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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Shift. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017

Full Moon in Taurus, November 3/4, 2017 ~ Reclaiming Planet Earth: Global Healing

The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. 

Chief Seattle 

Beloved Ones, 

Traversing the 4D portal to our New Dimensional Space is not a bed of roses and many of us, especially the Starseed Souls, Light Emissaries and New Earth Anchors, are strongly feeling the impact that, at a time, the battle to regain control of our Planet is having. In a time where we are finally bifurcating from Old Earth, our Planet is being reclaimed by many forces/beings, that used to breed on our Planet for eons, and that still desire to exert control. 

Therefore, it is pivotal that we remain in the wisdom, clarity and purity of our God Self, for not everything and everyone is filled with good intentions, and it is only by remaining in this present moment, and in the wisdom, we have retrieved that we can continue to act as the light pillars that we have consciously chosen for this planetary transition. It is a key moment to bring this love and healing, that we are so eager to manifest within ourselves, in a global level as well, for we All function as a living organism together with Gaia. 

It is precisely when we most need to anchor our new frequency to Earth that we are blessed with a special Super Full Moon at 12 degrees of Taurus that in a planetary level, will assist us to anchor our 5D dimensional frequency within ourselves as well as within our own physical space, for reclaiming our sacred space in both the ethereal and in the physical is essential for us to avoid any negative penetration into - our sacred space - by any negative forces that are still fighting to keep us enslaved. 

The loving and earthly essence of this Full Moon, for Neptune and Venus has a huge impact in this Taurus Full Moon, together with the macro events that are assisting us in this transition, will not just last for one day, for as we know, the harmonized energies coming from the cosmos can coexist and be embodied at our own Divine Timing. This is not just a time for deep release but also one of seeding, for we are just beginning to expand ourselves through a higher way of expressing our creativity and soul gifts. 

However, and as recently guided, I am not only going to focus on the typical, and to me, fixed meaning of this Taurus Full Moon, being all about abundance, anchoring our soul desires in the physical etc, for this is just a tiny aspect of what is occurring in the micro. There are more events taking place, at every single moment outside our micro time/space zone, so I also share more of what is happening beyond our human confines as well as the impact these energies are having beyond a physical level for the ascending souls. 

This is going to be a passage where anchoring love, peace, compassion and power, in a deeper way, will have a great shift for All, for this is what our Planet is needing, at a moment, when it is being manipulated by so many beings that not only do not come from Unity Consciousness but that do not yet know the conscious intention many of us have to keep this Planet dwelling in the highest frequency possible. 


This is a time in which, as ascending souls, our sensitivity could be highly increased, due to all the cosmic frequencies that are being poured into us as well as the deep inner transformation that we are experiencing. We have a very important and non-fixed event happening until December, not just during this Taurus Full Moon, that will assist us to accelerate the inner shift that we are consciously triggering within and in our physical lives.

The trine between Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces, will help us to bring deep focus on putting all our intention into unconditional love, compassion and service, not just to all but to our own selves as well, for we must first bring this same unconditional self-love to us, before we can even think about giving it to others.

This period brings great sensitivity not just in perceiving deeper than what is happening in our physical realm, for we all are beginning to envision beyond our human veils. It brings the opportunity for us to establish a broader contact with other star beings/civilizations/dimensions who are helping us, in this transition.

Use this sensitivity not just to feel empathy or to fall into the trap of only feeling the pain in the world. Empower yourself so you can understand this pain, learn from it and be able to move from this limited perspective into a wider one, in which you are able to use your gift to communicate with higher aspects of who you are as well as with other beings/forms of consciousness - that are here to help you bring back the empowerment you need to reclaim your sovereignty. 

This is a time of deep work for the ascending souls, not just to work on ourselves, for some of us are beginning to heal all the old traumas and old beliefs and beginning to be of broader service, and although as you know, the inner work never ends, now is more a phase for us to remain focused on love - using power to serve in whatever way we are guided by our Unifed Self.

Some of you may be called to travel to activate certain physical sacred sites/corridors on Earth, something in which this Taurus moon will help tremendously. Others must continue to act as pillars in the same place, it does not matter if change comes in the physical or not, for change is always there for us even in subtle ways that our human being is not able to perceive yet. What is essential is for us to be able to move from our egoic desires to God’s one, for it is only by doing so that we can act as One, bringing deep change into ourselves and Planet. 

There is something I was guided to share regarding physical sensations now, for as we increase our sensitivity, especially in the new souls who are awakening or beginning to walk this ascension path, the more we will be open to experience subtle worlds and their energies. The ones who are acting as Gatekeepers, Grid-workers, Stabilizers, New Earth Anchors and any other soul role that is not mentioned here but that you clearly feel can be happening to you:

• Sleep paralysis (after that very common to spend even a few hours with deep crown chakra pressure): This is very common when we come back from the astral plane by being fully conscious of the work we have been doing, for our soul never sleeps. If you still find yourself struggling with this, know that the only thing that will work is relaxing, knowing you are fully connected to your body, and allow your body, at its own time to be able to awake and readjust again to your frequency.

Most of the time, people are desperate when they are not able to wake, and as they are fully conscious, it is worst to feel our physical body, its vibration, every sound surrounding us as well as many more things, but not being able to wake. Please, understand our body cannot function in such a higher frequency, it is not that fast, give it time, remain in peace, fear nothing, for if you open, even a tiny window to fear, then you will be allowing dark forces/energies to manipulate you as well as your sacred space.

• Ear ringing: I know a lot of people consider this to be a negative sign, others consider it to be the angels speaking to them. from my own guidance and experience, it is the readjustment our physical ears must make for them to translate a higher frequency which is waiting for us to hear. In my experience, this begins to happen when your higher chakra system is being activated and you are beginning or about to hear a higher guidance, if you, of course, decide to align with it. 

In my personal journey this is how I began to hear my Guides, it takes time to adjust oneself to its purer frequency as well as to be open to receive out of fear and human self-doubts, but as I always say, when there is a will there is always a way. You have your unique way to receive guidance, discern for yourself, if you are beginning to experience this. 

Above all, do not leave any space for fear, fear is the opposite of love and whatever is happening you can always discern if what you receive, through your feelings, is coming from the light or is another form of energy that is trying to manipulate you. Therefore, it is so important to remain always focused on the illuminated presence of our soul as well as to cleanse ourselves and do the proper healing required not to allow these lower frequencies to confuse us.

• Leg pain and deep fatigue: this, especially to the stabilizers, is another sensation caused by the transformation our body is experiencing as well as the many messages that your legs could be giving to you now. Are you so focused on building and assisting in the ethereal that you no longer focus on anchoring yourself on earth? 

Have you built strong pillars that connect you to the illuminated realms while you forget to first create the strong foundations that will allow you to connect yourself Above? Our legs represent our foundations, as well as the movement forward, if they are not functioning or flowing well, listen, they are giving you a message of the direction that you are taking in your life. 

• Body detox: Experiencing deep detox, in whatever way they come to you, in the form of tears, stomach issues, etc, is usual when we are experiencing a deep purging and embodying a lighter frequency, make sure it is not any medical condition, and if not, drink lots of pure water, when I say pure I already know you will understand that by this, I mean water that has not been manipulated in any human possible way. 

Among all the things you are guided to do to take care of yourself, it will also help to ground yourself, especially with food that comes from earth such as potatoes, nuts and all that you are guided. It is all part of the process, the more you take care of yourself and take naturally, the more All will get better. 

Climatic/Global healing 

It is also important, especially the ones whose soul mission involves working with healing Earth, that we begin to understand that this is not just about ourselves but about doing what we can to help Gaia get rid of the many energetic and physical attacks She receives - not just from physical beings but from the dark forces who are trying to manipulate human resources, as well as climatic conditions.

There is a macro event, which is going to give us the perfect frequency/assistance we need to help bring purification of our Planet, especially in the climatic conditions, for we have Saturn, who is very close to our Galactic centre, squaring the cosmic healer Chiron, in Pisces. This is a message from the cosmos for us to bring the healing we create within ourselves into our planet, for we no longer are for the self but for All. 

It is not new for us the many changes, especially now, that Planet Earth has been manipulated, especially about rain, between many other things, for us to starve ourselves and begin to quit our desire to evolve. It is by controlling or wasting our human resources that the dark forces try to keep us in fear, spreading false propaganda of what is truly happening.

The negative agenda is trying to manipulate demographical areas, especially the ones who are in wars and/or are affected by radiation, deep pollution etc, to regain control. It keeps creating bigger holes in our protective ozone planetary layer, so these energies will not only affect us, causing deep chaos for All. Pollution, gases and many other things some humans pour outside, also affects other planets/civilizations who possess an even purer frequency than ours and that are being strongly affected by what Earth is sending out.

Therefore, I am thanking and making a conscious call to all Earth purifiers and healers to be able to bring this healing essence as well as commitment to keep assisting our Planet, so we can help bring this purification into a higher level, not just into a micro one. Global change begins when we first bring this change within ourselves, beginning with conscious eating, and ending with respecting the environment. After this step, it is time for us to work on a deeper level, in our unique way, to bring this same change - and purity - within our earthly realm.

Period of releasement

During this deep period of transformation, it is of great importance that we consciously work not just 0n our karmic baggage but on our emotional and mental planes, for in order to anchor ourselves within the new timeline that we are so eager to dwell, first, it is essential that we do so by being purified, of an old self, an old life, and above all of all egoic desires, for where we are beginning to sojourn, is not about us or about what we want, but about the conscious desires and will of working for All, for now we all remember unity beyond our human sense of individualization. 

We are being invited to begin moving our focus from the self to All. For it is a time not just to talk about unity consciousness but about experiencing it at every single moment. It has been a recurrent message for me, in my personal journey to begin to work with the macro, as well as also working with ourselves, for everything is One and works in perfect unison, even if we are not aware of it, at a human level.

There are times when we focus so much on the outside, on how we can anchor an awareness within that we forget to also anchor this on the physical. The time to take care of not just yourself or your sacred space but Mother Earth has come, even if you have not been conscious of it yet. There is nothing to judge within yourself or in who you used to be, either in others or in outside circumstances.

Now, there is only time to focus on the Truth that All is you and you are All, working together to reunite again as One, within Creation. There are infinite lovelight beings assisting you, protecting you, guiding you in your earthly path, whether you are conscious of it or not. These Forces of Light of the Universe are always working to support you. The question is do you? Do you support, love and respect yourself above all? 

Mother Earth is always taking care of us, feeding us, respecting us, giving us what we need, even though we have tried to impede her doing so for eons, with our destructive  behaviour. She will not quit on you, for she has already chosen to love and honour us All, unconditionally. The question, again, is have you?

In love, light and service to All,

Natalia Alba 

martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

New Moon in Gemini, May 25, 2017 ~ Creative Connections

"Do not go about worshipping deities and religious institutions as the source of the subtle truth. To do so is to place intermediaries between yourself and the divine, and to make of yourself a beggar who looks outside for a treasure that is hidden inside his own breast." ~ Lao Tzu 

Beloved Ones,  

It is within this transitional time, and after a very intense karmic releasing Full Moon in Scorpio, that we welcome now a fresh New Moon at 4 degrees of Gemini. This is a New Moon not just to focus on new beginnings but for us to go deeper into how we communicate, with ourselves, with our loved ones and with the Illuminated Realms of Love where our souls dwell and from where our main guidance comes.  

The Twins, ruled the element Air, our mental plane, forever changing as its mutable nature indicates, always finding new ways to communicate and express its truth in everything he creates, and this is what we are invited to do at this time, to master our thoughts and descend them into the tangible, for all we build in our minds is already existing in a different dimension, in a different texture of our human destiny.  

Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, will sextile Neptune, bringing unification between our mental plane and our spiritual one, transmitting our thoughts and feelings only when they arise from a place of clarity and love. This is also an opportunity for those who are ready to communicate in new ways, rather than using physical interactions, for telepathic communication between many other ways, is the way the cosmos and its many beings have to interact with us, making of this time a perfect opportunity to open ourselves to receive what will empower and help us in our journey, from those who have already walked this path of conscious co-creation and unification.  

Gemini represents our silver and golden (feminine and masculine) aspects, and like them, who embrace each other in a balanced and rhythmical dance of Love and Oneness, we are also being invited to synthesize both aspects of  us - responsible for the way we create, give and receive abundance in all its forms.  

As we also have Mercury in earthly Taurus, it is a confirmation for us to bring into manifestation all the visions and new ideas we have about our new lives. Remember, beloveds, we are here to master the art of bringing into form what is first created in the energetic and hence non-physical worlds, and it is only as humans that we can do so. As we not only have the sun and the moon in Gemini but also Mars, we have extra energy to deprogram ourselves from self-imposed beliefs and repetitive patterns - beginning to clear our mental and emotional plane of all The Old we still are reticent to let go.   

Are you still clearing yourself from emotional debris, disempowering thoughts and old selves that are still trying to control the empowered person you have become? If so, here it is a cosmic gift with this New Moon and even more with the energies from the last Scorpion Full Moon that are still bathing us, for you to work on DNA reconnection and soul integration. 

Gemini being an air and mutable sign, is mental, intellectual and practical, but at the same time likes to play and socialize, so it is essential to take advantage of this joyful and soothing New Moon, especially after such an intense Scorpion releasing Moon, and embody Gemini's vitality. For this is also a time to be in joy, in love, and to see everything and everyone within Divine Love as well, as like the Twins, we are always embracing each other in an eternal embrace of oneness. 

As Gemini rules communication, we are also called to observe the way we talk to ourselves and others. Do we speak to ourselves and others from a place of respect and kindness? Or do we still do so from a place of  attachment and neediness to obtain something in return? In the majority of the relationships, people still wait for something in return, if they behave with love, as if love demands anything back. Other times, we talk and treat ourselves negatively and even though we expect the macro, what we think is outside of us, but that is nothing but an external representation of the micro within, so respond differently.  

Our human self fears unconditional love. It is afraid of being fully open to everything and everyone because it feels vulnerable in the freedom that true love practices, as in this New Era we do not do anything for others anymore, if it is not aligned with our Soul path, neither do we force them in the old ways to do anything for us too. On the contrary, we both give, receive and create as equals, for we no longer foment the old sense of separation or neediness that we used to hold when we navigated through lower dimensions. 

There are a lot of people who are eager to have a higher connection to other beings within the Universe. They do not realize that the first and most important communication is the one we have with our own Unified Selves, for all these beings we are so eager to contact with, all the outer guidance we desire to receive, it is all coming from our Unified Self, in form of past, present or future parallel selves experiencing another reality within Creation. In truht, some people tend to worship external gods, but when they will finally worship their inner one? 

During this New Moon, we are going to have the opportunity to receive higher aspects of the Truth, as the Moon semi-square to Pallas and Venus, both conjunct in Aries. Cosmic transmissions will flow, at this New Moon time, what is important is how we use this guidance, one that does not have to come from an outside source, for inner knowing is most of the times the best guidance, as it is information, and hence, power. Do we use it to share the love with others? Or do we use it to manipulate them? The choice is always yours, and every choice is highly respected, for there are no judgments within Creation, as the Universe knows that all serves us to grow and expand. 

It is information precisely what brings awareness and freedom - releasement from our old self - but we have to be very careful and discern from where this guidance comes from, before bringing our thoughts into the tangible, for not everything that it is said to be true is so, this is why only through inner knowing which can only be achieved in a profound state of deep communion with our soul, is that we could distinguish, especially at his transitional time in which we are being bombarded with channelings and many half-truths, where we put our attention/intention and inner force, for depending of the use you make of it, it creates, destroy or gives others the power to control you. 

This New Moon is a gift for us to establish a higher form of communion and interaction with the aspect of us that is our main Fountain of Wisdom and that we, sometimes, leave aside due to the many false preconceptions and idealizations of other beings, believing they are more than we are just because they have walked our path before.  

It is said that this New Moon has no major celestial aspects but we all know that nothing is minor within the Universe, for all is equally important and affects the whole. This is why we have this expansive New Moon in Gemini conjunct fixed stars. The Hyades - a group of six stars within the Taurus Constellation - and Mirfak, a messenger star who is said to bring a higher form of communication and guidance from the macro that represents us.   

The Hyades, the so called Rainy Stars, for it is said they warned the sailors of coming storms, are associated with the element Water, as they were also related in ancient times with tears and negativity. As I always say, the nature of these fixed stars - as well as their essence - just Is. It is our human mind that needs to constantly label what can only be felt. Nothing within this wise and loving universe is related to tears or joy or anything in particular, for all is Divine Love, in motion, expanding within an already infinite Universe.  

This New Moon is indeed a cosmic gift for us to remember from where true guidance and authentic communication comes from. Creative connections only occur when we consciously co-create with our Unified Self as well as with other selves who are assisting us in our journey, starting from maintaining a healthy communication with ourselves, which is what will empower us to aligned with the universal creative flow - enabling us to manifest and expand ourselves from a unified space instead of one of separation.  

In love and light ∞ 
Natalia Alba 

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

Full Moon in Scorpio, May 10, 2017 ~ Karmic Release & DNA Deprogramming

Beloved  Ones, 

In our ascension journey, we still continue to cross the bridge that leads us towards our New Earth Home. It is precisely at this time that we are presented with a cosmic gift  for all who are still working on releasing their  karmic patterns, DNA deprogramming and clearing from old implants - negative thought forms and other forms of alien/human manipulation. It is precisely at this time, when we are still uncovering the many false layers of our lower self - as well as the ones that other people show us - that we are blessed with a magical and revealing Full Moon, at 20 degrees Scorpio, that will help us go beyond our human senses and primary desires. 

In the end, ascension is nothing but the descension of our True Essence into our  human body, and for this to occur, first we must do the inner work of genetic reconstruction of our original DNA. For it has been deeply manipulated since eons through many methods such as controlled brain waves created to shift our brain activity, lately through social media, chemtrails and many other ways. 

In the midst of a month, in which, we are governed by Fire - as we still have a lot of Planets in this sign - and the Earth element (Taurus) - that invites us to focus on our mental and tangible plane - the Full Moon will open a  healing doorway for us to focus on our inner realms, regaining control over our minds, which is done through conscious deprogramming of all these negative implants, through certain tools - such as sound for example - which helps change and release old patterns, and begin to awake that which still lies dormant within ourselves.

Truth about our hidden emotions, not embraced yet, and about everything we should unify, will arise, for we also have, at this time, Saturn at the galactic center at 27 of Sagittarius in an exact square to Chiron, which is in Pisces. A gift for us to be honest and understand if we behave with integrity and authenticity or if we still allow our fears - and lower self - to control our true power.

With this Full Moon we have a time to heal, rejuvenate, regain our power and transform what seems broken to our human self, and do it not just from our inner realms, by transmuting old feelings into unconditional loving ones, but also moving this healing frequency towards our physical vehicles, for they carry many negative patterns that we tend to unconsciously repeat. It is a wonderful time, with this Full Moon, to end a micro karmic cycle within ourselves, as the Full Moon will not only trine Chiron, the Cosmic Healer, as I call Him, but it will also sextile the Planet of Power, Pluto, at the same time that the Sun will also trine Pluto.

The Fixed sign of Scorpio is also ruled by two of the most powerful Planets, Mars and Pluto. Mars gives us the fiery and Warrior-like energy that we need to initiate the proper changes to shift in our lives, while Pluto - a Planet that is all about power, regeneration and rebirth - activates the necessary changes that need to occur for us to transform all that is not working any longer in our lives, helping us to dissolve our inner struggles, as sometimes all outer conflicts may just be a reflection of inner ones.

Both Forces invite us to be careful with our inner Fire, and just put our unique Life Force where is appreciated - maintaining conscious interactions - and reminding us that the true power of a Warrior, does not reside in fighting or convincing anyone, but about standing firm within his love/power, no matter how the outer may seem at the moment. We cannot control others, neither can we control the conditions, but we can always control and decide how we react with what is given to us.

The Full Moon in Scorpio will also align with the fixed  Star - Zubeneschamali, Beta Librae - a green star within the Libra Constellation. The frequency of this star is associated precisely with the karmic baggage we may still bring to the higher dimension in which we are so eager to dwell. This star reminds us of the importance that disengaging ourselves from the old has, in every aspect of ourselves, in our emotional, mental, spiritual bodies as well as within our physical bodies, where all the - old - karmic genetic patterns and many other negative implants still reside. Soul retrieval is one of the first tools we can also use for soul integration and liberation of past wounds and karmic soul contracts that we may still have from any past lifetime or present one and that impedes a major growth as well as the inner peace that forgiveness brings. 

Another important cosmic event, offering us the same healing message, will be the nodal axes moving, on May 9, from Virgo/Pisces into Leo/Aquarius polarity. This is where we come from. We emerge from a total clearing/deprogramming of what was impeding us to shine - as Sovereign Beings - within our own life experience. We were - and still are - at some point, clearing our karmic patterns, not just from within but from the remnants of all the old implants that still remain in our physical bodies. 

As the North node will be moving into Leo, we pass from feeling fear and dis-empowerment, to stand tall in our truth, for we have been navigating within the depths of our being, remembering who we truly are as well as the unique soul mission we brought here, and we are now ready to embrace our power - and open our hearts - to all that shall touch our lives. 

The liberation from our past and from everything that keeps us attached to it, comes with the South node moving into Aquarius, for this is where true karmic release occurs and we are able to embrace a Higher destiny, one that our soul prepared for us long ago before we projected ourselves into this physical reality. One that should be accepted and welcomed as a blessing, without all the scary scenarios that our human self tends to create.

It is a Moon to transform ourselves from fearful and unconscious beings to sovereign and empowered ones. For we are just beginning to realize our true potential, one that does not come from external power or narcissism, as is also habitual, even in the spiritual community, but a true power that emerges with knowing where we come from, being humble, in love with All, and making our own decisions from a conscious space of respect and unconditional love as well as taking responsibility for them.

This is also a very intense time for our relationships and Divine reunions, although all encounters are Divine in essence. The first ones may still show us karmic patterns to be resolved, the second ones, are the ones who begin to help us master the art of co-creating as equals - something that will benefit All. If you maintain a relationship with someone who even if he/she seems enlightened, is showing you or you are showing to your partner, certain old patterns that are not at all aligned with your true essence and soul path, judgment will only show you more of what you still have not healed, within your lower self. 

Have you ever caught yourself repeating old patterns within a relationship without even realizing it, without even feeling it? Do you still repeat compulsory behaviours - addictions to any substance, repetitive negative acts towards yourself or others etc - that destroy your body when in truth you do not wish to harm anyone? All this is not coming because the energies are too intense and we are dealing with the old. Everything that you repeat and that lacks a true feeling behind its action, is coming from your ancestral, past/present karmic patterns hidden deep within your DNA - unhealed and still active - which is why you keep repeating them as if you were a robot, being told what to do.

When we are shown - in our partners - certain negative traits that seem impossible coming from who we think they are, but that again are showing us separation, it is a wonderful opportunity, and as always, soul pre-planned/agreed, to show our egoic human where we still hold limited beliefs and a false mask, pretending to defend, the deceitful self we have created or simply, protecting the image we think we have. This is a gift, revealing you/us where we still focus on superficial and meaningless things, instead of focusing on the important.

It is a blessing for both souls - experiencing this relationship - as on their own these old human traits, would never have surfaced. This is also when we become aware and realize if we walk the talk or if we are still judging and thinking we are better, more spiritual than others, when we have not taken the time to even look within. 

Do we appreciate what these souls, that our lower self sees as negative, are showing us? Do we truly appreciate the effort that not just these souls but the entire Universe has made to put us together at this precise time, to help us master our lower self? Or do we still blame this other person for our pain and make judgments based on what our human being will always be unable to perceive from a lower physical reality? If so, only by being honest, observing ourselves with neutrality within unconditional love and compassion - will we be able to dissolve these old hidden fears.

Doing rituals, calling upon the Ascended masters, Angels, Archangels and many other beings who are already evolved, will not do your inner work of clearing your mental and emotional Plane as well as your DNA, from old attachments and negative implants, only you can do so from within. When you put your attention, trust and focus on other beings, on outer healers, who say they can do this for you and heal you, then you are giving away your Light - power - to heal, therefore losing your connection to your True Essence and allowing other forces/beings to take control of your physical body and mind.

When we say we are Sovereign Beings in charge of our own choices, but then, instead of sharing, reuniting with the souls who can help us confirm where we are, we try to find a saviour, we are again allowing our lower mind and its fear to control our human experience. At this phase of our ascension journey, neutral observation is pivotal, for us to truly discern if spiritual ego or other hidden forms of egoic defence mechanisms - and manipulations - have taken control over us. 

There is no better time to move inward, and burn the ashes of the old, than with this healing Scorpio Full Moon. Deprogramming ourselves is done from wihtin, it is done by literally erasing old programms from our mind, and replacying them with new ones that are now aligned with who we truly are. There are many roles to dissolve that are still part of who we used to be: the rolse of the victim, the many ones we play due to our negative ego and many defend mechanism we tend to use to defend the lower self. There is nothing more powerful than when we decide to take our power back and begin transforming our life from within, for it is there where everything we blame in the outer, truly comes from. 

This is a Moon to release yourself of all the illusory realities where your egoic self keeps you dwelling, in fear. This is a time for you to stop being afraid of who you are and instead of using your power to destroy yourself, for there is no one else doing anything to you, direct it towards the necessary healing that your entire being needs for it to ascend in the physical.

When you begin to experience the many challenges, physical sensations and other hidden painful emotions hidden deep within your heart, remember, beloveds, no one has ever done anything to you. You were the most absolute creator of your human life experience and you keep doing so at every single moment. 

As you find yourself with no person - or external circumstance - to blame, you will feel vulnerable and confused but it is precisely at this time, when the opportunity to feel unified again, occurs. The choice to open yourself to experience a higher way of existing, the higher power of living within Divine Love, is, as always, yours to make. 

In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba 

sábado, 29 de abril de 2017

Ascension Update on the Energies of May 2017 ~ Reconnecting with our original Adamic DNA

Beloved Ones,

It is during this loving but intense month of May, that Planet Earth is finally beginning to merge with its 5D body, which until recently was just another possibility, for it all depends on the course we, as a collective, take. It has not been easy, to summon our hearts as One in order to create a massive frequency alignment impact - powerful enough to diverge from the old 3D Earth and finally anchor our new frequency into a Higher Resonance Octave of Love. For every time we take a decision on our soul evolutionary journey, we create infinite new timelines, New Earths, new possibilities of where to dwell, and it takes constant devotion to our God Self and All, to hold - always - a higher frequency to help All, ascend into this new cosmic dimension.

At a cosmic level, during this transitional time, some are experiencing many challenges from both an inner perspective and a physical one. For even if many believe this transition to be an "easy" one - as some people tend to think they are already dwelling in 5D - the ones who hold clarity, know the process of clearing our ancestral/karmic/alien baggage, is not precisely an effortless one. As a stabilizer, I have been deeply impacted by these intense frequencies. It was not easy to remain balanced among all the collective chaos with many other challenges arising, as we evolve. 

As we keep bifurcating from the Old 3D Earth, we are not simply experiencing a quantum leap between different dimensions, but the conscious retrieval that some of us are intentionally making, of reconnecting with our original Adamic DNA codes, to manifest the true potential of our human race, before it was manipulated and distorted. 

This is a very profound topic, but I AM sure many of you are familiar  with our true origin. The many physical sensations that we are feeling, the deep cleansing and release of all the old implants and beliefs, is very challenging, but essential to cause this deep physical and inner transformation, required to regain our original crystalline stellar wisdom. To me, May goes beyond the manifestations of our soul visions in the physical. For this month holds the potential and the proper frequencies for us to begin awakening that which was shut down eons ago.

The Adamic race, has nothing to do with ethnicity or religion for it was mainstream religion who began to distort the concept of Adam and Eve - and the Adamic race. The Adamic Race is who we All are, the original cosmic seed (DNA) planted eons ago within the so called Homo Sapiens - first original men on Earth - to help them evolve mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It was our original natural state , one of total alignment with the Divine and Unity with All. 

The first Elohims, the Founders of our Milky Way Galaxy, began to spread themselves through the Universe, and they were the ones who worked on the project of adding chromosomes, to the so called Adamic race - creating a more evolved stellar race, not to create slaves but to create God-like perfection. For this is who we are in Essence - Divine Love-Light Beings in perfect resonance and love with All.

As you may already know, it was with the intervention of many star civilizations that the original Adamic race was distorted and sunk - in illusions - governed by highly evolved beings, beginning with an Era of control and enslavement, in which we lost our true potential as God-like beings. It is at this precious time within Creation, that some of us are beginning to awake/ascend, choosing from our free will to finally BEcome that which we already are and that which was covered through human history with false illusions and mind control.

April granted us with more soothing frequencies. However, even if nothing seems to happen for our human self, nothing ever remains the same in the Universe, and we were given a break for all that is coming. For me this is where we are finally evolving from our old existence and dimension, and to me, there is always going to be some more inner work to do, for the illusion of reaching a higher dimension and being free of all we were, is, in my humble opinion, delusional, for we are just beginning to ascend within this infinite spiral within Creation, in which, constant purification and release of old layers, is pivotal in order to keep ascending.

If you are experiencing, without medical reasons, sensations in your spine, osseous and nervous systems (anxiety, 3D programmed fears etc) it is because you are finally releasing by constant healing, all the fear that alien programmes implanted within you - to control and enslave you. This should be accepted instead of denied and embraced as if we were already experiencing a light dimension, for we are not there yet, and one should document himself/herself, for our history of human manipulation is very profound, and clearing all our human past lineage burdens, independently from where your soul may come, is not a one-day process.

At a planetary level, in this new month of May, we now allow the Yang - masculine essence - of us to act, bring forth and protect in the tangible that which the feminine first birthed and nurtured from within, in the previous months. This is a month to also work with our physical being, anchoring in Earth as well as aligning with the Higher Aspects of ourselves. It is essential that we connect and direct the healing power of Mother Earth to release our primary fears and let this earthly force remind us of our authentic connection to the Planet and how, unlike some people, it protects and infinitely nurtures us.

To confirm the need that we, and our bodies, have for stabilization and harmony, the frequency of this month is number 15 - 6 reduced. Number 15, represented in tarot by the card of the devil, confirms this clearing phase, for we have been integrating our shadows, seeing beyond human illusions, and beginning to move from a deep sense of polarization to a unified one of love and integrity. It is now that we pass from the number 5 frequency, which indicated change, in April, to stabilize those changes within and in our physical plane. For changes shall be harmonized once we anchor them, otherwise, chaos will be the only constant.

On the other hand, number 6, the frequency from this month of May, also reminds us of the love that we all are - in Essence - and that we came here to embody within our Human vehicle. Number 6 is represented by the tarot card of the Lovers, which to me, is not just about physical relationships but about the inner reunion, between opposites, that has to occur first - from within - before it happens. For it is by acquiring perfect equilibrium and inner unity, that we can truly merge with another with integrity and equality. 

We still continue to experience the silence required  to manifest our soul visions and enable us to move on from all the noise - that prevents us seeing what is important - to regain a state of balance and inner peace. We begin this month with no major cosmic alignments, so to say, but with many opportunities to expand on our soul gifts and share them in the physical, for we have on May 3 Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, quintile Saturn, the Planet of Time and Responsibility. These two cosmic forces will urge us to free ourselves from where our lower self creates limitation, beginning to embrace our true self and embrace higher aspects of our soul mission, to assist All. 

As an indication of our cosmic expansion, not just the one we are experiencing but as a whole, the one that our Planet is also having, on May 3 - Mercury - the Planet of communication, will be freed of our human illusion or retrograde motion. Even, if Mercury was never in slow motion to begin with, as I always say, it will help us to expand and establish a better communication with ourselves and with the Higher Realms, for this limited belief is embedded in the collective memory and when the whole creates a certain pattern/belief, it is immediately re-created in our physical plane. So for those who truly believe their reality was in slow motion for a while, they, themselves will end it as well. Not because of Mercury retrograde but because they decide where to put their intention and power. 

Mercury entering, on May 15, in Taurus. the Winged Messenger, will show us where we need to create more harmony and equilibrium in our tangible lives. Mercury in Taurus is a wonderful time to observe from a higher perspective of unity with our soul, and its wise view, the aspects of our lives, in which, we should set strong foundations and create more abundance - which is always another form of love - and higher awareness of our true Essence.

When we become sovereigns and responsible beings of our own life experience, we know that we are the only ones who can control our lives and that no outer event can cause any harm in our unique path but our own selves through the illusion we choose to create. As ascending Souls, we have already chosen to release old patterns of thoughts and fears by stepping into the powerful creators and Divine Beings that we all are instead of fearing outer forces or cosmic events. 

On May 10, we have a potent Full Moon at 20 degrees of Scorpio. reminding us, again, that the only way we can truly find the light and all the guidance we are so eager to see, is always by navigating within our inner realms. This is where we start opening portals to higher dimensions that allow us to envision different possibilities and realities. The cosmos knows we are impulsive beings following our primordial human fears and as such, we often tend to act without evaluating the whole perspective from a place of Higher Wisdom and Divine Love, and while we need to fear and be patient, our human self just wants to create and act when it is not the right moment.

Scorpio's Full Moon opens an inner doorway to all these hidden feelings, that we may not be conscious of, as it is a Water sign, and hence a very intuitive one that guides us towards the deepest corners of our soul, that we have not sojourned yet, and that we need to bring into the surface so we can accept whatever we find within as being a part of our precious being, instead of just mere shadows that our human self does not want to look at and therefore denies to embrace and integrate.

On May 17, we have another inconjunct between Jupiter and Neptune, as Jupiter quincunx Neptune.  We are being invited to dwell into the aspect of us who is One with All. To put into practice our devotion and care toward not just our loved ones but All, remembering that our true essence is one of selfless assistance. Some people are very concerned about their soul mission, instead of simply expanding into their loving and compassionate nature, which is all we need to assist. Labels such as guides, healers and so on, are not important, only the intention is. 

Jupiter inconjunct Neptune remind us, to expand into our Christed nature - one of endless love, lack of judgement and service to All. For we do not need a specific task to act with kindness but to simply be, what we truly are, at all times. As in truth, this is the only mission we brought here, to remember how to act with love, with everything and everyone within this dualistic Universe - overcoming our sense of separation, to realize that we are all the same light split into infinite physical bodies. 

At a season, where our creative force is eager to manifest itself clearly in the physical, this quincunx between Jupiter and Neptune, will help us all to release our infinite influx of creativity, giving our soul the opportunity to express itself in the vastness or our tangible realm, for us, for all and for the joy itself of mastering the art of descending into the physical, that which is first created in the invisible. For all the human can imagine, the soul can make real. We just have to trust in the power of what our physical eyes cannot see but which is as real as the human role we have decided to play.

These two forces together, will also reveal the old patterns we still keep repeating unconsciously. As humans, we tend to repeat the same thoughts, acts and patterns at every single moment. For we have been programmed. This is why it is so important to become the Eternal Presence - that dwells within ourselves - and begin to observe the many implants and thought patterns that we still use and that control the natural flow of consciousness, which is our main aim to ascend, to descend it within our human body.

On May 19, we have another important transition, as Saturn will trine Uranus. Is there something you would like to shift from your current reality? Is there something that needs to be dissolved for new things to emerge? If so, this is the perfect time to do it, for both Planets bring the frequency of transition but also the opportunity to bring rebirth into our new life experiences and being. This is a time for calmness and trust in the Universe, especially with the joyful New Moon in Gemini, on May 25.

You can always begin again. There is nothing that impedes you to move forward except your human need to live from the past, when there is nothing happening there for you anymore. It is in this Now moment when you can decide to dream again, to anchor those visions into the physical and to allow yourself to be who you have always been and yet never expressed, because of your fears. 

Express yourself, be a voice in the midst of chaos, there are souls out there who think they are lost and are waiting to hear your voice, what you have to share, who you came here to be. For every single moment that you detach yourself from your lower being, and allow yourself to be who you truly are, you are being a gift for All. 

Finally, we end the month with the sun entering into Gemini and a New Moon in this same sign on May 25. We pass now from mastering our earthly realm within Taurus to move into the element of Air. It is now time, with the Sun and the New Moon in the Twins, to focus our attention into our regained higher wisdom, to deepen into our relationships - and enjoy the love and the rewards of all we have cultivated - for not only do we live of work and challenges. Our truly natural state is always one of bliss and that should be remembered, in the midst of all the intensity, we are experiencing. 

It is also a good time to study and expand our knowledge into new directions that could benefit our inner growth and give us new ideas for the next steps of our journey. Gemini will also assist us to express our hearts and feelings, by communicating with freedom, and discernment. It will help us realize if we tend to focus more in one polarity, than another, so we can find union between different poles. 

May is a month to blossom, to prosper and to begin creating a new path by holding more clarity about what we truly desire to bring into fruition. A time to embrace more of what is coming into our lives with an open heart, without fearing anything. It is at this time that we shall rejoice and honor the delight of being here, as humans,  at this unique moment within Creation, where we are regaining our True Adamic Essence. 

What makes us Earthly Masters, is not just experiencing the purity and guidance of the Higher Realms, but remembering that our main aim here is to cross the veils of human illusion, and descend all of our higher visions into our physical realm - enjoying the infinite resources and endless possibilities that this tangible world also offers us.

Before you exists a New World made of all the joy, soul companions and miracles - that you could have never imagined. To be able to dwell within this New Dimension, of purity and a higher way of living, one just has to dismiss the old, lower worlds, once created from a place of fear and lack of consciousness. To be able to step into this New Octave, only one thing will be asked of you - to remain at all times in the luminescent presence of your soul and stop dwelling in fear and unlove. 

The question is: Are you ready to embrace who you truly are? Are you ready to leave behind all you once believed was real? If you are, you will discover that you were full of human expectations of what this New World would bring to you, as it will not save you, it will only show you of what you are made, for this world is made of you, of me of All, of everything that exists and that has ever existed, and that again, is only LOVE. 

I wish you All a loving and miraculous May, Beloved Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

The Energies of April 2017 ~ Transfiguration & Cosmic Initiation

Beloved Ones, 

Dwelling in the illuminated ethereal realms of Pisces during March, has been magical and revealing, but it was also intense, for we are still feeling the energies from the Eclipses and the deep inner/physical cleansing that we continue to experience. This new month of April, especially reigned by its "retrograde" energies, is an invitation to move inward before fully anchoring our soul desires - and creations - in the physical - rejuvenating ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally. For we are not going to create anything authentic unless we are pure, ourselves.  

We are now under the reign of the Fire element, and as our Sun is also very active, both Forces are helping us to burn all the old and rebirth into the light that we always have been and that was dimmed by the many illusions of our lower self. As some of us are deeply immersed into the process of dissolving the 3D membranes of our lower chakras, these fire frequency will also help us to do so and purify ourselves so we can be able to continue with our higher chakras/soul integration process.

At a planetary level, there are many changes, as you may already be feeling, affecting us at this time as well as the collective, as the Earth's magnetic field is experiencing many changes and this together with the Moon's rays (especially during the Full Moon in Libra on April 11) will bring all the unconscious limited beliefs - and implants - to the surface. 

At the moment, many of us are under the process of transfiguration - inner and physical metamorphosis of our 3D personality or lower self - and we can feel deep physical sensations such as pain in our bones and spine, headaches, anxiety, loss of hair, between many other things, that releasing old imprints and beliefs have. This will be also accompanied by profound mood swings. This is the light coming from all these forces and cosmic alignments helping us shift and dissolve what is no longer aligned with our God Self Will and soul role. This Light may bring challenges but deep revelations for our soul evolutionary journey as well. 

If you are a stabilizer, as it is my personal soul role, you may want to "seclude" yourself and be at peace, while this phase lasts, for we know how hard it is to keep our own balance, nothing to say at these intense phases, when we assist to bring balance to All. This is why this month reminds us all to be fully grounded to Earth as well as we are also connected to the Higher realms, so we can keep our inner balance while we are affected by Earth's bifurcation intense energies and its many changes within this process. 

We could feel more emotional, during this month, and even depressed, especially the ones who are beginning to awake, for they shall begin the challenging inner work of releasing all this karmic baggage but this is all occurring to give us an opportunity to recognize where fear still keeps playing a major role. Fear can be disguised in many forms, it can appear in our lives in form of lack, in the form of attachment or in form of self-sabotaging. However, we always have the choice, as sovereigns beings, to choose which one to serve, if fear, or if the love, that after all, we all are. 

We have an opportunity, especially during Easter, to clear old beliefs about what truly ascension is, and old imprints that are impeding us to embody a higher level of consciousness. It is only after we transform ourselves and begin to embrace our True Essence and descend it into our tangible plane, that we will pass from planetary ascension to initiate ourselves at a cosmic level, which comes after our main seven initiations and complete mastery of our lower human self. 

April, is a month that acts as an inter-dimensional liaison - creating the space for us to plant the seeds that in May will finally bloom, bringing harmony and unity between our Yin and Yang polarities and regeneration, while we step out of our inner realms and direct all of our inner  fire - and visions - into our tangible plane. If during March, we focused on manifesting - first - from an inner place of higher clarity and wisdom, during April, gradually, we are going to surface again, descending all these inner worlds, for when May comes, be ready to finally manifest them in the physical. 

We ended March with the Sun already in the sign of Aries. We pass now from Piscean Waters to Fire and later to feel again the power of Earth with Taurus at the end of the month. The wheel of life has rotated again and we moved from mastering and integrating all the wisdom received from our past challenges, with the last sign of the zodiac, to initiate ourselves again in this endless evolutionary soul journey, with the first sign of the zodiac, who leads us into a new cycle with the strength and wisdom regained in the depths of our being.

As the Universe always confirms and shows us in our heavens when we are feeling and giving birth in our micro one, this month holds a 14 - 5 reduced - frequency. If the number five holds the essence of fire, which indicates creativity and action - in our tangible plane as well as in March - number 4 frequency reminds us that April - with its dominant masculine essence - moves us from the ethereal to pay attention to where we truly reside, as humans. 

But as we are impulsive by nature, sometimes manifesting  without the proper discernment, the essence of number 14, which also governs this month and which corresponds to the tarot card of Temperance, invites us to balance ourselves before stepping into the unknown, for, as the winged women on the temperance card, we are still between with a foot in the ethereal and another one in the mundane. As Mercury will also remind us by the human illusion of being retrograde, while we walk in between worlds, the only true direction comes from our inner compass. For this is the only way we have to know where we are going and what we are bringing into fruition. 

We begin this month of April by having Venus, the Planet of Abundance and Beauty, retrograde entering into Pisces. Venus in Pisces and even more together with the powerful energy of Neptune in the same sign, connects us with our inner creator, it helps us to give birth to our visions and expand ourselves into our heart desires - and spirituality - as this is a time for us to immerse ourselves within our inner senses, connecting to our souls, and listening to our own guidance - and Divine inspirations - more than focusing on the outer. 

Venus in "slow motion" is going to give us a perfect healing energy for our relationships as well, it is going to be a healing energy - dissolving everything that is impure and inauthentic in our sacred reunions, leading us to an inner synthesis, establishing a deeper connection with all the aspects of who we are and loving each one of them as unique and equal without any judgement before we can love them too in another being. 

As we also have the Wounded Healer Chiron, also in Pisces, it will be a great time to use forgiveness - especially with the Full Moon in Libra on April 11 - as our main tool for healing and soul integration, which is essential before fully embracing a new partnership. As the Goddess of Love revises her journey, so do we, and it may bring from our past old lovers and situations that we thought were finished. When this occurs, it is a gift, for we are being told that there are certain aspects within ourselves still active within that keep attracting what shall remain in the past. 

On April 6,  we also have another Planet reminding us of the important to just be before we step a further step into the physical. Saturn, the Planet of structure and responsibility - as another form of consciousness within Creation - teaches us how to be responsible for our own actions/creations. In contrary with what some may think, Saturn does not punish us for our lack of awareness in our past actions, but to make us more conscious of what should be shifted and transmuted so we no longer repeat the same old patterns that are not aligned with who we truly are and soul desires. By having Saturn, Venus and Mercury as well as Pluto, later on, retrograde, we are  given the gift of becoming the witness of our whole life experience - past and present - and taking full responsibility of what we have manifested, until this moment.

Saturn also invites to examine ourselves before going deeper into this new stage of our lives. Have we learnt and integrated the wisdom from our past challenges? Have we healed what seemed broken to our human being and restored it again by recognising that we are always whole beings? Have we seen beyond our human illusion what truly Is and accepted it? Have we stepped out of the "karmic" wheel to finally embrace our inner creator and start manifesting outcomes aligned with our soul? 

This is a time to see everything from a wider perspective, not from a  linear one, as it is only when we move beyond what seems real for us as humans that we can realize if what we manifested was of assistance to All, or if we still have to break free from old chains and start seeing all the limitations that we impose to ourselves with the excuse that they are necessary structures for us to live in this world.

Mercury, The Winged Messenger, will turn retrograde on April 9. As I always say, the human programmed fear about a Planet being retrograde is still present in a lot of people. When we embody a higher level of consciousness, when we inform ourselves properly - as out there exists a lot of false propaganda - we understand that within this wise and loving Universe, there is nothing ever retrograde, this is just an illusion from Earth, there is nothing ever in slow motion within this light Universe, there are just moments to be lived from within and moments to emerge again in a new form, with a new direction to follow. 

When we see the Winged Messenger retrograde from our human perspective, we are simply invited to move within and obtain more clarity so we can be fully aware of what we are giving form to from the inside. We communed with the Higher aspect of ourselves, realising were we contracted instead of allowing expansion before we are ready to rise again - renewed - holding a wider perspective of our life experience.

Venus and Mercury retrograde, which is also ruled by Venus, will remind us of self-love and observe how we communicate with ourselves. It is not about what others think or say about us. Neither it is about how we communicate with others or what they understand, but about our internal dialogue toward ourselves that brings us down the most and make us think we are inferior or superior. This Venusian and Mercury retrograde period, to me is all about observing how we behave with ourselves, for this will make all the difference in how others treat us and how we also behave with them. 

Do you keep telling others how much you love and appreciate them while you still see yourself unworthy of love and abundance? Do you still pretend loving yourself while you cover this with superficial things that make you feel someone you are not? Do you honor the individualized aspect that Source chose to experience through you? Do you nurture your physical body as something sacred, created with Divine perfection to serve you well in your human journey? 

On April 11, we have a loving and balancing Full Moon at 21 degrees of Libra. This Moon comes to set the proper balance we need in both our physical and non physical reality, after all the eclipses' turmoil as well as the intense purification phase in which we are immersed. Venus retrograde in Pisces will also be reigning this Moon, and as we also have the Wounded Healer, as I call him, Chiron in Pisces, it is a wonderful time to reconnect with our Divinity, feeling its loving and infinite embrace, while we keep healing the past wounds that we are still re-creating or giving power to, and that needs to be accepted and integrated instead of denied. 

On April 19, with Venus already direct again, the Sun will enter into the earthly sign of Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac, ruled by Venus, offers us the gift to create our Heaven on Earth, connecting with nature, honoring our physical realm  and enjoying who we are and our creations. Taurus will start opening the energetic gates for us to begin grounding ourselves as well as our desires in the physical. With Taurus comes our second initiation after Aries, into a deeper knowledge of how to manifest our desires from an energetic Plane into our dense world, teaching us our next lesson within the wheel of life, which is to master ourselves in the endless art of bringing things from our inner world into our human one.

Taurus, a sign that likes to see the rewards of all His efforts, invites us  now to pay more attention to earthly matters, as they are the materialization of that which is within and that which sustains us in our lives, remembering that material things are also a part of our lives, we do not separate anymore, as instead, we choose to unify All as being equal within Creation and human life experience. 

It is a time to create, to bring forth new desires now that we are about to enter into May. A time to be reborn just as nature does, as everything is giving birth to a new way of existing and so are we. We should stay open to receive all that we have been creating from within during all these months, and be patient, as everything has been already perfectly orchestrated for us to just have faith and trust that at Divine Timing, all that is meant to come into our lives, will come.

On April 20, Pluto the Planet of Regeneration and Power, will also turn retrograde. This is something that will assist us to put our attention into where we put our personal power, purpose and healing process too,  as Pluto brings into the light our inner shadows and the aspects of the Self that need to be healed by inner transformation. Do you use your inner power to nurture yourself and others and be of assistance in all you can? Or do you give your power away, allowing others to control, manipulate and/or  enslave you? 

Do you give your power to your fears? Or do you control them, and choose Divine trust and faith above any other form of human illusions? Your power resides in the Now, in the capacity of BEing fully present in this moment. Your power goes where you put your love and precious intention to. Therefore, choose wisely whether you waste your Divine inner Force on meaningless things, or whether you use it to construct and create new outcomes that will assist All.

This earthly frequency will culimnate on April 26, with a New Moon at 6 degrees Taurus, will act as a gateway - functioning as a bridge for us to ensure our new beginnings and goals into our physical lives. This Moon sets the proper energies for us to keep expanding and materializing all of our earthly needs and it invites us to ask ourselves if we are satisfied with the results of our inner creations, as well as allowing infinite abundance and new possibilities into our life experience, or on the contrary, if we still need to keep mastering ourselves to obtain the outcomes that are aligned with our highest Will. As always, the universe provides us with endless signs for us to realize where we are in our journey and the awareness to perceive, if we are allowing this infinite flow of abundance - and love - into our lives or if we are still restricting ourselves from it.

Venus will also move, as Mercury did on April 20, into the fiery sign of Aries, on April 28. Venus, who was in Intuitive Pisces, will find now in Fire, the courage to step out of its dreamy state while it resided in Pisces, to finally discern about the relationships that we have decided to maintain and keep co-creating with in our lives.  As when Venus was in ethereal Pisces, it dreamt about the new relationships it truly desired to manifest in this new phase but also, and even more together with Neptune, it could fall into old illusions and false idealizations. Now that Venus and Mercury are in the initiator, Aries, we are invited to ignite this inner spark of our true soul desires and set strong pillars that will support our relationships in the physical. 

Finally, we end the month by having the second square between Saturn and Chiron on April 30. The first one of these squares took place on December 28, 2016. The third one will occur on November 2, 2017. When we have reached this phase of our ascension path, being honest is essential to keep dissolving everything that is still concealing the Truth. In a month with so many retrograde planets, and even more with Venus, having Saturn squaring Chiron, it is another cosmic reminder of loving and respecting ourselves as well as our truth.

If you are wishful to step into a New Cycle of conscious co-creation and a higher way of living, first you have to face and recognize your shadow self, accepting and embracing it as an equal part of who you are. You will only walk in integrity, in love and in service to All, when you first heal all the wounds that are yet whispering, inside yourself, to be brought into the surface, screaming in the corners of your heart, to be loved and begin to love yourself as much as you claim to love others. 

When we walk the talk, we take the time to look within, becoming the observers of our own shadows, and instead of blaming everything and everyone of what is causing us suffering, accept what is found within, with responsibility, for we know that all arises from the depths of our being, and transforms all that is no longer aligned, through Divine love and compassion. 

I wish you a grounded and blessed April, beloved companions.

In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba