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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta compassion. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta compassion. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 9 de abril de 2022

Jupiter & Neptune Conjunction in Pisces ~ The Cosmic Harmonizer

Beloved Ones,

We are about to witness a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event - Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces - that has not occurred since 1856. A great event that as Guides mentioned is going to act as a cosmic harmonizer, seeding love, compassion, and balance, at this phase of our planetary transition. A unique event known as a stellium that has been forming since March and whose loving Piscean energies will continue reigning our Heavens all April. 

Pisces, rules intuition, compassion, and devotion to service, with Pisces, comes freedom, and the completion of a cycle, in both the micro and in the macro, as it is also happening on the Planet. With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac endings come, as well as new beginnings for there is a moment in which both co-exist, at the same time in a cosmic void, where we are at the moment. 

It is precisely from this timeless and spaceless moment, that we have the opportunity to align with our Illumined Self and create a new life for us to experience. It is with Pisces that we begin to remember our true origins, clearing karmic patterns/debts, purifying ourselves, and achieving personal enlightenment, something that these benevolent energies will too facilitate greatly. 

A stellium, as you know, is when three planets or more are in the same sign. On April 12th, we will have the great Jupiter and Neptune conjunction, and other planets, such as Venus, Mars, and asteroid Juno also in Pisces, reaching the peak of the Stellium. A wonderful portal that comes to show us the power to create more love, strength, creativity, and all the infinite designs that our soul envisions for us in the physical.

Jupiter expands, and Neptune disintegrates. We can continue dissolving human illusions, half-truths, lower energies, and anything that we no longer desire in our life experience. We can choose to expand into compassion, as Neptune also invites us to do, into the unseen worlds, to retrieve memories of who we are, of humanity, and our role within Creation. It is all as we wish to use this precious frequency that will determine the final outcome. 

A time of compassionate and neutral witnessing, although this is not exempt from conscious participation, as sending love is the highest form of assistance, and a time for us to heal an old timeline, and hence old self as well, with all the human illusions, distortions, and traumas that we no longer need to carry upon our shoulders and heart, for we now are free to walk as the powerful, divine and sovereign beings that we are in nature.

Since 2011 we have had Neptune in Pisces until 2026, helping in the massive planetary awakening that has indeed taken place until this moment. It is precisely now that Jupiter comes to expand Neptune's spiritual essence, helping those who are yet reticent to see the Truth, awakening to who they truly are, and reconnecting with their divine self and heritage.

For those who have already initiated a path of self-discovery, this event comes with a unique opportunity to expand our intuitive senses, heal old wounds, be more creative, especially on the descension of our soul's unique purpose, something that occurs only when we integrate higher levels of love and compassion. As always, it is what we need in our unique journey, as we are all in different stages, even though we all are heading towards unity consciousness.

Jupiter and Neptune, both mighty forces, will seed light, love, and healing for those who are ready to align with their loving frequencies and accept the personal transformation that comes with it. An opportunity as well for us to dream big, work on our soul desires, knowing the entire creation supports us, at this precious time. 

Guides invite us to work with a Sapphire to help us integrate the energies coming from this Jupiter and Neptune alignment, and expand our intuitive senses. Sapphire, is the wisdom stone, a wonderful crystal to help us expand our third eye and bring more clarity to our soul mission. It is one of the best ones to help us establish a connection with our soul, listening to its guidance and directions.

However, as it is not always easy to obtain certain crystals, remember that this is a universal crystal they offer for those who wish, and can, co-create with it. However, we all have a unique crystal that will be unique for us. Ask your Guides team, and they will tell you which frequency, crystal, essences, etc. is best for you at this time. 

There are many energies, and benevolent beings also helping us, at this time, and among the many of them are our Sirian family. They are inviting us to connect more with our Illumined Self, with the many beings that are helping us in this transition, and with the cosmic energies that are sent to us for healing and evolutionary purposes. This is indeed a wonderful time to connect with the Illumined Planes of existence, as they can help us understand more about the process that is taking place in our light body, as well as personal life experiences.

There are many Sirians descendants among us. Some are humans, and others are incarnated as cetaceans. Sirians guides invite us to connect with them, especially at this time when the Water element reigns, to clear, purify, heal and restore ourselves. Their mission is to bring more balance, to help All evolve, and to work with the earth's restoration. They seed light as the crystalline ones that they are, inviting us to anchor as well our own unique essence, bringing more harmony to earth. 

They are masters in gender synthesis, and we can call upon them when we need to bring more unification in both of our essences, for they have been guiding humans since Earth was created, as they participated in the first seedings. They know our original blueprint and how to retrieve its wisdom.

In a planet of duality, we cannot control both forces, deciding which one is better or which one serves creation, for both are part of it. In a world of duality, we can only choose to align with one Force and support our choice infinitely. The other force will continue to exist, if not, this will not be a free-will zone. However, the more you focus on your personal choice, the more you will be surrounded by the same frequency you have decided to hold within.

Let it be a frequency of love.

Have a blessed and healing passage, Beloveds.

Within Infinite love,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2022

New Moon in Pisces and the 3/3 Portal

Beloved Ones,

Shining a light precisely in healing, and miracles, so needed, at this time, we begin this magical season of March by having a wonderful New Moon at 12 degrees Pisces. A moon that comes to calm us all down, after the intensity of February and everything that is taking place in the outer, for the matrix continues in its intent to cause more fear, destruction, and confusion in the collective, something that we all suffer in one way or another, as we are all one family, connected beyond our human understanding.

The Piscean Moon opens the 3/3 Portal, which is the result of the unity between two equals. This is precisely what humanity is learning at the moment, the embrace of polarities, the lack of judgment and neutrality required to do so, and the creation of something that helps us all in this endless evolutionary path that we have chosen to transit. 

This is a time of opposite feelings and energies, as it could not be otherwise in our dual world. A time for those who continue fomenting separation and the fear and hopelessness it has, and on the opposite, a time to be more united, remaining in the love and harmony that lies in our hearts. As always it is all what we choose to experience, what will determine where we are, and what we will experience next in our personal trajectory. 

As the Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter and Neptune, both in Pisces as well, it is a wonderful time for us to dream big, descending from the ethereal, from the depths of our soul, the visions that we have for our lives. We have had the time to pause, especially during the first month of the year, heal, rejuvenate, and after the intensity of the previous month, now we are ready to begin anew, with a new sense of direction on where to go next. As creators we have infinite possibilities, for we are the ones who choose among the many choices which one to manifest and bring into fruition. 

To help us experience the personal transformation required for us to expand our soul, in the physical, and create anew, we have too Uranus, the great transformer, conjunct the Moon. This is going to propitiate soul encounters that are planned and therefore meant to occur, for the purpose of a higher outcome that will be for the highest good of All.

A time for us to focus on unconditional love, compassion, and above all, on expanding this universal Force to everyone, at this tumultuous time. As Venus conjunct Pluto and Mars, we all have the inner power to bring more love into any situation, as love when sent consciously and intentionally, reaches All, in ways we cannot imagine.

Venus together with Pluto and Mars is about understanding that anger, confusion, rage, and all similar feelings, are another form of energy and that if we learn how to master the ego-self and direct these feelings wisely, we can transform all these emotions into more love, creating stability and harmony rather than more disharmony and separation.

It is precisely with Pisces, Neptune, and Jupiter, very active planets at the moment, that we learn how to be compassionate, and peacefully lovelight beings in service to All within Creation.

It is now that we have the opportunity to show our most profound love to everyone who is suffering, and above all to everyone that is asking for assistance, and that we, as One Family shall provide, in the unique way we can, for what is taking place in the world, not just in one country but in many, affects us All deeply, physically, emotionally and spiritually, and we cannot deny or separate, for we all are feeling the impact in our hearts so immensely that a part of us in great pain as well.

Let us not focus on the terror infused, but on the hope, light, and love that will always govern above any other form of fear.

Let us allow this feeling of unity and unconditional love reminds us of the power of One.

Withing Infinite Love and Peace to All,

Natalia Alba