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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Saturn retrograde. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Saturn retrograde. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2021

Saturn retrograde, May 23, 2021 - Embracing our Shadow Self

Beloved Ones, 

In our evolutionary journey through this endless Spiral within Creation, we finally find ourselves heading towards the Light - entering into a new harmonic dimensional space - for we are finally leaving behind an Old Cycle of slavery and unlove to welcome a illumined one based on harmlessness to All.  A frequency of liberation of everything that belongs to the old that is introduced by Saturn, which enters retrograde, for those who resonates with this transits, since May 23 at 13 degrees Aquarius until October 10 at 6 degrees Aquarius. 

Many, especially the ones who are beginning to awake now, will find themselves in this period of clearing karmic patterns/implants as well as their deep sense of polarity. This is a time for taking responsibility and balance, for it is the authentic essence of this Planet, more than the old one that has been implanted upon us about punishment and paying our karma. 

The only way to balance any karmic debt is to simply recognize the wound that we may have possibly inflicted in others, and hence, in ourselves, taking full responsibility for our actions and balancing them with unconditional love and compassion, for all involved. No one and nothing within Creation punish anyone, and this is what may would like, in their wish for revenge, but there is only Love for All. Once we accept this, we can begin walking a conscious journey. 

We are indeed in a phase of profound change, one that is also confirmed by Saturn in square to Uranus. Although this aspect will be mainly taken as another challenging one. To me, this just represents the previous inner fight, so to say, that needs to occur before we finally break free from all that restricts us from taking charge of our human life experience. As always, if we are not yet aware, there is always something that triggers this inner awareness, for us to realize our birthright as free beings. 

Saturn also makes other wonderful aspects, as it trine Venus and the North Node. This is where we commit to embrace a higher Light, a Light that begins when we find unity within our human duality, a Light that transmutes lower frequencies into higher ones. For the Light never excludes, but includes, loves and embraces All as it IS. There is no separation or judgment when one lives within this Divine Light, for Source loves equally, as All is always of the Light. This is what Saturn, reminds us at this "retrograde" phase - to finally liberate ourselves, ending a karmic cycle of great separation.

At this transitional time, Planet Earth is also experiencing a collective dark night of the soul, as it keeps bifurcating from the 3D Old Earth, for at the same time that we embrace a higher way of living and BEing, we shall too leave behind all that we once were. At this time, more souls that are consciously deciding to begin this journey are starting to regain their natural state of being, which was always one of purity and unity, instead of one of separation and unlove. 

It is precisely in this phase, that Saturn is helping all who are yet to clear their "karmic" baggage, as Saturn comes to test our strength, in our ascension path, reminding us that we are limited by our human sense of time and space, and that it is within this human realm that we can now cleared the old, build strong foundations within the New and begin to ascend in the physical, which can only be done when we finally take responsibility for all of our acts as well as past and present selves.

As the Universe works in perfect ways for All, we also have our central Sol very active during these past days. The Sun is the macro aspect of ourselves that represents the Light within us all, our Unified Self and the eternal never-ending flare of the Light that we, in Essence, are. On the contrary, Saturn represents our shadow self and the need to embrace it as well as we own our light one too- this is why they are diametrically opposed to each other. 

Saturn teaches us responsibility for our creations, actions and every single thing we send out to the Universe, for everything has a consequence, and the outcome of our actions depends on the intention we hold. Saturn reminds us of unity by experiencing the necessary challenges in our life experience that will help us remember the Law of One as well as our Divine nature as love-light beings, by repeating - until we fully integrate its knowledge - all the lessons that we have still to master, within this dense realm, and that we shall remember. For everything that occurs is never meant to punish us, but to help us master our lower self, and this can only be done by experiencing the challenges - opportunities - that will help us retrieve the wisdom and sense of love for All, that we all hold within. 

The lesson-giver enhances what we, as humans, consider as painful or negative, which is in truth what will make us surrender the eternal fight with our egoic self, learning from our challenges and beginning anew. It is in Saturn, as I am often told by Guides, that a lot of souls choose to dwell, after they leave Planet Earth or in between lives, to regain a higher knowledge of what they left unfinished or did not integrate as humans. 

Saturn is always seen as being the Planet of Karma in traditional astrology, giving this cosmic Force, again, the power to punish us or to bless us. In Truth, Saturn helps us to be disciplined in our evolutionary journey as humans, for it is only with devotion and daily inner work that we can leave this realm and begin to dwell into illumined ones.

As I always say, I do not believe that anything is ever retrograde within Creation, and in my humble view of the Universe, Saturn is a living organism in itself, experiencing its own journey as well as helping us to ascend. In my view, aligning with Saturn's essence helps us to clearly see all the outcomes from our acts and if they were aligned with our highest Will or not, as well as bringing into the light old self-imposed limited beliefs that impede us to embody a higher level of consciousness - and begin the inner work of clearing all the non-physical waste that we have created. 

Saturn gives the gift of becoming the witness of our whole life experience and takes full responsibility of what we have manifested until this moment. Have we learnt and integrated the wisdom from our past challenges, learning harmlessness to All? Have we seen beyond our human limited perspective the pain that the illusion of separation causes? Have we stepped out of the "karmic" wheel to finally embrace our inner creator and divinity and start manifesting outcomes aligned with our  God Self's Will? 

At a physical level, Saturn mainly governs our spine, knees, joints, nails, hair, bones and teeth between a few others. If you experience deep sensations in any of these part of your body, without medical reasons, remember that this is the way your body has of telling you where you create resistance and blocks to where is natural to let go. Are you impulsively repeating the same old patterns? Are you not letting go of that which diminish you? Are you still creating pain in your life as a way of self-punishment?

Shadows, human challenges, everything we consider to be in the negative polarity, are only perceived as such because we have been programmed - and genetically manipulated.We have the cosmic gift, now, to enter into the vastness of our dark corners and embrace everything that our lower self shuts down because it fears knowing what pain - or Truth - feels like. 

It is time to finally direct your destiny. A destiny that was settled in the past by the gods, and that you know now is only decided by the sovereignty of your soul. How many timelines are you eager to experience? In which one would you finally like to dwell? What is the true path that you feel would offer you the highest evolution, at the moment? Feel it, envision it, create it, as you like - with respect to All. For we already know - as Saturn reminds us - that no one has the power to manifest anything - for us - but our own God Self.

It is time now to not just embrace duality as a part of our human existence and experience, but to step out of our deep sense of human polarity and begin to see everything as a micro representation of a higher hologram. If you are not ready to know the depths of your being and what it holds, you should not connect with Saturn's essence, for it will destroy the limited worlds your human self builds with so much effort and dedication. 

However, if you are now ready to embrace The Shadow and see yourself for what you truly are, connecting with Saturn's essence, will show you Truth in its pure form, without denial, without judgments, just as it IS. It is then that you will be granted with the strength to confront your shadows, and loving them as you love the light in you, realizing that, in truth, all was always Divine in nature, for you have always been pure, Divine, beautiful and whole in nature. 

You just have to uncover all the veils of illusion that you accepted when you chose to be human. You just have to surrender and accept that the time to reclaim your sovereignty - and shine again - has finally come.

Within Infinite Love ∞

Natalia Alba 

sábado, 15 de abril de 2017

Ascension Update, April 15, 2017 ~ Spiritualizing the Human Self

“The world was made for the body, the body was made for the soul, and the soul was made for God. When that discovery is made and the soul is restored in a disfigured culture, we find the greatest treasure of all–and it is nearer to us than we realize.” Ravi Zacharias

Beloved Ones, 

It is with great love that the cosmos, in this month, is showering us with one of the most intense light waves of the Year. In truth, the new wave has already been strongly felt by those, who are consciously choosing to integrate this new wave, deep within their being and body, allowing this Light to remove all that is not aligned with our True God Self. For it is only when we begin to free ourselves from all false beliefs, the lower self and other impostors, that our true path and being, is shown to us.

The body purification, the restoration of our energetic balance and the constant process of soul integration that we are experiencing, at the moment, even if the past Full Moon - in Libra - brought some stabilisation, is taking some of us to the extent of not being able to function at the same level as we used to - having hard physical sensations, where our body resists letting go, as well as liberating from our human self all the wastes from our 3D personality/implants and many other forms of illusion. 

We are, at the moment, Descending more Light from our God Christed Self, experiencing a sacred marriage between all the aspects of who we are - spiritualizing our human self, the one who judges, separates and unloves all that is not recognized as being One with the Divine. To spiritualize and master the lower self, we do not have to go to far away places, search outside or ask for redemption, for we know that the further we move away, the less we will find the answers and the true healing required. 

When we spiritualize the lower self, we fall into many challenges, we find our own shadows in every single corner of the world, for it is only by confrontation and ending fear of negative polarity, that we will begin to resurrect into the true sovereign beings that we, in Essence, are. Spiritualizing the body takes constant observation of the human self, constant devotion, communion with our soul as the eternal witness and intention to dedicate ourselves to serve the Law of One, who dwells in unity and love with All. 

To master the human, we must remember that we are Divine sovereign beings, inhabiting a human body. To begin the process of physical ascension, one must first love neutrally and for that to occur, we must clear all the imposed implants and human beliefs that covered our true Essence and feeling of deep connection to All. Do you practice compassion, being centred in your Higher Heart, at all times, and working in co-creation with All? Or are you still holding separation, judgments and unlove towards yourself, and hence, All?

April, especially with its many "retrograde" Planets, shows us where we still hold karmic beliefs and behaviours that impede us in continuing with our inner work of soul liberation and integration. At this time, many of us are experiencing deep challenges, especially regarding our physical bodies and inner profound implants -  that are offering us the opportunity to liberate ourselves from an Old Era of constraint and unlove that we experienced during the Piscean Era. This is also one of the main reasons, in which we are profoundly immersed in a passage of releasing karmic patterns, still active within our physical bodies, before we resurrect again in the True God Sovereign Being that we All are, in Essence. 

Venus, to set an example. by being in "slow motion" showed us where we deny, what we do not love within ourselves yet, what we separate, and therefore, manifest as lacking in our physical experience, for all abundance is another form of love, and  when there is not great love for ourselves, it could not be shown in what we see as separated, for that is just another extension of ourselves, in the physical. 

Saturn, the Lord of Time and Responsibility, has come to test our strength, in our ascension path, reminding us that we are limited by our human sense of time and space, and that it is within this human realm that we can now clear the old and build strong foundations within the New - beginning to ascend in the physical, which can only be done when we finally take responsibility for all of our actions as well as past and present selves.

Mercury  dwells in our mental plane, giving the time for us to clear all the human limited beliefs that dis-empower us and prevent a higher human experience. Pluto, turning "retrograde" on April 20, comes to test our personal sense of power. Where do you put your attention/intention into? What do you infuse with your inner light,  the one who can create and/or destroy? Are you using your inner sacred fire to build, co-create and be the love that you are? Or are you using all your precious energy into situations and people that are no longer meant to be in your current life experience? 

It is during April, especially during Easter, that we are given - again - the opportunity to claim our Christed Self Seed, and begin to clear ourselves from eons of slavery and mass manipulation/control, especially by religion. Deconstructing our 3D personality is not a one-day process, in which, we do a meditation/activation and we suddenly begin to feel as the masters that we truly are, in Essence. 

Deprogramming all that has been implanted in us since we were born, as visual programmed inputs, between many other forms of mind control, is not easy at all, and from my view,  it is widely manipulated by some people who claim to pass through this process in a few days or that they can make you heal and release all these old implants - as if we could just let go of centuries of genetic manipulation/programming like this. For me, this is again the ego trying to interfere when it should remain observant.

Reclaiming spiritual sovereignty is essential to walk a life free from fears and unlove. For every time we give our power to our physical senses, others or outer conditions, we are acting as hopeless beings adrift. When we begin to walk a conscious path of soul integration and co-creation, we cannot do anything from a dis-empowered state of being, for when we act from this lower frequency, we cannot love, give and share from an authentic place, but from one of separation and confusion. 

From the Equinox, together with the eclipses, between many other things, we are in a time of change and transition, that we must observe how the human behaves when it feels safe. Do you observe yourself repeating old actions in an impulsive way, without knowing why you keep doing the same? Do you catch yourself saying things you do not even feel inside any longer? If so, only love will heal what the human judges and destroys. If so, you are being shown that there are still some old implants being played once and again in your human mind that must be eradicated as your I AM Presence descends more Christed Light to your lower Self. 

The Christ is not an outside force or being, it is Divine consciousness within. who practices love, compassion and neutrality for All. This Essence is always available for us, no one of force gave it to us, but our conscious intention of integrating this loving Essence whose nature is and has always been one of unity and love with All within Creation. No one can give it to you, for it is already who you are. No one can redeem yourself and your "sins" and make you pure again and a candidate to dwell in this Christed Light, for you are already pure, innocent and free of "sin" as you came from Oneness to simply experience, not what you are not, but that you are, indeed, All. 

The physical body, is at this time experiencing, like I said at the beginning, a deep transformation, for those, who are consciously integrating this new wave. All the physical sensations that you may be experiencing, is your body telling you what aspects are not being taken care of and that need urgent attention/intention. For all these aspects that you still deny and that are suffering, are ready to be released from the old and embrace this higher light. 

Some will feel pain in their osseous system, without knowing why, especially in the legs. This is your body telling you that you are in fear to move forward and confront whatever challenges are required to step into a new life created by your soul rather than by your lower self. If you feel pain in your hips, you are holding anger and insecurity there, as well as if you tend to accumulate feelings and negate them, you will feel oppression in your thymus, throat chakra and weight increase - for your weight is a way (not always, just an example) of being protected in your human view. All gives you a message of what you should dissolve, all comes as a gift, not as a curse or punishment. For we are always remembering Divine Love, and most of the time, the human, can only do so by forgetting and unloving all first.

Do you love all the aspects of who you are? Do you love and embrace your body? A perfect design of God, helping you to experience a human realm? Or do you still tell yourself how bad you are and how bad everything is going? Do you accept with gratitude every single moment no matter what it brings? Or do you complain and pray to outer Forces for them to save you of what you have unconsciously created? All answers are always in You, for you are the only one that can take the step to be brave in confronting your shadows and begin to see what you unlove of yourself yet, and therefore in All - disallowing your true soul desires and vision to be anchored within this physical plane.

To help you in your soul integrating process and dissolution of more lower layers, practice neutrality, breathing techniques, being present at every single moment, let the one being present be the eternal observer, instead of your judgmental lower self. for processed food kill the body and lull the soul. And begin to accept that all the challenges, are just opportunities for you to uncover your true Divine potential, strength and above all, for you to remember that All is One in harmlessness to All.

There is a difference between judgement and discernment but in both I find some of our egoic perceptions. On the other hand, when we embody Divine neutrality, we are experiencing this human journey, not just from a human perspective, but from our soul one as well, for we feel both now - the human individualized aspect that we are - as well as the God Self within that loves All and judges none, for it knows that we have chosen to experience many different scenarios, including what we call "negative" ones, to help us remember unity when chaos seems to reign. 

At this time that we are about to enter into a phase of the year, next month, in which we are moving from the depths of our inner realms, to manifest our soul visions into our tangible plane, it is essential that we reach this phase by being renewed and with a new sense of direction that comes from a deep communion with our soul. This is why seeing everything from a neutral space, is pivotal to stop labelling things/situations/relationships/ourselves and others as being this or that. For when we do so we lose all sense of Divinity, falling into illusion, which only keeps attracting more dark impostors or false egoic selves/beings. 

Do you desire to truly change your reality? Dissolving all the things that are not aligned with your soul vision? Begin to walk a path of love for the self, for it is in recognizing the Divine within you that you will see it in All. If you want a life filled with joy and love, become it. For no external Force will save you from experiencing what you - as a human - came here to experience. Only you can release all the veils and layers of illusion that once covered our sovereignty as Divine beings. 

If you want to walk a path of love, prepare yourself to embrace the shadows within you and in All. For the Higher reality in which you would like to dwell, loves and includes All. If you are eager to become a 5D being, unity must become a constant feeling in your micro reality. If you still judge, if you still blame yourself for what your lower self is not yet aware of, if you cannot walk between your shadows, embracing and loving them as you do when you live in the light, then you still inhabit within duality. Then, you are not ready yet to walk a path in which, we All are equals, sovereign beings of our own life experience in love, light and service to All.

If you are still navigating between the challenges that our deep sense of polarization brings, then you are blessed, for none of us came here to experience only the light, as it is another way of separation, and everything is the Light. If you still find yourself in the dark, it is because you are near the end/beginning to discover the True God Self within. For only the ones who love All - the light and the shadows - without focusing solely in the light within, will enter into this New Higher Octave of love - graduating from Earth with a deep gratitude for the gift of experiencing that love was always within all forms of existence/beings, independent of their nature.

In love, light, dark, and in an always infinite embrace of love, to All,

Natalia Alba 

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Saturn Retrograde, April 6, 2017 ~ Polarity Integration & the End of a Karmic Cycle

Beloved Ones, 

In our evolutionary soul journey through this endless Spiral within Creation, we find ourselves, at the moment, finally heading towards the Light - entering into the Higher Realms of illumination - for we are finally leaving behind an Old Era of slavery and unlove to welcome a Higher one based on harmlessness to All, clearing our karmic patterns/implants as well as our deep sense of polarity, remembering that all that exists and has ever existed, was originated within this Infinite Fountain of love. 

We are beginning to embrace a higher Light, a Light that begins when we find unity within our human duality, a Light that transmutes, instead of dissolving, lower frequencies into higher ones. For the Light never excludes, but includes, loves and embraces All as it IS. There is no separation or judgment when one lives within this Divine Light, for Source loves equally, as All is always of the Light. This is what Saturn, reminds us at this "retrograde" phase - to finally begin to do the inner work of polarity integration, ending a karmic cycle of great separation.

At this transitional time, Planet Earth is also experiencing a collective dark night of the soul, as it keeps bifurcating from the 3D Old Earth, for at the same time that we embrace a higher way of living and BEing, we shall too leave behind all that we once were. At this time, more souls that are consciously deciding to begin this journey are starting to release their karmic implants/debts - finally enabling them to regain their natural state of being, which was always one of purity and unity, instead of one of separation and unlove. 

It is precisely in this phase, that the cosmos is helping all who are yet to clear their karmic baggage, as we have Saturn in slow motion - from our limited perspective - since April 6. For the Lord of Time and Responsibility, has come to test our strength, in our ascension path, reminding us that we are limited by our human sense of time and space, and that it is within this human realm that we can now cleared the old, build strong foundations within the New and begin to ascend in the physical, which can only be done when we finally take responsibility for all of our acts as well as past and present selves.

As the Universe works in perfect ways for All, we also have our central Sol sending us new flares during these past days. The Sun is the macro aspect of ourselves that represents the Light within us all, our Unified Self and the eternal never ending flare of the Light that we, in Essence, are. On the contrary, Saturn represents our shadow self and the need to embrace it as well as we own our light one - this is why they are diametrically opposed to each other. Opposites Forces infusing us with their transforming frequency, and sending us the same message at this time for those who have consciously decided to be ascending at this unique time, to heal our 3D karmic debts and old beliefs to finally step into the unified being/light that we are. 

Saturn teaches us responsibility for our creations, actions and every single thing we send out to the Universe, for everything has a consequence, and the outcome of our actions depends on the intention we hold. Saturn reminds us of unity by experiencing the necessary challenges in our life experience that will help us remember the Law of One as well as our Divine nature as love-light beings, by repeating - until we fully integrate its knowledge - all the lessons that we have still to master, within this dense realm, and that we shall remember. For everything that occurs is never meant to punish us, but to help us master our lower self, and this can only be done by experiencing the challenges - opportunities - that will help us retrieve the wisdom and sense of love for All, that we all hold within. 

The lesson-giver enhances what we, as humans, consider as painful or negative, which is in truth what will make us surrender the eternal fight with our egoic self, learning from our challenges and beginning anew. It is in Saturn, as I am often told by Guides, that a lot of souls choose to dwell, after they leave Planet Earth or when in between lives, to regain a higher knowledge of what they left unfinished or did not integrate as humans. 

Saturn is always seen as being the Planet of Karma in traditional astrology, giving this cosmic Force, again, the power to punish us or to bless us. In Truth, Saturn teaches us discicpline in our evolutionary journey as humans, for it is only with devotion and daily work that we can leave this realm and begin to dwell into Higher ones.

As I always say, I do not believe that anything is ever retrograde within Creation, and in my humble view of the Universe, Saturn is a living organism in itself, experiencing its own journey as well as helping us to ascend. I do not think Saturn has been given the true importance and place that it truly deserves, within our galaxy. In my view, aligning with Saturn's essence helps us not just  to clearly see all the outcomes from our acts and if they were aligned with our highest Will or not, but connecting with it, will help us bring into the light old implants - self-imposed limited beliefs that impede us to embody a higher level of consciousness - and begin the inner work of clearing all the non-physical waste that we have created, such as debris and negative forms of thoughts between others. 

At a macro cosmic level, establishing a higher connection with Saturn, as another form of consciousness within creation, instead of our limited human one of Saturn being just an uninhabited Planet, is also very important for the souls that are working in the challenging soul role of helping the Planet clear its karma. For Saturn will provide them not only with the proper knowledge they need to fulfill their purpose but also with the necessary strength required to accomplish this mission. 

There are infinite soul roles within Creation, as I have had the gift to discover during these years of co-creating readings and sessions with other souls. At this transitional time, in which our Planet is finally engaged in the bifurcation of the 3D Earth, there are a number of souls, who volunteered to help it transmute all the karma that it has been accumulating through eons of wars and alien manipulation, for this is one of the main missions of the starseed souls, to help the Planet dissolve  all the alien implants, between other forms of manipulations, so we can enter into a higher Octave, in which we are already dwelling, by being free of all the illusory veils that cover our true crystalline essence. 

At a micro one, Saturn gives the gift of becoming the witness of our whole life experience - past and present - and takes full responsibility of what we have manifested until this moment. Have we learnt and integrated the wisdom from our past challenges, learning harmlessness to All? Have we healed what seemed broken in our human being and restored it again by recognizing that we are always whole beings? Have we seen beyond our human limited perspective the pain that the illusion of separation cause? Have we stepped out of the "karmic" wheel to finally embrace our inner creator and divinity and start manifesting outcomes aligned with our  God Self's Will? 

At a physical level, Saturn mainly governs our spine, knees, joints, nails, hair, bones and teeth between a few others. If you experience deep sensations in any of these part of your body, without medical reasons, remember that this is the way the Universe and your body has of telling you where you create resistance and blocks to where is natural to let go. Are you impulsively repeating the same old patterns? Are you not letting go of that which diminish you? Are you still creating pain in your life as a way of self-punishment?

Shadows, human challenges, everything we consider to be in the negative polarity, are only perceived as such because we have been programmed - and genetically manipulated.We have the cosmic gift, now, to enter into the vastness of our dark corners and embrace everything that our lower self shuts down because it fears knowing what pain - or Truth - feels like. 

It is time to finally direct your destiny. A destiny that was settled in the past by the gods, and that you know now is only decided by the sovereignty of your soul. How many timelines are you eager to experience? In which one would you finally like to dwell? What is the true path that you feel would offer you the highest evolution, at the moment? Feel it, envision it, create it, as you like - with respect to All. For we already know - as Saturn reminds us - that no one has the power to manifest anything - for us - but our own God Self.

It is time now to not just embrace duality as a part of our human existence and experience, but to step out of our deep sense of human polarity and begin to see everything as a micro representation of a higher hologram. If you are not ready to know the depths of your being and what it holds, you should not connect with Saturn's essence, for it will destroy the limited worlds your human self builds with so much effort and dedication. 

However, if you are now ready to embrace The Shadow and see yourself for what you truly are, connecting with Saturn's essence, will show you Truth in its pure form, without denial, without judgments, just as it IS. It is then that you will be granted with the strength to confront your shadows, and loving them as you love the light in you, realizing that, in truth, all was always Divine in nature and that all your human fears and deep sense of unworthiness, were just meant to keep you enslaved in a programmed reality by the dark Forces, for you have always been pure, Divine, beautiful and whole in nature. You just have to uncover all the veils of illusion that you accepted when you chose to be human. You just have to surrender and accept that the time to reclaim your sovereignty - and shine again - has finally come.

In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba