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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta balanced relationships. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta balanced relationships. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 6 de abril de 2020

Full Moon in Libra, 7th/8th, 2020 ~ Clearing Timelines

Beloved Ones,

This is a time of planetary confusion for many, as the majority may not know what is truly happening behind the created chaos. This is why it is so important to always look within to connect with our own guidance and receive with clarity the truth behind any situation in our live or in the macro. This is a time for the ascending souls to unite as One Family and practicing unconditional love for All, not just for the few who resonate with us, spreading our compassion, for it is the only thing that we can truly do, and that will reach All beyond physical borders and other mind limitations. 

Many of you are already feeling the consequences of what is taking place in our Planet. The created crisis has affected us all in some way or another and it is only through dedication, devotion to service, and to our unique purpose, that we can counteract the many tactics that the matrix uses to keep us enslaved and isolated.

It is precisely by impeding us to be totally free that many of us cannot work, as we wish, as physical contact is not allowed, for obvious reasons, and many have lost their unique way in which they sustained themselves. To help us anchoring balance at this time in both within ourselves and in the Planet, we have a wonderful and harmonizing Full Moon at 18 degrees of Libra on April 7th/8th. A harmonic wave that began previously to the 444 portal. 

This is a Moon that helps us in setting the proper stabilization required, as well as to create balanced relationships, as it is one oriented to assist us in our soul reunions, as its ruler is Venus who aligns with Mars, which even if at this time of isolation can be ironic, it is not, for as you know, in a soul level we are all connected and interact in any way and it does not matter whether we are physical near or able to touch each others or not.

There are some who believe this Moon will seed disease, as it makes an aspect to Neptune. However, this is just our human interpretation, for what the macro is reflected is simply what is already occurring. The planets and stars do not rule our lives, this belongs to the old and needs to be dissolved, for they simply have a unique essence and it is our task to align with it, understand and direct it towards what is best for us, rather than making simply conjectures based on human illusions.

As I recently shared, the influence of the Jupiter and Pluto conjunction will be also great at the Full Moon time. We often tend to think that luck comes from outside and that the best circumstances to act upon our soul desires are brought by the planetary events and other human illusions. 

The truth is that luck is a mixed between strength, determination to act towards our desires and personal power, which is what this conjunction invites us to remember at a time when we may not get out or act much, in the outside, but we can always create from within the perfect conditions for us to live the lives we truly desire, or simply a more peaceful state of being, for we do not necessary need to go out, as we reside everywhere, as the unlimited and multidimensional beings that we are.

At a deeper level, the message I received at this time for all who desire to connect more with the present healing energies, as well as focus on personal evolution and selfless assistance to others, is one of humility, for all that is happening is in part doing so for humanity to learn that we are not in control of the Planet but in equal co-creation with it, as their guests, and that man damage to it, was never meant to occur, for all beings shall coexist in perfect resonance and respect. 

However, for those who continue believing that this is a punishment, this will be a time, if you choose so, to move inward where the Truth resides, so you know that within a loving Universe, there is never such a thing as punishment, there are just consequences for our acts as well as taking the responsibility for them.

As healing tools, I received that at this time, calling upon the God Will Power, called as well Blue Ray or Ray of Power, as you may prefer, will benefit many who are still working on the conscious embodiment of their sovereignty, understanding and differentiating, that this is not about the human meaning of egoic power that we were taught, but about the one who comes from remaining in a space of love for All, working behind the physical scenes to liberate ourselves, and helping others to do so too, from human, whether implanted or not, illusions. 

As a second tool, when I was beginning to write this message, I envisioned an icosahedron, which as you know has twenty triangular faces, and belongs to one of the sacred geometry forms of the Platonic Solids. This is a tool that whether consciously painted, used in a crystal form or in any other way we feel guided to connect with it, will assist us to release, let go of what does not serve and birth something new, which is what is truly happening  behind the chaos, whether some believe it is a new order in which we will be enslaved in a harder way, and others a new dimensional space. The truth is that something new is being reestablished, restructured, and hence birthed.

Nonetheless, whether it will be something greater or meant to destroy, it is up to you, for in what you focus, it will become the timeline that you will be experiencing. As always, it is up to you to diverge into the new dimensional space that resides first inside, and that many of us occupy now, or within the new 3D one that is being created.

Behind the destruction, the chaos and the many tactics used to create fear, there is a seed growing, within all of us, within the collective consciousness. This seed is pure, humble, loving and compassionate, and it cannot be manipulated or destroyed, for it is the result of all the conscious intentions put by many of us during years.

Hold a higher vision of who you truly are, even though they try to make you believe otherwise. Hold a more Illumined vision of where you are heading. For it will determine what you will be experiencing the day we called tomorrow, although as many of us are experiencing at the moment, there is no tomorrows, just endless todays, which can be filled with joy and love for what we are birthing, or by fears. However, the second one only comes when we do not take charge of our own life experience, and we always have the gift to begin doing so, from an empowered and loving state of being.

Have a healing Full Moon Beloved Ones. 

Stay always in the Illumined Essence of your Soul.

In love, light and service,

Natalia Alba 

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

The Energies of September 2019 ~ Recalibration Phase

Recalibration of the mind means clearing our perceptions and recovering our capacity for pure observation.

Ilchi Lee

Beloved Light Emissaries,

We have just left behind one of the most fierce and hence intense months of all the year. August especially with the cosmic influx coming from the Lions Gate has been beyond what we can appreciate from our human perspective. It gave us the opportunity to bring healing into ourselves, self-empowerment and dissolution of what no longer serves u. Something that is very important as we continue integrating higher levels of Wisdom. 

At this time, we are now heading into a more feminine and creative frequency that will help us liberate our creative essence. If during August we experienced the fierceness of the masculine, during this new month we are going to create more balance that will catapult with the Equinox at the end of the month. 

September is also a month that will help us to work on openness, receptivity to receive and trust, so we can become aware of the infinite potential, as well as possibilities, that lie within all of us and that most of the times are clouded by our egoic self and fears. We are all cosmic antennas, descending wisdom from Above to anchor it in our physical plane. This is a month for us to focus on the proper integration of the recent frequencies embodied into ourselves, so we can pass to give birth to a new reality that is aligned with our soul Will. 

This new energetic month begins with a soothing New Moon at 6 degrees of Virgo on August 30. This Moon's loving frequency is meant to help us purifying ourselves with the element Earth, after all the constant embodiment and for many releasing process too. It is with this Moon that we begin to feel the energies of what September holds for us - rejuvenation, cleansing and the subsequent stabilization. 

The Virgo Moon is highly influenced by Mars, Venus and Mercury, making of this Moon a perfect one for us to embrace our power and use it to ground ourselves, as its Grand Earth Trine reminds us, descend our soul visions into the physical and the most important of all - use all this energy, and our soul creations to be of assistance, in our unique and perfect way. 

The New Moon in Virgo acts as a the catalyst of the Earth healing happening at this time - even though the recent events may seem otherwise - and introduces the energies of September. The focus during this time between these two months is on acting as pure light canals of these healing codes so we can assist Earth at this tumultuous time. This is why it is so important that in order to do so, first we also focus on self-purification, so we can act as unadulterated filters of love. 

As I always say, we do not have to be more or do what others do. We came here with specific essences and abilities that help us bring together the whole puzzle of Creation. When we diminish ourselves by doing what we see as glamorous, or idealizing other's abilities, we are shadowing the unique Spark of the Divine within us that desires to express itself, freely and uniquely. 

This is a time of big changes for many of us, as it is cosmically introduced as well at the end of August by two loving trines involving the Sun and Mars to Uranus. As I always say, change does not have to happen at a physical level, as simply with achieving a peaceful state of being, it will signify a profound change. Change comes when we work with inner alchemy, transforming from within what does no longer serves us, opening ourselves to receive and experience, without judgments or expectations, what our Soul desires to undergo through us. 

At a cosmic or macro level, this is also a profound month for many of us who are guided to retreat to fully integrate the new galactic frequencies that are helping us to work with our body channels, stabilizing them so we can conduit these energies and connect them to the universal Earth's Fabrics, being able to bring the Earth healing required for assisting the many planetary structures that are still being restored, especially the ones that unite the old Earth time/space grids with the new restored New Earth's ones. 

Cleansing and renewal

At this profound phase in which we find ourselves, many of us are experiencing a deep metamorphosis, in which our physical bodies are not just dissolving old energy and healing but adjusting again to the new frequency that we are now able to embody, due to the new level of consciousness embodied. This is a very important phase, especially at the end of August and September to take some time to be in deep communion with our soul as well as to rejuvenate our bodies.

For some this time has already come, as it was my case, I had the deepest activation I have ever had during August, and it took me a few days to totally recover. For others, this is happening now or will be about to; the time is not relevant only the proper inner work we do is. This is why during this month taking time to recalibrate our bodies is so important, if we desire to move forward by being aligned not just in a soul level, but in a physical one as well.

During August many of have been working on the dissolution of fears, doubts and especially what was limiting them to expand into their soul purpose here on Earth. At this time there are many who are becoming more aware of other aspects of what they came here to be and share. When this occurs, we may be ready at a soul level. However, our physical bodies need a lot of preparation, rest, and healing to be able to follow this process without falling out of balance and manifest certain blockages or even diseases.

As you know, when we hold fear in a certain organ or part of our body, it will end up by manifesting in a particular form and hence illness, although everybody is unique. It is pivotal that despise our egoic self desires to be constantly doing and assisting others, we also take some time to stop all activity, which does not mean at all to do nothing, and recalibrate the body, for we ascend precisely if we take this evolution in a physical level.

It is at this unique time, when we, as species, are moving from fear to love that we most need to release the beliefs, past energy etc. that are still retained in our body cells and organs and that will not allow us to experience the totality of who we are in this physical realm. This process may be slow and challenging, but we all knew what we came here to do and when we get hurt or feel challenged beyond comprehension, is when we most need to have faith and trust.

There many wondrous souls who are acting, especially at this time of deep releasing and hence integration, as filters of negativity of lower energies, transmuting in a massive way the collective energy that is impeding the whole to evolve. This group of souls need daily cleansing, as their bodies act as conduits for these energies to come through them and then be released. 

This mission is one of the hardest ones for they feel the collective pain, and therefore may fall into the trap of believing this pain belongs to them. This is why they need to be in balance to precisely transmute these lower energies into higher ones and send harmony and love rather than fear and the chaos that is often seed by the dark forces.

At this time it is essential that we take care of specific parts of our bodies whose main function is to exactly filter these energies. The main ones are: Kidneys - who are the ones that filter negativity in our bodies. Another important aspect we should work with is our body grid canals - these are energetic physical channels that are connected to the Earth Grids and that many, as their main mission, have to purify constantly, if they work with the Earth Fabrics. These shall be cleanse and purify properly, which is why it is important that we have the proper knowledge of our body to identify these canals and clean them.

These are some of the tools required for us to cleanse ourselves and bodies at this recalibration phase:
  • Physical cleanse
  • Clearing ego, attachments/cords, lower energies,implants, programs and timeliness. 
  • Soul fragmentation healing 
  • Violet Flame
  • Karmic clearing
  • Dissolution of 3D programs
  • Relationships closure
  • DNA template regeneration/activation
  • Etheric body reconnection
If etheric surgery is required, it is better we begin by asking our Guides team and Unified Self to assist us, and they will generously work with us, for as you know there are astral surgeons in that level to heal what it is in need of in our bodies. If necessary, they will also send us specific people on our earthly realm to do so. It is important to ask, at all levels, for assistance rather than trying things for ourselves that we are not sure or know how to treat in our bodies. 

Wherever you are in your ascension path, energetic balance, especially at this time after the many activations that many of us have experienced, is vital as well as taking some time to replenish the physical body and dissolve all the imbalances that are yet causing us pain or that make us come back into old habits or thoughts patterns. 

Astrological alignments

We end August with a soothing frequency as well as mutable one that indicates the change that is already happening, if not in a physical level for all, in an energetic one, as we have seven Planets in Virgo and another seven in Earth signs that introduces us into the energies of September, ones that are all about purification, Earth healing, renewal and harmony, a frequency that will come as we enter into this new month, as we are now going to be reign by Libra, a sign that will invite us to create balance in all aspects of ourselves and life. 

September is a month for us to tune into its calming essence, but not for this less creative and expansive, as its a universal number 3 - 12 reduced - reminds us. A number of creativity, intuition and also a number of growth, as it is the result of the union between two equals - the synthesis of two giving birth to something new that will assist All. To reach this point first we need to be in deep communion with our soul, purify our physical bodies and connect, at a deeper level, with the creative spark that we all have within and that desires to be anchored. 

The frequency of number 3 goes beyond our interpretation of this number as being a creative one. This is the essence that  invites us to connect with the feminine power within and begin to create from this same inner space what the masculine will bring into the tangible. This is about expressing our soul in the physical in constructive and stable ways. Next year 2020 is going to be a perfect year for us to build strong foundations in our lives, as it will be a 4 universal year, and it is now with this 3 frequency, not just of this month but this 2019 year a well, to begin giving birth to all these soul creations that next year will be anchored, helping us to be more grounded and manifest a solid reality. 

In Tarot, number 3 is represented by the archetype of the Empress. The empress represents the empowered feminine presence within us, the one who constantly creates and expands from within, for she knows no lack or disallows illusions to cover the Truth. She lives in love with herself and All for She knows that everything is One with her, and it is from this unified space that abundance and anything she needs is manifested. 

This is what we are invited to do at this time, to move inward, from where all creations are birthed, and focus on how we create instead of expecting anything from the outside to fulfill our desires and establish a higher form communication with our Unified Self, instead of searching it outside.

To help us in this inner voyage we have on September 14 a Full Moon at 21 degrees Pisces. This is going to be a perfect Moon to move inward and listen to our soul whispers for this Moon will join Neptune, making of it one of the most intuitive phases that we have had recently. We have been surrounded by the element Fire and its masculine essence, and Water comes now to soothe and soften ourselves in the midst of all this fierce energies.

Mars will also join this Moon to bring its Warrior energy and remind us that we dwell now in a physical realm and that it is important to descend everything in the physical. For many this will be about focusing on creating from within what later on they will anchor and expand in their lives. For others who are yet immersed in a profound transformation it will be about working with their intuitive senses. Lastly, there will be others who are still navigating within unknown waters, until they regain more clarity of what to give birth next. Above all, this will be a Moon for all of us to have faith and trust in our soul plan and in the Divine, for all things happen at Divine Timing and in a perfect way for All. 

In this same day we have other two important cosmic events: Mercury and Venus entering into Libra. Mercury rules communication and this Planet in Libra will help us in creating balance in our mental plane, in the way we talk to ourselves and in our relationships. This is a time to observe ourselves and the unconscious speech we use towards ourselves and others, in a way that we may not be always aware, but that can build or destroy a relationship, whether the one we maintain with ourselves or with our loved ones.

As you know the power of word has a profound impact, for words are energy as well, sending an specific frequency, often underestimated, and thi is precisely what brings us undesired outcomes, the majority of the times. This is why it is so important with these two Planets in Libra to work with ourselves and relationships, to get to know where we still allow our ego to govern ourselves and how we can dissolve these unloving behaviors. There are many who desire a balanced relationship, but if they first do not respect and love themselves, they cannot obtain something they do not have first within themselves. 

The next important cosmic event will take place on September 21, as we have Jupiter square Neptune. This is a wonderful frequency for us to work with human delusions, and expand into new horizons if we have already done this inner work, as well as to work on having faith in our unique soul journey. This is where we connect with our inner guru and allow this infinite wisdom to remind us the power of faith, especially when everything seems lost for us, for in truth we never know what it is happening, beyond our human confines. This is a blessed period for those who need to work on having more trust and confidence in their soul plan and in the new reality they are anchoring. 

On September 23rd we have the Sun entering into the sign of Libra, together with the Equinox. Both events are One as both are sending us the same message of unification and balance regained through the proper process of inner alchemy that we have been working on for a while. With Libra and Virgo energies this month, we have a very powerful and soothing time to balance our feminine and masculine essences. 

An inner task that is a lifetime work, for as long as we reside in a dual world, we will be working with inner synthesis. If we desire to evolve and embody our 5D self, first we must move beyond our deep sense of polarity and separation. One does so by beginning to unify themselves, feeling completely whole and in love, and harmony, with ourselves and All.

We end the month with two important cosmic events on September 28: A New Moon in Libra and Saturn opposition True Node. This, especially by having Saturn direct again since September 18, is the frequency that will help those who are ready to descend more aspects of their soul mission, as they have already being challenged by Saturn "retrograde" to look at their fears, limitations and to learn from them how to emerge by being stronger, wiser and empowered.

Now these encounters will help them receive more guidance about their soul purpose. For there are many who are already under this process of consciously unveiling more about their cosmic heritage and the many missions they have fulfilled, within Creation, and the one they have been assigned, during this present lifetime. 

For others, this process of knowing more about their human mission will come when they will be ready to fully understand who they truly are. There are many precious souls who are passing, at this moment, through an inner transition in which for more than they desire to know, their human self is not ready yet, and only inner work, and patience, will help them, until they are ready to receive this new knowledge about who they are and what they are meant to do here on this Planet. 

The New Moon at 5 degrees Libra that we have at the end of the month sets the perfect frequency for us to create the change we desire from a space of total balance and alignment with our soul. This is a very calming and restorative Moon that will be received as a gift after the recent integration phase that many of us have been experiencing, in which our bodies needs to be recalibrated, at all levels. 

We have a wonderful month ahead to recalibrate our bodies, work on what is still causing us fear to be the powerful creators that already are, in nature, and begin to tuning into what helps us expanding within ou unique desired timeline. As we take advantage of these two years and its benevolent energies to help us create synthesis in our masculine and feminine essences to master ourselves as creators and begin to co-create more consciously, we will realize that in truth we were the only ones impeding us to move forward within our personal human path.

This is a loving and harmonious month to conquer yourself, to admire all you have achieved rather than just focusing on what is yet to be mastered and above all, in creating the proper balance within that will make everything else coming back into its right order, for there is no one or outside force that can create this shift for you but yourself, the question is: Will you? Or will you choose to continue allowing others forces to govern who you are or should be?

I wish you all a blessed, loving and soothing September, Beloved Ones!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

martes, 16 de abril de 2019

Full Moon in Libra, April 19th, 2019 ~ Conscious Relationships

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.


Beloved light Emissaries, 

At this time of our evolutionary path, we find ourselves traversing the portal that began with the Full Moon in Libra on March 20 and that catapults now with another powerful and stabilizing Full Moon at 29 degrees of this same sign. This is a phase in which many of us are experiencing the deep transfiguration that is taking place at the moment. The increase of light that we are actually embodying is so potent that many of us are noticing how we are aligning to even higher aspects of ourselves, beginning to open our hearts to new levels of consciousness, and hence wisdom.

As the Moon in Libra opposite Uranus, which conjunct the Sun, the opportunity for change is greater. When we talk about Libra, we speak about love, relationships and balance. However, in order to bring this balance into ourselves or physical lives, first we need to work on the proper transmutation for this change, and subsequent balance, to occur. This is precisely one of the gifts that this Moon and its alignments offers us, if we are ready to be challenged by these potent, but at the same time, loving frequencies.

This Moon's essence gives us the gift to create harmony within, in our body, as well as in our earthly lives and relationships, which is the main theme from this loving passage - to create conscious and equal relationships based on authenticity and mutual respect. As we are all unique, for some this passage will be about nurturing their bodies and regain balance. For others, depending on where this Moon falls into your chart, will be about an specific area in which you could bring more equilibrium. However, as I always say, it is all what you feel from within what you should follow not what is human, fixed and follows old mental beliefs. 

To be able to do this healing/clearing during, first we need to work on cleansing ourselves from egoic beliefs and manipulations. It is important that we do the proper emotional work required for us to maintain a soul reunion free of past traumatic experiences that can only lead us to create a relationship based on victimhood, toxicity and control. 

This Moon's portal will not only be about focusing on our physical lives and relationships, remember that for us to create the harmony we desire in these two aspects of our lives, first we need to do so from within. The most important relationship is the one we maintain not just with ourselves but with our God Self. When we are not yet living within Divine Love, when we feel unworthy, and our main aim is to please others above our own soul desires, then we are not fully appreciating, loving ourselves, unique abilities and the mission we brough here to fulfill and that no one lese can do.

When this occurs we are not embracing ourselves, which is the main reason why many cannot create the balance they desire in their tangible lives and relationships, for they cannot manifest something they do not have and give to themselves first. This is why it is so important that instead of covering our empty voids with egoic attachments, addictions etc. we regain strength and be brave enough to move inward and see what is not unified yet, for this is the root of  all that is not working out as wish, in our physical lives.

Abundance, balanced relationships, the job that gives us the opportunity to serve from a space of joy and gratitude, and all we desire, cannot flow if we do not appreciate the God Spark that lies within and that acts through us, at all times. For we cannot appreciate and see in others what we do not find within ourselves. Others are not different than us, it is our ego the one that compares incessantly. 

The same God Spark we see in a child, in a wounded person or in a precious animal, is within you, and until you do not become aware it of, love it and value it, you could not move forward and create all you need for the journey you so desire to manifest. No one else is doing this to you, no one else is sabotaging your path, but your own egoic self in an attempt to keep you disempowered and in a "safe" familiar state of being.

During this Moon, we will have a wonderful cosmic gift with the interdimensional stabilizing frequencies that we are receiving for us to find this inner love. For the ones who have already found the love that they are, these frequencies will also help them to see their own magnificence, so they can reunite with others that like us have already seen who they truly are and are ready to maintain conscious relationships with us, as we continue to evolve and embody new levels of love. 

Interdimensional Stellar Frequencies Activation

As you know there are many things happening beyond our limited planetary human reality. There are certain important portals that open in specific periods where we are ready to receive, especially now that our Planet is already ascending into a new harmonic universe. This is one of these unique moments in which our Planet, outside of our human sense of time and space, is aligning with other interdimensional stellar forces that are assisting many of us, who consciously desire to continue expanding our wisdom, while we are still humans.

These frequencies are also meant to be anchored by the ones whose soul roles involve working with the planetary fabrics, in the restoration of the structures that were deeply manipulated eons ago, and that are now - since 2017 - beginning to crumble. These structures not just controlled our planetary grids but entered through its manipulation, the 3D programs - sexual and narcissist ones between many others - that continue to enslave many who are fighting for liberating themselves from the matrix, finally embracing their true essence.

These stabilizing frequencies come when we are ready and have worked with our bodies, otherwise we could not hold the higher frequencies embodied. In my previous article, I shared what I call the God Pattern, come back there, if guided, for this is a wonderful opportunity to use it not in a micro level, but in a macro one - working with the specific numbers (dimensions) 6 and 7 - to anchor within the stellar frequencies that our Planet is now ready to receive and that this portal is offering us.

This is one of the many techniques you can use to create the enviroment required for you to begin directing these energies into your body. Again, this is not about the ceremony you do in itself, for in truth it is all about the intention and how you direct it, what truly matters, but for your human self to feel surrounded by what it considers to be sacred and what helps it creating the proper vibration for it to receive these frequencies.

For some this will be a period of deep transmutation in which they will be challenged to surrender and consciously direct these energies to do the proper cleansing required. This will involve to command these frequencies to dissolve the lower energies that are still within their bodies and to being working on opening, strengthening and protecting their auric fields more so they can prepare themselves to finally step into this new dimensional space, which is nothing else than the state of being that we choose to hold.  

Embrace your own process whether you are healing, rejuvenating from it or finally in the desire state of being you wish to have. All serves a purpose and there is always a time for all of us to rise and another one for us to fall, for there is no other way, within this dual universe to truly ascend, if it is not by experiencing descension too and the different cycles that there is within Creation, in this plane.

If these frequencies are helping you to commune with higher aspects of who you are and offering you more wisdom, bless them. If on the opposite, they are showing you the lower layers of yourself that are impeding you to manifest the true you, bless them too, for they are helping you and leading you to the state of being you wish to reach. 

When we desire to be in a place, state of being or in another situation that we are not yet, we are not seeing the gift of the moment, even though the moment may be surrounded by may challenges. When we do not surrender and accept whatever gift the Divine gives us, we are not appreciating the Divine Plan and the Love that this Infinite Consciousness has for us. We believe we know more and then we fall into egoic traps, which is why humility is so important.

Therefore love yourself and all you have chosen to manifest, at this moment, for this moment, without you even knowing or realizing it yet, is already taking you to the perfect place, with the perfect soul mates, and conditions that you desire now. Our dense realm takes time, be patience, love All, and know that what your soul desires to experience, is already done and it is coming. Your mission is not to control and manipulate what you cannot, but to be open for what your soul sends you, and use it for your human growth, without any judgments. 

Relationships clearing

This is a very powerful time, especially by having the Moon quincunx Venus, to heal old relationships and traumatic wounds that are still impeding us to embrace new reunions who are based on equality and loving co-creations. However, during this time and even more by having this connection between the Moon and Venus, many could feel an urge to be loved - searching in the wrong places. It is when we feel these human feelings, which are perfectly usual, when we most need to move inward and give this unconditional love to ourselves, for this is the pure and authentic love that we truly desire and that many continue searching in outer places and people rather than within ourselves.

At this time, many who are experiencing a massive awakening will no longer pass through the long period of awakening, that I for example and many of us experienced, for there is an acceleration in their awakening process that will help them to integrate and remember in a faster way.

This is why it is so important that we begin by building the strong pillars that will sustain ourselves and bodies as we continue to grow and evolve within this endless spiral of Creation. Beginning by clearing our ego is one of the first tools we shall work with, if we desire to fully listen to the voice of our soul, above any other mental/egoic voices that are not aligned with our soul purpose and desires.

As important as it is to work with our ego is to heal our emotional body of all wounds and debris that still reside in both, for we cannot embrace an authentic reunion if first we do not embrace ourselves and all that we consider to be painful - understanding what these feelings want to awake in us and healing what is not yet unified. When this basic, but not easy inner work is done, clearing miasmatic cords is one of the most essential techniques that will help us to begin working on soul retrieval - becoming whole again to be able to open ourselves to the new companions that are meant to touch our journey, at this moment of our human experience.

At the Moon time it is vital that we become the neutral witnesses of our unique lives, realizing where we are still governed by our egoic self. This is what will help us discern if we are following a path based on unconditional love to ourselves and others or if we are yet using old egoic mechanisms to blame others for what we have not yet healed within ourselves.

There are many indicators that will help you distinguish if you are maintaining a conscious relationship, which are the ones based on equality, respect, loving interactions, co-creative purposes and balance, or if you are yet clinging into a relationship that is based on fear, attachment and egoic patterns that only diminish and disempower the two involved in the relationship.

These are some of the main pillars that a consious relationsips must have and that will help you discern if you are in a balanced relationship or if you are not yet there and have to do more inner work: 
  • Healthy communication: Communicating in a healthy and loving way is one of the first premises that balanced relationships have. Many people understand by communication to blame the other, to yell at the other or to simply express their view and not paying attention to what the other is feeling. This is toxic and only feed the egoic patterns that are present within and hence in the relationship, which is why it is so important to become the witness and be honest with ourselves to realize if we are the abuser or the abused one, or we interchange these roles.
  • Take responsibility: This is one of the most important things when we are in a conscious relationship. When we do not act from a loving space, for we are humans and we all make mistakes or simply we choose differently or regret not to have done something better, we take responsibility for what we said and done. We do not blame our partner or any other person with whom we are maintaining a relationship with. 
We try to go deeper into the core of why we acted as we did and accept the consequences. In a toxic relationship, especially where we have not worked in clearing the ego, it is all about blaming the other and use the victim role as a way to punish the other and defend ourselves by trying to impose our view and simply impose that we are the innocent ones.  
  • Equality: In a balanced relationships both partners have embodied, and balanced, their feminine and masculine essences and have done their inner work first, so now they are ready to coexist and co-create in a space of respect, empowerment and equality. No one is manipulating the other by using force, as it happens when one of the people involved in the relationship manifests the distorted masculine or feminine by being a narcissist.
  • Mutual respect 
  • Authenticity: Both show themselves as they truly are. When there is self-acceptance there is no need to show qualities that we do not possess simply because our egoic self thinks our partner will prefer us if we behave in a certain way, or any other kind of fake personality traits, for we have accepted and loved ourselves as we are and now the purpose of the relationship is to precisely allow the other to also do the same.
  • Humility: Is essential to recognize when we have erred or simply when we have not totally acted from a space of unconditional love. This is one of the most important ones to recognize the ego and to work with it, if necessary, until we are ready to fully immersed in a conscious relationship. 
These are some of the main values that a balanced relationships must have in order to consciously co-create with another soul mate. In the moment we become the witness and we still observe narcissism, egoic patterns, victim/victimizer roles, between many other unloving behaviours, it is important that we begin to work with them from within rather than blaming the other person or ourselves. 

We are here precisely with many soul agreements that help us evolve by showing us what we have not yet unified and loved within. There is no point in being constantly accusing ourselves or others of what have not worked or done properly, for this is what helps us ascend and become the sovereign free beings that we are, in nature, and that we are meant to remember here.

Only compassionate witness and love towards ourselves and others will help us in realizing these painful behaviours - healing them and showing us the way to manifest an authentic and loving relationship that is aligned with our soul true essence and mission here on Earth.

This is what we, a humans, have to learn/remember, to follow the rhythm of the Universe instead of forcing our own one. For what we release, when the time to do so comes, what we left empty, the Universe will fill it, with infinite love, abundance, new soul reunions, and anything we need in this physical plane. We just have to flow, we just have to BE instead of spending all the time trying to fix what is not broken and never was, to begin with. It is all about making the choice to cease our unnecessary suffering, by flowing with what IS, or continue feeding the illusion. 

I wish you a magical, loving and blessed Moon, Beloved Companions!

In love and light,
Natalia Alba 

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2019

Emotional Release

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

As you know we are immersed within a very creative, and profound, Piscean-Neptunian passage, where many of us, depending on where we are in our unique path, for we all have our micro cycles, are already feeling, or about to, feel the deep emotional impact from these Piscean energies. For the ones who no longer fear to completely experience the energies as they truly are, this is going to be a magical and powerful month, especially for the ones who were born, as it is my case, under this Water sign, for this phase, especially with the New Moon that we just had in Pisces, is going to offer us the opportunity to emotionally release that which belongs to the old and it is blocking our conscious desire to co-create in the new timeline that we have consciously chosen.

This is indeed a chance for us to work on self-liberation. As you know ascension is not about constantly integrating and raising our frequency, but about precisely working on emotional clearing, that we are able to grow and embody new levels consciousness, for it is by doing so that we dissolve the veils of illusions, past wounds and traumatic experiences that impede us to fully embrace a path of conscious expansion. 

Piscean energies together with the ones from Uranus in Taurus, are going to help us bringing into the surface not just our soul visions, but all of our hidden emotions/wounds, giving us the opportunity to make them conscious, so we can deal with them, dissolving all that has already fulfilled a purpose, in our human evolution, and learning process of remembering who we are and our unique purpose. 

Pisces as you know, is the last sign of the zodiac, it is where we finally release an old cycle of slavery and learn from everything experienced with the rest of the signs. Pisces comes to burn old worlds as well as the bridges that we have emotionally built to them. It is when we finally awake to the Truth, of who we are, of what we came here to master, share and of what is impeding us to embrace our Divine potential. 

It is with Pisces that all that is still hurting our soul, even though we are not conscious of it, comes back, for these are all fragments of our soul, dwelling in pain, in fear, waiting for us to embrace them, and bring them back Home, which is the individualized aspect of us called X, incarnated at this specific time within Creation.

It is precisely by unifying all these lost soul fragments, all the pain and wounds that are still mourning within our heart, that we can become whole, and hence healed, again. This is what gives us the Divine Gift of forgiving ourselves and others who have touched our lives, and by doing so, they have also left us a gift, for us to understand and embrace it, if guided, when the moment comes. For all is, at the end, a gift for us to accept and grow from it, or not.

The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th, as well as this entire month, is a period of deep communion with our God Self, for it is by turning inward that all we need to know, at this time, can be revealed. Revelations are not good or bad, as humans tend to label, they simply fulfill a purpose within Creation, which is one of delivering the information required for us to know where we are heading and of what is necessary for us to dissolve.

One can be revealed a certain aspect of themselves that needs unification. A certain truth that has been hidden by others or simply by our egoic tendency to protect us of what hurts us, or about any other issue that our God Self considers relevant for us to integrate, at this time. For me, exactly on the day of the New Moon, it was all about being open to receive the truth about a certain relationship (it does not have to be a romantic one) and the true intentions, since the very beginning of this person. To me, it was going to be a co-create relationship. I was in love with what we were going to create together. However, the intention of the other person was different, for it was simply one based on egoic premises. 

All is, always, well as it Is. This is not about being sad or any of these emotions that arise when we have been holding expectations regarding someone or to any project. For as evolving beings, many of us have as a part of our mission, the task to help the collective transmute, as they continue with the transformational process they are immersed into. 

This is not just about egoic feelings or having a bad day, for as ascending souls, we are far enough of these dramas. This is about assisting, in ways that sometimes make not easy to discern if what we feel comes from our mission to assist in this transitional process, of belongs to something we are experiencing ourselves. 

This also required of us a deep understanding of how the cellular process of releasing works, and how important it is to allow the connection between our emotions and our body, as to set and example, by shedding tears, we are allowing specific parts of our body to finally free an old blockage, as well as to empty ourselves of past energy, so we can embrace a new frequency. 

When our lightbody is moving into a new level of consciousness, we are going to experience many hidden emotions coming into the surface. It is hard for us when we finally are able to glimpse the truth, for our egoic self will deny it, hide it or fight it before embracing and accepting it. When we are immersed in that process, the who, what, how, and when, do not matter... the important thing is to become aware of the blessing in disguise that this person has brought to us or a particular situation.

This has nothing to do with being good or bad. It simply has to do with taking responsibility for something we have created for our human journey, being responsible, and brace enough, to learn from it. It is all about becoming more conscious, and about feeling all the pain and crying all the tears we have inside, for if not, our heart cannot grow in love and expand into it. Sometimes we all need something that comes not to damage us, but to save us by breaking the barriers we build into our heart as a protection mode, so we can love, again, unconditionally.

During this time, especially if you are experiencing an emotional release, many emotions/patterns can surface, as an indication of the emotional clearing that is taking place or that you need to do. Some of these are:
  • Fall into the victim or victimizer roles. 
  • Guilt. It is very important to work with blaming ourselves or others in our healing process. These are patterns that have been imposed to us, since we were born. In truth, there is no such a thing as blame. What is important is to be responsible for all we have done and use this to increase in awareness, and in love and compassion, toward ourselves and others. Using blame to punish ourselves will only foment old illusions and victimhood because the Universe do not blame anyone or punish, this is human, and must be dissolved, if we desire to truly become free sovereign beings. 
  • Rumination
  • Self-defence/justification.
  • Impulsive behaviours. 
  • Self-negative talk. This can be contrasted by focusing and working on self-love and worth.
  • Negative thoughts
  • Rage
  • Revenge
  • Self-harm patterns: addictions, toxic attachments or any other things that we use as a form of self-punishment. 
These are patterns that need our dedication and care, for if we do not love ourselves and become our own caretakers, there will be no other one that could heal these emotions and patterns for us.

It is important to look at ourselves with neutrality, until we will be able to fully merge with all the emotions and see from where they come. There are other tools, if you are passing through an emotional healing phase that could help you to face and embrace and heal all these emotions, so you can begin the process of healing:
  • Soul retrieval
  • EFT - emotional freedom techniques - I am a EFT practitioner, and it has helped me a great deal, when I began on this ascension journey, and it is something you can do yourself, for as I always say, we have to be responsible for our own healing process.
  • Somatic techniques for trauma and somatic grounding techniques for those who are dealing with past flashes or old patterns that come from old timelines.
As always, you know yourself better than anyone else and as you own master and healer, you will know what tools best resonate with who you are and with what your body needs. 

Surrendering, letting all go, whether in form of tears or in any other way that feels good to your unique process is good for the releasement of old relationships, jobs or dramatic situations. All the pain is a message for you to decide, at every single moment, whether you decide to engage in this past energy or allow yourself to feel, and release, pain in your unique way and step into a new state of being.

It is precisely remaining in pain, after having understood the gift it brought, to us what makes us fall into the trap of victimhood and other similar human roles. When we begin to ask ourselves the whys, the hows and the whens, we are anchored, again, in a past timeline. In the moment we decide to bless what our egoic self is reticent to let go, surrender and allow ourselves to pass through this releasing process, we have given ourselves the opportunity to expand and create from a totally different state of being.

When we are in the process of dissolving old energy/wounds, or whatever it is you need to liberate yourself from, we need of our love and assistance, for we are the first ones who have to be compassionate toward ourselves. Dwelling in the things you think you made wrong, in what you think others did to you or in what did not work, will only add more suffering, for you are creating an energy that is not aligned with the truth of who you are.

What is important is who you are Now. How you feel Now and the intention you put into all you think, say and do Now. What you did in the past, is no longer here except for your conscious or unconscious desire to bring it back. You do this every time you decide to remember and focus on what you did or not. Focus on what IS Now. It is the only way in which we can aligned with the present frequency, heal, and expand into new horizons.

As humans it is very hard for us to let go and understand that sometimes things are not going to happen in the way we wanted them to occur, simply because we are very naive and we forget that there is always a Higher Force taking care of us, and knowing what is best for us All. Certain things have not happened, for you to be alive, and in joy in this present moment, as certain situations or state of beings would have led you to extreme situations. Other things did not occur because they were not good for you or for others that at that time were involved, in whatever way, with you. Whether you believe it or not, we are like children and we are always taken cared of.

There is no way the human can know the original plan that the Divine has for All. This is why it is so important not to judge the Universe, its Power, its Love for All and its infinite Assistance, in infinite ways we cannot know. For in thinking we know more, we are falling, again, falling into egoic traps.

In the moments you feel you are hopeless, alone, in pain, in fear or in any other lower emotions that make you feel you are not in control or know how to step out of these situations, in this precise moment, you are being surrounded, and assisted, by infinite beings and forms of consciousness that you cannot see/feel or heard but that are taking care of you. They are making sure that in the precise moment, when you were guided to release, there is no other force or being taking advantage of the emotional state you have at this moment.

You are being immensely protected, guided and wrapped in the Divine Embrace. You do not have to believe it or not, you do not have to feel it, you just have to allow it and be grateful for the things that are not seen but are taking care of you in ways that as human, you could never do.

All is a conscious choice of enabling this Divine Force to take care of you. All is a choice of whether you desire to see the truth of this Universe being a loving one, or whether you desire to keep feeding an old reality that is no loner existing, in this present moment. 

I have encoded this message for all who are guided to read it, and feel beyond the written words, with light language and the sacred sound of my white quartz singing bowl. I was guided to sing and in a way encoded this message with great love and healing vibes, for all who are releasing in this massive way, as I am now. Just to remember that you are never alone and that all that is happening is not negative or bad or wrong, but a wonderful blessing, showing you many things. 

The first one of them is your strength, for it is precisely in extreme emotional situations when we realize how strong we are, something that in normal situations we could not have become aware of. Secondly, is showing you that you are evolving and heading into the desired timeline, which is why you are constantly leaving the old aside. Lastly, that you are indeed you are embracing higher levels of Love, for you, and hence for All.

As we approach to the Equinox, especially with the Full Moon in Libra, we will be feeling the harmony and peace it will bring. For the ones who are stabilizers, remain always centered into your heart, especially during this month where we are going to be fully immersed in the task of assisting with the Earth's Fabrics stabilization, and the unique mission each of us has. In a time when many of us are experiencing an emotional release, it is important to support ourselves in this process, and be loving as we pass this phase.

Sometimes it is hard for  us to remain fully balance as we envision what is taking place in the collective, and as we continue to honor their choices as well as we also deal with our own releasing process. By the end of the month we will feel relief and with strength to continue with our conscious desire to expand and co-create, for above all, this is one of the most creative month of all the year, to enjoy align with our creative essence and bring this soul visions, in the physical. 

I send to you infinite love, light and bright blessings Beloved Companions.

May you, always, remain in the Illumined, and comforting, Essence of your Soul. 

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

New Moon in Scorpio, November 7th, 2018 ~ Feminine Healing

If I go into the place in myself that is love, and you go into the place in yourself that is love, we are together in love. Then you and I are truly in love, the state of being love. That’s the entrance to Oneness. That’s the space I entered when I met my guru.

Ram Dass

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

In a time in which bringing deep transformation within, and in all aspects of our life, is essential, for the ones who have consciously chosen a path of constant growth, and hence, change, we are blessed with a renovating New Moon at 15 degrees Scorpio. This Moon presents us with the opportunity to embrace transformation in all aspects of our lives, especially in our relationships, for if we do not begin to dissolve what can no longer coexist with who we have become, we could not sustain the new reality that we are so eager to manifest.

As you know, the Fixed sign of Scorpio is ruled by two of the most powerful Planets, Mars and Pluto. Mars gives us the fiery and Warrior-like energy that we need to initiate the proper changes in our lives. While Pluto - a Planet that is all about power, regeneration and rebirth - activates the necessary shift that needs to occur for us to transform all that is not working - helping us to dissolve our inner struggles, as often all outer conflicts are just a reflection of our inner ones.

As I share may times, the Moon is not as we have been told/taught, and even though this subject is a deep one and everyone shall obtain this information from within, I would like to shed some light upon the Moon. For when I share about the Moon, it is not from the usual 3D perspective, but from a more profound view. 

The Moon, as many of you already know, is an artificial satellite, whose function, unlike many think, has not been precisely to protect us or help us to awake our intuitive channels. On the contrary, it has been brought by the dark forces, eons ago, and it has served as a base from where they manipulated not just our Planet but humans - distorting our feminine/sexual centers, higher senses - chakras - as well as other channels that connected us with our cosmic lineage.

When I share about the Moon, I mainly refer to the essence of it with other planetary alignments, for it is all about the true nature of events what matters more than what we have been programmed to believe about a certain planet or cosmic encounter. This is why it is so important that we consciously connect with the essence of the stellar bodies, before invoking, impulsively or unconsciously, the Moon or any other planetary body, for we may be making contact with essences or beings that are not aligned with who we are, the Law of One, and hence, with our real purpose of making this cosmic connection.

