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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta balance. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta balance. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2022

The Energies of September 2022 ~ Energetic Balance

Beloved Ones, 

As we step into September, we will feel the harmonic energies that are now descending into our Planet, inviting us to create the energetic balance required for us to continue with the next integration wave. September is a month that offers us the opportunity to stabilize our bodies and equilibrate ourselves, at all levels, as it is pivotal after a long period of embodiment. 

A balance that is announced by its six universal frequencies, within a six universal year. It is the time to move inward again, regain strength, and create harmony, for the next wave in October-November. A harmonic passage that will be reinforced by the Equinox, at the end of the month, whose frequencies will help us harmonize ourselves, and continue with the process of building our light body. 

A six universal frequency that indicates love, and restoration. Number six is represented by the tarot card of the Lovers, which to me, is not just about physical relationships but about the inner union, between opposites, that has to occur before it happens with another being. An inner union that has nothing to do with our 3D sense of love, as it beings with the union of our shoulder wing portals, as it is there when we begin to unify our bodies, masculine and feminine essences. 

Balanced relationships or enlightened ones, come when first we love ourselves and act, at all times, as integrated and whole beings, for it is by acquiring perfect equilibrium and inner unity, that we can truly merge with another with integrity and equality. 

It is a time to work on the union that we have with ourselves, and the ones that we have created, as Virgo introduced at the end of August, it is how we grow and recognize ourselves and what we have not yet healed, through the assistance of others that have agreed to co-create and work with us, in both a physical and soul level.

Loving energies that remind us of the importance, at that time of reflection, of witnessing our human self. Do we love and respect ourselves and our personal energy? Do we act with integrity - as we think and feel? This is the most important inner work, if we have not yet totally achieved this inner synthesis if we are not yet unified, healed and completely whole, we cannot transmit the same harmony and equilibrium into our relationships. 

This month is going to show us in our relationships everything that we are not ready to look at within ourselves yet, and that our soul companions, as once agreed, will do for us, lovingly, even though many times we may not perceive it as such.

September is going to be a month that will help us see where we need more balance, within and without ourselves, if we desire to live within a harmonic timeline, all we think, feel and do, shall be aligned with where we are going. 

As we listen to our inner guidance and the many energies that are inviting us to move within, examining ourselves and our personal lives, we will realize if we need to transform something that is not totally unified, as we will have important alignments helping us to move forward, as for us to be able to create anew, leaving the past behind is essential, as there is nothing there for us anymore.

This is a great opportunity to revise, regain strength, and continue building our new lives. It is a month that will help us see where we are going, and what is yet to come if we choose to continue the path of our soul and the mission that it involves.

Planetary Alignments

During this new energetic month of September, we have very important planetary alignments that will repeat themselves, to remind us of the importance of focusing on what we are creating, not what we are leaving behind. We have the semi-sextile created by the True Node and Chiron, which begins on August 29, continues on September 3rd, and ends on September 6th, helping us focus on our personal evolution on this earth, on both a physical and a soul level, on where we are heading, what we have created, and where our creations are taking us at the moment.

It is about the future timeline that we are forming, with every thought, feeling, and act, in this Now moment. On the other hand, Chiron has a very healing essence per excellence, when both co-create, we are being invited to heal, from the present, past timeliness, or parallel ones as I prefer to call them, as when we awake our multidimensionality and consciously and intentionally choose to heal in the present, this same healing extends to other parallel timelines, helping us heal at all levels, in all dimensions, and all aspects of who we are.

We no longer need to dig into the past, as there is nothing there for us anymore, but to learn how to heal in the present, properly, so we are also healing what we call past selves. So, we are healing ourselves and helping our own future generations to heal as well too. 

We have a wonderful month ahead for us to continue our journey of DNA rehabilitation, healing, and clearing, for the current energies come to help us burn away the old, so we can move ahead without constantly focusing on the past, as it is what the majority of the times bring into the present unwanted situations and outcomes.

On September 5th,  Venus enters Virgo. Venus is the feminine aspect of us, the aspect who creates from the womb and who gives birth within Divine love and compassion to All. This is wonderful energy for those who are beginning to make their passion their living as well. Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance in Virgo is going to teach us how to put all we desire to create, in the tangible, in a way that serves others, not just ourselves, so all we do is now serve others in their journey as well. This is about grounding our soul desires and goals in a way that we too nurture ourselves in the physical, at the same time that we are in service to All. 

A few days later, on September 9, Mercury Retrograde in Libra, until September 23 when it will move into Virgo. As you know I do not feed this limited belief of Mercury being retrograde. I can only inform you of the date it turns retrograde for those who resonate with it. 

Mercury in Libra whether retrograde or not, as the essence does not vary, as it is just the perception we have from our human view, is about bringing balance into our mental plane, as well as on the collective mind. This is going to be a month for us to keep dwelling on the illumined and peaceful essence of our Soul, for there are many distractions that can make us fall apart and come back into old states of being.

Clearing our minds from time to time of self-destructive patterns, old beliefs, and many other debris and programs, is pivotal if we desire to evolve and continue embodying new aspects of the Truth, for the Truth is only One but it has many aspects, depending on where we are in our evolutionary journey, as the more we evolve, the more we are ready to discover. 

The most important to contribute to a more peaceful and loving planet is to precisely create this same frequency from within and remain there as long as possible, even though as humans, there will be challenges that may often make us oscillate between two different frequencies.

The next day, on September 10th, we will have a Full Moon at 17 degrees Pisces. This is a very magical passage, as the final moon of the summer, and as one of the most intuitive passages that we have had in months, as it is conjunct with Neptune. 

Piscean energies come after a very important alignment, especially the one of the True Node with Chiron, for us to receive more guidance and clarity about our soul's unique journey and mission. If we have done the inner work of healing, clearing, and reconnecting, then we are ready now to envision our future path, one that we create at every moment, if we consciously build, in the Now. 

On September 21 we have Jupiter semi-square Saturn together with another important alignment on September 28, Jupiter semi-square Uranus. This is going to have a great impact on the collective, and on many who are yet mastering how to move, or set the perfect balance, between their personal sense of freedom, and responsibility, as even though both may seem opposite, they are not at all, for one cannot coexist without the other. 

Within freedom is the duty of taking responsibility for our acts, otherwise, we will not be acting as integrated and conscious beings. This is why from both a personal and collective level, both events will trigger the necessary change, for us to realize where we are in terms of personal boundaries, freedom, and responsibility. 

The next day, September 22, the Sun enters Libra. We welcome the Equinox and with it, the peak of the stabilizing frequencies received all this month. If we look closely, all this month offers us precious energies for us to balance every single aspect of ourselves, and hence, our outer lives, as they are a reflection of how we feel inside. 

It is up to us to take the opportunity each month to focus on an aspect of ourselves and work with it rather than waiting with open arms to be blessed or cursed, by outer forces or beings, as it used to be, for now, we know that we create it all from within, by being devoted and doing our inner work, and conscious focus on what we desire to birth. 

We end September by having a New Moon at 2 degrees Libra on September 25, together with Venus moving from Virgo to Libra as well. This is about balance, love, harmony, and above all an invitation to nurture ourselves, being a wonderful passage for us to focus on ourselves, and our loved ones, as well as in nourishing everything that we have previously created, for there is a time for everything within Creation, and it is now the time to focus on what we build, being grateful for it and learning how important it is to take care of our soul's creations, in the physical.

A month to strive for energetic balance, in ourselves, relationships, and in all the new creations that we are building in our earthly plane. We have the constant opportunity to tap into the wisdom of our soul, retrieve its infinite experience and guidance, and use it to expand ourselves towards our new destination and towards being in service in new ways. 

The opportunity to step into a new reality is always there for those who do not fear what could possibly happen if we finally choose to have the courage to move on from what limited us.

I wish you a wonderful September, Beloveds!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

The Energies of July 2020 ~ Harmonic Balance

Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.


Beloved Light Emissaries,

We are heading into a new energetic month in which transformation is going to be a constant for all of us, as the planetary shift occurring at this time, is  having a tremendous impact in the collective, whether they have chosen this conscious path or not. During this month, the ambivalence, as it universal 2 - 11 - frequency reminds us, between those who have chosen to reside within Divine Love and the ones who remain in fear, is going to be emphasized, as never before. This is a month to achieve energetic balance between opposite essences, our masculine and feminine and once regained, begin to translate this same balance to our relationships and all types of co-creations. 

The duality that reigns among us, at this time, is one of the main consequences of the timeliness separation that is actually taking place, as the more we move into a more illumined reality, the more we will see what we are leaving behind, something that is not authentic and that is dissolving, even though many still believe it is growing stronger. This month is going to be a time for us to visit the depths of our being, where true wisdom resides, and decide the type of foundations that we desire for our new lives, if ones based on the power of love and limitless expansion, or ones ruled by the delusional fear that also rules this dual reality. 

With this new month of July, we pass now from focusing on individuality, rebuilding our personal power, working on self-love and healing, to create balanced relationships, once that we have first created this same balance with ourselves. This month invites those who are ready to move into this new phase of their path, to begin co-creating in a new level with others, not just from a romantic perspective, but at all levels, as this is a month that for many will be all about reuniting and contacting, so they can create something that will benefit All. 

July is a very important month, although as I always say, all depends on our own micro cycles and where we are in our path, at the moment. During this new energetic month, we have a perfect balance between masculine and feminine energies, to help us work on self-synthesis. These essences not only comes from the many planetary events happening at this time, such as the eclipses, but from other Illumined Realms, some energies that do not even come from this Galaxy, but that are meant to bring assistance into this planetary transformation that in one way or another, we all are experiencing. 

To set a balance between the ethereal and our earthly realm, during this month of inner contemplation, we have an eclipse on July 5 at 13 degrees Capricorn, to gives us the opportunity to put into form what we have received inside. As this eclipse is highly influenced by Mercury and Uranus, we are being invited to express ourselves, to put ourselves, beliefs and personal truth out there and to embrace change, directing it towards personal growth and expansion.

Healing the Divine Mother wound 

At this time of our evolutionary journey, there are many who desire to work on the conscious manifestation of their desires. Something that can only be done if first we have embraced our Mother-feminine essence and work on polarity integration. Once we have done this, and work from an unified perspective, is that we can finally be aligned with our Soul Will and hence, creations, and begin to manifest, in the tangible, what we truly choose to experience.

We are passing through a very important cosmic portal where we are being assisted with many different frequencies, coming from many planes, to help us integrate the feminine wound that have been impeding us to embrace our true potential for eons. However, if one thing all these frequencies has in common is that all of them are meant to help us in reclaiming our Mother essence, the one who nurtures, heals and creates from within, and the one who has been most damaged during the times of the patriarchal domination in this Planet, ones that little by little are ending.

If we look at astrology, we have many "retrograde" planets this moth, especially I share for those who resonate with retrograde phases, which is another confirmation to commune with our inner feminine wisdom. Furthermore, we also have feminine frequencies coming from many planetary bodies such as Ceres, another Moon in Cancer and other sixth dimensional frequencies that help us to do this inner work from a more cosmic level, and that invite us to work on the conscious healing of the feminine wound. 

When we work on healing the feminine wound, one that has been inflected through eons of mistreatment, prohibition of our mother attributes, and all the wounds suffered by the distorted masculine and 3D marix manipulations, we are finally ready to embrace our true cosmic mother seed, one that embraces, forgives and loves All, without judgments. 

To reach this point first we need to conquer our own shadows, feelings of guilt and own unloving deeds, to be able to then forgive those of others who have also hurt us, when they too possessed a lower level of consciousness. We are at a very important phase, as we are surrounded by energies of creation and destruction, which is how the new is created. 

It is when we embody our mother consciousness that we truly expand and are able to create infinitely, as it is the aspect of us and hence, Creation, that contains the seed for expansion and growth. Clearing all the miasmatic ties, debris and wounds is pivotal at this time to be able to recalibrate our physical bodies and enter into a new state of being in which we have created the healthy and stable pillar for us to begin working on the integration of both our masculine and feminine essences. 

The creation of an energetic vortex where we are going to literally throw away all of our lower energies, feelings and things that no longer serves, as well as to combine it with deeper healing, is essential for us to liberate our hidden pain and unconscious distorted patterns. As you know, the Moon is a inorganic satellite, which was created to distort the Earth's feminine grids. At this time there are many whose main mission is to restore this lost connection through the many new portals that are meant to reverse this manipulation,  that are working on restoring  this lost connection in our the planet.

It is very important that we are attuned to what the Planet, which is a living organism wants to communicate to us, at this time, for we are meant to work in unison to help it in the restructuring of its manipulated fabrics and essence. 

It is indeed a moment to focus on healing the feminine wound, without losing the connection that it has to the masculine, the holy version of it, should not be disesteem, for if we do, we then fall into old patterns as living in the ethereal, or again, valuing one essence more than the other, and when we talk about conscious restoration, the masculine power and love for the feminine, shall never be forgotten. 

Planetary Alignments 

This new month of June comes with a strong message of balance, wherever we look, as it is a universal number 2 - 11 reduced - reminds us. Although I know a master number it is not often reduced, I always do as guided or I will not be acting with integrity. As always, do as guided, and take the essence, and message of this month, that most resonates with you, and where you are in your journey. 

11 represents unity, one that can only comes when we first act as integrated beings with no polarity, and all the abundant blessings that comes from it. However, it is not until we regain inner balance between both our masculine - The Magician - and the feminine - The Highest Priestess - and the proper co-operation with others, that we can begin the process of conscious co-creation, becoming authentic masters. 

Number 2 as you know represents duality as well as the embrace of two opposites but equal aspects of Creation. The current energies may come from different sources. However, everything in Creation gives us the same message, no matter where we decide to focus. One of self-empowerment, feminine rising and embrace of its wisdom. 

Number 2 holds a frequency of synergy, co-operation and integration. The feminine and harmonious vibration of number 2 is well represented in the tarot by the High priestess, sitting between the light and the darkness - represented by the two pillars of Solomon's temple - as a passage to other realities and Higher knowledge. 

We are indeed retrieving the lost essence of the feminine, without darkening the masculine. As we regain consciousness of our true origin and essence, which is always one meant to act through the power of love, we come back to commune more with our soul, reclaiming the memories that are not lost, but hidden within ourselves, due to the constant disempowerment suffered through eons.

At a cosmic level, we begin this month by having Saturn entering retrograde in Capricorn. Within a universal year 4, and with this year being ruled by Capricornian energies, this eclipse comes to reinforce the invitation for us to create strong foundations, in our relationships and all aspects of our life, revising the structures in which our lives are built, and begin to take responsibility for all that we have created, whether we keep resonating with it or not, for we are under a frequency of deep change in which we can always begin anew. 

It is important to look at our lives pillars and begin to work on what we can do to shift what we no longer desire to experience. There is no real change in blaming others or lamenting ourselves for what we think we could have done better. Saturn invites us to bring our new desires and changes in the physical, where we can master our inner creator, and enjoy the outcomes that first our soul creates in the ethereal.

On July 5, we have another eclipse at 13 degrees Capricorn. These series of eclipses will help us to bring into form our soul creations, and what is more important: to create stability in ourselves and lives. Capricorn is the perfect partner of Cancer for its masculine essence resonates well with the feminine one of Cancer, giving us the opportunity not just to heal but to remember how important is to descend from the ethereal our visions and dreams to create an abundant life experience. 

This is going to be an eclipse that is going to help many to heal the distorted masculine, in a month where the balance between both energies are going to be very present, so we can finally find harmony between both and create from this unified space. 

As this eclipse is influenced by Mercury and Uranus, it will invite us to put what we create into our mental plane into the earthly one. However, by first having the proper balance and connection that help us in making our soul desires tangible. For by our own we cannot truly experience this reality, as we are here to co-create, and assist each other’s . 

On July 7, just a few days after the eclipse, whose energies will continue during months, we have Ceres, whose essence is feminine, as a sign of the perfect balance that the universe always has and offers us, to work on feminine integration, as we too continue working on healing our masculine essence, and use it to manifest outcomes that are aligned with our soul.

Ceres retrograde in Pisces, is an invitation for us to work on creating more self-love, as it is from this same love that our lives are built. It is when we finally see us as being love that abundance, nurturing, and all the feminine attributes emerge, for we have finally understand our limitless nature, and master our egoic tendency to sabotage our manifestations, as it feels unworthy and limited. 

This is also a good period to work on our mother wounds and everything related to how we sustain and take care of ourselves. Familiar issues can also arise, and with them the opportunity to heal them. During this time, for those who have already work on these main issues, it is also a good time as it dwells in Pisces, to work on the conscious expansion of their non-physical senses. 

The healing work that we may have to do at this time, will be assisted by Chiron also retrograde on July 11. And while Ceres has a more feminine essence, Chiron, especially in Aries, has a more masculine one. Again, we are seeing how this month brings infinite opportunities for us to set a balance between both, as well as the many imbalances that we may have accumulated for years regarding both essences. 

With Chiron we look deeper at the wounds/aspects of ourselves that we try so hard to hide but are still dwelling, in pain, within us. When we consciously desire to align with the frequency of a certain Planet, star or asteroid, if well directed we can connect with the consciousness of this certain stellar body and integrate its healing frequency to assist us in dissolving what is still fragmented and that is not allowing us to experience our true soul path and potential. 

Chiron in Aries is about working with the aspect of us that is empowered. So, it is a good moment to work on self-acceptance and worth, traumatic wounds referring to that, as well as any other ones that may come into the surface. What is important is that we recognize, without fears, the pain that continues to be hidden, and waiting to be embraced. 

The next day, for those who resonate with retrogrades, as I always say, for as you know I do not really focus or foment this illusion, Mercury will turn direct again. As this month is an important one for inner work and communing with our soul, for those who choose to focus on this, will be a good energy to help them quieten their minds and working on dissolving old programs and issues of communication. As you all probably know, to me whether retrograde or direct, these periods have no impact on my personal human experience, as I have shared many times, so to me the Essence of Mercury, whether retrograde or not, makes no difference. As always, take what best resonates for you. 

On July 20, we have another Moon at 28 degrees Cancer. This New Moon is again increasing the feminine healing energies that this new month brings for all who need to work on feminine healing. As you know, nothing ever happens without a purpose, this is why I emphasize so much on feminine healing, for this double, and rare, New Moon, will not often happen, and it is a supportive essence for those who need to expand on this type of healing. 

This Moon offers us strength and the opportunity to take some time to nurture and love ourselves in the midst of all the eclipse turmoil, so we can move into the next energetic month, which will soothe ourselves after these intense energies, and that will continue to be there for us to work with them for a while, helping us comprehend all that has occurred  while we were between worlds, shaping our new lives and letting all go, so we can begin, again.

On July 22, the Sun will enter into Leo. With the Sun in Leo we can embody this fervent essence to empower ourselves and to express our hearts by standing firm in who we are and by expressing our unique Divine Spark, at a time when freedom and the right to express ourselves is essential. 
As always, Leo's essence simply Is, this energy by itself is not positive or negative - it is what we decide to do with it. 

If we direct this frequency properly, we could be courageous and bold in following our own path. On the contrary, an excess of this fiery frequency could lead us into arrogance, which is why balance, as always, is the key, to be able to discern for ourselves if we are using these energies for self-empowerment or just for our egoic desires to feel superior. 

We end the month by having Jupiter sextile Neptune on July 27. Now that we are immersed in a profound transformation, this combination gives us the opportunity to shift our perception, to have a higher understanding on our world as well as ourselves and to begin seeing things from a more compassionate level.

Change our belief systems, programs and expand into healing and a higher way of loving is what this essence is going to invite us to do, at a time when we precisely are searching peace, and above all to evolve as an unified specie. Jupiter helps us to expand on our compassionate and intuitive nature, while Neptune helps us to dissolve old ones, so we can embrace a new and more illumined, stay of being. 

July is a month to strive for balance, in ourselves, relationships and in all the new creations that we are building in our earthly plane. To do so, first the harmony between all the aspects of us that co-create together to manifest, shall be perfectly unified, for it is precisely when they merge that the creations that we so desire to experience and enjoy, can occur.

We have the constant opportunity to tap into the wisdom of our soul, retrieve its infinite experience and guidance and use it to expand ourselves towards our new destination and towards of being in service in new ways. The opportunity to step into a new reality is always there for those who do not fear what could possibly happen, if we finally choose to have the courage to move on from what limited us.

As always, the choice is yours to make. There will be always a door opened for you to cross it and experience new ways of living, a way to conquer your fears and embrace your true potential. Yes, there will be always a way, if of course first there is a will.

I wish you a blessed July, Beloved Ones!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

lunes, 6 de abril de 2020

Full Moon in Libra, 7th/8th, 2020 ~ Clearing Timelines

Beloved Ones,

This is a time of planetary confusion for many, as the majority may not know what is truly happening behind the created chaos. This is why it is so important to always look within to connect with our own guidance and receive with clarity the truth behind any situation in our live or in the macro. This is a time for the ascending souls to unite as One Family and practicing unconditional love for All, not just for the few who resonate with us, spreading our compassion, for it is the only thing that we can truly do, and that will reach All beyond physical borders and other mind limitations. 

Many of you are already feeling the consequences of what is taking place in our Planet. The created crisis has affected us all in some way or another and it is only through dedication, devotion to service, and to our unique purpose, that we can counteract the many tactics that the matrix uses to keep us enslaved and isolated.

It is precisely by impeding us to be totally free that many of us cannot work, as we wish, as physical contact is not allowed, for obvious reasons, and many have lost their unique way in which they sustained themselves. To help us anchoring balance at this time in both within ourselves and in the Planet, we have a wonderful and harmonizing Full Moon at 18 degrees of Libra on April 7th/8th. A harmonic wave that began previously to the 444 portal. 

This is a Moon that helps us in setting the proper stabilization required, as well as to create balanced relationships, as it is one oriented to assist us in our soul reunions, as its ruler is Venus who aligns with Mars, which even if at this time of isolation can be ironic, it is not, for as you know, in a soul level we are all connected and interact in any way and it does not matter whether we are physical near or able to touch each others or not.

There are some who believe this Moon will seed disease, as it makes an aspect to Neptune. However, this is just our human interpretation, for what the macro is reflected is simply what is already occurring. The planets and stars do not rule our lives, this belongs to the old and needs to be dissolved, for they simply have a unique essence and it is our task to align with it, understand and direct it towards what is best for us, rather than making simply conjectures based on human illusions.

As I recently shared, the influence of the Jupiter and Pluto conjunction will be also great at the Full Moon time. We often tend to think that luck comes from outside and that the best circumstances to act upon our soul desires are brought by the planetary events and other human illusions. 

The truth is that luck is a mixed between strength, determination to act towards our desires and personal power, which is what this conjunction invites us to remember at a time when we may not get out or act much, in the outside, but we can always create from within the perfect conditions for us to live the lives we truly desire, or simply a more peaceful state of being, for we do not necessary need to go out, as we reside everywhere, as the unlimited and multidimensional beings that we are.

