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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New Terra. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New Terra. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

March Equinox 2017: Stabilization, Resurrection & Personal Sovereignty

Beloved Ones, 

In the last phase of this month, we find ourselves traversing the threshold that is leading us into a higher state of BEing and new ways of living in this New Cycle of our endless soul evolutionary path. For as you may already be feeling, our Planet, who has been bifurcating from old Earth for a while, is already relocating itself within a new dimension, entering into a higher space within this New Octave in which we have consciously decided to dwell. 

It is during this Equinox that we will be infused with a new cosmic wave, for us to finally disengage from the old 3D frequency and its limitations. It is a time to clear old timeliness and begin to merge our frequency with that of New Terra, for the time to step into this New vibrational reality, out of space and time, is Now. This last wave, that began with the Eclipses, and that we are constantly integrating, will increase as we reach the Winter/Spring Equinox on March 20, in which, we are going to feel how our bodies also ask us for the proper stabilization, and care, after all these new codes that we are consciously embodying. 

As a stabilizer, I especially feel, when in our duality realm, opposite energies collide from both, within and without in the macro that represents our inner Universe, urging us to unify before we fall into the trap of polarizing at this challenging-integration time. This season is also an opportunity for us to master our 3D personality and begin to deprogram ourselves from more half-truths that we still maintain within - due to our human need to process and understand everything, with our limited minds, instead of just accepting everything that occurs as It Is. 

We will pass on March 20, from Dreamy and Intuitive Pisces to the Fiery realm of Aries. We have been working on purifying ourselves as well as our physical bodies while we dwelled in this healing Water sign, especially by also having Neptune and Chiron in this same sign -fulfilling our soul contracts as we prepare ourselves for a New Phase. For it is with Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the Initiator, that we begin to navigate again by holding now a higher knowledge within this eternal spiral of Creation. 

This Year, the Equinox will feel totally different from the ones who have been constantly doing our inner work, for it not just brings balance as it used to in the old Cycle, between different polarities, but as we have been working on transcending polarity, and our deep human sense of space and time, it also brings the frequencies that are meant to help us in the process of self-empowerment towards regaining our personal sovereignty, as we keep mastering our lower self. 

This is what this Year Equinox shows us for me; the need to finally act with total integrity and spiritual sovereignty as we move into a free realm, within a new plane of existence, where taking full responsibility is essential, and where its higher frequencies, will simply repel the lower ones that we may bring from our lower self. For we are resurrecting into love-light beings as we keep dissolving more old layers of our 3D existence.

Deconstructing our 3D personality is not a one-day process, in which, we do a meditation/activation and we suddenly begin to feel as the masters that we truly are, in Essence. Deprogramming all that has been implanted to us since we were born, as visual programmed inputs, between many other forms of mind control, is not easy at all, and from my view,  it is widely manipulated by some people who claim to pass through this process in a few days or that they can make you heal and release all these old implants - as if we could just let go of centuries of genetic manipulation/programming like this, to me, this is again the ego trying to interfere when it should remain observant.

As always, many of us are physically sensing the many challenges that ascending - into the physical - for the first time in Creation, has. We will be having strong sensations, in the places where we constrain ourselves the most. For some, due to the lack of self-love it can occur in their heart chakra as a form of anxiety - to release all the effort our lower self makes to impede our natural state of being - which is always one of total connection to All. 

For others, who are afraid to express their true feelings and beliefs, they may notice strong sensations in their throat chakra and thymus. This is just a way our human body has to show us the places where we should dissolve all the negative implants, beliefs and emotional burdens that we still keep feeding. For the ascending souls, it may feel as a total state of peace and liberation, as we are now not afraid of letting it all go and embracing the unknown in whatever form it comes, for we know the unknown may not be familiar, but it is always pure, true and what we need at the moment.

The shamanic rebirth, as I call it, that we are experiencing at this season, or the resurrection and therefore metaphorical death of our lower self, is a natural process of what we came here to master. Complaining will not help, only becoming our own caretakers and fountain of love will help us during this long physical transformation. Listen to your body, as it talks to you constantly, know which frequency nurtures it, from the food you eat to the crystals you work with, and feel what resonates with your frequency and what dims it. 

Remember that we all need assistance and confirmation, but not someone who does all this for us - for this is not assistance, but interference and ego. Begin to treat yourself as the master and healer that you are and that you came here to remember, instead of relying on outer forces - or beings - during this transition into your true crystalline essence, for this will only cause more separation from your God Self. 

Get out into the sunlight, be bathed by its crystalline cosmic codes of soul remembrance. Integrate these higher frequencies with the conscious intention to burn everything that is not coming from an authentic place, everything that is a part of your 3D egoic personality and that is only impeding you to be who you are and fulfill your unique mission, for this light heals, purifies and loves All - dissolving as it is descends through your body, all the impurities we unconsciously create and that are not aligned with our Highest Will and true frequency.

All the unloved aspects of us that make us fall into the egoic trap that we are not enough, all the superiority issues that also makes us belief that we are more evolved than. All shall perish when we expose ourselves to the light of our Unified Self - Sol - for our Central Sun, is not just a mere ball of fire to give us light, which is just what we perceive with our human perspective, not necessarily what IS, but a conscious stellar body helping us to purify, reconstruct and remember our true essence as cosmic beings as well as the light within.

During this season, especially in some countries, such as Spain, where I live, this is going to be, if you are consciously in this ascension path or beginning to step into it, a precious time for you to discern about all these old implants that you carry within for eons about the true meaning of ascension, and that are not coming from a true place, for the collective has a strong religious sense, and its impact can be strongly felt at this time. I am not judging or criticising any religion in here, for we all are where we should be, experiencing what in the end will make us free, and I do not consider religion as being good or bad, but simply as something that should be experienced and that will help us grow and at divine time, as it was in my case, remember that the Truth has been long hidden for us.

My pure intention in this article, is to help you understand the cosmic blessing of this new light for those who are ready to begin this step of deprogramming themselves from centuries of conditioning and are eager to find the answers that have always been within them, they were just taught to search outside. At this season, where people honor, respect and literally apotheosized external figures, we have an opportunity to observe the self and ponder about our human need to idolize the outer and what we have been taught, as if these fixed patterns were going to save us. 

It is essential, that we begin to honor whatever it is that represents our true inner beliefs and soul desires, by being conscious that the first representation of alive gods/goddesses are our own selves, for we did not come here to worship anyone or outer things, but the God Self that lies within and that sees it in others as well. To be able to deprogram ourselves from years and years of controlled mind manipulations, especially with religion, it is essential that we first become aware and set the intention to begin allowing our soul to integrate the lost knowledge that we have been covering with our human illusions, for once we set our pure intention to serve the Law of One and embody our sovereignty, the entire Universe begins to send us all we need to see the Truth.

The Christ Consciousness frequency is available for all of us, at all times. Through religion, we are taught that only when we sacrifice, change who we are as natural sinners, and become pure, that we can be forgiven and go to heaven when we die. The truth is that we were born perfect, and it is only when we are programmed by those who only serve the law of separation and practice satanism as their natural way of living, that we being to dis-empower the Divinity within - overshadowing it with our illusions of being evil and the need to do the impossible for being loved by God, when God loves us unconditionally no matter what we decide to experience. 

This is an opportunity, to stand up in our power and remain centered within the Illuminated Truth and Presence of our soul, for it is there where true peace and love resides. It is time for consciously embodying this new wave and beginning to direct it for the proper reasons. To awake - the human in us - from this long sleep in which we allowed others to tell us who we are, what we should do, what we should not do and what is pure  and what is not within us. For a long time the dark forces have tried and have succeeded, for all these programs caused fear in those who were beginning to awake, making them unable to follow their soul truths, if they did not coincide with the imposed ones. But at this time, we are being assisted to finally go out of our cocoon and being to manifest a higher reality.

Remember, beloveds, the Christ Essence is always within, for this is who we are - love-light compassionate beings since our cosmic Lyran Creators - the Elohims - began to create life within this Universe. We do not become Christed beings because others give us their absolution, for this concept about Christ has been too manipulated as well. We become what we truly are, and always were, when we deprogram our human limited beliefs, and being, and allow Higher truths as well as our True Essence naturally descend into our physical vehicles.

To dwell in the highest possible frequency, never give your power to anything or anyone, including the Angels, Archangels and all the Ascended Masters and other cosmic beings we used to call, for they want us to be empowered and take our sovereignty, instead of relying constantly on them. It is important to be humble and learn from those who have already mastered what we are working with at this time, but not if we give all our power and attention to these beings or outer forces, for we are then not creating our reality but allowing outer forces to dictate it. 

Reclaiming spiritual sovereignty is essential to walk a life free from fears and unlove. For every time we give our power to our physical senses, others or outer conditions, we are acting as hopeless beings adrift. When we begin to walk a conscious path of soul integration and co-creation, we cannot do anything from a dis-empowered state of being, for when we act from this lower frequency, we cannot love, give and share from an authentic place, but from one of separation and confusion. 

At this season, and always, commune with your Eternal Self  - forever observing from a place of love and compassion all that the human is experiencing, whether we label it as positive or negative, for we already know nothing, in truth, contains a good or bad essence, it is all about our human interpretation. Recognize your power as a Divine Being, whose eternal light is now focused and descended into a physical body. 

When you walk as a sovereign being, you remember the light within, you know that when this light is shared with selfless assistance and great respect to All, it expands and touches everything and everyone with grace and love. And when you give your precious inner power in excess, emptying yourself, it creates illusion, disempowerment and suffering. Yours is the free choice to use this inner Force given to you and that is You, wisely, knowing that no matter what you choose,  your choice will always affect All.

I wish you All a blessed and magical Equinox gateway, Beloveds!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba 

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

Galactic Activations: Transfiguration of the Lower Self & The Solstice Gateway

Beloved Starseed Souls, 

As we approach the end of this loving month and Cycle, the frequencies that we are consciously integrating are going to be more intense until the end of December, when we will finally have a soothing time until January to fully restore our physical bodies, after this last galactic wave. Even before the 12/12 Gateway and the Super Moon in Gemini, as its energies were deeply felt in the previous days of these cosmic events, a lot of us have been constantly redirected within our soul path to new ways of living and doing things, as well as experiencing a complete re-patterning/re-calibration of our bodies in both our awakened state and in the astral one.

As ascending souls, our main aim in assisting All, is to keep embodying more of the light that our I AM Presence descends to our human being, if we are internally and physically prepared to integrate its wisdom, since we can never descend the totality of our soul, as our physical body would simply dissolve. So we do this in small doses when we are ready to embody a higher vibrational state of being. When our bodies need to be assisted in a non-physical plane to adjust themselves to these new light codes, we are helped by our Guides and Higher Self to go to the astral/etheric sites on Earth who are aligned with these star/cosmic codes that will help us purify ourselves from more of the old and embrace higher frequencies and hence, levels of Truth.

These intense activations will continue for the ones whose soul contracts include these experiences and/or for the ones that are ready and have consciously chosen to be in this path - synchronizing with the cosmic frequencies transmitted by the alignment between Earth, Sirius, Alcyone and our Galactic Center's black hole that we will face, as every year around the Solstice. These updates tend to occur at nights (although they can also happen during the day) because our human self cannot interfere with what it is receiving, as it is "asleep" and does not judge the process or what it cannot understand. Other times,  to protect ourselves, as it will interfere with our soul path at this time and it is best for us not to remember. It is all according to what will help us most in our human journey. 

As you know, Sirius, is assisting us into our ascension process to integrate and balance our sense of polarity. Sirius holds a Yang (masculine) essence. While Alcyone, named after the mythological Greek Goddess Alcyone, and the main and largest star within the Pleiades constellation, holds a Yin (feminine) essence, which together with this past Moon, in Gemini. helps us to synthesize both from within - so we can manifest this same inner harmonisation into our physical lives.

Finally, the radiation emitted by the Galactic Center's black hole assists us - especially in the collective - to experience a deep consciousness cleansing process to release old beliefs/programs and repetitive behaviours that they/we still hold within our core and that are impeding us in unlocking our true potential, as Divine free beings. It is vital at this time to hold a conscious intention to balance our feminine and masculine essences instead of polarizing - manifesting the distorted feminine or masculine behaviours - if we wish to act from a unified state of being instead of from an egoic one. 

Many of us are experiencing these activations at this transitional time in different etheric sites - key places on Earth aligned with other Star civilizations - whose stellar codes will help us in the inner/physical shift we are facing in our ascension journey to retrieve ancient wisdom as well as to upgrade our physical vehicles, for we are all in truth a galactic portal connect to All within Creation. A few nights ago, I had another activation in a place I did not recognize at all until I woke up and asked my Guides - Mount Hermon (located on the parallel 33 north), where I had a complete re-patterning of my body that left me exhausted during the day. Mount Hermon, was where our beloved Ascended Master Jesus had his own transfiguration - one that our lower self is experiencing at this time to merge with our Higher one and become reborn as the sovereign and radiant beings that we truly are in Essence, in the physical.  

I also experienced another galactic activation at another place that I recognised immediately (very near the 33 parallel too) as the Giza Pyramids, to be exact the Khafre Pyramid, where I remained having a huge download that shook my spine and that due to the intensity of its symptoms, which I felt as electric shocks, I could not have resisted in an awakened state. As you know our spine is very important in our ascension path as this is one of the main parts of our bodies where we begin to notice that we are shifting and hence, are being updated again.

Taking care of our bodies while these activations continue, drinking lots of water and eating as lightly as possible, is essential for us to clean the conduits for the new guidance to flow and to let our bodies release all the stagnant energy that blocks us from being in our natural state of bliss - becoming receptive to all the wisdom that is constantly being poured into us throughout the seventh chakra downwards. Remember Beloveds, being grounded is also as important as working with our upper chakras, as they all work as One and our main aim is not just to remain in the ethereal but to descend and ground all this cosmic knowledge into our tangible realm. 

After we fully recover and nurture ourselves from these deep activations, we will no longer recognize who we have been even just a moment ago anymore as we will immediately notice how we no longer see ourselves and our reality in the same way. We become now the observers instead of the judges, we intentionally create our reality instead of simply participating with others or allowing external conditions and people to dictate our own sacred space and how it is supposed to be. 

We feel the density of this dimension like never before, the repeptitive behaviours in others due to their old programs still active, the slowness...but above all, we are full of humility, for we are no more special than anyone else within Creation just beings experiencing a different path of conscious co-creation, and gratitude for all that this old reality has shown to us, for we alone can never evolve on this journey.

Every time we consciously remember and decide to integrate higher levels of consciousness it can be a solitary path for the ascending souls, it can also be challenging for we are no longer understood by our family or friends, but it is also an inner shift/process that allows us to embrace the new aspects of the Truth as well as seeing the reality as it truly IS instead of the one our limited lower self recreates.

As the Universe always works in a mysterious but in a perfect way for All, the next day, on December 19, Mercury, The Winged Messenger, will turn retrograde - allowing us to restore ourselves from these new updates. Mercury retrograde offers us soothing energies within this turmoil at this loving month before we enter into a whole new cycle. When we have the Winged Messenger retrograde, we are simply invited to commune with the Higher aspect of ourselves, realising were we contracted instead of allowing expansion before we are ready to rise again - renewed - holding a wider perspective of our life experience.

As I always say, the human programmed fear about a Planet being retrograde is still present in a lot of people. When we embody a higher level of consciousness, when we inform ourselves properly - as out there exists a lot of false propaganda - we understand that within this wise and loving Universe, there is nothing ever retrograde, this is just an illusion from Earth, there is nothing ever in slow motion within this light Universe, there are just moments to be lived from within and moments to emerge again in a new form, with a new direction to follow. 

In this same day, we also have the Warrior, Mars, which will enter into Pisces. Mars represents our inner strength, power and energy. When this mighty Force meets with the loving Essence of Pisces, we are invited to be creative and direct our sensitivity and soul gifts to do what motivates us, to bring our visions into the tangible and honour the inner creator that we all have within. When we direct our precious energy into the creation of something that will be of assistance to All, the entire Universe celebrates for we are never isolated and what we create - for us - we do for All. 

A few days later, on December 21, the Sun will enter in the sign of Capricorn. The Sun represents our Higher Self, our Essence, so when the Sun shines its light into a sign of the zodiac and hence into a specific aspect of ourselves, it means we are invited to develop and work on this concrete side of ourselves. If we were invited with the Sun in Sagittarius to celebrate where we are and savour every moment in pure bliss, as we also kept navigating throughout inner worlds to find the Truth, now with the Sun in Capricorn, we are called to nourish the aspect of us who brings things into fruition, making them tangible, and paying attention not only to the part of us which is One with All That Is, but also into the aspect of us that needs to be nurtured in the material since they sustain our physical vehicles and lives. 

In this same day, we also celebrate the Winter/Summer Solstice, depending upon where you live. The Solstice, an influx of harmony for all of us at this season, is just a natural cycle within Creation in which we are reminded of the different polarities that also lie within as well as the balance we should create in both to act as unified beings instead of fomenting the separation that our ego self creates. In the Southern hemisphere, they celebrate the light and joy that summer brings. In the opposite, in the Northern hemisphere, we celebrate the move inward as it is winter and we tend to associate it with a calmer state of being. 

Human cycles are essential for us to understand the nature of our Essence and All things within Creation, but there cannot be a perfect equilibrium if we only focused on one pole, and it is precisely for this reason that no matter where we live in the world or how the external conditions seem to be, we should always celebrate the light within. For the Universe is not interested in seasons or what is constantly changing, but in reminding us that beyond the physical changes in which we limit ourselves, our true state of being is an abiding united consciousness. 

December is a gift for us to move beyond old 3D limited beliefs and programs that impede us to fully see what our Christ Essence truly means, and embrace the new activations that we are receiving and that help us to fully anchor the 5D template and New Earth Timelessness that we are consciously building by holding a higher frequency and by acting as the compassionate and loving beings that we always are with All. As always, we are not just presented with these cosmic blessings at one single month or day but at every single moment of our human existence. 

The choice is ours to finally disengage ourselves from the illusions that long ago our human self created and step into this New Cycle with an open heart, or keep playing old scenarios that are already learnt just because we are afraid of the unknown blessings that this benevolent Universe always has for us.

In love and light always,
Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

The Energies of October 2016

Beloved Ones, 

We begin this new month of October (others will end September as it depends on where you live) with a wonderful and fresh New Moon at 8 degrees of Libra. It is with this loving sign that inner synthesis begins and we start moving from the individuality of Aries to remember the feeling of being One with All, sharing from our heart and being of selfless assistance to everyone and not just the self - as it used to be in the old. 

At this time, we rest now in the tranquility of our soul with the Sun and Moon in Libra, together with Mercury direct again also moving in the same sign, in a few days. Balance, calm after the storm, and expansion within new beginnings - especially into new and enlightened relationships of all kind - is what this Libra Moon promises us, as we have Jupiter also in Libra in conjunction with the Sun and Moon, helping us expand into abundance, new partnerships, and life experiences that are totally balanced and in perfect resonance with our soul frequency and authentic path.

We have been challenged during this intense summer to release until we empty ourselves of all the familiar, of all that no longer serves our soul path. This has been also strongly felt within our physical bodies, as the more we tend to resist to change, the more our bodies suffer to release and integrate these higher frequencies we are receiving. Each one of us is unique, so you may be experiencing pain in your spine and/or legs if what you need to work with is letting go of your fear to build strong foundations into your life and become the sovereign being that you are in Essence of your life experience. Others, may feel pain and activations in their throat chakra and thymus if what they need is to express their truth. Everyone will be pushed to let go of what its limiting them and begin to step into the New by being open to give and receive from the heart without limitation or fears. 

At this time, we are being blessed with new gifts around the corner for those of us who are not afraid of the unknown, who are willing to take a step beyond our human self can perceives and start descending our soul visions in the physical. It is a time for expansion, re-calibration and unification of what we still judge within ourselves and should be embraced as equal. Many of you may be experiencing the emergence of many aspects of  you that have been hidden until this moment. Let them come into the surface, this new wave is meant to bring all we refuse to admit into the light to be understood and dissolved. 

Before entering in depth into the energies of October - a month filled with many gifts and loving energies - I would like to share my experience as a stabilizer and New Earth Anchor at this intense time where Earth is bifurcating from the 3D matrix, which will finally take place throughout the next year of 2017. As you know, I am not linear with my posts as I share in my unique way all I receive and consider important. I rarely write about "dark" massive agendas, as I am guided to stay focused on the light that I/We All are even though it is not always easy. 

But ignoring that other opposite forces exist and that are acting with lack of consciousness, will not help, on the contrary, it will cause more confusion. This is why I decided to share within Divine Love what has been my experience during these past months, in case it may help others, as I consider that sharing is the only way to discern and inform of what is truly happening - especially for those who are starting on this ascension path - who tend to search outside the Truth, that can only be found within. 

Many of you, as starseed souls, may be also feeling dark Forces trying to weaken you and control you as you keep doing your inner work of unification and conscious integration. Sometimes you will be unable to discern if you are dissolving/unifying your own shadows or they are part of a massive attack upon you. This is where we dwell into our soul, listening to its loving and wise guidance to distinguish what seems real from what is manipulated. And remember, we are never alone or hopeless, there are Guardians, Star companions and many other lightlove beings assisting us into this important time within Creation, no need to fear, just the need to be informed. 

There are no judgments here, just a message to stabilizers, gridworkers and all that assist in your unique way - especially acting as filters of the massive negativity of the collective - to stay centered in your heart and its eternal compassion to All as we keep disengaging ourselves from the Old Earth, remember Beloveds, they try to cause more separation through any possible methods, and lets be honest, this journey is not always easy, we are criticized, judged, taken as fools between many other things, but our main aim and desire is to find unity and spread light where there is unlove, not to get involved into other's opinions or negative tactics about us.

It is not easy to remain balanced as we navigate through different realms that are being attacked through massive dark forces to belittle the work we do, as those who are experiencing it, know well. It may be extremely challenging, or at least it has been for me, to distinguish between your own life experiences and what is being sent by these dark entities in form of negative 3D negative codes (implants, thoughts sent through images and other methods). We all have passed through these inital stages - as we advanced through our ascension journey - confirming and staying true to our path and the guidance we receive from our soul. This makes all the difference - with all false propaganda that is out there to confuse the masses. 

When we commune with our soul, remembering the eternal of our existence and the true purpose of it, we may feel challenged, in pain as we continue to do our work, but also the joy that what we all are doing as One, brings into the Planet. We are indeed disengaging ourselves from all we used to be and know, as to be able to enrol into a whole new phase, we should enter totally empty, with an open heart that welcomes everything and everyone that is destined to touch our lives within this new phase of our life experience.

The cosmos always works in unison with us, with All that exists and has ever existed. October, like the New Moon in Libra, also holds a number 1 frequency as it is a 19 universal month which reduced gives us a 10 - 1. This is a reminder that we are ending a 9 year cycle - still oscillating between both worlds - and it is pivotal for us to end with all that used to limit us as we keep expanding within the New Realms that we are creating. We are still immersed in a huge transition, and as we reach the shore our main aim is to keep dissolving lower layers as well as learning how to navigate through a passage that is revealing to us the possible timelines that are available for us and that we will have to choose in which one we truly desire to dwell. 

Number 1 in tarot, is represented by the Magician. One hand pointing to the sky and the other one towards the earth. He knows how to work with the Universal Laws, as he has mastered the art of descending into the physical what is first created in the ethereal. This is where we are at this time - envisioning our deepest soul desires at the same time that we descend them into our New reality. We all are magicians as we all have within the power to manifest the outcomes that are aligned with our Highest Will, we just have to focus our precious energy into what is truly important, as it is not a time now to waste it on delusions and past situations, but in the new life experiences that we are building and that have nothing to do with who we used to be.

At a cosmic level we begin this month with an infusion of vitality, as we have already Pluto, the Planet of Power direct again since September 26 and the Warrior, Mars in Capricorn. Both Forces remind us of our inner power and if while both were retrograde we felt with lack of energy and focus, now that both are direct and in mighty signs, we have an opportunity to shift, transform and regenerate from within all that no longer resonates with who we are now. Mars helps us to direct our inner fire to what is truly important for our soul path, while Pluto gives us the gift to be the shapehifters of our lives. It is an opportunity for us to keep destroying old worlds and start bringing into form new ones based on freedom and the bliss that following our true soul desires brings.

We also start this month with Mercury entering into Libra. Mercury in Libra suggests, especially after its retrograde period, that it is a wonderful time to ask ourselves if we are maintaining balanced relationships based on unconditional love and authenticity or are we still repeating old patterns that lead us to attachments and dependency? Are we communicating from a place of total integrity and freedom? Or are we in need of obtaining validation from others? While retrograde, we took the time to visualize and observe our own behavior in our relationships, as it is always about ourselves, never about others. So now, if you realize that some of these old patterns are coming back into your life, it is perfect time to  heal and balance with so many planets in loving Libra.

On October 16th, we have a Full Moon at 23 degrees of Aries. Full Moons are all about endings, on the opposite, Aries, is a very optimistic sign, the first sign of the zodiac, who is eager to start new things and immersed himself into new adventures as it loves physical challenges. This is not a contradiction as endings and new beginnings are always intertwined and we are being confirmed what we have been already experiencing from within - a deep inner alchemical transformation in which we are becoming anew at every single moment, letting all go, old aspects of ourselves, old relationships... to embrace higher ones, for we came here to integrate polarity and see all things/beings/aspects of ourselves as equal within Creation. The path to unification is not easy, but it is essential to step into the new without judgments and the inner knowing that All is always Divine in nature even though our human self perceives it as being "dark" or "lower". All serves a purpose, all helps us to remember in a duality world, that in truth we came from unity.

Finally, the last part of the month is going to be reigned by the healing frequency of Scorpio, as on October 23, the Sun will enter into this sign together with Mercury doing the same into the next day, and a final New Moon in Scorpio too! We now are called to visit the depths of our being, navigating through our inner waters that contain all the emotions we need to heal and release, as with the Sun in Scorpio is a time to illuminate those dark corners through the wisdom we have regained during all this time and embrace the "dark" aspects that are also a part of who we are and Creation - that makes us whole and One with All. A time to look within to receive all the revelations that these last months bring to us, as the last part of this year, will show us where we are going, which is of great importance to change direction if the timeline we have chosen no longer resonates with our true destination.

This month is a calm one in the physical but it does not mean that our inner worlds are not being transformed and adjusted to a new vibration and even more after the intensity of the Eclipses whose energies will accompany us for at least six months. Everything is created from within and taking the time to descend into our inner realms and bring all these revelations and guidance into our physical self is pivotal at this time. We already feel this, as the macrocosm is just reflecting our microcosm and vice versa. We just have to tune into our Divine Essence to be fully aware of all that is taking place, not in the outer, but in our inner worlds, that will reveal all we need to know and accept at this time.

The potent New Moon at 7 degrees Scorpio at the end of the month together with Mercury already in this same sign since September 24, is a perfect synchronized message from the cosmos to keep working on soul integration and start creating unified outcomes that will serve the greater good from this whole and compassionate state of being. It is going to be a magical, intuitive and passionate New Moon to feel the heat of the Light that we all hold within and illuminate our outer world with it, bringing soul wisdom into our journey and more clarity that as always, can only come from the inside. All the self-healing and purification that we do at this time will affect the whole and it will clear the path for us to receive new visions about the next steps of our journey as well as to help the collective in their own soul quest.

This soothing month invites you to have faith in all the inner visions you have been receiving and that will flourish at Divine Timing and for the highest good of All involved. October holds many gifts for us to expand within the New and allow new enlightened and co-creative relationships into our lives. We just have to let go of what we thought was for us and allow the Divine to send us the souls that are aligned with our frequency. We may not feel it yet but our souls pre-agreed to these encounters long ago. 

Surrendering and being aware of all the signs that this benevolent Universe always sends to us - at every single moment - is essential to welcome all the blessings we are not always able to see due to our limited view. Just be, let things flow instead of fomenting the human tendency to control the conditions, know that you are always blessed beyond measure and that no matter if you see it already or not in your reality, things are always working out for us all in wondrous and miraculous ways.

I wish you All a magical, loving and abundant month of  October Beloveds!

In love and light always,
Natalia Alba