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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Venus retrograde. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Venus retrograde. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018

Full Moon in Taurus, 24/25th October, 2018 ~ Sol & Venus Healing Transmissions

Enlightenment is living in the light of cosmic collaboration. Collaboration gives us the freedom to come out of the boundaries of limited realities.
Amit Ray

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

At this phase of our ascension journey, many of us are already feeling the strong influx coming from our Central Sun as well as from its opposite Essence Planet, Venus. We are immersed under benevolent frequencies during this Full Moon at 1 degree Taurus, for us to work on unity, fixed mental patterns, masculine and feminine polarities synthesis, as well as many other wounds regarding our relationships and sense of abundance, for the Presence of Venus, during this Full Moon, is quite relevant.

Whilst others may see this Moon as a challenging or chaotic one, especially for its releasing essence, to me, this is a cosmic gift beyond measure, for there are many healing frequencies that are willing to embrace us and help us bring transformation and inner synthesis. This is a very powerful time for us to focus on bringing conscious change on what is no longer working in both a physical and a non-physical perspective, for not only we are passing through a transitional corridor during this Moon but also during the last months of this year.

The Full Moon in Taurus is a very unique and special one, for this Moon and the Planetary/stellar alignments, happening at this time, are going to help us deal with matriarchal/patriarchal imbalances. We are indeed receiving powerful transmissions from both Sol and Venus, to finally help us create unity where our human creates separation, using both powers, wisely, rather than in a distorted human way, as it used to be in the 3D old times. 

During the Full Moon, we have seven Planets in fixed signs and some of them at the same time in water signs, as it is Scorpio. This invites us to bring our focus on breaking free from old patterns, especially mental rigid ones we tend to keep repeating in an unconscious way, and as Water flow and surrender to the Divine Order. This Moon's frequency together with the one coming from other stellar events, happening at the same time, is going to be one of the most intense passages for us to work on flexibility and our sexual creative force.

As a confirmation, and kind push, for those who are still doubting whether they should create change or not, we have, the Taurus Moon in conjunction with Uranus, the Great Awakener or Change Maker, to bring us powerful energies of transformation. As humans, we often tend to reject change, for we are beings who like to dwell in the familiar. Not because it is in our nature, but as a result of one of the many beliefs that were implanted on us, as a false idea of happiness, as remaining always in the same place with the same people, when in truth, this is attachment.

When the human aspect is not ready yet to transcend  the old, we will experience what we call challenges, which are nothing more than the natural pressure that the Universe exercise upon us, when it is finally time to release what shall be liberated, for it is Law that everything and everyone must be in constant flow and change, beyond our human sense of linearity.

This is one of these periods in which we are being encouraged to shift everything that our human self gets attached to - our relationships, habits, physical things etc. Everything we fight for keeping, the Universe will find a way to release it, for it was never ours and the more we try to remain in the old, the more we will suffer, which occurs when we go against our own nature.

This change that we have been feeling since the beginning of this month, also comes for our soul reunions - creating feelings of confusion, sadness etc. if one is not ready to release old relationships that have come to an end. However, this not only affects our relationships, but sense of abundance, as Venus is not just about physical or soul love but about all forms of love, and abundance is an extension of the love we feel for ourselves and what we do.

For those who have already released old relationships, and have created inner synthesis as well as balance within and in their physical lives, Venus sextile Saturn, during the Full Moon, will give us a unique opportunity for us to experience enlightened relationships. This is the second step for us to experience what a real companionship truly means, for it was never about getting attached to each other’s without the opportunity of personal growth and freedom, but about honoring and respecting each other’s, as equal, no matter where they both are, in their evolutionary journey, simply enjoying the time they are meant to be together, learning, nurturing and remembering, from each other’s, what they cannot do on their own.

Healing patriarchal domination/wounds

As you know when certain stellar bodies aligned cosmic portals open, releasing healing frequencies for us to integrate and use them to activate our DNA. At this time, during the Full Moon, we have the Moon in conjunction with Uranus, but also we have a reunion with Pleiades and our Sun, whose connection sends to our Planet a very powerful transformational influx. 

Despite the nature of this Taurus Moon in an Earthly sign, it does not mean our higher senses are not going to keep experiencing a major opening, if we are ready for this inner process to occur. These cosmic energies are meant to be anchored within our bodies and tangible plane, for this is precisely what ascension is about. Sol or Sun, as you prefer to call it, I always receive the first name, is helping us to heal masculine wounds that are yet active within our mental body, and begin a process of reeducation of values. Most of the times, this is one of the main blocks that keeps us from experiencing a deeper connection with our soul, and inner gifts. 

As you know, our Sun has been very active recently, giving us the power to dissolve the distorted masculine. If we leave behind all human illusions, and beliefs, about the Planets that inhabit our Galaxy and simply connect with their True Essence, we will realize that their essence is also present within ourselves and that if we choose to align with them, wisely, we could direct their healing frequency to work on the many blockages that we, as humans, have been feeding for so long.

On the other hand, we have Venus, also sending us, at this time, Her loving transmissions to help us heal the feminine wounds caused by eons of patriarchal oppression. There are many factors that have influenced us to foment the masculine control, as educational causes, between other ET manipulative ones. What is important is not the when or who but the conscious intention to heal this distorted perspective of ourselves, and human reality.

Actually, our Planet is being assisted by many souls whose purpose is to bring back the lost feminine power/balance. However, we all have to do our inner work to heal the many old beliefs regarding how our society as well as own lives must be experienced. This is why neutral observation is essential for the ones who have decided to evolve, for the majority of the times we cannot be aware of all the old programing that still runs through our cells and mental body.

There are some clues that will help us realize where we keep fomenting the old patriarchal society:
  • Distorted power: It occurs when we use our power to control and manipulate others instead of using it to be empowered and assist those who need it, from a loving, although non less powerful state of being, and compassionate one.
  • Victimhood and drama - especially as a way to attract other's attention.
  • Family - male - domination: Sorry but it continues to happen, especially in certain cultures. I do experience this in my own family, to set an example. This is an old belief implanted within us all that tells us that the male is the one that should rule the house and family, and the rest should dance at his rhythm. This is a belief that should be erased, replacing the old tyranny with the loving power of the feminine, without diminishing the masculine.
  • Bullying: Sadly, very usual, especially in schools, nowadays, and one of the signs that shows an excess of masculine essence and wrong use of it.
  • Violence: Both oral and physical one. This is not just an extreme sign of masculine excess but of many inner imbalances not healed or even recognized, consciously.
  • Misogyny
Remember that the mental body is connected to the masculine and the feminine with our heart, which is why it is so important that we balance both and listen to our inner voice to make the right decisions, for if we only rely on one side, we could fall into imbalances, manifesting undesired outcomes, in our physical reality.

If we only rule ourselves by our minds, then we will leave our feelings, and one of our main forms of guidance, aside - becoming mere robots whose main interest is just the material plane. If on the contrary, we are governed by just our emotions, we will allow delusions, and probably drama, to be the main theme of our reality, being unable to manage our own lives. 

We are here to co-create a loving and abundant reality, assisting ourselves in our own journey to evolve into higher level of consciousness and assisting others, in our unique way, in doing so as well. However, if we first do not learn how to master the mind, so it can surrender to the power, and wisdom, of our heart, we could not create a balance and loving human experience, for our mind is always fearing that something could happen to spoil our security, and creates many delusional scenarios, where we tend to live, in fear, of something that even if it is not even real, could threaten our existence.

While living from the heart, connects us to the rhythm of the Universe, being able to be in flow and in a loving, and conscious, co-creation with All. It is then that we begin to remember that there is nothing to fear, and we pass from making decisions from a fear state of being to a free one, knowing that a Higher Force is guiding us and that we will never be making wrong decisions anyway, for what we call "wrong" decisions sometimes are simply human experiences that are not aligned with who we are but that must be lived for us to truly remember what we wish.

Venus Transmissions - healing matriarchal wounds

This is a very unique time as we are not only receiving healing frequencies for our Sun and with them the opportunity to heal patriarchal issues, but also from Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance - providing us too with the loving healing energies we need to deal with our matriarchal imbalances. From a limited human perspective, it is said that Venus is retrograde, in Scorpio, at the moment, and there is some truth is this human illusion, however, no Planet is very retrograde for real, but from our Earthly plane.

The history of Venus goes beyond what I am able to share, in this short article, but I am sure many of you are already familiar with the many civilizations/beings that colonized this benevolent Planet, for even though in astrology, we tend to talk about the nature of a Planet as being good or bad, in truth, the Planet in itself simply IS, it is just our human need to label things who give them their current meaning.

Venus Essence has nothing to do with the human meaning we attribute to this Planet. If we truly connect with its essence, we will realize that Venus will not just help us at this time to release and create balanced relationships but her transmissions - frequencies - are also assisting us to heal many of the imbalances related to the feminine that are impeding us to regain unity. Some of the many imbalances that impede us to embrace our feminine power are:
  • Motherly issues
  • Female submission. To deal with this wound first we will need to heal our genetic lineage, for part of this wound is due to our inherited karma from old generations.
  • Exaltation of feminine attributes - as another form of narcissism - which in truth is the distorted version of the Goddess we all have within. The inner Goddess is about beauty, not about the physical one but about the one that comes from being aligned with our power and the love and compassion we feel for All.
  • Sexual manipulation - using sexual tactics to control. This occurs when we use our sacred sexual creative energy to manipulate the male, something we were programmed to do eons ago and that continues to occur when the woman is not yet empowered and use her power in a distorted way.
  • Emotional collapse: This occurs when we only focus on our intuitive/feminine abilities, leaving aside our physical and mental aspects, and then we fall into delusional, being unable to balance our emotions, and hence, making difficult to see ourselves, and our reality, as it truly Is.
With this Moon we all have the blessing to create Sacred Union where our egoic self continues feeding illusions of separation - fomenting old patriarchal/matriarchal wounds. Creating the proper balance between our feminine and masculine essences is vital, if we desire to evolve and act, always, from an integrity and respectful state of being. 

Conscious declaration to create inner synthesis

I have received another declaration for All who feel guided to use it, as you wish. As always, you are your own masters and healers, and you can change it, as you desire, in case it can help you integrate these current energies and bring deep synthesis within, and in your physical life. I hope it helps you in your journey, Beloved Companions. 

As you know, the first thing before doing this decree is to call upon our Unified Self, Guides or any other beings you co-create with and use the proper protection in all the aspects of who we are - physical and non-physical bodies. After feeling the embrace - in your unique way - of your heavenly companions, you can begin this declaration. You only need to truly feel these words and set the proper intention. 

As many of you have asked me, before making the protection exercise, I also use four main crystals, after I sit in the middle. Each one of them has a unique form and purpose, and are clear quartz crystals, they are to keep the lower energies outside my sacred space. This is just something I do. Like I always say, if you are not guided, have other way to do things or simply are in the middle of something/somewhere and you cannot do it, with simply a pure intention will serve. I also use a clear merkaba star crystal, for it represents inner synthesis and I have programmed it for these purposes. 

I_(your name)_ thank my Unified Self, Monad and Guides for helping me protecting my personal and sacred space of everyone and everything - incarnated or not - who do not belong to the Light. 

It is under the protection of my Unified Self, Monad, Guides and the LoveLight Beings that are willing to assist me in this conscious declaration, that I _(your name)_ by conscious choice call upon the Benevolent Light Forces of the Universe to help me dissolve the generational, and programmed, fixed patterns, that are still active within my DNA, and therefore, mental and emotional bodies - impeding me to embrace unity consciousness.

I_(your name)_command that all the feelings that dwell in a lower frequency and that have been implanted to me by the dark forces, or by my own self-created beliefs, be dissolved of all my physical, and non-physical bodies, so my True Loving Essence can be embodied, again. 

I _(your name)_ as a sovereign free being, choose to release all the past genetic/karmic ties and/or agreements and patterns that still cohabit within this present human body that I consciously, and freely, occupy now. For it is my Will, and human right, to live liberated of any genetic bonds that keep me in a fear frequency. 

I_(your name)_ as a powerful creator of my own human experience, choose to release all patriarchal and matriarchal old beliefs that have been inculcated in me to create synthesis, balance and harmony within and in my physical life. 

I AM a conscious unifier, bringing together my masculine and feminine essences as well as my dark and light aspects, for I recognize them all as equally Divine, disengaging myself of the many human interpretations given to them, remembering that these essences are neutral ones, fulfilling a unique role within Creation, as we do so too. 

I AM a bringer of unity, choosing to create this same balance and harmony within my spiritual and earthly planes, for all has been designed by the same Source of Love and Light, and hence, all belongs to this Higher Intelligence that creates worlds. 

I_(your name)_ command that only this present, individualized being, that I AM in this lifetime, rules my human experience. I forbid lower energies/beings/form of consciousness and all that inhabit in an unloving frequency to enter into my sacred space.

I_(your name)_ choose and commit myself to embrace and use my power, as a Divine Being, to only restore, nurture and heal myself and others, if this is meant to be. For as a LoveLight being, it is my responsibility to only serve the Law of One, using the power of love to bring healing and compassion in my own self and physical plane, where our human aspects or others unloving beings/sources, desire to bring destruction. 

I AM eternally grateful for all my past experiences and I let it all go with great humility, for all has helped me remember/learn/heal.

I AM now living in perfect alignment with God and with the Forces of Light of this Universe and all multi-universes. 

I __(your name)__ thank my Unified Self, Monad, Guides and all the LoveLight Beings that have helped/protected me in this decree.

Thereupon, I make of this declaration a permanent and irrevocable one. 

I AM a LoveLight balanced being incarnated into a physical body, bringing this same harmony, unity and love to All within Creation and as such, I AM always One with this - unconditional - loving Source within me that equally appreciates and values All That Is. 

And So it is and it will be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All!

I wish you a blessed and healing Full Moon, Beloved Ones,

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 15 de abril de 2017

Ascension Update, April 15, 2017 ~ Spiritualizing the Human Self

“The world was made for the body, the body was made for the soul, and the soul was made for God. When that discovery is made and the soul is restored in a disfigured culture, we find the greatest treasure of all–and it is nearer to us than we realize.” Ravi Zacharias

Beloved Ones, 

It is with great love that the cosmos, in this month, is showering us with one of the most intense light waves of the Year. In truth, the new wave has already been strongly felt by those, who are consciously choosing to integrate this new wave, deep within their being and body, allowing this Light to remove all that is not aligned with our True God Self. For it is only when we begin to free ourselves from all false beliefs, the lower self and other impostors, that our true path and being, is shown to us.

The body purification, the restoration of our energetic balance and the constant process of soul integration that we are experiencing, at the moment, even if the past Full Moon - in Libra - brought some stabilisation, is taking some of us to the extent of not being able to function at the same level as we used to - having hard physical sensations, where our body resists letting go, as well as liberating from our human self all the wastes from our 3D personality/implants and many other forms of illusion. 

We are, at the moment, Descending more Light from our God Christed Self, experiencing a sacred marriage between all the aspects of who we are - spiritualizing our human self, the one who judges, separates and unloves all that is not recognized as being One with the Divine. To spiritualize and master the lower self, we do not have to go to far away places, search outside or ask for redemption, for we know that the further we move away, the less we will find the answers and the true healing required. 

When we spiritualize the lower self, we fall into many challenges, we find our own shadows in every single corner of the world, for it is only by confrontation and ending fear of negative polarity, that we will begin to resurrect into the true sovereign beings that we, in Essence, are. Spiritualizing the body takes constant observation of the human self, constant devotion, communion with our soul as the eternal witness and intention to dedicate ourselves to serve the Law of One, who dwells in unity and love with All. 

To master the human, we must remember that we are Divine sovereign beings, inhabiting a human body. To begin the process of physical ascension, one must first love neutrally and for that to occur, we must clear all the imposed implants and human beliefs that covered our true Essence and feeling of deep connection to All. Do you practice compassion, being centred in your Higher Heart, at all times, and working in co-creation with All? Or are you still holding separation, judgments and unlove towards yourself, and hence, All?

April, especially with its many "retrograde" Planets, shows us where we still hold karmic beliefs and behaviours that impede us in continuing with our inner work of soul liberation and integration. At this time, many of us are experiencing deep challenges, especially regarding our physical bodies and inner profound implants -  that are offering us the opportunity to liberate ourselves from an Old Era of constraint and unlove that we experienced during the Piscean Era. This is also one of the main reasons, in which we are profoundly immersed in a passage of releasing karmic patterns, still active within our physical bodies, before we resurrect again in the True God Sovereign Being that we All are, in Essence. 

Venus, to set an example. by being in "slow motion" showed us where we deny, what we do not love within ourselves yet, what we separate, and therefore, manifest as lacking in our physical experience, for all abundance is another form of love, and  when there is not great love for ourselves, it could not be shown in what we see as separated, for that is just another extension of ourselves, in the physical. 

Saturn, the Lord of Time and Responsibility, has come to test our strength, in our ascension path, reminding us that we are limited by our human sense of time and space, and that it is within this human realm that we can now clear the old and build strong foundations within the New - beginning to ascend in the physical, which can only be done when we finally take responsibility for all of our actions as well as past and present selves.

Mercury  dwells in our mental plane, giving the time for us to clear all the human limited beliefs that dis-empower us and prevent a higher human experience. Pluto, turning "retrograde" on April 20, comes to test our personal sense of power. Where do you put your attention/intention into? What do you infuse with your inner light,  the one who can create and/or destroy? Are you using your inner sacred fire to build, co-create and be the love that you are? Or are you using all your precious energy into situations and people that are no longer meant to be in your current life experience? 

It is during April, especially during Easter, that we are given - again - the opportunity to claim our Christed Self Seed, and begin to clear ourselves from eons of slavery and mass manipulation/control, especially by religion. Deconstructing our 3D personality is not a one-day process, in which, we do a meditation/activation and we suddenly begin to feel as the masters that we truly are, in Essence. 

Deprogramming all that has been implanted in us since we were born, as visual programmed inputs, between many other forms of mind control, is not easy at all, and from my view,  it is widely manipulated by some people who claim to pass through this process in a few days or that they can make you heal and release all these old implants - as if we could just let go of centuries of genetic manipulation/programming like this. For me, this is again the ego trying to interfere when it should remain observant.

Reclaiming spiritual sovereignty is essential to walk a life free from fears and unlove. For every time we give our power to our physical senses, others or outer conditions, we are acting as hopeless beings adrift. When we begin to walk a conscious path of soul integration and co-creation, we cannot do anything from a dis-empowered state of being, for when we act from this lower frequency, we cannot love, give and share from an authentic place, but from one of separation and confusion. 

From the Equinox, together with the eclipses, between many other things, we are in a time of change and transition, that we must observe how the human behaves when it feels safe. Do you observe yourself repeating old actions in an impulsive way, without knowing why you keep doing the same? Do you catch yourself saying things you do not even feel inside any longer? If so, only love will heal what the human judges and destroys. If so, you are being shown that there are still some old implants being played once and again in your human mind that must be eradicated as your I AM Presence descends more Christed Light to your lower Self. 

The Christ is not an outside force or being, it is Divine consciousness within. who practices love, compassion and neutrality for All. This Essence is always available for us, no one of force gave it to us, but our conscious intention of integrating this loving Essence whose nature is and has always been one of unity and love with All within Creation. No one can give it to you, for it is already who you are. No one can redeem yourself and your "sins" and make you pure again and a candidate to dwell in this Christed Light, for you are already pure, innocent and free of "sin" as you came from Oneness to simply experience, not what you are not, but that you are, indeed, All. 

The physical body, is at this time experiencing, like I said at the beginning, a deep transformation, for those, who are consciously integrating this new wave. All the physical sensations that you may be experiencing, is your body telling you what aspects are not being taken care of and that need urgent attention/intention. For all these aspects that you still deny and that are suffering, are ready to be released from the old and embrace this higher light. 

Some will feel pain in their osseous system, without knowing why, especially in the legs. This is your body telling you that you are in fear to move forward and confront whatever challenges are required to step into a new life created by your soul rather than by your lower self. If you feel pain in your hips, you are holding anger and insecurity there, as well as if you tend to accumulate feelings and negate them, you will feel oppression in your thymus, throat chakra and weight increase - for your weight is a way (not always, just an example) of being protected in your human view. All gives you a message of what you should dissolve, all comes as a gift, not as a curse or punishment. For we are always remembering Divine Love, and most of the time, the human, can only do so by forgetting and unloving all first.

Do you love all the aspects of who you are? Do you love and embrace your body? A perfect design of God, helping you to experience a human realm? Or do you still tell yourself how bad you are and how bad everything is going? Do you accept with gratitude every single moment no matter what it brings? Or do you complain and pray to outer Forces for them to save you of what you have unconsciously created? All answers are always in You, for you are the only one that can take the step to be brave in confronting your shadows and begin to see what you unlove of yourself yet, and therefore in All - disallowing your true soul desires and vision to be anchored within this physical plane.

To help you in your soul integrating process and dissolution of more lower layers, practice neutrality, breathing techniques, being present at every single moment, let the one being present be the eternal observer, instead of your judgmental lower self. for processed food kill the body and lull the soul. And begin to accept that all the challenges, are just opportunities for you to uncover your true Divine potential, strength and above all, for you to remember that All is One in harmlessness to All.

There is a difference between judgement and discernment but in both I find some of our egoic perceptions. On the other hand, when we embody Divine neutrality, we are experiencing this human journey, not just from a human perspective, but from our soul one as well, for we feel both now - the human individualized aspect that we are - as well as the God Self within that loves All and judges none, for it knows that we have chosen to experience many different scenarios, including what we call "negative" ones, to help us remember unity when chaos seems to reign. 

At this time that we are about to enter into a phase of the year, next month, in which we are moving from the depths of our inner realms, to manifest our soul visions into our tangible plane, it is essential that we reach this phase by being renewed and with a new sense of direction that comes from a deep communion with our soul. This is why seeing everything from a neutral space, is pivotal to stop labelling things/situations/relationships/ourselves and others as being this or that. For when we do so we lose all sense of Divinity, falling into illusion, which only keeps attracting more dark impostors or false egoic selves/beings. 

Do you desire to truly change your reality? Dissolving all the things that are not aligned with your soul vision? Begin to walk a path of love for the self, for it is in recognizing the Divine within you that you will see it in All. If you want a life filled with joy and love, become it. For no external Force will save you from experiencing what you - as a human - came here to experience. Only you can release all the veils and layers of illusion that once covered our sovereignty as Divine beings. 

If you want to walk a path of love, prepare yourself to embrace the shadows within you and in All. For the Higher reality in which you would like to dwell, loves and includes All. If you are eager to become a 5D being, unity must become a constant feeling in your micro reality. If you still judge, if you still blame yourself for what your lower self is not yet aware of, if you cannot walk between your shadows, embracing and loving them as you do when you live in the light, then you still inhabit within duality. Then, you are not ready yet to walk a path in which, we All are equals, sovereign beings of our own life experience in love, light and service to All.

If you are still navigating between the challenges that our deep sense of polarization brings, then you are blessed, for none of us came here to experience only the light, as it is another way of separation, and everything is the Light. If you still find yourself in the dark, it is because you are near the end/beginning to discover the True God Self within. For only the ones who love All - the light and the shadows - without focusing solely in the light within, will enter into this New Higher Octave of love - graduating from Earth with a deep gratitude for the gift of experiencing that love was always within all forms of existence/beings, independent of their nature.

In love, light, dark, and in an always infinite embrace of love, to All,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

The Energies of April 2017 ~ Transfiguration & Cosmic Initiation

Beloved Ones, 

Dwelling in the illuminated ethereal realms of Pisces during March, has been magical and revealing, but it was also intense, for we are still feeling the energies from the Eclipses and the deep inner/physical cleansing that we continue to experience. This new month of April, especially reigned by its "retrograde" energies, is an invitation to move inward before fully anchoring our soul desires - and creations - in the physical - rejuvenating ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally. For we are not going to create anything authentic unless we are pure, ourselves.  

We are now under the reign of the Fire element, and as our Sun is also very active, both Forces are helping us to burn all the old and rebirth into the light that we always have been and that was dimmed by the many illusions of our lower self. As some of us are deeply immersed into the process of dissolving the 3D membranes of our lower chakras, these fire frequency will also help us to do so and purify ourselves so we can be able to continue with our higher chakras/soul integration process.

At a planetary level, there are many changes, as you may already be feeling, affecting us at this time as well as the collective, as the Earth's magnetic field is experiencing many changes and this together with the Moon's rays (especially during the Full Moon in Libra on April 11) will bring all the unconscious limited beliefs - and implants - to the surface. 

At the moment, many of us are under the process of transfiguration - inner and physical metamorphosis of our 3D personality or lower self - and we can feel deep physical sensations such as pain in our bones and spine, headaches, anxiety, loss of hair, between many other things, that releasing old imprints and beliefs have. This will be also accompanied by profound mood swings. This is the light coming from all these forces and cosmic alignments helping us shift and dissolve what is no longer aligned with our God Self Will and soul role. This Light may bring challenges but deep revelations for our soul evolutionary journey as well. 

If you are a stabilizer, as it is my personal soul role, you may want to "seclude" yourself and be at peace, while this phase lasts, for we know how hard it is to keep our own balance, nothing to say at these intense phases, when we assist to bring balance to All. This is why this month reminds us all to be fully grounded to Earth as well as we are also connected to the Higher realms, so we can keep our inner balance while we are affected by Earth's bifurcation intense energies and its many changes within this process. 

We could feel more emotional, during this month, and even depressed, especially the ones who are beginning to awake, for they shall begin the challenging inner work of releasing all this karmic baggage but this is all occurring to give us an opportunity to recognize where fear still keeps playing a major role. Fear can be disguised in many forms, it can appear in our lives in form of lack, in the form of attachment or in form of self-sabotaging. However, we always have the choice, as sovereigns beings, to choose which one to serve, if fear, or if the love, that after all, we all are. 

We have an opportunity, especially during Easter, to clear old beliefs about what truly ascension is, and old imprints that are impeding us to embody a higher level of consciousness. It is only after we transform ourselves and begin to embrace our True Essence and descend it into our tangible plane, that we will pass from planetary ascension to initiate ourselves at a cosmic level, which comes after our main seven initiations and complete mastery of our lower human self. 

April, is a month that acts as an inter-dimensional liaison - creating the space for us to plant the seeds that in May will finally bloom, bringing harmony and unity between our Yin and Yang polarities and regeneration, while we step out of our inner realms and direct all of our inner  fire - and visions - into our tangible plane. If during March, we focused on manifesting - first - from an inner place of higher clarity and wisdom, during April, gradually, we are going to surface again, descending all these inner worlds, for when May comes, be ready to finally manifest them in the physical. 

We ended March with the Sun already in the sign of Aries. We pass now from Piscean Waters to Fire and later to feel again the power of Earth with Taurus at the end of the month. The wheel of life has rotated again and we moved from mastering and integrating all the wisdom received from our past challenges, with the last sign of the zodiac, to initiate ourselves again in this endless evolutionary soul journey, with the first sign of the zodiac, who leads us into a new cycle with the strength and wisdom regained in the depths of our being.

As the Universe always confirms and shows us in our heavens when we are feeling and giving birth in our micro one, this month holds a 14 - 5 reduced - frequency. If the number five holds the essence of fire, which indicates creativity and action - in our tangible plane as well as in March - number 4 frequency reminds us that April - with its dominant masculine essence - moves us from the ethereal to pay attention to where we truly reside, as humans. 

But as we are impulsive by nature, sometimes manifesting  without the proper discernment, the essence of number 14, which also governs this month and which corresponds to the tarot card of Temperance, invites us to balance ourselves before stepping into the unknown, for, as the winged women on the temperance card, we are still between with a foot in the ethereal and another one in the mundane. As Mercury will also remind us by the human illusion of being retrograde, while we walk in between worlds, the only true direction comes from our inner compass. For this is the only way we have to know where we are going and what we are bringing into fruition. 

We begin this month of April by having Venus, the Planet of Abundance and Beauty, retrograde entering into Pisces. Venus in Pisces and even more together with the powerful energy of Neptune in the same sign, connects us with our inner creator, it helps us to give birth to our visions and expand ourselves into our heart desires - and spirituality - as this is a time for us to immerse ourselves within our inner senses, connecting to our souls, and listening to our own guidance - and Divine inspirations - more than focusing on the outer. 

Venus in "slow motion" is going to give us a perfect healing energy for our relationships as well, it is going to be a healing energy - dissolving everything that is impure and inauthentic in our sacred reunions, leading us to an inner synthesis, establishing a deeper connection with all the aspects of who we are and loving each one of them as unique and equal without any judgement before we can love them too in another being. 

As we also have the Wounded Healer Chiron, also in Pisces, it will be a great time to use forgiveness - especially with the Full Moon in Libra on April 11 - as our main tool for healing and soul integration, which is essential before fully embracing a new partnership. As the Goddess of Love revises her journey, so do we, and it may bring from our past old lovers and situations that we thought were finished. When this occurs, it is a gift, for we are being told that there are certain aspects within ourselves still active within that keep attracting what shall remain in the past. 

On April 6,  we also have another Planet reminding us of the important to just be before we step a further step into the physical. Saturn, the Planet of structure and responsibility - as another form of consciousness within Creation - teaches us how to be responsible for our own actions/creations. In contrary with what some may think, Saturn does not punish us for our lack of awareness in our past actions, but to make us more conscious of what should be shifted and transmuted so we no longer repeat the same old patterns that are not aligned with who we truly are and soul desires. By having Saturn, Venus and Mercury as well as Pluto, later on, retrograde, we are  given the gift of becoming the witness of our whole life experience - past and present - and taking full responsibility of what we have manifested, until this moment.

Saturn also invites to examine ourselves before going deeper into this new stage of our lives. Have we learnt and integrated the wisdom from our past challenges? Have we healed what seemed broken to our human being and restored it again by recognising that we are always whole beings? Have we seen beyond our human illusion what truly Is and accepted it? Have we stepped out of the "karmic" wheel to finally embrace our inner creator and start manifesting outcomes aligned with our soul? 

This is a time to see everything from a wider perspective, not from a  linear one, as it is only when we move beyond what seems real for us as humans that we can realize if what we manifested was of assistance to All, or if we still have to break free from old chains and start seeing all the limitations that we impose to ourselves with the excuse that they are necessary structures for us to live in this world.

Mercury, The Winged Messenger, will turn retrograde on April 9. As I always say, the human programmed fear about a Planet being retrograde is still present in a lot of people. When we embody a higher level of consciousness, when we inform ourselves properly - as out there exists a lot of false propaganda - we understand that within this wise and loving Universe, there is nothing ever retrograde, this is just an illusion from Earth, there is nothing ever in slow motion within this light Universe, there are just moments to be lived from within and moments to emerge again in a new form, with a new direction to follow. 

When we see the Winged Messenger retrograde from our human perspective, we are simply invited to move within and obtain more clarity so we can be fully aware of what we are giving form to from the inside. We communed with the Higher aspect of ourselves, realising were we contracted instead of allowing expansion before we are ready to rise again - renewed - holding a wider perspective of our life experience.

Venus and Mercury retrograde, which is also ruled by Venus, will remind us of self-love and observe how we communicate with ourselves. It is not about what others think or say about us. Neither it is about how we communicate with others or what they understand, but about our internal dialogue toward ourselves that brings us down the most and make us think we are inferior or superior. This Venusian and Mercury retrograde period, to me is all about observing how we behave with ourselves, for this will make all the difference in how others treat us and how we also behave with them. 

Do you keep telling others how much you love and appreciate them while you still see yourself unworthy of love and abundance? Do you still pretend loving yourself while you cover this with superficial things that make you feel someone you are not? Do you honor the individualized aspect that Source chose to experience through you? Do you nurture your physical body as something sacred, created with Divine perfection to serve you well in your human journey? 

On April 11, we have a loving and balancing Full Moon at 21 degrees of Libra. This Moon comes to set the proper balance we need in both our physical and non physical reality, after all the eclipses' turmoil as well as the intense purification phase in which we are immersed. Venus retrograde in Pisces will also be reigning this Moon, and as we also have the Wounded Healer, as I call him, Chiron in Pisces, it is a wonderful time to reconnect with our Divinity, feeling its loving and infinite embrace, while we keep healing the past wounds that we are still re-creating or giving power to, and that needs to be accepted and integrated instead of denied. 

On April 19, with Venus already direct again, the Sun will enter into the earthly sign of Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac, ruled by Venus, offers us the gift to create our Heaven on Earth, connecting with nature, honoring our physical realm  and enjoying who we are and our creations. Taurus will start opening the energetic gates for us to begin grounding ourselves as well as our desires in the physical. With Taurus comes our second initiation after Aries, into a deeper knowledge of how to manifest our desires from an energetic Plane into our dense world, teaching us our next lesson within the wheel of life, which is to master ourselves in the endless art of bringing things from our inner world into our human one.

Taurus, a sign that likes to see the rewards of all His efforts, invites us  now to pay more attention to earthly matters, as they are the materialization of that which is within and that which sustains us in our lives, remembering that material things are also a part of our lives, we do not separate anymore, as instead, we choose to unify All as being equal within Creation and human life experience. 

It is a time to create, to bring forth new desires now that we are about to enter into May. A time to be reborn just as nature does, as everything is giving birth to a new way of existing and so are we. We should stay open to receive all that we have been creating from within during all these months, and be patient, as everything has been already perfectly orchestrated for us to just have faith and trust that at Divine Timing, all that is meant to come into our lives, will come.

On April 20, Pluto the Planet of Regeneration and Power, will also turn retrograde. This is something that will assist us to put our attention into where we put our personal power, purpose and healing process too,  as Pluto brings into the light our inner shadows and the aspects of the Self that need to be healed by inner transformation. Do you use your inner power to nurture yourself and others and be of assistance in all you can? Or do you give your power away, allowing others to control, manipulate and/or  enslave you? 

Do you give your power to your fears? Or do you control them, and choose Divine trust and faith above any other form of human illusions? Your power resides in the Now, in the capacity of BEing fully present in this moment. Your power goes where you put your love and precious intention to. Therefore, choose wisely whether you waste your Divine inner Force on meaningless things, or whether you use it to construct and create new outcomes that will assist All.

This earthly frequency will culimnate on April 26, with a New Moon at 6 degrees Taurus, will act as a gateway - functioning as a bridge for us to ensure our new beginnings and goals into our physical lives. This Moon sets the proper energies for us to keep expanding and materializing all of our earthly needs and it invites us to ask ourselves if we are satisfied with the results of our inner creations, as well as allowing infinite abundance and new possibilities into our life experience, or on the contrary, if we still need to keep mastering ourselves to obtain the outcomes that are aligned with our highest Will. As always, the universe provides us with endless signs for us to realize where we are in our journey and the awareness to perceive, if we are allowing this infinite flow of abundance - and love - into our lives or if we are still restricting ourselves from it.

Venus will also move, as Mercury did on April 20, into the fiery sign of Aries, on April 28. Venus, who was in Intuitive Pisces, will find now in Fire, the courage to step out of its dreamy state while it resided in Pisces, to finally discern about the relationships that we have decided to maintain and keep co-creating with in our lives.  As when Venus was in ethereal Pisces, it dreamt about the new relationships it truly desired to manifest in this new phase but also, and even more together with Neptune, it could fall into old illusions and false idealizations. Now that Venus and Mercury are in the initiator, Aries, we are invited to ignite this inner spark of our true soul desires and set strong pillars that will support our relationships in the physical. 

Finally, we end the month by having the second square between Saturn and Chiron on April 30. The first one of these squares took place on December 28, 2016. The third one will occur on November 2, 2017. When we have reached this phase of our ascension path, being honest is essential to keep dissolving everything that is still concealing the Truth. In a month with so many retrograde planets, and even more with Venus, having Saturn squaring Chiron, it is another cosmic reminder of loving and respecting ourselves as well as our truth.

If you are wishful to step into a New Cycle of conscious co-creation and a higher way of living, first you have to face and recognize your shadow self, accepting and embracing it as an equal part of who you are. You will only walk in integrity, in love and in service to All, when you first heal all the wounds that are yet whispering, inside yourself, to be brought into the surface, screaming in the corners of your heart, to be loved and begin to love yourself as much as you claim to love others. 

When we walk the talk, we take the time to look within, becoming the observers of our own shadows, and instead of blaming everything and everyone of what is causing us suffering, accept what is found within, with responsibility, for we know that all arises from the depths of our being, and transforms all that is no longer aligned, through Divine love and compassion. 

I wish you a grounded and blessed April, beloved companions.

In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba 

sábado, 4 de marzo de 2017

Venus Retrograde in Aries, March 4th - April 15th ~ Descending our Love-Light Essence into our Human Self

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ~ Buddha

Beloved Ones, 

As we begin to navigate within a Higher Octave of love and compassion. Venus, the macro aspect of us that represents love and abundance, which is also ascending wihtin this eternal spiral of Creation, is retrograde in Aries from March 4th until April 15th, as a reminder that before fulfilling our desires in our relationships as well as living abundantly in our physical world, first, we have to embrace ourselves in an unconditional and loving way. For we are never going to be given that which we do not give to ourselves. 

Venus will help us slow down for a while, which is of great assistance, as Venus is in Aries, a very active and impulsive sign, helping us to integrate the natural caretakers and true givers that we are, in essence. As you already know, my view on retrograde Planets clearly differs from others who see this as something tumultuous, coming from the outside that plays with us and decides whether we experience luck and love or not. To me, there is nothing ever retrograde within Creation, for the only thing that exists and has ever existed, is an infinite expansion within new layers of this eternal spiral in which we all dwell. 

This is a cosmic gift for us to deepen in how we truly love ourselves and others. For the concept humans have on what true love is, varies a lot from what Divine Love truly is. What "love" represents for humans, most of the time, means attachment as well as the fear that being “alone” causes us. The same happens with the way we love ourselves. Do we only love ourselves when we are recognized and loved by others? Or do we love and accept ourselves under any circumstances? Do we only love others when they behave according to our expectations? Do we still try to change others instead of accepting them just as they are? 

This is a phase, in which, looking at what how we see love is essential. For loving ourselves and others within purity and integrity begins by having a true feeling of what Divine love is and not of the egoic concept we have created about what love has to be in our earthly reality, which, most of the time, is just another form of slavery.

When we find ourselves in this lower state of being, it is mainly because we have been allowing, for so long, the false egoic perceptions that we still keep feeling within, to take control of our being and life experience. When this occurs, self-judgment is unnecessary, for only awareness and compassion toward ourselves will dissolve these low patterns. This is also one of the reasons why working on our lower chakras, where all our basic fears and attachments reside, is essential to live as conscious beings. 

It is also vital to work on our feminine essence, for when we our feminine side is distorted, we are not able to nurture ourselves - motivated only by our lower desires - which leads us not just to unlove, but to addictions and many other things that cause the infection of our light body. When I refer to addictions, I mean all addictions, not just the typical ones such as alcohol and cannabis, etc... but also being addicted to a person, trying to control/manipulate others, for all are different but all are addictions that in truth represents the need we have to escape the reality that we have created and that is not fulfilling our highest desires, but our lower ones. 

Venus being retrograde from our human limited perspective together with the Solar Eclipse in Pisces, whose energies will accompany us for at least six months,  will be also a very important phase for our relationships, as it is sending us a clear message for us to end an old cycle in our relationships, that we may have been repeating for a while without being fully conscious. This is a very important period, for we are being pushed to literally dissolve what our lower self still tries to force and maintain in our lives, just because it is known. 

There are moments in our life experience, where we give the power to our lower self, allowing it to tell us what should stay in our lives and what should be left aside. If we are not fully present as the observers of what our negative ego tries to manipulate us from letting it all go, we may fall into the trap of constantly repeating the same old patterns and be enclosed in the same circle without even realizing it.

It is then that we begin to think that everything is still the same and that we are only are repeating the same old patterns in our past relationships, just with different faces. When this happens, is when we have to disengage ourselves from our present situation/relationship and become the witness of what we are creating. For sometimes we are so focused on our human role that we tend to forget the most important one - our soul one - which is the main reason why we chose this existence. 

If we commune with our soul, Venus will show us the aspects of us that we are not yet loving and embracing, which are often reflected in the way others treat ourselves in our relationships. Are past lovers coming back into your life experience? Are you manifesting the same relationships with the same situations that you are so eager to leave behind? If so, be grateful for being conscious of what you have decided to experience once and again until you finally discovered that it was you, from the very beginning, the one who has been sabotaging yourself by creating the same old scenarios, which again, helped you to become aware and leave them behind.

Our soul contracts, even if they seem as something negative from our human perspective, are the ones that truly help us to awake to what Divine and therefore unconditional love is. When we begin to walk on this path, by staying within our conscious choice to serve only the Law of One, expressing our conscious intention to be only of service to All, we are beginning to fulfil our soul contract - even if it seems that all of them are coming at the same time and that we do not have the strength to see beyond these encounters the gift they hold for us.

It is pivotal that instead of just denying and trying to go as far as we can from these relationships, we begin to accept them and become conscious of what they bring to us. For it is when we finally heal these old patterns and begin to love what they showed us, that we finally fulfil our soul contract and are ready to embrace enlightened relationships within Divine love.

This not only goes for our relationships with others but with the one we have with own selves. Are we putting all of our focus on others that we have forgotten to honor and respect the self? Are we giving more than we are receiving? Or are we so focused on the self and our mission that we have forgotten to relate with others? This is also one of the main things that happens to some ascending souls who have decided to heal themselves of their old karmic patterns and negative egoic beliefs and begin to step into their own sovereignty.

Sometimes, it is by our soul choice that we have decided to come here and just embrace our mission as New Earth anchors and frequency holders in this transition, that we concentrate on our main missions rather than focusing on personal relationships. At other times, we become so eager on healing ourselves and on loving ourselves that we forget that this is not a journey for being isolated, hence, we leave behind all the blessings the Universe perfectly orchestrated for us of meeting new people, just because we are too centred in ourselves that we do not see others, which is again another form of separation.

This is the message that Venus is reminding us at this time. For the cosmos, by sending us their light codes, help us activate these soul remembrances within, and it is now a wonderful time, especially by having Chiron, the Sun and Neptune together with the South Node in intuitive Pisces, to finally put an end to the self sabotaging and destructive patterns that we have unconsciously created for ourselves and that impede us to welcome the infinite blessing that our soul has for us. For we may not be conscious of it yet, but our soul is constantly creating in the invisible realms the encounters, the situations and the challenges - opportunities - that will assist us to grow and embrace a higher state of Being.

Venus as well as any other Planet, will not cause any harm to us, its essence simply Is, it is ourselves the ones who make interpretations, giving our power to these macro Forces that are communing with us in this evolutionary journey to keep discovering our True Essence. Venus is always in love, always in abundance, the question is: Are you? Are you still expecting others or outer resources to fulfill your basic human needs? Are you waiting from the outside someone or something to fill your empty spaces due to your lack of self-love? Or are you finally embodying your sovereignty above any other form of human illusion? 

The abundance that we see manifested into our physical plane, occurs within our relationships. For abundance is another form of love and if we first do not love and respect the self as well as what the Divine is doing through us, we cannot create it in our tangible plane. There are a lot of precious beings out there who still ask themselves why they are here and what is their purpose within Creation, without knowing/remembering that simply by Being - they are doing all they have to do and that their mere presence is very much appreciated and loved.

If you want to manifest abundance but you still doubt your gifts, and that what you do is enough, then you do not fully accept and love yourself, and not just yourself but what the Creator sees in You and brings into the light through You. When we begin to realize our own self-limited thought patterns, is when we should begin to work on self-talk, as sometimes we talk to ourselves in a non-loving way. Bring the love and compassion - that we give to others - and reflect this, externally.

Do you still think you have nothing to offer to others, when you know deep within your being, that you are unique with precious blessings to give? Do you still live in fear, afraid of not having enough, in a Universe with no beginning or end, which is infinite in love, abundance and anything you could ever imagine? Are you still wanting to create something but you keep remaining in a place of familiarity, procrastinating until outer forces come to rescue you? If you recognize some of these patterns, then you know that what you do not have is because you are not creating it from within first. As the master of your own life experience, it is you who has to take control and allow your soul to govern your life, instead of your lower self.

If we only could remember - something not easy as long as we keep living under a physical body - the vision that other cosmic beings have on our retrograde view here on Earth, we will cease to keep fomenting this sense of separation between the macro cosmos and our micro one and begin to walk as One without the need to blame outer forces for what we create from within. 

There are those who say that while Venus is retrograded, we should not enter into new relationships or bring our inner creations into the light. From my personal experience, it is Now the only time that exists and it is in this moment that we should bring all the love, all the abundance and all the new visions we hold within, into our physical realm. For everything is perfect as it Is now. We do not have to wait until Venus turns direct again, for it was never retrograde in the beginning. 

We do not have to fear Venus, for all the negative manifestations that we are so afraid to experience, come from this inner state of being and not from outer cosmic Forces. It is in this moment that we have, again, the opportunity, the gift, of releasing all the limited beliefs that we impose on ourselves and begin to expand ourselves into new horizons of an infinite abundance, love and the joy we feel when we align with what is our natural sate of being instead of our human primal fears. 

The choice to awake to what truly IS, the decision to set the intention to be who you came here to be - a sovereign being capable of creating new worlds - is always yours to make. 

In love, in light and in abundance always, and so are YOU! 

Be blessed by the always loving embrace of your soul light, beloveds.

Natalia Alba