreading our unique Essence, is pivotal during this planetary transition.

    Planetary speaking, this is going to be a one of the busiest months of all this year. During this month we are going to be presented with the opportunity to look back only to realize if we have finally mastered the ego, the relationships that were based on attachment, old 3D behaviors and every loose end that we need to clear, for the following month of December will be one for us to completely focus on self-nurturance and on the conscious creation of the next phase of our human journey, that we are already co-creating, from within.

    As you know, this year 2018 is an 11 Universal Year, a sign of our achieved self-mastery, although it never ends, and hence the beginning of a new timeline, to master and explore in co-creation with the new frequencies that we are receiving. November, even though it is a universal number 4 which also holds the 11 frequency, as a reminder of the importance that working on self- mastery/initiation and hence, unification, has, if we are willing to evolve.

    Mastering inner synthesis is precisely one of the many gifts that the last Full Moon in Taurus offered us, for love is not just confined to our divine reunions but to the love we feel for ourselves. This is why it is so important to unify our feminine and masculine essences, so we can be able to really appreciate, what true and unconditional love is, without human bandages, or separation, but with the loving naked eyes from which the Divine sees us All.

    Releasing past vows & removal of old memories

    As you know, and as we have been feeling for all this 2018 year, we are evolving in such an accelerated way that it is required of us to be constantly wiping old memories/timelines and what is often more important not to get attached to old energy and companions. At this time it is vital to release all the conscious, and unconscious vows, we once made when we were dwelling in a different frequency, and hence, holding different desires.

    Energy is light - consciousness - and the more we feed old memories, the more we will continue impeding the influx of the New Light we are receiving. It is essential that we take some time, daily, to work on past liberation. It is one of the most important things that as ascending souls, we shall do, as old memories limit the embodiment of higher levels of consciousness.

    By erasing old memories I am not by any means referring to the complete erase of our conscious memories, for it will go against our human nature, and own evolution, but to simply work with the painful and fake memories that are impeding us to move forward, especially with the ones we have created ourselves or others have imposed on us. For example, when we keep using self-negative talk, what we are doing is literally programing ourselves to believe we are not enough and that we should not receive what we deserve by Divine Law.

    There are also other limited beliefs that used to be implanted on us when we were kids. For example by parents with a limited consciousness or one of lack, or by teachers or other people who simply did not know best or chose to see their reality ass being a closed and fixed one. It is now, as conscious beings, our inner duty to liberate ourselves from these memories and the pain that they have brought to us.

    Past vows are the ones that we made in our past relationships/lifetimes before incarnating and that have been fulfilled or that we simply no longer need to fulfill, by decision of our sovereign soul, and our human self is not aware of it yet. These past vows need to be released, if it is our will to evolve and embrace new companions. Otherwise, we will keep attracting if not the same souls others who hold the same frequency with different faces.

    When we have fulfilled a purpose in past relationship or any other kind of reunion, we will know in our hearts, for there will be no coming back to this relationship or the repetition of a similar one. When we get attached to certain relationships but our main purpose have been already accomplished the difference can be appreciated in the type of relationship we maintain.

    If the relationship is flowing and even though there are some challenges, we know it is a soul mate reunion (sometimes even karmic, depending on your unique soul path) we will stay, for we know we need to learn something from this reunion, and then we will keep fulfilling the main purpose of it.

    On the other hand, if we are experiencing a toxic, dependent, relationship, then we will have to become the neutral witness to become aware that the main purpose have been fulfilled and that we are just postponing the ending of this relationship and what we feel is just a feeling of attachment to someone that is no longer meant to be present in our current human experience. This is what happens in the majority of the human relationships, when the purpose has been accomplished, and we unconsciously refuse to let go of the other person, for as humans, it is in our nature to try to retain the familiar or what we think is ours.

    Old memories are the ones that we hold not only from this lifetime, from our past, parallel/present timelines, but also from all the implanted memories, by the negative agendas that manipulated humanity for eons, as well as those memories that come from the collective, for we all, whether by living it directly or by imposed educative tactics, have implanted collective memories, as for example remembering something that have never existed, or that never occurred in that way or simply that we have not lived and the 3D matrix wants us to keep remembering and feeding their already obsolete and decayed matrix.

    There are certain signs that will let you know if the presence of old energy is still blocking your way to embody a higher, so to speak, state of being.
    • Repetition of old/toxic patterns in your relationships or towards yourself, as it indicates some aspect of us is still holding the belief that we are not enough or worthy.
    • Dreams: it occurs when we tend to dream with certain people from our past constantly or often and when certain situations keep happening, exactly the same they happened once, in our dreams. I know many people do not even remember what they dream. However, others, as it is for example my case, not only consciously work in the astral but are, even though sometimes we do not wish, fully conscious in our dreams - remembering everything we had experienced.
    This is why is so important that we utilize these dreams to dig deeper into the reasons why we still continue dreaming with certain people that a priori should not be any longer in our human experience/dreams, and especially when the main issue of our dreams is something painful that happened with these people. The opportunity of healing during our dreams is unique and should be taken, when needed, for it is blessing our soul offers us to reunite, again, with these people to solve our human differences.
    • Fake memories: This can seem hard to understand as some people cannot comprehend how they have memories of something they did not do or was even real. For the ones who are conscious of the constant dark manipulation with our consciousness, we know they implanted, in the matrix, certain memories of things/events that never occurred and that we should believe they did for their dark purposes.
    It is important that we begin to become the neutral observers of our own memories, especially regarding historical ones, personal ones that may have also been manipulated, especially if they have been narrated to us, and other fabricated ones that have been inserted to us by false propaganda.

    I understand it is hard to disengage oneself from social media, and only using it to share and interact with like-minded people. However, it is essential that we disconnect from TV, certain social media sites and other propaganda media whose only aim is to infuse our mind with fake memories. If we desire to clear our minds and empty ourselves from all of the old as well as from all that is not true, then it is our task to do the inner work of dissolving and step out of that which is manipulating our consciousness.

    Soul groups reunions

    There are times when the power of many as One is required for us to create a significant change during this planetary transition. As ascending souls, you already know the importance than working on our frequency has, as the more pure we are, in essence, the more we will be able to have an impact in where we are located by our God Self.

    At this time, in which the efforts of the dark forces, as I have shared many times, is tremendous to bring us back into a lower state of consciousness, it is necessary for the highest good of All as well as for the continuation of the evolution that Planet Earth already initiated, that the ascending souls, whether New Earth Seeds - incarnated directly on Earth - and Starseed Souls, unite our forces to sustain the current transition aside from the many attacks received in both individually and in the battle to regain control of our Planet.

    There are actually soul grouping occurring all around the world to bring balance and light in the darkest corners where lower frequencies are still impeding the anchoring of a higher vibration. The meeting of these souls is not just confine to our human desires of being with others who resonate with us or that value and love us, as we are.

    The true purpose of these reunions is made among souls who have already reclaimed their sovereignty and that have mastered their egoic self. These reunions are not to teach anyone, although we all learn/remember from each other’s, but to recognize the Divine Light within and to co-create as One Soul to assist the Planet openings that are taking place as a result of the new dimensional, and more evolved, space we now occupy.

    One of the main aims of these souls is to stabilize, raise the frequency of a certain place, of simply to be stronger together to cause a deeper impact in a certain area of in the Planet. The type of these reunions are not prepared by us, but by our God Self, who decides if these reunions are meant to last for a certain amount of time, or if it just serves the original purpose with one encounter. Our main aim resides in following our soul Will, without asking or wanting to know the details.

    These souls know who they are. They do not need to be guided in a human sense anymore or need of others approval, for they have already embraced their God within.

    Some of the main purposes of these souls, as I was told by my Unified Self are:
    • Space clearing - there are certain physical locations in the Planet, as you well know, which are not yet pure enough to anchor a higher frequency, this is where these souls focus their Light to bring transformation and cleansing into these places.
    • Guardians of Consciousness. These are souls - sentinels - in charge of protecting our consciousness as well as our planetary one, of any negative intrusions.
    • Time gatekeepers: their mission, as you know, is one of assisting in helping us retrieve the true sense of time and space, and align it with the cosmic timeline, so to speak.
    • Raising the frequency of a certain area: This occurs when the physical space has suffered past or recent painful situations, such as attacks with bombs or simply concentrated negative energy, and it is required to clear this space. It also occurs in big cities.
    • To stabilize and anchor this balance into certain places where higher frequencies had been anchored but they have not been stabilized. This is the work I do by essence and by many other tools I was taught by my Guides. Since this summer, and it will continue until January, the amount of work for the stabilizers is tremendous to balance all the frequencies that first gatekeepers anchored. If by our own essence this mission is not possible, as it is happening in big areas, then, our soul will orchestrate a soul group meeting in which we all, as One, will do this task.
    • Planetary karmic clearing.
    • Cellular/collective planetary memory healing. This is one of the tasks that the souls who belong to the Blue Ray perform, although it is not necessary to belong to this group of souls.
    • Planetary fabrics/grids healing.
    There will be more purposes that only the ones who are working on it know. I simply share the most common ones, in case it can shed some light for the ones that may be experiencing this. As always, follow your own guidance when a certain reunion takes place, to discern if it is coming from a soul agreement or if it is your ego wanting to create a connection, where there is none, to simply feel accompanied.

    This is a blessed and powerful time. As you know, some of us, who are just beginning to remember the vastness of the path that we are starting to walk. We have been parting and reuniting for more than our human mind can recollect. We have been preparing for this transition for many lifetimes, whether we were incarnated on this Planet or another one, or simply being a witness, from other sovereign dimensions, to what was happening on Planet Earth.

    Our presence in this Planet, our reunion with other loving souls, with similar soul roles, is not a coincidence, for there is not such a thing within Creation. This is the time we planned for us to meet, work and act, as One. This is the time that the dark forces are fearing, for they know what many, reunited as One can do for All.

    This is where we no longer choose to fear our power and begin assisting by standing tall in who we are, in our truth and in our unique abilities. For it is only when we choose to remember the God within and what we are here to do by Divine Will, that we can finally step out of an egoic path and enter into an endless journey of selfless assistance and conscious co-creation with All.

    You were never as powerful, as worth it and as perfect as you are Now. You were never more prepared that you are Now to do what you deep within yourself remember came here to be and do. You need to fear nothing and no one but your own power and how you decide to use it.

    There are no more doubts, pains or challenges that can stop you from what you know you are here to do, for now you remember unity. Now you know that in the moment you choose to ignore who you are, the entire Planet, will be affected by your decision not to shine your unique Light.

    You need no one telling you if you are ready or not. You have all the answers within. You just need to know where to look to begin acting as the sovereign, powerful and free soul, and human being, that you do are and choose to be.

    Planetary alignments 

    We begin this powerful, and planetary busy month of November, with the confirmation of the rebirth that we are experiencing and of the importance that mastering the egoic self has, for us to step renewed into a new cycle of our evolutionary journey. This month reminds us by its 11 essence, that before wanting to go further within this ascension path, first we need to work on remembering oneness - acting, always, as unified compassionate beings. 

    In numerology, this is a 22 universal month - 4 reduced. After ending a transitioning phase, we pass to anchor these inner changes into the physical, which is also the same message that number 4 gives us at this time. The card that represents in tarot number 4 is the Emperor, portraying the image of a powerful presence that has an abundant and stable reality, not because of some miraculous destiny, but because he has done the inner and physical work required, establishing the strong pillars for that to occur.

    Creating strong foundations in our earthly lives - remembering that not only can we live of mere dreams that reside in our ethereal plane - is essential if we desire to create harmony within our human experience, and finally master the art of bringing them into physical matter. Numbers 4, represents the Yang - masculine - polarity in perfect unity and balance, which is the inner work that we have been, and still are doing, during all this year and especially during this past Full Moon in Taurus.  

    At a cosmic level, we begin this month with a planetary healing encounter between Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, and the Cosmic Healer, as I call him, Chiron. This trine will be a tremendous fountain of healing, for those who are working on healing certain imbalances as well as for those who are simply expanding into their healing abilities. 

    If the second is your case, then you could focus on receiving extra guidance about how to use your healing gifts to help others bringing unification within themselves or focusing on establishing communication with other galactic beings, as are the Arcturians, who are maters healers and are helping some humans, and incarnated starseeds, to remember their healer within as well as to learn/remember new healing modalities that are yet unknown for some humans. 

    As you know as we continue to evolve into a new, and more illumined, dimensional space, the more we will be working with different energies, leaving behind what is obsolete and embracing new ways of bringing deep healing into ourselves, and hence, All. This is why it is so important to move on from past ways of healing, if this is our call, and begin to embrace new ones, that even if unknown yet to us, are the ones that are aligned with the new frequency that supports us and that is part now of our new reality. 

    On November 6, we have three important cosmic events: Uranus square true node, which at the same time enters Cancer, and Uranus, again, entering retrograde in Aries. As you can see in this month we are going to be deeply influenced by the frequencies of Uranus and Jupiter, confirming us the great transformation and expansion that we are undergoing. As you know, Uranus is the Breaker, for it ends with everything that limits its desire to keep expanding itself. 

    This is what we are going to be invited to do, to keep breaking free from old patterns, most of them created by our own mind illusions, and continue our path of conscious remembering and co-creation with All, for all these limiting patterns/programs are the only cause of why we are not yet receiving more guidance about who we truly are and what are the next steps we need to take to follow our true soul purpose and mission.

    Uranus is going to give us the strength required for us to follow our true destiny or soul path, without the restricted chains that impede us to know our true potential and share it with others, for as sovereign beings, we not only came here to remember and heal our own inner programs, but to spread our unique Essence - Light - to assist All.

    For many of you these inner and physical changes, of transforming an old life will be already evident, for the majority, this is still something they are working to manifest. Where you are is perfect for what you need to remember. This is not just about you, while you keep working in the job you abhor, others will benefit from the light you are spreading there, and until some of them are touched by it, you shall continue to be there to help them, even though you may not like to be where you are.

    It is all what we All need as a whole more than what we desire, as humans. These cosmic events will be the catalyst, for those who it is time to do so, and will help many to finally dissolve an old job, life or relationship - creating the comfortable, stable and nurturing reality, as the True Node in Cancer reminds us, for you to begin anew. For you to finally give birth to the human experience that you were so eager to manifest and that for certain Divine reasons, for all is in the end orchestrated by this Higher Intelligence, were not meant to occur at that time. 

    The True Node in Cancer will also give us the gift for us to realize if we feel at Home where we are, or if we are yet separating. Home is always within, in the moment we are Homesick, it is because we have not yet discovered/felt the Light within. Cancer will remind us of this Truth as well showing us the way for us to create the relationship, the physical things and all we need for us to feel at home, for once we finally find this inner remembrance that home is always within, our physical environment will begin to reflect  it as well. No matter what you seek to create, the importance will be in creating self-nurturance, love, mastery and the familiar and secure environment that you need to live an abundant and comfortable human experience. 

    In this same day Uranus retrograde in Aries. Aries as you know is a sign that focus on the self, it does not mean in an egoic way, however, this is another facet of this sign, to be so determine and self-focus that it tends to lose sight of the importance of the whole. It is with this sign that we begin to master our ego until we finally reach Pisces and remember, again, Oneness. 

    Uranus retrograde in this sign will remind us that being independent, doing things on our own and be constantly starting things, is important. However, it is even more important when we first do it by holding the perfect balance within - giving birth to our inner creations not from an impetuous space but from a stabilized one. This is an opportunity for us to learn how to manage our energy and urge to do things for some of us are hyper in nature and it is pivotal to learn how to manage and direct this energy. 

    The next day, on November 7, as if it was not intense enough, we have two other important events: Jupiter trine True Node and a New Moon at 15 degrees Scorpio. Jupiter trine True Node will be a Divine Encounter for the ones who are trying to go deeper into their soul mission as well as relationships, if first they have created inner synthesis. If you align with this essence, you will expand in your true soul purpose, for it will lead you to the steps of your path you have to fulfill to obtain the guidance you are so desperately seeking outside, about who you are and what you are meant to do/bring here. 

    Trust your path, your soul is guiding you, at all times you do know what you are doing, even though your human self is not aware of it yet, trust that it is happening for a reason, for your egoic self will move into the frequency of fear, if it knew of the great task you are meant to do here. Simply trust the Force that is guiding you every step of the way and follow it, no matter what, with all you heart. 

    The second important event is the New Moon at 15 degrees of Scorpio. This Moon will trine Neptune, the Planet of Intuition and Dreams. This is a very feminine essence we could use to enhance our creativity. As this Moon will also make a positive aspect to Pluto, it will give us the power we need for us to transform what is required, from within to our physical plane, so we can bring forth our soul creations and deepest inspirations. 

    On November 8, we continue receiving strong planetary energies as we have Jupiter quincunx Uranus at the same time that Jupiter enters Sagittarius. The first cosmic event will teach us to be patient when we are yet giving form, from within, to the desires we would like to make physical, as Uranus is all about creating change. However, Jupiter is eager to expand on all these changes, which can be a bit overwhelming, if we first do not possess the harmony and peace within to wait for the proper time for our creations/changes to manifest in the physical, for as you know, there is a gap until we see our soul desires manifested into this dense plane. 

    On the other hand, Jupiter entering Sagittarius will be a very benevolent energy if we are willing to expand into new dimensions, retrieving guidance from them and navigating within our inner realms to bring into the surface the wisdom we need to resolve the human puzzle for the next phase of our journey. For Jupiter in Sagittarius is all about expanding into a higher wisdom, being adventurous, joyful and following our deepest passions, knowing that it is not about reaching the highest peak of the mountain what truly matters but the journey, and all we learn in it, what is truly worth it. 

    On November 15, we have an unusual combination, as the Warrior Mars will enter into the Water sign of Pisces. This mighty Force in sensitive Pisces will give us an opportunity to master any feelings of rage etc. and if you are one who needs to surrender and go with the flow, then this encounter will assist you to manage the potent, and sometimes impulsive Fiery, energy of Mars into a more harmonize position.

    It is all about balancing our human tendency of trying to exert force upon someone or a certain issue, and simply practice the art of being still and flow, which has nothing to do with the human sense of being passive that we have, as sometimes, what we understand as doing "nothing" and being "passive" is simply the wise way of BEing at a certain moment, in which trying to manipulate a situation will only ruin more the outcomes that are meant to come naturally rather than forced by our human will.

    The next day, on November 16 we have another two important events, as it is usual in a month where the intensity of the planetary events are absolutely extraordinary. On one hand we have Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance, turning direct, and on the opposite, we have Mercury turning retrograde. Many will say this is not a time to act etc. with Mercury retrograde, or that it is a time to move inward. 

    This is very delicate as some of us no longer follow, or choose, to be affected by collective beliefs, as independently of whether Mercury is retrograde or not, we all have our own micro cycles and knowing the self is essential, to know when it is our time to go within. Others will believe differently. What is important is what you believe and what you do with what you feel, for it is what creates your human reality, whether it is true or not, in the moment you make of something your most profound belief, it becomes real. 

    As you already may know, I have chosen not to focus anymore on retrograde periods, for they do not affect my human experience, as I spent years working on what I think is a limited belief and illusion coming from Earth. Therefore, I shall act with integrity, honoring what I feel, and leave it to you, as you are your own master and wise guru, to interpret these events in your unique way. I can simply share the dates they will turn direct and retrograde, for I think it is relevant, for those who are still following these beliefs, which is perfectly fine, and equal, as the ones who no longer follow them. 

    On November 22, the Sun will enter in Sagittarius. We pass from going deeper into all matters and bringing into the surface what was hidden with Scorpio, to manifest new opportunities in our lives with the gentle energy of Sagittarius, a sign that seeks beyond the surface but also enjoys its quest and making things tangible. Sagittarius likes to explore new horizons and as its ruler is Jupiter, it also helps us to expand ourselves even more in our own soul, and mission, search.

    Sagittarians are the Truth-seekers of the zodiac, they wander for more wisdom and answers to their inner questions, they do not hesitate if the road gets hard as they know that finding the Truth will be worth it. Sagittarius are persevering in what they truly desire, and they enjoy the journey more than getting to their “final destination” as they are grateful for all the lessons learnt in their path and know that it is in the journey in itself where true wisdom resides.

    Sagittarian energies will finally give us the necessary rest that we need after this intense and revealing summer - introducing us to the last month of December, a decisive month before entering into a new phase of our human journey. 

    The next day, we have a Full Moon at 0 degrees Gemini. This Full Moon is a gift from the Universe for us to feel strong and brave in our new beginnings, for it is directly influenced by Mars and Jupiter. These energies come at a time when we have already spent an entire month of incessant cosmic activity, and even though we need to replenish, we will also need to hold strength to create this new cycle that is already being formed, in the non-physical. This is a Moon to be in joy for all we have achieved and for all that is yet to come, for December will be a month for us to nourish ourselves as well as for enjoying all the blessings that this year has brought to us. 

    Finally, we end this intense cosmic month with Neptune, the Planet of Illusion and Intuition, turning direct. Neptune is the one who transcends what is tangible and has form to dive deep into our subconscious and what is yet to be discovered within our inner realms. As everything within this Universe, Neptune in its own quest through this evolutionary spiral also has two sides. In its dark one, Neptune prefers to live under veils of illusion than dealing with reality - falling even into any kind of addictions to cover Truth. In its light side, Neptune brings faith, compassion and it helps us enhance our intuition and connection to our Higher Self and Realms.

    When Neptune was retrograde we had the time to visit those unconscious realms, overcome old paradigms and delusional human thinking. Now that is direct again, although like I shared, whether rertrograde, from our earthly plane, or not, its Essence is, always, the same, we are prepared to expand ourselves within this Divine Knowledge we found within our soul instead of losing ourselves in old illusions that impeded us to consciously create from a place of clarity. 

    This is one of the most intense and at the same time blessed months of all this year. For not only we are finally bifurcating more and more from a delusional and limited matrix, but being the conscious participants, helpers, and Divine co-creators, of the New Light Era that we are stepping into.

    All you thought was challenging you beyond measure. All the poured tears, and all the shadows you embraced, have served you to conquer the dark, remember who you are and be ready to embrace your true mission of selfless assistance to All. Now is when you clearly see that all you have decided to leave behind, has never been a curse or punishment but a Divine blessing in disguise, helping you to remember love, above any other form of human illusion.

    Fear will always be a part of us, for we are human, and denying our nature, will mean that we continue separating rather than honoring All, as equal. What we do with our fear is what truly matters, for it will determine the nature of our creations as well as the frequency we choose to hold within. 

    As always, the choice is yours to decide whether you keep dwelling in the frequency of fear, simply because it feels familiar to you, or if you decide to embrace the unknown, navigate within new timeliness and explore new horizons that will help you to expand yourself and discover new detours that you could have never imagined by remaining in fear. 

    I wish you all infinite love, joy and blessings for this last phase of this year, Beloved Companions!

    In love and light ∞

    Natalia Alba 

    jueves, 29 de marzo de 2018

    The Energies of April 2018 ~ Hieros Gamos: A Return to Unity Consciousness

    There is no such thing as doing right or wrong when there is freedom. You are free and from that centre you act. And hence there is no fear, and a mind that has no fear is capable of great love. And when there is love it can do what it will.

    Jiddu Krishnamurti

    Beloved Light Emissaries, 

    We are entering into the beginning of a very creative phase of our ascension journey. This new energetic month of April brings the opportunity for us to descend all we have been creating, in the ethereal, and nurturing within, in the previous months of the year, into our physical plane. It is a phase in which we are given the gift to soothe ourselves, after a long time of physical integration, and to regain balance in all aspects of our life, for this is a month to stabilize ourselves, our relationships as well as to become the eternal witness of our human experience, realizing where we shall create more unity instead of separation.

    As ascending souls, most of us have consciously chosen to dwell in a fifth dimensional timeline, leaving behind more of the old 3D manipulations as well as aspects of our old self. During this new month of April, when Piscean energies, apart from Aires ones, are still very present, especially during Easter with its implanted martyrdom and self-punishment beliefs, the collective or those who are still navigating within a 3D timeline, are going to be gifted with the opportunity to clear the old wounds that the Piscean Era left us - slavery through self-sacrifice rituals, victimhood etc. This is a phase to dissolve the implants that were put into the planetary consciousness to take away our freedom, and keep us dormant to the Truth of who we really are.

    This is a month to bring balance to ourselves, to the Earth Grids and to all that have been manipulated from the micro to the macro. This is precisely why we end March with a harmonizing Full Moon, a Blue Moon at 10 degrees Libra, which oppose Mercury "retrograde", for as you know I do not believe there is anything ever retrograde within Creation, and that will be a cosmic reminder of the need to bring balance into every aspect of ourselves and life. We do not have any important planetary events until April 14/15 to give us the time we need to focus on the integration and subsequent stabilization of our bodies. 

    April is a 15 Universal month - 6 reduced - another message for us to bring synthesis into the aspects of us that are in rebellion, for if we wish to create harmony and peace in the physical, first we need to embrace the aspects of us that are dwelling in fear, in pain and hence, in separation. Number 15, represented in tarot by the card of the devil, confirms this clearing phase, for we have been integrating our shadows, seeing beyond human illusions, and beginning to move from a deep sense of polarization to a unified one of love and compassion to All. It is now that we pass from the number 5 frequency, which indicates change, in March, to stabilize those changes within and in into the physical. 

    On the other hand, number 6, the frequency from this month of April, also reminds us of the love that we all are - in Essence - and that we came here to embody within our Human self. Number 6 is represented by the tarot card of the Lovers, which to me, is not just about physical relationships but about the inner synthesis, between opposites, that has to occur first before it happens with another being. Balanced relationships or enlightened ones, come when first we act, at all times, as integrated and whole beings, for it is by acquiring perfect equilibrium and inner unity, that we can truly merge with another with integrity and equality. 

    The term Hieros Gamos, a term I have never used and that was given to me by my Unified Self as the main title or essence of this month of April, is used to describe the inner reunion that occurs within all choosing to evolve, between our opposite polarites, God Self and between everything that resides within ourselves in separation, which is essential before embracing a physical relationship. It is precisely by working on inner fusion that we begin to become whole, acting as integrated and compassionate beings, for we have finally remembered that all living beings/forms are One with us, and hence, we no longer hold such a deep sense of separation within. 

    The essence of April is one of unity, balance and harmony. It is a time for those who desire to finally awake the authentic essence of their inner Christos within, and not the false implanted meaning of Christos that have been imposed on most of us. However, for this to occur, first we need to work on the dissolution of the many fake personal beliefs as well as the ET planetary structures that are still reigning within ourselves and in the planetary consciousness field. 

    ET artificial planetary structures

    As many of you know, our Planet's original plan was very different from the current one. Due to the negative alien agenda, our Planet has been deeply manipulated, in both consciousness and its structures, to obtain full control of not just the Planet and its multi-dimensional portals that once were main open portals of interdimensional communication, but of human minds, controlling and programming us to only see what they wanted to.

    At this transitional time, as many who work with Earth Grids will feel, these manipulated artificial planetary structures and beginning to decay, which is one of the main reasons of why the presence of the dark forces are being strongly felt as well, in their desperation to keep controlling Planet Earth. The dissolution of these planetary structures are not just due to our assistance, or to the massive light waves - Divine Intelligence - received from our central Sun but from the galactic center as well, which is increasing the process of liberation of old 3D manipulative programming. 

    The Planetary fabrics are programmed with certain anti-human beliefs/codes. As more souls are beginning to liberate themselves from the 3D matrix, their efforts to keep manipulating us are increasing, however, the transition, or what everyone is calling now "the Event" has progressively occurred since December 2017, when we began to separate from old 3D Earth.

    During Easter, many keep choosing to recreate this implanted view of what our Christed eessence means. I share this with great respect, and love to All, this is not about religions, for all of them in truth are human made, and to work on our sacred marriage, first we need to step beyond all human made beliefs. This is about becoming the neutral observers, at a time when, many keep celebrating beliefs based on self-slavery and victimhood, and witness if we participate or if we have finally released these implanted old beliefs. 

    It is of great importance to work on self-liberation as well as to assist clearing the planetary manipulated artificial fabrics, for as long as they are still encoded with negative anti-human codes the more these manipulative tactics will keep feeding the collective, enslaving humans by making them believe they are guilty, unworthy and unloving beings, when there is not such a thing within a loving and wise Universe, for it knows only love and compassion for All.

    Some of these non-human codes or beliefs with what these structures were once programmed are: 
    • Sex - by implanting a fake sense of what authentic and equal relationships are, by porn industry etc, and by the religious programs implanted on humans, which makes humans believe in the unholiness of it, if practice outside of their religious codes. 
    • Self-worship - based on the praise of egoic traits.
    • Victimhood - based on the concept that we are powerless beings and hence others have the power to bring us down or do something to us that we cannot control.
    • Guilt - this one programs humans to feel inferior and "bad" for past "wrong" deeds, when in truth there is no right or wrong, simply different ways - frrom different levesl of consciousness - to experience this human realm. This has been also very inculcated by many religions, where the original sin has created the collective belief that everyone has done something wrong since we were born and hence, we must suffer and become pure again, when we were pure to begin with, since we are born.
    • Self-punishment and unworthiness - as a result of the previous one. This one, especially during Easter, is going to resurface again. I know not in all countries, but especially in Spain, as many of you know, this self-imposed belief of self-punishment, as a way to redeem oneself, is one of the deepest between the collective, for they physically punish themselves to redeem their sins, creating physical wounds instead of self-love, forgiveness and compassion for the self. 
    • TV - the main fountain of manipulation in all possible ways.
    • Attachments to human roles: This is one of the most important ones as well, for due to the lack of information a new born is given when incarnates on Earth, it is raised to serve and remain, always, within the nuclear family, when in truth they are meant to provide a loving space for the new born souls, not get attached to them. This is when the relationship is no longer aligned with who we have become, creates deep pain and resistance, for we have been programmed to keep, always the same relationships, even though they have fulfilled their role. 
    • Survival fears: this is created by limiting the freedom of human beings, by creating fixed jobs with a fixed amount of money and by making them believe they cannot get out of this limited matrix. This is what makes people most afraid, to not have enough, to experience lack in whatever possible way, and hence they program themselves to remain in the same limited space, for they fear if they get out of their cocoon they will never have enough. 
    These are some of the many negative agenda programs to put humans to sleep, again, and use them for their aims. When one begins to walk on this evolutionary path, one begins to realize that the more we ascend, the less we know, and that the only way to grow is through self-neutral exploration and observation as well as humility, for if there is no humility to recognize what we have not yet mastered, there cannot be real evolution, for we are falling into the trap of thinking we are in the light, and others are only beginning to walk in it. 

    In truth, no matter how much we have evolved, within an infinite Universe, we will never cease to embody higher levels of consciousness, for if it ends, at some point, then we will not have a wise and eternal God but a limited one. 

    Balanced relationships vs. Anti-human values

    April offers us opportunities to find inner sacred union as well as to create it within our relationships, for the ones who have already mastered inner synthesis. To be able to create an equal and balanced relationship first we need to become fully aware of the patterns we tend to repeat both within and in our relationship, as the relationship we maintain with ourselves will be reflected in the one we have with others.

    Self-love and respect is essential if we desire to create the same essence within our reunions. When we still experience feelings of unworthiness, victimhood and many others, we are not ready to enter an equal and balanced reunion, for we do not love ourselves to begin with. We, as this month of April reminds us, during Easter, have been programmed with fake beliefs of how our relationships must function, emphasizing egoic love above soul love, and hence, creating attachments which lead to possession and many other fake ways to experience a relationship.

    Anti-human or non-human values are the ones that we have been experiencing for eons, for most of the souls incarnated on earth. Whether we are starseed souls or not, this does not matter, we are all humans, at this Now moment, and as such, we all have genetic imprints to heal and clear, for the entire genetic history of humans, our race, as well as our human family is encoded there, so we all need to clear this at some point of our ascension path.

    Therefore, it is important to recognize these non-human values that are easy to develop when we do not witness enough the self, some of them are:
    • Narcissism - one's desire to only satisfy the self - due to an excess of egoic self: one of the most common ones, even within the spiritual community and that impedes an authentic reunion, for one of them or even both are focusing on the self - rather than in co-creating together something that will assist All. 
    • Delusional beliefs - due to the self-imposed belief that they are perfect and hence, others and their partners, are inferior to what they think they represent.
    • Possession: this is very common in the most of the 3D relationships, for one is programmed to think that relationships are eternal and that once they are with someone, they get attached to them and they belong to themselves forever. This is against the natural laws of the Universe, for everything, from ourselves to everything else, shall, always remain in a constant state of flow and freedom.
    • Jealously - resulting of not loving the self, lack of trust in a partner and unworthiness. 
    • Self-pity
    • Addictions
    • Try to coexist while they both hold different frequencies: Usually this occurs when the role of the relationship has been fulfilled and one of them is more evolved than the other but still they choose to remain together due to human attachment and the pain of leaving the familiar aside. When this occurs acting with integrity will save you both from creating an illusory reunion where both of them will suffer.
    All of this is the result not of our human personalities, which are also prompted to experience a physical realm, but to the eons of manipulation experienced. This is why the majority of humans do not know how to create balanced relationships, because first they do not look within to search from the unconscious and/or program acts they keep repeating and secondly because they have been taught only egoic love since they were born, so now, they have to unlearn, just to program themselves, again, with real and loving human values.

    This is something we all have done to be able to dwell where we are now, and will continue to do, for as I always say, the inner work of self-observation and embodiment of more humility is never over. 

    Starseed souls, New Earth Seeds & Planetary workers

    We are immersed in a massive influx until the end of April, in which unifying as One is pivotal for the betterment of the Planet, for the following months will be different in frequency, unlike these past ones that we have been experiencing. As I shared before, the planetary fabrics, or structures, I understand it is not easy to explain, with limited human language when we clearly see in the astral or non-physical planes, as well as to explain what is infinite within a confined plane, so use the terms you feel more comfortable with.

    When I talk about the Planetary manipulated structures, this has nothing to do with Earth Grids, for there are other structures artificially created, eons ago, to encapsulate, so to speak, our Planet within a fixed lineal time and space. This is easy to say but hard to internalize for by manipulating this, they are modified not just by our sense of time and space but our connection to the cosmos, closing access by changing galactic coordinates so only they can choose to be open to contact. 

    Then, our sense of isolation increased, as well as the first beliefs of being hopeless and useless beings punished by God were implanted, beginning to dominate humans as they wished. We, the ones who came here from the Illuminated Realms, already free sovereign beings, who only need to remember, we are here to break this long manipulation, and it is done, for we have already bifurcated from old earth, which again, is not a location, yet, but a matter of which frequency we decide to hold.

    The ones called starseed souls, as I call these souls, many can use the names of Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows and so on, as well as New Earth Seeds, also free sovereign beings originated on this Earthly plane, are equal, there is no one coming from elsewhere, for we all come from the same Source. There is not I am better or wise because I am from elsewhere. Our main aim is not to separate but to unite as one, without comparisons and begin to remember the nature of our mission, instead of being absorbed by our egoic 3D personality. 

    I thank you all for taking the time, and energy, to read and assist, if you are guided, since I decided to share, the amount of assistance has been incredibly felt and deeply appreciated. I have received the following places (maybe some are repeated) where we should work more, within this amplification passage - to anchor purity, love and restoration, the places shared in other posts are still on the list, I just do not wish to repeat all of them, just the new openings:
    • Birmania - Burma.
    • Yemen
    • Both Koreas
    • Eritrea (Africa)
    • Kyrgyzstan
    • North Sentinel Island
    • New Zembla (Russia)
    There are more Islands that need lots of assistance due to the nuclear activity by man and their subsequent abandonment. 

    Remember Beloveds, this is not about the beauty of the country or land, but about the collective consciousness that the country holds as well as how the Earth Grids as well as other structures are, for there are countries which possess a wonderful nature but if hidden activities or wars have deeply touched them, then, their essence has been corrupted.

    Thanks to all who decide to join wherever you reside. We all have solitary missions. However, there is some planetary clearing/healing we can do as One, and it is precious when we meet in a timeless space of conscious co-creation and compassion to help All retrieve its lost purity essence.

    Commanding your personal space

    At a time when we are exposed to so many attacks from the ones who have chosen a different experience as well as from non-human sources, commanding our sacred space is vital for us to only allow and/or co-create with the Light Forces or beings or other forms of consciousness - we really desire to unite with. When we do not begin our day with a daily routine to protect and clear our sacred space, we are exposed to many entities, forms and beings entering the auric field and manipulating our consciousness, implanting false holographs - between many other forms of human manipulation. 

    I wrote this as an example for All, as I was asked some time ago to share an example of what I do, and due to actual petitions I am sharing it again, for I understand there are many who are still navigating between timelines and while one is in this passage towards a new dimensional space, may face many challenges. 

    This declaration to command our sacred space is an example, for those who are willing to protect themselves. I am teaching no one, this is why I do not do workshops or activations, even though I find them helpful of course, because my mission is to share, in my unique way, not to tell people what to do, so as the Masters and Healers of your own human experience - that I consider you all to be - feel free to use your own words.

    I _(your name)_ call upon my Unified Self, Monad, Guides and LightLove beings, helping me on my human journey, coming from the love, light, truth and unity of God to assist me protecting my personal and sacred space of everyone and everything - incarnated or not - of negative thought forms, other form of consciousness and everything vibrating in the opposite frequency of the Divine Love that I AM.

    I _(your name)_ as a sovereign free being, conscious of where I put my intention, and responsible of all my thoughts, actions and creations in the physical, as well as non-physical planes, clear now my personal space of all debris, negative thought forms and anything that is vibrating in a lower frequency, in this earthly plane, where I dwell and in any of the other dimensions where other aspects of me reside as well. 

    I am fully anchored to Mother Earth's power, as I am Anchored Above - acting from a unified space to be able to assist, at all levels, in the physical and in the non-physical aspects/dimensions within Creation where I also exist. 

    I AM forever protected.

    I AM forever grateful. 

    I AM forever working in perfect unison with God and with the Forces of Light of this Universe and all multi-universes. 

    I __(your name)__ thank you for helping me purify all the channels within my physical and non-physical bodies, removing all lower entities/energies, from this current timeline to all existing, so only the light - Truth - and protection of the Divine can descend through me, allowing me to act as a pure conduit of the Divine, wherever I am, without any other entities or lower energies interfering in my personal decisions, space and personal soul mission.

    I decree that my only and pure intention is to only be here, incarnated into this physical realm, at the same time that I too operate in other multidimensional dimensions, serving my God Self 's Will to assist All who will benefit from my Essence and Presence, and as this will be, always, my intention, I make of this declaration a permanent and irrevocable one. 

    Therefore, I declare that no being/entity or form of consciousness - coming from an unloving source - can act without my permission, or enter into my personal sacred space and act through me or for me, for I only serve a Higher Will and Power who works in selfless service, from a total space of respect and unconditional love to All beings, things and other form of consciousness within Creation, practicing, always, the Law of Harmlessness to All.

    I AM a LoveLight being of the Divine - giving form to a Human body - and as such, I AM always One with this - unconditional - loving, non-judgmental and forgiving Source within me, and I declare that I use this infinite loving Power, within me, to only serve All, in an unconditional, compassionate and loving way.

    I AM a pure conduit for the Divine Light, I AM always protected, for I AM, always, One with God, forever acting as a sovereign being in service to humanity, from a pure space of Divine Love, and never from an egoic one. For I know I am always One with All that exists and has ever existed within Creation.

    And so it is and it will be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All!

    After this statement, you are ready to make any other declarations of intention, healing or any other session you would like to maintain with your Guides or simply to be able to be protected and make the conscious statement of only allowing the Forces of Love and Light within your sacred space. 

    Planetary alignments

    This month is a very active one, not as much as the previous ones, for we are heading into soothing frequencies, but it goes beyond our micro planetary alignments as I shared above, and it is a blessing to transcend Piscean slavery beliefs. This month, even though I do not resonate or share anymore about retrograde periods, will be calmer for those who do resonate with it, for even if Mercury on April 15 will turn direct, others - Saturn and Pluto - will turn retrograde, so the collective illusion created by retrograde periods will confirm this as a period of inner retrospection for May will be more focused on the physical realm, unlike with March, with its Piscean energies, for example.

    Now, with April and its Fiery energies, we are heading into the part of the year where we descend what we consciously built, during the previous months of the year. This month as its 6 universal frequency reminds us, is one which brings balance, harmony and tranquillity for us to work on what is required to dissolve old structures both within and in the macro.

    We end March and begin April with a full Moon in Libra which introduces the harmonizing essence of this new month and the first important cosmic alignment we find is late in April, on April 14 with Jupiter sextile Pluto. This is a catalyst for a prosperous change if we focus our pure intention into the conscious alignment with this frequency. Jupiter expands everything it touches with positive energy, on the other hand, Pluto is the Planet of Power: will you choose your creational power energy to build something pure, and of service that will stand in the sand?

    Will you choose to use your power to transform what has been disempowering you, giving birth to a new self and life? Or will you use this power to bring chaos and absence of peace? As always, all choices are equally received, for the Universe knows, no matter how hard we try, we will never succeed in separating what is always united under the embrace of the Divine. 

    On April 15 we will have Mercury moving direct, again, something as you know I no longer choose to focus, for my existence is not conditioned by this collective belief or something which is not even real, but an illusion from earth, so I will be true to my beliefs and will share about the second important event - the New Moon at 26 degrees Aries, which brings an opportunity for us to work on inner conflicts, dissolution as well as to use this powerful essence to continue manifesting our soul desires, for not all is living in the ethereal but to descend it from the depth of our being, into the human plane, we decided to experience.

    On April 17, we have the Cosmic Healer as I call Chiron changing signs, from Pisces to Aries. To me this is one of the most important cosmic events, for if we observe closely we will find out how endings and new beginnings are intertwined and how since March until the half of April, we are in a timeless space where the opportunity of deep transformation, growth and healing, is at hand, for all who are willing to do the inner work required.

    We are passing from the realm of Pisces to the Fiery ones of Aries. We end an era of self-punishment, slavery and unworthiness, to realize who we are and stand tall in our truth. With Pisces we end, with Aries we begin, and so it is with Chiron, for while Chiron was in Pisces, it gave us the opportunity to dive deep into our deepest wounds, taking the necessary time we needed for us to do the proper healing required. With Chiron in Aries, we are being asked to manage our wounds, and finally heal them to be able to move on by being renewed and purified of all past wounds. 

    On April 17, we have Saturn, the so-called Planet of Karma, which I prefer to name as the Planet of the Discipline or Task-maker, turning retrograde. To me, whether retrograde or not, Saturn is always a wonderful opportunity for us to revisit the many timelines in which we are existing, at the same time, whether as humans, we separated it or not, and see what wisdom we can bring into this present moment and individualized self to cease repeating old habits and patterns. Having taken responsibility for all we used to be - and did - is another important reminder that this Planet helps us in acceptance.

    The past is only worth it when we wish to see if we have finally achieved something or simply grown, if not, there is no need to dwell in there much, for the present aspect of you has nothing to do with the past self that is experiencing what we call past, for your present self is the evolved self of your past one.

    On April 19 the Sun enters Taurus. If the first months of the year are for us to create and nourish the aspect of us that is feminine in essence and that creates and nurtures from within, the following is dedicated to the masculine, to how the feminine creates in the womb - bringing fruition - and with Taurus and May we are going to be able to test our inner creator, and even if our human existence - as sometimes the egoic self thinks - is not about being constantly creating, in the physical, there is a time for everything within Creation, and if we spent some time in the ethereal, now is time to descend all we first created in the non-physical into our human plane, where we can see how we work with energy as well as enjoying our creations.

    Another Planet turning retrograde is Pluto on April 22. The Planet of Power is always for us to bring inner transformation. I understand the ones who believe in retrograde periods say this is a time for an inner revision as well as to bring transformation within ourselves, but in truth all transformation is first created within so in trying to adapt Saturn to our limited view, we can never change the main essence of a Planet, especially when this is never retrograde.

    Finally, on April 29, we have another event that invites us to visit the depths of our being, for we have a Full Moon at 9 degrees of Scorpio. With this Full Moon we have a time to heal, rejuvenate, regain our power and transform what seems broken to our human self, by transmuting old feelings into unconditional loving ones - prearing ourselves to finally enter into a very creative phase with the month of May, where our soul creations, ones that have been nurturing by the femenine essence, for months, will finally blossom, in our physical plane.

    Beloved Companions, April introduces us to our next creative phase, for if we have been constantly integrating, now will be a season for us to bring to the surface all we have been embodying. This is a month that gives us the opportunity to work on self-liberation, forgiveness and compassion, for it is easy to talk about compassion but when it concerns ourselves, some choose to still punish themselves instead of being benevolent - with themselves.

    This month will show us many ways in which we still choose to enslave ourselves. The essence of this month is one of liberation, self-mastery and the end of an old cycle, it is not one based on crucifixion or martyrdom, but one of love and compassion for the self and All, for this is what the Ascended Ones came here to share, the rest, has been distorted for the benefit of certain humans and non-human organizations.

    Life is meant to be lived freely. Otherwise one is not living, but fulfilling the expectations of others, and we did not come here for that, but to experience a human realm. Some of us are called to bring deep change into the old system and begin a path of self-liberation and conscious creation. Others are here to experience life in itself. No matter what we came here to experience, we came to live within a free plane, and this was not respected, this is why we are here to retrieve our freedom, for it is our birthright. 

    You too have the choice, and enough awareness, to choose, at every single moment, whether you engage and feed the old system, or whether you choose to unite with the ones working for unity consciousness, bringing deep healing to All. As always, all choices are appreciated and equally respected.

    I AM a free Sovereign Being in command of my own human experience, as the free being that I AM and came here to be.

    I AM Divine Intelligence awakening the human self to remember, again, what I truly am.

    I AM the Creative Force that creates worlds and that is ever expanding within you and within infinite Universes, for I, have no beginning nor end, and so are you. 

    I AM the love reminds you of your true value and beauty, when all your human senses tell you otherwise.

    I AM the Infinite Fountain of Love and Compassion that dwells within you and every single being within Creation.

    And even if many choose to forget this Truth,

    So are you!

    In love, light and service ∞

    Natalia Alba