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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New earth seeds. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New earth seeds. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 22 de julio de 2018

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, July 27, 2018 ~ Conscious Release

The end is the beginning of all things, suppressed and hidden, awaiting to be released through the rhythm of pain and pleasure.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Beloved Light Emissaries,

The period between Eclipses, as many of you already know, is one of profound change. What can seem chaotic to our human self is nothing but the natural transformation that we, our bodies, and therefore physical life, shall experience, for us to begin a new life. With change comes endings, ones that are the seeds of what will be the foundations of the next phase of our human experience. The Full Moon’s Total Eclipse at 4 degrees Aquarius, is the catalyst for the change we all need to transform an old reality and begin to mould a new one. 

This Eclipse will be a very potent one, especially for its conjunction to retrograde Mars, the Warrior, and its duration, the longest of the century - one hour and twenty-three minutes. As always, it is our choice to use these frequencies some are calling: destructive, challenging, etc. to rebuild and stabilize what is not in alignment with the human experience we desire to live. Energies simply are, it is our human mind that needs to be constantly labelling them according to our human perspective, but the truth is that only our intention, and hence, conscious attention, is what gives them meaning.

At the Eclipse time, one taking place in the head of the Capricornus Constellation, we have the Moon in conjunction to Mars, making a square to Uranus, the Planet of Change or Transformation, that many call Rebellion, and semisextile Saturn, which will bring us more soothing energies. All this planetary combination will help us remove the ashes of the old, both internally and externally, giving us the opportunity to release what enslaved us and continue our conscious journey by being free of burdens and limited beliefs. 

Mars helps us to stay grounded, and even more with Uranus being in Taurus as well, which asks us to create stability, in the physical, in all the changes we make, something vital when we are immersed within a path of self-evolution, for us not to fall into delusional traps and beliefs that only damage our mind and human experience. 

Some may think/feel being grounded will prevent them from experiencing the delights of the Illuminated Realms. On the contrary, it is precisely by being grounded, and keep a healthy, and open mind, that enables us to descend more Light - Wisdom - and integrate it within our physical bodies, and physical plane, which is why we came here, to descend and experience, our Divine Essence, and gifts, into the tangible. 

Integrating darkness

During the Eclipse season, in which we are going to be immersed in different cosmic waves, coming not just from the many planetary events happening within our planetary system, but outside it too, there are many who are going to be experiencing what I call darkness integration. As you know, we live in a dualistic universe, and our main task, as humans, is to integrate both polarities, as equal, for it is only by doing so that we can finally leave behind a limited reality based on the illusion of separation and begin to embrace what unity consciousness truly means.

It is at this time that many Starseed Souls, New Earth Seeds and many who are beginning to step into this journey, of selfless assistance, and devotion to All, are feeling the deep impact that change has, for they are being asked to integrate the darkness and for some it is not easy to distinguish all that is occurring.

When we are working on the conscious evolution of the Planet, from a place of clarity, instead of mental delusion or illness, which is very common in the spiritual community, and it is fine, for we all need to experience many phases to regain awareness of which path we truly desire to walk, we will be attacked by many forces that are working for the dark polarity. Distinguishing if we are being asked, by our God Self, to integrate darkness, or if instead we are being attacked and/or manipulated by these dark forces is pivotal, for us not to fall in delusional thinking and other dark tactics.

When we begin to integrate darkness we may find people, situations and other similar events that ask us to embody this pain, not by feeling attacked or hopeless, but by precisely recognizing this same light under the darkness, realizing that this dark aspect is also willing to come back to the light. We may find all of a sudden people who need our assistance, who are in extreme situations, or other life experiences that we may consider darkness or people we tend to name as being "negative" who need our love.

When this occurs, communing with our soul, is what will show us if we are being abused, manipulated or if we are given an opportunity to integrate darkness. When we feel love and compassion and without draining our life force, we truly feel guided to assist others, we are not in the middle of any negative situation, on the contrary, we are acting as the bringers of the light that we are, and assisting those to integrate the darkness, as we do so by not labelling the situation we are experiencing, by not judging their current situation, and by not feeling superiority, on the contrary by seeing an opportunity to be the Lovelight beings that we are, from a space of neutrality and love, assisting until they can see the light by themselves.

Therefore, it is so important that we master the ego and begin to operate from a heart space, where the clarity we need resides, and learn to distinguish that not everything is an attack, that at some point, we are going to be invited to stand tall in our power and form this loving and empowered state, assist others. 

The illusion many in the spiritual community have of being only of the light and dwelling, always, there, is nothing but unconscious egoic beliefs, that are hard to recognize. There are many who are convinced, that if they are touched by "negativity" it is because they are being attacked. Therefore, it is so important to be constantly releasing human beliefs, and even if it is challenging, be open to what our God Self, desires to tell us, for sometimes these negative encounters and/or situations, assist us more than we assist them, to stand firm in our path, and to regain sovereignty, something we could not do if we were just dwelling in the light. 

Every challenging, negative, uncomfortable, or as you prefer to call it, situation, shows us more about ourselves than about others. It shows us our fears, doubts, egoic feelings, delusional thinking, and above all, if we behave, always, with unconditional love, compassion and humility with ourselves and All, or if we are yet facing feelings of annoyance when we are asked to integrate darkness. 

In any case, there is always an opportunity for us to grow, and this is what this period of Eclipses brings, the chance for us to embrace a new path, made of all the love and wisdom we have embodied rather than on our egoic desires. 

Ancenstral healing

The Aquarian Eclipse is a South Node Eclipse, on the contrary of the Cancerian one, which occurs  in the North Node. The South Node is all about letting all go and release an old self and life that is not in alignment with who we have become, for when we begin this evolutionary journey, we are constantly releasing old aspects of our lower self, and hence, there is always the need for us to descend and integrate new ones. 

This is not just happening internally but in the collective as well, for we are beginning to see how the masses are fighting for releasing old laws that enslave them, as well as many others  limited structures that they are beginning to realize are only there to disempower them and keep them as mere slaves. 

The birth of a new era is not something achieved in one day, and even though many claim to be already living in a fifth dimensional reality, it is not yet totally done, and there are many things that we are still here to work with, beginning for ourselves and ending with the society that eons ago was built to keep us enslaved.

The period between Eclipses is a blessed one for those who are working on clearing karmic/ancestral patterns for even though you may be already a sovereign being descending from the Illumined Realms, you are incarnated within a human body, which carries your ancestor’s genes and within them many old patterns, behaviours etc. to be cleared, otherwise, the repetition of these patterns will tend to come to the surface, once again.

There are many people who once they begin to walk this evolutionary path find out how hard it is for them to release certain customs, habits and/or behaviours that they do not even consider to be part of them or their true soul desires. As I am one who had to deal with a very hard pattern coming from my biological mother, I know how difficult it is when one is literally compelled, against one’s will, to do certain things that do not benefit us, but that for some reason feel as if we shall continue repeating them.

Compulsive behaviours are often caused by all the genetic burdens we carry within ourselves and that we have not yet healed. It is pivotal that in the first steps of our ascension path, when these old patterns arise, we take the time to dissolve these ancestral habits and begin to consciously command our genes to release the many behaviours that are not truly ours to experience.

These old habits that some may be repeating, without even being aware of it, goes from addictions to substances, attachments to relationships, and many other things we tend to do that are, probably, coming from our family lineage. If you are one who knows your biological family, for in my case it was not like this, then you have a great opportunity to witness yourself and see from who these old patterns are coming and how you are repeating them, for this is the first step towards self-liberation.

Releasing an old habit, whether it is a physical or a mental one (for example negative thinking, being a drama feeder etc) is very challenging for your body is accustomed to certain substances and/or thoughts that are part of their energetic food, so to speak, and one must begin to consciously master the self and command our genes to release all that do not belong to what we should experience in this lifetime.

This takes time, devotion to the self and constant inner work. The release from ancestral patterns is one of the most liberating experiences one could ever have, for one begins to truly know oneself without other's burdens within. It is then that we start knowing who we truly are, healing our own issues rather than those occurring genetically. 

After healing ancestral patterns, not just old habits and thoughts disappear but many physical sensations that came with them. It is one of the main things to work with, especially at the time of this Eclipse, when we all have a great opportunity to eclipse what we do not desire or what no longer belongs to us.  

Earth healing: A call to Starseed Souls & New Earth Seeds

As Starseed Souls and New Earth Seeds, one aspect of our mission is to help restore the distorted Earth fabrics that were manipulated to encapsulate us within a 3D matrix. As you already know, there are many roles within Creation, and the labels above, are just some names to label the many missions that as ascending souls we are here to fulfil, so this message goes for everyone, who simply has a pure intention to assist planet Earth, independently of the name we prefer to use.

With the coming of the Eclipse there are many changes occurring not just within ourselves but in our Planet. The new galactic waves received are creating new avenues for the ones who work with the Earth Grids to restore the long ago manipulated Earth fabrics, helping us to become Earth bridges to connect the restored grids with the New Earth Grid system. 

At this time, reading, talking and thinking about ascension or how can we assist, will not serve. This is a moment to just be and do what our soul guides us to do, instead of reading or comparing ourselves to others and see what they do to assist, for in the moment we do so, we are losing the unique way we are meant to be of assistance.

It is in BEing and not in doing that the majority of the Starseed Souls and New Earth Seeds help in the task of restoring the distorted Earth structures. We all have our own way, the most important thing is to unite as One, and master egoic feelings of superiority, and begin to be of help to our own selves, for most of the time many tend to focus on what they can fix outside instead of beginning from within.

It is vital to be totally present, focus on our bodies, while they keep integrating higher levels of consciousness and take care of our bodies, the best we can, for in the moment we allow our lower self to take control and continue feeding it with dense food and many other manipulated non-human food, as I call it, the body is not able to continue its transformation into crystalline matter.

For those who feel extreme exhaustion, and above all, you are sure you are perfectly fine, physically and emotionally, and there are no dark attacks, this is where you honor and respect your body, for there are times when you must put yourself before anything else. The fatigue and sleepy periods must be respected for in my personal experience it means my body is releasing so much that if this does not rest, it could not be possible to do so and restore my body to its natural healthy state, again.

Everyone is unique, and like I always say, when we are secure there is nothing else disturbing our ascension process, we all must become our own oracles to discern what are real physical pains and what is a natural symptom created by our conscious choice of transforming our bodies to their pure and original state of being. 

For the stabilizers and everyone whose soul mission involves using crystals, remember that they are our companions and co-create with us to help us anchor, balance and/or any other role they have. Dependency on them can make us lose the real purpose and power from where what we do comes, which is always from within. There are many tools we tend to use that can make us feel as if without them we could not make our task, and there are times when remembering the Divine Consciousness within, is more important than focusing on external tools, which at this time can happen many times.

I have received, again, certain regions on Earth where there will be major openings for us to begin restoring the frequency of these places, and grids, for even though our Planet has already bifurcated from old earth, there are still some places highly contaminated and assistance is pivotal for them to regain their lost purity.

I share this information for those who are already, consciously, working with the Earth Grids and would like to send healing to these places:
  • Belarus
  • Karachay Lake, Russia - for the ones whose mission is related to heal Earth Waters etc. there will be an opening we could take advantage of to send healing. The level of contamination is beyond imaginable. There are many Islands where clearing is not possible at the moment, however, there are more new openings, as our Planet continues raising in frequency.
  • Zambia
  • Nepal
  • Altai, is an independent terrritory of Russia bordering Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. I have received there is no one able to assist there physically and it is a very restrictive place, apart from the fact that there are certain time/space issues in this land, which makes even more challenging to work there, which is why we could only assist in the astral and by consciously sending healing.

As always, take what resonates with your own guidance and feel free to share/add the ones you have received yourself on my facebook page for All to know. Thank you for your conscious assistance and love to all the Earth places that are still in pain due to human damage.

For the ones whose mission is different, nonetheless equal, and must work in the 3D world, your task is even harder than the ones that have already taken the decision of creating their own form of living and live only in the places and with the people that are in perfect resonance with who we are. For those who are in this situation, as I know there are many, for there are a lot of people writing to me about this, sharing their situation, you have my most sincere respect and love.

Having been there myself before, it is extremely hard to be able to restore the body, at the end of the day, and try to keep it balanced when we are surrounded by people and situations that are simply not aligned with our frequency. This does not mean you are in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing, there is not such a thing as being in the wrong place, for all serves our path.

There are many brave and strong souls whose mission is to work in that level, which is even more challenging, and even though there are many who may think these souls cannot be ascending as the ones who are more isolated from these 3D distractions, this is, again, separation, egoic feelings of superiority, between many other judgements.

There are no special souls placed in wondrous places, from where they can serve untouched, even though it can seem to be like this. There are many important special souls placed in the places their unique and precious frequency can heal. When one is ready and if the God Self decides so, then if the work is done these souls can pass to a more peaceful human existence, but the important thing is not where we work or the label of what we do, but the intention with which we do it that matters.

It is the essence, the love, the compassion we put into what we do, that serves. There are souls doing more challenging work in the 3D world than others who live isolated. I have no judgements, even though by reading this it can seem so. I respect All. However, every time I read or hear someone feeling superior about living in certain conditions others do not, I have no other way than sharing about the importance of mastering the ego as well as to see the same light in other's jobs. 

I say this even if I am one living in what I consider a perfect reality for me, which cost me years, but the importance of appreciating what others do is pivotal. There are many in the spiritual community, whose smiles, love and light messages, are precious, however, energy speaks for themselves, and there is no one who can disguise what one is. And there is nothing wrong with this, for we all have our time to begin knowing ourselves, witnessing what disempowers us and beginning the endless path of self-evolution.

Earth Transmuters

As we continue to navigate through the Eclipses, and until the Lion’s Gate on August 8, the energies will continue increasing. This is a very important passage for the Earth Transmuters - group of souls whose mission is centered on the transmutation of lower  energies - filtering and purifying them so they regain their natural light state, again. 

At the moment, we are undergoing many changes, however, for these changes to occur first a transformation must take place, one that begins energetically until it reaches the physical. These souls who are in charge of transmuting these energies will feel exhausted and if they do it unconsciously, for the majority of the time, it is by our essence that we do our soul mission, will experience depressive periods, if they do not take good care of themselves, for they may not distinguish from where these lower energies or feelings come, and instead of acting as mere filters, could fall into the illusion this pain or lower state of being, belongs to them, when they are just here to transmute and let it all go.

Only by knowing oneself and by constant self-observation can one know whose role is the one they brought, for some people can confirm it to you, but no one else will know better than yourself. There are many souls working in public places such as hospitals, and mainly where it involves working with a lot of people or people who are experiencing illness, whose part of their mission is to precisely transform not what these people experience individually, but the collective frequency. Therefore, it is so important that they are conscious of how to use a proper protective layer between other boundaries to be able to fulfil their mission without being directly or intimately affected.

During the Eclipses there are many souls working on the dissolution of lower frequencies and there are many whose soul role will even involve travelling to do the work of dark transmutation. It depends on the essence of their mission, for sometimes it is more centered on transmuting the dark energy of Earth and others shall do so collectively, more focused on the dark energy that people, in general, generate.

Therefore, being aware of what exactly is your mission is very important for when there are things that may seem similar, they are not, and most who are not yet holding clarity, will tend to resonate with more than one mission, at a time. This disappears with inner work and when the lower self is ready. The important is not exactly what our mission is called or what we do, but how we do it. As I always say, it is all about the intention more than the label in itself.

Comparison, as I always say, is another important thing to work with if we are willing to truly disengage ourselves of self-imposed expectation and of fixed ways of doing things. We all are unique and even though certain souls can carry the same mission, not even two can make it the same way.  Comparing yourself to others or wanting to do what others do, is a complete waste of the precious, and gifted, soul that you are, therefore know, respect and honor thyself.

There are many who are ready, as I received, to descend, and hence, embody in their physical beings, new aspects of their mission, leaving behind their challenging roles as Earth transmuters, although a part of them will continue this work, and being now able to move on from years of feeling tired, sick, depressed etc. in which their bodies have suffered a great deal to be able to filter all these lower  frequencies.

During the Eclipse, if you are one of those souls, you have the opportunity to release a part of your mission which is already fulfilled and embody new aspects, as many of us are doing. You may not know all the details, this is a path of trust in the Divine, and the only thing we can do until a higher clarity comes, is to flow and continue doing what we feel is our current mission. 

All comes to us when we are ready. In that moment of illumination, one realizes that one wasted time constantly asking, suffering, and searching outside, in the wrong places and people, what was only within. It is then that one realizes and it serves for the next time, that one simply must wait for when the physical self is ready to receive and that one can only do so, not by searching healing or other things outside but to consciously work on the self, patiently waiting for the right moment in which we finally are ready to descend more wisdom.

The return of Light Consciousness 

This is a very potent Eclipse, and galactic passage, in which while we are fully immersed in these healing waves, we could align with them to go deeper within our being and liberate ourselves of the unhealed issues and self-imposed chains that our egoic self is constantly creating. 

The return of Light Consciousness is a fact, for our Planet is not just beginning to dwell within a higher dimensional space, but also the ones who have consciously chosen to experience this transition. Now, it is pivotal that we do not fall into the egoic trap of thinking we have done it all, for we came here to master the self as well as to assist the Planet until its full transition, which is not done yet. And it is our main mission to act as New Earth Bridges, even in the most challenges times, to make this shift possible.

During the Full Moon we have two loving and powerful events - a trine between Jupiter and Neptune, which is still in our Heavens and Venus in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces. This is where the ones who have already worked for so long with healing our human ancestral patterns and many other lower layers of the self, are ready to only work on bringing back the lost connection to Source, the feeling of oneness we once forgot and the remembrance of finding love in everything within Creation, not just in the things we consider miraculous, which is everything that surrounds us, but in every creature, being and thing, for this is where Divine remembrance truly begins.

Ascension is nothing but the descension of our Divinity into a human self and plane, one we created precisely for this purpose, between many other ones. It is not about running, and wanting to force our progress, for there is no destination, other than assisting while we are in a human body and enjoying the delights of this plane. It is not about constantly seeking and asking, but about BEing in the now, being who we are and doing all we truly desire, from our soul, that truly counts. 

It is all about being present more than wanting to do and accept where we are, for here, in this moment is where you are being of assistance, is where peace resides. Here is where you exist, and it is only in this moment that you are free and able to create the next one as you wish. 

When we embrace the moment, we no longer have the need to maintain old frequencies, situations and experiences activated, as we understand that they are just past choices happening at another timeline, it is then that we allow healing to occur, remembering that when we heal ourselves, the invisible threads that connect us with All within Creation make healing possible for All as well.

Infinite love, joy, and bright blessings for a wonderful Eclipse, and for a magical everything, always, Beloved Companions. Remember to stay, always, in the Illumined Essence of your God Self, which knows only Love, Truth and Compassion. 

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

The Energies of November 2017 ~ Ascending to New Earth

Beloved Light Emissaries, 

At this final phase of our bifurcation from Old Earth, we find ourselves traversing the space between Old Earth and the New Vibrational Earth, in which, some of us, have consciously chosen to dwell. At this time, some ascending souls, already are anchored within a fifth dimensional real, while many may find themselves still navigating between the 4D portal that leads us into this New Timeline, for in truth, it is all a matter of how we choose to vibrate and radiate our essence more than a number or physical dimension. 

At the moment, we are working on the synthesis of all the aspects of us, which is not a one-day process or something that is done by simply reading or by just going to one healer after another, but by consciously awakening our cosmic spark and walking the talk. A message of inner fusion that this new month, with its Scorpion energies reminds us. For it is precisely in the unification of our inner polarities, where the ascension path begins. It is by healing all the unlove, blockages, and fear once unconsciously embodied or imposed by outer manipulation, that we begin to unveil the many fake layers of illusion - that once we believed - and embodying a higher level of awareness.

As we continue our process of inner fusion - and healing - from old programming, our ability to co-create improves. As we continue to merge the opposite polarities that lie within us, so does our ability to expand and give birth to something new that can only be birthed by the merging of opposite, but again, complementary forces. This is where we are, birthing a new self and timeline as we keep also mastering how to be fully anchored within our choice, trying different possibilities for us to experience.

From a collective perspective, Planet Earth seems to be experiencing its most chaotic period for a long time. Please be observant and look beyond the false propaganda, the misinformation that is given to manipulate us by the dark forces, to discern what is truly occurring behind the physical scenes. It is true that our Planet is in deep transformation - from nature - in the form of natural disasters, to climatic change as well as many other issues such as political ones. However, it is also true that the light polarity is being strongly reinforced by the many new souls who are awakening as well as the work of the many Light Bearers, Starseed Souls, raisers of consciousness, and New Earth Seeds that are being the pioneers of this transition.

It is all about where you choose to focus your attention. For to be able to experience the deep bifurcation that we are passing through, first the formation of extreme poles need to emerge. As we continue our transition into New Earth, if we look behind, we will see more "chaos" but this is not all that is happening, this is just an aspect that for us, as ascending souls, is clearer now to us, for where we are going there is not such a deep sense of polarization.

Therefore, it is so important to remain always in the Wisdom and loving Essence of our God Self, for every time we look into the sides, or the past, we are bringing this same chaotic frequency into our present vibration and hence timeline. This is not the same as denial, for we are not denying the evidence of our human nature, but embracing both without judgements and choosing the state of being that is more aligned with who we are now. We do not need to ignore, label or try to fight anything, for we know, that we simply need to be to expand and leave behind what we have experienced for eons.

We hold now in our hands the moment some of us have been waiting for, a moment, and gift, in which choosing where to dwell, whether in old or New Earth is essential, for the double body of Earth is already occupying a new time/space zone within a higher octave. The question is: “Are you willing to do what it takes to let it all go and begin an unknown but blissful journey of conscious co-creation and integration?” This question is not replied by a yes/no question, your feelings, thoughts and action, will let you know where you are in frequency.

If you still read, agree but then do not act accordingly with what you truly desire, then your own actions are showing your lack of integrity, which is perfectly fine if you are aware. If you still think that acting is more important than BEing, then you are again polarizing and allowing your masculine essence to be constantly bringing something into form without the proper nurturing it needs from the feminine within. If you know what you need in healing/dissolving and yet you continue to separate, judge and manipulate, then you are not ready to release an old aspect of your 3D egoic personality.   

It is very important that we understand that to be able to evolve, first something must "break" within ourselves to trigger the transformation/reorganization required in our inner worlds, beliefs and everything that used to be familiar to us. As many of you know, by personal experience, at first, one begins to be against everything and everyone that feels a lack of awareness and compassion. 

Even if these first stages may seem chaotic, for the ones who are stepping into this journey, you will realize, at your own time, that trying to fight and change what you cannot is just a waste of your energy and intention. As one evolves, as once happened to many of us, one understands that the only thing we can truly change is ourselves, and it is then that we cease to fight the outer world and begin to move into our inner one, being able to finally bringing this change to All.

At the moment the collective is fighting what they think they can change, or the outer conditions, let them be. It is also an important part to help others awake. The important thing is not what they do or not but what we do with our own frequency. If you choose to focus only on the dark forces, then you will begin to vibrate within this lower range, manifesting it into your reality, and hence seeing only chaos. 

By referring to the collective and how they try to change things, I am not talking about the light workers who works peacefully to bring great shift into certain things, as it is human rights, conscious eating etc, for they bring healing and deep transformation, as well as unity, to All. I am talking about the ones who are beginning to awake, when in their first phases, try to push others by force to think as they think and to change things in the outer that cannot be changed, for the dark side must do its function in a dual Universe. 

It is by neutral observation, especially at the end of the day, by taking some time to become the eternal witness that we can be able to discern whether our egoic self still dominates us or whether we have become the masters and hence sovereign beings of our own life experience. At every moment, we have the opportunity to choose, we do not really have many choices, for all choices are a matter of deciding whether dwelling in love or in fear, and at every single second, we are given the gift to become aware to where we are given our attention to.

Soul integration & Monadic connection

The process of soul integration, even though an endless one of constant remembrance, leads to a higher connection with our Monad, as this is the next step when we begin to integrate higher aspects of our soul, from a whole space.

The nourishment of our connection with our Monad, is pivotal for the ascending souls who are in service  to the human evolution, for we do not walk alone in this earthly realm, and the more we cultivate this connection, the more we will realize that we have never been alone, on the contrary, acting as One, at all times with the higher aspects of us who dwell in the 12D, whether we focus more on separation and in the individualized aspect of Source that we are, or whether we were more conscious of this Higher Connection.

It is essential that we begin to embody the remembrance of who we are in Essence, for it is only by doing so that we will begin to act with more integrity and consciousness, remembering more aspects of our soul mission as well as our true purpose for us within this human incarnation. A lot of people daily wonder what is their soul purpose, when one is in this phase, asking outside and trying non-stop to search for a clue, will not serve your inner quest.

What has helped me in my journey, until the moment comes of being consciously aware of what we are here to do, is to follow the steps my soul guided me in order to be able to descend more wisdom about my soul purpose. The initials steps are often about cleansing, healing and beginning the work of soul integration, for if we do not begin by purifying ourselves, the veils that cover the Truth will continue to impede us see what we are meant to.

To be able to embody this Monadic connection and hence, more wisdom, first we need to work on the dissolution of all the old beliefs as well as clear our emotional and mental bodies that are covering this connection with our Monad. After regaining the proper balance and purification, we will be able to realize that we are just an extension of other aspects of us who remain in other planes but that are breathing, feeling and acting as One with us.

It is when this illuminating moment comes, that we leave all egoic desires aside and begin to embrace a higher path of selfless service, for we now remember that we are no just here to fulfill our mere egoic desires and experience a human plane, but to be able to bring this higher essence as well as its wisdom to All in our unique way of being of service. 

It is no longer about us but about All. It is no longer about what we think we wish for ourselves and with whom, but about being fully present and conscious of what our Unified Self guides us to do at every moment. At this time, it is pivotal that within this tumultuous phase, we will be able to always remain focus on this deeper connection with our Monad, for they are not just a part of us, but our main guide, and support, while we walk as individualized beings 

Cosmic events triggering change & expansion

At a Planetary level, the expansion that we all are experiencing, from within, in our unique way, is also repressed by Jupiter, especially by being now in the depths of Scorpio. Another aspect occurring during the beginning of this month, is Jupiter quintile Pluto on November 3. This frequency will make a deep impact within the collective, helping them to keep awakening and deepening within their own evolutionary path. 

This will be of great assistance as well for the ascending souls, to go further in our soul mission, and descend new aspects of it. This will help us all to awaken dormant soul gifts, go beyond our human boundaries and see behind the physical picture, all the dormant potential that remains untouched within the depths of our being. 

The previous day we will also have a very important cosmic event, as Saturn will square Chiron, the Cosmic Healer. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night suffering - with anxiety - without knowing why? Do you still tend to repeat the same old scenarios, even if you try to manifest a different outcome? Have you ever noticed the unhealed pain beating inside your heart, even if you try to cover it with addictions or any veil that will bring you the illusion that there are unhealed wounds?

If a part of you is still in pain, whether it is because it remains living in the past or whether in loss, you still have not ended the healing required with your emotional body and unconscious wounds. With this alignment and the wisdom and higher awareness from Neptune being direct again on November 22, for as you know the energies do not last just one day, we will have the cosmic gift of bringing the unconscious into the light and begin to work with all the aspects of ourselves that remain in darkness, suffering due to the separation we brought to them. 

It is a time to take full responsibility for every thought, for every action taken and realize that there was never something you made wrong, whether to you or onto others. There are simply acts committed by being in a lower state of consciousness or fear. Now you have embodied higher aspects of who you truly are. Now you are freeing yourself from delusions of what you never were. Now is the time to forgive yourself, for all the unconscious acts made from when you were a totally different person. You came to love, to enjoy, and to open your heart to the things your egoic self has been fearing for a long time. 

There will be a portal opening between the Taurus Full Moon, on November 4 and the Scorpion new one on November 18. The full moon in Taurus will serve to anchor balance between our earthly and ethereal realms, for Taurus is ruled by Venus and Venus is in Libra at the time of this full moon, so this is another confirmation for us to bring inner synthesis within ourselves and hence within our human lives. 

On the other hand, the Scorpion’s Moon will be of great assistance to connect with our God Self and begin to descend and anchor this wisdom within our tangible plane, for this is what truly serves and helps us ascend, it is not by dwelling in the ethereal that we evolve, but by bringing all this transformation, purification and higher wisdom into our bodies and dense reality. 

Stabilizers, New Earth Anchors, raisers of consciousness & Grid-workers

This is a very important phase for the ones who work with bringing stabilization as well as for the ones who work with Earth's Grids and as New Earth Anchors - holding the proper frequency - acting as bridges -  to New Earth. For we all are experiencing many imbalances, as well as changes, in our physical system and should try to remain for as much time as possible in harmony, for if we collapse, then we will not be able to assist.

Many of you are going to be call to be of service in a different or broader way, I was told many are now guided to travel and anchor in the places that their essence will be of higher service. Others may change location and begin a new phase there, for even if our lower self tends to get attached, it was never about us, or about what we like or not, but about a Higher Will.

Raisers of consciousness, as I call them, are the ones with the soul role of remaining, always, in their highest possible frequency, vibrating in the range of love and compassion to be able to raise the frequency of our Planet. They are the ones that work from within and wherever they go they are felt as peaceful warriors, bringing love and joy to everything they touch. They are essential to keep the Planet in balance for without their work, the Planet could not be able to sustain the proper essence required for this planetary transition.  

For the stabilizers, as you already know, there is a lot, as usual, happening when we stabilize, whether in the astral, when awake,  or doing it fully conscious, for as many of you have felt, the attacks from the dark forces are becoming more recurrent as they are doing their mission of trying to keep the planet asleep, as it used to be for eons.

These are some of the symptoms that if you act fully consciously, you will experience while stabilizing:

• Huge pressure in your crown chakra - especially for the ones having a personal inner shift. For it is shifting and adjusting itself to be able to embody the New Light descending from our I AM Presence. 

•  A deep sense of heaviness in your legs.

• Vertigo - especially common after navigating between different timelines, for we are now pretty much in contact with other aspects of who we are as well as its many realities, where they exist.

• Drowsiness 

•  Headaches - as an invitation, between many other causes, for you to work on your mental body and clear it.

Feed yourself  with what serves your body to integrate this new light better, you know yourself, and we are all unique, so what serves for my body may not be what helps yours. Drinking lots of pure water is essential, for water helps us conduit the light - Divine Wisdom - we consciously integrate at the same time that purifies all channels. Above all, remain always in the loving embrace of your God self and its infinite compassion for All, instead of focusing on the drama and chaos that other dark forces create. 

It is indeed a very intense passage, which is why it is essential to trust and surrender to change. One of the experiences that begin to arise when we step into a new path of conscious co-creation, is that as we continue to expand, our inner light will let us know when it finds an obstacle, something we call being in a painful situation. This is where you need to clear the path, beginning from within. This is where your soul is asking you that you must take a break and dissolve all the obstacles that are impeding the expansion of your inner light through new horizons. 

Everything is created within and experienced without. If you are passing through certain challenges, then, you must become fully aware and take the responsibility to understand that you have created all to begin with, just because you need to master something new or that you are not seeing yet, or because you need to keep learning how you use your frequency. There is no one or outer force doing this to you, unless you too invite it by not claiming your sovereignty and ownership of your sacred space. 

It is a time where only our inner compass will help us navigate through this new timeline that we are so eager to experience. For now, for us only constant change will be our new reality, as there is nothing ever fixed or lineal, or a final destination to reach but infinite expansion to be experienced and enjoyed. There is no I need to go to this place and do this or meet this person because then I will experience happiness, there are no musts, there is only the bliss of being fully anchored within this unique Now moment.

We do not need to see where we are going, or the next thing that is going to occur, for we are the ones who decide, to begin with. We only need to count with the blessings of the moment and with the inner strength and power we all have within that will help us conquer new horizons no matter the many challenges we find in them, for now we know, it is in them that we find more growth and wisdom. 

It is not anymore about where we are heading, but about where we are now and what we do with where we are that will create  this next new moment that we wish to be magical. The gift of making this next moment as you wish, is not anymore outside, was never there, it is within, always was, the different is that now you are breathing, acting and thinking as a conscious being, aware of your own power and with the wisdom enough to know how to use it to assist yourself and All, for now you remember that You have always been a part of All. 

In love and service to Unity Consciousness, 

Natalia Alba 

domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2017

Full Moon in Pisces, September 6, 2017 - Becoming New Earth Seeds

May you live in interesting times

Blessings Beloved Ones,

We are living in a unique time within Creation. I hope you are enjoying being alive in such a special time, and that you know how much you contribute, if you consciously have decided to, in this cosmic shift that our Planet, as well as ourselves, are experiencing. If you thought that you have seen it all, again, the cosmic energies will surprise you with new waves, from this magical and healing Full Moon at 13 degrees of Pisces, whose main essence is meant to help us transcend an old karmic cycle as well as the duality in which we have been deeply immersed for eons, and begin to step into the Light of who we really are.

It is not new that we have been subjugated by the negative forces for longer than we can ever imagine. At this transitional time, these negative forces, for denying they exist, would not be wise or helpful, are trying more than ever to regain control, to manipulate and to keep using human beings as their puppets. We, the ascending souls, who are conscious of what is occurring at a deeper level, and especially those who act as New Earth Anchors, must remain, at all times, in the Illuminating Presence of their Soul, where clarity and true power resides to stand tall above any other form of manipulation.

As we leave behind the 3D old Earth, and step into the higher timeline that we have chosen, past memories as well as old wounds are likely to arise. This does not mean that you are not doing the proper inner work, although only you can know this of course, or that there is something wrong with you. The fiery energies received during all this summer, especially the ones from the Eclipses together with this Full Moon in Pisces, are triggering within all that which is not yet united. This is a gift, take it, it is not going to hurt you, it is going to liberate you. Are you willing to face the shadows and embrace the Truth that comes when one is ready to face oneself?

With Pisces, comes liberation, one that can only come after being dormant, and experiencing what we are not. It is with Pisces, in the last sign of the zodiac, that we begin to remember our true origins, clearing karmic debts, purifying ourselves and achieving personal enlightenment. The Eclipses together with this Full Moon in Pisces marks a key point in the collective, for it will bring Truth above illusion, healing and many revelations, especially for the souls who are healing and deprogramming  themselves. Truth is only revealed when one is ready to face it and becomes strong enough to disengage oneself from all the human illusions that we have been fed for so long.

It is with intuitive Pisces that we begin to learn how to flow with All, embracing whatever comes as a blessing and remembering that we are all One within Creation - finally moving from our 3D programmed personality into a space of free sovereignty and compassion towards ourselves and All, embracing not just our individualized aspect as it was at the beginning of the zodiac with Aries, but all the multidimensional ones of who we truly are. 

When we reach this Water sign, it is because we are ready to ascend another step into this endless evolutionary spiral of Creation, and we begin to activate our higher chakras and awaken ourselves to cosmic consciousness. This Full Moon brings us the message of transcending an old karmic cycle and embracing a free one where no density, illusion or/and oppression takes place, for we have experienced it for a long time, and it is time now to remember again from where we come and rise above the illusion of separation.

During this month, and especially with the Full Moon at 13 degrees of Pisces, which is of course not a coincidence at all, but a perfectly synchronized cosmic alignment, we, the ones who consciously decide to do so, will have the opportunity to dwell in a Higher Space of harmony and conscious co-creation, leaving behind the 3D old matrix that encapsulated us for so long. It is our opportunity to let it all go and being to align ourselves with the New Earth's 5D Timeline that we have consciously chosen. 

The degree where this Moon occurs, 13, is the number of transformation, represented in the tarot by the Death card, one that does not indicate, always, physical transition, but a deeper transformation that occurs within and that makes our reality shift as we do so too from within. A number related to karma and often manipulated to infuse fear in the masses.

This is a message for us to transmute and rejuvenate, for where we are going, the burden of old memories or what we consider from a limited human perspective, past hurts, will not serve us, for where we are going, the energy of every being can be strongly felt, and no one can hide behind a mask - what their true intentions are - neither can we cover our higher senses as we did when we experienced a 3D realm. 

At a cosmic level, the Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune, the Planet of Illusion, but also Dreams and the Unconscious, which is retrograde at almost 13 degrees of Pisces as well, 12°49′ Pisces. As we also have the Sun in Virgo, which is all about making things tangible and using its strength to be of service to All, we are being invited to descend from Above all the guidance and wisdom necessary Below, that is to say, anchoring into our earthly plane all we learn and envision - within the higher realms. For as I always say, we were not meant to come here to live in the ethereal but to become masters of how to descend all this magic, love and remembrance into our tangible plane. 

It is a time to ground ourselves, for only by having strong foundations can we grow, connecting to the higher aspects of us while we keep being grounded to Earth and its foundations. This is a challenging time for the ones who are doing the inner work of conscious liberation and dissolution of the old, but it is also a time for magic, revelations, Truth and for integrating all the wisdom received - when we are not afraid of navigating with our subconscious.

For the ones releasing addictions, and again I repeat that addictions are not just about using drugs or drinking, but anything that keeps us attached to something/someone in whom we are giving away our power, we must be careful at this time, for they can be tested by the power of Neptune in Pisces. Neptune and even more with Chiron in Pisces too, does not do anything in itself, they are just energies, however, it is our decision to decide how to direct this energy, as Neptune's essence is meant for us to dive deep within our deepest wounds and hidden aspects and the ones who are experiencing addictions, have more chances to fall into it so profoundly that they lose themselves in these deep waters. 

We could also feel more sensitive than usual, especially during the Full Moon, this is why it is important to become the witness of our own life experience and from an outer perspective realize when we are living on mere dreams and becoming delusional and when we are fully in control, within our wounds. For this will create an imbalance between being grounded or only be only anchored in the ethereal, which again, will only recreate in the physical, a destabilizing reality, with outcomes that are not aligned with our true soul desires and Will.

Regarding physical sensations, this is very unique, as I always say, but it is common to feel pressure in your heart area, or it can be also felt as anxiety, exhaustion etc, as you keep anchoring yourself more and more within a Higher Dimension. This is due to the density we lose when we are leaving behind more of the old. If you feel everything with more intensity and even with feelings of releasing in the form of tears, it is due to the pain your 3D egoic self feels when releasing the familiar, as well as the past. 

Let it be, feel it, allow yourself to mourn what is not even real, for this will create the opportunity for you to see that nothing or anyone was ever yours to begin with and that at the same time all is One, dancing together or "separated" from time to time, experiencing different realms and experiences, until we remember again the power of unity and Divine Love. 

There is another event happening just before the Full Moon in Pisces. Mercury, will turn direct, on September  5 at 28°25′ Leo. I must follow my truth and act as the integrated person I consider myself to be, and while I know this is important for you, I have decided that I am no longer going to keep sharing or giving importance to something that belongs to the old and who just keeps feeding this old 3D illusion of Mercury being retrograde, which is just an optical illusion we have from Earth.

As you believe you create. If you believe this has caused you many challenges, everything within Creation will obey you and so you as such, not because it is true, but because the Universe always treats you as the master that you are of your own life experience. If you, like me, begin to stop feeding/believing/fearing in this limited belief, you, as I am experiencing, will never complain or even remember this again, for you will keep experiencing infinite abundance, joy and that everything, no matter what is happening in your reality, has been created by you or orchestrated by your God Self for Higher reasons, never to cause you delays or do anything to you. When one flows, stops feeding old myths and begins to take charge of one's own reality, all impediments disappear, and the road begins to be illuminated, once again. 

At the Full Moon time, we also have Venus quincunx Neptune. As always, energies simply are, and it is all about what we do with their essences. This is not a fatalist aspect, for it is also meant to occur to help us become more conscious of our relationships and begin to release what is necessary. This is going to show you the aspects of yourself that you still unlove and pay no attention to, hiding them and trying to fill the empty spaces where you do not love yourself with the love of other. 

This is where you are finally going to realize if you are experiencing an enlightened reunion or if you are yet having a relationship based on the old way of loving, one who believes love is attachment, control, manipulation, lack of freedom and expansion - whether together or not. This is also a wonderful time for you to look at yourself. Negative self talk is the main thing that impedes you to love yourself, for it is you programming yourself in unconscious ways, to not receive because you are not worth it, hence you are commanding the Universe not to treat you well for you do not deserve it and this is the only thing you will see. 

Do you tell yourself how bad you look physically, instead of honoring a body that is serving you well, and that is Divine too, in this physical reality? Do you still treat yourself as if you were not important and put others before yourself? Or are you finally realizing that only by loving and accepting yourself, as you are, can you can really love All, which is just a reflection of who you are too? 

Starseed Souls, Light Bearers and New Earth Anchors,

As you may already have been feeling, this is a very important, and at the same time challenging phase for all of us, for remaining, always, in the Light of who you/we All are, is not always easy for the 3D human. Starseed Souls, be aware of the constant manipulation that is taking place, and especially at this time during the Eclipse turmoil still with us and this Full Moon in Pisces who conjunct Neptune, of the massive manipulation that is taking place from the dark forces. 

Some of you already know, for you have experienced these attacks and now are well-informed and prepared by your own soul/Unified Self guidance, others are just beginning to awake and realize, and others may not yet be conscious of what is occurring and from where this negative input is coming. 

Discerning from a soul space, is essential for you to understand who you are and what is happening within your unique human life experience. No one can tell you but yourself, others may act as helpers, confirming what you already know, but if you go and search outside what you yet do not understand - for you are not ready - or simply because all we need to know comes at Divine Time, then you will be manipulated.

Commune with your soul. Protect yourself, set boundaries and when you feel the constant attack from these negative forces, especially in the astral, where not everyone is fully conscious yet, try not to panic and remain in love with All, even if you consider it harmful, for it is the only way in which you can avoid them being successful. When one does not know what is occurring behind the physical veils, one fears, this is why it is essential to be well informed and not deny the truth of these forces, and in order to be well informed, one must first know where to look to obtain guidance, and this is always within.

Use all the time you can during the day, to consciously work on your emotional body, this is essential to finally erase all karmic and painful memories and begin to liberate old fears so we can see with clarity what is happening and live not from a fearful space but from a compassionate and loving one, which does not mean, it is not a space of empowerment, freedom and sovereignty, for this is the first step towards liberation. 

Be careful with whom you share your experiences. Some may dwell in delusion, but not everyone is still in this space, and by sharing with others who are not conscious or awake, you are putting yourself in a position where you could be manipulated and taken for a fool without being one, and therefore hiding instead of  embracing and bringing into the surface what must be dissolved. Calm down, go within and open yourself to receive the right people and light tools that will assist you in your journey. Remember, fear repels, while love and openness attract. 

A message to all stabilizers 

I have begun to share more about my soul role, as I see no one, or at least that I am aware of or told, is doing so. I think sharing is important to help each other and learn and recently I was guided by my Unified Self to share more on this subject. When stabilizing in the astral, as you may already know, or begin to know soon at Divine Timing for you, you will see who we all are, as we are all connected by a clear pink light web, in which whether conscious - or not - of what you are doing, we become all One when stabilizing. It is pivotal that the ones who are beginning to be conscious of this do not fear the push of the dark forces and break the unity we try to keep between us, for we do this as One.

I do understand the first reactions when one is fully conscious in the astral, as all we have to harmonize and see is not easy and loving at all. This is why you chose this role and came here, to help stabilize what others try to break and destroy. You knew it was going to be challenging but you knew who you are, and this is what you must remember now. You are not a hopeless being ruled by outer forces, you command and control yourself and reality, as well as your own space and who invades it. No one can enter unless you begin to fear, creating cracks in your aura, and allowing them to enter into your sacred space, and your personal balance, is essential for you to be able to stabilize. 

I also notice and even more since I share my post on stabilizing, how people from Syria, are reading my site, and one of them contacted me, who just ran away from the country and to whom I am deeply grateful! I was told this was going to happen. Even though what it may seem, and even if due to the great violence there, it can surprise us, in Syria there are stabilizers, as I was told. 

I send all my love and gratitude to you and I do honor what you are doing in the circumstances that you are in. Remember, that you do not need to put yourself in danger going outside to stabilize, you will never be guided to do so, it can be done from your sacred space as well and if you do not possess the right tools, you can use your pure intention. 

As you already know, you soon will be placed in another location where you will continue, in a better position, your work on stabilizing. Trust, the work is not yet done there, you are never alone, you are more protected than what you could possibly imagine, and the Forces of the Universe are not leaving you unprotected, they are working unceasingly to bless you with a better place. 

To the ones who use crystals to create grid to assist you in anchoring balance, I was told to begin to use at least a Vogel Crystal, it reflects and spreads better the light and are stronger for our purpose. You will know where to place it. I know they are expensive and rare to find, if you cannot obtain one, you will be guided to use others with similar frequency. Just ask what will be right for you and the frequency of your location. In the article I wrote about stabilizing I shared a map to where and how the crystals must be placed, which is common for all stabilizers, as well as the common light symbols we use, go there if guided, if you are beginning, and if you choose to use a Vogel, I was told it should be placed in the center.

I hope it helps, remember we are going to be stabilizing for at least 6 month, in which doing it outside will be essential, you do not have to stay under extreme weather conditions, however you will have to bury the crystals in a safe place and make sure you set the proper intention for them to do their work. If you are guided to share and can, please choose to do so, I/we All will appreciate and learn as well from what you have to share. 

We are navigating within a very powerful cosmic passage. It is essential that while this transition into a Higher Octave within Creation lasts, you are compassionate with yourself. You are releasing an old self. One that must be understood for what it is, another aspect of us who is not evil, simply unconscious, and who helped us to unveil our 3D limited reality and began to expand into the vastness of what we do/are and the new timelines that are available for us to dwell. 

This is not a time to fix anything, for there is nothing to be fixed. When we try to fix, what our lower self believes is broken, and there is nothing ever broken within or without ourselves, we are denying the healing we are so in need of, and therefore not giving ourselves the opportunity to embrace our shadows and integrate them. 

It is not about doing, acting or forgetting what once happened, believing outer Forces will save you. You are you own saviour, master and healer. It is about remembering, healing, accepting and integrating what occurred to you that made you once close your heart to experience infinite abundance, joy, Divine Love and endless expansion. It is not even about you, but about All, ascending into unity from a space of duality and separation. This is not about what others have done to you, for no one has ever hurt you without your consent, this is about what you do with the moment you hold now in your hands.

Do you use this Now moment to realize how blessed you are, even though challenges emerge in your path? We will always experience challenges, for they are the opportunities that help us grow, and growth only occurs in the physical, this is why it is important that we have challenges, for the more of them we overcome, the more knowledge we integrate. 

Do you use this present moment, this gift, to choose a different timeline in which you could be who you are and stand tall in you truth? Or do you keep choosing to be small, fearing outside forces, as if they rule your reality, and hence giving them the power that has been granted only to you?

I hope that whatever you choose, you choose it because it follows your Highest Will, which is always based on unconditional love, compassion and infinite bliss. I hope that whatever it is you do, you do it because you are in love with All and because it makes you happy. And I AM sure that whatever you choose, in any case, will be always perfect for what we All need to remember.

I thank you for your precious assistance at this blessed time within Creation, for all you are and do. You do not need to do more, it is not about doing or acting, but about BEing. You have finally become New Earth Seeds. Remain always in the Light of who you are, and share it from your heart space to All. You do not need to use labels as Guide, or Spiritual Teacher, to shine your Light. You just need to go out stand in the sun, integrate in your unique way and with a pure intention send your love to every being and thing in this Planet. 

You, for who you are, are always enough, worth it and beautiful, and even if sometimes you choose to forget again and remain asleep for a while, everything you are and do is deeply appreciated by the Divine and All of us. 

I wish you All a magical, revealing and healing Full Moon in Pisces, Beloved Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

Note: The Author of the photo is Artur Rosa.