In a general perspective, this Moon has very good aspects, as it will trine Neptune, the Planet of Intuition and Dreams, we have a very feminine essence we could use to enhance our creativity. On the other hand, this Moon will also make a positive aspect to Pluto, which will give us the power we need for us to transform what is required, so we can bring forth our soul creations and deepest inspirations. 

However, the essence of this Moon in Scorpio goes beyond being creative, for it is also a time for us to go deeper into our inner realms and bring into the surface all that remains hidden for our conscious mind - bringing synthesis to the aspects of us that still dwell in pain, separation and illusion. This is a time, especially with Venus "retrograde" to find all the love we tend to search outside ourselves within, and restore the first, and most important, relationship of all, the one with our own selves. 

As ascending souls, the majority of us, have dwelled in darkness, feeling unloved and unappreciated, when in truth, we were the ones not truly, and unconditionally, loving, and accepting ourselves. This is one of the most important imbalances to heal, if we desire to evolve and hold a higher frequency within and in our relationships. There is no one else that can fulfill our empty voids, if we do begin the inner work of feeling whole and healed, first. 

Due to the feminine essence from this Moon, we have the gift to work with our feminine/sexual Force and traumatic experiences that have damaged our sexual centers, causing profound imbalances that are impeding us to have balanced relationships, express our feelings as well as maintain intimate relationships, which is always a physical representation of the love for ourselves, and inner fusion, we first must accomplished so we can be able to give the other this same love. 

At this time when we are about to end a human year and another macro cycle of our evolutionary path, it is vital that we begin to let go of the old and work on the conscious dissolution of everything that still bonds us to our past. As the decisions made, at this transitional time, will be the ones that will construct the next phase of our journey, and if we do not desire to see the same old patterns, people or situations, it is our choice to begin releasing all that we are still feeding, whether consciously or unconsciously. 

Releasing or letting go the old, does not just refer to our past relationships, habits and situations, but to our regrets, guilty feelings and painful ones. We must let go of all that disempowers us, and all that we keep feeding with the egoic excuse of how others treated us, in the past, which I know it sounds hard, for many have had unspeakable experiences, and I include myself. However, the truth is that no one has ever done anything to us, and that as soon as we realized this and understand that even though our experiences were wrong without measure and painful, it had a purpose and they/we helped each other’s much more than we can imagine.  

Some of us have been abused, by unconscious partners. Others have suffered other abuses, by mentally ill and dark people, and even though at some point they will be forgiven, will condemn themselves to experience profound and terrible pain for eons. And for us, as ascending souls, our only way out is to recognize our Divine Power, and strength within, and use it to embrace our inner child and all the aspects of us that have been deeply damaged and that need to remember of the love that we are, of the love that we All, in Essence, are. 

Our mission, as conscious beings who are evolving, and embodying more Love, is not to judge them or punish ourselves, for it was never our fault, but to focus not on all the unlove we experienced, but on the love that we are and can give to begin change this dense frequency. As even though in this human plane, some have completely forgotten what true love is, as it shall be, in a world of polarities, others, like us, have chosen to come as a reminder of what the power of unity can do for All. 

Another gift from this Moon in Scorpio, as I shared at the beginning, is its strong connection with Neptune, which not only help us with our creative gifts but with our connection to a Higher Intelligence - giving us the opportunity to align, and co-create with this Eternal Force, to retrieve more guidance about who we are and what we can do to be of further assistance.

As starseed souls and new earth seeds, our path is not a path to please the egoic self, but to master it. We did not come here to simply experience a human realm, which is equal to any other choice. However, our path is one of selfless service to All, without making any differences, and while others may be enjoying the pleasures of living a human existence, some of us are anchoring, in our unique way, the new frequencies received, outside, whether it is cold, hot or in any other conditions, or whether we are doing it accompanied by other soul mates or "alone".

Our journey was never about us, but about All. When we understand the importance of unity, when we begin to disassociate ourselves with just being an individualized aspect of God, with being All, is when our true path of service begins, and when our soul finally descends our soul true mission, into our human self, for we are ready now to fulfill the destiny that the Divine orchestrated with us.

This is a Moon, and a cosmic gift, for us to embrace ourselves. For we are all moving in an eternal dance of embracing and letting it all go. We are just beginning to remember only to choose to forget, again, if necessary, and come back to be of assistance. We are not here to judge others and less ourselves, for things that we cannot comprehend, with our limited minds. We are here to remember the power of love, unity and compassion.

The more we fight to embrace these three Powers, the only real ones, the more we will remain in our own shadows. It is all what we choose to experience, and it is not our task, as sovereign beings who are conscious and remember the nature of our human existence, to judge or compare ourselves in any way to others and their unique, and sacred, journey.

Our mission is only one of bringing back the lost essence of what living in an authentic and loving reality, truly feels like. Our only aim shall be to shine our lights, as Source desires, independently of what others have chosen to do with their own human experience. Nothing is our concern but our own energy. Nothing shall trouble us except where we choose to put our power.

Do you choose to direct your power to assist others whether the circumstances are in your favor or not? Do you choose to shine your loving essence, with everyone, and in everywhere, even though your human self cannot understand where you are? Or do you choose to just be loving at a certain time or with specific people simply because is more convenient or with the excuse that you too deserve to only be with people who resonate with you?

Whatever you choose is what you need to experience to grow in love, which is what we are mastering, at this time, as Venus is reminding us. You could never choose anything that is not going to bring you back to love, for it is what you are, and the more you try to be selective with situations, environments and people, the more you will be testing yourself to love them All, whether they resonate or not, for within a dual reality, you could never escape of the Divine Gift of loving All as equal, no matter how far you decide to go, all will be an opportunity for you to become the LoveLight being that you are.

What is your conscious choice at this moment? 
Do you choose to dwell in love or in separation?

Beloved Ones, no matter what you choose, know you are and will be, always, immensely loved and appreciated without measure. Do not beat yourselves down for past mistakes. Do not punish yourselves. For the Divine knows no unlove, judgment or any other form of human illusion, it is you the only one choosing to create it.

I wish you all a loving, healing and blessed New Moon. Remember to remain in the Illumined, Wise and Powerful Essence of your Soul, Beloved Companions!

In love, light and service ∞

Natalia Alba