At a deeper level, the message I received at this time for all who desire to connect more with the present healing energies, as well as focus on personal evolution and selfless assistance to others, is one of humility, for all that is happening is in part doing so for humanity to learn that we are not in control of the Planet but in equal co-creation with it, as their guests, and that man damage to it, was never meant to occur, for all beings shall coexist in perfect resonance and respect. 

However, for those who continue believing that this is a punishment, this will be a time, if you choose so, to move inward where the Truth resides, so you know that within a loving Universe, there is never such a thing as punishment, there are just consequences for our acts as well as taking the responsibility for them.

As healing tools, I received that at this time, calling upon the God Will Power, called as well Blue Ray or Ray of Power, as you may prefer, will benefit many who are still working on the conscious embodiment of their sovereignty, understanding and differentiating, that this is not about the human meaning of egoic power that we were taught, but about the one who comes from remaining in a space of love for All, working behind the physical scenes to liberate ourselves, and helping others to do so too, from human, whether implanted or not, illusions. 

As a second tool, when I was beginning to write this message, I envisioned an icosahedron, which as you know has twenty triangular faces, and belongs to one of the sacred geometry forms of the Platonic Solids. This is a tool that whether consciously painted, used in a crystal form or in any other way we feel guided to connect with it, will assist us to release, let go of what does not serve and birth something new, which is what is truly happening  behind the chaos, whether some believe it is a new order in which we will be enslaved in a harder way, and others a new dimensional space. The truth is that something new is being reestablished, restructured, and hence birthed.

Nonetheless, whether it will be something greater or meant to destroy, it is up to you, for in what you focus, it will become the timeline that you will be experiencing. As always, it is up to you to diverge into the new dimensional space that resides first inside, and that many of us occupy now, or within the new 3D one that is being created.

Behind the destruction, the chaos and the many tactics used to create fear, there is a seed growing, within all of us, within the collective consciousness. This seed is pure, humble, loving and compassionate, and it cannot be manipulated or destroyed, for it is the result of all the conscious intentions put by many of us during years.

Hold a higher vision of who you truly are, even though they try to make you believe otherwise. Hold a more Illumined vision of where you are heading. For it will determine what you will be experiencing the day we called tomorrow, although as many of us are experiencing at the moment, there is no tomorrows, just endless todays, which can be filled with joy and love for what we are birthing, or by fears. However, the second one only comes when we do not take charge of our own life experience, and we always have the gift to begin doing so, from an empowered and loving state of being.

Have a healing Full Moon Beloved Ones. 

Stay always in the Illumined Essence of your Soul.

In love, light and service,

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020

444 Portal

Beloved Ones, 

Despite of what seems to be occurring within our Planetary plane, as you well know, the energies that surround us go beyond our planetary system, for above this physical reality, there are many frequencies coexisting that have nothing to do with the ones created by humans on this realm. As you know, there are energies that cannot be touched neither manipulated by the lower forces who try to control this earthly world.

Recently, and as a stabilizer, I have been seeing one and again numbers 444 without even remembering that in a few days we wil be immersed in these harmonic and loving frequencies, for as the majority of you know, many of us live outside our human sense of dates and fixed events, and even more at this time, when all days seem to be the same, due to the forced isolation implanted by the system.

It is not about the numbers 444 which relate to the fourth of April, which is at the same time a fourth month within a fourth Universal Year, but about the essence behind these numbers what the present energies are trying to remind us. Even though all seems to be going into the wrong or opposite direction, the only evidence of it is the one some humans have created. As ascending souls, we do not deny reality, for we embrace all. However, we do go beyond it to truly observe what is taking place for real.

Four is Love. Four are the Pillars that sustain this and any other Universe. Four is the stability and the strong foundations in anything can grow and expand. By holding this frequency, we work from a heart space, being in a constant flow of giving and receiving, of embracing and letting all go. Four is the Soul Will manifested within our earthly reality, one that is not based on our egoic desires but on the Divine's Will One. It is by welcoming this frequency, holding it within and spreading it to All that we serve and help heal many hearts that are currently in pain. This is what we are all invited to do at this time, when humanity is being again manipulated with a new world order, one based on a profound control like never before.

For the ones who work for the Divine, not for ourselves as it is often self when one is an independent worker, neither for the control of others, for we do not wish to collaborate on the 3D old system, these changes are affecting us profoundly. However, stabilization will come for us too, as we continue to diverge from the old matrix and create more new ways of living. This is why it is so important that we become conscious of what is actually happening at the same time that instead of running from it, embrace it all, with love and compassion. 

On this same day, we also have Jupiter conjunct Pluto. We often tend to think that luck comes from outside and that the best circumstances to act upon our soul desires are brought by the planetary events and other human illusions. The truth is that luck is a mixed between strength, determination to act towards our desires and personal power, which is what this conjunction invites us to remember at a time when we may not get out or act much, in the outside, but we can always create from within the perfect conditions for us to live the lives we truly desire, or simply a more peaceful state of being, for we do not necessary need to go out, as we reside everywhere, as the unlimited and multidimensional beings that we are. 

My Guides emphasize the importance of using the seventh Ray of Creation or Violet Flame, at this tumultuous time, so it helps into the dissolution of lower energies as well as in the purification of the masses's consciousness, for they have been infused with so much fear, that it will required Divine Intervention to be able to transmute all the distortion and lower frequencies that have been consciously released, massively, at this time in humanity. 

During this period, and although there is a real viral threat, there are infinite Light Sources pouring harmonic frequencies upon our Planet that we can not imagine. As always, in a planet ruled by different poles, there is not dark without light and vice versa, and Divine Love will be always, no matter what seems to be happening, a frequency that is not just out there for all of us to align with it but that is within all of us too, as a part of who we truly are, in Essence. 

As new earth and star seeds, our main aim in these days is working on remaining in our heart center, making peace offerings and sending love to everyone within Creation that is passing through a period of fear, isolation and illness at this time, for it is pivotal that we understand the holographic nature of who we are as well as the importance of remembering that all we think, feel and do, have an impact in the whole, as we are all One Consciousness.

If you know where to look, and deviate from the mass manipulation, you will find evidences of unity all around the globe. People who practice kindness, unconditional love and compassion at every single moment, even though they may be also afraid. Love conquers all fears, vanishes illusion and gives us the strength to continue with our inner work as well as with the work of selfless assistance.

Therefore, think, feel and act within Divine Love. Become what you are and give this same loving essence in every single encounter, in every single word and in every single act, for each act can contribute to destroy or to heal. It is all up to you and what you have chosen to experience, in this free will world, in which we are able to experiment many different scenarios. 

I wish you all a hamornic and healing 444 portal Beloved Ones!

With love and healing blessings,

Natalia Alba 

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

The Energies of April ~ Emissaries of Love

Beloved Emissaries of Love, 

As you know, we are passing through a very challenging time, in terms of trying to keep with our mission of planetary light keepers. In the majority of the Planet the matrix has unfortunately installed another of their fear programs that keep many on fear, trying to stop us fulfilling the mission that we consciously, and gladly, are doing, at this time. As nothing and no one can truly impede us to shine who we are as well as our unique truth, the ones whose mission is to protect, restore and heal ourselves, for this is the first step, towards helping the Planet doing the same, will emerge stronger and more empowered, after the many tribulations and impediments that have been imposed to us, not to share who we are and the many abilities that we brought here and that are meant to be of assistance.

Due to the recent lower planetary forces strategies, many of have been forced to relocate, faster than we bore in mind, while we find new ways to expose the many distortions and illusions that the desperate matrix continues exerting. While I was in the middle of my own personal transition into what is going to be my new location, house and frequency, I received a message of resilience, fluidity, self-knowledge and remembrance that above all, during this time of forced isolation, we all have the keys to shift/reverse any circumstances that have been given to us, whether naturally or imposed, and make of what we have an opportunity for getting to know ourselves better as well as to work in different ways with all that surrounds us.

If it is true that is not always easy to share in our unique ways, for the many tactics of the lower forces often impede us to co-create in new and more unified ways, it is also true that with them new solutions to let ourselves be seen appear, for the light always finds new ways to reemerge in ways that no one can truly imagine, always towards love, always towards the betterment of All. Remember that what seems to be, is not what truly is and that everything is actually moving forward, rather than what they are trying us to believe, which is why they try so hard to revert something that by nature cannot be undone – evolution.

When we flow with all that IS at the moment it does not mean that we surrender to the created undesired conditions and let others manipulate our reality. When we consciously choose to not ignore but to flow with what is taking place, and embrace it as equal, we finally are able to move from anger, fear and disempowerment into an state of total acceptance, joy and peace, for we now remember that no one can manipulate how we feel or our own personal reality.

If we are forced to stay in, we open our hearts beyond our earthly confines. If we are told to fear, we let love in, for we know it will dissolve any distortions that have been forced upon our planetary field and hence, personal one as well. When we are told to look to the reality of what is happening, we move into the invisible realm, where the Truth resides and where all answers lie. This is what sovereign free beings do. For we no longer see only what is in front of us but beyond what lies in the physical, and the repercussion that our thoughts, beliefs and acts will have on many. 

This is a month for balance and infinite abundance, which is love and a consequence of the first one too, as its universal number 8 reminds us. On the contrary of what many may think, balance is not about our human sense of order and how things, events etc. must happen. Balance goes beyond our human perception, for it involves not only ourselves or human plane but All within Creation. All the recent events, all that we consider or label as being good or bad, is not as such at all, and whether we believe it or not, we cannot understand what balance is, for we are not able to see everything from a higher perspective, only Source is.

In a soul level, all that is happening is doing so according to a Higher Intelligence, who knows the truth of what is really taking place at this time in our Planet. We may receive some guidance, have our own beliefs, but we can never be truly totally outside, as the main observer, to clearly know. Our main aim as humans is to accept the situation, surrender, create peace within and share the love, and we will be consciously collaborating into this planetary challenging time, by sending peace and love from our hearts to All, and hence in bringing harmony. 

Connect, if guided, with the Emerald Ray, with the Earth's heart and roots to send peace and to expand your heart. Feel Earth's lungs expanding, obstructed for a long time due to man damage, while humanity stay at home, remembering their origins, stop contaminating and finally in unity and flow with All. 

Everything serves. All has a purpose and all is always occurring to bring the proper equilibrium that even though we cannot see, shall be there for All to continue evolving, co-creating and expanding. 

Heart Torus exercise

When I first received guidance for this new energetic month of April, the first thing that I envisioned was our heart torus as well as the title of the post. It often happens that I begin to receive a few words or visions that come encoded with what later on will be the entire essence/message of the month. 

As you know, the heart torus is a sacred geometry form that represents our heart field, although as everything else, seen from our human perspective. This geometry is not only our heart sacred geometry form but Earth's magnetic field too. This energetic field can be felt, it is as real as what we can physically see and feel and it carries our own frequency, feelings and thoughts. Therefore, connecting, in a daily basis with it, clearing our field and focusing on loving feelings, is pivotal to feel at peace and in union with all aspects of ourselves, as well as to send this same loving vibration to All.

At this tumultuous time in which many of us feel physically isolated or emotionally as well too, if not both, it is essential that we begin to connect with this heart field and send our love to the Planet and, for we are connected, and as One, we are never isolated, even though we have been literally commanded to do so.

Ours is the choice to feel the love, the connection between all of us, and send peaceful thoughts to all who are transitioning at this time as well as to the ones who are passing through their own challenging time, for not everyone can simply be and surrender, and it is not easy for many to embrace solitude and make the best they can of it.

There will be some that will take advantage of this time to learn to surrender and work on delusion of control, as well as to know themselves better. And on the other hand, there will be others who could not cope with what they find inside, when they finally meet with their own selves. As ascending souls, who have embraced our shadows, are learning to master the ego and consciously try not to judge, it is the moment for us to live in this sacred heart space and once we fully connect to it, and feel it, send our most loving intention to everyone, by simply staying into our own sacred heart space, one that is always at peace, in love and in communion with All. 

