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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Self-Awareness. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

Galactic Activations: Transfiguration of the Lower Self & The Solstice Gateway

Beloved Starseed Souls, 

As we approach the end of this loving month and Cycle, the frequencies that we are consciously integrating are going to be more intense until the end of December, when we will finally have a soothing time until January to fully restore our physical bodies, after this last galactic wave. Even before the 12/12 Gateway and the Super Moon in Gemini, as its energies were deeply felt in the previous days of these cosmic events, a lot of us have been constantly redirected within our soul path to new ways of living and doing things, as well as experiencing a complete re-patterning/re-calibration of our bodies in both our awakened state and in the astral one.

As ascending souls, our main aim in assisting All, is to keep embodying more of the light that our I AM Presence descends to our human being, if we are internally and physically prepared to integrate its wisdom, since we can never descend the totality of our soul, as our physical body would simply dissolve. So we do this in small doses when we are ready to embody a higher vibrational state of being. When our bodies need to be assisted in a non-physical plane to adjust themselves to these new light codes, we are helped by our Guides and Higher Self to go to the astral/etheric sites on Earth who are aligned with these star/cosmic codes that will help us purify ourselves from more of the old and embrace higher frequencies and hence, levels of Truth.

These intense activations will continue for the ones whose soul contracts include these experiences and/or for the ones that are ready and have consciously chosen to be in this path - synchronizing with the cosmic frequencies transmitted by the alignment between Earth, Sirius, Alcyone and our Galactic Center's black hole that we will face, as every year around the Solstice. These updates tend to occur at nights (although they can also happen during the day) because our human self cannot interfere with what it is receiving, as it is "asleep" and does not judge the process or what it cannot understand. Other times,  to protect ourselves, as it will interfere with our soul path at this time and it is best for us not to remember. It is all according to what will help us most in our human journey. 

As you know, Sirius, is assisting us into our ascension process to integrate and balance our sense of polarity. Sirius holds a Yang (masculine) essence. While Alcyone, named after the mythological Greek Goddess Alcyone, and the main and largest star within the Pleiades constellation, holds a Yin (feminine) essence, which together with this past Moon, in Gemini. helps us to synthesize both from within - so we can manifest this same inner harmonisation into our physical lives.

Finally, the radiation emitted by the Galactic Center's black hole assists us - especially in the collective - to experience a deep consciousness cleansing process to release old beliefs/programs and repetitive behaviours that they/we still hold within our core and that are impeding us in unlocking our true potential, as Divine free beings. It is vital at this time to hold a conscious intention to balance our feminine and masculine essences instead of polarizing - manifesting the distorted feminine or masculine behaviours - if we wish to act from a unified state of being instead of from an egoic one. 

Many of us are experiencing these activations at this transitional time in different etheric sites - key places on Earth aligned with other Star civilizations - whose stellar codes will help us in the inner/physical shift we are facing in our ascension journey to retrieve ancient wisdom as well as to upgrade our physical vehicles, for we are all in truth a galactic portal connect to All within Creation. A few nights ago, I had another activation in a place I did not recognize at all until I woke up and asked my Guides - Mount Hermon (located on the parallel 33 north), where I had a complete re-patterning of my body that left me exhausted during the day. Mount Hermon, was where our beloved Ascended Master Jesus had his own transfiguration - one that our lower self is experiencing at this time to merge with our Higher one and become reborn as the sovereign and radiant beings that we truly are in Essence, in the physical.  

I also experienced another galactic activation at another place that I recognised immediately (very near the 33 parallel too) as the Giza Pyramids, to be exact the Khafre Pyramid, where I remained having a huge download that shook my spine and that due to the intensity of its symptoms, which I felt as electric shocks, I could not have resisted in an awakened state. As you know our spine is very important in our ascension path as this is one of the main parts of our bodies where we begin to notice that we are shifting and hence, are being updated again.

Taking care of our bodies while these activations continue, drinking lots of water and eating as lightly as possible, is essential for us to clean the conduits for the new guidance to flow and to let our bodies release all the stagnant energy that blocks us from being in our natural state of bliss - becoming receptive to all the wisdom that is constantly being poured into us throughout the seventh chakra downwards. Remember Beloveds, being grounded is also as important as working with our upper chakras, as they all work as One and our main aim is not just to remain in the ethereal but to descend and ground all this cosmic knowledge into our tangible realm. 

After we fully recover and nurture ourselves from these deep activations, we will no longer recognize who we have been even just a moment ago anymore as we will immediately notice how we no longer see ourselves and our reality in the same way. We become now the observers instead of the judges, we intentionally create our reality instead of simply participating with others or allowing external conditions and people to dictate our own sacred space and how it is supposed to be. 

We feel the density of this dimension like never before, the repeptitive behaviours in others due to their old programs still active, the slowness...but above all, we are full of humility, for we are no more special than anyone else within Creation just beings experiencing a different path of conscious co-creation, and gratitude for all that this old reality has shown to us, for we alone can never evolve on this journey.

Every time we consciously remember and decide to integrate higher levels of consciousness it can be a solitary path for the ascending souls, it can also be challenging for we are no longer understood by our family or friends, but it is also an inner shift/process that allows us to embrace the new aspects of the Truth as well as seeing the reality as it truly IS instead of the one our limited lower self recreates.

As the Universe always works in a mysterious but in a perfect way for All, the next day, on December 19, Mercury, The Winged Messenger, will turn retrograde - allowing us to restore ourselves from these new updates. Mercury retrograde offers us soothing energies within this turmoil at this loving month before we enter into a whole new cycle. When we have the Winged Messenger retrograde, we are simply invited to commune with the Higher aspect of ourselves, realising were we contracted instead of allowing expansion before we are ready to rise again - renewed - holding a wider perspective of our life experience.

As I always say, the human programmed fear about a Planet being retrograde is still present in a lot of people. When we embody a higher level of consciousness, when we inform ourselves properly - as out there exists a lot of false propaganda - we understand that within this wise and loving Universe, there is nothing ever retrograde, this is just an illusion from Earth, there is nothing ever in slow motion within this light Universe, there are just moments to be lived from within and moments to emerge again in a new form, with a new direction to follow. 

In this same day, we also have the Warrior, Mars, which will enter into Pisces. Mars represents our inner strength, power and energy. When this mighty Force meets with the loving Essence of Pisces, we are invited to be creative and direct our sensitivity and soul gifts to do what motivates us, to bring our visions into the tangible and honour the inner creator that we all have within. When we direct our precious energy into the creation of something that will be of assistance to All, the entire Universe celebrates for we are never isolated and what we create - for us - we do for All. 

A few days later, on December 21, the Sun will enter in the sign of Capricorn. The Sun represents our Higher Self, our Essence, so when the Sun shines its light into a sign of the zodiac and hence into a specific aspect of ourselves, it means we are invited to develop and work on this concrete side of ourselves. If we were invited with the Sun in Sagittarius to celebrate where we are and savour every moment in pure bliss, as we also kept navigating throughout inner worlds to find the Truth, now with the Sun in Capricorn, we are called to nourish the aspect of us who brings things into fruition, making them tangible, and paying attention not only to the part of us which is One with All That Is, but also into the aspect of us that needs to be nurtured in the material since they sustain our physical vehicles and lives. 

In this same day, we also celebrate the Winter/Summer Solstice, depending upon where you live. The Solstice, an influx of harmony for all of us at this season, is just a natural cycle within Creation in which we are reminded of the different polarities that also lie within as well as the balance we should create in both to act as unified beings instead of fomenting the separation that our ego self creates. In the Southern hemisphere, they celebrate the light and joy that summer brings. In the opposite, in the Northern hemisphere, we celebrate the move inward as it is winter and we tend to associate it with a calmer state of being. 

Human cycles are essential for us to understand the nature of our Essence and All things within Creation, but there cannot be a perfect equilibrium if we only focused on one pole, and it is precisely for this reason that no matter where we live in the world or how the external conditions seem to be, we should always celebrate the light within. For the Universe is not interested in seasons or what is constantly changing, but in reminding us that beyond the physical changes in which we limit ourselves, our true state of being is an abiding united consciousness. 

December is a gift for us to move beyond old 3D limited beliefs and programs that impede us to fully see what our Christ Essence truly means, and embrace the new activations that we are receiving and that help us to fully anchor the 5D template and New Earth Timelessness that we are consciously building by holding a higher frequency and by acting as the compassionate and loving beings that we always are with All. As always, we are not just presented with these cosmic blessings at one single month or day but at every single moment of our human existence. 

The choice is ours to finally disengage ourselves from the illusions that long ago our human self created and step into this New Cycle with an open heart, or keep playing old scenarios that are already learnt just because we are afraid of the unknown blessings that this benevolent Universe always has for us.

In love and light always,
Natalia Alba 

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

Full Moon in Virgo ~ Only through purity and love shall we be reborn

Beloved Ones,

We have a purifying and magical Full Moon at 3° 34' Virgo that opposes the Sun in Pisces on February 22nd. The Full Moon in Virgo acts as a liaison between the New Moon in Aquarius that we just had, which encouraged us to let it all go and free ourselves from the old, and the first Eclipse on March 8th in the sign of Pisces, that will help us to set the strong foundations required for us to anchor our new visions in the physical. This is why is so important that at the moment we continue to let go of the past and empty ourselves in order to welcome whatever it is that is meant to touch our lives in this New Cycle, embracing the unknown and remembering that it is not just about satisfying our unique soul desires but about accepting the Highest Will for All.

It is also vital that we take the time to purify ourselves from both, a mental and emotional plane, of all the old and practice the art of consciously allowing - Yin - in our being and lives instead of forcing situations, new encounters or simply physical manifestations that are not meant to occur at the moment, as now it is more a time to allow and become the shaper than acting impulsively. This Full Moon in Virgo brings us the gift to realize if we are in our natural state of receptivity or if we are yet trying to manipulate and control - excess of Yang - the outcomes that only the Universe in its infinite intelligence can orchestrate in a perfect way for All.

At the moment, we might feel as if were living in a constant dance between embracing and letting go, rushing into the unknown without having a clear vision of where we are going, but this is happening because as the Sun is in Pisces opposing the Moon in Earthly Virgo, we may sense as if different Forces within ourselves are creating chaos, the truth is that they are just dismissing what no longer serves us,  and unifying themselves to birth the new, which is what really causes the illusory perception of chaos, however, behind the scenes, these Forces are just reordering everything from the inside out. The essence of Pisces invites us to see beyond our human reality and step into the vast ocean of our inner worlds, becoming One with the aspect of us who is able to transcend the mundane and discover new realities that even if unseen to our human eyes, are as real as the dense world that we are physically experiencing. This is a wonderful inner journey as long as we do not forget the earthly aspect of us that also needs of our attention and care.

This is precisely why with these intense Piscean energies, Virgo, on the other hand, invites us to ground ourselves as well as our soul purpose on our tangible reality. Virgo reminds us that we are here to shine the spark that we are into the physical, it is not just about building in the ethereal without giving it form, remember that our task is to descend all the inner worlds we give birth from within into our lives and not just remaining in the air, living of mere illusions and dreams. This is our challenge at the moment, to cultivate the art of letting go at the same time that we purify ourselves from the remains of the old and let the new come into our life experience.

The earthly sign of Virgo ruled by Mercury is associated with the Virgin archetype, which is by no means related with celibate, on the contrary, it has to do with the Divine feminine archetype of wisdom, purity and wholeness who nurtures and loves everything it touches. Virgo likes to serve humanity which is what gives them joy and purpose, the pure and loving sense of taking care of others that Virgo already possesses without forgetting the self and the practical aspect of life, will be emphasized during this Full Moon, giving us an equilibrium while we have all these Planets in Dreamy Pisces that could make us fall into the trap of just contemplating what we wish but not fully anchoring it in the physical.

Virgos like to preserve their practical and rational sense of life, what gives them the necessary steadiness to confront life as it is. The Full Moon in Virgo offers us, a sense of duty, a reminder of our unique mission on earth, and while Pisces invites us to look within and know that we all belong to the same Source of Divine Love, Virgo, instead, wants us to remember that even if we all are One within Creation, we came here with an individual and unique mission to develop, and that it is our responsibility to accomplish and that also needs of our conscious intention. Virgo is the one who reminds us that we are here to descend and embody the Essence of who we truly are in nature and anchor our soul desires into our dense realm, as always, balance between opposite Forces is pivotal to live a grounded and at the same time magic and visionary life.

At the Full Moon time we will have this dance between opposites also reflected in other Planets, as we have Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, also in the sign of Virgo and in conjunction with the north node. Jupiter in Virgo is a wonderful time for us to cleanse our being of what is no longer aligned with our current path, it is all about purifying more old layers of ourselves and lives so we can create the space needed to new things and soul companions. As Jupiter also conjunct the north node, we will feel also a strong message of expanding ourselves in our sense of selfless service towards others. The north node represents the aspects of us that our souls planned to develop in this lifetime, it invites us to move within and ask ourselves in what can we be of service as it is what our soul truly desires to fulfill in the end during our earthly journey.

It is a perfect moment with Pisces and Virgo energies to unify our spiritual and earthly sides, as sometimes we tend to focus more on one pole, fomenting separation and hence the illusion of one being better than the other as it is only through merging both that we can reach a perfect state of being. On one hand, we have Virgo, who helps us to ground ourselves aside from our dreams into our physical Plane, while the Sun, together with Neptune and Chiron in Dreamy Pisces, give us the opportunity to make an inner journey, without losing ourselves into the depths of our subconscious, just to bring into the surface what should be released, putting and end to all the situations that are not serving our highest purpose and burn the bridges that led us to the past, so we can no longer come back to a place that does not exist anymore and that enslave us.

The key is to find harmony from within to without; Pisces tends to live only about His dreams, envisioning desires not manifested yet, but Virgo who likes to fulfill His duties with efficiency and selfless service, will give us the balance, strength and stability that we also need to bring those dreams into fruition. This together with the fact that Neptune is also in Pisces opposing the Moon in Virgo, can make us fall into old delusional behaviours while we navigate between different realities until reaching the shore. This can be challenging, especially in our relationships, as we could tend to idealize what it is only true in our dreams and not in our real world, but it is also an oportunity to create synthesis between opposites and obtain more clarity about our authentic feelings and soul desires.

Neptune brings us closer to our true nature and helps us dive deep into our inner visions and desires, but we can also fall into the illusory trap of believing that the ethereal world is all that exists, when there is more beyond the invisible world that we also came here to discover, and this is where Virgo sheds its light, helping us to realize that all these dreams and inner creations are nothing if we do not make them tangible. The same can happen in our Divine reunions, we may feel attached to old companions as we let them go, but this is just our human need to remain attached to someone in order to feel safe, fomenting the old sense of not being whole. When we trust in the Divine, which is always guiding us towards our true destination and the souls that are meant to be with us in our current path, we do not fear the unknown neither what we are leaving behind, because we know that where we are going will be always a place where we could be in a our natural state of bliss.

Occasionally, it is not even about leaving behind others companions, as true partners never leave our soul path, but about continuing with our own process of purification to reach the proper frequency that will unite us again in a soul level, as most of the times, what causes physical separation is nothing more than the difference in frequency, and as soon as we re-pattern our vibration and align ourselves with our true path and Essence, we will reunite again with our authentic soul companions.

Another important cosmic event is Jupiter again opposing the Wounded Healer Chiron on February 23. As we have Jupiter until May retrograde, this will be another gift for us to expand ourselves into our self-healing process of dissolving more old layers of our human ego and above all, for us to embody more aspects of our soul and continue to discover new aspects of our soul mission. For the ones who are starting to open themselves to a new way of living and that are little by little stepping into this ascension path of conscious co-creation, they will also find a unique time to expand themselves on their unique soul quest and will receive more insights about their true soul path and desires. Jupiter retrograde will teach us that before giving a step into the physical and bringing things into form, it is essential that we do so from within first, as expansion and creation always begins in that wise inner place that is always One with our Soul and that knows best what are the manifestations that will benefit All.

The cosmic message of this Full Moon in Virgo is to descend all the inner magic and visions that we can only remembrance when we when navigate between our inner realms into our physical Plane. Both Forces, from Pisces and Virgo, are essential to our existence, both equals, fulfilling a unique role within ourselves and visible reality. It our task to act as a conduit for these Forces to merge and manifest as One into our human world. It is as the magicians and masters of alchemy that we are in essence that we can create what can only be envisioned first from the inside as it is what in truth our soul planned when it took human form.

Our existence is not only based on the dreams we build in the air, in the unseen world, but about our capacity and magnificence to make all of our soul gifts and talents tangible what makes us unique creatures within Creation and one of the main reasons why we challenged ourselves to become physical beings. Honor your Divine Essence but do not forget to honor as well the aspect of you who is equally Divine and that is experiencing a human existence. Transmute what no longer serves the self, even if you have to burn some bridges that still connect you to past versions of you, but as you keep transcending more illusions and leaving behind old worlds, remember, that in the end, aside from all the challenges we pass, it is only through this process of inner alchemy, purity and love that we shall be reborn.

In love and light always,
Natalia Alba

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

Divine Reunions ~ Releasing old attachments to embrace our True Companions

Beloved Family of Love,

December not only brings the gift to nurture our being and remain in a complete state of pure bliss and celebration - honoring who we are as well as our physical creations in our human realm. But it is also a month of transition, in which, some of you will be still leaving behind more of the old that no longer serves you in your path ahead, evaluating what your true soul desires are for this new Year and setting the new intentions that will take you to where you would like to be in this new phase, while others instead, will be already stepping into a path filled with new soul companions with a sense of deeper commitment within your Divine Reunions. 

Remember that reunions in the 5D are not only about the old sense of romanticism and attachment we used to possess, but about a more intense and unconditional commitment to All beings/things within Creation. thereby, during this new month, those who are ready and unified from within first, will start reuniting, with those souls that during this new cycle of your unique life experience, will assist you to evolve as well as to give birth to the creations that will benefit the Planet and not just your personal desires.

In times of transition, we tend to believe that we are not going where we truly desire and that outer conditions are directing our lives. There is nothing further than that, we, our souls, in the invisible, are always creating the perfect outcomes with the perfect souls that will serve to what we came here to fulfill, each one of us will have a unique purpose to assist All. Most of the times, our human being makes us fall into the false belief that we are unlove and that it is not fair that we do not have a partner. It is not about us, but about All. We cannot keep pretending that this is all about our lives and what we choose, because the truth is that the Universe that does not judge, works equally for all of us and it is only at Divine Time that we could meet the souls that will be our companions in the next phase that we are still creating.

The Universe in its infinite intelligence weaves invisible threads that we cannot understand from where we are. We should judge not, but discern and move inward to connect with our Divine spark to remember that what truly matters is working for the highest good of everyone and not just for our preferences. Our mere task as humans is to trust in the Divine Forces of Light, knowing that they always care for us and that the souls we are so eager to meet are coming when we are ready. Sometimes it is not about the fact that we cannot find them, but about the truth that we still have not become who we have to in order to reunite again. Loving, accepting and unifying all aspects of who you are is essential to become the being that you are in nature so the Universe knows that you are prepared to initiate a relationship that will also assist others and not just your own self.

As a cosmic reminder of what is already taking place within our physical realm, and about the importance of the true nature of our Divine reunions in the New, we have Venus, The Planet of Love and Abundance, moving into Scorpio on December 4. Venus in Scorpio is intense with respect to our feelings and it strongly compromises with everything that it loves and nurtures, as its love is not limited and conditional. We can take advantage of these loving energies by embodying and direct them to the self, remember that we cannot find passion, true commitment and love into our reunions with other souls, if we first do not find it within ourselves and visiting the depths of our being in order to find what it is that should be embraced, released and/or welcome so we can step into our this new phase by being renewed and empty of old the old. 

Since November 27th, we also have Chiron, the Cosmic Healer, assisting us to heal those old wounds and limitations that are impeding us to go with the flow and welcome all the blessings that are around the corner for us, if we first let go of all the barriers that block our true path to fulfill our deepest desires. So if we take him as an ally, it will serve  us to illuminate those aspects of us that are in need to see the light and remember the Truth that we are always whole, healed and that we just have to move into our heart space to remember that only we can transform what is not longer working for us as the Masters and healers of our own being and lives that we in Essence are.

Sometimes, we find hard to visit our inner realms because our human self does not desire to confront the truth of what may lie in there and leave other that no longer resonates behind with gratitude and love for having shared this path with us. But it is only by being honest with ourselves and go deeper with what our true emotions are, that we can hold authentic feelings towards others. We cannot give unconditional love if we first do not feel it for our own selves and Venus in this profound sign of Scorpio, helps us to transform and regenerate what is not unified and that is still being judged, so we can give the step to truly love and accept ourselves and others.

Focusing our attention inward, accepting every aspect of who we are, without polarizing or labelling them, with unconditional love and without resistant, is essential for us to mirror this same Divine Love in the outside, and during the stay of Venus in Scorpio it is a wonderful time to ask ourselves how could we reach a more authentic relationship with ourselves, others, abundance and in all aspects of our lives, so when Venus moves into Sagittarius on December 30, we will possess the clarity required to pursue those relationships that are truly aligned with who we have become and we can freely enjoying them with a pure feeling of knowing that we are indeed creating genuine and integrated relationships within Divine Love, not only to assist the self but All.

It is within the Divine Plan that we all shall meet and then part again, in an eternal dance of giving and receiving or embracing and letting go. It is only our human being who judges what should be and what should not. It is only our human self the one who thinks that knows best and that wants to control all events, conditions and circumstances. We, as souls, did not possess the feeling of attachment and manipulation that we, in human form, tend to have now. We knew that it was our main aim to let go when the right time came as there is nothing and no one that we can truly retain. Only, you can choose to remember those agreements and set yourself free from the human need to comprehend the Divine nature of All things and soul contracts and create a new life experience based on joy and trust in the unknown.

Yours is always the choice of stepping into a new path filled with new beautiful souls that will accompany you during the next stage of your journey, or remaining attached to that which you should release. Every choice is highly respected and appreciated, as it all serves to All. But suffering only ends when we decide to accept, surrender and liberate those who do not belong to us to begin with, and choose to remembrance why we came here and the true nature of our reunions with other souls, as well as the joy that we felt when we made those choices in a state of pure consciousness and Divine Love.

In love and light,
Natalia Alba

lunes, 20 de julio de 2015

Moving into a higher octave of love: Venus retrograde & New synodic cycle

Venus, the Planet of Love and Abudance will turn retrograde at 046 Virgo on July 25, and throughout this summer we also have other Planets in retrograde mode, such as Neptune, Chiron, Saturn and Uranus that will help us to move inward so we can be able to heal and transform our lives from an inner perspective as well as release everything that no longer serves our highest purpose. It is important that we understand that we are One with the Forces of the Universe and like Venus, life in itself revolves around cycles, and so do we. This is why it is vital for us to tune into the wisdom of these different stages and flow with them to obtain a major understanding of when is time to stop and regain a better perspectie of where we are heading in our unique path, as it is only by evaluating our own self that we can transmute and purify ourselves and start acting upon our soul desires - creating the next phase of our journey from a place of inner clarity and integrity.

When the Goddess of Beauty moves retrograde (remember that no Planet can actually move backwards in their orbits around the sun, it is just an illusion we have from Earth) we are presented with the opportunity to realize if we truly value and love ourselves or if we are still not honoring the precious beings of the Divine that we all are. It is a time to work on our self-love issues before initiating new relationships that could simply mirror our lack of self worth/esteem and respect for the self. During this period is a wonderful time to ask ourselves: Do we need validation from the outside to act upon our desires? or do we stand firm in our values and beliefs unhesitatingly? As I always say, all Planet that turns retrograde is not a curse but a gift to our soul growth, since we can discover the aspects of us that we do not really know yet or have not unified. 

Venus will assist us not to separate ourselves from others or our relationships, but to value ourselves above all before sharing our lives with others, and recognize that as Divine beings we are always worthy of the great love that we already are and deserve. It is only our human being the one that tries to create the feeling that we are not enough or as good as others. We are always loved, appreciated and whole within Creation and there is nothing from the outside or anyone else that can really complete what the Divine already created unified within its pure love and light Essence. 

Venus turns retrograde about 40-43 days every 18 months. We have 5 Venus cycles (a Venus cycle is around 584 days) and it takes Venus  8 years to reach home again, in its journey, Venus creates a perfect pentagram, which is the symbol of the Goddess, representing our feminine side, the aspect of us that we are retrieving and that will help us to finally left an old Era of male dominance and step into a new one based on compassion and expansion into a higher frequency of being. On August 22, we will enter into a new Venus synodic cycle at 19 degrees Leo, which happens when a Planet turns retrograde and when these two Planets (Earth-Venus) align in their orbits. The Earth-Venus synodic cycle simply means the encounter between two Planets, this is when Venus rises as a Morning Star, starting Her synodic cycle. Venus is our Twin Planet, it mirrors us and it also possesses similar characteristics with Earth, it is a key Planet to our Ascension since Venus assists us to evolve through the power of Love, by helping us to remember that it is when we awake, cultivate and balance our feminine side with our masculine one that we can nurture, create and give birth to a new Era of love, compassion and authenticity - leaving behind the tendency we had to polarize by remaining in our masculine side and destroy instead of nourishing ourselves, others and life in itself. 

In this New cycle of Venus, the Divine feminine Essence from the ancient Lemuria is coming back again. The Divine Love that we all are, the part of us who is pure and nourishes everything within Creation is awakening, specially in the collective, who are going to start feeling this feminine and Motherly energy more than the ones who have been walking on this ascension path for a while. It time to start moving from a masculine Era into a Feminine and more balanced one, into a unified perspective of who we truly are. With Venus retrograde we start a new phase, in which asking ourselves about the relationships we maintain with our own selves, others and also about the relation we posess with our core values, beliefs, money and everything related with how we create, manifest and experience abundance in our human Plane is going to be the key to move forward in this new stage. If you still find hard to manifest abundance, ask yourself what is still blocking this infinite flow into your life, as the real cause lies always within you, and ask your inner being why are you restraining yourself from experiencing all the blessings that the Divine desires you to enjoy. It is a great gift for us to release our old human sense of guilt, lack of self-worth as well as others limited beliefs and feelings that are impeding us to remain in our natural state of bliss and delight all the wonderful things and experiences that we have for sure in our earthly lives.

By having Venus retrograde in Virgo and at the same time making a conjuction with the triple star Regulus, a star belonging to the Leo constelation, that is also in the sing of Virgo after having along stay in Leo, we have a great opportunity to move our attention from centering ourselves into our human and egoic needs into selfless service to others with this fixed star in Virgo. It is said that Regulus brings energies of destruction and chaos, but from what I feel, this is just another old perception of the Truth that lies behind our human view of how things are in our reality. Regulus is just an energy, as we all are, and it is our choice to use it to disperse what no longer serves us (ego) into something greater and aligned with who we truly are (Higher Self/purpose) and integrate our masculine and feminine polarities without judgment or force. All can be done with love, as long as we do not go into extremes and old beliefs that cannot coexist  with the new frequency we have decided to hold. All can be shifted and dissolved when we finally are open to receive the proper information and inner awareness to see what truly IS.

It is important to validate where we are at the moment and the feelings that we still have to let go of so we can give birth to new ones, but the most important when August comes is to release an old cycle of our life by blessing it with love and gratitude, remember that no matter how many challenges we may have experienced, they always served us to be more consicous and informed of our true soul desires and also of the Truth behind our human illusion, so at this time, it is important to evaluate ourselves and close an old chapter at the same time that we create the proper energy to embrace a new one. This new cycle can only be created from within, as what we create in the inside is what will manifest in our tangible lives, this is why is so important to move inward and ponder about the things and situations we should shift before acting and keep manifesting outcomes that could not be aligned with our soul.

On August 22, Venus will raise as a Morning Star, beginning a new cycle in the archetype of Leo. We pass from having Venus retrograde in Virgo, a sign that invites us to ask ourselves how can we be of service to others, to Leo, a sign that centers all the attention into the self, and by having Venus retrograde in this fiery sign, we are called to look at our ego and examine if our decisions are based on our egoic feelings or if we make our choices from a higher place of love and soul alignment. This is another opportunity for us to put aside our egoic self and use this inner strenght that Leo gives us to simply move inward and shift everything that is not what we truly desire to experience in this new phase of our ascension path. 

Venus in Leo will be our main theme for the next few months. Will you choose to channel your inner strenght to serve All? Will you use your personal power to overcome all past challenges and start anew? Will you reclaim your sovereignty as the Divine/cosmic being that you are? Or will you direct this potent energy into anger and sadness? It is always your decision to make the best of this mighty energy and remember that no outcome will be "good" or "bad" but simply what we need at this time in our life experience to keep remembering more aspects of the Truth as well as the next steps that we desire to take in our journey. 

Choose wisely, the time to raise above limitation and old beliefs is Now, this moment, we can only transform ourselves and lives when we are fully living in the Now. We can only improve our conditions and change them as well as as our old percetion, in this moment, therefore choose according to what you know and where you are at this time, but carefully select only that which is going to assist you to move forward instead of repeating the same old patterns that will lead you to where you used to be and the same old situations that you wish to avoid. Use your inner fire to burn everything that cannot coexist with the new You, as you renew yourself at every single moment, choose love and the power of healing that it possesses, choose to be who you truly are and shine the star that you carry within. Honor your Truth and illuminate others in their path, do not hide who you are, use your Divine spark to be a Light and assist, you just have to go within and remember that in the end we all come here to heal, to be the love that we are and to remembrance once more our True Essence and mission within the Divine Plan. 

The Divine journey that Venus makes until reaching its starting point is written in the sky with sacred geometry, forming a perfect gateway for the proper energies to penetrate into our Planet, assisting us to ascend as She does the same. As this new Venus cycle begins, it is our decision to make the conscious choice of embracing and anchoring these higher frequencies within our being and physical lives and enroll ourselves in this new path of infinite expansion and growth, as it is always a consicous choice to keep evolving and step into the unkwon with faith and trust in the Divine. As we keep ascending within this eternal spiral, we will realize that we are no longer the same, since we are constantly shifting and being activated if it is our true desire, and we will regain our cosmic heritage and our pure intention of becoming the Masters that we already are of our own lives, with the inner realization of the fact that we have left behind not only and old phase of our life, but a whole world that used to enslave us and that due to our consicous choice of integration and soul remembrance we have finally left behind.

It is a New Dawn for us, for the ones who have been on this ascension path and that are ready now to expand themseves into new horizons, and for those who are pluging into this journey at the moment. It is a new phase filled with the high crystalline frequency we need to create our new lives. And it is our decision to determine if we are ready to move forward, or if we still have some inner issues to resolve before embracing a completely new road. Venus retrorgrade will give us first the opportunity to look within and find what is not yet unified and that is impeding us to give this step into our New lives. 

I hope that you all feel the heat of this New Venusian Light deep within your being, and I wish you all a new cycle filled with infinite abundance, love and joy, which is what you all already are in Essence, you just have to let it out and shine it.

In love and light,
Natalia Alba

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Violet Flame Meditation for Transmutation and Purification

The violet flame is a sacred fire given to us by the Ascended Master St. Germaine under the guardianship of Archangel Zadkiel and is a wonderful tool we can use for Self-transformation, it is a three-fold flame of gold, pink and blue light, which is the Divine and masculine within us merging into One in a perfect balance resulting in the subsequent awakening of our Christ consciousness, which is the gold ray, the fusion of these three-fold flame is what we call the Violet Flame and it is made of love, compassion and forgiveness that help us to transmute all fear, resentments and wounds we may still have in our physical/non-physical bodies, it is also a wonderful tool for purifying ourselves, releasing our fears or simply heals ourselves in a deeper way as the Violet Flame permeates though our physical bodies to our body cells and purify them from not only the old but from past burdens and negativity we carried within them, it will also provide us with forgiveness towards ourselves and others.

We are receiving very intense energies and very strong planetary events that can overwhelm us as we are experiencing a huge inner and outer shift in our Ascension path, but we also have an immense power within ourselves to deal with all these changes and challenges we are facing lately, as well as the infinite help from our Guides and other Higher beings of light that are assisting Gaia and all of us at the moment so we can raise our vibration and start creating a New Earth full of love and peace. The Violet Flame was available for humans in the Golden Atlantis, where there was a very high vibrational frequency and beings used to be totally integrated with their higher Selves and were aware of their Divine power and nature and as we are coming back to an Age of love and peace again we are given the gift of this powerful tool as it is the Violet Flame by the Ascended Master St. Germaine to heal ourselves and to transmute all the negative into the positive, so rejoice in the love that we all are receiving always from higher planes of existence and believe that everything you wish from your heart and soul will be manifested.

The Violet Flame is a powerful invocation that we can do as many times as we wish and that we can employ it not only for our own use but also for healing others too, of course with their consent, it is a wonderful alchemical weapon we can use in our favor, but I will focus myself more in how can we make use of this Sacred Fire we have been offered to move forward and also to increase our vibrations through its powerful light. This Sacred Fire can be use for many things, but the first thing should be healing ourselves and transmuting our own negative patterns so we can use them to assist others. When using the Violet Flame it is important to concentrate ourselves in what we want to heal at this moment, put aside our negative thoughts and trust that what we want is already there and happening in a non-physical level, we just have to have faith in ourselves and trust the process, this meditation is very powerful but it is up to you, as everything else is, to change yourself and your life, remember that we have infinite resources as well as other Divine tools all the time but that the work belongs only to us.

I was guided to write about  the transmutational power of  the Violet Flame because I am seeing lately there are a lot of people releasing a lot of their old wounds, old pattern of thoughts or healing some aspects of their bodies and lives that I felt it was a great moment to do so, but remember that time is not relevant as these sacred energies are available to us whenever we may need them, it is just a good time in general because all the cosmos is working in helping us to heal and release so we can finally start creating our new selves and lives. We also have Chiron, the Wounded Healer, direct in Pisces since November 19, which is another great opportunity for healing ourselves or simply purify our hearts and minds. We can also use this meditation when we feel like we are in a low vibrational state and we would like to raise our vibration to higher frequencies, do not worry if you do not feel any specific changes happening after doing the meditation, you just keep doing it as much as you think it is necessary, but remember it is not how many times you do it but the intention and heart that you put on it, and trust that at the right time you will see evidence. This meditation has helped me a lot, you just have to do it with pure intention and knowing that what you ask for it is already given to you and if you do it with gratitude and love towards yourself, you will feel its powerful effect.

Before the meditation I would like to repeat what I always say about meditations, what is truly important, is not the place, or words or anything else, but the intention we put into it, feel every word you are saying during the meditation with all your heart and believe what you are saying, feel what you say simply because the universe, Guides, Archangels etc will only respond to you by your feelings, this is the universe´s language and they are hearing you telepathically as well so do not worry about being heard, you are truly being listened and helped because when our intention is pure and our attention is focused in healing, the outcome will be always a positive one, so I am going to tell you one of the easiest way of using the Violet Flame in meditation but you can change the words I am going to write here as I do most of the times, as words simply come out naturally once you are doing this meditation or any other one, and as I also consider we are the ones that have to use our own words as we are the only ones that can really know what is best for us and what resonates most with where we are at the moment, simply be yourself, do not be afraid of saying anything wrong because you cannot, and feel free to create it as you wish. Everything you say will be fine if that is what your Higher Self is guiding you to do and remember that with love and pure intention all is possible.

  • First of all, in your sacred space, do what resonates most with you for protection which is always important even if we are always protected. What I do is call Archangel Michael and my personal Archangel Gabriel but you can call any other one if it makes you feel comfortable.
  •  Later on you can light some candles or make some crystal grids like I do, but this is not necessary if you simply prefer to sit with your spine straight, so the energy flows better through all your body and be still will be fine as well.
  •   After that, call your Guides, Angels and St. Germaine to assist yourself during this meditation. You can ask them to help you with the things you wish to transmute, leave behind or heal and trust that They are there with you. You will feel their presence if you simply be still and have faith.
  •   Breathe deeply a few times before entering into a pure state of calmness and meditative phase, and start invoking the Violet Flame with your own words or  these simple  but powerful words that are easy to remember and that I give it to you above:

   I AM the Violet Flame

I AM the Light and sacred Fire that heals
I AM the Fire that forgives
I AM the Flame of love
I AM the Flame of Transmutation
I AM the Flame of joy
It is done.
So be it.

Repeat this decree three times, or as many times as you want. When you say I AM is a very powerful decree because you are speaking in the name of your Higher Self, it is your Higher Self the one acting through you. Repeat it aloud and trust that the Violet Flame is healing and transmuting everything that is not for your highest good.

  • Visualize a powerful and intense Violet Flame entering through your crown chakra, stopping in all of your chakras at the same time it purifies and cleanses them all. Imagine its healing heat and thank this sacred Fire for assisting you. You can visualize it or any other thing that will help you to integrate this powerful energy within you for as long as you want.
  •   Finally, be in a pure state of gratitude, thanking all of your Guides, Angels, Archangels and the Ascended Master St. Germaine for helping you during this meditation and for their protection always.

Be sure that after this meditation your ground yourself as it is a very powerful one and know that no matter what you have felt or not, it had its powerful effect on you with the assistance of the Archangels and St. Germaine, trust in your Higher Self and being of light and remember that everything you may need to experience/see/feel will come to you at the right time.

With much love


martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Chiron goes direct in Pisces (November 19-2013)

Chiron is direct again in Pisces at 9 degrees, Chiron is not a planet or star but an asteroid and even if a lot people do not put much attention on it, personally, I love this healer asteroid! I consider Chiron as important as any other planet or planetary event, everything in creation is, everything has the same importance and all influence us as well as we also affect other people and things. The word Chiron comes from Greek: Χείρων "hand" and Greek mythology it was a centaur (half man, half horse) who was an astrologer, oracle and healer and it is said that Chiron sacrificed his life so humans could obtain the use of fire and this is why Chiron is known as the “Wounded Healer” that is to say, our most inner and profound wounds but at the same time our infinite power to heal them all if we simply look within, love ourselves and employ some time to treat our inner being.

Chiron direct again in Pisces is of great help if we want to heal some old wounds that there are still blocking our natural flow of bliss and that are preventing us from embody our Souls and become whole with the higher aspects of ourselves. It is not that we have to wait to heal ourselves until Chiron is direct or not, our lives do not depend on any external circumstances, they help us to grow or not, it all depends on the way we use these invisible forces, sometimes planetary events are not good or bad, simply energies that come to us and that we have to decide whether we want to use them to heal or not. We tend to think we are subordinate to external causes and people, but the truth is we create the illusion that we are hopeless and powerless beings at the expense of someone else to come and save us, the truth is, we are powerful enough to create anything we want, even the illusion of what we are not.

The best we can do with external forces is to align ourselves with them so they work in our favor and not against us, like Chiron, when we use its healing energy to rejuvenate us, in fact, we are not being healed by Chiron but being helped by it which is different, so it is important not to be worried about external forces or planetary events working in our favor or not, as we are the only ones that have the power to direct its energy into a positive direction and its subsequent outcome.

Chiron is a helper, a teacher, a leader, a healer and a visionary and even more in Pisces! Pisces, is one of the most, if not the most, spiritual sign of all the zodiac, is sensible, a great natural healer and a visionary too, so when we put two extraordinary forces like Pisces together with Chiron and remember we also have Neptune direct again in Pisces! It means we have a wonderful combination to release the old, at the same time we learn about it and transform all of it into inner wisdom and love which will help us to move forward and to renew ourselves even more so we can be prepared to embrace all the good that is coming into our lives. You can turn this powerful energy into a healing one, which is the best we can do with old wounds that persists in our hearts, because when feelings tend to remain in our hearts, it is a sign that we have not forgiven and transformed these feelings into love yet, so we have still inner work to do, but facing challenges and heal them are a sign that we are evolving into love beings, not a sign of embarrassment. Chiron is all at once, a teacher because it teaches us when we feel hurt the deep meaning of this wound at the same time is a healer because it helps us to transform this wound into love and helps us to grow as well. It is a great time to love and take care of our inner beings even more, there is always more inner work to do with ourselves and we have not only our own inner strength to heal, but the whole universe´s assistance as well.

Balance is also the key to all these intense planetary alignments that we are having at the moment, Chiron in Pisces together with Neptune, which is also in Pisces, is a very strong and emotional combination so dream big and make your dreams come true but do not forget to keep your inner balance. Opening our hearts it is necessary to heal ourselves, it is not the same opening our hearts free of past wounds that when we still have some old issues to deal with, when we open our hearts free of any past burdens and hurts, we have space so the New can enter, so chose the method you consider better and remember the great opportunity you have at the moment to treat your inner core issues with Chiron in Pisces and know that having some inner issues to deal with is just another opportunity to learn more and to evolve.

Visiting the silence that remains always in our hearts will make us evolve and realize not only how beautiful we are but also it will lead us to see our inner Light and the truth that lies behind it, that we are all made of love and that love can dissolves everything that is not pure enough to stay there. Listening to our Souls means to be courageous enough to know that we may find wounds and things we may not like there, but that we will also find the power to heal all of them and shine again as the wondrous beings that we are. Do not be afraid to look within, you will not find darkness but your own and precious light shining, which has been kept there for a long time, waiting to be found by YOU!

With much love
