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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Star Beings. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Pisces, February 26th ~ Unveiling Truth to Embrace Infinity

Your truth? No, the Truth:
Come seek it with me.
As for yours, you can keep it...
Antonio Machado (Spanish poet)

Beloved Ones, 

We are finally coming to the end of a two thousands years cycle, in which, for a long time, we have been healing/clearing ourselves from old beliefs, karmic patterns and genetic imprints/implants, that kept us enslaved in a limited and dark reality, for this last 9 year cycle, has been a very intense releasing phase that cannot be compared with previous ones. This Eclipse - especially for the new souls who are stepping into this journey - will be a clearing process without precedents. For is finally with this Solar Eclipse at 8 degrees of ethereal Pisces, the last until the next eighteen years, that we move from slavery to freedom, by finally leaving behind the Piscean Era and entering into an emancipating Aquarian one. 

We are deeply immersed, since the beginning of this month - and until the March Equinox - within an intense cosmic passage. For we are constantly dissolving and activating higher frequencies for us to keep with our inner work of DNA re-connection and continue to retrieve all the ancient knowledge that is still intact within ourselves and that was once deactivated. During these six months, in which the energies from the Eclipses will be strongly feel, and as we keep releasing and integrating this new wave within our bodies, we will experience many physical sensations, for we are releasing more density of our bodies. Take this as a natural part of our ascension process rather as a dramatic experience, for we all knew this was not going to be always easy. 

At this time the energies coming from the Eclipses, will deeply alter the magnetic fields of the Earth. This is why Gatekeepers will be busy anchoring the frequencies coming from these stellar portals, while stabilizers, as is for example my role, will be an anchoring balance. Everyone has their unique role within Creation, and we all have encoded within our DNA, the proper light codes that connect us with the specific frequencies that we must transmute, anchor or bring into harmony for All. 

In a month where we are surrounded by lots of ferocity, as we have five Planets in fire signs, to help us burn old worlds created once from the level of awareness that we possessed and begin anew, we are blessed with the intuitive and healing energies of Pisces, whose Yin Essence will soothe us, while we keep navigating within this intense fiery wave, in an eternal dance of letting all go and embracing new horizons. Fire energy, focuses on the self and taking action in the physical, while water from Pisces, focuses on unity consciousness and service. Both are essential to maintain balance, as we keep experiencing an individualized aspect of Source, within a physical plane.

Pisces, is the last sign of the zodiac. It is with Pisces that we begin to remember our true origins, clearing karmic debts, purifying ourselves and achieving personal enlightenment. This Eclipse marks a key point in the collective, for it will bring Truth above illusion, healing and many revelations, especially for the souls who - due to their soul agreements - are healing and deprograming  themselves and are beginning to embody more information about their unique soul mission, on the Planet, to be of assistance. 

It is also with Pisces that we awake to our ultimate lesson, that we are all One within Creation - remembering our connection with all beings, and finally moving from our 3D programmed personality into a space of free sovereignty and compassion towards ourselves and All, embracing not just our individualized aspect as it was at the beginning with Aries, but all the multidimensional ones of who we truly are as well as others. 

When we reach this Water sign, it is because we are ready to ascend another step into this endless evolutionary spiral of Creation, and we begin to embody our higher chakras and awakening ourselves to cosmic consciousness, as we have already mastered our earthly realm, and we are prepared now to embrace a higher perspective of who we are. This Eclipse is for us to end as well as to begin anew, for both are intertwined, the old patterns that we still tend to repeat and embracing higher level of Truths that will help us remember our Divine nature, instead of the old fomentation of hopeless humans, who are mere victims of outer circumstance.

At the time of the Solar Eclipse, we have the Sun in conjunction with the Moon and Neptune in Pisces, together with Mercury, Pallas, Chiron and the south node in this same sign. This is a cosmic gift, for us to heal our wounded self and dive deep within an ocean of unity consciousness, which is what Pisces and its ruler Neptune invite us to do - dissolving ourselves in the totality of our inner realms - and higher senses - as well as the Source of love and its eternal loving embrace, from where we all emerged.

The Sun in conjunction with Neptune - Pisces' ruler - and even more with the Moon involved, will help us connect with our subconscious and with the Higher Realms of Illumination, bringing from these hidden planes, the knowledge that will help us discern between the many possibilities that are yet oscillating in our mental plane, waiting to be brought into the tangible, so our inner creator can continue to evolve in this new stage of our ascension journey. 

It is a magical time to establish contact with our Unified Self/Selves and other beings who have been walking with us - in silence - until we master our lower self to remember that these beings are just higher versions of us, and other cosmic companions, that decided to support us in the nonphysical planes of existence, while we walk on Earth. This is a time for the ascending souls, who have been navigating on this path for a long time, to begin acknowledging our true cosmic heritage as well as the natural connection with other dimensions within Creation, for isolated we cannot do as much as when we are united.  

Contact comes in may ways, for we are all unique. Some hear, some see, some feel, and others communicate telepathically, between many other different ways. When we compare ourselves with others, we dis empower ourselves by not loving the individualized aspect of Source who is eager to experience this life through us, just as we are. Everyone has their own gifts, and ways to contact with the unknown. All ways are equal. 

Neptune's frequency - if integrated with balance - can help us dive deep into our inner realms or it can bring us into a state of delusion, for Neptune is the Planet of the Subconscious but also of Illusion. This is what extremes cause when, instead of aligning with our soul, we align with our ego, escaping from reality - pretending to see and receive what we are not yet able to embrace due to our lower frequency and therefore, lying to ourselves. This is why it is essential to honor and respect where we are without creating more illusions, for we are always in the perfect place and in our own Divine Time to integrate higher levels of awareness. 

Another important aspect of this Piscean Eclipse, is the conjunction between Mars and Uranus and the opposition between these two Planets with Jupiter. The Warrior Mars, together with the Planet of Rebellion, will give us a huge influx of creativity and courage, but also an impulsiveness to act, as these Planets together are unstoppable Forces. This is where Jupiter - in Libra - comes to bring a higher awareness, peace, expansion in thought and discernment. 

Some astrologers say this combination will cause accidents and many tragedies, but we already know that this powerful wave simply IS. It is us - the ones who have to make the conscious choice to direct energies into the manifestation of our inner creations, or use them to destroy. We are presented with a new opportunity to act with integrity and compassion - to all - at every single moment. Energies simply exist, they are neither good nor bad, their meaning, and the use we make of them, is our responsibility.

During the Solar Eclipse, we also have another cosmic alignment, between the Solar Eclipse and the Fixed star Skat, within the Aquarian Constellation, bringing us remembrance of our true natural state of being, which is always one of bliss and unity with all. The name of this Fixed star Skat means "The Wish" and comes from ancient Persian. As this Star is also aligned with Jupiter and its expansive energy, it will illuminate, love and protect everything it touches. 

It is said that if we make a wish at the time of the Eclipse, the star Skat will grant us what we desire. As ascending souls, we know that nothing external will grant us anything, for this is another aspect of Creation - different Forces - having their own evolutionary experience within Creation. They are not there to bless us or deny what we are - as Divine beings - it is our birthright, they simply are Being. However, as we are all One, if we align our pure and soul desire with this Macro aspect of us, that also resides within, we - in co-creation with these Forces - can create the miracles that some await from outer forces - and beings - and manifest - into our life experience - that which is going to be for the highest good of all. 

This is a very special time, since we are finally entering into a cycle of freedom and integrity, and the way the Cosmos shows us where we are heading, is with this Piscean Eclipse that ends an old cycle of patriarchal domination and returns the lost feminine one, based on love, compassion and a higher way of living. It is also a very important time to end our soul contracts instead of getting attached to a certain outcome within our relationships, for we did not come here to be repeating the same scenario all the time, but to be constantly expanding within new horizons - meeting/reuniting with the souls that are in the same level of awareness that we have now achieved.

While we journey through this Eclipsean passage, we are going to be blessed with revelations that will show us the Truth about ourselves as well as what is truly occurring in our life experiences. It is essential to move inward to embrace the Truth that has always resided within and that our lower self tends to hide when convenient, as it prefers linearity and the comfort of the familiar, and begin to let go of all the forced interactions without authenticity and integrity that we still maintain simply because of our human attachment and fear of the unknown. 

Remember Beloveds, while you are attached to a certain relationship - or desiring something different from what is happening now - you are impeding the coming into your life of precious souls that have decided to be here, incarnated at this unique time within Creation just to share a part of this physical journey with you, but they cannot meet you until you allow the Universe to connect you, for your decision whether they come from your ego or soul, is always respected within this loving Universe. 

This Solar Eclipse in Pisces, brings truth and personal freedom - liberation from the old chains that our lower human created and that served us to awake but that are now not necessary in this new journey that we have consciously decided to step into. This cosmic portal, brings clarity, within ourselves and in our physical life experiences. Listen to the whispers of your soul, for even if what you may hear may not be understood by your egoic self, it will  always be what you need for personal growth.

A higher communication comes only when we have first listened and accepted the truth about ourselves and our personal journey. Only then are we ready to move, into the next level. If you talk, read or watch about spiritual/ascension material but then you act moved only by lower desires, then you are not acting with integrity and in unison with God's Will. As ascending souls, we no longer base our existence on our egoic desires, for we are only moved by a Higher Intelligence - within us - that knows what will benefit All and not just the self.

There is nothing wrong with saying what I think is right but then acting differently, for this is how we remember - by repeating the same old patterns until we are ready to release them. So If you say - "We are all One" - but then you keep judging, comparing and creating separation between you and others - then, you still have to remember unity within yourself first.

There are truths about our own journey that are difficult to accept but that should be appreciated when received, for it is the way the Universe has to bring us back into our true path, making us recognise the old programmed habits/thoughts - that we keep feeding, and that are impeding us, in discerning our journey. The truth is not always what we expect or what is convenient to us, but it is always what IS and what will need at the moment for our human growth. 

This is a new Era of conscious co-creation. In this New and Higher Octave of Love, in which we are now navigating. We no longer seek outside, what we know is only found within. In this New cosmic Cycle, we have learnt from this past Piscean Era, who we truly are in nature, by soul remembrance, and we are ready to move beyond 3D manipulations (including the ones that we unconsciously create for ourselves) and embrace a new journey free of limitations and fear.

Remember Beloveds, we work in unison - as equals - we no longer rely on outer Forces or beings for guidance, for we have become our own masters and healers. This does not mean we are not going to need confirmation and assistance, for we cannot live isolated, but we act know as sovereigns beings, responsible for our own experience, instead of being mere victims, governed by external circumstance. For we now remember our Divine Essence and unity with All - realizing that we are made of the same love, light and wisdom that we previously sought in others.

At this intense phase, embrace Truth, no matter what it shows you, for it will set you free. BEcome the sovereign being that you truly are, and remain always in the illuminated Presence of your Soul.

Have a blessed and magical Eclipse ~ Beloveds!

In love and light∞

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 29 de enero de 2017

Healing Parallel Selves vs. Soul Extensions in Other Dimensions

Beloved Ones,  

The nature of our existence, as you already know, is not only confined to a physical existence. As multidimensional beings, especially if your Higher Self is using parallel incarnations to accelerate your evolution, you will also deal not just with your current life, but also with other selves that are One with you, residing in other realms of existence and/or on Earth, at this time. These parallel selves, probably incarnating on what we call past or present reality, may be awake and conscious of their multidimensional nature, or may not, as sometimes of all these extensions just one or two are consicous of who they are and their role within Creation.

This is a very deep subject, but as I am often asked, sometimes (and I am sharing this just for the ascending souls, for the 3D human is not even aware of other selves) what you call past lives affecting you in this one due to what you are feeling from them whether in your dream state or when you are awake in the physical, is most of the time other aspects of your soul extension recreating a different life experience in other dimensions/Universes (within the range frequency of Planet Earth) and mostly on Planet Earth. It is not easy at all in the early stages of our ascension journey, if we are dealing with past lives, negative entities or other parallel selves.

As ascending souls, most of us do not have karma, which is one of the main reason why working with past lives does not work for some of us who have already done this inner work before. This is why entering into a state of silence with your soul and Higher Self/Guides, to retrieve the proper knowledge about your mission in this lifetime is pivotal when you are healing/dissolving something from your past or another aspect of you. 

Our soul extensions residing in higher dimensions or star civilizations are unlikely to be affecting us in a negative way as well, for they are more evolved than we are. So probably the main reason to feel/dream or even repeat old patterns, is due to the fact that we are helping our other selves to heal, which is why you may be influenced by negative habits, as suddenly taking drugs, lack of self-love bewteen many others, or actions that are not coming from your own soul's Will but from theirs - impeding your own soul evolution. 

Having said that, it is also vital that you begin to work with all your non-physical bodies, as you keep evolving, for this is the first thing we should do when we step into this path, and one of the reasons why some of the ascending beings are not able to see distinguish what is really occuring in their being because they have not done the basic inner work first. Although, we may not have karma to resolve, it does not mean we do not have in our aura, mental and emotional bodies as well as DNA, still some old memories, programs, implants, psychic debris in our central canal to clear, and many similar issues to heal or dissilve that we have to treat before we can regain more guidance. 

I have had the blessing to meet highly evolved souls who are not aware that what is affecting them at this phase of their lives are not their past lives, which they were untiringly trying to heal without success, but some of their paralell selves less evolved and hence, having a harder life experience. When this occurs, we are the soul extension chosen to help the other selves of us on Earth heal and evolve, which is challenging if we do not have embodied all the knowledge from your star chakra - the one who contains all the knowledge about our soul mission. 

Our other selves should not be confused with parallel soul extensions, for even if we are all One, these paralell soul extensions are residing in different planes of existence. One of them can be incarnated on another Planet or star civilization, and hence more evolved than we are, for they dwell in what we call our future time. We are just responsible for the ascension of our other selves incarnated on Earth. These other selves are not just connected to us but are One with our soul, as the soul group choose one extension - of the twelve other souls - who will bring ascension to all of them. 

As we ascend so do the other twelve souls whether incarnated or not. Hence, all that they/you experience is also experienced by them and vice-versa. It is essential that you understand and remember the importance of unity at this phase of our ascension path, for we no longer move, create and live just as an individualized aspect of Source but are also fully aware of these other selves, that may depend on us to evolve. We are not anymore moved by our egoic desires, for we have long ago surrendered to God's Will.  

The reason why we are being affected by our other selves and feeling negativity - if this is the case - receiving images and dreams or visions - of beings that we are not used to - but that feel as if they were familiar, is because our soul extension is more conscious than they are and we came here with the soul agreement to help them clear their karmic debts as well as to be the ones with the responsibility of assisting the other soul extensions of us on Earth to reach ascension. This involves a huge amount of integrity, discipline and honesty with ourselves to see where we still let our lower self interferes, for we are not alone - as our human self may think - and what we do or/and decide to be, affects other aspects of us and All.

When we are in this challening situation for our own ascension journey. and we are no longer able to deal with our own evolutionary process due to all the sensations and pain that we are transmuting from our parallel selves, we have to set strong boundaries with great love and respect to those selves that are impeding our own growth - taking responsibility for our own journey, as we know that the whole evolution of our soul group - 12 souls including ourselves - depend on us. 

This is done, as I said before, by having done the inner work of clearing our bodies of any negativity as well as by having built the rainbow bridge - a cord that goes from the micro individualized aspect of us to the macro, our soul and then Monad. If we have not even developed by daily meditation a strong connection with our soul and Monad as well as Higher Self, it is best to leave this step until we are prepared. 

Once we feel we are ready, we ask our Higher Self and Monad to lead us in this releasing process. Then, we being to talk to all these other selves of ourselves that are interfiering into our current lifetime and kindly ask them to respect our sacred space, for we are running our physical bodies down due to the amount of energy we have to transmute. 

Sometimes we search guidance instead of confirmation - outside ourselves - and as no one can know about our journey better than we do, we try to heal aspects of ourselves that are not in need of healing. This is why is so important that you know yourself before asking someone else for confirmation. Always do that which is in perfect resonance with your soul and its guidance. Do not think others know more or can see more than you about yourself. 

This is only a message for the souls who came here with a mission to assist. For the ones who are here to experience a 3D reality or simply - as some souls - to enjoy and know what it is to live within a physical realm as well as experiencing different relationships, they do not have to focus on holding a certain frequency at all times or in assisting, for their main aim is to experience what being human is, which is another equal and precious choice within Creation. But for the ones who have come here with a different mission, we should become aware that even if we are One and are helping another aspect of us, commanding our soul to respect our boundaries is vital for us to maintain a personal sovereignty and to keep evolving, without interference. 

You exist within many universes, the truth about who you are cannot be measured with a human understanding. Your have many paralell selves, splitted from your own soul, as well as other soul extensions that may be incarnated or not - twin flames, soul mates or direct soul family fulfilling other roles. It all depends on what the Monad chose as the best way to ascend for All.

Some of these other soul extensions are also dwelling in other dimensions as Pleiades, Sirius and so on, and be what you call your "Guide" or past life, which is You from this higher plane of existance, although we also can have cosmic guides who do not belong to our soul group as well as star origin. This is also what you are doing, guiding other aspects of you - from the level of consciousness that you possess now - that are less evolved here on Earth, which if what we often call parallel selves, different from soul extensions in other dimensions. 

The echoes of who they are may come and go as you keep evolving for yourself and All. Your lower self may confuse experiences and what occurs in your relationships with what is happening in a parallel life on Earth. This is what happens when we consciously are aware of our multidimensional existence. We can never know from our human perspective what is necessary to happen for All. To evolve is a task that only the God Self can orchestrate. Our mission is live in joy, focusing on our own self-healing process and role and serve from this same place of unity and neutrality.

In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

Ascension update, November 23, 2016 ~ Star Beings in Co-creation with Humans

Beloved Starseed Souls,

In these last months of the year, we are fully immersed in the process of envisioning and moulding the New Reality that we are about to bring into form for the next phase of our journey. It is essential that in the middle of this conscious process, we take some time to move inward - as Mercury will remind us during December - and expand ourselves within our inner realms, bringing into the surface all the visions that our soul holds for us to manifest within our physical world from a place of wisdom and clarity.

Neptune, whose Essence lies within us all - direct again - is a cosmic gift for those of us who are deeply committed to integrate higher levels of consciousness for we are not afraid of the unknown, as we know that it is there where true expansion and freedom resides. the Planet of Dreams and Intuition will help us to navigate within the subconscious feelings that our human being is not yet aware of and face them instead of denying that we - as Humans - are afraid of feeling pain, of the unfamiliar, instead of realizing that the more we embrace our inner shadows, as an equal and precious aspect of who we are, the more that we will understand that fear is just another form of illusion as in truth all helps us to remember the True nature of our being, which is always one of unconditional love to ourselves and All.

As you well know, at the moment, humanity finds itself transforming from Human beings that used to dwell in trepidation and limitation to new compassionate and loving ones. The process of evolving from one state of being to a Higher one is not easy. It takes discipline, strength and the need to take full responsibility for every feeling, word and action that we send out without judging the self, just with the kindness to treat ourselves as we would treat the child that is learning how to walk and who falls from time to time.

In our Human journey of soul integration and conscious co-creation, we are never alone or lost in our Soul quest and ascension path. We are being assisted by other Star civilizations - apart from our main Fountain of Wisdom from our Higher Self/Guides and Soul Family - that have also passed through this process of conscious evolution into a benevolent race. Many of you have asked me to share about it and my experience, others already know as your human self is finally ready to receive a different and Higher form of communication. All we need comes at Divine Time. Our soul is always ready as it knows no boundaries, but most of the time we have to prepare our human self - and its limited perception - to welcome a different form of communication than the one we used to know. 

The ones who have a direct connection to those Star races - that are helping us to remember our true cosmic heritage as Divine beings through self-observation and lack of judgment - know that these beings never try to manipulate or teach us how to behave or act. On the contrary, if this is what you are receiving, it is not coming from a Higher Source or Beings but from negative ones trying to control you. Our Star companions see us as equals, perfect Divine and cosmic beings with enough inner wisdom to pass through this transition with strength and compassion as we keep traversing the threshold into a Higher Octave in which we are already immersed within an endless process of soul remembrance.  

Our Star Companions, as I call them, are in co-creation with us, from a wider place where they can see clearer than we as humans can. They are the observers, the helpers never the judges. Some of us agreed before incarnating to do this task on Earth in unison. They are not superior than we are as in Essence we are all equals. They are One with us for our human self perceives we are divided but in truth we are an individual aspect - multi-dimensional beings of a Higher One, experiencing different forms of lives, consciousness and realms from different places, within the Universe. 

Our Star Family assists us at every moment to empower ourselves and bring illumination not to our soul, who is enlightened and wide open already, but to our human being who is the one evolving. They help us remember that all we need is within. They are not there to save us, they are not there because they know more or because they are Gods and Goddesses and we are not. This is delusional and it is due to this that we are often taken as fools. They see us as Master Beings transiting on Earth but the questions is: Do you? 

Do you embrace your experience as human with gratitude and with the joy that you held when you incarnated in this plane? Or do you still live under the illusion that you are powerless and that you need to be saved? This is a wonderful Planet, we do not need to escape reality or miss what some call Home, which to me, is always within. We simply need to create our own Heaven in this beautiful place that nurtures and loves us.

There are many of you who are working behind the social media scenes to assist the Planet, others share through whatever ways that resonate more with us what we receive for All. It does not matter that you are seen or not, what matter is the intention, the frequency that is behind what you feel, say and do what will help bringing awareness to All. 

Some of you have asked me in what ways our Star Companions can help us? Well, from my humble experience, as I can only share about what I experience on my own journey, our brothers and sisters from Pleiades, to give an example - as there are many other beings involved in helping us to pass through this transition - help us to remember unconditional love and equality, for we are accustomed to label and separate everything with our deep sense of judgment and limitation. Andromeda, which is in parallel consciousness to our own Galaxy, helps us to adapt to change, in the middle of all the chaos that our human self may perceive, as we keep transforming our physical bodies - as well as reality. 

Other Star Companions - such as Sirius - are very connected to Cetacean Consciousness and help us in doing our inner work when dealing with releasing old "karmic" patterns that we are still repeating, as these old behaviours are still encoded within our DNA - due to our ancient heritage and genetic modification. You are always free to call upon these beings, not to save you, but to help you to release - through forgiveness and the power of living in the Now and fearlessness - everything that is challenging for you. For each of you, there will be different Star Being - assisting you with what you need to embrace, heal and/or unify. 

Beloved Ascending Companions, move within, quiet the noise of your human mind, and remember in the depths of your soul who you truly are. You are never mastering your soul for it possesses all the cosmic wisdom required from the beginning of time. You are here by free and conscious choice, not just to assist others, but first to help yourself remember - from a dense body - your True Essence and Star Lineage. You were never less than, you are equal, and a powerful Divine Being as well as the other Star beings that you idealize.

You are a Master of New Earth, planting new seeds to a better and New Cycle that we are already building. You came as such, not as a hopeless human that needs to be rescued by outer Forces and beings. It is essential that we leave all illusions aside and begin to take responsibility for our unique soul purpose and begin to assist from a sovereign state of being instead of a disempowered one - knowing that we are indeed the pioneers of this intense but precious transition that we are leading the best we can, with love, integrity, authenticity and the immense joy to be living in this wonderful time within Creation, in co-creation with All. 

In love and light always,
Natalia Alba