Remember to focus on your heart center, and once you are in communion with this energetic field, which unites heart, soul and Higher Mind, feel it, dissolve all distortions and mind constructions and ask for protection to your Unified Self and Guides. When you work on protecting the 12D aspects of who you are, then work on your breathing, which is essential to calm the mind and body and to cease all thoughts that may impede a better connection to your heart field.

After this initial basic technique, you are then ready to send love, in an universal way. Remember that there are those who may not wish to shift their perspective or leave the drama or simply to dwell in the frequency of love. As conscious souls, one of our main task is not to interfere with others, and it goes as well when we send love, for we shall respect those who have other mission.

This is why we do not put faces or names, unless we are asked for and feel guided, for the Higher Aspect of who we are knows to whom this love is sent and to whom it will not be appreciated. This is the main reason of why I do not force upon others, specifically, the love I feel for All, because we, from our limited perspective, can never know if it is without interference or not.

The importance of sending universal Divine Love at this time as you well know is greater that what we can appreciate, for even though we are bombarded with what is not working or going well, balance is always restored and we all know that for every act of violence, unkindness or hate, there is always a loving act, for we live in a reality of opposites and one does never occur without the other. 

Our mission is to remain in that space, surrendering and accepting all that IS, at this time learning to trust that everything is always happening according to a Higher Plan that whether we like it or not, we never truly envision, for we are not in a position to do so. 

Planetary Alignments 

This new month of April carries the frequency of abundance, which is love, as all forms of abundance can only come from a Source of infinite kindness and compassion for All. This is a time where we are being reminder the importance of acting as One, beyond the illusion of isolation/separation and unite our hearts to send love to where needed. For even though we are being told that everything goes wrong, love is being restored and there are many who are awakening at this time, even though others may choose not to. However, this is what precisely creates balance within our world of opposite polarities, one cannot exist without the other. 

Nonetheless, the frequency of this new month goes further than that, as it is also one of power, and leadership, something that at this moment could not be more precise, for even though we are commanded by the authorities, we all can have our own sovereign space, in which we stand tall in our personal power and truth, beyond illusions, manipulations and the many distortions from our still 3D reality, as we are yet in the transition of separating from it. We are no victims but powerful creators that although many still are reluctant to accept their conscious participation into this dimension. 

April is a universal number 8, which is represented by the fiery tarot card of strength – a woman holding between her hands the jaws of a Lion (sun) – representing the physical strength that can only come through the power of love, wisdom and balance, cultivated within. This is the perfect representation for the Wise Goddess of Love embracing fiery Leo, calming his wildness with her loving essence. 

The message is that all can be done through the power of love, all can be shifted and dissolved when our human self finally surrenders to a Higher Power that is within All things and beings, and lets it lead the way instead of forcing/moulding our reality with our egoic self who can only envision a small and limited view of what is truly happening. 

This is also a number that represents the infinite, for all is infinite in nature, and the only limitations are the ones created by our human minds, as it is the illusion of lack, coming from being immersed in a lower state of fear and separation. This is an opportunity for us to move inward and see where we still live in lack, where we still think that human resources are limited and can only come from the outside. For it is there where we begin limiting ourselves, by creating this same old story and by allowing its manifestation, in the physical. 

Observe where you create limitations. All limitations come from our human minds. Witness when you have a strong soul desire to make tangible and your lower self tells you that you have not enough, for abundance is infinite as well as the nature of your essence. Every time you lower yourself, every time you tell yourself something is not possible, you are creating more lack. 

Every time you stand tall and walk on this Earth in deep communion with the Divine within you, knowing you always have all you need, loving everything that you are meant to experience, without any judgements, you are loving, and hence, you are creating abundance. The choice of what you need to experience at this moment, is always yours. 

At a cosmic level, we begin April with Venus entering into Gemini. This energy will help us being more open and receptive to joy, abundance, love and simply the pure bliss that being alive, independently of the current events, has for us. Joy is essential and it is the state of being we should all have, if it was not for the manipulation experience since we are born that put us constantly into fear mode. 

We do not have to have the desired relationship, house, job or anything else to be in joy, if I share this it is because I have experienced this myself. We simply have to allow this natural flow into ourselves, for this is Divine Energy through us, and it will simply do its job of helping us remember our true essence and manifest what is best for us.

On April 4, we have Jupiter conjunct Pluto. We often tend to think that luck comes from outside and that the best circumstances to act upon our soul desires are brought by the planetary events and other human illusions. The truth is that luck is a mixed between strength, determination to act towards our desires and personal power, which is what this conjunction invites us to remember at a time when we may not get out or act much, in the outside, but we can always create from within the perfect conditions for us to live the lives we truly desire, or simply a more peaceful state of being, for we do not necessary need to go out, as we reside everywhere, as the unlimited and multidimensional beings that we are. 

A very powerful Full Moon in Libra on April 7th will bring the proper balance required, at a time, and within a 4 universal year, where harmony and equilibrium are key to create the strong pillars of not just our lives but our new dimensional space. Balance between our emotional, mental and physical plane is vital. It is important that even though there seems not to be balance in the outside world, we remain in perfect harmony within, for it will determine the outside. 

On April 11, we have Mercury in Aries. This is about focusing on the power of our word and personal beliefs. How we communicate with the world, even more at this time that the majority of us are not able to get out much, for there is always the communication that goes beyond the physical one, as we can all connect through the power of our hearts, for we dwell in many invisible dimensions, where communication is done through the heart and mind. 

On April 17, we have Saturn quincunx True Node. This is all about our true soul mission, our destiny and what is yet to come. It is asking us to move out of our comfort zone and if we really desire to step into a new path, to leave behind all fears, doubts and everything that is impeding us to evolve and expand into new horizons, that may not be known but that is what we are meant to experience next in our human journey. This is call for all who are procrastinating to stand tall in who they really are, doing what they know they came here to do and be. 

Saturn quincubnx True Node is the frequency that for those who are ready to descend more aspects of their soul mission will help them receive more guidance about their soul purpose. For there are many who are already under this process of consciously unveiling more about their cosmic heritage and the many missions they have fulfilled, within Creation, and the one they have been assigned, during this present lifetime. 

For others, this process of knowing more about their human mission will come when they will be ready to fully understand who they truly are. There are many precious souls who are passing, at this moment, through an inner transition in which for more than they desire to know, their human self is not ready yet, and only inner work, and patient, will help them, until they are ready to receive this new knowledge about who they are and what they are meant to do here on this Planet. 

On April 20,  the Sun will enter into the earthly sign of Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac, ruled by Venus, offers us the gift to create our Heaven on Earth, connecting with nature, honoring our physical realm  and enjoying who we are and our creations. Taurus will start opening the energetic gates for us to begin grounding ourselves as well as our desires in the physical. With Taurus comes our second initiation into a deeper knowledge of how to manifest our desires from an energetic Plane into our dense world, teaching us our next lesson within the wheel of life, which is to master ourselves in the endless art of bringing things from our inner world into our human one.

Taurus, is indeed a sign that likes to see the rewards of all His efforts. It invites us now to pay more attention to earthly matters, as they are the materialization of that which is within and that which sustains us in our lives, remembering that material things are also a part of our lives, for we do not separate anymore, as instead, we choose to unify All as being equal within Creation. 

It is a time to create, to bring forth new desires now that we are about to enter into May. A time to be reborn just as nature does, as everything is giving birth to a new way of existing and so are we. We should stay open to receive all that we have been creating from within during all these months, and be patient, as everything has been already perfectly orchestrated for us to just have faith and trust that at Divine Timing, all that is meant to come into our lives, will come. 

On April 22, we have also a New Moon in Taurus. This is a Moon that as it square Uranus and Saturn, will bring many changes upon all of us and in the world as well. Changes as you know are not necessary meant to be negative or positive, as these are just human labels. Therefore, I will not interpret, as others, which is equally valid and respectful, these conjunctions as being bad or not, as if I do so, then I will be saying these Planet's essence is one of pain and challenges, rather than simply staying the truth that their essence simply IS and we are the ones interpreting them, according to our own human illusions. To me, this is a Moon that will determine if we are ready to create positive changes in our tangible realm or if on the contrary we are going to continue allowing outer forces and people to control our destiny as sovereign beings. 

The asteroid Ceres, will enter Pisces on April 23. This unique asteroid has been interpreted by many astrologically as well as mythologically, since it was discovered. Its essence is all about nurturing and caring about ourselves and others. This is a very welcome frequency due to the recent events in which the main message apart from one of unity is one of becoming our own caretakers, especially at a time when many are only giving rather than first doing it so towards themselves. 

As Ceres is in Pisces, this emphasizes even more the challenging time that we are experiencing at the moment, as it is all about having empathy for others, for what they may be passing through, at the same time that we concentrate on sending love and peace to All who are suffering the consequences of what has been intentionally released. 

This is also a very good time to focus on being empowered, in our sensitivity rather than closing ourselves within it, feeling overwhelmed by the current situation. It is precisely in our extreme sensitivity that true power and strength resides, and what we need to work more at this time and share with others, for they may need of our strength and sense of unity to overcome the current energies/situation. 

On April 25 we have Pluto retrograde. As you know I do not foment this human illusion in my articles, as I think it will not serve the whole to evolve if they resonate with what I write. I honestly do not think that there is nothing ever in slow motion within the Universe and as such as I need to act with integrity and share from my own perspective and guidance what I think about each Planet. Pluto whether we view it as retrograde or not has a main essence related to how we manage our personal power. 

This is something that we all need to work with at this precise time when we seem to have been literally disempowered by outer forces and isolated. On the contrary of what it may seem, we all have the power to create, from within, to continue expanding and to manifest any outcome or state of being that we desire. The mistake, if I can call it as such, is to fall into the fake or illusory view that we are powerless at this time. The Essence of Pluto will act as a reminder that we are sovereign beings and that no one can ever command our inner space, and hence, what we create outside of it. 

On April 27, Mercury in Taurus will show us where we need to create more harmony and equilibrium in our tangible lives, for our existence is not just to dwell in the ethereal remembering who we truly are, but to also be practical and descend into the physical all we have created in the non-physical. Mercury in Taurus is a wonderful time to observe - from a higher perspective - if we express our heart and thoughts with love, or if we are yet being abusive, falling into other egoic traps or simply using force to manipulate others rather than to create harmony through communication. 

On April 29, Pallas enters Aquarius. This is a very wonderful essence at this time, for it is all about creating what will be our next moment. This is about using your power to create your future, so to speak, in a positive way, it is a shift, within all this challenging period for us to put a full stop into what we consider past and that no longer resonate and being to create a new space where we expand into a new direction. 

This is about connecting to our inner creator and let it expand in healing, arts and in everything that we positively build and that will make our reality better, and hence that of All. It is about enriching and healing all we touch rather than fomenting the current fear and it is a wondrous essence to end this month, for we all need faith, kindness and a touch of magic as well as this time. One that as always, shall come within too.

During this month we are being presented with the opportunity to focus on the power of love and unity or on fear. Remember that where you choose to focus will expand and that all that we choose will be equally respected, for in this world of opposites, both are pivotal for us to be able to experience this human journey and discern about what we desire and what we do not.

The choice of focusing on peace, love and unity is ours to make. Otherwise, we will be consumed by those who choose to spread fear to the masses, feeding those who believe on these imposed fears and fall, once again, into the trap that we are powerless and hopeless beings to the service of other forces, rather than sovereign free beings in charge of our own human experience. 

Do you agree? 

I wish you a healing and blessed April Beloved Light Emissaries,

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba