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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Psychic Awareness. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

DNA Reconnection vs. Clearing Genetic Imprints

Beloved Ones,

The period between Eclipses is a very intense season, for we are forever navigating between different timelines - where not only are we constantly shifting from within but also our physical vehicles. It is precisely at this transitional phase, that we have the opportunity to bring the unseen into the light, burn old bridges and dismiss what is not One with our Higher Will, being free of old burdens, that impede us in expanding ourselves in new creative ways of being.

Whilst we are immersed in this phase between eclipses, it is pivotal that at the same time that we continue with the inner work of DNA re-connection, we also concentrate on genetic healing, for the frequencies of the eclipses are assisting us to release old imprints/implants at the same time that we keep reconnecting the DNA strands that were once disabled. During this period, we could feel physically exhausted, confused and even experience changes in our physical body. All this is natural when we consciously ascend and our bodies begin to regain their true crystalline essence.

Releasing ancestral karmic patterns is vital, as we all possess in our DNA genetic imprints from all the previous generations. This is something that, as humans, we all have encoded within our bodies, regardless of where our soul come from and the nature of our mission on Earth. However, it should not be taken as meaningless, for we all chose when we were in a soul plane, the challenges, even in our genes, that will help us evolve once incarnated.

Some of the ascending souls, begin the work of DNA re-connection, without having done the first and most important work of all - the conscious liberation of old genetic/own karmic and collective karmic imprints/implants of the lower self and the embodiment of the higher chakras that will substitute our 3D lower ones (if you are able to see beyond these main auric layers, you can see how the colours and vibration of the lower chakras, once we embody the higher ones, also shift). 

This is a very challenging and constant healing process, but essential, if we truly desire to properly configure our DNA so it can command our body cells to re-program themselves from old beliefs that were implanted through several methods and by several beings, eons ago, and begin the process of ascension by being rejuvenated. It is not just a matter of healing our physical bodies but our etheric one as well, for this is the double body of our physical one, and also holds in it all these genetic imprints.

Another subject that some ascending souls tend to avoid, as I have the opportunity to see with evolved souls who I co-create sessions with me, is believing that just because they show no apparent symptoms of inherited healing issues, they should skip this first step of clearing all genetic imprints. It does not matter whether you are conscious of ancestral karmic patterns or not, they are there as a part of your human being and should be treated as well.

I am going to put my own example for others to understand why it is so important to take the time to heal our ancestral lineage. I am adoptived. So during most of my early life, especially when I was a teenager, physical issues began to appear together with emotional ones. I did not know where they were coming from. I used to impulsively repeat certain patterns and identified myself with them, when this was not my true identity and soul desire to do certain things. 

After some research, I found out that was identifying myself with my biological mother, repeating the old patterns she created for herself and that emerged again, in my adolescence. This is why it is so important to clear our genetic imprints - to enable us to act, think, and feel from a free state of being, and if new challenges come into the surface, at least we know they are coming from ourselves and not from the human burdens that we carry within. 

As I began my ascension process, I also tended to avoid these issues, for I denied they were coming from my own being. I kept doing this until the human aspect of me awoke to the truth that we all have karmic issues to deal with in our physical bodies, whether our soul is highly evolved or not. Instead of blaming the conditions, we should take responsibility for what is happening, whether coming from ourselves or not, and begin to act as a sovereign beings that we are instead of the victims we were programmed to be. 

If you do not have the opportunity for whatever reason, to know from where all your emotional and physical issues are coming from, know that it does not matter much from where they come but the necessity is to move inward, and to begin consciously observing yourself. Talk to your DNA to begin shifting old patterns. Needless to say, that in order to heal all of our genetic imprints, there are infinite other techniques required to help in this clearing process. Although, as I consider each of you to be your own healers and masters, this is something that I cannot tell you, for each and every one of you is unique and has their own guidance to work with these past imprinted memories, and what is good and works for me, maybe is not for you and vice versa.

In my personal journey, using sound (Tibetan/quartz bowls, singing/speaking light language, theta healing etc) between other techniques - as a way of releasing memory cells - is very therapeutic, for vibration shifts and purify all the lower frequencies we retain within and in our physical vehicles. I also use conscious commanding to my body cells and DNA to dissolve old programs and then I substitute them with new ones, but there are more therapies to assist you in this process, although as I always say, healing takes place within, by doing it ourselves, for it is not about external objects but about the intention we put into what we do what truly brings healing. 

Healing genetic imprints is one of the most important things when we begin to walk on this evolutionary path, to dissolve old programmes we still hold within that makes us repeat the same old ancestral scenarios and begin to embrace true sovereignty. This is why it is essential to be constantly observing the lower self, for we may notice old feelings emerging again, impeding us to be fully present in the Now. It is also essential to work on forgiveness, especially in our relationships, as we heal all the family or old karmic issues that may arise, and remember that under our human perspective of being hurt or alone, the true nature and meaning of our soul reunions was always to assist us to remember what our human self has forgotten. 

From my experience, and if you feel guided, working with Arcturus has opened a totally different view on healing for me and the many infinite tools available for us to heal those old patterns, tools not outside ourselves but within. Arcturians are working closely with some of us, if this is our will and soul agreement, on new ways of healing, for they are cosmic masters whose main mission is one of healing, helping us also in major transitions and reconnect ourselves with our crystalline essence.

Connecting with Arcturians can be done by entering into a deep state of meditation, and when we feel One with our soul, visualize their orange star as we begin to breathe in its purifier energy from the crown to our first chakra, and visualizing too, as we breathe out, all the emotional debris and stagnant old energy dissolving. After that, say aloud, or as you are guided, your pure intention to heal yourself before stepping into the path of selfless assistance to others, and proclaim your commitment to serve only the Law of One as well as All beings within Creation from a place of neutrality and love toward All. It is not necessary that you see or hear them, for we are all unique, and we all have our ways. In any case, their healing essence will be strongly felt or shown in whatever situation of your life experience and/or being which is in need of healing. 

One of the main reasons why we decided to come here was precisely to heal old karmic issues to be able to step into this ascension path by being purified and freed of all the old. Mastering the inner creator within a physical plane is vital, however, the first thing for all of us to do, before our human desire to be constantly manifesting and ascending, is to learn how to heal ourselves, which can only be done by being fully present in the moment instead of chasing future times that are not yet happening or past ones that no longer exist.

When we embrace the moment, we no longer have the need to maintain old frequencies, situations and experiences, as we understand that they are just illusions only occurring in our human minds, never in the Now. Therefore, we allow healing to take place, remembering that when we heal ourselves, the invisible threads that connect us with All within Creation, help them heal as well.

Yours is the choice, to focus on your unique journey and begin to heal within Divine love and compassion all that your human being has been denying, or hiding for a long time, just because it fears truth, just because it feels pain. At every single moment of your precious existence, you have the gift to choose what you desire to do with the moment that you hold in your hands. You can use it to heal and evolve or to contract and remain in fear. 

When we choose freedom as our main choice, challenges and pain will emerge, for this is how we transform what our human self fights to retain. But in the moment we surrender and remember our true natural state of being - allowing ourselves to feel every feeling and situation just as they are, without any judgments or denial - is when we become One with our soul and are able to act as sovereign beings and fulfil our soul mission, by being whole/healed and from a place of unity and love with All.  

In love, light and service ∞
Natalia Alba 

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Saturn squares Neptune: Dissolving old structures vs. Choosing a Higher reality

Beloved Ones, 

We just had a wonderful Full Moon in Gemini when today, another important cosmic event will start reigning our skies until 2016. Saturn, the Planet of Power in Sagittarius, squares Neptune, the Planet of dreams and Intuition, which is direct again in Pisces. The second square will be on June 17th and the third on september 10th. Both Planets are formidable opposite Forces, both represent an aspect of our self - as the entire cosmos does - that if polarized, can lead us to extremes and imbalances. Our task is to conduct these energies into a balance, finding unity within and into our physical lives, instead of fragmentation and chaos. 

Saturn rules the material world, inviting us to be disciplined and build secure structures into our physical world. On the other hand, we have Neptune, the Dreamer, the one who transcends what is tangible and has form in order to dive deep into the depths of our being, into the ethereal, that which is not seen with our physical eyes but that is as important as what we can physically touch. Both Planets, in their opposite nature, create the perfect balance, we are the ones now who are able to also experience this same harmony of these different powers that also reside within us by merging them as One. Cosmic Forces do not dictate our reality, neither they limit who we are. 

As humans, we give meanings to what can only be felt, and make assumptions, universal forces do not. We have created boundaries, but the universe always creates freedom and expansion. At this present moment, at every single moment, we are given another opportunity to keep choosing a different reality, and it is our time to free ourselves form those limited blocks that once we manifested to experience one part of Creation, but that no longer resonates with who we have become, into a higher form of consciousness.

We are all dancing together within the eternal spiral of Creation and it is when we understand that what is taking place in the stars it is also within us, that we can finally act as masters of our own being and lives and create unified outcomes that will not only be based on our dreams and soul desires but that at the same time can materialize into our tangible realm.To create stability, abundance and harmony within and in our lives, it is essential that we understand that the energies from these two Planets are here to challenge us to integrate both, not to cause chaos. Fear is unnecessary, freedom and claiming our power vital.

When we navigate into other realities, making sure that we are not losing ourselves into mere dreams but into our true soul desires and use Saturn´s power to anchor all these inner visions into our human reality, we are becoming alchemist, because we are not falling into old patterns of polarizing one force or the other but integrating both so we can manifest our true potential into our lives. This is what magicians do, they descend those inner opposite forces into the physical to make the invisible visible.

Old wounds can emerge within ourselves, we are already appreciating it in our world, but this is only an inner message from our soul that a deep transformation is taking place as well as the awareness and subsequent healing to move forward and leave behind more of the old. In the collective, we may perceive panick, but we just have to know where to look to find love and compassion when someone chooses unlove. Structures are falling down even if sometimes we see only chaos, we can never see the whole picture from our human perspective, but we can be aware enough to realize that at the same time that some choose to enslave themselves, even more beings are stepping into love and a higher way of living. 

At this time, we can also fall into illusions, into our past, let it be. Do not judge the perfect Divine being that you are that knows best. Accept those feelings as a part of who you are and transcend this duality by remembering that it is only by living into our hearts and see the wisdom that lies in there that we can free ourselves from fears and keep expanding within our true purpose. Sometimes it is when we revisit the old that we can really acknowledge should be shifted, and then, it is never something we should fear, but a blessing to us all to recognize the pain and not be afraid of it but transcending it with a higher understanding.

Saturn and Neptune, if seeing as a cosmic gift, show us how to master the art of bringing into form our dreams and soul desires into our world. Remember that we also had Uranus/Pluto square until recently and that it was challenging as well, but that we also master ourselves with this formation. Now, we can do the same and keep working with different energies so we could experience what life in this realm truly means instead of just living of our illusions. 

We are never alone or hopeless in a Universe that only is moved by love, and as a reminder we have on November 27th, Chiron, the Cosmic Healer, assisting us to heal those old wounds and limitations and if we take him as an ally, it will serve  us to illuminate those dark corners within us to finally find the Truth that we are always whole, healed and that we just have to move into our heart space to remember that only we can transform what is not longer working for us.

As ascending Souls, we are always the witnesses of not only our own lives but of the outer world as well, and we know that these Forces are affecting All, as you have seen in the collective, and the events that just have occurred. We have already experienced the illusion of what we are not,  and no matter what force we decide to follow, we can never avoid the Truth that in the end, there is no other reality than the fact that we are  all lovelight beings, some of them just keep searching in the "wrong" places their own Divine Light. 

As New Earth Seeds, our mission is not to judge, but to live our own truth and use the power of forgiveness and Divine Love to unify what others separate and we are going to have a wonderful opportunity to do with this Saturn/Neptune square during a Year to create a higher reality as the old one dissolves.

In love and light,
Natalia Alba